Hsslive Practical QN 2020 Comp App Commerce Signed
Hsslive Practical QN 2020 Comp App Commerce Signed
Hsslive Practical QN 2020 Comp App Commerce Signed
' t Examination will beof 3 hours duration and maximum score will be40.
'3 Practical evaluation will be cbnducted in batches. The maximum number ofstudents
in each batch i;
limited to 15.
':. Students must attend the PE with Practical Log Book. lt shouldcontain a minimum of25 programs
covering the practical syllabus as described earlier. (10 c++ Programs 10 Web application
, and 5 seL )
* Thereshourd be a minimum of 15 question papers for each bitch of 15 students. Each
euestion paper
should contain a question from part A ( C+l programs) and another part (Web
euestion from B
application) or C (SeL).
'!' once the learner is assigned the questions, he/she should write the source code/ procedure/statements
for any one of the questioirs and submit it to the examiner with in one hou?. The examiner
checks the
correctness of the logic or procedure and allows doing it on the computFr if found
correct. lf the logic or
procedure is approximately 70% correct, some elues or hints mall
be given and the student is allowed to
try on the computer.
t:' The answers to be submitted to the external examiner for: verification. These programs
should be
developed in computer after the consent oi the examiner and output is shown
to the examiner.
* Viva voice will be conducted based on the given practical qLestions
':' The output obtained by the students are verifi€d and marked in the external
examiners diary and in the
answer booklet by the external examiner.
'!' Four marks are deducted for each change of questions. Maximum two changes
aie alloweo.
.!. The score distribution will be as follows .
6. Find the suni of the squaies of.the first N naturbl numbers without using any foirnula,
' 10. Input the principal amount, type of accouht (c for curr6nt:a/c or S for sB a/c).ind nuinber bf
years, and
dispfay the amourit of inter6st: Rate of intqrest for quirent a/c is 8.5% and that.of sB a'l"isa.sx.
11. Assume that January 1 i's tUbnCay. Write€ program using switch to display the.name of the day when we
input a.day number in that month. .
*.* *
*.* * * *
15. Create an array'of N numbers and count the number of even numbers and odd numbers in the array.
Find the area of a re'ctangle, a circle, a.nd a triangle. Use'switch statement for selecting an option'from a menu.
17. lnput two years (e.g. 1OOO, 2OO0) and display all leap years in between them. i
lnterest Rates
State Bank
Less Thon Above Rs.I
of India Rs.50,000 & Rs.7
Less Thon 5
8 9
Between 5 &
8.5 9 95
70 years
Above 70
9 9.5 10
- 25. write HTML code to create a simple web page as'shown bellow
CJient Login
t-.3 f"-;
Speed Limits in Kerala
,r i:-l i',.. i " .
Motor Car 25 40 70
29. Design.a web page for promoting vegetablb cultivition at homes as shown in the figure. lt should contain
features like background colbr/ image, headings and stylish fonts, images- mar{uee, etc.
30. Design a web page as shown below using appropriate list ta83.
': . List of Nobel Laureates frorn india
He was the first to get Nobel Prize from India. He received prize in liteiature in 1921. He got Nobel prize for his
cpllecti6n of poems "Gitanjali'i.
C V Raman
He got Nobelfor Physics in 1930. tfe received Nobel Prize for his contribution callEd.Raman Effect.
' Mother Teresa who founded Missionaries of Charity which is active in more thah lOO countries received Nobel
Prize in 1979. /
Amartya Sen .
Amartya'Sen was'awafded Nobelprize in 199g in Economicj. H€ has rhade cohtributions to welfare economics,
socialchoice theory etc.
. Kailash Satyarthi
fle is a child right activist who founded "Bichpan Bachao Andolan" in 1980. He shared Nobel prize for peaie in :
TCS 2s20.00
32. Design a web page showing tourist destinations in Kerala as shown below:
Department of Tourism
Government of Kerala
33, Design three web pages - gne containinB a heading displaying your school name, named 'hedd,htm'; second
web page containing the list of teachers, named 'teachers.htm'; and the third webpage about your school, named
'school.htm'. Create a frame dividing the browser windpw into two sections horizontally in the ratio 15:85, The
. top frame:shbilld display the eb page 'head.htm': The bottom frame has to be divided into 2 fiames Vertically in
40 Create a table Student with fields
RollNo Integer Primary KeY
Name characte(2s)
5Ub2 . Integer
Svor Integer
Total Integer
' Insert data in the fields RollNo' Name' Subl' Subz' sub3'
(At least 10 records)
. .: Update the field Total with the sum of Subl' Sub2 and Sub3'
rri' Display highest marks in Sub2'
iv. Display thb names i1 ascending orfler'
v. Display the name of the student with highest total'
Computer Application (Commerce) 6/'10
41.. Create a
table Student
*itt, fi.tO,
, Rolf No
f nteger
Pr.imary Kelr
Characte r(20)
Batch have varues
coMMERcE, sclENcE
and HuM NrrrEs.
Write SeL eueries
a. Insert d,ata in .
Computer Application
(Cornmerce) _ T/110
a. Insert data in the fields EmpNo,. Name, Designation, Department and BasicPay. (at least 10
Update DA in the table as 60% of BasicPay
Update Total as the sum of BasicPay and DA
c. ,
Display the EmpNo, Name ,o.,f Jh.e'employee with miniinum $Ioss. :
Display the details ofthe,eriiployee with maximum gross.
44. Create a table Employee with fields
Em.pNo Integer Primary key
Name , Character(25)
Designation Character(20)
BasicPay Nu,mber(8,2)
DA Number(8,2)
Total Number(8,2)
Name Character(25)
Designatign , Character(20)
Department Charactbr(25)
BasicPay Number(8,2)
DA . .^ Number(8,2)
Total . Nurnber(8,2)
a lnsert data in the fields EmpNo, Name, Designation, Depariment and BasicPay, DA and Total. (at
least 10 records)
b UBdate G.ross as the sum of BasicPay and DA.
Display total salary paid in each Department i
'Namb characte(2s)
. Branch Characte(2o)
Name Characte(2s)
Branch . Characte(2o)
Designation Character(2O)
Department Characte(2s)
Basicpay Number(g,2)
Total mber(8,2)
Name Character(2s) ,
Branch Character(20)