Hsslive Practical QN 2020 Comp App Commerce Signed

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' t Examination will beof 3 hours duration and maximum score will be40.
'3 Practical evaluation will be cbnducted in batches. The maximum number ofstudents
in each batch i;
limited to 15.
':. Students must attend the PE with Practical Log Book. lt shouldcontain a minimum of25 programs
covering the practical syllabus as described earlier. (10 c++ Programs 10 Web application
, and 5 seL )
* Thereshourd be a minimum of 15 question papers for each bitch of 15 students. Each
euestion paper
should contain a question from part A ( C+l programs) and another part (Web
euestion from B
application) or C (SeL).
'!' once the learner is assigned the questions, he/she should write the source code/ procedure/statements
for any one of the questioirs and submit it to the examiner with in one hou?. The examiner
checks the
correctness of the logic or procedure and allows doing it on the computFr if found
correct. lf the logic or
procedure is approximately 70% correct, some elues or hints mall
be given and the student is allowed to
try on the computer.
t:' The answers to be submitted to the external examiner for: verification. These programs
should be
developed in computer after the consent oi the examiner and output is shown
to the examiner.
* Viva voice will be conducted based on the given practical qLestions

':' The output obtained by the students are verifi€d and marked in the external
examiners diary and in the
answer booklet by the external examiner.
'!' Four marks are deducted for each change of questions. Maximum two changes
aie alloweo.
.!. The score distribution will be as follows .


4. VIVA 2 2
6. TOTAL 40

Computer Application (Cornmerce) - 1l10


1. lnput a number and check whether it is positiye, nagative or zero'

2. Input three numbers and find the largest.

3. Input three numbers and find the smallest'

4. Input a digit and display the conesponjing word using switch

5, Find the sum of the digits of an integer number.

5, Display the multiplication table of a number. having 12 rows.

6. Find the suni of the squaies of.the first N naturbl numbers without using any foirnula,

7. Fihd the lerigth of a string without using strlenO function. :

8.:lnput the heights of 10 studenis and find the average height.

_ I
9. Find the factorial of a number' :

' 10. Input the principal amount, type of accouht (c for curr6nt:a/c or S for sB a/c).ind nuinber bf
years, and

dispfay the amourit of inter6st: Rate of intqrest for quirent a/c is 8.5% and that.of sB a'l"isa.sx.

11. Assume that January 1 i's tUbnCay. Write€ program using switch to display the.name of the day when we
input a.day number in that month. .

12. lnout a number and. check wh;ther it is palindrotne or not.

*.* *


*.* * * *

14. Input a number and check whether it is prime or rot,


15. Create an array'of N numbers and count the number of even numbers and odd numbers in the array.

Find the area of a re'ctangle, a circle, a.nd a triangle. Use'switch statement for selecting an option'from a menu.

16. Display the first N term.s of Fibonacci'selries

17. lnput two years (e.g. 1OOO, 2OO0) and display all leap years in between them. i

Computer Application (Commerce). - 21 10

18. Input the ambunt of sales for 12 months of i medical representative and find the avrcrage salbs value without
usin8 ar array.

19. Program to print the binary equivalent of decimal number

20. Program to check whether a given chalacter iS a vowel br'not. 'rr'! r'.

21. Pre'pare an HTML document to display the following table. .

lnterest Rates
State Bank
Less Thon Above Rs.I
of India Rs.50,000 & Rs.7

Less Thon 5
8 9

Between 5 &
8.5 9 95
70 years

Above 70
9 9.5 10

22. Write ' an HTML code

. to create two web pages one about your school and other:about your tlass, create a link from the school
' web page to the class web page.
23, Create two web pages ohe bbout higher secondary courses offered.inyour school and other about the
. list of subjects covered for'commerce batch,. Display thdse two web pages in one window by using frame
' 1 24. Writd an .HTML code to.create an attractive web page about lndial(Use aliglmenti, fbnt eolor,
' background color etc.
Preparea data entry form to accept your bio-data using HTML. Fqrm should have appropriate conirols to
'25. accept name, address; age, sex & qualification. :

- 25. write HTML code to create a simple web page as'shown bellow

27. Design a simple web page as shown below:

CJient Login

Enter User Na-r.

Enter your Password

Computer Application (Commerce) -'3/1 0

28. Design a web page.containing a table as shown below.

t-.3 f"-;
Speed Limits in Kerala
,r i:-l i',.. i " .

Vehicles Near School Within Corporation/ In other Municipality

(ln Km/hour) roads (ln Km/hour)
(ln'Km/hour) I'
Motor Cycle 25 40 s0

Motor Car 25 40 70

Light motor vehicles 25 40 60

Heavy motor vehicles L5 35 60

29. Design.a web page for promoting vegetablb cultivition at homes as shown in the figure. lt should contain
features like background colbr/ image, headings and stylish fonts, images- mar{uee, etc.
30. Design a web page as shown below using appropriate list ta83.
': . List of Nobel Laureates frorn india

Rabindra Nath Tagore

He was the first to get Nobel Prize from India. He received prize in liteiature in 1921. He got Nobel prize for his
cpllecti6n of poems "Gitanjali'i.

C V Raman

He got Nobelfor Physics in 1930. tfe received Nobel Prize for his contribution callEd.Raman Effect.
' Mother Teresa who founded Missionaries of Charity which is active in more thah lOO countries received Nobel
Prize in 1979. /

Amartya Sen .

Amartya'Sen was'awafded Nobelprize in 199g in Economicj. H€ has rhade cohtributions to welfare economics,
socialchoice theory etc.
. Kailash Satyarthi

fle is a child right activist who founded "Bichpan Bachao Andolan" in 1980. He shared Nobel prize for peaie in :


Computer Application (Commerce) - 4110

31. Design a web page that displays the share prices of various companies as given below.

National Stock Exchange - Market on 13th June 2OL5

- . . ,

Sector. Company Price (Rs.)


IT Infosys :I978.;315r!rr1r,r- -:;-

TCS 2s20.00

Banking lClCl Bank 296.L5

Axis Bank 551.90

Pharmaceuticals Sun Pharma 81.4.90

Aurobindo Pharma t279.OO

32. Design a web page showing tourist destinations in Kerala as shown below:

Department of Tourism

Government of Kerala

Tourist Destinations in Kerala

" 1" Beaches

a. Kovalam
b. Muzhuppilangad
c. Kappad
2. Hill Stations
i. MLrnnar
ii. Wayanad
iii. Gavi
3. Wildlife
. a. lravikulam
b. Muthang.a
c. Kadalundi

33, Design three web pages - gne containinB a heading displaying your school name, named 'hedd,htm'; second
web page containing the list of teachers, named 'teachers.htm'; and the third webpage about your school, named
'school.htm'. Create a frame dividing the browser windpw into two sections horizontally in the ratio 15:85, The
. top frame:shbilld display the eb page 'head.htm': The bottom frame has to be divided into 2 fiames Vertically in

Computer Application (Commercd) - 5/10

and the right part should display the '
the ratio 3bt0. The left part should display the web pade 'teacheris.htm'
web Page 'school.htm'.

l9beled."t1"*'Jlil-tr"l^"t-i.:1*t " number in.the

34. Develop a web page with two te)ct boxes and a button
display whether the number is even or odd'
first t€xt box. on clickingthe button, the s'econd text box should
' Write the required Javascript. ,

user can enter a number in the

35. Deve|oi d web page with two text boxes and a button |abe|ed ''Show,'.-The
display, the sum of all numbers up to the
. first text box. Onb clidking the button, the second text box should
' number' write the required Javascript

a text, There should be two buttons labeled "To

36. A web page Should contain onb'text box for entering
,ito Lower Ca!e". On clicking edch button,.the Content inihe text box should be converted tb upper
Case,' and
' case o; lower case accordingly. Wiite the required lavascript for these operations'
page should contain two text boxes t; entdring two
37. Develop a simplei calculator using Javaiscript. The \iveb
. parfcjrm addition'
the answer. There should be four buttgns to
.numbers and another text bbx for displaying
corresponding result should be displayed in the
subtraction, multiplication and division. on clicking a button, the
answer box. Write the required lavascript'

The"page should contai.n a dropdown list from which

38. Develop a web page to find the capital oT Indian Statei.
web pag! should display the capital of the state in .
the user can setect a state. on clicking the show button, the
another text box. Write the required JavaScript'

, labeled "Show"' The user can enter a number in the

39. Develop a web page with two text boxes and a button
the number is prime or not'
firii teit box. One clicking the button, the second text box should display whether
Write the required JavascriPt

40 Create a table Student with fields
RollNo Integer Primary KeY
Name characte(2s)

', Subl Integer

5Ub2 . Integer

Svor Integer

Total Integer

' Write SQL Queries to

' Insert data in the fields RollNo' Name' Subl' Subz' sub3'
(At least 10 records)

. .: Update the field Total with the sum of Subl' Sub2 and Sub3'
rri' Display highest marks in Sub2'
iv. Display thb names i1 ascending orfler'
v. Display the name of the student with highest total'

Computer Application (Commerce) 6/'10
41.. Create a
table Student
*itt, fi.tO,
, Rolf No

f nteger
Pr.imary Kelr
Characte r(20)
Batch have varues
coMMERcE, sclENcE
and HuM NrrrEs.
Write SeL eueries
a. Insert d,ata in .

and rotar. (At leasr

: ffi;'Jil 10 reiords)
d. Display rf.," f,ig
42' create
a tabre AN,TfEs batch.
RollNo fnteger pri
rrtmarv Kev
Name an.;ar" r(esr
: B Characte r(20)
Total Integer
Batch have varues
coMMERcE, sctENcE
and HuMANfrfr
-' rLr'
Write SeL eueries
. , a. lnsert data in the 1 , .
b. Disptay th; ;;r;, totar. (At least 1b
T|ES batch.

rder of total marks.

to 5.
lger primary
Characte r(25)
Characte r(20)
Char.acte r(25)
. total
Number(&2) i
Write SeL queries

Computer Application
(Cornmerce) _ T/110
a. Insert data in the fields EmpNo,. Name, Designation, Department and BasicPay. (at least 10
Update DA in the table as 60% of BasicPay
Update Total as the sum of BasicPay and DA
c. ,

Display the EmpNo, Name ,o.,f Jh.e'employee with miniinum $Ioss. :

Display the details ofthe,eriiployee with maximum gross.
44. Create a table Employee with fields
Em.pNo Integer Primary key

Name , Character(25)
Designation Character(20)

' Department Character(25)

BasicPay Nu,mber(8,2)

DA Number(8,2)

Total Number(8,2)

Write SQL queries to

a. lnsert data in the fields EmpNo, Name, Designation, Depaftment and BasicPay, DA and Total.
least l0 records)
b. Update gross as the surn of BasicPay and DA.
c. Display the Department wise listing of all employees'in ascending order of name.
d. Display the total salary paid to salesmen
e. Display the details of the employees arranged in the descending order of Gross salary.

45. Create a table Employee with fields

EmpNo lnteger PrimarY keY .

Name Character(25)

Designatign , Character(20)

Department Charactbr(25)

BasicPay Number(8,2)

DA . .^ Number(8,2)

Total . Nurnber(8,2)

Write SQL cjueries to

a lnsert data in the fields EmpNo, Name, Designation, Depariment and BasicPay, DA and Total. (at
least 10 records)
b UBdate G.ross as the sum of BasicPay and DA.
Display total salary paid in each Department i

Computer Application (Commer:ce) - 8/10

' d. Display average salary of. Managers
Display the details of the,embloyees wlth maximum salary.
'45. Create a table deposit with fields
. AccNo lnteger 'primary key

'Namb characte(2s)

. Branch Characte(2o)

. Amount Number(8,2) Not Null

" . Branches can be CAL|CUT, COCHTN oTTR|CHUR.

. Write SQL queries ro

a.,lnsertdatainall fields (At least 10 records)

. b. Display the total deposit in each branch
c. Display the accounts brench Wise in ascending order of AccNo.
' d.
Display the details oi deposit with maximum amount.
: 47. Create a table Customer with fields
Aqc.No Integer primary key

Name Characte(2s)

Branch . Characte(2o)

t Amount Nurnber(8,2| triot nult .

Branches can be CAL|CUT, COCHTN or TR|CHUR. .

Write Se[ eueries trt

1) Insert data in all the fields. (At least t0 records) . .

2) Display the AccNo and Name of Customers.

3) display the details of the customer who has depoiited exactly Rs.1O0OO
4) Display the Account no.s of account holders who have deposited more than Rs.10000 and
less than
, s; Oisplay the names and AccNo of depositors, in CALICUT branch who h'avb more than Rs.40000 as
t ''* oepostt.
! o
b. 48. Create a table Employee with fields.
. EnipNo lnteger primary key
Name characte(2s)

Designation Character(2O)

Department Characte(2s)

Basicpay Number(g,2)

omputer Apptic,ition (Commerce) _ 9/10

DA Numbe(8,2)

Total mber(8,2)

Write SQL queries to

. a. Insert data in all the.fiel4si (flt le99t 10 recor:ds)

b. Display the name of aff the.ai:paitrnents without repetition.
c. Update DA as 60%fo BasicPay.
d. Update Gross as the sum of BasicPay and DA.
e. Display the details of employees with gross between Rs.5O00 and Rs.10OO0.
49. Create a table Customer with fields
AccNo Integer Primary key

Name Character(2s) ,
Branch Character(20)

Amount Number(8,2) . Not Null

Branches can be CALICUT, COCHIN or TRICHUR. '

Write SQL Queries to

1). Insert data in all the fields. (At least L0 records)

2) Display the dgtails of customers from AccNo 1 to 5.
3) Display the list of customers with amount less than L00.
4l Displa'i Name of customers witli maximum Amount in each branch.
5) Display the details of Customers in a branch other ihan CALICUT.

. Computer,Application (Commerce) - 10/10 . r

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