Maternal RLE - Instrumentation
Maternal RLE - Instrumentation
Maternal RLE - Instrumentation
- Provide hold firm on tough tissues,
INSTRUMENT SET 1. including skin.
- The tips may be flat, serrated
cupped, ringed, grooved,
diamond, dusted or have teeth.
- They have single tooth on one side
that fits between two teeth on the
opposing side.
- Is a type of surgical scissors, often
used in the cutting of FASCIA.
- Mayo scissors may be made from
stainless steel or titanium
- There are Straight-and Curved-
1. THUMB FORCEPS blade varieties of Mayo scissors.
- Are spring forceps used by o Straight-bladed are
compression between your thumb designed for cutting body
and forefinger and are used for tissues near the surface of
grasping, holding or manipulating the wound. It is used for
body tissue. cutting sutures “suture
- For example, you could use thumb scissors”
forceps to hold or move tissue o Curved-bladed allow
during surgery or to move deeper penetration into the
dressings. wound than the type with
- Are surgical scissors designed for
cutting delicate tissues and blunt 6. ALLIS FORCEP
dissection. - A surgical instrument with sharp
- They are constructed of stainless teeth, used to hold or grasp heavy
steel and may have tungsten tissue.
carbide cutting surface insects. - Also used to grasp fascia and soft
- The blades can be curved or tissues such as breast or bowel
straight and the most common towel tissue.
type of scissors used in organ-
related operations.
- Are commonly used to properly
remove pieces of placenta or 10. OBSTETRICAL FORCEP
products of conception from the - Is an instrument that can used to
uterus to prevent infection. assist in the delivery of a baby as
- Also used a hemostat or a an alternative to vacuum
clamping instrument and used a extraction method.
gynecological instrument. - Designed to aid in the delivery of
the fetus by applying traction to
the Fetal head.