Treaty Structure: First Pillar: Non-Proliferation
Treaty Structure: First Pillar: Non-Proliferation
Treaty Structure: First Pillar: Non-Proliferation
The NPT consists of a preamble and eleven articles. Although the concept of "pillars" is not
expressed anywhere in the NPT, the treaty is nevertheless sometimes interpreted as a three-
pillar system,[9] with an implicit balance among them:
1. non-proliferation,
2. disarmament, and
3. the right to peacefully use nuclear technology.[10]
These pillars are interrelated and mutually reinforcing. An effective nonproliferation regime
whose members comply with their obligations provides an essential foundation for progress on
disarmament and makes possible greater cooperation on the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
With the right to access the benefits of peaceful nuclear technology comes the responsibility of
nonproliferation. Progress on disarmament reinforces efforts to strengthen the nonproliferation
regime and to enforce compliance with obligations, thereby also facilitating peaceful nuclear
cooperation.[11] The "pillars" concept has been questioned by some who believe that the NPT is,
as its name suggests, principally about nonproliferation, and who worry that "three pillars"
language misleadingly implies that the three elements have equivalent importance.[12]