Mapeh 9 - Q4 Periodical Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII
Schools Division Office of Bohol

Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: ______

Subject Teacher: Ms. Maria Cristyl M. Maslog Date: _____________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and understand each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
one whole sheet of paper.

1. A prop is________________.
a. an object used onstage in an opera. c. clothing that helps portray a character.
b. the highest female singer in an opera. d. the text of an opera.
2. In music, a score is____________________________.
a. the printed version of the piece being performed. c. how many points each team gets.
b. the words to a piece. d. the number of players in an orchestra.
3. The instrumental group that accompanies the cast of an opera is called ________________.
a. a band b. a choir c. a libretto d. an orchestra
4. The text of an opera is called the ___________________.
a. libretto b. setting c. score d. tenor
5. When Singing for an opera, the focus of the performance is on the singing technique called;
a. Aria b. Bel Canto c. Falsetto d. Tessitura
6. Which of the following statements is true about opera?
a. Opera technique is called bel canto, which means beautiful singing
b. Opera singers often sing in Italian and never French
c. Opera singers were trained only for a short period of time
d. Opera singers are only asked to sing short phrases and to sing loud.
7. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about proper posture in singing except?
a. It promotes efficient breathing. c. It helps the singer project the proper tone quality.
b. It is essential for voice projection d. It helps you look taller and no need to have good vocal habits.
8. Filipino singer that won international awards like the Olivier and Tony for her exemplary performance in
“Miss Saigon.”
a. Imelda Papin b. Leah Salonga c. Pilita Corrales d. Sarah Geronimo
9. Solo singing part in an opera.
a. Act b. Aria c. Postlude d. Prelude
10. Is the middle level voice of a female?
a. Alto b. Bel Canto c. Mezzo d. Soprano
11. A story/play that ends UNHAPPILY.
a. Comedy b. Melodrama c. Tragedy d. Tragicomedy
12. Which of the following could be found in a movie but NOT in a play?
a. 3-D technology b. characters c. costumes d. prop
13. What is the definition of a plot?
a. Plot is the beginning of the story where the characters are introduced.
b. Plot is organized pattern or sequence of events that make up the story.
c. Plot is the basic idea of life.
d. All the above
14. An actor is developing a master list of verbs to use as actions in scenes. Which of the following verbs
would be most useful to include in this list?
a. to cry b. to flirt c. to love d. to understand
15. When trying to plan for your recreational activity, which should be the best thing to keep in mind?
a. The activity should be of your interest c. The activity should be away from home
b. The activity will give you the chance to earn money d. The activity is held within your comfort zone
16. The way we live our life reflects our lifestyle. Which of the following is a healthy lifestyle that can maintain
your desirable weight?
a. Exercise one a week c. Proper diet and exercise
b. Attending to gyms and taking diet fads d. Enjoying a balance routine in life
17. Mr. Gonzales found out that most of his students are overweight and close to being obese. What can he do
to help them?
a. Organize a fitness program 3x a week c. Consult a nutritionist for the proper food intake
b. Make them active in the class every meeting d. Encourage them to have a healthy lifestyle
18. Active recreation participation is everyone’s responsibility, which of the following is the best reason for this?
a. Maintain Weight c. Keep a physically fit body
b. To have a healthy lifestyle d. Have fun, enjoyment, and satisfaction
19. You are being bullied in school. What is the best thing to do?
a. Report him/her to the school authorities.
b. Confront the bully and tell him/her that you don’t like what s/he is doing.
c. Get even with him/her by asking friends for vengeance.
d. Do not do anything. S/he will eventually stop when s/he finds someone else to bully.
20. Which is a risk factor for suicide attempt?
a. Good problem-solving skills c. History of trauma and abuse
b. Strong connections to family and community support d. Effective clinical care for mental, physical and
substance use disorders
21. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone whom you don’t know. What will you do?
a. Nothing. S/he is just a harmless admirer.
b. Tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker.
c. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you.
d. Make a scene to catch the attention of the public, then confront the person following you.
22. What form of violence is used for political goals which include putting the public or a great number of
people in fear?
a. Terrorism b. Bullying c. Kidnapping d. Suicide
23. Which is not verbal abuse?
a. Words that are manipulative and controlling
b. Words that can cause a gradual diminishing of self-confidence.
c. Words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistake.
d. Words that are hurtful and usually attack the nature and abilities of the person.
24. Self-defense is one of the best ways to prevent intentional injuries. Which of the following best describes it?
a. Physical strategies, such as learning self-defense skills
b. Mental preparedness, to be alert for the possibilities of danger
c. Emotional preparedness and having self-confidence
d. All of the above.

25 – 28. Compute for your Body Mass Index (BMI) and determine your BMI Classification.
III. PICTURE ANALYSIS. Study the given illustration below and answer the following questions.

29 – 32. 33 – 36.

Picture B.
Picture A.

What type of intentional injuries portrayed in the pictures?

29. Picture A. 33. Picture B.

_____________________________ _____________________________

Based on these illustrations, give three impacts of intentional injuries on their victims?

30. _______________________________________ 34. _______________________________________

31. _______________________________________ 35. _______________________________________
32. _______________________________________ 36. _______________________________________

IV. AGREE OR DISAGREE. Read the following statements carefully, then write AGREE or DISAGREE for
each item and provide explanation for your response.

“Fraternity hazing is acceptable because it is an “A woman who acts and dresses provocatively
initiation rite to brotherhood.” deserves to be raped.”
37 – 38. 39 – 40.
Answer: Answer:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

-Nelson Mandela-

Goodluck & God bless! 😊

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