Salient Features of 1962 Constitution of Pakistan
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution of Pakistan
Salient Features of 1962 Constitution of Pakistan
1. Federal System:
Under the constitution of 1962 federal system was adopted. The powers of the central
government were enumerated in the Federal List while all the residuary powers were given to
the provinces so as to meet the demand of provincial autonomy. However, with in this federal
structure, the central government was made domineering even at the cost of provincial
autonomy. Besides in the administrative matters, centralism was clearly reflected. The
provincial governors were the appointees of President and accountable to him: Hence the
provincial executive was under the control of the center. This centralism bore more disastrous
results in respect of provincial autonomy. Consequently, the federal structure practically
seemed unitary due to which the demand of provincial autonomy became more popular and
widespread which threatened our solidarity in the later stage.
3. Islamic Provisions:
Like previous constitution of 1956 the Objective Resolution was included in the Preamble of the
constitution. The teachings of Quran and Islamiyat were to be made compulsory. The President
was to be Muslim. Pakistan was declared an Islamic republic through first amendment. No un-
Islamic law would be enacted and all the existing laws would be Islamized etc.
5. Unicameral Legislature:
The 1962 Constitution like the previous constitution provided for unicameral legislature called
National Assembly. Its total strength was 156 (later 218 and then 313, who were elected by the
electoral college of Basic Democrats. Besides, certain seats were also reserved for women. Its
term was 5 years, which was fixed. The members were elected on the basis of parity of
representation between East and West wing. The proceedings of the Assembly might not be
challenged in any court of law. Unlike the previous practices the members of the cabinet were
not the members of the legislature. The ministers could attend its meetings but like US system
neither the president nor his cabinet colleagues were responsible to it.
6. Indirect Section:
It was a new innovation in the 1962 Constitution. It was a general impression that one of the
causes of the failure of the constitutional machinery was the direct and adult suffrage and
without proper and necessary political education and training. Hence this constitution provided
indirect method of election for President and for the legislative assemblies was envisaged.
Accordingly, the primary voters would elect the Basic Democrats who had then to elect the
representatives to higher positions.
7. Independence of Judiciary:
Proper safeguards were introduced in the 1962 Constitution to ensure the independence of
judiciary. Judges of the superior courts were appointed by the President and were appointed by
the President and were ensured security of service. They could be removed on the inquiry
report submitted by the Supreme Judicial Council on the ground of misbehavior or physical or
mental inability to perform their duties. By induction of first amendment the judiciary had full,
power to pass judgment over the views of the legislature. Moreover, the court also enjoyed the
power of judicial review of executive actions.
integration and solidarity, social welfare, protection of the rights of minorities, development of
backward areas etc.
9. Provincial Governments:
Each province had a provincial assembly, which was organized on the lines of National
Assembly. The relationship of the provincial governors with their assemblies was the same like
that of President with National Assembly. The assemblies of the East and West Pakistan used to
meet at Dacca and Lahore respectively. Each had 155 members, at least of who were women.
The governors appointed by the President, had a Council of Ministers in the same manner, as
the President, who belonged to their respective province.
Although the 1962 constitution of Pakistan had transferred several responsibilities to the
provincial governments but in actual practice the central government or its representatives
used to exercise these powers.