Who Created This Message?

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Romero,Kyla A.


● Dove — Before and After (2017)

Dove beauty brand launched a miss with a print ad to promote its new product, Visible
Care Body wash.  This controversial print advertisement showed three women standing
in front of two posters, one showing dry, scaly skin, and the other depicting smooth,
supple skin. The woman in front of the dry skin pic is black and the woman in front of
the smooth skin is white. A mixed-race woman stands between them. 

Whether it was intentional or not, the ad implied that darker skin is dirty. Later in the
year, they repeated their mistake with an offensive ad that showed a black woman
gradually turning into a white woman. Considering the sensitive current issues
surrounding Black Lives Matter, ads that remotely hint at discrimination are more
controversial and heated than ever. This controversial ad bauble shows how easy
brands can damage their reputation. 

⮚ Who created this message?

● In the picture, you can see the difference between the two girls because of
their skin color. Dove beauty brand launched this kind of advertising to
promote their products to encourage people to buy this. But later on, many
people saw the discrimination against the sensitive issue surrounding
black lives matters.

⮚ What creative techniques were used to attract my attention?

● As a consumer of a Dove product it’s give interesting to see how effective
it is in the picture. Because you can see the big difference in the picture
like changing the color of the skin of the girl and I want to know if the
product is effective or not.

⮚ How might different people understand this message differently from me?

● I have given birth to a generation of people who would already judge you
even if your skin type is different from other people. But in this advertising
of the Beauty product of Dove, we can notice the discrimination of the two
girls with different types of skin color. However, the picture's meaning is to
represent the change or how effective their products are for the people.

⮚ What are the presentation present in the picture?

- The following are some of the representations and meanings that I

have formulated based on the picture.

● Setting- in one room with white background.

● Girl (1) - showing dry or scaly skin.
● Girl (2) – represent the smooth skin. This is the result of your skin if you
use the product.

⮚ Why is this message is being sent?

● For many people, discrimination is an everyday reality. Discrimination is

the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups. I think the
message shown in this advertisement is to avoid discrimination based on
our skin color or anything else because I believe that we are all equally
just created by God. You always need to do is to focus on your strengths.
Focusing on your core values, beliefs and perceived strengths can
motivate people to succeed, and may even buffer the negative effects of

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