Vdoc - Pub Fixed Point Theory
Vdoc - Pub Fixed Point Theory
Vdoc - Pub Fixed Point Theory
With 14 Illustrations
, Springer
Andrzej Granas James Dugundji
Departement de Mathematiques et (/920-1985)
Universite de :Y1ontreal
CP 6128
Montreal, QC H3C 317
[email protected]
Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science
University of Warmia and Mazury
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I
Stanislaw, Janusz, Jean-Jacques, Andrzej
Jim Dugundji
full professor in 1958. For many years he served as one of the editors of the
Pacific Journal of Mathematics and of Topology and its Applications.
While Dugundji's mathematical work lay mainly in the field of topology,
he also contributed to dynamical systems and functional analysis, and to
problems in applied mathematics (electrical engineering, geology, and theo-
retical chemistry). Among his books are Topology (Allyn and Bacon, 1965)
and Perspectives in Theoretical Stereochemistry (Springer, 1984), the latter
written with I. Ugi, R. Kopp and D. Marquarding.
Jim Dugundji's mathematical publications are marked by their lucidity
and frequently by the decisiveness of his results. His work was, in fact, in
many ways an expression of his character. Although he was self-effacing and
lacking in any wish for self-advancement, he was totally independent and
would not tolerate anything which he considered second best. He spent his
life for science's sake, aware of the sacrifice and dedication this requires,
and what he asked from himself-which was quite a lot-he expected from
others. Man of high integrity and moral strength, he had a great sensitivity,
and all who were close to him could testify to his caring concern.
I wish to express my gratitude to our many friends and collaborators who
so generously assisted us during the long years of preparation of this book.
Most important, without the help and encouragement of Merope Dugundji
and my wife Monique, it would not have been possible for us to conceive this
project nor for me to bring it to its completion. First and foremost my thanks
go to Cezary Bowszyc, who read and commented upon the entire manuscript;
his detailed and constructive criticism has led to many improvements and
has been of a very great help. Alberto Abbondandolo, Robert Burckel, Halm
Bn§zis, Ed Fadell, Marlene Frigon, Kazimierz G~ba, Tadeusz Iwaniec, Marc
Lassonde, Isaac Namioka, and Gencho Skordev offered valuable suggestions
in various stages of the writing, all of which are sincerely appreciated. Special
thanks go to Jerzy Trzeciak for his excellent editorial job; to Anna Rudnik
for her considerable help with the typesetting; and to the staff of Springer-
Verlag for their most efficient handling of publication matters.
I thank also the Killam Foundation and the National Research Council
of Canada for providing support for my research projects on various topics,
which are now summarized in this book.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Albrecht Dold, Ky Fan
and Louis Nirenberg for their encouragement and inspiration over the years.
7. Compact Fields .. ...... ....... ... .... . .. .......... .... ...... 126
8. Equation y = x - F(x). Invariance of Domain ................ 128
9. Miscellaneous Results and Examples .... . .... . ............... 131
10. Notes and Comments . ................... . ...... . ......... ... 137
§7. Further Results and Applications .......................... 142
1. Applications of the Topological KKM-Principle .............. 142
2. Some Applications of the Antipodal Theorem ................ 151
3. The Schauder Theorem and Differential Equations . .. ........ 154
4. Topological Transversality and Differential Equations ..... ... 156
5. Application to the Galerkin Approximation Theory . . ........ 158
6. The Invariant Subspace Problem .... .. ...................... 160
7. Absolute Retracts and Generalized Schauder Theorem . ...... 162
8. Fixed Points for Set-Valued Kakutani Maps .................. 166
9. Theorem of Ryll-Nardzewski ..... . .......................... . 171
10. Miscellaneous Results and Examples ..... . . . .. ..... . . . ....... 175
11. Notes and Comments ........................................ 190
7. Fixed Points for Compact and Acyclic Set-Valued Maps ...... 542
8. Miscellaneous Results and Examples ................ . ....... , 544
9. Notes and Comments ........................... . ............ 547
§20. Further Results and Supplements ... . .................... 551
1. Degree for Equivariant Maps in R n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
2. The Infinite-Dimensional E+ -Cohomology ........ . .......... 558
3. Lefschetz Theorem for NB-Maps of Compacta ............... 565
4. Miscellaneous Results and Examples ................. . ....... 570
5. Notes and Comments ........................................ 573
Appendix: Preliminaries .......... . .............. , ........ " ., .. . 588
A. Generalities ................................................. 588
B. Topological Spaces ................................. . ........ 590
C. Linear Topological Spaces . . ................................. 599
D. Algebraic Preliminaries ............... . ............ . ......... 608
E. Categories and Functors ..................................... 616
Bibliography ...................................................... 620
I. General Reference Texts ........... . .. . ..................... . 620
II. Monographs, Lecture Notes, and Surveys ........... . ........ 621
III. Articles ..................................................... 625
IV. Additional References ....................................... 650
List of Standard Symbols ...... . ........... .. .. . ........ . ........ 668
Index of Names .................................................. 672
Index of Terms ................................................... 678
PIERCE BOHL, 1865- 1921
JACOB NIELSEN , 1890-- 1959
STEFAN BANACH , 1892- 1945
HEINZ HOPF , 1894-1971
LAZAR LUSTERNIK , 1899- 1981
ALFRED TARSKI, 1901- 1983
JOHN VON NEUMANN, 1903- 1957
KAROL BORSUK , 1905- 1982
JEAN LERAY, 1906- 1998
STANISLAW ULAM, 1909- 1984
SAMUEL ElLENBERG, 1913- 1998
JURGEN MOSER, 1928- 1999
§O. Introduction
In this introduction we take a brief general look at the subject and discuss
some simple notions and techniques of fixed point theory. It is hoped that
this discussion will help the reader to grasp some of the ideas and results of
the theory, before entering the detailed and systematic study needed for a
deeper understanding.
Throughout the book, by space we understand a (Hausdorff) topological
space. Unless specifically stated otherwise, a map is a continuous transforma-
tion; however, we do occasionally add the word "continuous" for emphasis.
(ii) The Schauder fixed point theorem, which has numerous applications
in analysis, asserts that: Every convex set in a normed linear space is a fixed
point space for compact maps.
Because the continuous image of a compact set is compact, the same
argument as before shows that being a fixed point space relative to the class
of compact maps is a topologically invariant property. Thus, for example,
any open (a, b) c R , as well as the graph of sin(l/x), 0 < x :S 1, is a fixed
point space for compact maps.
3. Topological Transversality
Sometimes, a map f of Y, or of a subset X of Y, into Y will have a fixed point
because of its behavior on some particular subset. Indeed, many existence
theorems of analysis are of this type. For example, consider an open set U
in a normed linear space E and an operator D : U -+ E such that Du =I 0
on aU; does the equation Du = 0 have a solution in U? In terms of maps,
we are given a map f (u) = u - Du that is fixed point free on aU, and seek
to determine, from its behavior on aU, whether or not it has a fixed point
in U.
Putting this now in a more abstract setting, we shall confine our attention
to compact maps. Let Y be an arbitrary space; by a pair (X, A) in Y is
meant a closed subset X of Y and an A c X closed in X. By XA(X, Y)
§o. Introduction 5
we denote the set of all compact maps f :X --+ Y such that the restriction
flA: A --+ Y is fixed point free.
(3.2) DEFINITION. Two maps f, 9 E Je'A (X, Y) are called admissibly ho-
motopic, written f ~ 9 in Je'A(X , Y), if there is an admissible com-
pact homotopy h t : X --+ Y (0 ~ t ~ 1) such that ho = f and
hI = g. Clearly, the relation "~" of admissible homotopy divides the
set Je'A(X, Y) into disjoint equivalence classes.
4. Factorization Technique
In this section we describe the factorization technique, which can be used
to establish that a given space is a fixed point space. First we indicate some
special properties of individual maps that will ensure the existence of fixed
The following simple general result is of importance:
(4.1) LEMMA. Let Q : K -----t X and (3 : X -----t K be two maps. Then
f = (3Q : K -----t K has a fixed point if and only if F = Q(3 : X -----t X
has a fixed point. In other words, given the commutative diagrams
j ) ~
in which [00 is the Hilbert cube and s : K --7 R is a homeomorphism of
K onto R c [00 with inverse S-l : R --7 K. Since X is an AR, there is an
extension <p : [00 --7 X of the map as - I: R --7 X over [00, i.e., <pj = as-I,
where j : R"--t [00 is the inclusion. Consider now the composite
K ~ [00 !!£... K.
We have (!3<p)(js) = !3[<pj]s = !3[as- 1]s =!3a = f. Thus, f factors through
the Hilbert cube [00 and consequently has a fixed point. 0
As an immediate consequence, we have
(4.6) THEOREM. Let X be an AR, and let f : X --7 X be a compact map.
Then f has a fixed point. 0
Because every convex set in a normed linear space is an AR, the last result
is a generalization of the Schauder fixed point theorem.
Elementary Fixed
Point Theorems
The fixed point theorems presented in this paragraph are all related to the
Banach contraction principle, which asserts that every complete metric space
is a fixed point space for the class of contractive mappings.
The Banach contraction principle is the simplest and one of the most ver-
satile elementary results in fixed point theory. Being based on an iteration
process, it can be implemented on a computer to find the fixed point of a
contractive map: it produces approximations of any required accuracy, and
moreover, even the number of iterations needed to get a specified accuracy
can be determined.
A map F : (X, d) --t (Y, g) of metric spaces that satisfies g(F(x), F(z)) s:
Md(x, z) for some fixed constant M and all x, z E X is called Lipschitzian;
the smallest such M is called the Lipschitz constant L(F) of F. If L(F) < 1,
the map F is called contractive with contraction constant L(P); if L(P) 1,
the map P is said to be nonexpansive . Note that a Lipschitzian map is
necessarily continuous.
Let Y be any set and F : Y --t Y a map of Y into itself. For any given
y E Y , define pn(y) inductively by pO(y) = Y and Fn+l(y) = F(pn(y)); we
10 1. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
call Fn(y) the nth iterate of y under F, and the set {Fn(y) In = 0,1, ... }
is the orbit of y under F.
the error of the nth iteration when starting from a given y E Y is there-
fore completely determined by the contraction constant a and the initial
displacement d(y, Fy).
The Banach principle has a useful local version that involves an open
ball B in a complete metric space Y and a contractive map of B into Y
which does not displace the center of the ball too far:
§l. Results Based on Completeness 11
and therefore
Let ~A(X, Y) be the set of all maps F in ~(X, Y) such that the restric-
tion FIA : A - Y is fixed point free on the boundary A of X. We are now
ready to formulate the main result:
(3.2) THEOREM (Elementary implicit function theorem). Let A be con-
nected, and let {HA I A E A} be an a-contractive family in ~A(X, Y).
(i) if the equation HA(x) = x has a solution for some A E A, then it
has a unique solution X A for each A E A,
(ii) if X A = HA(X A) for A E A, then the map A 1---+ X A from A to U is
Holder continuous.
PROOF. (i) Consider the nonempty (by assumption) set
Q = {A E A I XA = HA(X A) for some XA E U}
and observe that:
(a) Q is closed in A: Indeed, let {An} be a sequence in Q such that
An - AO; for XAn = HAn (XAJ and XAm = HAm(X Am ), using (***), we get
d(xAn,xAm)::; 1 ~ a[Q(An,Am)]X,
showing that {x An} is a Cauchy sequence. By completeness of d, x An - Xo
for some Xo in X, and hence, by continuity of H, XAn = HAn (X An ) -
HAO(xo); this gives Xo = HAo(xo), and thus we conclude that AO is in Q.
(b) Q is open in A: Letting AO be in Q with x AO = H AO (x AO)' we fix an
open ball B(xAO,r) = {x E X I d(x,x Ao ) < r} ~ U, and choose E > so
that EX::; (1- a)r/M, where the constants M and x come from (**). Now,
if A is any point of the open ball B(Ao,E) = {A E A I Q(AO,A) < C}, then
d[HA (x AO ), x AO ] = d[HA (x'\o), HAO (x.\Q)] ::; M[Q(A, AO)]X < (1 - a)r.
Because, by (1.2), any such HA has a fixed point, we infer that B(AO, E) C Q
and, consequently, AO E Int(Q).
Because Q is nonempty, the connectedness of the parameter space A, in
view of (a) and (b), implies that Q = A; thus the proof of (i) is complete.
As for (ii), it follows at once from (i) and (***). 0
but this is a contradiction, because >.2 + (1 - >.)2 < >. + (1- >.) = 1 for every
0<'\<1. 0
The next result represents an elementary version of the antipodal theo-
rem of Borsuk.
(4.3) COROLLARY (Antipodal theorem). Let U be an open subset of a
Banach space (E, II II) , symmetric with respect to the origin and with
o E U, and let F : U -+ E be a contractive bounded map such that
F(x) = -F( -x) for all x E aU . Then F has a unique fixed point.
§1. Results Based on Completeness 15
let c > be given, and choose 6"(c) = c - cp(c); if d(x, Fx) < 6"(c) , then for
any z E B(x, c) we have
d(Fz, x) ~ d(Fz, Fx) + d(Fx, x) < cp[d(z, x)] + 6" :S cp(c) + c - cp(c) =c
so Fz E B(x,c). Thus (5.1) ensures that F has a fixed point , and the
remainder of the proof is obvious. 0
Situations arise in approximation theory where a map is known to be
contractive, with contraction constant depending on the distance between
the points considered. This prompts the following weakened version of the
Banach theorem.
(5 .3) THEOREM. Let (X, d) be complete and F : X -> X be a map satisfy-
d(Fx, Fy) :S a(x, y)d(x, y),
where a : X x X -> R+ has the property: for any closed interval
[a , b] C R+ - {O},
sup{a(x,y) I a:S d(x,y):S b} = '\(a, b) < 1.
Then F has a unique fixed point u, and Fn x -> U for each x EX.
PROOF. The case '\(a, a) -> 1 as a ---4 in this version does not follow from
(5.2), so we give a direct proof of this theorem. For each x EX, the sequence
{d(Fnx , Fn+lx)} is nonincreasing, therefore convergent to some a ~ 0. We
must have a = 0: otherwise, d(Fnx, Fn+lx) E [a, a + 1] for all large n; we
could then choose such an n and use c = ,\( a, a + 1) to get, by induction,
a ~ d(Fn+kx, Fn+l+kx) :S ckd(Fnx , Fn+lx) :S ck(a + 1)
for all k > 0, which, because c < 1, is a contradiction.
Now, let c > 0, let ,\ = '\(c/2, c) and choose 6" = min[c/2, c(1 - '\)]. Let
d(x,Fx) < 6" and z E B(x,c); then d(Fz,x):S d(Fz , Fx)+d(Fx,x) and we
consider two cases:
(a) d(z, x) < c/2: then
d(Fz, x) :S d(z , x) + d(Fx, x) < c/2 + c/2 = c;
(b) c/2 :S d(z, x) < c: then
d(Fz, x) :S a(z, x)d(z, x) + d(Fx, x) < '\c + (1 - '\)c = c.
Thus, F[B(x, c)] c B(x, c), and (5 .1) ensures that F has a fixed point. The
remainder of the proof is left for the reader. 0
There is another way of extending the Banach theorem that does not
rely on comparing d(Fx, Fy) with d(x, y), but concentrates instead on the
§l. Results Based on Completeness 17
behavior of d(x, Fx) . Several such generalizations are based on the follow-
ing general principle involving minimizing sequences for suitable real-valued
(**) inf{'P(x) + 'P(y) I d(x , y) 2:: a} = p,(a) >0 for all a> O.
Then each sequence {x n } in X for which 'P( x n ) ---+ 0 converges to one
and the same point u EX.
PROOF . Let An = {x I 'P(x) :S 'P(x n )}; these sets are nonempty, and any
finite family has a nonempty intersection. We show 5(An) ---+ 0: given any
c > 0, choose N so large that 'P(x n ) < ~p,(c) for all n 2:: N; then for
any n 2:: Nand X,y E An we have 'P(x) + 'P(y) < p,(c); therefore, (**) gives
d(x , y) < c, so 5(An) :S c. Thus, 5(An) ---+ 0; because 5(An) = 5(An) ---+ 0, we
conclude from Cantor's theorem that there is a unique U E nn
An and, since
Xn E An for each n, that Xn ---+ u. For any other sequence {Yn} satisfying
'P(Yn) ---+ 0 we get 'P(x n ) +'P(Yn) ---+ 0, so, from (**) as before, d(xn,Yn) ---+ 0
and therefore Yn ---+ U also. 0
The following fixed point theorem is an obvious consequence:
(A.5) Let (X , d) be complete and {an} a sequence of nonnegative numbers with ~~=l an
< 00. Let F : X -+ X be such that d(Fnx, Fny) :::; and(x , y) for all x, y E X . Prove: F
has a unique fixed point u and Fnx ----> u for each x E X (Weissinger [1952]) .
(A.6) Let (X , d) be complete and F : X -+ X be such that for any closed A C X with
b(A) =f. 0, we have b(F(A)) :::; ab(A) , where 0 :::; a < 1. Prove: F has a fixed point
(R. Amann) .
(A.7) Let (X,d) be complete and F: X -+ X be a map satisfying d(Fx, Fy) < d(x , y)
for x =f. y.
(a) Prove: If for some Xo E X, the sequence {Fnxo} has a convergent subsequence,
then F has a unique fixed point .
(b) Prove: If F(X) is compact (i.e., F is a compact map) , then F has a unique fixed
point u and Fnx -+ U for each x E X.
(c) Construct a map F : X ----> X satisfying the inequality above without fixed points
and such that for some XO , YO E X , the sequence d(Fnxo , Fnyo) does not converge to o.
[Consider the map x f-> In(1 + eX) of R into itself.]
(A.8) Let (Y, d) be complete. A map F : Y -+ Y is expanding if d(Fx, Fy) :2': !3d(x, y) for
some!3 > 1 and all x, y E Y . Let F : Y ----> Y be surjective and expanding. Prove:
(a) F is bijective.
(b) F has a unique fixed point u and F - ny ----> u for each y E Y .
(A.9) Let E be a Banach space and F : E -+ E a linear operator such that (I - F)-l
§1. Results Based on Completeness 19
(a) Let G : E ---+ E be Lipschitzian with 11(1 - F) - IIlL(G) < 1. Show: The map
x Fx + Gx, x E E, has a unique fixed point.
(b) Let r, A be positive numbers with A < 1, and let K = K(O , r). Assume G :
K(O,r) ---+ E is a Lipschitzian map satisfying IIG(O)II ::; (1 - A)r/lI(1 - F)-III . Show: If
11(1 - F) - I IIL(G) < A, then the map x I----> Fx + Gx, x E K , has a unique fixed point.
(A. 10) Let (X, d) be complete metric and F : X ---+ X be a-contractive with Xo = Fxo.
Show: For each c > 0, there exists a (3 > 0 with a + (3 < 1 such that for any (a + (3)-
contractive map G : X ---+ X , the condition d(Fx , Gx) < (3 for all x E X implies YO =
Gxo E B(xo, c).
(A.l1) Let U be an open bounded set in a Banach space E with 0 E U and F , G :[J ---+ E
be two contractive maps such that FlaU = GlaU . Show: Fix(F) =10 <=} Fix(G) =10.
(A.12) Let U be an open bounded set in a Banach space E such that U = -U, and
V CUbe an open nbd of the origin with V C U. Let F : [J ---+ E be a contractive map
such that:
(i) Fx = -F(-x) for all x E aU ,
(ii) there exists Xo such that x =I Fx + AXO for all x E aV and A ;::: O.
Show: F has a unique fixed point u E [J - V.
(A .13) Let E = A EB B be a Banach space represented as a direct sum of two closed linear
subspaces A and B with linear projections PA : E ---+ A and PB : E ---+ B . Let F : A ---+ E
and G : B ---+ E be two Lipschitzian maps, and let f : A ---+ E and 9 : B ---+ E be given by
a I----> a - F(a) and b I----> b - G(b) respectively. Show: If
(A.14) (Discrete Banach theorem) Let Y be a set , and {Rn In = 0,1 , ... } C Y x Y a
sequenee of equivalence relations such that (a) Y x Y = Ro :::) RI :::) ... , (b) n~=o Rn =
the diagonal in Y x Y, and (c) if {Yn} is any sequence in Y such that (Yn,Yn+d ERn
for each n, then there is ayE Y such that (Yn , y) E Rn for each n. Let F: Y ---+ Y be a
map such that whenever (x, y) ERn, then (Fx, Fy) E Rn+l . Prove: F has a unique fixed
point u, and (Fny, u) E Rn for each n and each Y E Y (S. Eilenberg) .
(B. 1) A metric space (X, d) is c-chainable if for each pair x, Y E X there are finitely many
points x = Xo, xl, . ·., xn, Xn+l = Y such that d(Xi, Xi+l) < c for all 0 ::; i n. Let (X , d)
be complete, and let F : X ---+ X be a map. Assume that there is an c > 0 and a 0 ::; k < 1
such that d(Fx , Fy) ::; kd(x, y) whenever d(x, y) < c. Prove: If (X , d) is c-chainable, then
F has a unique fixed point (M. Edelstein) .
(B .2) Let (X, d) be complete and F : X ---+ X a map satisfying d(Fx, Fy) ::; <p[d(x, y)] for
all x, y EX, where <p : R+ ---+ R + is any function such that (i) <p is nondecreasing, (ii)
<p(t) < t for each t > 0, (iii) <p is right continuous. Prove: F has a unique fixed point u
and Fnx ---+ U for each x E X (Browder [1968]) .
[Apply (5 .2) by showing that <pn(t) ---+ 0 for each t > 0.]
20 1. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
(B.4) Let (X, d) be complete and P : X ....... X continuous. Assume that for each 10 > 0
and each pair x, y EX, there is an n = n(x, y , E) such that d(Fnx, pny) < E. Prove: If
the function <p(x) = d(x, Px) has the property (**) of (5.4) , then F has a fixed point
(D . F. Bailey) .
(B.5) Let (X , d) be complete and P : X ....... X continuous. Assume that there exists an
integer nand 0 ::; k < 1 such that
d(Px, Fy) ::; k[d(x, pnz) + dey, pn z)]
for all x, y , z E X . Prove: P has a unique fixed point (F. Pittnauer) .
(B .6) Let (X, d) be an arbitrary metric space, and let A c X be compact . Let <p : X ....... R+
be an arbitrary (not necessarily continuous) nonnegative function such that
(B.7) Let (X, d) be an arbitrary metric space and P : X ....... X a map satisfying d(Px , Fy)
< d(x,y) whenever x i= y . Assume that for some z E X, the sequence {pnz} has a
subsequence converging to a point u . Prove: u is a fixed point for P.
[Use (B.6) with <p(x) = d(x , Px) - d(Px, p2x) + d(x, u) .]
(B .8) If (X, d) is a metric space and P : X ....... X is a map, we denote the diameter of the
orbit {pnx I n = 0, 1, .. . } of x E X by o(x) . The map P is said to have shrinking orbits
if for each x with o(x) > 0, there is an n with o(pnx) < o(x) .
Let (X , d) be a bounded metric space, and P : X ....... X a map satisfying d(Px, Py) ::;
d(x , y) for all X, y E X . Assume that for some z E X , the sequence {pnz} has a subse-
quence converging to a point u. Prove: If P has shrinking orbits, then u is a fixed point
for P.
[Show that x t--t o(x) is continuous on X , then apply (B.6) using <p(x) = o(x) -
o(PSx) + d(x,u) for each s;::: 1.]
(B .9) Let (X , d) be a metric space and P : X ....... X continuous. Assume that for
some z E X, the orbit {pnz} contains a convergent subsequence {pni z}. Prove: If
d(pn i z ,pl+ni z) ....... 0, then P has a fixed point .
[Use (B.6) with <p(x) = d(x , u) + d(Px, u), where u = lim pni (x) .]
(B.lO) Let (X, d) be a metric space and P : X ....... X continuous. Assume that there is a
continuous nonnegative real-valued function V : X x X ....... R+ with V - I (0) contained in
the graph of P , and such that inf{V(x,x) I x E X} = O. Show:
(a) If the function <p(x) = Vex , x) has the property in (B.6) relative to some compact
A eX , then P has a fixed point.
(b) If (X,d) is complete and <p(x) = V(x , x) has the property (**) in (5.4), then P
has a fixed point.
§1. Results Based on Completeness 21
(C.2) (Square TOots in Banach algebras) (a) Let E be a Banach algebra, and let z E E
with Ilzll < 1. Show: There exists a unique x E E such that Ilxll < 1 and x 2 - 2x + z = O.
[Letting E(z) be the subalgebra of E generated by z, d any number satisfying Ilzll <
d < 1, and K = K(O, d) n E(z), prove that the map F : K -> K given by
Fx=~(x2+z), xEK,
is contractive and apply the Banach theorem; use the fact that E(z) is commutative.]
(b) Assume E has a unit e (i.e., ex = xe = x for all x E E). Show: If lie - zll < 1,
then z has a "square root", i.e., there exists a unique element y = e - x with x E E(z),
Ilxll < 1 and y2 = z.
(c) Let X be an arbitrary set and B(X) be an algebra of bounded real functions on X
equipped with the sup norm (the product being pointwise multiplication). Show: If B(X)
is complete and contains the unit function, then: (i) any nonnegative function f E B(X)
has a square root f1/2 E B(X), (ii) if f E B(X), then If I = (12)1/2 E B(X), (iii) if
f, 9 E B(X), then max(l, g) and min(j, g) also belong to B(X).
(d) A subset S of B(X) separates points of X if for every pair (x , y) of distinct points
of X there is a function f E S such that f(x) oJ fey). Show: If S is a subalgebra of B(X)
that separates points of X and contains the constant functions, then for any numbers
Q, (3 E R and any distinct x, y EX, there is agE S such that g(x) = Q and g(y) = (3.
(The above results are due to Bonsall- Stirling [1972] and J. Zemanek [1978].)
3. For each x E X choose a nbd Vx of x on which hx(z) > fez) - E; letting {VXi Ii =
1, ... , s} cover X, define h E It as the maximum of the corresponding {h xi Ii = 1, ... , s}
and show II! - hll < E.]
(C.4) (Geometry of fractals) Let (X, d) be a metric space and (CS(X), D) the space of
nonempty closed bounded subsets of X with the Hausdorff metric
(a) F is an a-contraction with a = max{ a1,· .. ,ad.
(b) There exists a unique B E K(X) (called the attractor for the IF-system (*)) such
that B = U7=1 fi(B).
(c) For each x E X , the iterates Fk(x) converge to B in the Hausdorff metric on
[Use the fact that (K(X), D) is complete; cf. Kuratowski [1966].]
(The above results are due to Hutchinson [1981].)
(C.7) (Shadowing property) Let (X, d) be a metric space and f : X -> X. A sequence
{xn}nEZ is called an orbit (respectively a b-orbit , with 15 > 0) for I provided I(xn) = X n +1
(respectively d(f(xn), X n +1) ~ b) for all n E Z . We say that I has the shadowing property
if for each € > 0 we can find a 15 > 0 such that given any b-orbit {Xn} , there exists an
orbit {Yn} such that d(xn , Yn) ~ € for all n E Z.
(a) Let (X, d) be complete and I : X -> X be a-contractive. Show: I has the shad-
owing property.
[Given € > 0, let {Xn} be a b-orbit for I with 15 = €(1 - a). Define (M , (2) by M =
{y = {Yn}nEZ I d(xn, Yn) ~ € for all n E Z}, (2(Y, z) = sup{d(Yn, Zn) I n E Z} and apply
the Banach principle to the map F: M -> M given by Y f-+ {f(Yn-1)}nEZ']
(b) Let E be a Banach space and L E GL(E) a linear isomorphism. We say that L is
hyperbolic provided E = E1 EB E2 and L = L1 EB L2, where Li E GL(Ei ), i = 1,2, with
§1. Results Based on Completeness 23
IIL111 < 1 and IIL2111 < 1. Show: If L E GL(E) is hyperbolic, then L has the shadowing
(The above results are due to Ombach [1993] .)
The Banach theorem and its generalizations are founded on the notion 9f
completeness. We now present some fixed point theorems based on the con-
siderations of order; these results have proved of importance in algebra,
the theory of automata, mathematical linguistics, linear functional analysis,
approximation theory and the theory of critical points.
Let (P, ::S) be a partially ordered set and M cPa nonempty subset. Recall
that an upper (respectively lower) bound for M is an element pEP with
m ::S p (respectively m t p) for each m E M; the supremum of M, if it
exists, is an upper bound for M which is a lower bound for the set of all
upper bounds of M. Recall also that a linearly ordered subset in P is called
a chain. A map F : P - t P is isotone if F(x) ::S F(y) whenever x ::S y .
(1.1) THEOREM (Knaster- Tarski). Let (P,::s) be a partially ordered set
and F : P - t P isotone. Assume that there is abE P such that both
(1) b::s F(b) and
(2) every chain in {x E P I x t b} has a supremum.
Then the set of fixed points of F is not empty, and among them there
is a fixed point ,\ maximal in P (i.e. F('\) = ,\ and there is no fixed
point a with a >- '\) .
PROOF. Consider the partially ordered set
Q = {x I x ::S F(x)} n {x I x t b} ;
this is not empty, because bE Q. Every chain C in Q has an upper bound:
for if u = sup C , then c ::S u for each c E C , so by the isotone property,
c::s F(c) ::S F(u) for each c E C, showing that F(u) is an upper bound for C,
therefore that u ::S F(u) and thus u E Q. By the Kuratowski- Zorn lemma,
there is a maximal element ,\ in Q; since ,\ ::S F('\), we have F('\) ::S F[F('\)],
so F('\) E Q, and if ,\ :I F('\), this would contradict the maximality of '\.
Thus, ,\ is a fixed point, and it is clearly maximal in P. D
In a partially ordered set P, it has been fruitful to regard a countable
chain as being a "sequence" and the supremum of that chain, if it exists,
as being the limit of that "sequence". Guided by this, we define a map F :
P - t P to be continuous if for each countable chain {Ci} having a supremum,
F(SUp{Ci}) = sup[{F(Ci)}]. Observe that a continuous map F : P - t P is
necessarily isotone; for if x ::S y, then y = sup{ x, y}, so by continuity, we
must have F(y) = sup{F(x) , F(y)}, therefore F(x) ::S F(y). For continuous
26 I. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
The constructive character of the formula for the minimal fixed point f-l
in (1.2) is quite important for applications.
The notion of order and the notion of completeness have each led to a fixed
point theorem. We now obtain some results based on an interplay of these
two notions.
Let c.p : X ~ R be any real-valued function on a metric space (X, d) and
,\ a positive number. Following Bishop- Phelps, define a relation :::;cp ,A on X
x :::;cp,A y if and only if '\d(x , y) ::; c.p(x) - c.p(y) .
It is easy to verify that :::;cp,A is a partial ordering in X; the transitivity of
:::;cp,A follows from the triangle inequality. The space X, together with this
partial ordering, is denoted by Xcp,A; we let Xcp = Xcp,l and write :::;cp or
simply:::; for :::;cp,l .
Observe that if x, y E Xcp,A are known to be related, then the condition
c.p(y) ::; c.p(x) alone ensures that '\d(x, y) ::; c.p(x) - c.p(y), i.e., x :::;cp ,A y.
§2. Order-Theoretic Results 27
d(Px , Py) ::; ad(x, y) with a < 1, then d(Px , p 2 x) ::; ad(x, Px) ; therefore
d(x, Px) - ad(x , Px) ::; d(x , Px) - d(Px, p2X) ,
so with the nonnegative function <p(x) = (1 - a)-ld(x , Px), the conditions
of (2.2) are satisfied.
Let K = K(z, r) be a closed ball in a Banach space. For any x (j. K, the
convex hull of x and K is called a drop and is denoted by V(x, K); it is clear
that if y E V(x, K), then V(y, K) c V(x, K), and if z = 0, that Ilyll ::; Ilxll·
R - r
Ily - F(y)11 ::; tlly - bll ::; t(IIYII + Ilbl!) ::; t((J + r)
::; R - r (Ilyll - IIF(y) II)·
(5.1) THEOREM (Ekeland). Let (X, d) be complete , and let 'fJ : X ----+ R be a
lower semicontinuous function with finite lower bound TJ. Let {xn} be
a minimizing sequencefor'fJ and An = ('fJ(Xn)-TJ)1 / 2 > O. Then there
exists a minimizing sequence {Yn} for 'fJ such that for any natural n
we have:
(i) 'fJ(Yn) S; 'fJ(xn) and d(xn , Yn) S; An,
(ii) Yn is a strict minimizer of the function 'fJn : X ----+ R given by
and gives
1 1 2
d(xn, Yn) S; An ('fJ(xn) - 'fJ(Yn)) S; An (TJ + An - TJ) = An;
which (by the definition of the order in Xcp ,>'n ) gives Yn ~cp , >'n z. Since Yn
is maximal in Xcp ,>'n' the last relation implies Yn = z, showing that Yn is a
strict minimizer of 'fJn, as asserted.
(iii) is an obvious consequence of (ii).
Thus we constructed a minimizing sequence {Yn} satisfying (i)- (iii). 0
§2. Order-Theoretic Results 31
(A.l) Let X, Y be two sets and f : X ~ Y, 9 : Y ~ X two maps. Show that X and Y
can be written as disjoint unions, X = Xl U X2 and Y = YI U Y2, where f(X I ) = YI and
g(Y2) = X2. Derive the Bernstein-Schroeder theorem: If both f and 9 are injective, then
there exists a bijective F : X ~ Y.
[Consider the map 'P : 2x ~ 2 x given by A f-+ X - g[Y - f(A)] and use (1.1).]
(A.2) A partially ordered set is called a complete semilattice if every nonempty subset
has a supremum. In a complete semilattice L, show:
(a) Every nonempty set having a lower bound has an infimum.
(b) An isotone map f : L ~ L such that b ::5 f(b) for some bEL, has a maximal
fixed point and a minimal fixed point in {x I b ::5 x}.
[For (a), consider the sup of the set of lower bounds.]
(A.4) Let f , g be isotone maps of a complete semilattice L into itself such that fg(x) =
gf(x) for each x E L. Prove: If gf has a fixed point, then f and 9 have a common fixed
[By (1.1), gf has a maximal fixed point .]
32 I. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
(A.5) Let f, 9 be isotone maps of a complete semilattice into itself such that (a) if x ::S
f(x), then f(x) ::S g(x) , and (b) if f(x) ::S x, then g(x) ::S f(x). Show: If either f or 9 has
a fixed point, then f and 9 have a common fixed point.
(A.6) Let P be a partially ordered set and f : P ---> P be isotone. Assume f(u) ::S u for
some u E P and that every chain in {x I x ::S u} has an infimum. Show: f has a fixed
point minimal in {x I x ::S u}.
[Consider the set P with the partial order x <:: y if and only if y ::S x and use (1.1).]
(A.7) Let P be a partially ordered set and f : P ---> P a map such that f(inf C) = inf f(C)
for every countable chain . Assume f(u) ::S u for some u E P and that every countable
chain in {x I x ::S u} has an infimum. Show: f has a fixed point maximal in {x I x ::S u}.
(A.8) Let P be a partially ordered set and § a nonempty commutative family of isotone
maps (i.e. , fog = go f for every f , g E §). Assume that f(u) ::S u for some u E P and
all f E §, and that every chain in {x I x ::S u} has an infimum. Show: There is a minimal
common fixed point for § (i.e., f(a) = a for all f E § and no ao < a has this property)
(DeMarr [1964]).
(B .1) (Expanding maps) Let X = (X , ::s) be a partially ordered set; for every z E X ,
denote the terminal tail {y I z ::S y} by T(z).
(a) A map F : X ---> X is said to be expanding if x ::S F(x) for each x E X. Show: If
F: X ---> X is expanding, then: (i) every tail in X is invariant under F (i.e., F(T(z)) C
T(z)), (ii) each maximal element of X is a fixed point of F .
(b) A set-valued map F: X ---> 2X is expanding if it admits a single-valued expanding
selector F : X ---> X. Prove: If F : X ---> 2X is expanding then: (i) for every tail T(z)
in X , x f-t F(x) n T(z) defines a set-valued expanding map from T(z) to T( z ), (ii) each
maximal element Xo in X is a fixed point of F, i.e., Xo E F(xo).
(B.2) Let X = (X, d,::s) be a metric space with a partial order. We say that X admits
arbitrarily small tails if given any tail T(z), for each c > 0 there exists T(y) C T(z) with
diam T(y) ::; c. Assume that X is complete and admits arbitrarily small tails. Show:
(a) For any Xo E X there exists an ascending sequence Xo ::S Xl ::S ... in X such that
limxn = x E nT(Xn).
(b) If f : X ---> X is continuous and expanding, then there is an x E X such that
x = f(x) E T(xo) .
(B.3) (Cantor spaces) Let X = (X; d,::s) be a metric space in which a partial order ::S is
defined. We say that X is a partially ordered Cantor space or simply a Cantor space if:
§2. Order-Theoretic Results 33
(i) d is complete, (ii) each tail T(z) is closed in X, and (iii) X admits arbitrarily small
tails. Show: If X is a Cantor space, then:
(i) every tail T(z) in X is a Cantor space,
(ii) X has a maximal element x*,
(iii) every tail T(z) contains at least one maximal element z* E T(z),
(iv) if F : X -+ 2x is expanding, then every tail T(z) in X contains at least one fixed
point of F.
[For (ii), use the Cantor theorem.)
(B.4) Show that the statement (ii) of (B.3) implies the Cantor theorem: If (X, d) is com-
plete and {An} a descending sequence of closed sets in X with 8(An) -+ 0, then nAn
contains exactly one point.
(B.5) Let (X, d) be a complete metric space, <p : X -+ R an arbitrary function and), > O.
Recall that X<.p,).. is the space appearing in (2.1).
(a) Assume <p has a finite lower bound. Show: X<.p,).. admits arbitrarily small tails.
(b) Assume <p is l.s.c. and has a finite lower bound. Prove: X<.p,).. is a Cantor space.
(B.6) Let (X, d) be complete and <p : X -+ R an arbitrary function with a finite lower
bound . Suppose F : X -+ X is a continuous function such that d(x, Fx) S <p(x) - <p(Fx)
for each x E X. Show: F has a fixed point (Br0ndsted [1974]).
(B.7) Let (X, d) be a complete metric space, <p : X -+ R a l.s.c. function with a finite
lower bound, and), > O. Show: If F : X -+ X is any map (not necessarily continuous)
such that d( x, Fx) S <p( x) - <p( Fx) for all x EX, then for each z E X there exists a fixed
point z* of F such that d(z , z*) S <p(z) - <p(z*).
(B.8) Let (X, d) be a complete metric space and <p : X ...... R a l.s.c. function bounded
below. Let F: X ...... 2x be a set-valued map such that for each x E X there is ayE F(x)
satisfying d(x, y) S <p(x) - <p(y). Show: F has a fixed point (W. Takahashi).
[Consider the Cantor space X<.p and observe that F is expanding.]
(B.9) Let (X, d) be a metric space. We say that X is metrically convex if for any distinct
points x,y E X the metric interoal (x,y)x = {z E X I x i= z i= y, d(x , y) = d(x,z) +
d(z,y)} is non empty. Let (X,d) be complete and metrically convex and F: X -+ X be a
continuous map such that for each x i= F(x) there exists a point y E (x, Fx)x satisfying
d(Fx, Fy) S ad(x, y) for some 0 S a < 1. Show: F has a fixed point (F. Clarke).
[Consider the space X<.p with <p(x) = l~Oid(x,Fx) and show that the assumption
x* i= F(x*), where x* is a maximal element in X<.p, leads to a contradiction.]
(B.lO) Let X be a space with a partial order:; such that: (a) each tail T(x) = {y I y ~ x}
is closed, and (b) each nondecreasing sequence Xl :; X2 :; ... converges. Assume that for
each chain C, there is some map <Pc : C -+ R such that <pc(x) > <pc(y) whenever x -< y.
Prove: Given any Xo E X there is a maximal element x* E X such that Xo :; x* .
[Given any chain C, choose Cn E C so that <pc(cn) 1 inf <pc and show that S = {cn}
is cofinal in C; the limit of the sequence {Cn} is an upper bound for C; now use the
Kuratowski- Zorn lemma.]
Let (X,d) and (Y,e) be metric spaces, and let (CB(Y),D) be the space of nonempty
closed bounded subsets of Y with the Hausdorff metric. A family {Ht : X -+ CB(Y)} of
set-valued maps, depending on t E [0,1]' is called a-contractive provided:
34 1. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
(i) D(Ht (xd , Ht (X2)) ::; ad(xI , x2) for all t E [O, IJ and XI , X2 EX ,
(ii) there is a continuous and strictly increasing function r.p : [0, IJ -> R such that
D(Htl (x), H t2 (x)) ::; Ir.p(td - r.p(t2) I for all x E X and tl , t2 E [O,IJ .
(C . 1) Let (X , d) be complete, Xo E X and r > 0. Let T : K(xo, r) -> CB(X) be an
a-contractive map (0 ::; a < 1) such that d(Txo, xo) < (1 - a)r. Prove: T has a fixed
[Define by induction a sequence {Yn} in K(xo , r) such that Yn +l E T(Yn) and
d(Yn+I' Yn) ::; a n (1 - a)r. Then, using the estimate
d(Yn+p , Yn) ::; [1 + a + a 2 + ... + a P- I Ja n (1- a)r,
show that {Yn} is a Cauchy sequence and hence converges to a c ertain Yo E K(xo,r) .
From D(Tyo, TYn) ::; ad(yo, Yn) conclude that YO E Tyo .J
(C.2) Let (X, d) be complete, U C X open , and {Ht : U -> CB(X)} an a-contractive
family of maps which are fixed point free on the boundary au.
(a) Suppose Q = {(t, x) E [O,IJ x U I x E Ht(x)} is nonempty and partially ordered
(t' , x'):::s (tl , X") ¢:} t' ::; til and d(X',X")::; 2(r.p(l~)_-ar.p(t')).
Establish the existence of a maximal element (to, xo) in Q .
[Let P be a chain in Q and t* = sup{t E [O,IJ I (t , x) E P}; take a sequence {(tn, Xt n )}
in P with (tn,Xtn):::S (tn+I,Xtn+l) and tn -> to. Show that Xtn -> x* E U and (t* , x*) is
an upper bound for P. Apply the Kuratowski- Zorn lemma.J.
(b) Show: If Ho has a fixed point , then so does HI (Frigon- Granas [1994]).
[Letting (to , xo) be maximal in Q, suppose to the contrary that to < 1 and choose
t E (to, IJ with
r = 2(r.p(t) - r.p(to)) ::; ~d(xo , aU) .
I-a 2
Then , using (C.1) , find a fixed point x E Ht(x) in K(xo , r), so that (to , xo) -< (t,x) , a
contradiction. J
a Boolean algebra, then given two isotone maps cp, 'lj; : L --+ L and a, bEL
there are c, dEL with cp( a - c) = d and 'lj; (b - d) = c. Several theorems
on equality of cardinalities (for example, the Cantor-Bernstein theorem)
reduce directly to (ii); (i) and (ii) are applicable to topological functions
(closure, derivative); for example (i) gives a familiar result: every closed
set has a largest perfect subset. Tarski's theorem can also be applied to
partial differential equations (Simon et al. [1992]' Simon [2000]), and to
variational inequalities (Jerome [1984]). For applications of the Knaster-
Tarski theorem to differential equations, see Volkmann [1995] in "Additional
References" IVb.
In Amann's survey [1976], the following strengthening of the Knaster-
Tarski theorem is proved: The fixed point set Fix( F IQ), where Q = {x I x j
F(x)} n {x I x ~ b}, contains a fixed point minimal in the set Fix(FIQ);
Amann found a number of applications of this extended version to fixed
point problems of functional analysis.
We mention two other results: (i) Fuchssteiner [1977] obtained a theorem that contains
Tarski's theorem as a special case and implies several fixed point results of functional-
analytic type. (ii) Baclawski and Bjorner [1979] established a (discrete) Hopf-Lefschetz
theorem for isotone maps on finite partially ordered sets. Acyclic sets (i.e., those that are
like a point homologically) are shown to have the fixed point property for isotone maps;
various sufficient conditions for acyclicity are developed .
can be found in Ekeland [1979] (variational problems) and the lecture notes
by Phelps [1993] (convex analysis).
The Bishop- Phelps technique presented in Sections 2 through 5 originated in and
evolved from the work of the above authors in the theory of support functionals in Banach
spaces. Let E be a Banach space and X c E. A point Xo E X is a support point of X if
for some f E E*, called a support functional of X , we have f(xo) = sup{j(x) I x EX}.
The following theorem was established by Bishop- Phelps [1963J: Let C be a closed convex
subset of E . Then (a) the support points of C are dense in the boundary OC of C, and
(b) the support functionals of C are norm dense in the set {j E E* I SUPe f < oo} .
In connection with this result, we make the following comments:
(i) If Int(C) -# 0 then every x E C is a support point of C; this follows at once from
the Mazur separation theorem.
(ii) If C is the closed unit ball in E , then the set {j E E* I f(x) = IIfll for some
x E oC} is norm dense in E* ; this is a special case of the Bishop- Phelps theorem.
(iii) If C is the closed unit ball in E , then [each f E E* is a support functional of CJ
<=} [the space E is reflexiveJ (theorem of James [1972]).
(iv) Let <.p : E ---; R be convex and lower semicontinuous. We define the subdifferential
of <.p at x E E by
o<.p(x) = {j E E* I f(y - x) :::: 'P(y) - 'P(x) for all y E E}.
Because the elements of o'P(x) can be identified with support functionals of the closed
convex epigraph epi('P) C Ex R of <.p at (x, <.p(x)), the Bishop- Phelps theorem leads to
the following result: The set {x EEl o'P(x) -# 0} is dense in E. This frequently used
result (and, in fact , its "extended" version valid for functions <.p possibly equal to 00) is
due to Brondsted- Rockafellar [1965J .
(1) [A] n GXi =f. 0.
element Yi in the set
GXj n [A \ {xdJ,
which is nonempty by the inductive hypothesis, and consider the compact
convex set
Y = [YI, ... ,Yn] C [A].
To establish (1) it is clearly enough to show that n~=l GXi n Y =f. 0. Suppose
that, on the contrary,
nGxinY = 0.
40 I. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
This implies rpn(Zt) --+ 0 as t --+ 1, and hence, for some to sufficiently close
to 1, we get
Furthermore, for any i E [n - 1], because rpi(Yn) = 0, we have
rpi(Zto) :s; tOrpi(fj) + (1 - to)rpi(Yn) < rp(fj).
This, in view of (2), implies that rp(Zto) = max{rpi(Zto) liE [n]} < rp(fj),
and, with this contradiction, the proof is complete. 0
Theorem (1.4) implies at once the main result of this section:
(1.5) THEOREM (Geometric KKM-principle). Let E be an arbitrary linear
topological space , X c E, and G : X --+ 2E a KKM-map with closed
convex values such that Gxo is compact for some Xo EX. Then the
intersection n{ Gx I x E X} is not empty. 0
In the next two sections we illustrate the technique of KKM-maps by
deriving from Theorem (1.5) some further results, including the theorems of
von Neumann and Markoff- Kakutani.
(A) there is a point (xo, YO) E X x Y (called a saddle point for J)
such that
f(x, Yo) :s f(xo, y) for all (x, y) E X x Y,
PROOF. Because (B) follows at once from (A), we need only establish (A).
To this end, define a map G : X x Y --7 2XxY by putting
G(x,y) = {(x',y') E Ex x E y I f(x,y') - f(x',y) :S a}.
By Example (i), because f is concave-convex, G is a KKM-map. Further-
more, because for each (x,y) the function (x',y') f-t f(x,y') - f(x',y) is
convex and l.s .c., the sets G(x, y) are convex and closed. Consequently,
by Theorem (1.5), there exists (xo, Yo) such that (xo , YO) E G(x, y) for all
(x, y) E X x Y; this means exactly that (xo, Yo) is a saddle point for f. 0
From the above theorem we now obtain two important results in the
theory of infinite systems of inequalities.
Let X c E be compact convex in a linear topological space E, and let
p = {ip} be a nonempty family of real-valued functions ip : X --7 R that are
convex and lower semicontinuous. To fo~mulate a general result we let [p]
be the convex hull of P in the vector space RX; we are concerned with the
following two problems:
(2.2) THEOREM. The problems (Pd and (P2) are equivalent. In other
words, either
(a) there is Xo E X satisfying ip(xo) :S 0 for all ip E P, or
(b) there is 1./J E [p] such that 1./J(x) > 0 for all x E X.
and on the product of two compact convex sets X and A, consider the
42 1. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
As is easily seen, f satisfies all the conditions of Theorem (2.1), and conse-
quently it has a saddle point. Thus, there exists (xo, >:) E X x A such that
f(xo, A) ::; f(x , >:) for all (x, A) E X x A. Said differently, there exist Xo EX
and'ljJ = L:~l >:i'Pi E [<p] such that 'Pi(XO) ::; 'ljJ(x) for all i E [n] and x E X.
Now, by (P2), there exists x E X such that 'ljJ(x) ::; 0, so 'Pi(XO) ::; 0 for all
i E [n]; that gives Xo E n~=l S('Pi) , and the proof is complete. 0
Let X be a set and <P = {'P} a nonempty family of real-valued functions
'P : X --t R. We say that <P is concave in the sense of Fan (or simply F-
concave) provided for any convex combination L:~=l Ai'Pi of 'Pl, ... , 'Pn E <P
there is 'P E <P such that 'P(x) 2: L:~=l Ai'Pi(X) for each x E X.
(2.3) COROLLARY. Let X be a nonempty compact convex subset of a linear
topological space E and <P = {'P} an F-concave family of convex l.s. c.
real-valued functions 'P : X --t R. Then the following conditions are
(A) there exists Xo E X such that 'P(xo) ::; 0 for all 'P E <P,
(B) for each 'P E <P there exists x E X such that 'P(x) ::; O.
PROOF. Clearly, it is enough to show that (B)=}(A). To the contrary, sup-
pose that (A) does not hold. Then by Theorem (2.2) there is a convex
combination L:~=l Ai'Pi E [<p] such that
L Ai'Pi(X) > 0
for all x E X ,
and hence, by definition of the F-concave family, we have, for some 'P E <P,
This contradicts (B), and the proof is complete. o
3. Fixed Points of Affine Maps. Markoff-Kakutani Theorem
In this section we first obtain an elementary fixed point theorem for contin-
uous affine maps and then establish the Markoff- Kakutani theorem.
Given a linear topological space E, we denote by E* its conjugate space,
i.e., the space of all continuous linear functionals on E. We say that E has
sufficiently many linear functionals if the elements of E* separate points
of E , i.e., for every nonzero x E E there is an I E E* such that l(x) i- O.
§3. Results Based on Convexity 43
PROOF. Let l be a given element of E*. We first treat the problem of solving
in C the inequality
l(Fy - y) ::; O.
By Theorem (2.2), and because the family <P is convex, this problem reduces
to solving (*) for a given l E E*; but since this was already established, the
proof is complete. 0
for if x E Fix(F1 , ... , Fn- 1 ), then FdFn(x)] = Fn[Fi(X)] = Fn(x) for each
i < n, so Fn(x) E Fix(F1 , ... , Fn-d. Since Fix(F1 , ... , Fn- 1 ) is a nonempty
compact convex set, we conclude from (3.1) that Fix(Fl"" ,Fn) i= 0. This
completes the induction. 0
The Markoff- Kakutani theorem has numerous applications, including a
refined Hahn- Banach theorem the proof of which will be given in the next
Let Cl, ... ,Cn be an 7]-dense set in C and note that given any C E C and
9 E 9, there is at least one Ci such that
For consider the inverse 9 -1 E 9; since the {cd are 7]-dense, there is at least
one Ci with llei - g-l(c)11 ::; 7], so (i) follows from the equicontinuity.
Now let
Cl + ... + Cn
Then, for any C E C and any 9 E 9 we have
A. Geometric KKM-theory
In this subsection a set will be called compact convex if it is a non empty compact convex
subset of a linear topological space.
(A. 1) Let X be a set. Using the notation of Section 1, let A(X), B(X) be two classes of
set-valued maps X -+ 2x defined as follows:
inf sup f(x,y) ::; sup f(x,x).
(A.7) Let Y be compact convex, and let <P = tip} be an F-concave family of convex l.s.c.
real-valued functions ip : Y ---+ R. Show:
[As always (3 ::; Q, it is enough to show Q ::; (3. Supposing the contrary, let A be such that
Q > A > (3, and let t{/ be the family of functions '1f; : X ---+ R of the form '1f; = ip - A, where
ip E <P. Applying (2.3) to t{/, get a contradiction.]
(A.8) (Kneser- Fan theorem) Let X and Y be two nonempty convex subsets of some linear
topological spaces and assume that Y is compact. Let f : X x Y ---+ R satisfy
(i) x>-> f(x, y) is concave for each y E Y ,
(ii) y>-> f(x, y) is l.s.c. and convex for each x E X.
inf sup f(x, y) = sup inf f(x, y)
(B. 1) Let X be a nonempty set and B(X) the Banach space of bounded real-valued
functions on X with Ilfll = sUPxEX If(x)l. By E we denote a closed subspace of B(X)
containing the function e = {e(x)} = {I} , and we let E* be the dual of E. A mean M on
E is a linear functional M E E* such that
(i) M(f) ?:: for f ?:: 0,
(ii) M(e) = l.
A mean M E E* is invariant under a transformation T : X ---+ X provided M(f) =
M (f 0 T) for all fEE.
Let f7 = {T} be a family of transformations T : X ---+ X such that SoT = To S
for all S , T E f7. Show: There is a mean M E E* that is invariant under all T E f7
(Mazur- Orlicz [1953]).
[Equip E* with the weak* topology and consider the convex set K = {M E E* I
° °
M(f) ?:: for f ?:: and M(e) = I}; for each T define an affine map Fr : K ---+ K by
M>-> MT, where Mr(f) = M(f 0 T) for all fEE; apply the Markoff- Kakutani theorem
to the family {Fr hEg.]
(B .2) (Genemlized limits) Show that there exists a method of assigning a "generalized
limit" Limn-->oo to every bounded real-valued sequence {Xn} in such a way that
(i) Limn-->oo Xn = Limn-->oo Xn+l,
(ii) Limn-->oo(QXn + (3Yn) = Q Limn-->oo Xn + (3 Limn-->oo Yn,
(iii) Limn-->oo Xn ?:: if Xn ?:: 0,
(iv) lim infn--> 00 Xn ::; Limn-->oo Xn ::; limsuPn-->oo Xn,
(v) if {Xn} is a convergent sequence, then Limn-->oo Xn = limn-->oo Xn
(Mazur [1927]).
48 1. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
(B.3) Let X be a compact topological space, G an abelian group, and let {Sa}aEG be
a family of homeomorphisms of X onto X such that Sa 0 Sb = Sa+b for all a, bEG. A
Borel measure p, on X is invariant under {Sa}aEG if p,(A) = P,(SaA) for all a E G and
all p,-measurable sets A C X. Show: There exists on X an invariant measure p, such that
p,(X) = 1 (Kryloff- Bogoliouboff [1937]).
[First observe that using the Riesz representation theorem, it is enough to prove
the existence of a positive linear functional on the space C(X) that is invariant under
{Sa}aEG; then use (B.1).]
(B.4) Let S be a semigroup and f : S -> R any function. For a fixed a E S we let
Laf(x) = f(ax) for each xES ; Laf is the left translate of f by a. Let E be a linear
subspace of B(S) such that xES and fEE imply Lxf E E. A left-invariant mean M
on E is a mean such that M(Lxf) = M(f) for all xES and fEE . A semigroup S is
left-amenable if there is a left-invariant mean on B(S) . Show: Every abelian semigroup is
left-amenable (Day [1961]).
(B.5) Let G be a locally compact topological group and CB(G) the Banach space of all
continuous bounded functions on G with the sup norm. We say that a function f E CB( G)
is almost periodic (written f E AP(G)) provided its orbit under left translations tY(f) =
{Lx! I x E G} is relatively compact in CB(G). Prove: If f E AP(G), then K = Conv tY(f)
contains a constant function.
[For each a E G define an affine map Ta : K -> K by Ta! = La!, and apply the
Kakutani theorem to the family {Ta}aEG.]
Geometric KKM-theory
The topological KKM-property was discovered by Knaster- Kuratowski-
Mazurkiewicz [1929]. Really, though, the KKM-theory in the infinite-dimen-
sional setting began with the articles of Fan [1961]' [1964], [1966], in which
the significance of the topological KKM-property was brought to light and
diverse applications were given. Several of those results were simplified
and codified by Browder [1968], who introduced to the theory the tech-
nique of selection of set-valued maps. The term "KKM-map" (introduced
in Dugundji-Granas [1978]) was employed for the first time in a systematic
way in Lassonde [1983]. In §3, we are concerned with the "geometric" part
of the theory of KKM-maps; the "topological" part is treated in Chapter
II. The presentation of results in §3, including the formulation of the "ge-
ometric KKM-principle" (1.5), follows Granas- Lassonde [1991]. We remark
that (1.5) (which appeared in a different form in Asakawa [1986]) can be
shown to be in fact equivalent to the following theorem of Klee [1951] (see
also Berge's monograph [1959]): If C 1 , ... , C n + 1 are closed convex subsets
of a Euclidean space R S , any n of which have nonempty intersection, and
U~~11 Ci is convex, then n~~11 Ci =f. 0.
The following are some applications of the geometric KKM-principle
discussed in §§3 and 4:
§3. Results Based on Convexity 49
Theorem (3.2) was proved by Markoff [1936] with the aid of the Schauder-
Tychonoff fixed point theorem. Kakutani [1938] found a direct elementary
proof of (3.2) (valid in any linear topological space, not necessarily locally
convex), and demonstrated the importance of the result by giving a number
of applications; he also showed that (3.2) (together with the fact that a Ty-
chonoff cube is compact) permits one to prove the Hahn- Banach principle.
The following extension of the Markoff- Kakutani theorem is due to Day
[1961]: Let K be a compact convex set in a locally convex space, and let S
be a left-amenable (see (B.4)) semigroup of continuous affine maps acting
on K. Then there is a common fixed point under S. Because every abelian
semigroup is left-amenable and since in the formulation of (3.2) a "commut-
ing family" can clearly be replaced by an "abelian semigroup", the result of
Day contains the Markoff- Kakutani theorem as a special case.
The proof of Kakutani's theorem (4.3) is presented for normed linear
spaces using the approach given in Hurewicz's lectures. An extension of the
above theorem to locally convex spaces as well as other fixed point results
for families of affine maps are given at the end of Chapter II.
50 1. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
at least one of the terms on the right, say the first, must satisfy
Iia - F(a)11 'S 2V(E + ~llx - yll)2 - (~lIx - yll)2 = 2..foJE + Ilx - yll,
and since both E and Ilx - yll do not exceed c5(C), the proof is complete. D
An = QSn2 nB (0, d+ ~) .
Then An is a descending sequence of nonempty closed sets. We calculate
the diameter of An: if x, yEAn, then 110 - xii'S d + lin, 110 - yll 'S d + lin,
and by our observation above, 110 - (x + y)/211 ~ dn ; therefore, by (1.1)
§4. Further Results and Applications 53
we find
This is certainly true for Ilull :s; c since r(u) = u ; and if Ilull 2: c, we have
Igl = O'.5.t'.5.T
max e-Ltlg(t)l·
:S Lig - hi max e- Lt
O'.5.t'.5.T Jot e Ls ds
eLt - 1
= Lig - hi max e- Lt _ __
O'.5.t'.5.T L
:S (1 - e-LT)lg - hi.
Because 1- e- LT < 1, the map F : E --+ E is contractive; Banach's principle
therefore guarantees first a unique fixed point U E E, and then that the
sequence {un} determined by the iterations described in the statement of
the theorem converges uniformly in the norm Ixl, therefore also in the sup
norm Ilxll, to that fixed point. 0
Observe that if we had used the sup norm Ilxll rather than Ixl, then F
would be contractive when regarded as a map C[O, A] --+ C[O, A], where A <
min{T, 1/ L}. Thus, if T > 1/ L, then the Banach principle with the usual
sup norm would have guaranteed a unique solution only on a subinterval of
[0, T], whereas by modifying the norm we have shown that in fact there is a
unique solution on the entire interval [0, T].
§4. Further Results and Applications 57
and (3.1) we find that J is in fact invertible; and since S-l = T- 1 J-1, the
norm estimate follows from (3.1). 0
These results lead to
(3.3) THEOREM. Let E be a Banach space and J21 C 2(E, E) the set of all
invertible linear operators. Let Inv : J21 ---+ J21 be the map T I-t T- 1 .
Then J21 is open in 2(E, E) and Inv is a homeomorphism of J21 onto
PROOF. By (3.2), for each T E J21, the ball B(T, 1/(21IT-111)) is also con-
tained in J21; therefore J21 is open in 2(E, E). To prove that Inv is continuous
at any given T E J21, it is enough to note that if S E B(T, 1/(21IT- 111)), so
that 111- ST- 1 11 < ~, then by (3.2) we have S E J21 and
IIS- 1- T- 111 = IIT- 1(T - S)S - lll
< IIT- 111 2 liT _ SII < 211T- 1 11 2 11T - SII·
1-III - ST-11I - ,
and since Inv 0 Inv = id, it follows that Inv is a homeomorphism. 0
Let E, F be Banach spaces and S : E ---+ F a linear operator. If there is
some m > 0 such that IISxll F : : : mllxll E for all x E E, then it is immediate
that S is injective; if such an S is also surjective, then it is invertible because
IIS-1yIIE ~ (l/m)llyIIF for all y E F shows that the inverse is continuous.
The following result extends this observation to suitable perturbations of
such operators, and is of importance in work with "a priori" estimates for
linear differential operators.
(3.4) THEOREM (Schauder invertibility theorem). Let E, F be Banach
spaces and S, T : E ---+ F two linear operators, with S invertible.
Assume that there is an m > 0 such that for each 0 ~ t ~ 1, the
operator L t = (1 - t)S + tT satisfies IILtxll F : : : mllxll E for all x E E.
Then L t is invertible for all 0 :::; t :::; 1, and in particular , T is
PROOF. We begin by showing that if an operator Ls is invertible, then for
each t in the open interval J s = {t I It - sl < m/IIT - SII}, the operator
L t is invertible or, what is equivalent, that L-;l L t : E ---+ E is invertible for
each t E J s . For this purpose, note that
Lt = S + s(T - S) + (t - s)(T - S) = Ls + (t - s)(T - S),
§4. Further Results and Applications 59
so that
L;l L t = 1+ (t - s)L;l(T - S).
Because IILsxll F 2: mllxll E , we have IIL;lll ::; 11m, so for t E J s, we find
IIF(xd - F(X2) II ::; Mllx1 - x211 :s; ~ IIx1 - x211 for all Xl, x2 E V
Thus, by (1.2.1), the map f : V --+ E is a homeomorphism onto the open
set W = f(V) containing f(O) = 0, and the proof of both (1) and (2) is
complete. We observe, for later reference, that if x, a E V, then
so that
Ilx - all:=; 21If(x) - f(a)ll·
We now prove (3). Let 9 : W ----> V be the inverse of flV. Given y, bE W,
let g(b) = a, g(y) = x, and write Df(a) = T. By the differentiability of f at
a, we have
f(x) - f(a) = T(x - a) + tp(x, a),
where tp(x, a)/llx - all ----> 0 as Ilx - all ----> O. Applying T- 1 to this expression
and noting that f(x) = y, f(a) = b, we find
T-1(y - b) = g(y) - g(b) + T - 1tp[g(y),g(b)]
so it suffices to show that
R = IIT-1tp[g(y),g(b)]11 ----> 0 as Ily - bll ----> O.
Ily - bll
Because glW : W ----> V is bijective, we have
R < IIT-1111Itp[g(y), g(b)]llllg(y) - g(b)11
- Ilg(y) - g(b)11 Ily - bll
< 21IT- 1 11 Iltp [g(y),g(b)lll = 21IT- 1 11 1Itp (x,a)11
- Ilg(y)-g(b)11 IIx-all'
where we have used the observation above that Ilx - all:=; 21If(x) - f(a)11
on V, i.e. , Ilg(y)-g(b)11 :=; 211y-bll on W. Thus, as Ily-bil ----> 0, the continuity
of 9 shows that Ilx - all ----> 0, and therefore R ----> O. This completes the proof
of (3).
To prove (4) , we note that W I----t Dg( w) is the composition Inv oD fog
of three continuous maps, so it is continuous on W.
This completes the proof of the theorem in the special case where f (0) = 0
and D f(O) = I. To prove the theorem as it is stated, apply this special case
to the function
h(x) = [Df(xo)r1(f(x + xo) - f(xo)). o
c. Stability of open embeddings and monotone operators
As a corollary we have
(3.9) THEOREM. Let f : H --t H be a Lipschitzian and strongly monotone
map. Then f is a homeomorphism of H onto itself.
PROOF. By (3.8) it is enough to show that f(H) is closed in H. Let fXn --t y;
from (ii) and the Cauchy inequality we get
Ilfxn - fXml1 2: Cllxn - xmll for all n , m 2: 1,
and hence {xn} is a Cauchy sequence. Let Xn --t X; then fXn --t fx, and
hence y = fx. 0
The class of linear spaces for which such deleting homeomorphisms exist
is very broad because of
(3.11) LEMMA. Every infinite-dimensional Banach space (E, 11·11) admits a
noncomplete norm 1·1 with Ixl : : :; Ilxll for all x E E.
PROOF. Assume first that E is separable. Choose a countable separat-
ing family {fn I n = 1,2, . .. } of continuous linear functionals such that
Ifn(x)1 :::::; (l/n)llxll for each n, and define T : E --- l2 by T(x) = Un(x)} .
This is a continuous linear operator, and T : E --- T(E) is bijective be-
cause the family Un} is separating. If the linear subspace T(E) C l2 were
complete, then because a bijective continuous linear map of Banach spaces
is a homeomorphism, the inverse T- 1 : T(E) --- E would be continuous;
but this is impossible because T{x Illxll :::::; I} is easily seen to be compact ,
and E is infinite-dimensional. Thus, the l2 norm on T(E) is not complete,
and defining Ilxllo = IIT(x)11 gives an incomplete norm on E. We note that
IIxllo :::::; J2:(1/n2) Ilxll, so that II . 110 is continuous.
Now let E be arbitrary. Pick a separable infinite-dimensional closed linear
subspace LeE and an incomplete norm II . 110 on L. Let A = {x ELI
Ilxllo < I} ; because 11·110 is continuous, there is an E > 0 such that L n {x I
Ilxll < c} c A. Let C = conv[A U {x I Ilxll < E}l; since C is a symmetric
convex body with no rays, the Minkowski functional 'Pc gives a norm, and
because 'Pc(x) = Ilxllo for x E L, that norm is not complete. Finally, the
continuity of 'Pc implies that
b = sup{'Pc(x) Illxll :::::; I}
is finite, so Ixl = b-1'Pc(x) is an incomplete norm with Ixl : : :; Ilxll. 0
Combining this with (3.10) gives
(3.12) THEOREM (Klee). Let E be an arbitrary infinite-dimensional normed
linear space , and C c E compact. Then there is a homeomorphism
h: E- C::::::: E .
PROOF. We can assume that E is a Banach space , else the result follows
directly from (3.10). By (3.11) , there is an incomplete norm Ixl : : :; Ilxll ;
denote (E , I .I) by E; the identity map j : E --- E is therefore con-
64 I. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
j 1 1j
E- C ---;:---*
commutative. Finally, define 9 : E --t E - C by
g(x) = x + <p[1 - d(h-1j(x), C)];
this map is also continuous. We have
g[h(x)] = h(x) + <p[1 - d(h- 1jh(x), C)]
= {x - <p[1 - d(j(x), C)]} + <p[1 - d(h-1hj(x), C)]
and similarly hog = id. Thus, h : E - C --t E is a homeomorphism having
9 as its inverse. 0
Let (H, II . II) be a Hilbert space. From the parallelogram equality it follows
immediately that the norm II· II in H is uniformly convex, i.e., if {x n } and
{Yn} are sequences in H such that the numerical sequences IIxnll, llYn II , and
~lIxn + Ynll converge to 1, then the sequence {lIx n - Ynll} tends to O.
§4. Further Results and Applications 65
(4.1) LEMMA. Let (H, II· II) be a Hilbert space and {Cn} be a decreasing
sequence of nonempty closed convex subsets of H. Suppose that d =
sUPn d(O, Cn) is finite. Then there exists a unique point x E n C n
such that II xii = d.
PROOF. Let (1) be the set of all finite subsets of I containing io. For
any J E (1), let C J = n{ Cj I j E J} and note that since each C J is a
nonempty closed convex subset of Cia' the supremum d = SUPJE(I) d(O, C J )
is finite.
Let {In } be an increasing sequence of sets in (1) with d(O, CJJ "2:': d-lln.
Then {CI n } is a decreasing sequence of nonempty closed convex sets in H
such that d = sUPn d(O, CJJ. Applying Lemma (4.1), we get a unique point
x E nn C Jn with Ilxll = d.
Next, let J E (1) be arbitrary, and set C n = C J n C Jn . Again, {Cn }
is a decreasing sequence of nonempty closed convex sets in H such that
d = sUPn d(O, Cn), so by Lemma (4.1), there is a unique point x' E nn C n =
C J n nn C Jn with Ilx/ll = d. By the uniqueness it is evident that x = x'
belongs to C J .
Finally, we observe that the point x belongs to C J for all J E (1), which
proves that the set n{ C i liE I} ~ n{ C J I J E (I)} is not empty. 0
b. Theorem of Stampacchia
A function <p : X --> R on a subset of a normed linear space is said to
be coercive if {x E X I <p( x) ~ r} is bounded for each r E R. If H is a
Hilbert space, a bilinear form a : H x H --> R is coercive if the function
x r--+ a(x , x)/llxll is coercive on H - {O}.
(4.4) THEOREM (Stampacchia). Let C be a nonempty closed convex subset
of a Hilbert space H, a : H x H --> R a continuous coercive bilinear
form, and 1 : H --> R a continuous linear form. Then there exists a
unique point Yo E C such that a(yo , Yo - x) ~ l(yo - x) for all x E C .
PROOF. It follows from the coercivity of a that a(x , x) > 0 for all x i=- 0, so
there can be at most one solution. Consider the map G : C --> 2c given by
Gx = {y E C I a(y, y - x) ~ l(y - x)}.
It is easy to check that the values of G are closed, convex (since x r--+ a (x, x)
is continuous and convex) and bounded (because a is coercive); furthermore,
since x E Gx, and the cofibers of G are convex, it follows from (3.1.2) that
G is a KKM-map. Therefore, by (4.3), there is a Yo E nXEC Gx, which was
to be proved. 0
We note that the special case C = H of (4.4) yields
(4.5) THEOREM (Lax- Milgram- Vishik). Let a: H x H --> R be a contin-
uous coercive bilinear form. Then for any continuous linear form I :
H --> R there exists a unique point Yo E H such that a(yO , x) = l(x)
for all x E H.
PROOF. By the Stampacchia theorem, because C = H, there exists a unique
Yo E H such that a(yO, z) ~ l(z) for all z E H; replacing in this inequality z
by -z we obtain a(yo, z) 2: l(z) for all z E H , and the conclusion follows. 0
i=l i=l
By multiplying each of the above inequalities by >"j, then summing over all
j, and using the convexity of y f-t g(x, y), we finally get
n n
L >"ig(Xi, YO) + L >"jg(Xj, YO) :::; o.
i=l j=l
This implies that g(Xi' Yo) :::; 0 for at least one point Xi, i.e., Yo E U~l YXi,
as asserted. 0
We are now able to prove the desired result:
(4.10) THEOREM. Let T : H -+ 2H be a monotone set-valued operator
and u : H -+ H be a single-valued, linear, monotone, and bounded
operator. Set D = D(T) and C = Conv D(T). Assume that for some
Xo ED the set
{yECI sup (u(y)+x*,y-xo) :::;O}
x' ETxo
On the other hand, the values of G are closed and convex (because the
function y f--+ (u(y) , y) is continuous and convex on C), and the value Gxo
is bounded by assumption. By the elementary KKM-principle (4.3), we get
n{GxlxED}1=0. 0
(4.11) COROLLARY (Minty). Let T : H --> 2H be a maximal monotone
operator. Then:
(a) J + T is surjective (I denotes the identity operator on H) ,
(b) if D(T) is bounded, then T is surjective.
PROOF. (a) It is clearly enough to show that 0 E (J +T)(H). By (4.10) with
u = J, there is Yo E C = Conv D(T) such that
(x* - (-Yo) , x - Yo) 2: 0 for all x E D(T) and x* E Tx.
Because T is maximal monotone, we derive that -Yo E Tyo , or equivalently,
that 0 E Yo + Tyo.
(b) As in (a), it is sufficient to show that 0 E T(H). Since T is maxi-
mal, D(T) is not empty, and therefore C is closed, convex, bounded, and
nonempty. By (4.10) with u = 0, we find Yo E C such that
(x*, x - Yo) 2: 0 for all x E D(T) and x* E Tx.
Since T is maximal monotone, this implies that 0 E Tyo. o
In this section, using the Markoff- Kakutani theorem, Theorem (3.2.2) and
the fact that a Tychonoff cube is compact, we derive some basic facts of
linear functional analysis.
Let E be a vector space and E' the algebraic dual of E. We recall that
a functional p : E --> R is said to be sublinear if
(i) p(x + y) :s: p(x) + p(y) for all x, y E E,
(ii) p(o:x) = o:p(x) for all 0: 2: 0 and x E E.
Note that if p is sublinear, then 0 = p(O) = p(x + (-x)) :s: p(x) + p(-x),
and therefore
(iii) -p( -x) :s: p(x) for each x E E.
functionals (the evaluation maps f ~ f(x) are in fact linear and continuous
from RE to R). Consider now the sets
Xo = II [-p( -x),p(x)],
Xl ={g E Xo I -p( -x) :S g(x + y) - g(y) :S p(x) for all x, y E E};
clearly, both Xo and Xl are nonempty (because from -p(y-x) :S p(x) -p(y)
:S p(x - y) it follows that p E Xl). They are both convex and compact (by
the Tychonoff theorem).
We define a family {Ty lyE E} of maps Ty : Xl ---+ Xl by
(Tyg)(x) = g(x + y) - g(y) for x E E.
Clearly, the family {Ty} consists of continuous affine maps and is commuting.
By the Markoff-Kakutani fixed point theorem, there exists an f E Xl such
Ty f = f for all y E E,
PROOF. Clearly, (A)=>(B); we are going to show that (B) implies (A). Con-
sider the convex sets
Xo = II [-p( -x),p(x)],
Y = {f E E' I-p(-x) :s: f(x):S: p(x) for all x E E}.
By Lemma (5 .1), Y is nonempty, and because Y is closed in X o, it is also
Consider now the family tP = {'Pt I t E T} of continuous affine functions
'Pt : Y -----) R defined by 'Pt (f) = ,Bt - f (Xt) for fEY, and examine the
following two conditions:
(C) there exists an fEY such that
'Pt(f) = ,Bt - f(xt) :s: ° for all 'Pt E tP,
§4. Further Results and Applications 73
(D) for every convex combination 'Ij; = I: )..i'Pti E [<P] = conv<P of ele-
ments of <P, there is an fEY such that
L )..ifJti :S f ( L )..iXti ) ,
and thus 'Ij; (f) = I: )..i[fJti - f(xd] :S 0; hence (D) is true, and the proof is
complete. 0
As an immediate consequence we obtain a refined version of the Hahn-
Banach theorem:
(5.4) THEOREM . Let p : E -----t R be a sublinear functional, C a convex
subset of E and 9 : C -----t R a concave function such that g(y) :S p(y)
for all y E C. Then there is a linear functional fEE' such that
g(y) :S f(y) for all y E C and f(x) :S p(x) for all x E E.
PROOF. Take T = C, fJt = g(t), and Xt = t for t E C; then condition (B) of
(5 .3) is satisfied. Consequently, by the Mazur- Orlicz theorem, there exists a
linear functional fEE' such that f(x) :S p(x) for all x E E and g(t) :S f(t)
for all t E C . 0
Another consequence is concerned with an extended version of the clas-
sical moments problem:
(5.5) THEOREM. Let E b e anormed linear space, {Xm}~=l a given se-
quence in E , and {cm}~= l a sequence of real numbers. Then the
following two conditions are equivalent:
(A) there exists a linear functional f E E* such that f(x m ) 2': Cm for
all m = 1,2, ... and Ilfll :S M , where M > 0,
(B) for every convex combination I:~= l )..iXi of the points Xl,' .. , Xn
we have
Mil t)..iXill·
i= l
(A. 1) (Systems oj linear equations) Consider the infinite system of linear equations
L00 (
1, L Ibil P < 00,
i=1 j=1 i=1
(c) letting Ci = SUp{laijll j = 1, 2, ... }, we have
function. Assume that for a real parameter >.,
Show: The integral equation u(s) = J(s) + >. I K(s , t)u(t) dt (a ~ s ~ b), where J E
£2[a , bJ, has a unique solution u E £2[a,bJ.
(A .3) (Application oj the nonlinear alternative for contractive maps) We seek the solutions
to the initial value problem
IJ(t , x) - J(t , y)1 ~ lrlx - yl for all t E [0, TJ and x, y E [-r, rJ,
Prove: If T < 10
ds/r.p(s), then the initial value problem (P) has a unique solution
x E C 1 ([0, TJ).
§4. Further Results and Applications 75
depending on a parameter).. E [0,1]. Fix an M so that T < JoM ds/<.p(s) and show that
if x is a solution of the problem (P A ) for some ).., then Ix(t)1 < M for all t E [0, T]. Let
L = 1M be the constant given in (a), and define the norm II IlL in C([O, T]) by
(iv) If C = Ho is a linear subspace of H, then r : H --> Ho is the orthogonal projection
(i.e., for each x E H, (x - r(x), y) = for all y E Ho).
(Parts (i) and (iv) are due to Nikodym [1931].)
76 1. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
(B.5) (Complementarity problem) Let R+ = {x = (Xl, . .. ,xn) ERn I x i ~ for all i},
and let F : R n -+ Rn. The complementarity problem is to find yO E R+ such that
F(yo) E R+ and (F(yo) , YO) = 0.
(a) Show: The following statements are equivalent: (i) Yo E R+ is a solution of the
complementarity problem, (ii) (F(yo) , Yo - x) SO for all x E R+ .
[For (ii)=>(i) , note that if yO E R+ solves (ii) , then letting ei E R n be the standard
unit basis, we have x = Yo + ei E R+ for each i E [n], and therefore F(yo) E R+ by (ii) ;
deduce that (F(yo), YO) S and finally that (F(yo), YO) = 0.]
(b) Let F : R n -+ R n be strongly monotone and continuous on the cone R+. Show:
The complementarity problem for F has a unique solution.
(The above results are due to Karamardian [1972].)
(B.6) Let C = {x E H I IIxll S r} and f : C -+ H be monotone and hemicontinuous.
Prove: if f(y) I- >..y for all >.. < and lIyll = r , then there is Yo E C such that f(yo) = O.
[Apply (4.6) to get yO E C with (fyO , Yo - x) SO for all x E X, consider two cases:
lIyoll = rand Ilyoll < r .]
(B.7) Let f : H -+ H be monotone and hemicontinuous. Prove: If (jx , x)/llxll -+ 00
uniformly as IIxll -+ 00, then f is surjective (G . Minty).
[Given yO E H consider x >-> g(x) = f(x) - Yo and apply (B .6) to the map 9 : H -+ H
on a sufficiently large ball.]
(B.8) Let C C H be a closed convex set, and let r : H -+ C be the map sending each
x E H to its nearest point in C. Show: r: H -+ C is nonexpansive.
[Use the reasoning in the latter half of (1.4).]
(B .9) Show: The nonlinear alternative (1.5) for nonexpansive maps and its corollaries
(1.6)(a)- (d) remain valid if in (1.5) and (1.6) the closed ball in H is replaced by any
closed convex bounded subset C C H with E Int(C).
(B.lO) Let C be a bounded closed convex subset of a Hilbert space and § be a family of
commuting nonexpansive maps of C into C . Show: The maps in § have a common fixed
point (F . Browder) .
(c) Let C be a closed convex set in a uniformly convex Banach space E. Show: For
each Xo E E, there is a unique u E C with Ilxo - ull = infCEC Ilxo - cli .
(C.2) Let K oo = {x = {xd E Co I lIxll = sUP1<i<oo IXi l ::; I} be the unit ball in co ·
Show that 'P: K oo --> K oo given by (Xl , X2 , . .. ) ~ (1 , Xl , X2, .. . ) is a nonexpansive map
without fixed points (Beals) .
(C .3) Let E be a Banach space. A set 8 c E is star-shaped if there is some p E 8 such
that tx + (1 - t)p E 8 for all x E 8 and 0 ::; t ::; 1. A set A c 8 is called an attractor for
a map F : 8 --> 8 provided
(a) Let 8 be a compact star-shaped subset of a Banach space. Prove: Every nonex-
pansive F : 8 -+ 8 has a fixed point.
(b) Let 8 be a star-shaped subset of a Banach space and F : 8 --> 8 a nonexpansive
map with a compact attractor . Show: F has a fixed point (Gohde [1965]).
[Assuming, without loss of generality, that 0 E 8, establish that given J.. E (0 , 1) there
is a point x>. E 8 satisfying lix>. - FX>.II ::; d(l- J..), where d = 0(8); then find a point Y>.
in a compact attractor A of F such that Ily>. - Fn(>') (x>.) II ::; (1- J..) for a sufficiently large
integer n(J..). Establish the inequality liy>. - FY>.1i ::; (1 - J..)(d + 2) and use compactness
of A to conclude the proof.]
(C.4) Let E be a Banach space, and ACE any nonempty subset. Let
(C.6) The following example of Alspach [1981J shows that if C is a weakly compact convex
set in a Banach space, then a nonexpansive T : C --> C need not have a fixed point.
Let T : ]2 --> ]2 be the "baker's transformation"
E. Selected results
(E. 1) (Elementary implicit function theorem) Let (El, II II) and (E2, I I) be Banach spaces,
and let U C El be open and V C E2 be open connected. Assume H : V x V -> El is a
continuous map with the following properties:
(i) IIH(u, v) - H(u', v)11 ::; allu - u'll , where 0::; a < 1 and a is independent of v,
(ii) H(u , v) =I u for any (u , v) E aU x V,
(iii) for some vo E V the equation H(u,vo) = u has a unique solution u E U.
(a) For each v E V the equation H(u, v) = u has a unique solution uv.
(b) The assignment v ....... Uv is a continuous map from V to U.
(c) If the restriction HI(U x V) : U X V -> El is C 1, then the assignment v ....... Uv is
a C 1 map from V to U.
(E.2) (Miranda theorem) Let Ell E2 be Banach spaces and H : El X [0,1] -> E2 be a
continuous map with the following properties:
80 1. Elementary Fixed Point Theorems
(i) (x, t) >--> H(x, t) admits a continuous partial derivative Hx : E1 x [O,lJ --->
2'(E1,E2) with respect to x E El,
(ii) the set {x E E1 I H(x, t) = 0 for some t E [0 , I]} is compact ,
(iii) if H(x, t) = 0 for some x and t, then the linear operator Hx(x, t) is invertible ,
(iv) for some to E [0, 1J the equation H(x , to) = 0 has a unique solution .
Show: The equation H(x, t) = 0 has a unique solution for each t E [0, 1J (Miranda [1971]).
(E.3) (Hartman theorem) Let (E , I I) be a Banach space and (,#(E, E), II II) the Banach
space of bounded uniformly continuous functions P : E -> E with the sup norm II II. Let
L E GL(E) be a given hyperbolic isomorphism: E = E1 EB E2, LIEi = Li E GL(Ei) ,
i = 1, 2, with II L111 < 1 and IIL;-lll < l. We assume that a = max(IILIII, IIL;-lll) < 1 and
that E is given the norm IX1 + x21 = max(lx11, IX21) for Xi E E i , i = 1, 2.
(a) For l/ > 0 let
Call 2'1/(L) admissible if its elements are Lipschitz isomorphisms of E onto itself. Show:
1° 2'1/(L) c ~(E,E) is a complete metric space. 2° 2'1/(L) is admissible for smalil/.
[For 2°, use elementary domain invariance. J
(b) Let 2'1/(L) be admissible and assume that A = L + A and A' = L + A' are two
elements of 2'1/ (L). Consider the equation
(iii) { PI = [L I P1 + A~ (1 + p) - AdA - I,
P2 = L;-1[p2A + A2 - A~(l + p)J,
where Pi , Li , Ai , A~ (i = 1, 2) are the components of P, L, A, A', respectively, with respect
to the splitting E = E1 EB E2.
(d) Define a map H : ~(E, E) x 2'1/(L) x 2'1/(L) -> ~(E, E) by
(E.4) (Bruhat-Tits theorem) Let (X, d) be a complete metric space that satisfies the
following semiparallelogram law : for any a, bE X there is a point z E X such that for all
x EX ,
(a) Prove: The point z in (*) is the midpoint between a and b, i.e. , d(a,z) +d(b, z) =
id(a, b) .
(b) Let A be a bounded subset of X. Show: There exists a unique closed ball K(a,r)
in X of minimal radius containing A (J.-P. Serre).
[For uniqueness, use (a) ; for existence, consider a sequence of closed balls K(an , rn) :J
A with rn ....... r. Prove that {an} is a Cauchy sequence and that K (a, r), where a = lim an ,
is the desired ball.]
(c) Let '§ be a group of isometries of X . Show: If '§ has a bounded orbit '§(x) , then
'§ has a common fixed point (Bruhat- Tits [1972]).
[Letting K(x ,r) be the unique closed ball of minimal radius containing '§(x) , prove
that x is a common fixed point of '§.]
Nonexpansive maps appear for the first time in Kolmogoroff [1933], where
they were used in the axiomatic treatment of measure theory. Pontrjagin and
Schnirelmann [1932] used the notion in dimension theory and established the
following result: If X is a compact metric space with dim X ~ r, then there
exists a non expansive map !.p : X -+ R r such that dim !.p (X) = r.
In Section 1 we give only a few theorems that are related to the con-
traction principle. Theorem (1.3) is a special case of more general results
(see (C .1(b))) obtained independently by Browder [1965], Gohde [1965], and
Kirk [1965]. Earlier, a general fixed point result for isometries was obtained
by Brodskir- Milman [1948]. All the above authors used weak-topology ar-
guments in the proofs of their results; the elementary proof of (1.3) given in
the text is due to Goebel [1969]. We remark that in (1.3), the sequence of
iterates {Fn(x)} does not necessarily converge to a fixed point of F; it can
be proved, however, that for each x E C the sequence (x + Fx + ... + Fnx)
converges weakly to a fixed point of F (Baillon [1975]).
We also remark that the nonlinear alternative for nonexpansive maps (1.5) remains
valid for nonexpansive set-valued maps in uniformly convex spaces (Frigon [1995]). For
single-valued maps , (1.5) and its corollaries (1.6) can be easily deduced (as observed by
Z. Guennoun) from the following result given in Browder's survey [1976] : Let E be a uni-
formly convex Banach space , C c E be closed , convex, and bounded , and F : C ....... E be
nonexpansive. Then the nonexpansive field f (x) = x - Fx is demiclosed on C, i. e., if {Xn}
in C converges weakly to x and {f(Xn)} converges strongly to y, then x E C and f(x) = y.
The proofs of the above two results can be found in Berger's book [1977].
For some other related results the reader is referred to Caratheodory-
Rademacher [1917] and Ambrosetti- Prodi [1972].
1. Preliminary Remarks
EEl x L AiPi; 0 S Ai S 1, L Ai
s s
{x = = 1}
i=O i=O
is called the (closed) s-simplex with vertices Po, ... ,Ps and is denoted
by [Po, ... ,PsJ· If the vertices do not have to be explicitly stated, a
simplex is denoted by (J or (Js, the upper index indicating its dimen-
86 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
(/5 is convex, it is easy to see that the diameter 5((/5) of (/5 is the length of
its longest edge.
A simplex is obviously a compact metric space. Moreover, because the
°: :;
set of its vertices is affinely independent, each x E (/5 = [Po, .. . ,P5] can
be written uniquely as x = 2::=0 Ai(X)Pi, where 2::=0 Ai(X) = 1 and
Ai(X) :::; 1 for each x E (/8 and i = 0, ... , s; the (s+I)-tuple (AO(X), . . . ,A5(X))
of real numbers is called the barycentric coordinates of x E (/, and each
Ai : (/ ---t [0,1] is called the ith barycentric coordinate function of (/.
(1.2) PROPOSITION. Any two s-simplices are affinely homeomorphic. Fur-
thermore, for any simplex CT , each of its barycentric coordinate func-
tions Ai : (/ ---t [0, 1] is continuous.
PROOF. Let R 8 + 1 be the (8 + I)-dimensional Euclidean space and Ll8 C
R 5 +1 be the 8-simplex having the unit points eo = (1 , 0, ... ,0), ... , e 8 =
(0,0, .. . ,1) in R5+1 as vertices; Ll8 is called the standard s-simplex . Observe
that the barycentric coordinates of any x E Ll8 are precisely the Euclidean
coordinates of x, so that
We now show that any given (/5 = [Po, . .. ,P5] c E is affinely homeomorphic
to .1 8 • Let h : R8+1 ---t E be the map h(Ao, ... , A8) = 2::=0 AiPi; this
is clearly continuous, and g = hlLl5 maps Ll5 onto (/5; since g is also a
bijective map of the compact Ll8 onto (/8, we conclude that g is an affine
homeomorphism of Ll 8 onto (/5 . To prove that the barycentric coordinate
functions are continuous, let 7ri : R5+1 ---t R be the projection onto the ith
coordinate space; since Ai = 7ri 0 g-l, and both 7ri, g-l are continuous, the
proof is complete. 0
2. Basic Triangulation of sn
Because we will be using simplices throughout, it is convenient to work with
an equivalent norm for Euclidean space under which the unit sphere can be
regarded as the union of geometric simplices.
Let E be the normed space of all those sequences x = {Xl, X2, .. . } of real
numbers having at most finitely many Xn =I=- 0, with the norm Ilxll = 2: IXil·
§5. Theorems of Brouwer and Borsuk 87
The subset {x EEl Xi = 0 for all i > n} is denoted by En; the (closed)
unit n-ball is
K n = {x E En Illxll ::; I}.
The unit n-sphere is sn = {x E En+l I Ilxll = I}; its upper hemisphere
is S+ = {x E sn I Xn+l 2: O}, and its lower hemisphere is S~ = {x E sn I
Xn+l ::::; O}; clearly, sn = S+ u s~. Observe that for any k < n, we have
Sk = {x E Sn I Xk+2 = ... = Xn+l = O}
and that sn-l = S+ n s~.
Given an n-dimensional normed linear space Ln it is easy to see that
there is a homeomorphism of Ln onto En sending points symmetric with
respect to the origin in Ln onto points symmetric with respect to the origin
in En and mapping the unit sphere in L n onto sn. Therefore, the results
that will be established in this paragraph in En remain valid for any finite-
dimensional normed linear space Ln.
By a triangulation of sn is meant a decomposition of sn into simplices
that are pasted together along common faces in an orderly manner. Pre-
that for each simplex (Tk E En the set a( (Tk) is also a simplex of En. Since
we need to consider triangulations of sn other than En that have these two
properties, we make the formal
(2.2) DEFINITION. A triangulation yn of sn is called symmetric if:
(a) for each k :::; n, the k-sphere Sk is a union of k-simplices of yn,
(b) for each k :::; n, and each simplex (Tk E yn, the set a( (Tk) is also
a k-simplex of yn .
We have already observed that En is a symmetric triangulation; moreover,
symmetric triangulations of sn with arbitrarily small simplices clearly exist;
a formal inductive proof of this evident geometric fact could be based on the
observations that a symmetric small simplex triangulation of sn = as":.+!
can be extended to a small simplex simplicial decomposition of S":.+1, and
{(Tn+l, a( (Tn+l) I (Tn+1 E S":.+1}
3. A Combinatorial Lemma
Let yk, respectively yn, be triangulations of Sk, respectively sn. A map
J of the vertices of yk to the vertices of yn is called a simplicial vertex
map if for each simplex [Po, ... ,PsJ of yk, the points J(po), ... ,J(ps) are
the vertices of a (possibly lower-dimensional) simplex of yn. Clearly, J
extends to a map Sk ----> sn (denoted also by J) sending simplices of yk
into simplices of yn.
(3.1) DEFINITION. Let yk be an arbitrary triangulation of Sk, and let
J : yk ----> En be a simplicial vertex map. An r-simplex [Po, ... ,PrJ
of yk is called positive if:
(i) the vertices J(po), ... , J(Pr) span an r-simplex (Tr E En,
(ii) the standard form of (TT is "alternating in sign" ,
Noting now that each positive Sk has exactly one positive (k - I)-face, as
also does each negative sk, we find
and therefore
T == (cardd+ + cardd_) mod 2.
90 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
(x ) = {G(X) , x E S"+ ,
<p -Ga(x) , XES".!:...
This is consistently defined on S"+ n s".!:.. , and is an antipode-preserving map
of sn to sn-l, contradicting (2).
(3)::::}(4) . Assume f : sn -+ En is such that f(x) i- f(-x) for every
x E sn. Define F : sn -+ sn-l by
f(x) - f( -x)
F(x) = Ilf(x) - f( -x)II'
Then Flsn-1 : sn- l -+ sn-l is antipode-preserving, and since FIS"+ is an
extension over Kn, Flsn- 1 would be nullhomotopic, contradicting (3).
(4)::::}(1) . Assume there were some closed covering M I , . . . ,Mn+l of sn
with no Mi containing a pair of antipodal points, i.e., Mi n a(Mi) = 0
for each i. Let gi : sn -+ I be an Urysohn function with gilMi = 0 and
gila(Mi) = 1 for each i = 1, ... , n, and define g : sn -+ En by
94 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
We give two consequences of (5.2) that are particularly useful for our later
work. The first relaxes the condition - f(x) = f( -x) in (5.2)(3) to simply
f(x) -I f( -x);
(6.1) THEOREM. A map f : sn ----) sn with f(x) -I fa(x) for each x is not
PROOF. Since f(x) -I fa(x), the map 9 : sn ----) sn given by
f(x) - f(-x)
X f-'-(x-'-)--"':""'f-'-(--x
f-t .,.,.:." ):""""11
7. Brouwer's Theorem
The following special case of Borsuk's theorem (5.2) (3) is basic in fixed point
(7.1) THEOREM . The identity map id : sn ---+ sn is not homotopic to a
constant map.
PROOF. Since id : sn ---+ sn is antipode-preserving, (5.2)(3) applies. 0
This result has many equivalent formulations; it is in fact equivalent to
Brouwer's fixed point theorem:
(7.2) THEOREM. The following statements are equivalent :
(1) sn is not contractible in itself.
(2) (Bohl) Every continuous F : Kn+l ---+ E n+1 has at least one of
the following properties:
(a) F has a fixed point,
(b) there are x E 8Kn+l and>' E (0, 1) such that x = >.F(x).
(3) (Brouwer) Every continuous F : Kn+l ---+ Kn+l has at least one
fixed point.
(4) (Borsuk) There is no retraction r : K n+1 ---+ sn, i. e., there is no
continuous r : K n+ 1 ---+ sn that keeps each x E sn fixed.
PROOF. (1)::::}(2). Suppose F(x) i= x for all x E Kn+l , and y i= tF(y) for
all 0 < t < 1, y E 8K n+1 ; then y i= tF(y) also for t = 0, and by our first
hypothesis, for t = 1. Let r : En+l - {O} ---+ sn be the map x f-t x/llxll.
Then H : sn x I ---+ sn defined by
_ {r(y - 2tF(y)), 0 ::; t ::; ~,
H(y , t) - r[(2 _ 2t)y - F{(2 - 2t)y}], ~::; t ::; 1,
would show that id : sn ---+ sn is homotopic to a constant.
(2)::::}(3). The second possibility in (2) cannot occur, because F(sn) c
Kn+l .
(3)::::}(4). If there were a retraction, the map x f-t -r(x) would be a fixed
point free map of Kn+ 1 into itself.
96 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
8. Topological KKM-Principle
Among the results equivalent to Brouwer's fixed point theorem, the theorem
of Knaster- Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz occupies a special place: it admits
an infinite-dimensional version which, as shown by Ky Fan, is particularly
suitable for applications.
Let E be a vector space and X c E an arbitrary subset. Recall that a
set-valued map G : X ---t 2E is called a KKM-map provided conv{xl, ... , x s }
C U:=l GXi for each finite subset {Xl, ... , x s } C X; G is called strongly
KKM provided x E Gx for each x E X and the cofibers of G (i.e., the sets
{x E X I y t/. Gx} for y E E) are all convex.
The basic topological property of KKM-maps is given in
(8.1) THEOREM. Let E be a linear topological space, X an arbitrary subset
of E, and G : X ---t 2E a KKM-map such that each Gx is finitely
§5. Theorems of Brouwer and Borsuk 97
h x _ g(x) - (g(x),J(x»f(x)
( ) - Ilg(x) - (g(x),f(x»f(x)II']
(A.4) Let X be any space and A c X. Show: A is a retract of X if and only if for every
space Y, each f : A -+ Y is extendable over X.
(A.5) Let K n be the unit ball in R n with boundary Sn-I . Show: K n x {O}US n - 1 X [0 , 1]
is a retract of K n x [0, 1].
[Consider r : K n x [0,1] -+ K n x {O} U Sn-I X [0,1] given by
X 2-t) Ilxll ~ 1-
r(x, t) =
II~~' 2 - W '
(2-i'0) , Ilxll :S
1 - 2']
(A.6) Let Y be any space and fa, h : sn -+ Y be homotopic. Show: If fa has an extension
over K n + I, then so also does h.
[Use (A.4) and (A.5).]
(B.l) Let MI, ... ,Mn+2 be a closed covering of Sn by n + 2 nonempty sets. Show: If no
Mi contains a pair of antipodal points, then MI n· .. n Mn+2 = and any (n + 1 )-element
subfamily has a nonempty intersection.
[If x E MI n ... n Mn +2 then x E a(Mj ) for some j , contradicting the assumption
on Mj. For the second part: To show, say, MI n· · · n Mn+1 f= 0, note that
(B.2) Prove: In each decomposition of K n +1 into n + 1 closed sets, at least one of the
sets must have diameter equal to 2.
[Use (4.4).]
(B .3) Prove the "invariance of dimension number" theorem : R m is not homeomorphic to
R n whenever n f= m.
[Suppose n > m and h : R n -+ R m is a homeomorphism. Consider hlS n - 1 and apply
(B.4) Let h, ... ,fn be n continuous real-valued functions on Sn. Show: There exists at
least one p E Sn with fi(p) = fi(-p) for all i E [n].
[Consider the map x I---> (h(x), .. . ,fn( x » of STL into RTL.]
(B .6) Let h, ... , f n+2 be n + 2 continuous real-valued functions on STL and assume that
for each p E Sn there is at least one fi with fi (p) = 0 f= fi ( -p) . Show: The h, ... , f n+2
have no common zero, but any n + 1 of them do.
[Use (B.1) with Mi = fi- 1(0).]
100 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
(B.7) Let f : Sn -+ Sn be nullhomotopic. Show: f has a fixed point and sends some x to
its antipode, i.e. , f(xo) = -Xo for some Xo.
[If f has no fixed point , then f ~ - id. If no point maps to its antipode, then f ~ id,
which is not nullhomotopic .]
and show that the map X f-t X + (hI (x) , ... , hn(x)) maps In into itself.J
(C.3) (Miranda theorem) Let!I, ... , fn be continuous real-valued functions on In such
that for each i E [nJ,
j; (x) 2: 0 for x E J i+, j; (x) :S 0 for x E J i- .
Show: There exists x E In such that j;(x) = 0 for each i E [n] (Miranda [1940]).
(C.4) Let f : (Kn+l, Sn) -+ (Kn+I, Sn) be a continuous map such that one of the
following conditions holds: (a) Fix(fISn) = 0, (b) f(x) = -x for each x E Sn , (c) flS n :
Sn -+ Sn is not nullhomotopic. Show: f : K n + I -+ K n + I is surjective (Kuratowski-
(C.5) (Theorem of Frum-Ketkov and Nussbaum) Let E be a Banach space and D a closed
ball about the origin in E.
(a) Let f : D -+ E be continuous with f(EJD) C D. Show: If P : E -+ E is a
finite-dimensional linear projection with IIPII = 1, then Po f : D -+ E has a fixed point.
(b) Let K be a compact subset of E. By an approximating sequence for K is meant
a sequence {Pn } of finite-dimensional linear projections in E such that (i) IlPnll = 1 for
all n; (ii) Pnx -+ x for each x E K . Show: If {Pn } is an approximating sequence for K,
then for each E: > 0 there exists an integer nc such that Pn(K) C B c( K) for all n 2: nco
(c) Let f : D -+ E be continuous with f(EJD) C D and assume that there exists a
compact subset K of E that admits an approximating sequence {Pn } of projections and
satisfies d(f(x), K) :S o:d(x, K) for some 0: < 1 and all xED. Prove: f has a fixed point
(Frum-Ketkov [1967)' Nussbaum [1972a]).
[Establish successively the following assertions: for each n there is a fixed point Xn
of Pn 0 f ; given E: > 0, we have (1 - o:)d(xn, K) < E: for large n (use the definition of
0: and (b)), implying d(xn,K) -+ 0; there is a subsequence {XnJ converging to some
Xo E K. Then f(xo) = xo.]
intersection of any two simplices in Y is either empty, or a common face of each, and
(2) each (n - I)-simplex in Y that is not on 8LJ. n is the common face of exactly two
n-simplices of Y. The mesh of Y is max{diamai l iE [k]); the carrier of a vertex v E Y
is the lowest-dimensional face [Pia" .. ,Pi.] of LJ. n that contains v.
(D.3) (Knaster-Kuratowski- Mazurkiewicz theorem) Let LJ.n = [Po, ... ,Pn] be an n-sim-
plex, and let Mo, . .. ,Mn be n + 1 closed sets such that [Pia' ... ,PiJ C Mia U· .. U Mis for
each subset {io, ... ,is} C {O, ... ,n}. Prove: nf=o Mi i= 0 (Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazur-
kiewicz [1929]).
[{ Mo, ... , Mn} is a closed covering of LJ. n and Pi E Mi for each i. Let ,\ > be a
Lebesgue number for {Md, so that if A c LJ.n is any set with t5(A) < A, then n{Mi I
Mi n A i= 0} i= 0. Let Y be a subdivision of LJ.n with mesh < A. If v is any vertex of Y,
choose the carrier [Pia"'" Pis] of v, and give v anyone of the labels {Pia" .. ,Pis} such
that v E MiT' Apply (D.2).]
(D.4) Let LJ. n = [Po, ... ,Pn] be an n-simplex, and let {Mi I i = 0, ... , n} be a closed cover-
ing of LJ.n such that [Po, ... ,Pi, ... ,Pn] nMi = 0 for each i = 0, ... ,n. Prove: nf=o Mi i= 0.
[Let X = {po, ... ,Pn} C R n and show that Pi f-> M; is a KKM-map.]
(D.5) Let LJ.n = [po, ... ,Pn] be an n-simplex, and let {Mi Ii = O, ... ,n} be a closed
covering such that [po, ... ,Pi,'" ,Pn] C Mi for each i = 0, ... , n. Prove: nf=o Mi i= 0
(Alexandroff-Pasynkoff [1957]).
[For each i = 0, ... ,n - 1, let MI = Mi+l and M~ = Mo. Apply (D.3) by showing
that Pi f-> MI is KKM.]
(D.6) Let LJ.n = [Po, ... ,Pn] be an n-simplex. Show that there exists a A > with the°
property: If £ is any finite closed covering of LJ.n and if each H E £ has diameter < A,
then there are at least n + 1 sets in £ that have a nonempty intersection (Lebesgue).
[Let LJ.i = [po, ... ,Pi,'" ,Pn]; since n~o LJ.i = 0, they have a Lebesgue number A > 0:
any set in LJ.n of diameter < A does not meet at least one LJ.i. Assume that the sets of
£ have diameter < A. Define cJ>o to be all the sets in £ that do not meet LJ.o, and
102 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
E. Universal maps
(E.l) Let X, Y be topological spaces. A map J : X --> Y is called universal if for any
9 : X --> Y there exists x E X such that J(x) = g(x). Recall that a space X is called a
fixed point space if every continuous J : X --> X has a fixed point. Show:
(a) If I : X --> Y is universal, then I(X) = Y.
(b) If I : X --> Y is universal, then Y is a fixed point space.
(c) X is a fixed point space if and only if idx i;; univer;;al.
(d) If gJ is universal then so is g.
(e) Let A C X and J : X --> Y. If JIA : A --> Y is universal then so is J .
(f) Any continuous map J : X --> [0,1] of a connected space onto [0,1] is universal.
(g) Let Y be a connected linearly ordered space with the interval topology, with
the minimal and maximal elements. Then any continuous map I : X --> Y of a
connected space X onto Y is universal.
(E.2) Let X, Y be metric spaces and E > O. A continuous J : X --> Y is called an E-map
if a(J-l(y») ::; E for all y E Y. Let X, Y be compact metric spaces and I : X --> Y be a
map. Assume that for each E > 0 there exist a space ZE: and an E-map IE: : Y --> ZE: such
that IE: 0 I : X --> ZE: is universal. Show: I is universal (Holsztynski [1969]).
(E.3) Let I : K n +1 --> K n + l be a map such that J(Sn) C Sn and JIS n : Sn --> Sn is
not homotopic to a constant . Show: J is universal (Holsztynski [1969]).
(E.4) Let I : X --> K n + l be a map of a normal space into the (n + I)-ball and A =
J-l(sn). Prove: I is universal if and only if the map IIA : A --> Sn is not extendable
over X (Lokutsievskil [1957], Holsztynski [1967]).
(F.4) Let (X, d) be a metric space and K(X) the set of all nonempty compact subsets
of X. For A E K(X) and c > 0 we denote by Ue;(A) the c-neighborhood of the set A in X.
We define the Borsuk metric DB in K(X) by letting, for A , BE K(X) ,
Prove: If {An} is a sequence of fixed point spaces in K(X) and DB(An, A) -+ 0, then A
is also a fixed point space.
= {x = {xd E12111xl12 = f x¥ ::; I}
in the Hilbert space 12 is not a fixed point space (Kakutani [1943]).
1 '-'----,I"lx"""II'"'2,X1,X2, ... ) is a
[Show that <.p: K oo -+ K oo given by (X1,X2, .. . ) f-+ (ylc-
continuous map without fixed points.]
(F .6) Let X be a normal space and L a closed subset of X homeomorphic to the half-line
[1 ,00) . Show: X is not a fixed point space (Klee [1955]).
[Prove that L is a retract of X using the Tietze-Urysohn theorem.]
(F.7) Let E be an infinite-dimensional normed linear space and K its closed unit ball.
Prove: K is not a fixed point space (Dugundji [1955]).
[Define by induction a sequence {en} in oK such that dist( e n +1, span( e1, . .. , en» = 1.
Prove that L = [q, e2] U [e2 , e3 ] U · .. is closed in K and that L is homeomorphic to [1 ,00);
then apply (F.6) . The argument in this hint was suggested by V. Klee and independently
by C. Bowszyc.]
G. Vector fi elds
(G.1) Let f,g : Sn -+ R n + 1 - {O} be two singularity free vector fields that are never
opposite. Show: f ~ g.
(G.3) Let f,g: (Kn+l,oKn +l) -+ (Rn+1 , R n +1 - {O}) be two homotopic vector fields .
Prove: If f is essential, then so is g.
(G.4) Let f : (Kn+l, oKn+l) -+ (Rn+l, R n + 1 - {O}) be an essential vector field. Show:
The vector field floK n +1 : Sn --> R n + 1 - {O} points in every direction.
(G.5) Let f : (Kn+l, oKn+1 ) -+ (Rn+l, R n + 1 - {O}) be a vector field such that the
vectors at antipodal points never have the same direction. Show: f is essential.
104 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
(G.6) Let f : K n + 1 --> R n + 1 - {O} be a nonsingular vector field on Kn+ l. Show: There is
a pair of antipodal points on Sn = 8K n + 1 at which the vectors have the same direction.
In this subsection, C stands for a nonempty convex set in R S and X for a subset of C;
by (X) we denote the set of finite subsets of X, and for A E (X) we let [AJ = conv A. We
recall that F : X --> 2 C is a KKM-map if [AJ c U{Fx I x E A} for each A E (X). We say
that a map T : X --> 2 C has the matching property if the condition
implies that
n{Tx n [BJ Ix E B} :f=. 0 for some B E (X).
(H.3) (Fixed point theorems) Let T : C --> 2 c be a convex-valued map with open fibers
(or with closed fibers) such that for some A E (C), we have Tx n A :f=. 0 for all x E [A].
Show: Fix(T) :f=. 0.
[Use (H.2) and the following observation: if T : C --> 2c is convex-valued and R =
T- , then, given any A E (C), the following properties are equivalent: (i) Tx n A :f=. 0 for
(if f is a quadratic form, then the corresponding critical points coincide with
eigenvectors of f, and to Lagrange multipliers correspond eigenvalues of f).
Assume that the function f is even, i.e., f (x) = f ( -x) for all x E sn-l.
Since by identifying x with -x for all x E sn-l we obtain the projective
space pn-I, it follows from the above theorem of Lusternik- Schnirelmann
that f : pn-l ---+ R has at least Cat(pn-l) = n different critical points and
hence the equation (*) has at least n different pairs of solutions.
Theorem of Brouwer
This is one of the oldest and best known results in topology. It was proved for
n = 3 by Brouwer [1909]; for differentiable maps an equivalent result was
established earlier by Bohl [1904]. Hadamard [1910] (using the Kronecker
§5. Theorems of Brouwer and Borsuk 107
Equivalent formulations
The fact that the Brouwer fixed point theorem admits an equivalent for-
mulation in terms of homotopy and another one in terms of retraction was
observed by Borsuk [1931a], [1931b]; these simple but significant observa-
tions provided the justification for the study of nonextendability problems
and were the starting point of many further important developments. The
fact that there is no retraction r : K n+ 1 --t sn (besides being equiva-
lent to Brouwer's theorem) provides a key to a number of other results in
topology; it can be used, for example, to prove the domain invariance in
Rn and also the "tiling" covering theorem of Lebesgue (see the book of
Hurewicz~Wallman [1941]). Among the proofs of this nonretraction result
we mention an analytic proof by Milnor (cf. Milnor's book [1965]) based on
the approach of M. Hirsch [1963], the inductive proof by Sieklucki [1983],
and that of Alexandroff-Pasynkoff [1957] based on the Knaster~Kuratowski~
Mazurkiewicz theorem. For a discussion of the not entirely correct approach
of Hirsch [1963] in the simplicial context see Joshi [2000].
Universal maps
A map f : X ----+ Y is called universal if for each g : X ----+ Y there is
x E X such that f(x) = g(x) (clearly X is a fixed point space if and only if
the identity map Ix is universal). This notion is due to Holsztynski [1964],
who obtained the following generalizations of the theorems of Hurewicz and
(i) Let X be a normal space and J'k = {(Xl, . .. , X n ) E In I x IkI = sgn k}
for k = ±1, ±2, . .. , ±n, where J = [-1, +1]. Let f : X ----+ In be a
map and AI , ... , An be a sequence of closed sets in X such that Ak
partitions X between f-I(J~k) and f-I(J'k) for k = 1, ... , n. Then
f is universal if and only if n~=1 Ai i- 0.
(ii) If X is a normal space, then the covering dimension dimX 2: n if
and only if there is a universal map f : X ----+ I n .
Further results (and some applications to dimension theory) can be found
in Holsztynski [1967], [1969].
§5. Theorems of Brouwer and Borsuk 109
A space X has the fixed point property (or is a fixed point space) if every
continuous f : X --"* X has a fixed point. Clearly, this property is topolog-
ically invariant. Borsuk [1931a] observed that if X is a fixed point space,
so also is every retract of X. For Cartesian products of fixed point spaces,
the result depends on the number of factors. The product of two compact
fixed point spaces need not be a fixed point space. We mention the following
(i) there is a finite polyhedron P that is a fixed point space while
P x [0,1] is not a fixed point space (see an example of Lopez [1967]
given below and Bredon [1971]);
(ii) there is a finite polyhedron P with the fixed point property such
that the suspension of P is not a fixed point space (Holsztynski
(iii) there are two manifolds X, Y that are fixed point spaces while XxY
is not a fixed point space (Husseini [1977]).
In contrast with finite products, an infinite product of compact nonempty
fixed point spaces is a fixed point space whenever every finite product of
those spaces is a fixed point space (Dyer [1956]). Thus by the Brouwer
theorem, the Hilbert cube [00 and in fact any Tychonoff cube are fixed
point spaces.
Several important results are summarized in the following list of fixed
point spaces:
(i) projective spaces of even dimension (J.W. Alexander [1922]),
(ii) compact convex sets in £2 and in en[O, 1] (Birkhoff-Kellogg [1922]),
(iii) compact convex sets in Banach spaces (Schauder [1927aJ, [1927bJ,
(iv) weakly compact convex sets in separable Banach spaces (with re-
spect to weakly continuous maps) (Schauder [1927a]),
(v) compact absolute retracts (Borsuk [1931a]),
(vi) compact convex sets in locally convex linear topological spaces (Ty-
chonoff [1935]).
Two compact metric spaces X and Yare quasi-homeomorphic if for each € > 0 there
is an €-map f : X --+ Y and an €-map 9 : Y --+ X. The question of whether the fixed
point property is invariant under quasi-homeomorphisms was treated by Borsuk [1938]:
it is not invariant for arbitrary continua but is invariant if X and Yare compact ANRs.
Some examples
We give some noteworthy examples of continua lacking the fixed point prop-
110 II . Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
Figure 1 Figure 2
- ~
Figure 3
§5. Theorems of Brouwer and Borsuk 111
from cn+l - {O} by identifying all the points on each complex line through
to any particular point. Specific embeddings pn (C) C pn+l (C) can be
obtained from the inclusions cn+l X {O} C cn+l X C. The space Pl(C) is
readily seen to be homeomorphic to the 2-sphere 8 2 .
Let (a, b) E 8 2 X 8 2 and form a quotient space Z of the disjoint union
p2 (C) + 8 2 X 8 2 + p4 (C) + E p8 (C) by identifying
8 2 = pl(C) C P2(C) with 8 2 x {b} in 8 2 x 8 2 ,
82 = pl(C) C P4(C) with {a} x 8 2 in 8 2 x 8 2 ,
and (a, b) with any point of E p8 (C), the suspension of p8 (C).
The space Z is triangulable; Lopez showed that Z has the fixed point
property but Z x [0, 1] does not. This is another example showing that the
fixed point property is not an invariant of homotopy type. Although not
so easily visualized as example (a), it has the advantage of having no local
Further, more special examples of fixed point spaces and additional
references can be found in the surveys by Bing [1969], Fadell [1970], and
Brown [1974].
112 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
In this paragraph we obtain the basic fixed point theorems for compact
operators in normed linear spaces. The approach is based on two general
techniques: (1) The approximation of compact maps by finite-dimensional
ones, which leads to the analogs of the Brouwer and Borsuk theorems for
compact maps; (2) Topological transversality, which, applied to compact
maps, leads to the Leray- Schauder principle, and when applied to compact
fields, gives domain invariance. One feature of this approach is that the
results are established for compact maps having ranges restricted to an
arbitrary preassigned convex set.
for each U E C(D) we obtain a nonlinear map F : C(D) -> C(D) known as
the Urysohn integral operator. We prove that F is completely continuous:
114 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
by Arzela's theorem it suffices to show that given {un} with Ilunll :S r, the
sequence Vn = F(u n ) is bounded and equicontinuous.
(a) {v n } is bounded: for M = sup{IK(x , y, u)11 X,y E Q, u E [-r,r]}
< 00, we have
for suitable f : Q x R --+ R. One general procedure for studying (2) is based
on the factorization
C(.o) F :> C(Q)
~~ C(Q)
where the nonlinear map 1: C(Q) --+ C(Q) (called the Niemytzki operator)
is given by
[iu](y) = f(y, u(y)), y E Q,
and K is a linear integral operator
(II 110 is the sup norm in C[a , b]) and by (LP[a, b], II lip) the Banach space of
pth power integrable functions with Ilvll p = Iv(s)IP dS)l /p for p ~ l.
Given p ~ 1, we call f : [a, b] x Rk -t Ran LP-Caratheodory lunction if:
(i) Y f-t 1(s, y) is continuous for almost all s E [a, b],
(ii) s f-t I(s , y) is measurable for all y E Rk,
(iii) for each r > 0 there exists a nonnegative 'Pr E LP[a, b] such that
Ilyll r implies I/(s , y)1 S 'Pr(s) for almost all s E [a, b].
[Fv](t) = I(s , v(s) , ... , v(k-l)(S)) ds
The equation (b) may then be considered in various spaces, e.g. in LP(Q)
(1 < P < 00), C(D), or Cl(Q). In each case, however, due to the regularity of
Green's function, it turns out to be equivalent to the problem (a). Moreover,
in each of the above cases the nonlinear Hammerstein operator
For i E [n]let /-Li : (N,c) ~ R be the map x f-t max[O,c -llx - cill].
The Schauder projection Pc: : (N , c) ~ conv N is given by
1 n
Pc:(x) = I:n
~=l /-L~
.(x) L /-Li(X)Ci.
Note that Pc: is well defined, because each x E (N, c) belongs to some B(Ci' c) ,
so that I:~=l /-Li (x) i- 0; moreover, Pc: [( N, c) 1 c conv N, since each Pc: (x) is a
convex combination of the points Cl, ... , Cn. The main properties we require
are summarized in:
§6. Fixed Points for Compact Maps in Normed Linear Spaces 117
then (N, E) = -(N, E) and Pe( -x) = -Pe(x) Jor all x E (N, E).
PROOF. (a) is immediate; (b): we have
\/ Q
Ht(x) = tG(x) + (1 - t)F(x) for (x, t) E X x [0,1]
and note that {Hdo~t9 is a compact homotopy that is fixed point free on
A and such that Ho = F and HI = G. 0
(4.3) DEFINITION. Let (X, A) be a pair in a convex C c E. A map F E
XA(X , C) is called essential provided every G E XA(X, C) such that
FIA = GIA has a fixed point . A map that is not essential is called
In geometric terms , a compact map F : X -.c, C is essential if the graph of
FIA does not meet the diagonal..:1 C X x C, but the graph of every compact
G : X-.c, C that coincides with F on A must cross the diagonal ..:1.
(4.4) PROPOSITION. Let (X, A) be a pair in a normed linear space E, let
L be a closed linear subspace meeting A eX, and let AL = A n L
and XL = X n L. Let F E X A (X , E) be an essential map such that
F(X) C L . Then FIX L E X AL (XL, L) is also essential.
PROOF . We need to show that a compact extension Fo : XL -.c, L of FIAL
over XL has a fixed point. Consider the map G : A U XL -- L given by
be an essential map such that Xo is the only fixed point for F. Then
for every < ro < r the restriction FIEro is an essential map in
XoBro (Ero, E) .
PROOF . Assume FlaB ro has a fixed point free extension Fo over Ero' Then
(i) F is inessential,
(ii) there is a fixed point free G E XA(X, C) such that F ~ G in
XA(X, C),
(iii) F is homotopic in X A (X, C) to a fixed point free F* E XA (X, C)
by a homotopy keeping FIA pointwise fixed.
PROOF. (i)=}(ii). Let G E XA(X, C) be a fixed point free map such that
FIA = GIA. The compact homotopy (x, t) 1---* tG(X) + (1 - t)F(x) joins F
to G and is fixed point free on A.
(ii)=}(iii). Let H : X x 1---+ C be a compact homotopy from G to F such
that H IA x {t} is fixed point free for each tEl. Let
B = {x I x = H (x, t) for some t E I}.
There is no loss of generality in assuming that B is nonempty; then B is
a closed subset of the compact set H(X x I), so is compact, and therefore
closed in X. Since An B = (/) because H is fixed point free on A, there is an
Urysohn function>. : X ---+ I with >'IA = 1 and >'IB = O. Define
F*(x) = H(x, >.(x)).
Clearly, F* is compact; it is also fixed point free: for if F*(x) = H(x, >.(x))
= x then x E B so >.(x) = 0 and x = H(x, 0) = G(x), which contradicts the
assumption that G is fixed point free. To show F* homotopic to F keeping
FIA pointwise fixed, consider the compact homotopy
H*(x, t) = H(x, (1 - t) + t>.(x)).
Then H*(x,O) = H(x,l) = F(x) and H*(x,l) = H(x, >.(x)) = F*(x);
moreover >.(a) = 1 for all a E A; therefore, H*(a, t) = H(a, 1) = F(a) for
all tEl. For each t in I, H* (x, t) is clearly fixed point free on A.
(iii)=}(i) is obvious. 0
As an immediate consequence we obtain
(4.7) THEOREM (Topological transversality). Let (X, A) be a pazr zn a
convex C c E, and let F, G be maps in XA(X, C) such that F ~ G
in X A (X, C). Then F is essential if and only if G is essential. 0
The concept of topological transversality, which is invariant under fixed
point free deformations on A, is also invariant under small modifications of
F on A:
THEOREM (Birkhoff-Kellogg). Let U be a bounded open neighborhood
of in an infinite-dimensional normed linear space, and F : aU ---7 E
a compact map satisfying IIF(x)11 2: a > for all x E aU. Then F
has an invariant direction, i.e., there is an x E aU and a J-l > Osuch
that x = J-lF(x) .
PROOF. By (2.5) we may assume that F is in fact defined on U. We first
show that there is a compact map G : U ---7 E , coinciding with F on aU,
such that °
tf- G(U). For the set F(U), being compact, cannot cover the
noncompact ball B(O, a/2), so there is some Vo E B(O, a/2) - F(U). Define
a homeomorphism h : (E, B(O, a/2)) ---7 (E, B(O, a/2)) that is the identity
on E - B(O, a/2) and maps Vo to as follows: each z E B(O , a/2) - {vo} is
uniquely expressible in the form
z = (1 - t)vo + ti, i E aB(0,a/2), °< t < 1.
0, Z = vo,
h(z) = { h((l - t)vo + ti) = ti, Z E B(O, a/2) - {vo},
z, Z E E - B(O, a/2).
Then G = hoF is the required map, and GlaU = FlaU because IIF(x)11 2: a
for x E aU.
Now choose an integer N so large that U is contained in B(O, N), and
consider the compact map H : U ---7 E given by
H(x) = N IIG(x)II'
This map cannot have a fixed point, because U is III B(O, N) whereas
H(U) c aB(O, N).
Applying the nonlinear alternative to H we get
IIG(x) I G(x) = x for some x E aU and A E (0, 1),
7. Compact Fields
Further applications of the topological transversality theorem (in particular
to the equation y = x - F( x)) will be expressed in terms of compact fields.
Let X be a subset of a normed linear space E, and F : X ---7 E a compact
map. Functions of the form f(x) = x - F(x) are called compact fields. In
an arbitrary normed space, the class of compact fields has various features
that the class of compact maps does not have: for example, the identity map
§6. Fixed Points for Compact Maps in Normed Linear Spaces 127
H(x t) = F(_x ) -
, l+t
This map is fixed point free on 8B: for if
(A.3) Let (En, II II) be a normed space of dimension n, and U an open symmetric convex
nbd of 0 in En; let f : (U, aU) -; (En, En - {O}) be a compact field satisfying
[Set x = a - b and consider the completely continuous field h(x) = x - H(x) given by
h(x) = a-b-[G(b)-F(a)]; prove that H is quasi-bounded and IHI < 1, then apply (5.5) .]
C. Set contractions and condensing maps
Let E be a Banach space and !J8E the class of bounded subsets of E. The Kuratowski
measure of noncompactness a: !J8 E -> R is defined by a(X) = inf{c > I X = U~=l Xi °
with J(Xi ) < c for i = 1, ... , n}. Let X c E and F : X -> E be continuous. Then F is a
set contraction if for some constant s:: >. < 1, a[F(A)] s:: >.a(A) for all A C X; and F is
a condensing map if a[F(A)] < a(A) for all A C X with a(A) '" 0.
(C.l) Establish the following properties of a:
(i) a(X) = ¢} X is compact.
(ii) a(>'X) = 1>'la(X), a(X1 + X2) s:: a(X1) + a(X2) .
(iii) Xc Y => a(X) s:: a(Y) ; a(X U Y) = max{ a(X), a(Y)}.
(iv) a(conv X) = a(X) (Darbo [1955]).
(v) a(X) = a(X) .
[Hint for (iv): for convex C 1 , C2 show a[conv(C1 UC2)] s:: max{a(Cll,a(C2)}.]
(C.2) Let {Xn} be a decreasing sequence of closed subsets of E such that a(Xn) --> O.
Show: The intersection X = n~=l Xn is nonempty and compact (Kuratowski [1930]).
[Letting Xn E Xn for n = 1,2, . .. , show {Xn} has a subsequence converging to x E X;
observe that a(X) s:: a(Xk)']
(C.3) (Darbo theorem) Let C be a closed convex bounded subset of E and let F : C -> C
be a set contraction.
(a) Define a sequence {Cn} of convex sets by: Co = C and C n = Conv F(Cn -1) for
n :2: l. Show: Coo = nn
C n is a compact convex set.
(b) Prove: F: C -> C has a fixed point (Darbo [1955]).
(C.4) Let C C E be a closed convex bounded set and let H : C -> C be a continuous
map of the form H = F + G, where F : C -> E is compact and G : C -> E is contractive.
Show: H has a fixed point (Krasnosel'skil [1955]).
(C.5) Let X C E be closed , and let F : X --> E be a continuous map such that (i) for
each c > there is an c-fixed point for F; (ii) the field 1- F is proper. Show: F has a
fixed point.
(C .6) (Sadovski1: theorem) Let C be a closed convex bounded subset of E. Prove: Each
condensing map F : C -> C has a fixed point (Sadovskil [1967]).
[Assuming E C define Fn = *F for n = 1,2, ... ; show that a condensing field is
proper and apply (C.5) and (C.3).]
(C.7) (Nonlinear alternative) Let C C E be closed and convex, U an open subset of C
containing 0, and F : U -> C a condensing map. Prove: Either (i) F has a fixed point, or
(ii) there are x E au and>' E (0 , 1) with x = >.F(x).
[See the proof of (0.3.3).]
(C.8) Let C C E be closed and convex, U C C an open subset containing 0, and F : U -> C
a condensing map. Assume that for all x E au one of the following conditions holds :
(a) IIF(x)11 s:: Ilxll,
(b) IIF(x) 11 s:: IIx - F(x)lI ,
(c) IIF (x ) II s:: JC;;-IIx"""'112"'+"""'""I:fl.!.1x----::F::..,.-(x-'-')1=
12 .
Show: F has a fixed point .
134 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
(C .9) Let E be a Banach space, G : E -> E a linear condensing map, and F(x) = Gx+zo ,
where Zo is a fixed element of E. Prove: If F admits a bounded orbit {Fk(xO) IkE N},
then F has a fixed point (Chow- Hale [1974]).
Let X be a space and K c X a subset ; by Cov X (K) we denote the set of all open coverings
of Kin X. Given two coverings a,/3 E Covx(K) , we write a ::; /3 provided /3 refines a
(i.e., each member of /3 is contained in some member of a) ; clearly, ::; is a preorder relation
converting Covx(K) into a directed set. We let Covx(X) = Cov(X) .
(D.l) Let Y be a space and a E Cov(Y); two maps f,g : X -> Yare a-close (written
f =a g) provided f(x) and g(x) belong to a common Ux E a for each x E X . Let
f : Y -> Y be a map and a E Cov(Y). A point y E Y is said to be an a-fixed point if y
and f(y) belong to a common U E a.
(a) Let f : Y -> Y be a map and K = f(Y) ; assume that there is a cofinal family
?} C Covy(K) such that f has an a-fixed point for every a E ?}. Show: f has a fixed
(b) Let f : Y -> Y be a map and K = flY) ; assume that there is a cofinal family
?} C Covy(K) satisfying: for each a E ?} there is a map fa : Y -> Y such that (i) fa is
a-close to f and (ii) fa has a fixed point. Show: f has a fixed point.
(E.l) Let N = {C! , . .. , Cn} be a finite subset of E, let Pu be a semi norm corresponding
to a convex symmetric nbd U of the origin, and let Nu = U{ Ci + U I i = 1, ... ,n}. For
each i = 1, .. . ,n define J.ti : Nu -> R by x r-; max{O,l - pu(x - Cin. The Schauder
projection 7ru : Nu -> conv N is given by
(i) x -7ru(x) E U for all x E Nu.
(ii) If N = {Cl, ... ,Ck, -Cl , ... ,-cd is symmetric with respect to 0, then 7rU (x) =
-7ru(-x) for all x E Nu.
§6. Fixed Points for Compact Maps in Normed Linear Spaces 135
(E.3) Let C be a convex subset of E, and F : C -> C a compact map. Show: F has a
fixed point (Mazur [1938], Hukuhara [1950]).
(E.4) (Antipodal theorem) Let U be a convex symmetric nbd of the origin in E, and let
F : D -> E be a compact map such that F( -x) = -F(x) for all x E au. Show: F is an
essential map (Altman [1958]).
[Use (E.2) and (A.3).]
(E.5) Let U be open in a convex C C E, and let F : D -> C be a constant map F(x) == p
with p E U. Show: F is essential.
(E.6) (Leray - Schauder principle) Let U be open in a convex set C C E, and let {Ht :
D -> C} be an admissible compact homotopy such that Ho = F and HI = G, where G is
the constant map sending D to a point Uo E U. Show: F has a fixed point.
[Follow the proof of (0 .3.3) and m;e the fact that if A and B are two closed disjoint
subsets of a completely regular space X such that at least one of them is compact, then
there is an Urysohn function A : X -> [0,1] with AlA = 0, AlB = l.]
(E.9) Let p: E -> R+ be any (not necessarily continuous) function such that p-I(O) = 0
and p( AX) = Ap(X) for all A > O. Let C C E be convex, U C C an open subset containing 0,
and F : D -> C a compact map. Assume that for all x E au one of the following conditions
(a) p[F(x)] ::; p(x),
(b) p[F(x)] ::; p[F(x) - x],
(c) p[F(x)] ::; {[p(x)]k + [P(F(x) - x)]k}l/k for some k > l.
Show: F has a fixed point (Granas [1976]).
(E.ll) (Fredholm alternative) Let E be a locally convex space and F : E -> E a com-
pletely continuous linear operator. Show: Either
(a) the equation y = x - F(x) has a unique solution for each y E E, or
(b) the equation x = F(x) has a nontrivial solution
(Leray [1950]).
136 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
In this subsection X and Yare fixed Banach spaces. We let L E £(X, Y) be a Fredholm
operator of index zero, i.e. , 1m L is closed in Y and dim Ker L = codim 1m L < 00 .
We use the following notation :
(i) Y1 is a closed complement to Y2 = 1m L in Y , and Q E £(Y, Y 1) is a linear
projection of Y onto Y 1 along Y2;
(ii) X2 is a closed complement to Xl = Ker L in X, and P E £(X, Xd is a linear
projection of X onto Xl along X2.
We have topological direct sums X = Xl EEl X 2 and Y = Y 1 EEl Y2, and because L is of
index zero, dim Xl = dim Y 1; we let J : Xl -> Y1 be a linear isomorphism.
(F .2) Let U C X be open , and let £au CU, Y ; L) be the set of all maps f : Cu, aU) ->
(Y, Y - {O}) of the form f = L - F, where F: U -> Y is a compact operator. Two maps
f , 9 E Xau(V, Y; L) are called L-homotopic if there is a compact homotopy H t : V -> Y
such that ht = L - H t E £[)uCU, Y ; L) for each t E [0,1] and ho = f, h1 = g. Assume
f,9 E Xau(V, Y ; L) are two maps f = L - F, 9 = L - G such that F(V), G(V) C Y1.
Let U1 = UnX1 and F1 = FIU1 , G1 = GIV1. Show: If the maps F1 , G1: (U1 , aU1)->
(Y1 , Y1 - {O}) are homotopic , then f and g are L-homotopic .
(F .3) (Topological tmnsversality for coincidences) We say that a map f E £[)u (V , Y ;L)
is L-essential if any 9 E Xau(V , Y; L) with flau = glaU has a zero in U. Show: If
f,9 E £[)u(V, Y; L) are L-homotopic, then f is L-essential if and only if 9 is L-essential.
(F.4) (Antipodal theorem for coincidences) Let U be an open bounded convex subset of X
and c EX. Call U symmetric with respect to c if x E U ¢} 2c - u E U. Let U be such a set ,
and let k : V -> Y. We say that k is odd on V (respectively on aU) if k(2c - x) = -k(x)
for all x E V (respectively x E aU).
Let U as above be symmetric with respect to some c E Ker L . Let f = L - F E
£[)u(V , Y; L) be odd on au. Show: f is L-essential.
[Consider the compact map G : V - c -> Y given by G(x - c) = F(x) for x E V and
the compact map M = (L + Jp) - l(G + JP) : V - c -> X. Use (F.1) and Borsuk's fixed
point theorem.]
(F.5) Let U be as in (F.4), and let 9 = L - G E £[)u(V, Y ;L) be such that G(V) C Y1
and GiV1 : (V1, aU1) -> (Y1, Y1 - {O}) is homotopic to an odd map, where U1 = U n Xl.
Show: 9 is L-essential.
[Prove that 9 is L-homotopic to an odd map and use (F.4) and (F.3).]
Compact operators
Compact and completely continuous operators occur in many problems of
classical analysis. In the nonlinear case, the first comprehensive research on
compact operators with numerous applications to partial differential equa-
tions (both linear and nonlinear) was due to Schauder. In particular, the
approximation technique for compact operators in Banach spaces goes back
to Schauder; the proof of (2.3) given in the text is, with slight modifica-
tions, that of Leray- Schauder [1934]. Theorem (2.3) extends to locally con-
vex spaces (see the survey of Leray [1950] and Nagumo [1951]) and also to
some linear topological spaces that are not locally convex (Klee [1960]). The
proof of (2.4) was communicated to the authors by L. Waelbroeck; we remark
that (2.4) is valid in any linear metric space for which the Schauder approx-
imation theorem holds. Theorem (2.5) on the extension of compact map-
pings was first proved (for Banach spaces) in Krasnosel'ski'l's book [1964a];
the proof in the text is taken from an unpublished paper of Fournier and
Topological tmnsversality
Homotopy arguments for compact operators were introduced by Leray and
Schauder in the context of their theory of the degree for compact fields in
Banach spaces. Using homotopy invariance of the degree, Leray- Schauder
[1934] developed an important theoretical principle that abstracts (in the
nonlinear context) the classical method of continuation of solutions along
a parameter. The approach presented in the text does not use the degree
theory and is based on the notion of the essential map and on the topological
transversality theorem (Granas [1976]); its essential feature is that it extends
to other classes of operators and gives results that cannot be obtained by
using directly the Leray-Schauder degree. An alternative but less general
method based on the homotopy extension theorem was developed earlier
for Banach spaces in Granas [1959a], [1962]; this method was suggested by
prior finite-dimensional results of Borsuk [1931b]' [1937]. We remark that (as
shown by Simon-Volkmann [1988]) the notions of topological transversality
theory also permit one to establish localization and multiplicity results for
nonlinear problems (see "Miscellaneous Results and Examples" in §7).
For an extension of topological transversality to the class of condens-
ing operators the reader is referred to Krawcewicz [1988]. For topologi-
cal transversality in the coincidence setting (for various classes of oper-
ators) see Volkmann [1984]' Granas- Guenther- Lee [1991]' G~ba-Granas
Kaczynski- Krawcewicz [1985]; for closely related results see Furi- Martelli-
Vignoli [1978], [1980], Precup [1995].
was proved first for Banach spaces in the context of degree theory by Leray-
Schauder [1934]; a direct elementary proof of (5.4) was given by Schaefer
[1955] (see also Potter [1972]' Reich [1976], [1979] and Granas [1993]).
generalization of Brouwer's degree theory was developed and with its aid
various applications were obtained. Among these the following generaliza-
tion of the Jordan-Alexandroff theorem was established by Leray [1935]: Let
X and Y be two closed bounded subsets of a Banach space E, and f : X ---> Y
a homeomorphism. If f is a compact field, then the complements E - X and
E - Y have the same number of components. For more details see Rothe
[1937], [1938], Granas's tract [1962]' and Krasnosel'skil's book [1964b].
Invariance of domain
The invariance of domain theorem in Rn is due to Brouwer [1912]. Schauder
[1929] extended the Brouwer theorem to compact fields in Banach spaces
with a basis and of type (8). A general result (for arbitrary Banach spaces)
was established (using the degree theory for compact fields) by Leray [1935].
The proof of (8.4) presented in the text (and based on Borsuk's theorem)
is found in Granas [1958]. Using invariance of domain as a tool, Schaudcr
[1929]' [1932] developed an important theoretical method for solving non-
linear equations, applicable to problems in which the uniqueness implies
the existence of a solution. Schauder [1932] also gave significant applica-
tions of the method to nonlinear elliptic equations. For more recent uses of
Schauder's method, see Chow-Lasota [1973], where some further references
can be found.
8urjectivity results
The first result of this type was established by Borsuk [1933c], who proved
that: if f : R n ---> Rn is an E-map in the narrow sense, then f is surjective;
Theorem (8.3)(b), extending the above result to normed linear spaces, and
also (8.6) are contained in Granas [1958]. For Theorem (5.5), see Granas
[1957]; a similar argument to that in the proof of (5.5) can be applied to
obtain the following theorem: Let E be a reflexive Banach space and let
F : E ---> E be a quasi-bounded map with IFI < 1. Assume that one of the
following conditions is satisfied:
(i) E has normal structure and F is nonexpansive,
(ii) F is weakly continuous.
Then x f--7 x - Fx is surjective.
Theorem (8.3)(b) combined with the Banach- Mazur theorem gives the
following result: Let E be a normed linear space with dim E 2 3. Let f :
E ---> E be a completely continuous field such that:
(i) f is locally invertible for all x E E with Ilxll > M, where M > 0 is
a constant,
(ii) I f (x) II ---> 00 as Ilx I ---> 00.
Then f is surjective.
§6. Fixed Points for Compact Maps in Normed Linear Spaces 141
PROOF. Because of upper semicontinuity, max x f(x, y) exists for each y and
is a lower semicontinuous function of y, so miny max x f (x, y) exists; similarly,
144 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
max x miny f(x, y) exists. Since f(x , y) ::; max x f(x, V), we have
min f(x, y) ::; min max f(x, V);
y y x
max min f(x, y) ::; min max f(x, V).
x y y x
We shall show that strict inequality cannot hold. For assume it did; then
there would be some r with
max min f (x, y) < r < min max f (x, y).
x y y x
Define S, T: X -> 2 Y by
Sx = {y I f(x,y) > r} and Tx = {y I f(x,y) < r}.
These set-valued maps would then satisfy the conditions of Theorem (1.3):
Each Sx is open by the lower semicontinuity of y 1-+ f(x, V) , each Tx is
convex by the quasi-convexity of y 1-+ f(x, V) , and is nonempty because
max x miny f(x, y) < r. Since
S - ly = {x I f(x,y) > r} and T-1y = {x I f(x,y) < r},
we find in the same way that each S - ly is nonempty and convex, and each
T-1y is open. Thus, S E IF*(X, Y) and T E IF(X, Y); then by (1.3), there
would be some (xo, YO) with Yo E Sxo n Txo, which gives the contradiction
r < f(xo, YO) < r. 0
We now give analytic formulations of the geometric results (1.2) and (1.3).
(1.5) THEOREM. Let X be a compact convex set, and let f, g : X X X -> R
(i) y 1-+ f(x, y) is l.s.c. for each x E X,
(ii) x 1-+ f (x, y) is quasi-concave for each y EX.
Then, for any A. E R, one of the following properties holds:
(a) there exists a Yo E X such that f(x, Yo) ::; A. for all x EX,
(b) there exists awE X such that f(w , w) > A..
PROOF. Let A. E R and define S : X -> 2x by Sx = {y E X I f(x, y) > A.}.
According to (i) and (ii), S has open values and convex fibers. The map S is
either not surjective, or surjective. In the first event, we have S - lyo = 0 for
some Yo E X, i.e. , f(x , yo) ::; A. for all x E X , and thus property (a) holds.
In the second event, by the Fan-Browder theorem (1.2), S has a fixed point
wE Sw, and therefore f(w,w) > A.. 0
§7. Further Results and Applications 145
(1.6) THEOREM. Let X and Y be two compact convex sets, and let f, g :
X X Y --> R satisfy:
(i) f(x, y) ::; g(x, y) for all (x, y) E X x Y,
(ii) y t---t f(x, y) is l.s.c. on Y for each x E X,
(iii) x t---t f(x , y) is quasi-concave on X for each y E Y,
(iv) y t---t g(x, y) is quasi-convex on Y for each x E X,
(v) X t---t g(x, y) is u.s.c. on X for each y E Y.
Then, for any A E R , one of the following properties holds:
(a) there exists a Yo E Y such that f(x, Yo) ::; A for all x E X,
(b) there exists an Xo E X such that g(XO,Y) 2: A for all y E Y.
PROOF. Let A E R; we define S : X --> 2Y and T : Y --> 2x by
Sx = {y E Y I f(x, y) > A} and Ty = {x E X I g(x, y) < A}.
According to (ii)- (v), both Sand T have open values and convex (possibly
empty) fibers. Observe now that either
(*) one among Sand T is not surjective, or
(**) both Sand T are surjective.
Consider first the event (*): if S is not surjective, then for some Yo, we
have S-lyO = 0, i.e., f(x, Yo) ::; A for all x E X, and thus the property (a)
holds. Similarly, if T is not surjective, then (b) is satisfied. In the event (**),
both Sand T would be JF*-maps, and therefore, by Theorem (1.3), there
would be some (xo, Yo) with Yo E SxonT-1xo, which gives the contradiction
A < f(xo, YO) ::; g(xo, YO) < A. Thus, the case (**) is excluded , and the proof
is complete. 0
Theorems (1.5) and (1.6) imply at once two general principles in the
topological KKM theory.
(1.7) THEOREM (Fan minimax inequality). Let C be a compact convex
set, and let f : C x C --> R satisfy:
(i) y f(x, y) is l.s.c. for each x E C,
PROOF. We may assume that A = sUPXEC f(x, x) < 00. By (1.5), there is a
Yo E C such that f(x, Yo) ::; A for all x E C. Then SUPxEC f(x, Yo) ::; A and
inf sup f(x, y) ::; sup f(x, Yo) ::; A. 0
PROOF. Suppose that the inequality does not hold. Then for some ..\ E R
we have (3 < ..\ < a. We now apply (1.6): assume there is a Yo E Y such
that f(x, Yo) :S ..\ for all x E X; then a = inf yEY SUPxEX f(x , y) :S ..\ < a, a
In a similar way, the assumption that for some Xo EX, g(xo, y) ::::: ..\ for
all y E Y leads to a contradiction. D
We observe that by taking f = 9 in (1.8), we obtain as a special case the
von Neumann-Sion theorem (1.4).
n n
Gx = {y LPij(y - Fy) :S LPij(X - Fy)}.
j=l j=l
we infer that x !f f(x) + ~ VXi , and therefore x - f(x) !f U. This implies that
f has no U-fixed points; we have thus obtained a contradiction. 0
(1.12) LEMMA. Let C be a nonempty compact convex subset of a linear
topological space E, U an open symmetric convex neighborhood of 0,
and f : C -7 E a continuous map such that f (C) c C + U. Then f
has aU-fixed point.
PROOF. Define T : C -+ 2c by Tx = {y E C lyE f(x)+U} = Cn(f(x)+U)
for x E C and note that the values of Tare nonempty and convex and its
fibers T-1y = {x E C I f(x) E Y - U} are open (by the continuity of f);
thus T E F(C, C). Now (1.2) gives a point Xo E f(xo) + U. 0
(1.13) THEOREM (Schauder-Tychonoff). Let C be a nonempty convex sub-
set of a locally convex linear topological space E, and let F : C - 7 C
be a compact map. Then F has a fixed point.
PROOF. Let V be a convex symmetric neighborhood of zero. By Lemma
(1.11), because E is locally convex, it is enough to show that F has a V-
fixed point, i.e., a point Xo such that F(xo) E Xo + V. Let {Xi + V}7=1 be
a finite covering of the compact set F(C), and let K = conv{xl, ... , xd .
Since F(K) c K + V, there exists by Lemma (1.12) a point Xo EKe C
such that F(xo) E Xo + V. 0
put p(y) = 2:7=1 Ilxi (y)1 for each y E E. Then p is a continuous seminorm
on E such that p(y) > a for all y E K. For this seminorm we apply, as in
(1.10), the topological KKM-principle to get Yo E C such that
a < p(Yo - f(yo)) ~ p(x - f(yo)) for all x E C.
By the hypothesis applied to Yo, there exists a A with IAI < 1 such that
x = Ayo + (1 - A)f(yo) E C. Then from (*) we get
a < p(Yo - f(yo)) ~ IAlp(yo - f(yo)),
and since IAI < 1, this is a contradiction. o
As a special case of Theorem (1.14) we obtain
(1.15) THEOREM. Let C be a nonempty compact convex subset of E. Let
f : C --+ E be continuous and such that for each x E C with x =1= f(x),
the line segment [x, f(x)] contains at least two points of C. Then f
has a fixed point. 0
As our last result we derive a version of a fixed point theorem due to
F. Browder and B. Halpern.
Let C be a convex subset of a vector space E; for each x E C, let
Ic(x) = {y EEl y = x + A(yo - > a},
x) for some Yo E C and A
Oc(x) = {y EEl y = x - A(yo - x) for some Yo E C and A > a}.
A map f : C --+ E is said to be inward (respectively outward) if f(x) E Ic(x)
(respectively f(x) E Oc(x)) for each x E C.
(1.16) THEOREM. Let C be a nonempty convex compact subset of a linear
topological vector space E with sufficiently many linear functionals.
Then every continuous inward (or outward) map f : C --+ E has a
fixed point.
The proof of the theorem of Nash relies on the following geometric result:
(1.17) THEOREM (Fan intersection theorem). Let Xl, .. . , Xn be compact
convex sets, let X = TI7=1
X j , and suppose we are given a set-valued
map Si E IF(Xi, Xi) for i E [n] (or equivalently Si- l E IF* (Xi, Xi) for
i E [n]). Then each of the following equivalent properties holds :
(a) the intersection n~=l G S i is nonempty,
(b) there is an X E X such that Xi E Si(Xi) for each i E [n].
PROOF. Define T : X ----> 2 x by
(i) Tx = {y E X I Yi E Si(xi) for each i E [n]} = II Si(X i ).
For Y E X we have
Xi x Si-I(Yi).
According to (i) and (ii), the values of T are convex and nonempty, and the
fibers of T are open. Thus T is an IF-map, and therefore by Theorem (1.2)
it has a fixed point X; this means that X E n~l Gs i . 0
We now give an analytic formulation of the intersection theorem.
(1.18) THEOREM. Let Xl,"" Xn be compact convex sets , let X = Xj , TI7=1
and let iI, ... , fn : X ----> R satisfy:
(i) Xi f--+ fi(Yi, xi) is l.s.c. on Xi for each Yi E Xi,
(ii) Yi f--+ fi(Yi , xi) is quasi-concave on Xi for each xi E Xi,
(iii) for each i E [n] and Xi E Xi there exists a Yi E Xi such that
fi(Yi, xi) > O.
Then there exists an X E X such that Ii (x) > 0 for each i E [n].
PROOF. For each i E [n] define Si : Xi ----> 2 Xi by Si(X i ) = {Yi E Xi
h(Yi, Xi) > O}. We note that Si is in fact an IF-map: each set Si(X i ) is
convex by the quasi-concavity of Yi f--+ li(Yi , xi) and is nonempty because
of (iii).
§7. Further Results and Applications 151
a. Measure theory
Given a Lebesgue measurable set A eRn, we denote its measure by p,(A),
and for any x ERn, its translation {a + x I a E A} by AX.
152 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
THEOREM (Kuratowski-Steinhaus). Let.:1 = [Po, ... ,Pn] be an n-
simplex in Rn that contains the origin E Rn in its interior, and
y f---+ L.Ai (Y)Pi therefore defines a continuous map f : Kr ---; Ll. By the
choice of r, for each x E Sr at least one .Ai(X) = so flSr : Sr ---; 8Ll; and
since at least one of .Ai(X), .Ai( -x) is zero, it follows that f(x) =I- f( -x), and
hence flSr is not nullhomotopic. Thus f : Kr ---; Ll is surjective, and any
Y E f-1(LJ..liPi) satisfies the required conditions. 0
As another application, we have
(2.2) THEOREM. Let M I , ... ,Mn be n bounded measurable subsets of Rn.
Then there exists an (n - 1) -dimensional fiat that simultaneously bi-
sects each one of M I , ... , Mn.
PROOF. Identify Rn with the subspace {Xl, ... , x n , o} c Rn+l; for each x E
sn c Rn+l, let Lx be the n-dimensional flat of Rn+1 that passes through
(0, ... ,0,1) and is perpendicular to the vector x. For each r = 1, ... ,n let
fr(x) = measure of the part of Mr that lies on the same side of Lx as
does x + (0, ... ,0, 1).
It can be verified that fr is a continuous real-valued function on sn, so
that x f---+ (h (x), ... , f n (x)) defines a continuous map f : sn ---; Rn. By
the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, there is at least one point x E sn with f(x) =
f( -x) so that fr(x) = fr( -x) for each r = 1, ... ,n. Since Lx = L-x and
x + (0, ... ,0,1), -x + (0, ... ,0, 1) are on opposite sides of L x, this means
that L x bisects each Mi. Thus, Lx n R n is an (n - 1)-dimensional flat in Rn
that bisects each of M I , ... , Mn. 0
b. Periodic transformations
(2.3) THEOREM. Let T: Rn ---; Rn be any homeomorphism. IfTT(a) =a
for all a E Rn , then T has a fixed point.
§7. Further Results and Applications 153
PROOF. Let a ERn; we can assume T(a) "I a. The sphere sn contains
in natural fashion the sequence SO C SI C ... C sn-l C sn, each sphere
being the equator of the next; we shall define, by induction, an f : sn ~ Rn
satisfying f(-x) = Tf(x) . For So, the map f(+l) = a, f(-l) = Ta clearly
satisfies the requirement. Assuming f defined on Sk, extend f in any way
over the northern hemisphere S~+1 C Sk+ 1, and then extend over S~+1 by
the formula f(-x) = Tf(x). This completes the induction. By the Borsuk-
Ulam theorem, the map f : sn ~ R n must have some Xo E sn with
f( -xo) = f(xo); therefore, f(xo) = T f(xo), and T has a fixed point . 0
Ilxll m is a new and strictly convex norm in E. For each m = 1,2, ... there
is an Xm EM with distm(xm,N) = Ilxmll m = 1. Since Ilxmll S; Ilxmll m = 1,
the sequence {x m } contains a convergent subsequence relative to 1111; the
limit Xo of this subsequence satisfies the requirements of the theorem. 0
As an immediate consequence we get
(2.5) THEOREM. Let M and N be linear subspaces of a finite-dimensional
Banach space (E, 1111). Suppose
sup dist(x, N) < 1 and sup dist(y, M) < 1.
Ilxll::;!, xEM Ilyll::;!, yEN
Then dimM = dimN. o
154 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
~~ = 9 (t, u) , 0 So t So T,
u(O) = O.
If we let
eJ = {u E e 1 [0, T]I u(O) = O},
then the linear operator d/ dt == L : CJ ........ C[O, T] is clearly bijective with
L-1(J)(t) = lot f(x) dx == u(t).
We verify that L -1 is continuous by an a priori estimate: Recall that the
norm in CJ is IIul11 = max{llull, Ilu'II}, where IIII denotes the supremum norm
on [0, T]; since Ilull So TllLul1 from the above formula, and Ilu'll = IILull, we
§7. Further Results and Applications 155
find Ilulll ::; (T+1)IILull. So, ifu = L- 1(f), we have IIL- 1 (f)lll ::; (T+1)llfll,
and L -1 : C[O , T] -+ CJ is therefore continuous. We now prove
(3.1) THEOREM (Peano). Let g : [0, T] x R -+ R be a bounded continu-
ous function. Then the initial value problem above has at least one
solution u E eJ.
PROOF. Let e = C[O, TJ, let G :e -+ e be the operator G(u)(t) = g(t, u(t)),
and let j : eJ -+ C be the natural embedding. The problem is to show
that L( u) = j (u) has a solution or equivalently, because L is invertible,
that the operator jL - Ie: e -+ e has a fixed point. Since j is completely
continuous and e is bounded (because g is), the operator jL -Ie is compact.
By Schauder's theorem jL- l has a fixed point. 0
~ 1 nJrs nJrt
K(s, t) = 2T ~ Jr 2 n 2 sin ysin T
bound on y'. Since y' vanishes at least once in [0, 1], each t E [0, 1] for which
y'(t) =/:: belongs to an interval [a, b] such that y' has a fixed sign on [a, b]
and y'(a) = and/or y'(b) = 0. Let us take such an interval [a, b] and to be
definite assume y'(a) = 0, y'(t) 2': for t E [a, b]. Then from (ii),
and hence
ly'(t)I'S { A (e 4AMo - 1)
}1/2 = MI on [a,b].
The other possibilities that might occur are treated similarly, and the
same bound ly'(t)1 'S MI is obtained on the entire interval [0,1]. 0
° °
(4.2) THEOREM. Assume that f = f(t,y,p) is continuous and satisfies:
(i) there is a constant Mo > such that yf(t, y, 0) > for Iyl 2': Mo,
(ii) If(t, y,p)1 'S A(t, y)p2+B(t, y), where A, B are functions bounded
on each compact subset of [0,1] x R.
Then there exists a solution y E C 2 [0, 1] to problem (&').
PROOF. Consider the family of problems
{ y"
= )..f(t, y, y'),
y(o) = = y(l),
depending on the parameter).. (0 'S ).. 'S 1), joining the problem (&') to the
corresponding problem y" = 0, y(o) = y(1) = 0, whose (unique) solution
is y == 0. We claim that there are constants Mo, M I , M2 such that for each
solution y to (&'A),
for t E [0, 1]. Clearly, the bounds for y and y' follow from (4.1); the bound
on y" follows from the continuity of f on [0,1] x [-Mo , Mol x [-Ml' Ml]'
Let C6 = {u E C 2 I u(o) = u(1) = O}. Consider the linear operator
L : C6 ---+ C given by U 1---+ d2 u/ dt 2 , the family of maps TA : C 1 ---+ C
(0 'S ).. 'S 1) defined by
(TAv)(t) = )..f(t, v(t), v'(t)),
and the completely continuous embedding j : C6 ---+ C 1 . Let
r = 1 +max{Mo,M1 ,M2 },
158 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
where M o,MI ,M2 are the constants in (*), and Kr = {u E C5111u112::; r}.
Since L : C5 -+ C is invertible, we can define a homotopy H).. : Kr -+ C5 by
H).. = L -IT)..j. It is easily seen that the fixed points of H).. are precisely the
solutions of (&\); therefore, by the choice of rand (*) the homotopy H).. is
fixed point free on the boundary of K r . Moreover (because of the complete
continuity of j), the homotopy H is compact. Since Ho is a constant map
(Ho(Kr) = {O}), it is essential. Because Ho '::::' HI, topological transversality
shows that HI is also essential; in particular, HI has a fixed point which is
a solution to problem (&). 0
As an immediate consequence, we have
sup IlFn(x) - PnF(x)11 ~ O.
i = 1, ... ,n,
This is clearly a compact map. Note that ~i[K(b)]1- 0 implies that K(b) E
QCi (ei), so that Dc;[K(b)] E Q; thus, each value F(b) is a convex combina-
tion of points in Q, so F maps into Q. By Schauder's fixed point theorem,
F therefore has a fixed point bo E Q, and in particular, bo I- O.
Consider now the completely continuous linear operator W : E ----) E
given by
W = L ~dK(bo)]Dci 0 K.
PROOF. We have seen in the proof of the theorem that if some !£y is not
dense in E , then its closure !£ y is the desired subspace. We therefore need
only consider the case where every !£y is dense.
In that case, we have formed an invariant subspace for T to be the
eigenspace {y EEl W(y) = y} of a completely continuous operator
W : E -+ E. According to Riesz's theorem, every eigenspace of a completely
continuous operator is necessarily finite-dimensional, so the invariant sub-
space L produced in the second part of the proof is in fact finite-dimensional.
Since T is a linear transformation of L into itself and T i AI for all A, some
eigenspace M = {u EEl T( u) = ~u} is nontrivial. If now A E Comm(T) ,
then for each u E M we have
~A(u) = A(~u) = AT(u) = T(Au),
so that A(M) eM for each A E Comm(T) and M is the required invariant
subspace. D
PROOF. We first assume that K is the unit ball in E and show that uK is
a retract of K. Since by (4.3.12) , E ~ E - {O}, it follows from (7.5) that
E - {O} is an AR, and hence by (7.2) the unit sphere S = uK in E is an AR.
Consequently, there is a retraction r : K ~ uK. A similar argument shows
that there is a retraction r : K ~ K - UiEI Ui , and by (7.5) the assertion
follows. 0
The generalized Schauder theorem will now be established. Using the
factorization technique we first obtain the following preliminary result.
(7.8) THEOREM. Let K be a compact metric space and f : K ~ K be a
map. Assume that f can be factored as K ~ X .! K, where X is an
AR. Then f has a fixed point.
PROOF. Consider the diagram
1 00 (
K ~loo ~K.
We have
Thus, f factors through the Hilbert cube 1= and consequently has a fixed
point. 0
As an immediate consequence, we have
(7.9) THEOREM (Generalized Schauder theorem). Let X be an AR and
f : X ~ X a compact map. Then f has a fixed point.
S(X) = U{Sx I x E X}
is contained in a compact subset of Y; if Y is a linear topological space,
we say that S is finite-dimensional whenever 8 is compact and S(X) is
contained in a finite-dimensional linear subspace of Y. Recall that a map
S: X ----+ 2Y is called upper semicontinuous (written u.s.c.) if {x I 8x c W}
is open in X for each open W c Y.
(d) We take the Schauder projection to be into the linear space spanned
by the centers of finitely many e-balls {B(Ci,e) I Ci E S(X), i = 1, ... ,n}
covering the compact S(X). D
The second approximation result is the general
(8.3) LEMMA. Let X be a metric space, E a normed linear space, and
S : X -+ 2E a IK-map. Then for each e > 0 there is a continuous map
'Pc: : X -+ conv S(X) with the property: for each x E X there is an
x E B(x, e) such that d( 'Pc:(x), Sx) < e.
PROOF. Fix e > 0 and for each x E X let
U(x) = {y E X I Sy c B(Sx, e)},
which is open because S is u.s.c. Consider now the open cover {U(x) n
B(x, e) I x E X} of X; choose a barycentric neighborhood-finite refinement
{Va} (i.e., if Vai i= 0, then UVai C some U(x) n B(x, e)), and let {xa}
168 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
be a partition of unity subordinate to the cover {Va}. For each 0:, choose a
za E S(Va) and define 'Pc; : X ----* conv S(X) by
'Pc;(x) = L xa(x)za.
Clearly, 'Pc; is continuous; we now verify that it has the required property.
Let x E X be given, and let Val'" . ,Van be all the sets Va containing x;
{Va} being a barycentric refinement, there is some U(x) n B(x, c) such that
x E U Vai C U(X) n B(x,e).
f(x, y) = [7jJ(y)](y - x) = L Ai(Y)'Pi(Y - x), (x, y) E X x X;
clearly, f is continuous, and x ~ f(x, y) is quasi-concave on X for each
y E X. Since for no Xo E X could we have f(xo, xo) > 0, by (1.5) we get a
point Yo E X such that
f(x, Yo) = [7jJ(yo)](Yo - x) sO for all x E X.
Consequently, if we let I = 7jJ(yo), we have l(yo) = min{l(x) I x E X}; i.e.,
{x E E II (yo) = I (x)} is a supporting hyperplane of X at Yo. Because A is
inward and B is outward by hypothesis, there are Uo E Ayo and Vo E Byo
such that
9. Theorem of Ryll-Nardzewski
If § is any family of maps of a space X into itself, by a fixed point for §
is meant a point Xo E X such that T(xo) = Xo for each T E §. Our aim
in this section is to prove the theorem of Ryll-Nardzewski on fixed points of
families of affine self-maps of convex sets, which has numerous consequences
172 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
family of self-maps of C, then § is equicontinuous on C if for each neighbor-
hood W of 0, there is a neighborhood V of such that whenever X - Y E V,
174 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
g;.9' = {X I Fix(T) #- 0 for all T E Y(X , X)} . Y* is called the dual class to Y ; clearly,
(Y*)* = Y .
(A .I) A class &l of maps between topological spaces is called regular if:
(i) maps in &l have nonempty values ,
(ii) if s : X -> Y is continuous and T E &leY, Z), then To s E &leX, Z),
(iii) if Sand T are in &l, then so is their Cartesian product S x T .
176 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
Let:Jf be a regular class of maps. Show: If X x Y E §f/i and S E :Jf(X, V), T E :Jf*(X, V),
then Sand T have a coincidence.
(A.2) (Maps of type lB) If X and Yare spaces, we say that S : X ----> 2Y is a Browder map
or simply a lB-map provided (i) Y is convex and nonempty, (ii) for each compact K c X
there exists a finite set {Yl, ... , Yn} C Y and a continuous selection s : K ----> Y of S (i.e.,
sx E Sx for each x E K) such that s(K) C C == Conv{Yl, ... , Yn}. The class of lB-maps is
denoted by lB. Show: Every IF-map is a lB-map, i.e. , IF C lB (Browder [1968]) .
(A.3) (Geometric results for maps of type lB) Show:
(a) lB is a regular class of maps and lBe = lB.
(b) If Y is a compact convex set and T E lB(Y, Y) or T E lB*(Y, V), then Fix(T) =1= 0.
(c) If X, Yare compact convex sets and S E lB(X, V), T E lB*(X, V), then their
graphs intersect: G s n GT =1= 0.
(A.4) (Intersection theorem for lB-maps) Let {Xi liE I} be an arbitrary family of
compact convex sets. We let Xi = Dj"oi X j . If X = DiE! Xi, then X = Xi X Xi for
each i E I, and every x E X can be written as x = (Xi, xi), where Xi E Xi and xi E Xi.
Given T; : Xi - t 2 Xi , its graph GTi is a subset of X. Show: If for each i E I we are given
Ti E lB(Xi, Xd, then iE ! GTi =1= 0.
[For each i E I choose, for an appropriate compact convex C i C Xi, a continuous
selection ti : Xi - t Ci of Ti; consider the map of DiE! Ci into itself given by x 1-+ {ti (xi)}
and use the Tychonoff fixed point theorem.]
(A.5) (Maps of type Cf» Let X, Y be nonempty subsets of linear topological spaces and
assume that Y is convex. We say that S : X - t 2 Y is a Cf>-map (written S E Cf>(X, V))
provided the values of S are convex and S admits a selection S : X - t 2 Y with nonempty
values and open fibers. Show:
(a) IF C Cf> c lB.
(b) If S E Cf>(X, Y) and X is paracompact, then S admits a continuous selection
(A.6) Let X be a nonempty convex subset of a linear topological space and S E IF(X,X).
Assume there exists a compact K C X and a compact convex C C X such that SxnC =1= 0
for each x E X - K. Show: Fix(S) =1= 0.
(The results (A.3)-(A.6) are due to Ben-El-Mechaiekh et al. [1982]' [1987].)
(A .7) Let X be a compact convex set , and let j, g : X x X ----> R satisfy:
(i) g(x ,y) ~ f(x,y) for all (x,y) E X x X,
(ii) x 1-+ f(x, y) is quasi-concave on X for each Y E X,
(iii) y 1-+ g(x,y) is l.s.c. on X for each x E X.
(A) Given any A E R , either (a) there is a YO E X such that g(x, YO) ~ A for all x E X ,
or (b) there is awE X such that f(w ,w ) > >..
(B) The following minimax inequality holds:
inf sup g(x,y) ~ sup f(x,x).
(B.2) Let X = DiEI Xi, where each Xi is compact convex, and assume {Ti : X --; 2Xi}
is an IF-family. Show: There exists an index i E I and a point x E X such that Xi E Ti(X) .
[Establish first the assertion for I finite . Then (using compactness of X) find a finite
set J c I such that for each j E J there exists a finite subset {X], xJ, ... ,x7
j } c Xj with
X = UjEJ U~~l Tj-1(xJ); conclude by reducing the case of arbitrary I to that in which
I is finite.]
(B.3) Let X and {XdiEI be as in (B.2) and assume {Ii : X x Xi --; RhEI is a family of
real-valued functions satisfying:
(i) Yi f-> fi (x, Yi) is quasi-concave on Xi for each x E X and i E I,
(ii) x f-> Ii(x, Yi) is l.s.c. on X for each Yi E Xi and i E I.
Show: There exists a point E X such that for each i E I,
(B.4) (Generalized Nash theorem) Let {XdiEI be a family of compact convex sets and
{gdiEI be a family of continuous real-valued functions on X = DiE I Xi such that Yj f->
gj (Yj, xj) is quasi-concave on Xj for each x j E xj. Show: There exists a point E X x
such that for each j E I we have gj(x) = maxYjEX j gj(Yj , X ).
[Define {Ii : X X Xi --; R}iEI by f;(x,Yi) = 9i(Yi,X i ) - gi(X) for x E X, Yi E Xi ,
i E I, and by observing that (i), (ii) of (B.3) are satisfied, apply (B.3) to the family Ud.]
(The results (B.1)-(B.3) and the proof of (B.4) are due to Deguire-Lassonde [1995].)
(C.1) (Maximal elements of binary relations) If X is a set and S : X --; 2x, we let --<8
be the binary relation on X given by x --<8 Y ¢} Y E Sx (cf. (3.5.A.3».
Let C be compact convex, and let S, T : C --; 2c satisfy:
(i) S has open fibers,
(ii) Sx c Tx for each x E C,
(iii) Y tf. conv(Ty) for Y E C.
Show: There exists a maximal element in (C, --<8).
[Use (1.1.3), (5.8.2), and prove that Sxo = 0 for some Xo E C.]
(C.2) Let X, Y be nonempty convex sets in linear topological spaces, one of them being
compact. Show: If S E IF(X, Y) and T E IF' (X, Y), then there is an xo E X such that
Sxo nTxo -# 0.
(C.3) Let X, Y be nonempty convex sets in linear topological spaces and assume that
either X or Y is compact. Let f : X x Y --+ R satisfy:
(i) Y f-> f(x, y) is quasi-convex and l.s.c. on Y for each x EX,
(ii) x f-> f(x, y) is quasi-concave and u.s.c. on X for each Y E Y.
Prove: sUPx infy f(x, y) = infy sUPx f(x, y).
(C.4) Let {XdiEI be a family of compact convex sets and UdiEI a family of real-valued
functions on X = DiEI Xi satisfying:
(i) x j f-> fj(xj , x j ) is l.s.c. on xj for each Xj E Xj,
(ii) Xj f-> fj(xj,x j ) is quasi-concave on Xj for each x j E xj,
(iii) for each j E I and x j E xj, there is a Yj E Xj such that fj (Yj, x j ) > o.
§7. Further Results and Applications 179
(a) There exists x E X such that fj(x) > 0 for each j E I (see Fan's survey [1973]).
(b) Using (a) deduce the generalized Nash theorem (B.4) (Ma [1969]).
. X· .
[(a): For each j E I define Sj : XJ -> 2 j by Sj(x J ) = {Yj E Xj I fj(Yj,x J ) > O}. Prove
that Sj E JF'(xj, Xj) and apply the intersection theorem (A.4) for JF'-maps.]
(C .5)* (Coincidences for lK-maps and JF'*-maps) Let X, Y be nonempty convex sets in
linear topological spaces with sufficiently many linear functionals and assume that Y is
compact and S E lK(X, V). Let T : X -> 2 Y be a set-valued map. Prove:
(a) If T E JF'*(X, V), then Gs n GT i= 0.
(b) If X is compact and T has open values and nonempty convex fibers T-1(y) for
Y E T(X), then Gs n GT i= Y.
(C.6) (Coincidences for lK-maps and lK* -maps) Let X and Y be nonempty compact
convex sets in linear topological spaces with sufficiently many linear functionals. Let
S E lK(X, Y) and T E lK*(X, V). Show: Gs n GT i= 0.
[Prove that lK is a regular class of maps; then apply (A.3).]
(C .7) (Generalized Walras excess demand theorem) Let X, Y be nonempty convex sets
in linear topological spaces with sufficiently many linear functionals and assume that Y
is compact. Let S E lK(X, Y) and let f : X x Y -> R satisfy:
(i) Y ....... f(x,y) is u.s.c. on Y for each x E X ,
(ii) x ....... f(x, y) is quasi-convex on X for each y E Y .
(iii) fiGs 2: o.
(A) There exists a fj E Y such that f(x , fj) 2: 0 for all x E X.
(B) If X is compact, then there exists a Yo E SeX) such that f(x, Yo) 2: 0 for all
xE X.
[For (A) , define T : X -> 2 Y by Tx = {y E Y I f(x , y) < O}, show that T E JF* (X, V),
and apply (C .5)(a) to get a contradiction. For (B), use (C.5)(b).]
(C.S) Let X, Y be nonempty convex sets in linear topological spaces and assume that Y
is compact. Let T E lK(Y, X), and let f : X x Y -> R satisfy either (1) or (II) below:
[Assume that property (1) holds; to show (a):::;. ({3) , define <p : Y x Y -> R by <p(y, z) =
maxxETy f(x, z) and note that <p(y, y) 2: 0 for all y E Y , z ....... <p(y, z) is quasi-convex on
Y for each y E Y, and y ....... <p(y, z) is u.s.c. on Y for each z E Y . By the dual form of
(1.5), get a point Yo E Y with <p(yO , z) = maxxETyo f(x, z) 2: 0 for all z E Y. Next apply
180 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
the von Neumann- Sion theorem (1.4) to the function = flTyo x Y : Tyo x Y 7 ---t R to
max min f(x , z) = min max f(x , z) 2: O.
xETyo zEY zEY xETyo
Conclude by getting Xo E Tyo with minzEY f(xo,z) 2: O. The proof under assumption
(II) is analogous; to justify the implication (n)=;..{iJ) , use the dual form of the Fan- Kneser
theorem instead of (1.4).]
(C.9)* (Generalized Gale- Debreu theorem) Let E be a normed linear space, E* its dual
space, and C·) the pairing between E* and E . Given ACE, we let
The results of this subsection illustrate the scope of the topological existence principles
developed in Chapter II. In each instance the proof of existence is based on finding a priori
estimates for solutions to a suitable family of related problems.
(D.l) (Cauchy problem) Let f : [0, T] x R --> R be continuous and satisfy If(t , y)1 :::; 'If(lyl)
for all t and y, where 'If : [0, (0) --> (0, 00) is continuous. Set
roo du
io 'If(u) = Too.
Show: If T < Too, then the problem
on the set where y =1= O. Supposing that y is a solution of (Y\) satisfying ly(t)1 2: Irl ,
determine a E [0, T] such that Iyl > Irion (a, t] and ly(a)1 = Irl· Then, using Iyl' :::; IY'I :::;
'If(lyl) on (a, t], get the inequality
and derive the existence of a constant M such that ly(t)1 < M.]
§7. Further Results and Applications 181
(D.2) (Dirichlet problem) Assume that a continuous f : [0, 1J x R x R --; R has a decom-
position f = 9 + h such that :
(a) yg(t , y,p) ::::: 0 for all (t, y,p) E [O,lJ x R x R,
(b) Ig(t , y, p)1 ::;; C(t , y)lpI2 + D(t,y) with C and D bounded on bounded sets,
(c) Ih(t,y,p)1 ::;; M(lyla + Ipl.6 ) for some 0::;; Ci,(3 < 1 and M > O.
Show: The Dirichlet problem
Ily II
r 1 ,1 1 2 r 1 1 r
::;; Jo lyl'lh(t,y,y )ldt::;;"2 Jo Iyl dt+"2 Jo Ih(t , y , y)1 dt.
, 2
Next, using (c) and the Holder inequality establish the estimate
Now using Wirtinger's inequality, 1T' 2 11y112 ::;; lIy'1I2, valid for all continuously differentiable
functions y with yeO) = y(l) = 0, derive the inequality
where 0 :s: >. :s: 1 and <p is the function constructed in (a). Establish a priori bounds for
the possible solutions of (09'>.):
(D.6) Let J(t) 2: 0 be continuous with period 1. Show: y" = y2 - y,2 - J(t) has a
nonnegative periodic solution.
[Write y" = (1 + y)y - [y + y,2 + J(t)] and apply (D.5).]
(D.7) Let ak(t) (k = O,I, ... ,n) and bl(t) (l = 1, ... ,m) be continuous with period 1.
Show: The differential equation
n m m
y" = L akl- L bly,l = (anyn-1 + ... + a1 + l)y - (y - ao + L bLY,I)
k=O 1=1 1=1
Caratheodory solutions
In what follows, by an LP -Caratheodory solution of a differential equation y' = f(t , y) on
[0, 1J is meant a function y E W 1 ,p [0,1 J such that y' (t) = f(t , y(t)) for almost all t E [O , lJ.
Let p 2: 1. Recall that a function 9 : [0, 1J x Rk ---> R is an LP-Caratheodory function
(a) Z f-> g(t , z) is continuous for almost all t E [0 , 1],
(b) t f-> g( t , z) is measurable for all z E Rk ,
(c) for each r > a there exists an hr E LP[O, 1J such that Izl ::; r implies Ig(t , z)1 ::;
hr(t) for almost all t E [0, 1J .
(D.S) A function f : [O, lJ x R ---> R is called integrably bounded if for some nonnegative
a E L 1 [0, 1J we have, for all y E R,
If(t, y)1 ::; a(t) t-almost everywhere.
Prove: If f : [0, 1J x R ---> R is an integrably bounded LP-CaratModory function then the
initial value problem
y' = f(t , y) , y(O) = 0,
has an LP-Caratheodory solution on [O , lJ (Schauder [1927bJ).
(D.9) (Cauchy problem) Let f : [O , lJ x R ---> R be an LP-Caratheodory function that
yf(t , y) ::; a(t)(lyI2 + 1) for all y E R and almost every t E [0,1]'
where a E Ll [0 , 1J is nonnegative. Show: The initial value problem
(f) y' = f(t , y), y(O) = 0,
has an LP-CaratModory solution on [O , lJ.
[Establish a priori bounds in e[O, 1J for solutions y to
(f>.) y' = Af(t , y), y(O) = 0,
where A E [0, 1J.J
where ly(J.L) I = mintE[O,l] ly(t) 1 and ly(v)1 = maxtE[O,l] ly(t) l· Then use (b) to get ly(J.L) I
:::::: r, leading to the a priori bound IIYllo :::::: (r2 + 1)1 / 2 exp(21Ialld .]
(D.ll) (Periodic problem, second order) By an £P-CaratModory solution of a differential
equation y" = f(t , y, y') on [0,1] is meant a function y E W 2,P[0 , 1] such that y" (t) =
f(t , y(t) , y' (t)) for almost all t E [0, 1] .
Let f : R ----> R be continuous and h : [0 , 1] x R ----> R be £P -CaratModory. Assume
° °
that f(O) = and there is a constant M > such that yh(t, y) 2 for all y 2 M and
almost all t E [0,1]. Show: The periodic problem
(..P) y" = f(y') + h(t, y) , y(O) = y(I), y' (0) = y' (1) ,
has an £P-CaratModory solution on [0,1] .
[Find a priori bounds in C 1 [0 , 1] for solutions y to
(..P;,) y" - y = .\[J(y') + h(t, y) - y], y(O) = y(I) , y'(O) = y'(I) ,
where .\ E [0,1]. To this end , establish first the estimate IIYllo :::::: M. Next, multiplying
(..P;,) by y" and using periodicity get the estimate
T < l XJ ~:) and Ilf(z, u)11 :::::: <pUlul!) for all (z, u).
(a) Show: For every z E BT - {O}, and every continuous u : BT ----> en that is analytic
on BT , the following estimate holds:
d ,
dt Ilu(tz)1I :::::: Iz l' lI u (tz) 11 for all t E [0 , 1] with Ilu(tz)11 > 0.
r 11u(z) 11 ds roo ds
io <p(s) :::::: Izl(t - T) :::::: T < io <p(s) ,
and deduce the existence of a constant M such that Ilu(z)1I < M.l
§7. Further Results and Applications 185
E. Approximating sequences
Let X and Y be two metric spaces and {An} a sequence of compact operators An : X ----> Y .
(i) {An} is called collectively compact provided Un>l An(X) is compact. (ii) {An} is
equicontinuous provided for each c: > 0 there is a 0 > 0 such that d( Xl, X2) < 8 =>
d[An(xI),An(X2)] < c: for all XI , X2 E X and all n = 1,2, . .. . Any sequence {An} of
collectively compact and equicontinuous operators An : X ----> Y converging pointwise to
an operator A : X ----> Y is called an approximating sequence for A (Anselone [1976]).
(E.l) Let {An: X ----> Y} be an approximating sequence for A : X ----> Y . Show:
(a) A is continuous and compact.
(b) An ----> A uniformly on compact sets.
(c) Xn ----> X => Anxn ----> Anx.
(E.2) Assume that Xc Y is closed, and let {An: X ----> Y} be an approximating sequence
for A : X ----> Y. Show:
(a) If Anxn = Xn for n = 1, 2, ... , then {Xn} has a subsequence converging to a fixed
point of A.
(b) The set Un>l Fix(An) U Fix(A) is compact.
(e) If U is an a~bitrary nbd of Fix(A) , then Fix(An) C U for almost all n .
(E.3) Let C be convex in a normed linear space E and let U C C be open in C ; given
A: U ----> C we let 8A = AI8U. Let A E Xau(U,C) and An E Xau(U ,C) (n = 1,2, .. .)
be a sequence of operators such that {8An} is an approximating sequence for 8A. Show:
An is homotopic to A in Xau (U, C) for almost all n.
(E.4) Let A E Xau(U , C) be an essential operator and {An} be an approximating se-
quence for A with each An E Xau(U, C). Show:
(i) Fix(An) =I 0 for almost all n .
(ii) sUPxEFix(An ) d[x , Fix(A)] ----> 0 as n ----> 00.
(E.5) Let U = {x E C I Ilx - xoll < c:} and A E Xau(U, C) be an essential operator
with a unique Xo = Axo. Let {An} be an approximating sequence for A. Then for all
sufficiently large n, the equation x = An(x) has at least one solution , and any sequence
{Xn} of such solutions converges in norm to Xo .
(E.6) Assume that an open U C C contains the origin 0 E E, A: U ----> C is a compact
fixed point free operator, and {An : U ----> C} an approximating sequence for A. Show: For
all sufficiently large n, there are Xn E 8U and An E (0,1) such that Xn = AnAn(xn) .
(G.2) Let K be the closed unit ball in a Hilbert space H with scalar product ( , )and
assume that f : K -> K is a map without fixed points. Define (3 : K -> H by
x >-+ x - 1 _ (x, f(x)/(x) .
(i) (3 is well defined and continuous.
(ii) (3(x) i= for all x E K .
(iii) The map r :K -> oK given by x >-+ (3(x)/II(3(x)11 is a retraction .
(iv) If dimH < 00 and f is C 1 , then so is the map r .
(G.3) Let K n be the closed unit ball in R n , oK n = Sn-1 , and let r : K n -> Sn-1
be a C 1 retraction. Define a deformation d t : K n -> R n by x >-+ x + tg(x), where
g(x) = r(x) - x. Show:
(a) dtlS n - 1 = idSn - l.
(b) For all sufficiently small t, dt is a diffeomorphism of K n onto Kn .
[For (b), express the determinant det{ 8J + Wgi/ ox j} of the partial derivatives of dt in the
form of a polynomial with respect to t :
Pt(x) = 1 + L Ik(X)t k with Ik E C(Kn)j
use (G.l) and the inverse function theorem.)
(G.4) Using the notation of (G .3), we assign to g(x) = r(x) - x a polynomial function
19 : [0,1) -> R by setting
19(t) = r
Pt(x) dx = ao + t
aktk ,
where ao = vol(Kn) and ak = iKn Ik(X) dx . Show: The polynomial function 19(t) has
the constant value ao = vol(Kn) for all t E [0,1) .
[Prove that 19(t) = ao for all sufficiently small t: use (G.3)(b) and the change of
variables formula iKn Pt(x) dx = vol(dt(K n )) = vol(Kn) = ao.)
In this subsection the following notation will be used. Let (E, II II) be a normed linear
space and C C E a closed nonempty convex cone; the property C n (-C) = is not °
required, so the case C = E is included. For (} > 0, let BQ = {x E C I Ilxll < (l}, SQ =
{x E C IlIxll = (}}, KQ = BQ U SQ, Given r, R E R with < r < R, let Ar,R = BR - K r .
188 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
(H.l) Let U be an open bounded subset of C with 0 E U, and let F E £au(U, C).
(a) Assume that for all x E au and all A E [0,1] one of the following is satisfied:
1° x =I- AFx.
2° IlFxll -:: : max{llxll, Ilx - Fxll}·
3° (Fx, x) -:::: (x, x), where ( , ) is a scalar product in E.
Show: F is essential.
(b) Assume that there is acE C - {O} such that x =I- Fx + AC for all x E au and all
A 2': O. Show: F is inessential.
[For (b) , assuming F is essential, find for each n E N a point Xn E U such that
Xn = FXn + nc; then, using bounded ness of U, get a contradiction.]
Prove that F is a fixed point free compact extension of FIAr,R over KR.]
(b) Let FE £sRusr(KR, C) be an inessential map such that FISr is essential (with
respect to Kr). Show: (i) F has at least two fixed points, Xl E Br and X2 E Ar,R, and
(ii) FIAr,R E £SRUS r (Ar ,R, C) is essential.
[To prove that Fix(FIAr,R) =I- 0, suppose F : Ar,R -; C is fixed point free; use (a) to
get a contradiction.]
(c) Let F : KR -; C be a compact map such that (i) x =I- AFx for all x E Sr and
A E [0,1], (ii) there is acE C - {O} such that x =I- Fx + AC for all x E SR and all A :::: O.
Show: F has at least two fixed points, Xl E Br and X2 E Ar,R.
[Use (H. 1) and (b).]
(d) Assume C = E and let F E £SRUS r (KR, E) be such that (i) Fx = -F( -x) for
all x E Sr, (ii) there is acE E - {O} such that x =I- Fx + AC for all x E SR and all A :::: o.
Prove: F has at least two fixed points, Xl E Br and X2 E Ar,R.
(The above results are due to Simon and Volkmann [1988].)
I. Selected problems
(Ll) Let E and F be Banach spaces and L E L(E, F) be surjective. Let T : E -; 2F be
a completely continuous Kakutani map.
§7. Further Results and Applications 189
(a) Let K(J = {x EEl Ilxll ::; d· Show: Either (i) Lx E Tx for some x E K(J, or
(ii) there are y E 8K(J and A E (0,1) such that Ly E ATy.
(b) Let T : E -> 2F be a completely continuous Kakutani map and set CT = {x EEl
Lx E ATx for some A E (0, I)}. Show: If the set CT is bounded, then Land T have a point
of coincidence (Granas [1993]).
(1.4) Let X be normal, Y arbitrary, and T : X -> 2Y a closed map (i.e., with graph
closed in X x Y). Let A C X be closed and f : X -> Y continuous with f(a) '/. Ta for
each a E A. Assume that f is homotopic to a map 9 : X -> Y with g(x) '/. Tx for each
x E X via a homotopy cf> such that cf>t(a) '/. Ta for all a E A and tEl. Show: flA has an
extension r : X -> Y with r (x) '/. Tx for each x and such that:
(i) reX) c cf>(X x I),
(ii) ~ f reI A ,
(iii) r ~ 9 by a homotopy;t; with ;t;t(x) '/. Tx for all x and t.
(I.5) Let X be a nonempty compact convex subset of a locally convex space E and K C E
a nonempty closed convex set. Let 9 : X x X ----> E be continuous and such that:
(i) for each y E X and any convex set C C E the set {x E X I g(x, y) E C} is convex,
(ii) for each y E X the set {x E X I g(x,y) E K} is nonempty.
Show: There exists fj E X such that gCfj, fj) E K (Lassonde [1983]).
[Let ,1 be the diagonal in X x X; supposing the assertion is not true, find a closed
convex symmetric nbd U of in E such that g(,1) n (K + U) = 0. Consider G : X ----> 2x
given by Gx = {y E X I g(x, y) E K + U}; using the Fan- Browder theorem, get a
contradiction by showing that g( Xo, xo) E K + U for some Xo EX. J
(I.6) (Fan - Iokhvidov theorem) Let X be a nonempty compact convex subset of a locally
convex space E, C be a convex closed subset of E and f : X ----> E a continuous map such
that f(X) eX + C. Show: There exists y E X such that fey) E y + C (Iokhvidov [1964],
Fan [1966]).
[Let g: X x X----> E be defined by g(x , y) = f(x) - y and apply (I.5) .J
190 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
(1.7) (Himmelberg theorem) Let C be a nonempty convex set in a locally convex space E,
and let T E K(C, C) be a compact Kakutani map. Show:
(a) If V is a closed convex nbd of 0 in E, then there exists a point Xv E C such that
Txv n (xv + V) "" 0.
[Observe that the map x t-> (Tx - V) n C has closed values and open fibers; using
the compactness of T, find an A E (C) with (Tx - V) n A "" 0 for each x E C. Apply
(b) The map T E K(C,C) has a fixed point (Himmelberg [1972J; the above proof is
due to Lassonde [1990]).
(1.8) (Fixed points for upper demicontinuous maps) Let E be a locally convex space,
X C E a nonempty subset and A : X --> 2E a set-valued map with nonempty values. We
say that A is upper demicontinuous if for any x E X and any open half-space H C E
containing Ax there is a nbd N x of x in X such that A(Nx ) C H.
(a) Let X be compact convex and A, B : X --> 2E be upper demicontinuous set-valued
maps with nonempty closed convex values such that for each x E X one of the sets Ax,
Bx is compact. Assume furthermore that one of the following conditions is satisfied:
(i) For each (1p,x) E E* x X with 1p(x) = min{1p(z) I Z E X} there are u E Ax,
v E Bx such that 1p(u):S 1p(v).
(ii) A is inward and B is outward in the sense of Fan.
Show: A and B have a coincidence.
(b) Let X be compact convex and A : X --> 2E be upper demicontinuous with
nonempty closed convex values. Show: If A is either inward or outward in the sense of
Fan, then A has a fixed point.
(The above results are due to Fan [1972J.)
Then prove successively: (i) Xc is closed, convex and nonempty, (ii) Fc : Xc --> Xc is well
defined and compact, (iii) there exists Xc E Xc such that Xc = Fc(x c ) = AcXc - /-LcV,
where /-Lc > 0, Ac ~ k > O. Use compactness of Fc to conclude the proof.J
(based on the antipodal theorem) was first given by Banach (see Steinhaus
[1945]). Theorem (2.3) is a special case of a theorem of P.A. Smith stating
that no nontrivial finite group can act freely on Rn (see Smith's survey
[1960] for more details and further references). Theorem (2.4) is from Krein-
Krasnosel'skil- Milman [1948]; it has important applications in perturbation
theory of linear operators and also in approximation theory.
The remarkable feature of the Krein- Krasnosel'skil- Milman theorem is
that it implies in fact the Borsuk- Ulam theorem; this was discovered by
A.L. Brown [1979].
We now list some further applications of the antipodal theorem:
(i) (Algebra) Dai and Lam [1984] applied the Borsuk- Ulam theorem to
show that the quotient R[Xl , '" ,x n ]/(l +xr + ... +x;) has level n, i.e., -1
cannot be written as a sum of fewer than n squares.
(ii) (Graph theory) Using a version of the antipodal theorem due to Fan
[1952]' Lovasz [1978] established the Kneser conjecture: Given any decompo-
sition of the collection Y of all n-element subsets of a (2n + k)-element set
S into classes Y 1 , ... ,Yk + 1 , at least one of these classes contains two dis-
joint n-element sets (in connection with this result see also Barany [1978]).
For some other combinatorial applications of the antipodal theorem see
Alon [1987].
(iii) (Dimension theory) Using the antipodal theorem one can show that
the n-skeleton of the (2n+2)-simplex cannot be embedded in R 2n (see Flores
(iv) (Approximation theory) Some applications of the antipodal theorem
in approximation theory can be found in Tikhomirov [1960].
(v) (Game theory) Using a version of the Borsuk- Ulam theorem, Simon-
Spiez- Torunczyk [1995] established the existence of equilibria for certain
games arising in mathematical economy.
For more details about applications of the antipodal theorem the reader
is referred to Steinlein's survey [1985] and also to "Additional References" ,
where further information may be found.
(i) (Operator theory) The application of the Schauder theorem to the in-
variant subspace problem presented in Section 6 was given by V. Lomonosov;
Theorem (6.1), due to Lomonosov [1973], extends an earlier result of Aron-
szajn- Smith [1954]. We remark that the invariant subspace problem for
arbitrary bounded linear operators was solved in the negative by Enfio and
independently by Read; for details we refer to Beauzamy [1988]. For other
applications to operator theory, see Krein [1964] and also the survey of Fan
[1972]' where further references can be found.
(ii) (Descriptive set theory) Engelking- Holsztynski-Sikorski [1966] ob-
served that the proof of the existence of Borel sets of arbitrarily high classes
(in a metric space) can be considerably simplified by using the fact that the
Hilbert cube 1 00 has the fixed point property.
(iii) (Linear algebra) The Brouwer theorem yields a simple proof of the
Perron- Frobenius theorem: Every square matrix Ilaij I with aij E R+ has at
least one nonnegative real eigenvalue (Alexandroff- Hopf [1935]). For topo-
logical proofs of some generalizations of this result see Fan [1958].
(iv) (Geometry) The Brouwer theorem permits proving the following
result: Let (X, d) be a metric space, let <p : [0,1] -+ X be a continuous arc
with <p(0) f. <p(I), and let /30, /31,' .. , /3s be s + 1 strictly positive numbers.
Then there exists a partition 0 = to < h < ... < ts+1 = 1 of the interval
[0, 1] and a constant K > a such that
/3j = Kd(<p(tj), <p(tj+d) for j = 0, 1, ... , s
(see Urbanik [1954]) .
(v) (Optimal control theory) The Brouwer theorem implies the following
result: Let f : Rn -+ Rn be differentiable at 0 and such that f(O) = O. If the
derivative l' (0) is invertible, then for some nbd V of 0 we have 0 E Int f(V).
For further details see Halkin [1975].
194 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversaiity
The proof of (8.4) given in the text combines the (graph) approximation
technique developed for compact Kakutani maps in Cellina [1969] and the
suitably modified approximation technique used in the single-valued case
(Lemma (8.2)) (for another technique based on pointwise approximation of
Kakutani maps see Olech [1968]).
We remark that Borsuk's antipodal theorem remains valid for compact
Kakutani maps (Granas [1959b], Cellina- Lasota [1969]), as do the topo-
logical transversality theorem (Granas [1976]) and the Dugundji extension
196 II. Theorem of Borsuk and Topological Transversality
theorem (7.4) (Ma [1972]). Other results can be found in Fan's survey [1972];
see also Ma [1972].
Fixed point results for Kakutani maps prove useful in many branches of
mathematics; for instance, they find applications in game theory (Bohnen-
blust-Karlin [1950], Glicksberg [1952]' Fan [1952]), optimal control the-
ory (Lasota- Opial [1965], [1968]), differential inclusions (T. Pruszko [1984]'
Frigon [1990a], Deimling [1991]), partial differential equations (Chang [1980],
the lecture notes by Lasry-Robert [1976]), and classical functional analysis
(Day [1962]).
For numerous applications of the Kakutani maps in mathematical econ-
omy the reader is referred to the books by Aubin [1991] and Border [1985]
(see also Florenzano [1981]). More general fixed point results for set-valued
maps will be treated in Chapter VI.
Ryll-Nardzewski theorem
This remarkable result (considerably extending Kakutani 's theorem) was
announced in Ryll-Nardzewski [1962]; a detailed proof based on probabilis-
tic arguments was presented in Ryll-Nardzewski [1966]. The first geometric
proof was given by Namioka-Asplund [1967]. A simple proof of (9.4) (which
is a special case of (9.6)) was found by F. Hahn [1967] who also showed that
Theorem (9.5) of Kakutani [1938] follows directly from (9.6). Theorem (9.3)
is a special case of a result of Namioka. The proof of the Ryll-Nardzewski
theorem presented in the text is a corrected version of that given in the
book of Dugundji-Granas [1982]; the latter proof is valid only under the
assumption of metrizability of the space E (see also Hansel- Troallic [1976]).
For a noteworthy extension of the Ryll-Nardzewski theorem the reader is
referred to Namioka [1983].
Let G be a locally compact group. Following Eberlein [1949]' call a func-
tion f E CB(G) weakly almost periodic (f E W(G)) if its orbit under left
translations O(f) = {Lxf I x E G} is relatively compact with respect to
the weak topology in CB(G). Solving a problem raised by Eberlein [1949]'
Ryll-Nardzewski [1962] applied his fixed point theorem to prove that for
every locally compact group G there exists a left-invariant mean on W (G).
For the class of almost periodic functions AP (G) c W (G) such a result
(originally due to von Neumann] [1934]) can be obtained with the aid of the
Kakutani theorem. For details see Burckel's book [1972].
The Ryll-Nardzewski theorem has found applications in the theory of
finite von Neumann algebras (Yeadon [1971], Stratila-Zsid6 [1979]) and in
linear functional analysis (existence of invariant linear functionals under the
action of the group of isometries in a Banach space; Fan [1976]).
Homology and Fixed Points
(1.3) THEOREM. Let Po, ... ,Pn be vertices of (K, X). Then:
(a) n~o StPi i= (/) if and only if (po, ... ,Pn) is a simplex of X,
(b) if u = (po, ... ,Pn) is a simplex of X, then n~=o StPi is the set
of all x E K carried by simplices having u as face.
§8. Simplicial Homology 199
PROOF. (a) Assume that Po, . .. ,Pn do not span a simplex (J E £. Then for
each (J E £ at least one of Po, . .. ,Pn is not a vertex of (J , so
U{ (J 1 Po ti (J} U .. . u U{ (J 1 Pn ti (J} = K
2. Subdivisions
Given any simplicial decomposition X of K, we shall construct another
simplicial decomposition X' of K, called the barycentric subdivision of X;
its importance lies in that all the simplices of X' are "smaller" than those of
X, so by repetition of the construction, we can get simplicial decompositions
of a given support that have arbitrarily small mesh.
The barycenter of an n-simplex a = (Po, ... , Pn) is the point [a] =
n~l L~OPi (occasionally we use the notation ba ); a zero-simplex is its own
barycenter. We first describe the barycentric subdivision Sd 1 a of the poly-
hedron (a, § (a) ), where a is a single simplex; the vertices of Sd 1 a will be
the barycenters of all the faces of a. The definition is by induction on the
dimension of a:
1. If dima = 0, then Sd 1 a = a.
2. Assume Sd 1 a known for all a of dimension :S n - 1. Let an be an
n-simplex, and let!£' be the collection of all (n - 1)-simplices of Sd 1 an-I,
as a n - 1 runs over all the (n - I)-faces of an. Then Sd 1 an consists of the
{(YO,' .. ,Yn-l, [an]) I (Yo, . .. ,Yn-l) E !£'}
and all faces of these simplices.
Observe that the barycentric subdivision of an introduces no new ver-
tices on &n, so if each of two simplices a, T is barycentric ally subdivided,
the process will yield identical subdivisions on anT; the barycentric sub-
division X' = Sd 1 X of (K, X) is obtained by subdividing each a E X
barycentrically, and consists of
{a' I a ' ESdI a and a EX}.
For theoretical purposes, it is more convenient to describe Sd 1 X in
another manner.
§8. Simplicial Homology 201
because there are (s + l)(r + 1) terms in the double sum, but r + 1 of them
are zero, and all of them are :S J.L. Thus,
s n
lip - qll :S s + 1 J.L :S n + 1 J.L,
completing the proof. o
The process can be repeated. Defining the mth barycentric subdivision
of (K, X) inductively by
Sdo X = X, Sdm X = Sd 1 (Sd m - 1 X) ,
we have
(2.3) COROLLARY. Let dimK :S n . Then
(3.1) DEFINITION. A map <P : (K, X) --) (L,5L') is called simplicial if:
(a) for each simplex (Po, ... ,Ps) E X, the points <p(Po), ... , <p(Ps)
are vertices (not necessarily distinct) of some simplex of 5L',
(b) the map <P is affine on each a E X:
s s s
<P(LAiPi) = LAi<P(Pi), Ai = 1, Ai ~ O.
i=O i=O i=O
It is to be emphasized that <P is a piecewise linear map; it is uniquely
determined by its values on the vertices of X. Therefore, we often write
<P : X --) 5L'. Clearly, a constant map, sending all of K to a vertex of L ,
is simplicial. Moreover, because the barycentric coordinate functions Ai are
continuous, any simplicial map <P : (K, X) --) (L,5L') is continuous on each
simplex a E X, and therefore it is continuous.
We relate the simplicial maps to arbitrary continuous maps of K into L
(3.2) DEFINITION. Let J : K --) L be any continuous map. A simplicial
map <P : (K, Sd r X) --) (L,5L') for some r ~ 0 is called a simplicial
approximation to J if J(Stp) c St<p(p) for each vertex p E Sd r X.
We establish
(3.3) THEOREM. Let J : K --) L be any continuous map. Then there
exist simplicial approximations <P : (K, Sd r X) --) (L,5L') to J Jor all
sufficiently large r ~ o. Moreover , every simplicial approximation to
J is homotopic to J.
PROOF. Let <5 > 0 be a Lebesgue number for the open cover
{J-l(Stq) I q E (L,5L')O}
of K. By (2.3), the mesh of Sd r X is < <5/2 for all sufficiently large r; since
the diameter of each St p is < <5, each St p is contained in J- 1 (St q) for at
least one q. For each vertex p E Sd r X, choose <p(p) to be any vertex of L
such that J(Stp) c St<p(p) . The map <p sends the vertices of each simplex
(po , . .. ,Pn) E Sdr X to the vertices of a simplex of 5L': for
i=O i=O i=O
and (1.3) applies.
Extending <P affinely over each simplex gives the desired simplicial ap-
proximation to J. To show that J and <P are homotopic, let x E K, and let
(Po, ... ,Pn) = a(x) be its carrier in Sd r X. Then <p(x) E (<p(PO) , . . . <P(Pn))
E 5L'; on the other hand, J(x) E J(n~=oStpd c n~=OSt<p(pi)' so by (1.3),
§8. Simplicial Homology 203
f(x) is carried by some simplex having (<p(po), ... , <P(Pn)) as face. Thus,
f(x) and <p(x) are always in a common simplex of !.t', so by (1.5) the proof
is complete. 0
Note that the simplicial approximation to f is in general not unique:
it depends on the level r of subdivision that is used, and on the choice of
the vertex <p(p) for each vertex P E Sd r X. However, for each fixed r , any
two simplicial approximations <p,1jJ : Sdr X -+ L to f are contiguous: for
if (Po, ... ,Pn) is the carrier of any given x E Sd r X, then f(x) belongs to
n~oSt<p(pi) and also to n~oSt 1jJ (pi) ' so by (1.3) , all the vertices <p(Pi) ,
'Ij;(Pi) lie in some single simplex of !.t', and both <p(x), 1jJ(x) belong to that
simplex. Note also that for each fixed r and simplicial approximation <p :
Sd r X -+ !.t' to f , always d(J(x), <p(x)) ::; mesh!.t', and that the homotopy
path from f(x) to <p(x) lies in a single simplex of !.t'.
(4.1) ---
DEFINITION. An abstract complex X is a finite set d of elements to-
gether with a family sd d of subsets of d that satisfies the condition:
if s E sd d, then every subset of s also belongs to sd d .
PROOF. Shrink the open cover U to an open cover {Va I a E JZ1} having
Va C Ua for each a Ed; and let J-La : X - t I be an U rysohn function
with J-LalVa = 1 and J-Lal(X - Ua ) = 0 for each a E d. Because each x E X
belongs to some Va, we have L:a J-La(x) i= 0 for each x, so that the functions
Aa(X) = J-La(x)
L:a J-La(x)
§8. Simplicial Homology 205
To see that K,(x) E N(U) for each x E X, note that if '\)<11"" Aa n are
all the Aa that do not vanish at x, then x E Ua 1 n ... n Uan' SO that the
(al,"" an) span a simplex of N(U) and K,(x) belongs to that simplex. It
follows from (1.4) that K, : X ---4 N(U) is continuous. Finally, K,(x) E Sta if
and only if Aa(X) > 0, so that K,-l(Sta) C Ua . D
These simple maps are called standard maps of X into N(U); the K,
stands for Kuratowski, who was the first to give the explicit formula.
5. Simplicial Homology
Let X be a finite simplicial complex, and linearly order its vertices. Then
each simplex (qo, ... , qn) can be written uniquely as Ipo, ... ,Pnl, where Po -<
Pl -< ... -< Pn, and is called an oriented n-simplex.
(5.1) DEFINITION. For each n 2: 0, the free abelian group Cn(X) gen-
erated by the oriented n-simplices of X is called the group of n-
dimensional chains of X; clearly, C n (X) = for n > dim X. For
each n 2: 1, the boundary operator On : C n (X) ---4 C n - l (X) is the
homomorphism defined on each generator by
onlpo,.·. ,Pnl = 2:) -l)il po , ... ,Pi,' .. ,Pnl,
the caret over the Pi indicating that it is to be omitted; for n = 0, we
define 0o : Co (X) ---4 to be the zero homomorphism.
A simplex with its vertices written in some order is called an ordered n-
simplex. We relate an arbitrary ordered n-simplex (Pia" .. ,Pin)' made up
of vertices PO, ... ,Pn written in some order, to the generators of Cn (X) by
the convention
if {Pia' ... ,Pin} is an
even permutation of {PO,'" ,Pn},
if {Pia' ... ,Pin} is an
odd permutation of {PO, . .. ,Pn}.
With this convention, each simplex, ordered as it is written, represents + or
- a generator of Cn(X); moreover, the boundary operator applied formally
to that ordered simplex yields exactly the boundary of the generator it
represents. Thus, the boundary operator can be used on any ordered simplex
without first converting it to an oriented simplex.
206 III. Homology and Fixed Points
Ocn+1 for some (n + I)-chain Cn+l. Note that Hn(X) = for n > dimX,
and Hn(X) = Zn(X) for n = dimX.
homology class are called homologous; this will occur if and only if z - z' =
The entire construction can be put in abstract form. Let a chain complex
be any indexed family C* = {( Cn, an) I n = 0, 1, ... } of abelian groups
and homomorphisms an : C n -+ Cn-I , where C- 1 = 0, 00 is the zero
homomorphism and an 0 on+1 = for all n 2 0. A chain complex therefore
appears as a sequence
... -+
an C
Cn -+ an -1
n-I ---7 Cn -
2 -+ ... -+ Co
-+ °
of abelian groups and homomorphisms, in which the composition of any two
of the homomorphisms is zero; and the group Hn(C*) = Keron /lmo n+l
provides a measure of how much this sequence deviates from exactness at
the group Cn.
Within this framework, we can define, for a simplicial complex X, ho-
mology groups over an arbitrary abelian group, or field , G. For any such
G, the finite formal sums Cn = L gi lO"fl with gi E G form an abelian
group Cn(X; G), which is a vector space whenever G is a field. The bound-
ary homomorphism an : Cn(X; G) -+ C n - I (X; G) is defined as oncn =
LgiolO"fl , and is a linear map when G is a field. Again an 0 on+1 = 0, so
that {(Cn(X; G) , an) In = 0,1, ... } is a chain complex; the corresponding
homology groups Hn(X; G) are called the homology groups of X over G.
If G is a field , then Hn(X; G), being a quotient of a vector space by a linear
subspace, is itself a vector space e).
As the homology groups have been defined, they appear to depend on
the triangulation used; we will see later that in fact, they are topological
invariants of the support of X. We now calculate some homology groups.
EXAMPLE 1. If X is a connected simplicial complex (i.e., IXI is connected),
then Ho(X; G) = G. We show this for G = Z, the proof for arbitrary G
being the same. The connectedness of X is equivalent to the statement
that for any two vertices Po and Pn there is a sequence 0"1 = (po, PI),
e)Note that in this terminology, Hn(X) is Hn(X ; Z), and, in fact , the chain complex
{(Cn(X; G), 8)} is precisely {(Cn(X) 0 G, 8 ( 1)} , where 0 stands for the tensor product .
§8. Simplicial Homology 207
8c n+ 1 = dn - v . 8d n = dn + v . Cn-l = Cn ,
so every cycle bounds.
EXAMPLE 4. For the (closed) n-simplex an, we have Ho(a n ; G) = G and
Hi(a n ; G) = 0 for all i > 0, for a can be regarded as the cone over anyone
of its (n-I)-faces.
EXAMPLE 5. Let KS be the s-skeleton of a simplex K, and note that only
the groups Ci(K) for 0 :S i :S s are used in forming the homology groups
Hi(K) for 0 :S i :S s - 1; since Ci(K) = Ci(KS) for i :S s, it follows that
Hi(K) = Hi(KS) for 0 :S i :S s - 1. Using this observation, we calculate the
homology of ern, the boundary of an n-simplex (which is homeomorphic to
the (n - I)-sphere sn-l). We shall show that whenever n > 1,
208 III. Homology and Fixed Points
for i f. 0, n - 1,
for i = 0, n - 1.
Since b"n is the (n - I)-skeleton of (In, we find Hi (b"n; G) = Hi ((In; G) for
:=; i :=; n - 2, so from the previous example, all the groups except for
i = n - 1 are as indicated. Since dim b"n = n - 1, we have H n - 1 (b"n; G) =
Zn_l(b"n; G), so that we need only determine the group of (n - I)-cycles.
Let (In = (po, ... ,Pn) and consider the chain Cn = l(1n in Cn(b"n; Z) ;
then bn - 1 = BCn = L~=o(-I)i(po, ... , Pi , ... ,Pn) is a cycle on b"n because
obn- 1 = oOcn = 0; we will show that the cycles on b"n are precisely all the
chains gb n- 1 for 9 E G. In fact, any (n - I)-chain on b"n can be written as
Cn-l = 2) -1)igi (po, .. . ,Pi, ... ,Pn),
OCn-l = I) -1)igi { 2) -1)k(po, . .. ,Pk, . .. , Pi , .. . , Pn)
i =O k<i
+ 2) -1)k-l(PO, ... ,Pi,· .. ,Pk,· .. ,Pn)}
= L {( -1)igi( _1)k-l + (-I)k gk ( -1)i}(po, ... ,Pi,··· ,fJk, ··· ,Pn)
= L {( -1)i+k[gk - gi]}(PO, ... , Pi, . .. , Pk,· .. ,Pn).
Thus, Cn-l will be a cycle if and only if all gk - gi = 0, and therefore if and
only if Cn-l = gb n - 1 for some 9 E G. Thus , Hn_1(b"n ; G) = Zn(b"n; G) ~ G.
The cycle bn - 1 is called the basic (n - I)-cycle of b"n in Zn_l(b"n; Z).
(6.2) DEFINITION. Let T, J-L : C*(£) -----7 C*(£,) be two chain maps. A chain
homotopy joining T and J-L is a collection D = {Dn} of homomorphisms
Dn : Cn (£) -----7 Cn+1(£,), one for each n ~ 0, such that
Tn - J-Ln = On+lDn + Dn-1on for all n ~ 1.
We say that T and J-L are chain homotopic if such a D exists.
It is simple to verify that chain homotopy is an equivalence relation in the set
of all chain maps C*(£) -----7 C*(£,); moreover, if T,J-L : C*(£) -----7 C*(£,)
are chain homotopic, and a,(3 : C*(£,) -----7 C*(f?ii'J) are chain homotopic,
then a 0 T and (30 J-L are chain homotopic maps of C* (£) into C* (f?ii'J). The
importance of the concept stems from the following: chain homotopic maps
always induce the same homomorphisms T*,J-L* : H*(£) -----7 H*(£,): for, if
z is any cycle in £, then T(Z) - J-L(z) = aDz, so T(Z) is homologous to J-L(z)
for each z.
EXAMPLE 3. Let f, 9 : £ -----7 £' be two contiguous simplicial maps. Then
f* = g* : H*(£) -----7 H*(£,). For let
Dlpo, ... ,Pnl = :L) _1)i(j(PO), ... ,f(Pi), g(Pi), ... ,g(Pn))
Then 7roSd m : C*(£) ----+ C*(£) is the identity and Sd m o7r: c*(£(m)) ----+
c*(£(m)) is chain homotopic to the identity.
As an application, let £ be a finite simplicial complex; evidently, C n (£)
and cn(£(m)) are in general not isomorphic. However, we have
(6.4) THEOREM (Invariance of homology under barycentric subdivision).
For any finite simplicial complex £, we have Sd: : H*(£) ~
H*(£(m)), and 7r* : H*(£(m)) ~ H*(£) is the inverse.
PROOF . Theorem (6.3) gives 7r* 0 Sd: = id and Sd: 07r* = id. o
212 III. Homology and Fixed Points
7. Induced Homomorphism
Let 1 and .5t' be two simplicial complexes. A simplicial map <.p : 1 ----> £
induces a homomorphism <.p* : H*(1) ----> H*(£). We are now going to con-
struct a unique homomorphism f * : H * (1) ----> H * (£) for each continuous
(not necessarily simplicial!) map f : K ----> L, in such a way that if f is
simplicial, then f* is the homomorphism induced by the simplicial map f.
This will be a consequence of
(7.1) LEMMA. Let f : K ----> L be continuous. For any two simplicial ap-
proximations <.p : 1(m) ----> £ and 'IjJ : 1(m+s) ----> £ of f, the
homomorphisms <.p* Sd:' , 'IjJ* Sd:'+s : H * (1) ----> H * (£) are identical.
PROOF. Consider the diagram
The left triangle is commutative. For the right triangle, let 7r : 1(m+s) ---->
1(m) be a pseudo-identity map. Then <.p 0 7r and 'IjJ are both simplicial
approximations to f, since
f(Stp') c f(St7rp') C St<.p7r(p'),
so that <.p7r and 'IjJ are contiguous, and therefore 'IjJ* = (<.p7r) *
consequently, by (6.4), 'IjJ* Sd! = <.p*, and the proof is complete.
On the basis of this result, we make
(7.2) DEFINITION. Let f : K ----> L be an arbitrary continuous map of
simplicial complexes (i.e., of their underlying spaces), and let <.p :
1(m) ----> £ be any simplicial approximation to f. The homomor-
phism f* : H*(1) ----> H*(£) is <.p* Sd:' : H*(1) ----> H*(£).
Observe that if f : K ----> L is itself a simplicial map, then the homomorphism
f* : H*(1) ----> H*(£) given by this definition is precisely that induced by
f itself.
This definition has the correct behavior under composition:
9. Relative Homology
The notion of homology in a simplicial complex K can be made relative
to a subcomplex L C K: Using the factor groups Cn(K)/Cn(L), a bound-
ary operator a : Cn(K)/Cn(L) - t Cn-1(K)/Cn-1(L) can be defined by
a[c n + Cn(L)] = [8c n + Cn-1(L)]; the homology of the chain complex
{Cn (K) / Cn (L ); a} is denoted by H * (K, L) , and called the homology of K
mod L, or the homology of K relative to L; and for any abelian group G,
one gets the relative homology groups Hn(K, L; G) over G by considering
Cn(K) ® G and its subgroup Cn(L) ® G.
The groups H*(K, L) can be expressed directly in terms of the chains
in K: Let
Z (K L) = {{C E Cn(K) 18c E Cn-1(L)}, n> 0,
n, Co(K) n = 0;
this is called the group of n-cycles of K mod L. Let
Bn(K, L) = Bn(K) + Cn(L)
= the subgroup of Cn(K) generated by Bn(K) and Cn(L);
this is called the group of bounding n-cycles of K mod L; the quotient group
Hn(K, L) = Zn(K, L)/ Bn(K, L)
is the nth homology group of K mod L. Note that if L = 0, then Hn(K, 0)
== Hn(K).
216 III. Homology and Fixed Points
conclude that
o*e-;lj* : Hn(EK,p) == Hn(K+ U K_,p) ~ Hn-1(K+ n K_,p)
== Hn - 1(K,p)
for all n 2 1; clearly, Ho(EK,p) = 0 because EK is connected.
As an application, we find
(10 .2) Let K be a simplicial complex. Two n-chains ef , e~ in K are called homologous ,
written ef '" e~, if ef - e~ = oen + l for some (n+ I)-chain en + l . Let L be a subcomplex of
K . Then: (i) a chain en = I: oiO"i is in L (written en C L) if 0i = 0 for each O"i E K - L;
(ii) en is a cycle mod L if oen c L; (iii) en bounds mod L if en '" en, where en c L.
(a) Prove the following statements:
1° The boundary of a cycle of K mod L bounds in L if and only if the cycle is
homologous mod L to a cycle in K.
2° A cycle of L is homologous to zero in K if and only if it is the boundary of a
cycle of K mod L.
3° A cycle of K is homologous to a cycle of L if and only if it is homologous to
zero mod L .
(b) Show that assertions 1°_3° are equivalent to the exactness of the homology se-
quence of the pair (K, L) .
220 III. Homology and Fixed Points
[Use exactness to show that H.(K U CL, *) ~ H*(K u CL, CL) and excise CL - K.]
(10.9) Let Kl, K2 be sub complexes of K, and PI, P2 sub complexes of P. Assume
is a chain map such that both T* : H*(Kd ~ H.(Pl) and T* : H*(K2) ~ H*(P2). Prove:
T* : H*(KI n K2) ~ H*(PI n P2)
if and only if
[Use the exact sequences of (Kl, KI n K2) and (PI, PI n P2), then the 5-lemma, excision,
and the exact sequences of (KI U K 2, K2) and (PI U P2 , P2).]
(10.10) Let K = KI U Kz with KI C PI, Kz C Pz and K = PI U Pz· Assume that the
inclusions KI '-> PI and K2 '-> P2 both induce isomorphisms in homology. Show:
[Use the (KI' KI n K2, L) exact sequence, excision, and the (KI U K2, K2, L) exact se-
§8. Simplicial Homology 221
Simplicial complexes
The study of 1- and 2-dimensional simplicial complexes appears already in
the work of Euler and Cauchy. The early treatment of simplicial complexes
of higher dimensions was given by J .B . Listing (Der Census raumliche Com-
plexe, Gottingen, 1862) ; working on the topological ideas which had been
suggested to him by his teacher C.F. Gauss, Listing was, in fact , the first to
use the term "topology" in his Vorstudien zur Topologie, 1847.
Triangulations of differentiable manifolds and barycentric subdivisions
were treated for the first time by Poincare [1895] and used to establish
duality results for manifolds.
Simplicial complexes can be generalized in various directions . A descrip-
tion of infinite simplicial complexes is given later on, in §13. By relaxing
all "linearity" conditions, one arrives at the notion of CW-complex due to
J.H.C. Whitehead (see, e.g., Maunder's book [1970]) .
Simplicial maps and the simplicial approximation technique were devel-
oped by Brouwer. The version of the simplicial approximation theorem given
in the text was first proved by J.W. Alexander. There exists an important
relative version of this theorem, found independently by Jaworowski [1964]
and Zeeman [1964]; a detailed proof of their result can be found in Maun-
der's book [1970]. We remark that the Jaworowski- Zeeman theorem can be
used to justify the proof of the Brouwer fixed point theorem proposed by
Hirsch [1963] (see the above book of Maunder , and Joshi [1999]) and also
to give an elementary proof of the nonexistence of a continuous nonzero
tangent field on s2n (Jaworowski [1964]).
The fundamental concepts of the nerve of a covering and of the standard
map into the nerve (which appear in Theorem (4.4)) were introduced by
Alexandroff [1927] and Kuratowski [1933], respectively. The statement and
proof of Theorem (4.4) were given (in the context of metric spaces) by
Kuratowski [1933]; this proof made use for the first time of the technique of
partitions of unity.
Simplicial homology
The simplicial homology theory presented in this chapter is the result of the
work and influence of many mathematicians. Influenced by discussions and
correspondence with B. Riemann, E. Betti published in 1871 a memoir e)
(1) For details see A. Weil, Riemann, Betti and the birth of topology, Arch. History
Exact Sci. 20 (1979), 91-96. It should be remarked that Riemann gained some background
in topology from Listing, who was one of his professors in Gottingen between 1849 and
222 III. Homology and Fixed Points
containing what is now called the "Betti numbers"; these were so named by
H. Poincare who was inspired to study topology through Betti's work on
the subject. The concept of the (integral) homology group of a polyhedron,
expressed in terms of numerical invariants (Betti numbers and torsion co-
efficients) was introduced by Poincare [1895], [1900] ; these invariants suffice
for the classification of the 2-dimensional manifolds. The proof of the topo-
logical invariance of Betti numbers for polyhedra was first given by J.W.
Alexander by applying the simplicial approximation technique of Brouwer.
1. Algebraic Preliminaries
= IA - All
lAS - AS II = II IA - wj All
n n n
In what follows we shall be dealing for the most part with vector spaces
over the rationals Q, so we give here the facts and terminology we will use.
Let E be a finite-dimensional vector space over Q, and cp : E --t E a linear
transformation. The matrix A = Ila{ II of cp relative to a basis {U1' ... ,un}
in E is obtained by writing
cp(Ui) = La{uj, i = 1, ... , n, a{ E Q;
we define the trace tr(cp) of the endomorphism cp to be tr(A) and the eigen-
values of cp to be the eigenvalues of A. We point out explicitly that in talking
about eigenvalues, we regard matrices as being over C, so that every n x n
matrix over Q will have exactly n eigenvalues, some possibly complex.
(1.3) PROPOSITION . tr(cp), and the eigenvalues ofcp , depend only on cp and
not on the particular basis {U1' ... ,un} that is used.
We remark that if r.p : E --t E has the matrix A relative to some basis,
then the k-fold iterate cpk : E --t E will have the matrix Ak relative to that
The following propositions express the two basic properties of the trace
of an endomorphism:
(1.4) THEOREM (Commutativity). If f : E' --t E" and g : E" --t E' are
linear maps of finite-dimensional vector spaces , then tr(g f) = tr(f g).
PROOF. Let {U1' ... ,un} be a basis in E' and {V1' ... ,vm } be a basis in E",
m n
f(Ui) = La{vj, g(Vj) = Lbjuk.
j=l k=l
Then we have
m n m
and therefore
n m m n
~/l ~1 ~lIl
tr(<p) = tr(<p') + tr(<p").
PROOF. We may assume without loss of generality that E' c E and E" =
E / E'. Let 7r : E ----* E" be the projection, let {U1,"" u r } be a basis of
E', and let {U1,"" U r , U r+1, ... ,un} be its extension to a basis of E; we
note that {7r ( U r + d, ... , 7r ( un)} is a basis for E". Let A' be the r x r matrix
of <p' with respect to {U1,'" ,U r }, and A" the (n - r) x (n - r) matrix
of <p" with respect to {7r(U r +1), ... , 7r(u m )}; then the matrix A of <p with
respect to {U1' ... , un} is easily seen to be of the form A = [ AI
0] ,and
the conclusion follows. 0
The Lefschetz- Hopf theorem, which we will establish in this section, includes
many of the known facts about the fixed points for maps of polyhedra.
Let K be a finite simplicial complex. Taking chains over a field F and a
chain transformation T of C*(K; F) into itself, we recall that each Cn(K; F)
is a vector space over F, each Tn: Cn(K;F) ----* Cn(K;F) is a linear trans-
formation, and each induced T*n : Hn(K;F) ----* Hn(K;F) is a linear trans-
formation of a vector space. The following relation between the traces tr( Ti)
and tr( T*i) is of fundamental importance:
(2.1) THEOREM (Hopf trace theorem). Let dimK = n, and let
i=O i=O
§9. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theorem and Brouwer Degree 227
o -t Br(K; F) i
-t Zr(K; F) ~
-t Hr(K; F) -t 0
we get, for each 0 :::; r :::; n,
tr(Tr, Cr) = tr(Tr, Zr) + tr(Tr-1 ' Br- 1)
= tr(T*r, Hr) + tr(Tr, Br) + tr(Tr-1, Br-d·
Because Bn = 0 = B-1 , this gives
n n
L( _l)i trh, C i ) = L( _l)i tr(T*i, Hi),
i=O i=O
Working now III any Cr(K; Q) and using the basis {o-d of oriented r-
simplices of K , we have
and therefore
In the last equation, no<p( TJ) = ±o-i: for if v is a vertex of any TJ C 0-:['
then f(v) E f[St(v)] C St<p(v), so that d(J(v), <p(v)) < E/3, and therefore
d(v, <p(v)) 2: d(v, f(v)) - d(J(v), <p(v)) 2: 2E/3;
so if <p( v) were also to belong to 0-:[' we would have 8 (o-j) 2: 2E /3, contra-
dicting that the mesh of the triangulation is < E /3.
Thus, tr(<pSd m , Cr(K; Q)) = 0 for each r, and by the Hopftrace theorem,
)..(1) = O. This completes the proof. D
§9. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theorem and Brouwer Degree 229
PROOF. Since homotopic maps induce the same homomorphism, the first
assertion is obvious. To establish the second assertion observe that f*i maps
N f*i == Urn>l Ker f:7 into itself, and hence induces an endomorphism f~~ on
the factor space Hi(K) = Hi(K; Q)/N f*i' From the commutative diagram
230 III. Homology and Fixed Points
L f (z) = 1 _
+ ~ (-l)q 8
[n(q) 1 ]
1 - )..qi Z '
xU) + L
Lf(Z) = )..un)zn
valid in a neighborhood of Z = O.
Observe next that letting Z -+ 00 in (*) gives ILf(z)1 -+ 0, so if L f is
identically a constant, that constant must be zero. To prove the theorem,
assume xU) =I- O. Since xU) = Lf(O) =I- 0, the above observation assures
that L f is not identically constant, so some coefficient )..(r) is nonzero, and
r has a fixed point. The proof is complete. D
§9. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theorem and Brouwer Degree 231
ing mod p we have
= lAP - )"PII ,
so that "£ ak)..kp = "£ bk)..k p mod p; since tr(A) = (_1)n-l an _ 1 and tr(AP)
= (-1)n- 1 bn _ 1 , the proof for the case s = 1 is complete.
The general case follows from this by an obvious induction and the ob-
servation that if q = pS and r = ps-l , then = (r)P. r 0
4. Applications
We give here some simple and direct uses of Lefschetz and Euler numbers,
in fixed point problems and in some other areas of mathematics.
It has already been shown that any nullhomotopic map of any connected
polyhedron has a fixed point. We generalize this in
(4.1) PROPOSITION. Let K be a connected polyhedron and f : K --+ K
such that r
is nullhomotopic for some n . Then f has a fixed point.
PROOF . Observe first that if fn is nullhomotopic, then so also is fn+l: for
if If> : K x I --+ K shows that fn is null homotopic , then (x , t) 1--+ 1f>[J(x) , t]
232 III. Homology and Fixed Points
PROOF. The Euler number x(1) is greater than or equal to 1, since there
are no offsetting negative terms. 0
All closed 2-manifolds except the torus and the Klein bottle have a
nonzero Euler characteristic, as also does every even-dimensional sphere;
these are therefore included among the polyhedra covered by
(4.6) PROPOSITION. Let K be a connected polyhedron with Euler charac-
teristic X(K) #- O. Then:
(a) any f : K ~ K homotopic to the identity map has a fixed point ,
(b) any homeomorphism h : K ~ K (homotopic to the identity or
not!) has a periodic point.
PROOF. Using (4.5), we find in case (a) that 0 #- X(K) = >'(id) = >.(1); in
case (b), because h is a homeomorphism, we have X(h) = X(id) = X(K),
and the proof is complete. D
The statement (4.6) (b) raises the question of the possible period of a
homeomorphism; this is considered in
(4.7) PROPOSITION. Let K be a connected complex and p a prime. If there
is a fixed point free homeomorphism h : K ~ K with h q = id for
some q = pS, then the Euler characteristic X(K) == 0 mod p.
PROOF. We have >'(h q ) = >'(id) = X(K), and therefore >'(h) == X(K) mod p.
If X(K) 1= 0 mod p, then h would have a fixed point. D
This can be interpreted as saying that if a manifold admits a nontrivial
fixed point free Zps-action, then p must be a divisor of its Euler characteris-
tic. Thus, for example, X(s2n) = 2, so that an even-dimensional sphere can
admit at most a Z2-action, and the antipodal map is an example of such an
Our last application is to topological dynamics.
A semifiow on a polyhedron K is a continuous map f : K x R+ ~ K
such that
f(x, t + T) = f[j(x, t), TJ, x E K, t, T E R+,
f(x,O) = x, x E K.
234 III. Homology and Fixed Points
A fixed point for the semiflow is a point Xo such that f(xo, t) = Xo for all
f has a degenerate orbit) .
t E R+ (i.e. ,
By the finite intersection property, there i~ ~ome Xo E n~=l An; and since
f(xo, 1/2n) = Xo for each nEZ, we have f(xo, m/2n) = Xo for all natural m
and n. Because the set of dyadic rationals {m/2n} is dense in R+, continuity
of f ensures f(xo, t) = Xo for all t 2:: 0, and the proof is complete. 0
PROOF. (a) and (b) are obvious from the definition; for (c), note that a
has no fixed points, so by the Lefschetz- Hopf theorem, 0 = >..(a) = 1 +
(-1) n d(a), completing the proof. 0
236 III. Homology and Fixed Points
6. Theorem of Borsuk-Hirsch
The degree gives information about fixed points and points sent to antipodal
points. The Borsuk- Hirsch theorem, which we will establish in this section,
shows that the parity of the degree determines the behavior of the map at
antipodal pairs of points.
Recall that a map f : sn ---) sn is antipode-preserving if fa = af; we call
f antipode-collapsing if fa = f. We again begin by calculating the degree
of some maps. The first part in the following theorem is the homological
version of Borsuk's antipodal theorem:
(6.1) THEOREM. Let f : sn ---) sn.
(a) If f is antipode-preserving, then d(f) is odd.
(b) If f is antipode-collapsing, then d(f) is even.
PROOF. In the proof of both (a) and (b), we shall take sn with the tri-
angulation used in the combinatorial lemma, so that for each simplex of
the triangulation, a( 0") is also a simplex of the triangulation; clearly, every
barycentric subdivision of sn will also have this property.
(a) Let h : sn ---) sn be an antipode-preserving simplicial approximation
to f. By the combinatorial lemma, h maps an odd number of simplices onto
the main simplex of sn, so by our description of degree, d( h) = d(f) is odd.
8''+ ---)
(b) Let h : sn be an antipode-collapsing simplicial approximation
to f. Each n-simplex T of sn will now be covered an even number of times:
if 0" C s+. is mapped onto T, then a( 0") is a simplex in S'2 having the same
§9. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theorem and Brouwer Degree 237
If d(f) #- ±1 , then f has a fixed point and sends some point to its
If d(f) = +1, then f has a fixed point.
If d(f) = -1, then f sends some point to its antipode.
PROOF. Because (-1) 2n+l = -1, every map has a degree differing from at
least one of +1 and -1; the result follows from (5.4). 0
(7.2) THEOREM . Every map f : s2n+1 -+ s2n+1 with degree #- +1 has a
fixed point and sends some point to its antipode. If d(f) = +1, it may
have both, only one, or none of these features.
PROOF. In this case, (_1)(2n+1)+1 = +1. We consider the case d(f) = 1.
Here, id and ct both have degree + 1, and each has only one of the two
properties. The map
has no fixed point, and sends no point to its antipode (therefore has de-
gree 1). Finally, if we start with the map c.p : S1 -+ S1 of degree +1 given
which has both a fixed point and sends some point to its antipode, repeated
suspension of this map will give examples of maps having degree + 1 and
both properties. 0
This difference has two immediate consequences.
(7.3) COROLLARY. Every rotation (i.e., orthogonal transformation of de-
terminant +1) of s2n has a fixed axis; but there are rotations of
s2n+1 having no fixed axis.
PROOF. A rotation is an antipode-preserving map that is homotopic to the
identity, and therefore has degree +1. For S2n, this must have a fixed point,
so its antipode will also be fixed, and these provide a rotational axis. For
s2n+1 , the map R in (7.2) is a rotation that has no fixed points. 0
Denote by T(x) the n-dimensional hyperplane in Rn+1 tangent to sn
at x E sn; translated to the origin, it is an n-plane Lx perpendicular to
the vector x. A continuous, nonvanishing, tangent vector field on sn is a
continuous map assigning to each x E sn a nonzero vector in Lx.
(7.4) COROLLARY (Poincare- Brouwer). There is no continuous nonvan-
ishing tangent vector field on S2n ; such fields exist on s2n+ 1 .
PROOF. Assume that c.p were such a field; the rule f(x) = c.p(x)/IIc.p(x) II
would then give a map f : sn -+ sn that has no fixed points and sends no
§9. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theorem and Brouwer Degree 239
point to its antipode . By (7.1) this is impossible for s2n. In the case of an
s2n+ 1 however, the map sending
F 1 (x) = {f(X),
is continuous; moreover, for X E VI, both r( x) and f (x) belong to the interior
of E+ , so FI (x) and f (x) are never opposite, and therefore F1 c:::::' f; finally,
VI n F1- 1(6+) = {xd. This process is called concentrating VI n f- 1(6+)
at Xl.
Now repeat this process with F1 and V2, concentrating V2 n F 1- 1(6+) at
an X2 E V2 n V3 to get F2 : sn --+ En homotopic to F 1, and therefore to f;
and we have F 2- 1 (6+) C V2 U ... U VT . Proceed recursively in this manner:
at the kth stage, F; 1 (6+) C Vk U ... U VT ; concentrating Vk n F k- 1(6+) at an
Xk+1 E Vk n Vk+ 1 yields an F k+ 1 : sn --+ En homotopic to Fk c:::::' f such that
F k-.t\ (0+) c Vk+1 U··· U VT . At the last stage, concentrating VT n Fi21 (6+)
at Ps, we obtain FT c:::::' f with Fi 1 (6+) = Ps, and the proof is complete. 0
As an immediate consequence, we have
(8.2) THEOREM. Let n :::: 2. Then each f : sn --+ En is homotopic to the
suspension of some g : sn-l --+ En-I.
PROOF. If f- 1 (6+) = 0, then f is nullhomotopic, and the conclusion is
obvious. By Lemma (8.1), we can assume f- 1(6+) = n+, by a rotation if
necessary. Choose a small closed disk LL centered at 6_; since f is contin-
uous, there is a disk D centered at n+ such that f(D) C En - LL; on the
compact sn - D , no point goes to 6+, so f(sn - D) c En - .:1+ for some
disk .:1+ centered at 6+.
We now use a "radial projection" s : En --+ En that pushes 8.:1+ and
8.:1_ onto En - I: for each X E En-I, let 6+x6_ be the arc of a great circle
through x; it meets 8.:1+ at ~+ and 8.:1_ at ~ _ ; s maps 6+~+ linearly onto
6+x , ~+~_ onto the point x, and ~_L linearly onto xL. Then sf(D) C E+
and sf (sn - D) c E~; moreover f (x) and sf (x) are always on the same
arc of a great circle, so are never antipodal, and therefore f c:::::' sf. Taking a
§9. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theorem and Brouwer Degree 241
To get a contradiction, show that ((, t) f-> f((, t)/I!(( , t)1 defines a homotopy Ht : Sl - t
Sl joining a constant map Ho to the function H1 given by ( f-> c;n, which is impossible,
because d(Ho) = 0 and d(H1) = n .]
(This proof is due to Burckel [1981].)
(A.2) Let f , g : S2n - t S2n. Prove: At least one of f , g, g o f has a fixed point.
[Use d(g 0 f) = dg · df .]
(A.3) Let f : S2n - t S2n. Show:
(a) Either f or f2 has a fixed point.
(b) Either f has a fixed point , or else there is a point Xo E S2n such that both Xo
and - x o are fixed points of f2 .
(A.4) Let f : R2n+1 -t R2n+1 . Show: There are x i= 0 and A E R such that f(x) = AX.
(A.5) (Generalized Borsuk- Ulam theorem) Let K be a polyhedron and T : K -t K
periodic, of period 2. Assume that there is a 9 : Sn - 1 - t K such that
n1 1T
Sn - 1~K
commutes, where ex is the antipodal map. Show: If H n -1 (K) does not contain an infinite
cyclic subgroup, then for each f : K -> R n there is ayE K with f(y) = fT(y).
[Assume f : K - t R n with f(y) i= fTy for all y; then with
f(y) - fTy
F(y) = IIf(y) - fTyll
Tl 1n
This gives us exFg = Fgex , so that Fog is antipode-preserving, so has odd degree,
F.g.(b n -1) = (2k+l)b n _1 (where bn - 1 is a generator of H n _1(sn - 1)) . Now, g. (b n - 1) E
H n -1(K), and for any integer s , F.[sg.(b n - 1)] = sF.g.(b n - 1 ) = (2k + 1)sb n - 1 i= O.
Therefore, g.(b n - 1) i= 0, and {g.(b n - 1)} generates an infinite cyclic group.]
244 III. Homology and Fixed Points
[The Lefschetz number '\(r.p) is 1 + (_I)n - 1 d. Using the Hopf trace theorem, compute
this by working with the traces of the chain map r.p SdT, and taking the k-faces of (7 as
basis for the k-chains. Observe that SdT s = the sum of all simplices of T carried by
s = (Pia' . .. , Pi k ), so to say that r.p SdT s = .. . + as + ... means that a is the algebraic
number of those simplices of T of dimension k carried by s that receive the labels io, ... , ik .
Since ,\( r.p) = 2:~~ol (_I)k tr( r.p SdT), this completes the proof.]
B. Vector fields
(B.l) Show: A vector field f : (Kn+l, Sn) ---> (Rn+l, Rn+l - {O}) is essential if and only
if xU) =/0 O.
(B.2) Prove: Two vector fields f, 9 : (Kn+l, Sn) ---> (Rn+l , Rn + 1 - {O}) are homotopic
if and only if xU) = x(g).
(B.3) Let f : (Kn+l, Sn) ---> (Rn+l, R n + 1 - {O}) be a vector field such that the vectors
at antipodal points never have the same direction. Show: xU) is odd.
(B.4) Let f : (Kn+l, Sn) ---> (Rn+l, R n + 1 - {O}) be a vector field. Show:
(i) If xU) =/0 1, then f has an inward normal.
(ii) If x(f) =/0 (_1)n+r, then f has an outward normal.
(iii) If n is odd and xU) =/0 1, then f has an outward normal and an inward normal.
(iv) If n is even and xU) =/0 ±1, then f has an outward normal and an inward norma l.
(v) If n is even, then f has a normal.
(B.5) Let f : (Kn+l, Sn) ---> (Rn+l, R n + 1 - {O}) be a vector field. Show: Either f has
singularities or x(f) = o.
(B.7) Show: A vector field f : Kn+l ---> Rn+l - {O} is somewhere on 8K n +1 inward
normal and somewhere outward normal.
[1957]. Theorem (4.7) is due to Floyd [1952] and Theorem (4.8) to Myshkis
[1954]. G. Hirsch [1943] observed that Borsuk's antipodal theorem can be
obtained using the Lefschetz-Hopf theorem.
The general notion of topological degree of a map between orient able man-
ifolds is due to Brouwer [1912]; he gave some of its properties and used
it to settle some significant questions such as domain invariance in Rn.
The related notion of the characteristic xU) of a "vector field" f : sn - t
Rn+1 - {O} (xU) = d(!), J = f Illfll) was developed by Kronecker in a
series of papers in 1869- 1878, studying existence of common zeros for a
given system of real-valued functions. In the differentiable context, he ex-
pressed it by an integral, which he showed to be integer-valued; its value is,
in fact, equal to xU) as defined above. Kronecker's ideas were elaborated
by Hadamard [1910], who also gave numerous geometric applications.
Theorem (6.1)(a), proved by Hopf (see Alexandroff-Hopf [1935], p. 483),
represents a homological version of Borsuk's antipodal theorem. Part (a)
of (6.2) is due to G. Hirsch [1946]; part (b) of (6.2) was established by
Borsuk [1937].
Let [sn, sn] denote the set of homotopy classes of maps of sn into itself.
The bijectivity of deg : [sn, sn] - t Z for n = 2 is due to Brouwer [1912]'
and for arbitrary n to Hopf [1927]. The proof of the theorem of Hopf (8.3)
is an adaptation of that given in Dugundji 's book [1965]. Theorem (8.2) in
a different form was established by Borsuk [1933b].
This chapter is devoted to the concept of the topological degree and the
fixed point index. With the aid of some fairly elementary facts from linear
algebra and simplicial topology, we develop first the theory in the simple
setting of Euclidean space. Then, using some of the techniques developed in
Chapter II, we extend the index in R n to infinite dimensions, and establish
the fixed point index theory for compact maps in arbitrary metric ANRs. As
a special case we also obtain the Leray- Schauder degree for compact fields
in normed linear spaces. The chapter ends with a number of applications.
1. PL Maps of Polyhedra
In this section we describe the fundamental notions and obtain the basic ap-
proximation theorem. We recall that given an n-simplex (In = (Po, ... , Pn) =
{2=~=0 AiPi I 2:=:0 Ai = 1, 0 ::; Ai ::; 1, i = 0, ... , n} in some RS , a map
¢ : (In --7 Rk is called affine if ¢(2:=:0 AiPi) = 2:=:0 Ai¢(Pi).
A polyhedron K C RS is a union of a finite number of simplices, where
the intersection of any two simplices is either a common face or is empty;
we let Kq denote the q-skeleton of K , i.e., the subpolyhedron consisting of
all the simplices of dimension::; q. By a pair (K, Q) of polyhedra in RS is
meant a polyhedron K C RS together with its subpolyhedron Q C K. We
say that such a pair (K, Q) is special iffor any simplex (Jm = (po, PI, ... ,Pm)
of K with all Pi in QO we have (Jm E Q; note that for any pair (K, Q) its
barycentric subdivision (K, Q) is always special.
(1.1) DEFINITION. Let K C RS be a polyhedron. A map ¢ : K --7 Rn
is called PL if it is affine on each simplex, and PL n if it is also a
homeomorphism (onto its image) on each simplex of dimension::; n.
By slightly moving the images of vertices and placing them in general posi-
tion, any PL map can be approximated by a PL n map; in fact, we need a
more precise version of this result.
(1.2) LEMMA. Let (K, Q) be a special pair of polyhedra in RS , and let
f : K --7 Rn be a PL map that is PL n on Q. Then, for each E > 0,
there is a PL n map ¢: K --7 Rn with ¢IQ = flQ and Ilf - ¢II < E.
PROOF. For any finite set S C Rn, let F( S) be the union of the flats spanned
by all subsets of k ::; n elements of S; by Baire's theorem, F(S) has an
empty interior (everything being::; n - 1 dimensional). Consider the vertices
PI,·.· ,Pt of K not in Q. Choose YI ~ F[J(QO)l with IIYI - f(PI) II < E, and
proceeding recursively, choose
Yk ~ F[J(QO) U {YI, ... , Yk-dl with IIYk - f(Pk)11 < E, k = 2, ... , t.
¢(qj) = f(qj), qj E QO,
¢(Pi)=Yi, i=l, ... ,t,
§1O. Topological Degree in R n 251
and extending affinely over each simplex gives the desired map 4>: indeed,
for any (J"l with l ~ n, the images of the vertices do not lie on any k-ftat with
k < l, so 4>1(J"1 is a homeomorphism; and if x = 2::7=0 Airi is any point of
(J"k = (ro, ... , rk) E K, then Ilf(x) -4>(x) II = 112::7=0 ,.\df(ri) -4>(ri)lll < c. 0
More important for our purposes is the PL n approximation of arbitrary
continuous maps:
(1.3) THEOREM. Let (K, Q) be a pair of polyhedra in RS, and f : K -+ R n
a continuous map that is PL n on Q. Then, for each c > 0, there is
a subdivision K of K and a PL n map'I/J : K -+ Rn with 'l/JIQ = flQ
and II'I/J - fll < E.
PROOF. Since K is compact, uniform continuity of f gives a 8 > 0 with
Ilf(x) - f(y)11 < E/2 whenever Ilx - yll < 5. Subdivide K barycentrically
sufficiently many times to get K with mesh K < 8, set 4>(p) = f(p) for each
vertex p of K, and extend affinely over each simplex of K to get a PL map
4> : K -+ Rn. If (f is a simplex of Q and (; C (f a simplex of K, the maps
4>, f are both affine on (f and coincide on the vertices of (;, so fl(; = 4>1(;,
and the (; match up to give 4>IQ = flQ. Finally, if x E K is in the interior
of some simplex (Po, ... ,PI) E K, then Ilx - Pill < 8 for i = 0, ... , l, so
Ilf(x) - 4>(x) II = Ilf(x) - 2::!=0 "\d(pdll < E/2. Applying now Lemma (1.2)
to 4> gives a PL n map 'I/J with II'I/J - fll < E and 'l/JIQ = flQ· 0
(1.4) DEFINITION. Let K be a polyhedron and Kn-l its (n - I)-skeleton.
For any continuous f : K -+ Rn, we call f (K n - 1 ) its set of critical
values, and all the points in Rn - f(Kn-l) its regular values.
With this terminology, we have the following PL-analog of Sard's theorem:
(1.5) THEOREM. Let K C RS be a polyhedron and 4> : K -+ Rn a PL map.
Then the set of regular values of 4> is open and dense in Rn.
PROOF . The critical values of 4> are contained in the union of the finitely
many sets 4>((J"n-l), (J"n-l E K; since each has no interior, their union has
no interior, and the proof is complete. 0
In what follows, we will call a PL n map 4> : K -+ Rn special PL n if 0 is
a regular value of 4>. Thus, a PL map 4> : (K, K n- 1 ) -+ (R n , Rn - {O}) is
special PL n if 4> is a homeomorphism on each simplex of Kn.
detL =
we can take for V(O) a ball of radius C < min{cl, ... ,cN,1]}. o
3. Local Constancy and Homotopy Invariance
Our next objective is to show that d(cp, U) is locally constant on szI(U, Rn).
This will follow easily after we show that d( cp, U) is invariant under ho-
motopies cp : (U, aU) x I ----+ (R n , R n - {O}). The discussion of homotopy
invariance is somewhat lengthy, and requires some attention to detail; but
the effort gives, in fact, a more general version of homotopy invariance.
We start with the simple
(3.1) LEMMA. Let W c Rn+l be a polyhedral domain, and cp : W ----+ Rn
be special PL n . Then each component of cp-l(O) is homeomorphic
either to the unit interval I or to a circle; and in the first case, the
component has both endpoints in aW.
PROOF. Assume that er n+1 n cp-l(O) 1= 0; because cpler n+1 is affine and
dimcp(er n+ 1) = n, we find that dim(cplern+1)-1(0) = 1, so (cplern+1)-1(0) is a
line segment. It cannot be contained in any n-face ern of er n+1 because cpler n
is a homeomorphism, so it must join points in the interiors of two distinct
n-faces of a n + 1 . If any of these n-faces is the face of some other a~+l, the
segment continues into er~+l. Thus, the component will consist of a finite
string of segments, each meeting the next at a point in the interior of some
an. Since cp-l (0) na n+ 1 consists of at most one segment, the string can never
cross itself. Thus, if the string returns to a previous point, the component is
homeomorphic to a circle; otherwise, it is homeomorphic to I. In the latter
case, the component cannot have an endpoint c in the interior of W: for
then c would be in the interior of some n-simplex ern and also the center of
an (n+ I)-ball B contained in W; if B+, B- are the intersections of B with
the two open half-spaces determined by the linear span of an, then both
are nonempty (n + I)-dimensional subsets of W, which must therefore be
contained in two distinct simplices having ern as face; and as we have seen,
the component will continue across an. 0
We next develop a formula that traces the evolution of the local index
as one moves along cp-l (0).
Let an = (Po, ... ,Pn) be an ordered n-simplex in oriented Rn+l ; then,
for each ~ not in the n-flat spanned by an, the ordered simplex has the
relative orientation [Po, ... , Pn,~], and we have the following simple
§10. Topological Degree in R n 255
(a) [Po, ... ,Pn'~] = ±[po, ... ,Pn, 1]] according Rn+1 are on
as~ , 1] E
the same side, or on different sides, of the n-fiat E spanned by
(In = (Po, ... ,Pn).
(b) If qo, ql, . .. ,qn are all in a common hyperplane Rn x {t} of Rn+l,
i.e., qi = ((]i, t), and (v, T) E Rn+l, T -=f. t, then
[qo, .. . ,qn, (v, T)] = [qO, . . . ,qn] . sgn[T - t].
PROOF. (a) Let (l-t)~ +t1], 0 < t < 1, be the open line segment having~, 1]
as endpoints. Then letting ((Pih, .. . , (Pi)n+d E Rn+1 be the coordinates
of Pi for i = 0,1, ... , n + 1, and det [Po , ... ,Pn,Pn+l] be the determinant of
the (n + 2) x (n + 2) matrix
1 1
(poh (Pn+lh
we have
det[po , ... ,Pn, (1 - t)~ + t1]] = (1 - t) det[po , ... ,Pn,~] + t det[po, ... ,Pn, 1]],
so the values form an interval ([, in in R. Now, det[po, ... ,Pn, a] = 0 if
and only if po, . .. ,Pn, a are affinely dependent , i.e., if and only if a E E.
Thus, if the line segment does not meet E, then 0 (j. ([, ij), so the signs at
the endpoints are the same. If (~ , 1]) n E -=f. 0, then 0 E ([,7]), so that the
endpoints have different signs.
(b) For det[(qo, t), .. . ,(qn, t), (v, T)] we have
1 1
(qO)n ... (qn)n Vn
o 0 T - t
= (T - t) det[(jo , ... ,qn],
and the assertion (b) follows. o
Let (In = (Po, .. . ,Pn) C Rn+l, and let ¢ : (In ---+ Rn be an affine hom-
eomorphism. Choosing a ~ not in the flat determined by (In, we introduce a
measure that com pares the orientation of (Po , ... , Pn, ~) in Rn+ 1 to that of
(¢(Po), ... ,¢(Pn)) in Rn by means of
Ll(¢,(In;~) = [po, ... ,Pn,~]· [¢(po), ... ,¢(Pn)],
256 IV. LeraySchauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
a quantity independent of the order in which the vertices (Po, ... ,Pn) of (In
are written e).
The main burden of the proof of the homotopy invariance of the degree
will be carried by the following
(3.3) LEMMA. Let (po, ... ,Pn+l) = (In+l C Rn+1, and let
¢: ((In+l, ((In+l)n-l) --? (Rn,Rn - {O})
be PL n such that ¢ -1 (0) =f. 0. Then ¢ -1 (0) is a line segment joining
points in 2 distinct n-faces, say
ao E (Jo = (Po, ... ,Pn) to al E (Jl = (PI, ... ,Pn+l),
L1(¢,(Jo;ad = -L1(¢,(Jl;aO).
PROOF. The points al and Pn+l are in the same half-space determined by
(po, . .. ,Pn) because al E (PI, ... ,Pn+d can be joined to Pn+l by a line
segment in (JI; and similarly for ao and Po; so by (3.2)(a),
iJ.(¢, (Jo; ar) = [Po, ... ,Pn, al] . [¢(Po), ... , ¢(Pn)]
= [Po, ...,Pn,Pn+d . [¢(Po), ... , ¢(Pn)]
= (_l)n+l [PI, ... , Pn+l, Po] (_l)n[¢(pI)' ... , ¢(Pn), ¢(po)]
= -[PI,···,Pn+l,aO]· [¢(pr),···,¢(Pn)'¢(PO)].
Now, the (n - I)-fiat E spanned by (¢(pr), ... , ¢(Pn)) C Rn does not con-
tain 0; but both (¢(pr), ... , ¢(Pn), ¢(po)) and (¢(PI)' ... ' ¢(Pn), ¢(Pn+r)) do;
therefore, ¢(po) and ¢(Pn+r) are in the same half-space determined by E,
which shows that
iJ.(¢,(J;ar) = -[PI,···,Pn+l,aO]· [¢(Pl),·.·,¢(Pn),¢(Pn+l)]
= -Ll( ¢, (JI; ao). o
Let W be a polyhedral domain in Rn+l = Rn x R with W c Rn x I.
We will assume that
Wo = W n (Rn x {O}),
are both and call the closure of oW - (Wo U Wr) the vertical
boundary oW of W. With this notation, the basic result is:
(3.4) THEOREM. Let <P : (W,8W) --? (Rn,Rn - {O}) be continuous and
special PL n on Wo U WI. Then d(<pIWo, W o) = d(<pIW I , WI).
e) For an interpretation of Ll(4), O"n;.;) as the intersection number of the simplex
and the oriented line [O"nJ'; (where [O"nJ is the barycenter of O"n) see the monograph by
Alexandroff and Hopf [1935J.
§1O. Topological Degree in R n 257
In this section we present some further features of the degree. They are
all immediate consequences of Theorem (4.3), so that they follow once the
properties given there are established in some way. We will give proofs by
formal deduction from (4.3), to emphasize this dependence, even when there
are more direct proofs (even trivial) from the way we have defined d(f, U).
By taking U = U1 = U2 = 0, the additivity property implies formally
first that d(f, 0) = 0 and then the very useful
(5.1) THEOREM (Excision). If V cUe Rn are polyhedral domains and
f E Co(U, Rn) has all its zeros in V, then d(f, U) = d(f, V) .
§1O. Topological Degree in R n 261
PROOF. The zeros of f all being in the disjoint sets V and 0, additivity gives
the result. 0
It is an immediate consequence of the excision property that if f(U) c
Rn - {O}, then d(f, U) = d(f,0) = 0; this leads to the important result that
underlies many applications of degree theory in analysis.
(5.2) THEOREM (Existence property). Let U c Rn be a polyhedral domain
and f E Co(U, Rn). If d(f, U) i= 0, then f(U) contains a neighbor-
hood of O.
PROOF. From the preceding remarks, if d(f, U) i= 0, then the equation
f (u) = 0 has a solution in U. By local constancy, d (g, U) i= 0 for all 9
sufficiently close to f , so for some EO > 0, all the functions g = f - y with
Ilyll < EO have zeros in U, and this proves the theorem. 0
Another important property of the degree is given in the following
(5.3) THEOREM (Multiplicativity). Let U l C Rn and U2 C Rk be poly-
hedral domains, and let II E Co(Ul,Rn), 12 E C o (U2 ,R ). Then
- - k
We are now going to remove the requirement that the open set U be polyhe-
dral; indeed, we will not require U to be bounded, or even that the functions
considered be defined on au.
The starting point is to note that given a polyhedral domain U and
f E Co(U , Rn), the zero set Z(j) = f- 1 (0) (being closed and bounded by
continuity of f) is a compact subset of the open set U. This description
makes no explicit reference to flau. Guided by this, we make the following
(6.1) DEFINITION. Let W c Rn be any open set. A continuous map
f : W - t Rn is called compactly rooted in W if Z(j) is compact. The
set of all compactly rooted maps on W is denoted by Co (W, Rn).
Even if W is a polyhedral domain, the set Co(W, Rn) is somewhat larger
than Co(W , R n ) , since continuity on aw is not required. We are going to
define a degree function d : Co (W, Rn) - t Z.
Since Z(j) C W is compact, there is always a polyhedral domain U with
Z(j) cUe U C W: the distance between the compact Z(j) and the closed
R n - W is greater than some positive 0:, so taking a cubical grating of Rn
with mesh < 0:/2 and keeping only the n-cubes that meet Z(j) provides
such a domain.
(6.2) DEFINITION. Let W c Rn be any open set. Given an f E Co(W, Rn),
choose any polyhedral domain U with Z(j) cUe U c Wand define
the degree of f on W by d(j, W) = d(j, U).
The value d(j, W) is independent of the polyhedral domain selected: if V
is another such polyhedral domain, then since the intersection of two such
domains is also a polyhedral domain (the intersections O'unO'v
are all convex,
so the corresponding complex has a simplicial subdivision), excision gives
d(j, U) = d(j, U n V) = d(j, V).
The requirement that each H t be compactly rooted is too weak to give
homotopy invariance of the degree: for example, with W = (0,1) C R1 and
H(w, t) = w-(t+1/2), each H t is compactly rooted in W, but d(Ho, W) = 1,
whereas d(H1' W) = O. The appropriate requirement is that the homotopy
H be compactly rooted in W x I. This can be stated in various equivalent
(6.3) PROPOSITION. Let H : W x I - t R n be continuous. The following
statements are equivalent:
(1) H - 1 (0) is compact (i.e., H is compactly rooted in W x I).
(2) P w H- 1 (0) is compact , where P w : W x I - t W is the projection.
(3) U{ Z(Ht ) I 0 'S t 'S I} is compact.
§10. Topological Degree in R n 263
PROOF. That (l)=}(2) is obvious; since the set in (3) is exactly PWH-1(O),
it is also clear that (2)¢:}(3). It remains to show that (2)=}(1). For this, note
that H-1(O) is closed in the product of compact sets PwH-1(O) and I. D
(6.4) THEOREM. Let W be any open set in Rn. Then f I---> d(f, W) defines
a function d : Co(W, Rn) --) Z satisfying:
(1) Strict normalization
(2) Additivity
(3) (Homotopy) If H : W x 1--) Rn is a compactly rooted homotopy,
then d(HIW x {O}, W) = d(HIW x {I}, W).
PROOF. Properties (1) and (2) are obvious from the definitions. For (3),
choose a polyhedral domain U with H - 1(O) c U x I and U c U c W;
apply (4.3). D
7. Axiomatics
We have seen in (4.4) that the strict normalization, additivity, and homo-
topy properties characterize the degree; and it was pointed out that these
conditions are not independent. Specifically, we are going to show that using
the additivity and homotopy properties, one can deduce the strict normal-
ization condition (4.3)(1) from the following simpler axiom:
Let RS = A EEl B be a direct sum decomposition, and let 71"A, 71"B be the
projections. Let U c RS be an open set containing the origin; we are going
to calculate d( -71" A +71"B , U) using (I') and the remaining properties; (4.3) (1)
will then follow easily.
Ho(x, t) = (1 - t)[-7rA(X)] + tJ7rA(X) + 7rB(X) ,
HI(x, t) = (1 - t)J7rA(X) + t7rA(X) + 7rB(X),
of -7rA + 7rB to J7rA + 7rB to 7rA + 7rB is compactly rooted in U x I. Only
the proof for Ho is given, the argument for HI being similar.
Assume that Ho(x, t) = 0; then 7rB(X) = 0, and it is enough to show that
7rA(X) = 0 (so that x = 0). We have (1- t)[-7rA(X)] +tJ7rA(X) = O. If t = 0,
then -7rA(X) = 0; if t = 1, then J7rA(X) = 0 and since J is nonsingular, we
get 7rA(X) = O. Finally, if 0 < t < 1, then 7rA(X) = l~tJ7rA(X), so J7f'A(x) =
l~t (-7rAX) = -( l~t)2 J7rA(X), showing once again that 7rA (x) = O. The two
homotopies show that -7r A + 7r B is homotopic to 7r A + 7r B = id, and axiom
(I') above gives our result. 0
(7.2) PROPOSITION. If dim A is odd, then
d( -7rA + 7rB , U) = -1.
PROOF . It is enough to consider the case where dim A = 1: for we can write
A = Al EB A 2 , where dimA 1 = 1 and dimA 2 = 2n, and by (7.1) we find
d(-7rA+7rB'U) =d(-7rA, -7rA 2 +7rB , U)
= d( -7rA, + 7rA2 + 7rB , U) = d( -7rA, + 7rA 2+B, U).
We take A = R, and define fo(x) to be the constant function 1 and
JI(x) = x(x - 2). We can assume that U c R contains the open interval
(-1 , 3) in its interior; and since the zeros of the functions considered are all
in (-1, 3) , excision shows we need operate only on this interval.
-1 3
It is easy to see that HI8U x I is never zero (since Tl has no positive eigen-
values and T2 has no negative ones). By (7.1), (7.2), and multiplicativity we
d(T, U) = d( - id N , U n N) = (_1)8.
For s = 0, the result follows from normalization, d(id, U) = l.
266 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
(8.5) THEOREM (Degree for compactly rooted maps). Let J(* be the class
of all compactly rooted maps f : U ---+ R n , where U is open in some
Rn. Then:
(A) There exists a function D : J(* ---+ Z assigning a d egree D(f) =
D(f, U) to each f : U ---+ Rn in J(* and satisfying:
(I) (Normalization) If f = id u and 0 E U, then D(f) = l.
(II) (Additivity) For every pair VI, V2 of disjoint open subsets
ofU , if Z(f) c VI UV2 , then D(f, U) = D(f, Vr)+D(f , V2) ·
(III) (Homotopy) Let H t : W ---+ R n be a compactly rooted ho-
motopy. Then D(Ho, W) = D(HI' W).
(IV) (Existence) If D(f, U) i= 0, then Z(f) i= 0.
(V) (Excision) If V c U is open and Z(f) C V, then D(f, U)
= D(f, V).
(VI) (Multiplicativity) Let U C Rn and V C R m be open and
f E Co(U, Rn), g E Co (V, Rm). Then f x g E Co(U x V,
Rn+m) and D(f x g , U x V) = D(f, U) . D(g, V).
(B) The degree function D : J(* ---+ Z is uniquely determined by the
normalization, additivity , and homotopy properties (I)-(III). 0
is even. o
We now state the desired extension of the Borsuk theorem:
(9.2) THEOREM (Antipodal theorem). Let U be a centrally symmetric poly-
hedral domain and f : (U, aU) -+ (Rn, Rn - {O}) a continuous map
such that:
(i) flau is an odd function,
(ii) 0 E U.
Then d(f, U) is odd.
PROOF. Choose a closed ball Uo c U around the origin. Define <p : Uo u
au -+ R n by <pIUo = id, <pIau = flau. Tietze's theorem gives an extension
<P: (U, aU) -+ (Rn, R n - {O}) of <p over U. Defining
tJi(x) = 2[<P(x) -<P(-x)]
we find:
(a) tJilau = flau because f is odd on au.
(b) tJil Uo = id.
(c) tJi : U -+ R n is odd.
Now, by (a), d(f, U) = d(tJi, U), because of the boundary value theorem
(8.2). Next, by additivity,
d(tJi, U) = d(tJi, Uo) + d(tJi, U - Uo).
By normalization, d(tJi, Uo) = +1. Since tJi is odd on U - U 0, and 0 tic U - U 0,
we conclude by (9.1) that d(tJi, U - Uo) is even. Thus, d(f, U) is odd. 0
270 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
(A.2) Let f E Co(U, Rn) and assume that V(xo) is a nbd of Xo E Z(J) such that
Z(J) n V(xo) = {xo}· We let io(J, xo) = d(J, V(xo)) be the local index of Xo for f. Show:
io (J, xo) depends only on f and Xo·
(A.3) Let f E Co(U,Rn) with Z(J) = {Xl, .. . ,xd· Show: d(J,U) = 2:7=1 io(J,xi).
(A.4) Let U eRn be open and bounded, and f,g E Co(U, Rn). Show:
(a) If J.Lf(x) = g(x) for all x E au and J.L > 0, then d(J, U) = d(g, U).
(b) If J.Lf(x) = -g(x) for all x E aU and J.L > 0, then d(J,U) = (-I)nd(g,U).
(c) d(J, U) = (-l) n d( - f, U).
(A.5) Let U C R2n+1 be an open bounded nbd of 0, and let f : aU ~ R 2n +1 - {o} be
continuous. Show: There is an (xo, AO) E au x (R - {o}) such that Xo = Aof(xo).
(A.6) Let U eRn be open and bounded, and f E Co(U, Rn). Show:
(a) If either (i) 0 E U and d(J, U) # 1, or (ii) 0 ¢ U and d(J, U) # 0, then there are
Xo E au and AO < 0 such that xo = Aof(xo).
(b) If either (i) 0 E U and d(J, U) # (_l)n, or (ii) 0 ¢ U and d(J, U) # 0, then there
are Yo E au and AO > 0 such that yO = Aof(yo).
(A.7) For any bounded open U C R n and bERn, let Cb(U, Rn) be the set of all
continuous f : Cu, aU) ~ (Rn, R n - {b}). Given an f E Cb(U, R n ), its degree with respect
to b is the integer d(J, U, b) = d(J - b, U), where d(J - b, U) is the Brouwer degree of the
map f - b: (U, aU) ~ (R n , R n - {o}). Establish the following properties of the degree:
(1) (Normalization) d(id, U, b) = 1 or 0 depending on whether or not bE U.
(2) (Additivity) If U ~ UI U U2 with UI, U2 open disjoint and b ¢ f(U - (U1 U U2)),
d(J , u, b) = d(J, U1, b) + d(J, U2, b).
(3) (Homotopy) If Ht : (U, aU) ~ (Rn, R n - {b}) is a homotopy, then d(Ho, U, b) =
d(H 1 , U,b).
(4) (Existence property) If d(J, u, b) # 0, then f (U) is a nbd of b in Rn.
(5) (Excision) If UI is an open subset of U and f E Cb(U, Rn) satisfies b ¢ f(U -UIl,
then d(J, U1, 0) = d(J, U,O).
(6) (Dependence on boundary values) For any f,g E Cb(U,Rn ) with flaU = glaU,
we have d(J, U, b) = d(g, U, b).
(7) (Component dependence) If f E Cb(U, R n ), then d(J,U,') is constant on each
connected component of R n - f (aU).
(A.B) Let f E Co(U, Rn) be C 1 on U, and let Xo be a unique regular zero for f (i.e. ,
f(xo) = 0 and the Jacobian J f(xo) is nonzero). Show: d(J, U) = io(J, xo) = ±I, according
to whether the Jacobian J f(xo) at Xo is positive or negative.
§1O. Topological Degree in R n 271
(A.9) Let j E CoCU, Rn) be a C 1 map such that Z(f) consists of a finite number of
points Xl, .. . ,Xk> all regular. Show:
k k k
d(f,U) = LsgnJj(xj) = LJj(xj)/IJj(xj)1 = Lio(f,Xj).
j=l j=l j=l
(A .lO)* (Leray composition theorem) Let U C R n be an open bounded subset, and let
j : U -+ R n , 9 : R n -+ R n be two maps. Let K 1, K 2 , .. . denote the bounded components
of R n - JUJU), and let bERn - gj(aU). Show:
where d(f, U, K j ) is the value of the constant function defined by a f-7 d(f, U, a), a E Kj
(Leray [1935]).
[Let Koo denote the unbounded component of R n - j(aU), K = Uj Kj, L = j-1(K),
Lj = r1(Kj), and Loo = r1(Koo)j note that
(since d(gj,Loo,b) = 0), and then show that d(gj , Lj,b) = d(f, U,Kj)d(g,Kj, b), using
the fact that d(f,U,Kj) = d(f,U,bj), where bj E Kj ng - 1(b).]
( IIxII2 - 1 2X) n
Un(X) = IIxI1 2 + l' IIxI1 2 + 1 E R xR
We extend Un in a natural way to a homeomorphism an : fi -+ Sn by sending 00 to the
"north pole" (1 , 0, ... , 0) E Sn j using an we identify fin with Sn.
(B.l) Let U C R n be open and bounded, let j : (U, aU) -+ (R n , R n - {O}) be a map,
and jo = jlaU : au -+ R n - {O}.
(a) Show: There exists a map fo : fin - U -+ fin - {O} such that !olau = jo.
[Use the following facts: (i) au is the common boundary of fin - U and Uj (ii) the
values of jo are in R n - {O} C fin - {O}j (ii) fin - {O} is an absolute retract.]
(b) Define f: fin -+ fin by
f( x) = { fo (x) if X E ~n - U,
j(x) if X E U,
and call an allowable extension of j over fin . Show: Any two allowable extensions of j
over fin are homotopic.
272 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
(B.2) Let U c R n be open and bounded, and f E Co(U, Rn). Let lin -+ lin be i:
an allowable extension of f. Set deg(f) = dB(i), where dB(i) is the Brouwer degree of
i: Sn -> Sn. Show: deg(f) does not depend on the choice of f.
(B.3) Let U c R n be open and bounded, and let h t : (U, aU) -+ (Rn, R n - {O}) be a
homotopy. Show: t f-+ deg(h t ) is constant.
(B.4) Let U eRn be open and bounded, f: (U,aU) -+ (Rn,R n - {O}), and Ul, U2
open subsets of U such that Z(f) c Ul U U2· Show: deg(f) = deg(f, Ul) + deg(f, U2)'
(B.5) Let U c R n be open and bounded, and f E Co(U, Rn). Show: deg(f) = d(f).
(In connection with the above results, see Bers's lecture notes [1957J and G!;lba-
MassabO-Vignoli [1986J.)
(C.3) If U is an (E; r)-isolating nbd of (0, AO) and B E 'e''>-o (U), let F = (f, B) : U -+ R n+1
be given by (x, A) f-+ (f(x, A), B(x, A» for (x, A) E U. Prove:
(a) FE Co(U,Rn+l).
(b) If Fl = (f,B 1 ), F2 = (f,B2), where Bl,B2 E 'e''>-oCU), then F1 ,F2 E CO(U, Rn+l)
are homotopic and d(Fl' U) = d(F2, U).
§10. Topological Degree in R n 273
(C.4) Let ° °
< C1 < c2, < TI < r2 and U1 = U(q,r1) C U2 = U(c2,r2) be two
isolating nbds of (0, AO). For i = 1, 2 let Fi E CO(Ui, Rn+l) be given by Fi = (j,Oi) '
where 0i E 'if>'o (Ud· Show: d(F1, U1) = d(F2, U2)·
(C.5) If U is an (c;r)-isolating nbd of (O,AO) E Ai, we let
D. Bifurcation results in R n
Consider the equation
f(x , A) = 0.
We let ~ j = :7j n Yj , where :7j = {O} x R is the set of trivial solutions of (*) and Yj
is the closure in R n x R of the set of nontrivial solutions of (*) . Any (0, A) E ~ j is called
a bifurcation point of (*) .
(D .l) Show: The set ~j of bifurcation points is contained in A j .
(D .5) Let C be a bounded component of Yj such that C n ~j = [AO, AI, . . . ,Akl . Show:
There exists an open bounded set W c Rn+l such that: (i) C c W; (ii) aw n Y j = 0;
(iii) WnAj = [AO , A1, .. . ,Ak] .
[Take a sufficiently large g so that C C B(O, g) , and let X = YjUA jU(R n+ 1 - B(0, g)),
K = A j - [AO, AI , ... , Ak] ; observe that X C R n+1 is closed and K is a closed subset of
X -C . Prove that there exists an open bounded We Rn+l such that C C w , awnx = 0
and WnK = 0.]
274 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
(D .6) (Rabinowitz theorem) Let (0, A) E !l8f , and let C be a bounded component of:7f
conta ining (0, A) . Prove:
(a) There exists [AO , AI, ... , Ak] C !l8f such that C n!l8f = [AO , AI ,· . ·, Ak] '
(b) L~=o r(A i ) = 0, where r(A i ) is defined in (C .S) (Rabinowitz [1971]) .
[For (b) , take a n (c ; r)-isolating system {Ud of [AO, AI , . .. , Akl and W as in (D .5) , so that
U = UUi = W n ({ x E R n Illxll < r} x R). Define e : W --> R by e(x , A) = r2 - 211xl1 2
and prove that F = (f,e) E Co(W,Rn+ 1) is homotopic in Co(w , Rn+1) to a constant
map, and thus d(F, W) = 0.]
(The proofs of (D.2) and (D.4) , based on the t echnique of complementing functions
introduced by Ize [1976], are due to K. G~ba) .
Topological degree in R n
Let U be a bounded open subset of Rn and bERn. Let Cb(U , Rn) de-
note the set of all continuous f : (U, aU) .......; (Rn, Rn - {b}). Given any
f E Cb(U , Rn) , its degree with respect to b is defined to be the integer
deg(j, U, b) = d(j - b, U). The properties of the degree function given in
Theorem (8.1) imply at once the corresponding properties of deg(j, U, b) .
The degree deg(j, U, b) can be regarded as the "localization" of Brouwer's
original theory for maps between n-dimensional manifolds. This localiza-
tion was , in fact , first formulated and carried out explicitly by Leray and
Schauder in their classical memoir of [1934] (as the first step towards con-
structing a degree for compact fields in Banach spaces). For some further
comments concerning this matter, the reader is referred to Dieudonne's book
[1989]; see also Leray's survey [1936].
There are essentially three general methods to handle the theory: (i) ge-
ometric; (ii) analytic ; and (iii) algebraic .
The first one , presented in this paragraph, uses only some elementary
facts from linear algebra and simplicial topology and is based on PL-approx-
imations of continuous maps. This type of approach was used, in fact , for
the first time by Leray in his unpublished 1948- 1949 lectures at the College
de France (for a brief outline see Leray [1950]) , but the details and the form
of the presentation given here are due to Dugundji [1985]; the reader may
consult also Peitgen- Siegberg [1981]' where the PL-approach is studied from
the viewpoint of finding algorithms for computing fixed points.
The second method, based on using various tools of analysis, has its roots
in the work of Kronecker [1878], who already developed, in the setting of
C 1 maps, what could be called a degree theory. Various analytic approaches
for continuous maps were given (cf. for example Nagumo [1951] and Heinz
[1959]) , and are described in several books and lecture notes.
We recommend the following references for the analytic approach:
§10. Topological Degree in R n 275
Historical comments
The general degree theory for maps between manifolds was created by
Brouwer in 1910- 1912. Using the newly introduced technique of simplicial
approximation, Brouwer was able to establish in a rigorous way a number
of remarkable results:
1° the "invariance of dimension" theorem (already conjectured by Dede-
kind) stating that Rn is not homeomorphic to Rm when n -=J m;
2° the "invariance of domain" theorem asserting that if U c Rn is open
and f : U --+ Rn is continuous and injective, then feU) is open in
3° the proof that the suitably modified definition of "dimension" of com-
pact subsets of Rn given by Poincare and the definition given by
Lebesgue are equivalent;
4° the "Jordan theorem" in Rn, stating that if E n - 1 c Rn is homeo-
morphic to sn-l, then Rn - En-l has exactly two components;
5° "fixed points theorems":
(a) If f : sn --+ sn has d(f) -=J (_1)n+l, then f has a fixed point.
[For if not, the consideration of the great circle on sn joining -x
and f(x) provides a homotopy of f to the antipodal map that has
degree (_1)n+l; cf. Dieudonne's book [1989], pp. 454- 472.J
(b) If f maps a closed ball in R n into itself, then f has a fixed point.
[We may assume that f : K --+ K, where K = S+, the upper hemisphere
of sn; let 9 : sn --+ K be given by
f(x), x E s+,
g(x) = { f(s(x)), x E S"2,
276 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
where s is the symmetry with respect to the equator sn-l C sn; clearly,
glS+ = f, and since 9 is not surjective, deg(g) must be zero; by (a), g(xo) =
Xo for some Xo E S+, and therefore Xo = f(xo).]
A nalytical approach
Theorem (8.4) is the basis for the approach to degree theory using only
analytical methods. This starts with the observation that given an open
bounded U eRn, the set COO(U, Rk) is dense in C(U, Rk); here j E
COO(U , Rk) if for some open VeRn with U c V, there is a Coo map
g: V --+ Rk such that glU = j. Next, recall that Yo E Rk is called a critical
value of j if there is some Xo E j-1(yO) for which f'(xo) E '!£(Rn, Rk) is not
surjective; otherwise, Yo is called a regular value. A necessary condition for
having regular values in j(U) is n 2: k. We now take n = k . The Sard the-
orem asserts that if j E COO(U, Rk), then the set of critical values of j has
Lebesgue measure zero. If Cr;o = Cr;o(U, Rn) is the set of all j E COO(U, Rn)
for which 0 is a regular value, then Cr;o is dense in C(U, Rn): given a con-
tinuous j, approximate it first by a Coo map and then translate the latter
slightly if 0 is not a regular value.
For j E Cr;o the inverse mapping theorem assures that each x E j-1(0)
has a nbd mapped diffeomorphically onto a nbd of 0, so if U is bounded and
o j(8U), then the set j-1(0) is finite. One then defines
dU, U) = L { I~:~ j:~~:~11 j(Xi) = 0 }
for j E Cr;o and proves local constancy (essentially by following the sign of
detDxh(x(s), ),(s)) along the curve s t----> (x(s), ),(s)) of the zeros in U x 1)
and then extends to all Co (U, Rn) exactly as we have done. This satisfies all
the axioms, so by uniqueness, it coincides with the degree we have obtained.
Observe that this approach and the PL-approach both proceed by "lineariz-
ing" maps and both are based on Brouwer's method of inverse images.
§11. Absolute Neighborhood Retracts 279
A natural topological framework for the concept of the fixed point index,
which we shall develop in this chapter, is provided by the theory of ANRs.
This paragraph contains a concise presentation of the basic notions and facts
of the theory. The last section is concerned with some general fixed point
results for compact maps in ANRs.
1. General Properties
3. Local Properties
We first state a simple result that it will be convenient to have at our
(3.1) LEMMA (Tube lemma). Let X be a metric space, A C X closed , and
V an open subset of X x I with A x I c V. Then there exists an
open set U =:> A in X such that U x leV .
PROOF. For each (a, t) E A x I take an open set of the form Ua,t X [a,t C V,
where Ua,t is a nbd of a in X and [a,t is a nbd of t in I. By compactness,
a finite number of such nbds Ua,ti X [a,t;> i E [kJ, cover {a} x I. Now let
U a = n~=l Ua,ti and finally U = UaEA Ua. 0
We are now going to show that the ANRs have a number of nice internal
properties. One of these asserts that sufficiently close points can be con-
nected by arcs that vary continuously with the endpoints; i.e., each point
has a nbd U and a family of maps 'Pxy : I ---+ Y (one for each pair x, y E U)
that vary continuously with x, y and get small when x, y get closer together.
We give an exact formulation of this intuitive statement in
(3.2) THEOREM. Let Y be an ANR. Then there is a nbd U of the diagonal
Ll in Y x Y, and a continuous). : U x I ---+ Y such that ).(a, b, 0) ::::; a,
).(a, b, 1) ::::; b, and ).(a, a ,t) ::::; a for every (a, b) E U, tEl.
PROOF . On the closed L ::::; (Y xY x {O} )U(Ll xI)U(Y xYx {I}) c Y xY xl,
define 't/J : L ---+ Y by (x, y, 0) f--+ x , (x, x, t) f--+ x, (x , y ,1) f--+ y. Since Y is
282 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
PROOF. Take some equiconnecting data for Y. Then (3 .3) says that each
a E Y has a nbd Va contained in some U such that -'(Va , Va, 1) is also
contained in that U. The open cover /3 = {Va I a E Y} refines ex = {U} . If
X is any space and J,g: X - t Yare /3-close, then (f(x),g(x)) belongs to a
Va X Va for each x , and
hex , t) = -,[l(x) , g(x), t], tEl,
is a stationary ex-homotopy of J to g. 0
5. Theorem of Hanner
The fact that (4.7) is valid with no additional assumption on U l n U2 leads
one to suspect that the ANR property may be local. In this section we shall
establish the fundamental localization theorem.
286 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
6. Homotopy Properties
We begin with the following useful
(6.1) LEMMA (Dowker) . Let X be a metric space, A c X closed , and
assume that V c X x I is an open nbd of the partial cylinder
M = X x {O} U A x I.
Then there exists a map rp : X x I ~ V such that rp(x, t) = (x , t) for
all (x, t) EM.
PROOF. By the tube lemma there exists an open U => A in X such that
U x leV. Because the closed sets A and X - U are disjoint , there exists
a continuous A : X ~ I with AlA = 1, AIX - U = 0. Now letting
rp(x , t) = (x , A(X)t) for (x , t) E X x I ,
we observe that if x E U , then (x , A(X)t) E V , and if x E X - U, then
rp(x , t) = (x , O) E MeV. Because clearly rplM = id M , we conclude that rp
is the desired map. D
Let Y be an ANR, X metrizable, and A C X closed. We know that every
f : A ~ Y is extendable over an open U => A. We now address the problem
of whether or not f is, in fact, extendable over the entire space X. The
following theorem of Borsuk asserts that this problem reduces to one in the
homotopy category: if any single 9 : A ~ Y homotopic to f is extendable,
then so also will be f. In more pictorial terms : if we map X into an ANR
and pull the image of A around, the image of X will always follow.
(6.2) THEOREM (Borsuk). Let Y be an ANR , X a metrizable space, and
A C X closed. Let f, 9 : A ~ Y be homotopic. If f is extendable to
an F : X ~ Y , then 9 is also extendable to a G : X ~ Y; moreover,
G can be so chosen that the given homotopy of f to 9 extends to a
homotopy of F to G.
PROOF. Form the partial cylinder M = Xx {O}UAxI, and let h : AxI ~ Y
be a homotopy joining f and g. Define !lio : M ~ Y by
!lio(x, 0) = F(x) for x E X,
!lio(a, t) = h(a, t) for (a,t) E A x I.
Since M is closed in X x I and Y is an ANR, !lio extends over an open
V=> M to !li : V ~ Y . Using the Dowker lemma (6.1), we choose for this V
288 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
a map 'P: X x I --t V such that 'PIM = idM, and define H : X x I --t Z as
the composite
Then, because for each (x, t) EM,
= tP"['P(x, t)] = tP"(x, t) = tP"o(x, t),
H(x, t)
G(x) = H(x, 1) is an extension of 9 over X,
we infer that x f---t and H is the
desired homotopy of F to G extending h over X x I. 0
(6.3) COROLLARY. Let Y be an ANR, X metrizable, and A c X closed. If
f :A --t Y is nullhomotopic, then f is extendable to an F : X --t Y
Then, because for each (x, t) EM,
H(x, t) = tP"o[r'P(x, t)] = tP"or(x, t) = tP"o(x, t),
§11. Absolute Neighborhood Retracts 289
the map y f--+ H(y, 1) is the desired extension G of g, and H is a homotopy
of F to G extending h. 0
(6.6) COROLLARY. Let A be a closed ANR subspace of an ANR space X.
Then (X, A) is a cofibered pair.
PROOF. By (4.2) the partial cylinder M = X x {O} UA x I is an ANR, and
hence, as a closed subset of X x I, it is a nbd retract in X x I. 0
For the last property, we recall some terminology.
(6.7) DEFINITION. Let X be a space and B c X.
(a) By a deformation of B in X is meant a homotopy D : B x I
---+ X with D(b, O) = b for all b E B; if moreover D(B x {I}) is
contained in a subspace A eX, then D is said to be a deforma-
tion of B into A in X .
(b) A closed set A c B is called a strong deformation retract of B in
X if there exists a deformation D : B x I ---+ X of B into A in X
such that D(a, t) = a for all (a, t) E A x I.
(c) The set A is a deformation retract of B in X if the last condition
is valid only for t = l.
(6.8) THEOREM. Let A be a closed ANR subset of an ANR X. Then for
some open U =:J A the set A is a strong deformation retract of U
in X.
PROOF. Let r : V ---+ A be a retraction of a closed nbd V of A in X. On the
N = V x {O} U A x I U V x {I}
define a continuous <Po : N ---+ X by
<Po(x , O) = x for x E V,
<Po (a, t) = a for (a,t) E A x I,
<Po(x, 1) = r(x) for x E V.
Since N is closed in X x I and X is an ANR, this <Po extends over an open
W =:J N to a map <P : W ---+ X. The tube lemma gives an open U =:J A,
U c V with U x leW, and the restriction of <P to U x I gives the desired
strong deformation retraction of U onto A in X. 0
(7.1) DEFINITION. Let X, Y be two spaces, and let £(X, Y) be the set
of all compact maps from X to Y.
(a) If A c X, then a map f E £(A, Y) is said to be compactly
extendable over X ifthere is a map F E £(X, Y) with FIA = f.
(b) Two maps f,g E £(X, Y) are called compactly homotopic if
there exists a compact map h : X x [ --> Y with h(x,O) = f(x),
h(x , 1) = g(x) for each x E X. The map h is a compact homotopy
joining f and g, and we write h : f 'C::' 9 in £(X , Y); the one-
parameter family of maps {h t : X --> Y}, which is determined by
h in a familiar manner, is also called a compact homotopy.
(c) A map f E £(X , Y) is compactly nullhomotopic ifit is compactly
homotopic to a constant map from X to Y.
An important property of ANRs is given in
(7.2) THEOREM. Let Y be an ANR, X a metric space , and A C X closed.
Then any f E £(A, Y) is compactly extendable over an open nbd U
of A in X.
PROOF. Let K = f(X); since K is compact, there is an embedding h- 1 :
K --> [00 onto a closed subset R C [00. The map f : A --> Y can therefore
be factored
By the Tietze theorem, we extend cp to a map if> : X --> [00 . B~cause Y
is an ANR, 9 has an extension G : W --> Y over some nbd W of K in [00.
Choose an open V with ReV c V c W , and let U = if>-l(V). Then the
map F = Gif>IU : U --> Y is an extension of f over the nbd U => A. Because
V is compact, so also is G(V) and from F(U) = Gif>[if>-l(V)] C G(V) c
G(V) = G(V) we conclude that the map F is compact. D
We now extend Borsuk's theorem to arbitrary compact maps.
(7.3) THEOREM. Let Y be an ANR, X a metric space , A C X closed, and
let f, 9 E £(A , Y) be two compactly homotopic maps. Assume that f
is compactly extendable to an F E £ (X, Y). Then 9 is also compactly
§11. Absolute Neighborhood Retracts 291
Then, because for each (x, t) E M ,
H(x, t) = rIt[<p(x, t)] = rIt(x, t) = rIto(x, t) ,
we infer that x f--t G(x) = H(x , 1) is a compact extension of 9 over X , and
H is the desired compact homotopy of F to G extending h over X x I . 0
As an immediate consequence we obtain
(7.4) THEOREM (Generalized Schauder theorem in ANRs). Let Y be an
ANR , and let 1 E Je(Y, Y) be a compactly nullhomotopic map. Then
f has a fixed point.
PROOF. Using the Arens- Eells theorem , embed Y as a closed subset in a
normed linear space E. By assumption, f E Je (Y, Y) is compactly homo-
topic to a constant map 9 : Y -+ Y . Because 9 is extendable over E, it
follows from (7.3) that 1 extends over E to a compact F E Je(E, Y). For
this F , by the Schauder fixed point theorem, Xo = F(xo) for some Xo E E;
but since the values of F lie in Y and FlY = f , we get Xo = F(xo) = I(xo),
completing the proof. 0
To formulate the next result we introduce some terminology.
(7.5) DEFINITION. Let Y be a space, U C Y open, and aU the bound-
ary of U in Y. The set of all compact maps 1 : U -+ Y such that
the restriction IlaU : aU -+ Y is fixed point free is denoted by
Jf'8u(U, Y). A compact homotopy h t : U -+ Y is said to be admis-
sible if h t E Jf'8u(U , Y) for each tEl. Two maps I,g E Jf'8u(U, Y)
are called admissibly homotopic, written 1 c:::: 9 in Jf'8u (U, Y), if there
is an admissible compact homotopy h t : U -+ Y with ho = f, hI = g.
292 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
A. Identifications
Let X be a topological space, Y an arbitrary set, and p : X ---> Y a surjection. The
identification topology 'Jl'(p) induced by p on Y is
'Jl'(p) = {U C Y I p-l(U) is open in X}.
§11. Absolute Neighborhood Retracts 293
B. Quotient spaces
Let R be an equivalence relation in a space X. The quotient set XI R with the identification
topology determined by the projection p : X -> XI R is called the quotient space of X
by R. If A c X, then XIA is the quotient space obtained using the equivalence relation
whose equivalence classes are A and the single points of X - A.
(B. 1) Let X, Y be spaces with equivalence relations R , S, respectively, and let f : X -> Y
be a relation-preserving, continuous map. Show: (a) The induced map f: XI R -> YI Sis
continuous; (b) if f is an identification, then so is 1.
(B.2) Let f : X -> Y be continuous. Define the equivalence relation K(f) in X by x ~ x'
if f x = f x' , and denote by p : X -> X I K (f) the identification map; X I K (f) is called the
decomposition space of f. Show:
(a) f can always be factored as X .!!.., XI K(f) .J.. Y with p surjective and 9 injective.
(b) If the diagram
~~ ~'"
commutes, then there is a continuous>. : XI K(f) -> ZI K(h) such that the
is commutative.
(B .3) Let X be a space and J = [-1, +1] . The suspension SX of X is the quotient space
of X x J obtained by identifying X x {+ I} and X x {-I} to points. The cone ex over
X is the quotient space ex = X x [0, I]/X x {I}; the elements of SX and also of ex
are denoted by (x, t). Show:
294 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
(B.5) The join X *Y of spaces X and Y is defined by attaching X x [0, 1J x Y to the disjoint
union X + Y by (x , 0, y) f--> x , (x , 1, y) f--> y. Show: ex ~ X * qo and SX ~ X * {q+ , q-} .
Y~Y/ B
and show that l' = (qJ)p-1 : X/A -+ Y/B is continuous and bijective.J
C. Deformation retracts
(C.2) Let A C X be closed. We say that X is deformable into A if there exists a defor-
mation D : X x I - t X such that D(x , 1) E A for x E X . Show: If X is deformable into
A and A is a retract of X, then A is a deformation retract of X.
[If r : X - t A is a retraction and d : X x I - t X a deformation of X into A , define
(C .6) Let (X, A) be a compact pair and A be a strong deformation retract of X. Assume
that f : (X, A) -+ (Y, B) is surjective and maps X - A homeomorphic ally onto Y - B .
Show: B is a strong deformation retract of Y (Spanier [1949]).
(C.7) Let Po E Sn. Show: If Pi-po, then the set (Sn x {p}) U ({p} X Sn) is a strong
deformation retract of Sn x Sn - {(po, po)} (Borsuk [1937]).
[Let f : (K n , sn - 1) -+ (Sn, p) be a map sending K n - Sn-1 homeomorphically onto
Sn - {p}, and let Xo = f- 1 (po) be the center of Kn ; define
g : (Kn x K n - {(xo, xo)}, (Kn x Sn-l) U (Sn-l x Kn))
-+ (Sn x Sn - {(po, PO)}, (Sn x {p}) U ({p} X Sn))
by g(x,x') = U(x),f(x')) and apply (C.6) to the map g.]
Then observe that ho extends to a map Ho : Y x I ---> Y by taking Ho(y, s) = dey , s) for
(y, s) E Y x I, and apply the Borsuk theorem to get an extension HI of hI over Y x I.
Prove that HI : Y x 1-+ Y is the desired strong deformation retraction of Y onto A.]
(D.4) Let X be compact metric and (Y, d) a metric space. Denote by (Yx , (2) the metric
space of all continuous maps f: X --7 Y with (2(f,g) = sup{d(f(x),g(x)) I x E X}. Show:
The space yX is an ANR if and only if Y is an ANR.
(D.5) (Borsukfibmtion theorem) A surjective map p : E --7 B is called afibmtion provided
for any space Z , any 9 : Z --7 E, and any h.-9IDotopy ht : Z --7 B such that pg = ho , there
exists a homotopy ht : Z --7 Y such that pht = ht for each t . Assume now that (X , A) is
a pair of compact ANRs and Y is an arbitrary metric space. Let E = yX , B = yA and
p: E --7 B be the restriction map f f--> flA. Prove: p is a fibration (Borsuk [1937]) .
[Given u: Z x I x A --7 Y, v: Z x X --7 Y with u(z , O,a) = v(z , a) for a E A find
w : Z x I x X --7 Y such that w(z, t , a) = u(z, a) for a E A , w(z , 0, x) = v(z , x) for x E X.
Use the fact that M = I x AU {O} x X is a retract of I x X and that Z x M is a retract
of Z x I x X.]
Let X be a space. A closed subset A C X is said to have category Catx (A) :::; n in X if
A = Al U ... U An and each Ai is closed and deformable to a point in X; when A = X we
write CatX for Catx(X) .
(E.1) Let A, B be closed in X . Show:
(a) If A C B, then Catx(A) :::; Catx(B) .
(b) Catx(A U B) :::; Catx(A) + Catx(B).
(c) If d: A x I --7 X is a deformation and B = dCA, 1) , then Catx(A) :::; Catx(B) .
(E.2) Let X be an ANR and A c X be closed. Show: There exists a closed nbd W of A
in X such that Catx(A) = Catx(W).
(E.3) Let X be an ANR, A C Y closed, and let d : A x I --7 X be a deformation. Show:
There exists a deformation D : X x I --7 X such that D I(A x I) = d .
[Use Borsuk's theorem (6.2)].
(E.4) (Essential ANRs) A space M is called essential if there is no deformation h :
M x I --7 M such that M of h(M, 1). Let M be an essential compact ANR such that
M = Ml X ... x Mn, where each Mi consists of more than one point . Show: Cat M > n
(Eilenberg [1936]).
[Suppose to the contrary that Cat M :::; n, i.e., there exists a decomposition M = Al U
.. . uAn such that for each i E In], Ai is closed and there is a deformation di : Ai x 1--7 M
with dilAi x {1} = qi E M. Use (E.3) to extend each di over M x I to a deformation
Di : M x I --7 M. Letting x = (Xl, .. . ,xn) E M with Xi E M i , define a deformation
D : M x I --7 M by
(E.5) (Schnirelmann theorem) Let Ml , . . . ,Mn be compact manifolds with each Mi con-
sisting of more than one point and M = Ml X ... x Mn. Show: Cat M > n.
[Observe that a compact manifold is essential and use (E.4).]
(E.6) Let Tn be the n-dimensional torus (i.e., the product of n copies of 8 1 ). Show:
CatT n > n.
§11. Absolute Neighborhood Retracts 297
F . Special ANRs
Throughout this subsection , E is a normed linear space, m is a fixed integer, and '6' =
{Cd~l stands for a family of m subsets of E ; we denote by M('6') the smallest lattice of
sets containing '6', and by N(<i') the nerve of the family <i'.
Given a multiindex J = (jl, ... ,jk) with jl < .. . < jk and 111 = k S m , we let
CJ = n{Ci li E J}.
By an m-special ANR in E is meant a closed subset C = U~l Ci of E that is equipped
with a covering {Cd~l by m closed convex subsets of C .
We denote by Km the category defined as follows:
(i) the objects of Km are m-special ANRs,
(ii) the morphisms from C to D are continuous maps! : C --> D such that !(Ci ) c Di
for i E [m].
By a pair in Km is meant a p air (C, D) of m-special ANRs such that i : D'---+ C is in Km
and N({Cd) = N({Dd)·
(F.l) Let (C, D) be a pair in Km and set C* = n~l Ci . Show: If C* =I- 0, then there
exists a retraction s : D UC* = Z --> D such that s sends Z n Ci into Ci for each i E [m].
[Using (4.2)(b), prove by induction that C* n D is an ANR, and therefore there is a
retraction r : C* --> C* n Dj then s = i Uris the desired r etraction of Z onto D. ]
(F.2) (Regular coverings) Let (C, D) be a pair in Km . Given any J C [m] with C J =I- 0,
we let UJ denote a closed nbd of CJ n Din CJ . For each p E [m], consider the covering
I:tp = {UJ U D IJ c [m], 111 = p, (CJ = 0) ~ (UJ = 0)}
of the set D , and let
is well defined . (If IJI = 11'1 = p - 1, J =I- J' and x E UJ n UJ' c CJUJ" then sJ(x) =
sJ'(x) ; use the fact that IJ U J'I :::: p implies that x E UK for some K with IKI = p and
also that sJIUK = sJIIUK.)
(iii) If x E UJ n Ci, 111= p - 1, then Sp-l(X) E Cd
(F.3) Let (C, D) be a pair in Km . Show: There exists an open nbd V of D in C and a
retraction s : V --> D such that s(V n C i ) c C i for each i E [m] .
298 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
o - { OK n G if G K C OK ,
K - any open nbd of GK in G otherwise.
Apply (F.4) to get an open cover {UK} of G satisfying (i)- (iii) of (F.4) ; then for each
L C {I, .. . ,m} , choose an open nbd WL of V L such that WL n Gj = 0 for j rf. L. Using
(F.3), take a retraction s : V -> D (where V is an open nbd of D) with s(V n Gi ) C Gi
for all i E [m]. Define an open nbd W of D by the condition x E W ¢:} Ils(x) - xii < E and
sex) E WL if x E V L for some L. Choose a closed nbd W* C W of D , and take a partition
of unity {A, AK} subordinate to the open covering {W, (G - W*) n UK} K of G. Define
R : G -> D by R(x) = A(X)S(X) + LK AK(x)rK(x) (the sum is over K with DK i= 0) and
show that R is the desired retraction of G onto D.]
In this subsection, unless stated otherwise, Y stands for a completely regular space. If
U C Y is open , we let as usual xCV, Y) be the set of compact maps from V to Y, and
Xau(U, Y) = {f E X(U, Y) I FixUlaU) = 0}. The relations of compact (respectively
admissible) homotopy in XCV, Y) (respectively in X8U(V , Y» (see (7.1), (7.5» divide
the above sets into disjoint homotopy classes; the homotopy class of a map f is denoted
by [fl.
(G .3) Let 9 : Y --> Y be the constant map sending Y to Uo E Y . Show: The following
conditions are equivalent:
(i) 9 is homotopically nontrivial,
(ii) for each open U C Y containing uo, the restriction glV is homotopically nontrivial
in X&U(V, Y).
(G.4) (The fixed point class go) A space Y is called a fixed point space for compactly
nullhomotopic maps (written Y E go) if every f E X(Y, Y) such that f ~ 0 in X(Y, Y)
has a fixed point. Show:
(a) Y E go <=> [every constant map 9 E X(Y, Y) is homotopic ally nontrivial in
X(Y,Y)] .
(b) If Y is in go , then so also is every open subset of Y .
(c) If Y is in go, then so also is every retract of Y.
(G.5) (Lemy - Schauder spaces) A space Y is called a Lemy- Schauder space if for every
open U C Y and any compact homotopy h t : V --> Y such that ho is the constant map
sending V to Uo E U, one of the following properties holds: either Fix(hlIU) =f. 0, or
yO = h)..(yo) for some Yo E au and A E (0, 1].
300 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
In this subsection only metrizable spaces are considered, and by a pair of spaces we
understand a pair (X, A) with A c X closed. A space Y is said to have the homotopy
extension property for compact maps if given any pair (X, A) and a compact map f E
£(X, Y), every partial compact homotopy h t : A -> Y of f admits a compact extension
ht : X -> Y such that ho = f.
(H. 1) Assume that Y has the homotopy extension property for compact maps. Show:
(a) If f E £(Y, Y) is nullhomotopic, then Fix(j) # 0.
(b) If U c Y is open and 9 E £au(U , Y) is nullhomotopic, then Fix(g) # 0.
(H.2) (Lemy-Schauder principle) Let Y be a space having the homotopy extension prop-
erty for compact maps, U C Y open, and let 9 be a constant map sending U to a point
Uo E U. Show: Any compact homotopy h t : U -> Y joining ho = 9 and hI = f has one of
the following two properties:
(i) f has a fixed point in U;
Oi) there are Yo E aU and'\ E (0, IJ such that yO = h).,(yo).
(H.3) Prove: Given a space Y, the following two conditions are equivalent:
(a) Y is NES(compact metric).
(b) For any pair (X, A) , each f E £(A, Y) admits an extension F E £(U, Y) over a
nbd U::) A in X.
(H.4) Show: Every Y that is NES(compact metric) has the homotopy extension property
for compact maps.
LC n spaces
This class was introduced in the context of compact metric spaces in Lef-
schetz's book [1930]. A metric space X is n-Iocally connected if for every
point x E X and every nbd U of x there is a nbd V of x such that any
f: Sk ~ V, k :S n, is homotopic to a constant map into U .
The class of n-Iocally connected spaces is denoted by LC n , and we let
LC oo = n~= o LC n ; clearly, the class LC of locally contractible spaces is
contained in LC oo .
The following result (proved by Kuratowski [1935] for separable metric
spaces, and by Dugundji [1958] for the general case) provides a useful char-
acterization of the LC n spaces: For a metric space Y the following conditions
are equivalent:
(i) Y E LC n for some n > 0,
(ii) if A is closed in a metric space X and dim(X - A) :S n + 1, then for
each fo : A ~ Y there is an f : U ~ Y that extends fo over a nbd
the operation of attaching spaces by continuous maps and (using the above
characterization of compact ENRs) proved the following theorem: If f :
A -+ Y is continuous and A c X, X and Yare compact ENRs, then so
also is the adjunction space X Uf Y. J.H.C. Whitehead [1948] generalized
Borsuk's theorem to arbitrary compact ANRs and used the extended result
as an effective tool in his theory of CW-complexes.
For many years, the infinite-dimensional case remained an open problem
until Borsuk [1948] showed that the solution is negative. He constructed a
closed subset of the Hilbert cube that is locally contractible and that admits
retractions onto subsets homeomorphic to sn for any n > O. Taking the join
of this set with a single point yields an example of a compact contractible
and locally contractible space that is not an absolute retract.
Borsuk's example is constructed as follows: Regard the Hilbert cube 1 00
as the cartesian product n:l
Ii of a countable family of unit intervals h
and for each k = 1,2, ... let Ck be the k-cube
Ck = {x E 1 00 11/(k + 1) ::; [xh ::; 11k, 0::; [Xli ::; 1 for 2 ::; i ::; k
and [Xli = 0 for i > k},
where we write [Xli for the ith coordinate of x. Let Bk ~ Sk - l be the bound-
ary of C k , and let Bo = {x E 1 00 I [xh = O}. Borsuk's locally contractible
non-ANR is the compact subspace B = U:
o Bi c 1 00 . For each integer
N > 0 there is a retraction eN : B -+ BN given by
1/(N + 1) if [xh ::; 1/(N + 1),
[eN(x)h = [xh if 1/(N + 1) ::; [xlI ::; liN,
liN if l i N::; [xh ,
[eN(X)]i = {O[X]i if 2::; i ::; N,
if i > N.
We remark that if a metrizable and locally contractible space Y has the
homotopy extension property with respect to the class of metric spaces, then
Y is an ANR (Hanner [1951]).
Generalizing Borsuk's result of 1932, Kuratowski [1935] proved the fol-
lowing theorem: If Y is separable metric and the covering dimension dim Y
is finite, then the following properties are equivalent: (i) Y is LC n for some
n :2 dim Y; (ii) Y is locally contractible; (iii) Y is an ANR. Dugundji [1958]
extended this theorem to arbitrary metric spaces.
From (3.2) it follows that every ANR is locally equiconnected (and every
AR is equiconnected). Dugundji [1965] found conditions implying that a lo-
cally equiconnected space is an ANR. The longstanding problem of whether
an arbitrary locally equiconnected space is an ANR was resolved in the
negative by Cauty [1994], who constructed a metric linear space (and thus
an equiconnected space) that is not an absolute retract; Cauty's example
also shows that in the statement of the Dugundji extension theorem the
assumption of local convexity of the target space cannot be weakened.
Cauty [2002] established recently that any compact equiconnected space
has the fixed point property (and more generally that any compact locally
equiconnected space is a Lefschetz space (cf. §15)).
Historical note
The basic notions of the theory (retracts, deformation retracts, ARs and
ANRs, local contractibility, adjunction of ANRs) were introduced and stud-
ied by Borsuk [1931]; the term "retraction" was suggested by Mazurkiewicz
and that of an "absolute retract" by Aronszajn. In the thirties the theory
was systematically developed by Borsuk (in the context of compact met-
ric spaces), by Kuratowski (for separable metric spaces), and by Lefschetz
(theory of LC n spaces, fixed points for maps of compact ANRs).
After Stone's fundamental discovery that every metric space is paracom-
pact, the general theory of ANRs was extended to arbitrary metric spaces
by Dowker [1948] and Dugundji [1951]; at the same time generalizations of
the theory to more general classes of spaces (NES( Q) spaces and ANR( Q)
spaces) were made by Hanner [1951]' [1952]' Michael [1953], and others. For
further details, the reader may consult Hu's book [1965], concerned for the
most part with the general theory of NES spaces.
The related notions of approximate ANRs were introduced by Noguchi
[1953], Clapp [1971]' and Gauthier [1983]. The concepts of approximate
NES(compact) spaces and of related classes of spaces appear in the lecture
notes of Granas [1980].
For more details and further study of the theory of retracts the reader is
referred to the monographs of Borsuk, Lefschetz, and van Mill. The reader
interested in more recent research on ANRs and related topics may consult
the survey article by Mardesic [1999].
§12. Fixed Point Index in ANRs 305
For (gfx, fx) and (gfx, 0) can be joined by the compactly fixed homo-
topy at : V x Rm ----> Rn x Rm given by
at(x, y) = (gfx, (1 - t)fx), t E [0,1].
Note: UtE! Fix(at) C V x Rm is compact because it coincides with the
image of the compact set Fix(gf) x I under the map (x , t) f--f (x, (1- t)fx).
(c) l[(gfx,fx), V x Rm] = l[(gfx,fx), V x V'].
For if gfx = x and y = fx with x E V = f-1(W), then gy = x shows
y E g-l (U) = V'; thus all the fixed points of (x, y) f--f (gfx, fx) in V x Rm
are in a smaller set V x V', so we can cut down the domain of consideration
(by excision).
(d) l[(gfx, fx), V x V'] = l[(gy, fx), V x V'].
For (x, y) f--f (gfx, fx) and (x, y) f--f (gy, fx) can be joined by the com-
pactly fixed homotopy H t : V x V' ----> Rn x Rm given by
Ht(x, y) = [(1 - t)gfx + tgy, fx].
Note: Fix(Ht) = {(x, y) I (1- t)gfx + tgy = x, y = fx} = {(x, y) I gfx = x,
y = fx} is compact.
REMARK. Note that the set of properties in (2.1) is not an independent set of
axioms for the index. For example, excision follows from additivity: indeed, if
we take U = U l = U2 = 0, then additivity implies formally that 1(f, O) = 0;
then for J E §(U, X), if Fix(f) eVe U, then because the fixed points of
J all lie in the disjoint sets V and 0, additivity gives 1(f, V) = 1(f, U).
On the other hand, the excision axiom implies (IV): for if J E §(U, X)
and Fix(f) = 0, then 1(f, U) = 1(f, O) = O.
The interdependencies of the axioms will be discussed in §16.
§12. Fixed Point Index in ANRs 309
We now extend the index to any n-dimensional normed linear space En.
If U c En is open and f : U ~ En is compactly fixed , choose any linear
isomorphism h : Rn ~ En and define
l(J, U) = 1(h- 1fh, h-l(U)).
The commutativity of the index in R n implies that l(J, U) is independent
of the particular isomorphism used in its definition. Properties (I)- (VII) for
this index follow from those of the index in Rn.
Thus we may state the results of Section 1 in the following slightly more
general form.
(2.2) THEOREM (Fixed point index in En) . Let C be the category of finite-
dimensional normed linear spaces , and g; = g; (C) the corresponding
class of all compactly fixed maps. Then the integer-valued function
f f--? l(J, U) defined for f : U ~ En in (*) has properties (I)- (VII).
We note that commutativity implies the following property of the index:
(VIII) (Contraction) Let U c En be open and f : U ~ En a compactly
fixed map such that f(U) c L, where L is some linear subspace of
En. Denote by fUnL : U n L ~ L the contraction of f. Then
l(J, U) = l(JunL , U n L).
PROOF. Let i : L ~ En be the inclusion; then commutativity gives
l(J, U) = l(if, U) = l(Ji, C1(U)) = l(JunL , Un L). D
and thus the proof of the homotopy property of the Leray- Schauder index
is complete.
The proof of properties (I), (II) and (IV)- (VI) is similar and is left to
the reader.
The proof of property (VII), which is somewhat more sophisticated and
requires some attention to detail, is given separately in the next section. 0
312 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
In this proof we shall use the fact that the Leray-Schauder index has prop-
erties (I), (III), (V), and (VI).
Let E and E' be normed linear spaces, U C E and U' C E' be open,
and let J : U' -) E and 9 : U -) E' be continuous. Consider the composites
gf : V' = J-I(U) -) E', Jg: V = g-I(U') -) E,
and their fixed point sets
Fix(gf) = {x E J-I(U) Ix = gJ(x)}, Fix(fg) = {y E g-I(U') I y = Jg(y)} .
We note that the maps J : Fix(g f) -) Fix(f g) and 9 : Fix(f g) -) Fix(g f) are
inverse to each other, and hence the fixed point sets Fix(gf) and Fix(fg)
are homeomorphic; thus, if one of them is compact, then so is the other.
Assuming that 9 J (and hence also Jg) is compactly fixed, we are going to
show that
l(gJ, J-I(U)) = l(fg, g-I(U')).
We proceed in two steps.
STEP 1 (Special case: both J and 9 are compact). The proof in this case
is essentially a repetition of that in Rn (Section 1); we shall therefore only
indicate the main points, leaving the details to the reader.
We define compact homotopies
ht, ht : V' x V -) E' x E,
H t : V' x E -) E' x E,
Ht : E' x V -) E' x E,
by setting
ht(x, y) = (tgJ(x) + (1 - t)g(y), J(x)), (x, y, t) E V' x V x I,
ht(x, y) = (g(y), tJg(y) + (1 - t)J(x)), (x,y,t) E V' x V x I,
Ht(x,y) = (gf(x), (1- t)J(x)), (x, y, t) E V' x E x I,
Ht(x, y) = ((1 - t)g(y), Jg(y)), (x, y, t) E E' x V xl.
Observe that Fix(h o) and Fix(gf) are homeomorphic under (x, y) I---' x,
X I---' (x, J(x)); a simple calculation giv;:s Fix(ho) = Fix(h t ) = Fix(h t ), thus
showing that the homotopies }}t and h t are compactly fixed. In a similar
way, one verifies that H t and H t are also compactly fixed.
Further, since in view of (*) we have
spectively X'); let X ~ V -..::.. X and X' ~ V' .:.. X' satisfy rs = Ix and
r's' = lx'.
Consider the maps
sfr': r,-l(U') ----) V, s'gr: r- 1 : r-l(U) ----) V'
and note that the first of them is compact, and so is the composition
(s'gr)(sfr') = s'gfr'. By commutativity of the Leray- Schauder index,
l( (sfr') (s' gr) , (s' gr) -lr,-l (U')) = l( (s' gr)( sfr'), (sfr') - l r - 1 (U)),
and hence, because
(s'gr)-lr, - l(U') = r-1g-1(U'), (sfr') - lr-1(U) = r,-l f-1(U),
we have l(sf gr, r-1g- 1 (U')) = l( s' gfr', r,-l f- 1(U)). In view of Definition
(5.1), this gives
l(jg, g-l(U')) = l(gf, f-1(U)).
The proofs of other properties are similar and are left to the reader. 0
We remark that commutativity implies the following property of the
(VIII) (Contraction) Let (X , A) be a pair of ANRs with A closed in X.
Assume that U c X is open and f E §(U, X) is compact with f(U) c
A, and denote by funA : UnA ----) A the contraction of f. Then
l(j, U) = l(junA, UnA).
PROOF. Note that if i : A '---7 X is the inclusion, then both if and fare
compact; hence commutativity gives
l(j, U) = l(if, U) = l(ji, i-l(U)) = l(junA, UnA). 0
As a special case of Theorem (5.2) we obtain
(5.3) THEOREM. Let C be the category of compact ANRs, and let § be
the class of all continuous maps f E §(U, X) for all X E C and all
U open in X. Then there exists on § a fixed point index function
1 : § ----) Z with properties (I)-(VII). 0
§12. Fixed Point Index in ANRs 317
PROOF. We first show that s f-> i(Js , Us) is a locally constant function on J.
Fix to E J. Select an open nbd J 1 C J of to and an open set Vo with
Fix(Jto) C Vo C Vo C Uto such that Vo x h c U. We now claim that there
exists an open nbd Jo C J 1 of to such that:
(a) Vo x Jo c U ,
(b) Fix(Js) c Vo for each s E J o·
Indeed, supposing our assertion to be false, we find a sequence (xn ' tn ) E
(X - Vo) x [to - lin , to + l i n] such that f(x n , tn ) = Xn for any n E N.
Because f is compact , we may suppose that Xn ---> Xo E X - Vo, and since
tn ---> to, we obtain f(x n , tn ) ---> f(xo, to) = Xo E X - Vo ; but this contradicts
Fix(Jto) C Vo, and thus our assertion is proved .
We remark that (a) and (b) imply Fix(JsI8Vo) = 0 for each s E J o .
Now define a compact homotopy h : Vo x J o ---> X by
h(x, t) = f(x , t) for (x, t) E Vo x J o .
By the homotopy property, i(h s , Vo ) is locally constant in a nbd J* C J o
of to, i.e. ,
i(Js , Vo ) = i(Jto , Vo ) for all s E J*.
From this, and because by (b) and excision,
i(Js , Vo) = i(Js , Us) , i(Jto , Vo) = i(Jto , Uto)'
we obtain i(Js, Us) = i(Jto, Uto ) for all s E J*. Since to E J was fixed
arbitrarily, we see that s f-> i(Js, Us) is locally constant on J , and thus
because J is connected, it is constant on the entire interval. 0
To prepare for applications of (6.3), we first establish a result from gen-
eral topology.
Let X be a space, and let A and B be two subsets of X . We say that X
is disconnected between A and B if there is a closed-open set K A such that
A C KA and KA n B = 0; otherwise, X is said to be connected between A
and B. We remark that X is connected between two points a, b E X if a
and b belong to the same quasi-component of X (the quasi-component of a
is the intersection of all closed-open subsets of X containing a).
(6.4) THEOREM (Kuratowski- Mazurkiewicz separation theorem). Let A
and B be two disjoint closed subsets of a compact space X. Then one
of the following properties holds:
(i) there exist two closed-open subsets KA and KB of X such that
X = KA U XB , A C K A , B C KB, and KA n KB = 0,
(ii) there is a continuum C C X such that en A of- 0 of- en B.
PROOF. Assume first that X is disconnected between A and B; in this case
if KA is closed-open in X with A c KA and KAnB = 0, then KB = X -KA
320 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
PROOF. We first observe that because of (ii), (6 .3) implies that A and B
are nonempty. Suppose to the contrary that there is no continuum C c S
such that An C =1= 0 =1= B n C. Then, since S, A, and B are compact and
nonempty, by the Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz theorem (6.4) we can find dis-
joint compact sets SA, SB C S such that S = SA USB, A C SA, and B C SB.
Let E < ~ dist(SA, SB) and denote by W an E-nbd of SB in U. Letting now
V = U - W, we see that V is open in U and has the following properties:
(a) S and the vertical boundary av of V are disjoint,
(b) Fix(fa) eVa, Fix(fb) n Vb = 0.
By excision, i(fa, Va) = i(fa, Ua ) =1= 0, and because S n av = 0, the general
homotopy invariance (6.3) gives i(fa, Va) = i(fb, Vb) =1= 0. On the other hand,
§12. Fixed Point Index in ANRs 321
PROOF. Let 0 < s < inf{llx- f(x)111 x E aU}. Using the notation of (6.2.2),
choose a finite subset NeE symmetric with respect to the origin, such
that f(U) C (N,s). It follows that the finite-dimensional approximation
flO = Pc 0 f is still antipode-preserving on aU. Let Ek be a finite-dimensional
subspace of E with fc(U) c Ek , and set ie = fclunEk. Now Uk = UnEk
is an open, bounded, centrally symmetric neighborhood of 0 in Ek, and
ie E Jf8Uk (Uk, Ek) is antipode-preserving on aUk , so by Theorem (10.9.2),
because i(j, U) = i(ie, Uk) = d(I -ie, Uk), the conclusion follows. 0
PROOF. By (6.4.2), any of (i)- (iii) implies f ::::: 9 in Jf8u(U, C), so the
conclusion follows from the homotopy property of the index. 0
We now show that i(j, U) does not change under small modifications of
f on aU.
322 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
(7.2) PROPOSITION. Let f E Jf:8u(U, C) and 0 < E < infxE8u Ilx - f(x)ll·
Assume also thatg: U - t C is a compact map with Ilf(x)-g(x)11 < E
for all x E au. Then:
(a) 9 E Jf:8u(U , C),
(b) i(j,U) = i(g , U).
PROOF. (a) is obvious by definition of E; (b) follows from (7.1). 0
We now show that for some simple maps the index can be easily calcu-
(7.3) THEOREM. Let f E Jf:8u(U, C) be such that
xi )..f(x) for all (x,)..) E au x (0,1).
Then i(j, U) = 1.
PROOF. Let 9 : U - t C be the constant map x 1---+ 0 and consider the
compact homotopy h t : U - t C given by ht(x) = (1 - t)f(x) joining f
to g. By assumption, the homotopy {h t } is fixed point free on au, so by the
homotopy and normalization properties , the conclusion follows. 0
(7.4) COROLLARY. Let I I be any norm in E, let f E Jf:8u(U , C) , and
assume that one of the following conditions holds for all x E au:
(i) lJ(x)l::; Ixt,
(ii) If(x)i ::; Ix - f(x)t,
(iii) If(x)F ::; IxF + Ix - f(x)F,
(iv) (x,f(x)) ::; (x , x), where ( , ) is a scalar product in E.
Then i(j, U) = 1. 0
(7.8) THEOREM. Let E be a normed linear space, WeE a proper wedge,
and let f E JtS)Kg, W) be such that inf{llf(x)111 x E Sg} > and
)..f(x) =1= x for all (x,)..) E Sg x (1,00). Then:
(a) i(f, Bg) = 0,
(b) f has an eigenvector on Sg with characteristic value J.l E (0,1).
PROOF. Clearly, (a)::::}(b) by (7.6). To show that i(f, Bg) = 0, we proceed
in a few steps.
Since 13 = inf{llf(x)111 x E Sg} > 0, we can choose a ball Bd C Bg such
that Bd n f(Sg) = 0. Let
at(x) = (1 + td- 1(!)f(x), (x, t) E Kg x I,
and observe that {at} is a compact homotopy from f = aD to a1 in
JtSe(Kg, W), where a1(x) = (1 + d- 1(!)f(x).
Next select v E W with Ilvll = 1 such that -v tt W (v exists because W
is not a linear subspace) and define
if a1(x) =1= 0,
if a1(x) = 0.
From the estimate
(7.9) COROLLARY. Let f E XSe (Kg, W) satisfy Ilf(x)11 ~ Ilxll for all
x E Sg' Then:
(a) i(f, Bg) = 0,
(b) f has an eigenvector on Sg with characteristic value J.l E (0,1).
324 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
PROOF. (a) Suppose i(f, Be) i= 0; then, by (7.8), x = Af(x) for some x E Se
and A > 1, and hence Ilf(x)11 2: Allf(x)ll, giving A S 1, a contradiction;
(a) implies (b) by (7.6). 0
(7.10) COROLLARY. Lei f E Xse(Ke, W) satisfy one of the following con-
(i) Ilf(x)11 2: a for some a > 0 and all x ESe,
(ii) Ilf(x)ll2: Ilx - f(x)11 for all x ESe·
Then f has an eigenvector on Se with characteristic value /-l > o. 0
PROOF. By (6.6) and (7.11), the assertion follows from the multiplicity prop-
erty of the index. 0
that °
is an isolated fixed point for f and
J(j,O) = J(T, 0) .
Indeed, since I - T is invertible, we have Ilx - Txll 2: 20:1Ixii for all x E Rn
and a suitable 0: > 0. Choose B(O, c) = Be so small that Ilf(x) -Txll ~ o:llxll
on Be' Then on Be we have Ilx - f(x)11 2: Ilx - Txll - Ilf(x) - Txll 2: o:llxll ,
showing that is an isolated fixed point for f. Moreover,
Ilf(x) - Txll ~ Ilx - Txll on aBc,
so Rouche 's theorem (10.8.3) gives
J(j , O) = i(j, Be) = i(T, Be) = J(T, 0).
In the remaining part of this section our aim is to extend the index
formula of Example 3 to infinite-dimensional Banach spaces and calculate
the local index for compact differentiable maps.
Let E be a Banach space, T E X(E, E) a completely continuous linear
operator, and r(T) = {v E R I Ker(I - vT) =1= O} the set of characteristic
values of T . By the Riesz- Schauder theory (cf. Appendix), the following
facts are known:
(i) Every closed interval [a , b] c R contains only a finite number of
characteristic values of T .
(ii) For any v E r(T) with v =1= 1, there exists an sEN such that
UKer (I -
Let (X, d) b e a metric space and f : X -> X a compact map. A fixed point xo of f is
called essential (or stable) if for each ball B (xo, 8) in X there exists an c: > 0 such that any
compact map g: X - t X with d(f(x),g(x» < c: for x E X has a fixed point in B(xo,8) .
(A.1) Let (X, d) be an ANR and f : X -> X a compact map. Prove: If Xo is an isolated
fixed point for f and J(f, xo) i- 0, then Xo is an essential fixed point.
(A.3) Let (X , d), (£(X, X), g) and r be as in (A.2) , and let f E £(X , X). Prove:
(a) If every fixed point of f is essential , then r is lower semicontinuous at f .
(b) If r is lower semicontinuous at f, then every fixed point of f is essential.
(c) Every fixed point of f is essential if and only if r : £(X, X) -> 2 x is continuous
at f .
[For (a), to show that r is l.s.c at f , let U c X be open with r(f) n U i- 0; choose
x E r(f) n U and find an open nbd V(f) of f such that 9 E VU) => Fix(g) n U i- 0. For
(c) , show that given c: > 0, there is a nbd V(f) of f such that Fix(g) n B(x, 2c:) i- 0 for
all 9 E V(f) and x E Fix(f): cover r(f) by finitely many c:-balls B(Xi , c:); then for each
Xi E Fix(f) find V;(f) from l.s.c. , and take V(f) = V;(f) . Use (a) , (b), and (A.2) .]
(A.5) Let X be an ANR and f : X -> X a compact map with Fix(f) i- 0. A component
C of Fix(f) is called essential if for each nbd U of C there exists a nbd V(f) of f (in
(£ (X, X) , g» such that if 9 E V (f), then 9 has a fixed point in U. Prove: If the fixed
330 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
point set of a compact map f : X -+ X has finitely many components and i(J, X) '" 0,
then f has at least one essential fixed point component.
[Letting {Cj} be the components of Fix(J) , find finitely many nonintersecting open
sets Uj with C j C Uj for each j; using additivity, find a j with i(J, Uj) '" 0 and show that
the component C j is essential.J
(B.4) Let X C E be a closed ANR, U c X x [a, bJ open with vertical boundary aU, and
f : U -+ X a compact map. Let S = {(x,..\) E U I f(x,..\) = x}. Prove: If Sa n (aU)a = 0
and i(Ja, Ua) '" 0, then there exists a continuum C C S joining Sa X {a} and aUUSb x {b}.
(B.5) Let WeE be a closed wedge, U C W x [a, bJ open, and f : U -+ W completely
continuous. Let S = {(x , ..\) E U I f (x , ..\) = x} and assume that Sa is bounded and
Sa n (aU)a = 0. Prove: If i(Ja, Ua) '" 0, then there exists a component C C S with
C a '" 0 such that either C is unbounded or C n (aU U Sb x {b}) '" 0.
(B.6) Let WeE be a closed wedge, and let h : W X R+ -+ W be a completely
continuous map such that h(x,O) = 0 for all x E W. Let C+ (W) be the component
of S = {(x,..\) E W x R+ I h(x,..\) = x} containing (0 , 0). Show: C+ (W) is unbounded.
Throughout this subsection, we deal with ENRs without isolated points. We recall that
ENRs are (up to homeomorphism) neighborhood retracts of Euclidean spaces.
Consider compactly fixed maps f : U -+ X, where U is open in X and X is an
ENR. Let § be the set of (homeomorphism classes) of such maps. In § we introduce the
following "homotopy" and "excision" relations:
§12. Fixed Point Index in ANRs 331
Xo c X and Uo is open in U,
f E~C fa (or fa E~C f) <=? { Fix(fo) = Fix(f),
fo(x) = f(x) for x E Uo·
These two relations generate an equivalence relation ~ in §; the equivalence class of f is
denoted by [I], and the set of equivalence classes by FIX = § /~.
where go , £11,··., £Is : Y --t I are from (C.2); observe that (y, t) >-> (y , min{t , go(y) , ...
. . .,gk-l (y))) determines a retraction of M onto Mk> and this implies (because M is an
ENR) that each Mk is an ENR. For each k = 0, 1, ... ,s + 1, let
(C.4)* Let Y be an ENR, and X a retract of Y with X -i.. Y ~ X, £Ii = idx . Show: If
f: V --t X is in $, then so is 9 = if £I : £1 - 1 (V) --t Y, and f and 9 are equivalent in $.
[(i) As in (C.3), form the partial cylinder M = X x IUY x {O} and consider the map
h = jgr = j(ifg)r : r- 1 £1 - 1 (V) --t M; note that h ~ 9 as in (C.3).
(ii) Consider the homotopy ktigr : r-lg-l(V) --t M , where {kt : X --t M}tEI is
given by x>-> (x, t) ; observe that h = j(ifg)r = kofgr H~P kIf gr.
(iii) Since Fix(kdgr) C X x {1}, excise all (y, t) with t < ~ ,so t hat X x [~, 1] remains,
and note that, with q: V x [~,1] --t V being the projection , the maps kdgr , kdq
V x [~, 1) --t X X [~ , 1) are equivalent in $ and klfq(v, t) = (f(v), 1).
(iv) To conclude, use (i)- (iii) to get 9 ~ h = kofgr ~ klfgr ~ kdq ~ f.J
(C.5) Let 72(Rn ) = {B E 2(Rn , Rn) I Fix(B) = {O}} and assume A is in 72(Rn).
(a) There is a path in 2 joining A to the linear map determined by one of the n x n
matrices [1*1 g].
(b) A is equivalent in $ to one of the self-maps of R: x >-> 0, x >-> 2x.
[For (a): because I - A E GL(R n ), there exists a path in GL(Rn) joining I - A to the
linear map determined by one of the matrices
(C .8)* Let f : W --+ R n be compactly fixed . Prove: f is equivalent in FIX to a finite sum
EB fi , where each fi : V; --+ R n is an affine map with Fix(fd = {xd C V; and such that
x - fi(x) = Li(X) - Xi for x E V; and some Li E GL(Rn).
[Assuming without loss of generality that f is defined on Wand that W is a polyhedral
domain, modify slightly the map x >--+ x - f(x) on W to get a PL-generic map 9" from
(W, oW) to (R n , R n - {O}) ; then id - 9" has isolated fixed points, and id - 9" '" f. To
conclude, apply excision to the map id - 9d
(C .9) (Dold theorem) Prove:
(a) Each compactly fixed f : W --+ X is equivalent to a sum of maps R --+ R of the
form x >--+ 0 or x >--+ 2x, and these maps add up to 0 in FIX.
(b) The monoid FIX is an infinite cyclic group generated by e = [R --+ R, x >--+ 0] =
- [R --+ R, x>--+ 2x] .
(c) The projection f f-> [f] E FIX gives an integer that coincides with the fixed point
index I(f, W) of f.
(The above results are due to Dold [1974] .)
the boundary. These parts are so closely analogous that there is no need to
treat them in full detail separately; the results of one almost automatically
apply to the other.
The presentation of the "I-index" is carried out in the following steps:
1. Construction of the index for compactly fixed maps in Rn.
2. Extension to compact and compactly fixed maps in normed linear
spaces (the Leray- Schauder index).
3. Extension to compact and compactly fixed maps of ANRs, based on
the commutativity of the Leray- Schauder index.
Steps 2 and 3 closely follow Granas [1972]. Step 2 relies on the degree
for compactly rooted maps in Rn (§10). The proof of the commutativity of
the index in Rn (Section 1) is due to Dold [1965]; also, the argument in the
first part of the proof of the commutativity of the Leray- Schauder index is
analogous to the above proof. A special feature of the entire development is
that the index for compact ANRs and the index for compact maps of ANRs
are both derived as simple corollaries of the Leray- Schauder theory.
We remark that the index theory for compact maps of ANRs appeared first (see the
lecture notes of Granas [1969- 1970]) in the following somewhat less general setting:
§12. Fixed Point Index in ANRs 335
Let .rz1 denote the set of all triples (X , j , V) , where X is an ANR, V c X open , and
j : X -+ X a compact map with FixUI8V) = 0. Then there exists on .rz1 an integer-valued
function (X , j,V) ...... ix(f, V) satisfying:
(I) (Strong normalization) If V = X , then ix(f, X) = AU), where AU) is the
generalized Lefschetz number of j .
(II) (Additivity) If (X, j , V) E .rz1 and Vi , V2 C V are disjoint , and j has no fixed
points in V - Vi U V2, then ix(f, V) = ix(f, Vd + i x(f, V2).
(III) (Homotopy) If ht : X -+ X is a compact homotopy and Fix(htI8V) = 0 for
t E I , then ix(ho , V) = ix(hl ' V).
(IV) (Commutativity) If X , Yare ANRs and j : X -+ Y , g : Y -+ X are maps such
that either j or g is compact, then ix(gj, V) = i(fg, g-l (V)).
The proof of this theorem relies on the index theory for compact ANRs and on the fact
that ANRs are dominated by polytopes with weak topology.
Theorem (6.4) is of importance in the fixed point index theory and its appli-
cations. It was initially attributed to G.T. Whyburn (Topological Analysis,
Princeton Univ. Press, 1958; see, for example, Rabinowitz [1971]) . Later on,
J.C. Alexander [1981] pointed out that the result can be traced back to the
early days of point-set topology and is contained in Kuratowski's monograph
[1968]. In Chapter V of that book, Kuratowski introduces for a space X the
following property:
(M) {If Ais, Be
X are closed and X is connected between A and B , then
also connected between a pair of points and a E A b E B.
He attributes the notion to Mazurkiewicz (CRAS Paris 151 (1910), p . 296) ,
and proves that :
(i) X is compact, then X has property (M).
(ii) X has property (M) , then its components coincide with its quasi-
The argument to establish (i) (which is also given in the proof of (6.4)) is
strictly similar to that used in the above mentioned note of Mazurkiewicz.
The fixed point index has been extended to wider classes of maps. We outline
two such extensions: to the classes of k-set contractions and condensing
Let C be a closed convex subset of a Banach space E. Recall that the
Kuratowski measure of noncompactness of X c C is defined by
a(X) = inf{J > 0 I X has a finite cover by sets of diameter> a}.
The main properties of a are:
336 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
tEl . Now choosing to sufficiently close to 1 so that II Fto (x) - F (x) II < 6 for
all x E aU, note that Fto : U ~ C is a k-set contraction with Fix( Fto) cU.
We define i(F, U) = i(Fto' U). It can be verified that the definition is
independent of the particular to, Xo chosen and that i(F, U) satisfies the
main axioms for the index on the set of condensing maps that are fixed
point free on aU. In particular, it is also unique.
For details and more general results about the index for condensing maps
(and the related notion of degree) see Nussbaum [1971], [1972a,b], [1977],
Borisovich- Sapronov [1968], and also Nussbaum's lecture notes [1985] and
Krawcewicz's book [1997], where further references can be found.
(i) there exist ry*, r > 0 such that ry* < ry and
U(Kr x [Ai -ry*,Ai +r(]) c U,
i(F>"i-'7' O>"i-'7) = i(F>"i-'7' U>"i-'7) + i(F>"i-'7' B r ),
i(F>"i+'7' O>"i+'7) = i (F>"i +'7 , U>"i+'7) + i (F>"i +'7 , Br)'
Now from (2), (3), and Definition (1.3) we obtain
Because Ai was fixed arbitrarily, (4) holds for any i E [k].
STEP 2. We now consider a pair of consecutive elements Aj < Aj+1 of A o.
Because (Aj, Aj+1) n A o = 0, we have
§13. Further Results and Applications 343
It follows from (5) and the general homotopy invariance of the index that
r( ) = {O if mv is even,
v ±2 if mv is odd.
344 IV . Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
To see this, take a small interval J o = (v-Tj, v+Tj) with Jonr(T) = {v} and
choose a c5 E (O,Tj). By (1.2), for each t E J o - {v}, there exists an r(t) > 0
such that
Fix{FtIBr(t)} = {O},
{ J(Fv-fn 0) = i(Ft, Br(t)) for all t E (v - Tj, v),
J(Fv+o , 0) = i(Ft, Br(t)) for all t E (v, v + Tj).
This, in view of Definition (1.5) and (12.8.5), gives
r = J(Fv-6, 0) - J(Fv+o, 0) = J((v - c5)T, 0) - J((v + c5)T, 0),
and now the desired assertion follows from (12.8.3).
We are now in a position to establish the following basic
(1.10) THEOREM (Krasnosel'skil- Rabinowitz). Let E be a Banach space
and F : E x R -----t R be completely continuous such that
(i) F(x,),) = )'Tx + w(x,),) for (x,),) E E x R,
(ii) T: E -----t E is linear and completely continuous,
(iii) w(x,),) = o(llxll) as x -----t 0 uniformly in), in each interval [a, b].
Assume that v E r(T) has odd algebraic multiplicity. Then:
(a) (0, v) is a bifurcation point,
(b) if C is a component of SF with (O,v) E C, then either C zs
unbounded or C contains another bifurcation point of (*),
(c) if C is compact and if en BF = {(O, vd, ... , (0, Vk)}, then
2:7=1 r(Vi) = 0,
(d) the number of characteristic values Vi E r(T), i E [kJ, appearing
in (c) and having odd algebraic multiplicity is even.
PROOF. In view of Examples 1 and 2, assertions (a)- (c) are immediate
consequences of (1.6) and (1.9).
(d) Because in the sum 2:7=1 r(Vi) = 0, the nontrivial terms r(vd = ±2
involve only the Vi E r(T) having odd algebraic multiplicity, their number
must be even. 0
IDPu(x) - DPu(y)1
Ilullk+o: = sup IDPu(x)1 + sup
Ipl:Sk,XED Ip l=k,x#y
is finite. For example, CO: (D) consists simply of the Holder continuous func-
tions with exponent 0: on D and with the norm
II II lu(x) - u(y)1
u 0 + sup
x#y IX - Y I0: '
where 11110 is the supremum norm on n.
The Holder spaces are related as follows: if k + 0: > l + /3, then the
embedding j : Ck+o: --+ C I +f3 is completely continuous (i.e., the image of the
ball Ilullk+o: S M in Ck+o: is relatively compact in C I +f3 for each M > 0) .
Moreover, the new setting overcomes the above difficulty with the linear
Poisson equation: on the space C6+0: = {u E C2+O:(D) I ulaD = o} the
Laplace operator L1 : C6+0: --+ CO: is a bijective linear map for each 0: E
(0,1), and hence by the inverse mapping theorem it is an isomorphism.
(2.1) THEOREM. Assume that u 1--7 f(x, u, Du) determines a continuous
map F : CHo: --+ CO: such that IIFullo: S M for all u ECHo: and
346 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
some M < 00. Then the boundary value problem (SO.:1) has at least
one solution u E cg+ a .
PROOF. Starting with LJ : cg+ a ---+ C a and the embedding j : cg+ a ---+
C Ha , we have to show that LJU = Fju has a solution; we convert this to
the equivalent fixed point problem for the operator F j LJ -1 : C a ---+ ca.
Since j is completely continuous and F is bounded, we see that the map
jLJ- 1F : C Ha ---+ C Ha is compact; so by Schauder's theorem, it has a fixed
point. This clearly implies that FjLJ- 1 also has a fixed point, and thus the
desired conclusion follows. 0
aij(x, u, Du)DiDju = f(x, u, Du) , ulan = <p,
is well posed, and that if u E C 2 +a (D) is a solution of any of the
auxiliary equations
L aij(x, u, Du)DiDju = Af(x, u, Du), ulan = A<p,
then IlullHa :::; M, where M is independent of u and A. Then the
given problem has at least one solution u E C2+ a .
PROOF. By hypothesis, for each Uo E C Ha and A E I, the problem
2:~j=l aij(x, un, Duo)DiDju = Af(x, un, Duo),
ulan = A<p,
has a unique solution H>..(uo) E C2+ a . The rule Uo f--t H>..uo therefore de-
fines a homotopy H>.. : C Ha ---+ C2+ a which for each A maps bounded
sets into bounded sets. Let j : C2+ a ---+ C Ha be the (completely con-
tinuous) embedding, so that we have a completely continuous homotopy
j H>.. : C Ha ---+ C Ha . This homotopy is fixed point free on the boundary of
the ballllullHa :::; M + 1 because of the a priori estimate on the solutions of
the auxiliary system. Clearly, jHo : C Ha ---+ C Ha is the constant mapping
u f--t 0, by unicity of the solutions of the linearized system, so the Leray-
Schauder fixed point index i(jHo, B(O, M + 1)) is 1. By homotopy invariance
of the index, because jHo and jHl are compactly homotopic on 13(0, M + 1)
without fixed points on aB(O , M + 1), we get i(jHl, B(O, M + 1)) = 1, so
there exists at least one u with u = jHl (u); any such u is a solution of the
given problem. 0
Leray-Schauder degree for compact fields directly from the index, the point
being that normed linear spaces are ANRs and that the degree and index
are related via f +-+ I - f (1).
Let E be an infinite-dimensional normed linear space. For any open
subset U of E and b in E we denote by ~b(U) the set of all compact fields
f : (U,aU) --+ (E,E - {b}), and let .Ji'8u(U,E) be the set of all compact
maps from U to E that are fixed point free on aU.
(3.1) DEFINITION. Let U be an open subset of E, let b be in E, and let
9 E ~o(U) and f E ~b(U) be compact fields.
(i) The Leray- Schauder degree of 9 is
d(g, U) = i(I - g, U) ,
where i(I - g, U) is the index of the associated compact map
I - 9 E .Ji'8u(U, E).
(ii) The Leray- Schauder degree of f with respect to b is the integer
d(j,U,b) defined by
(1) Since locally convex metrizable linear topological spaces are ANRs, the results of
this section that do not refer to the notion of norm are also valid in such spaces.
350 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
Connectedness results
The Leray- Schauder degree can be used to determine whether the solution
set of a nonlinear equation is connected.
Before stating the first result of this nature, we recall some terminology
and notation.
Let M c E x [a , b] and f : M --> E. For A E [a, b], we let M).. = {x EEl
(x , A) E M} be the A-slice of M; we denote by {J>. : M).. --> E} )"E[a,b] the
family of maps determined by f, where J>.(x) = f(x , A) for (x, A) E M.
The general homotopy invariance property of the index (see (12.6.3))
implies the following:
(3.6) THEOREM (Generalized homotopy invariance). Let U be an open
subset of E x [a, b], and f : U --> E a compact field with f = I-F. If
z E E- f(fiu) , then the degree d(J>., U).., z) is independent of A E [a, b],
and so in particular, d(fa, Ua , z) = d(fb, Ub, z). D
The first connectedness result in the context of the Leray- Schauder de-
gree is the following special case of Theorem (12.6.5):
(3.7) THEOREM (Continuation principle in normed linear spaces). Let U c
E x [a, b] be open with vertical boundary au, and let f : U --> E be a
compact field with f = I - F. Let
S = {(x, A) E U I f(x, A) = O} = {(x, A) E U I F(x, A) = x}
and assume that:
(i) SnaU=0 ,
(ii) d(fa , Ua ) 1= 0.
Then there exists a continuum C c S joining Sa X {a} to Sb X {b}.D
The following result of Krasnosel'ski'l- Perov is frequently used to show
that the set of solutions of a differential equation is connected.
(3 .8) THEOREM. Let U c E be open , and f : (U , aU) --> (E , E - {O}) a
compact field f(x) = x - F(x) with d(f, U) 1= such that F : U --> E
satisfies the following condition:
(*) for each E > 0, there exists a compact E-approximation Fe: : U --> E
of F such that for each bEE with Ilbll :::: E the equation
x = Fc:(x) +b
has at most one solution in U.
Then the zero set Z(f) = {x E U I f(x) = o} is connected.
PROOF. Since d(f, U) 1= 0, the compact set Z = Z(f) is not empty. Suppose
to the contrary that Z is not connected. Then Z = Zl U Z2 where Zl , Z2
352 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
which for t E [0,1) contradicts (ii) and for t = 1 contradicts the assumption
that f has no zeros on aU. Thus, h t : (U, aU) --+ (E, E - {O}) is a homotopy
of compact fields joining 9 and f. Because 9 is odd on aU, d(g, U) is odd by
(4.1) , and the conclusion follows from the homotopy property of degree. 0
(4.3) THEOREM. Let U C E be a bounded centrally symmetric domain
with 0 E U, and f : aU --+ Eo an odd compact field, where Eo c E is
a closed linear subspace of codimension 1. Then f(xo) = 0 for some
Xo E aU.
PROOF. Suppose to the contrary that f(x) i= 0 for x E aU. Write f(x) =
x - F(x) and extend F over U to a compact F: U --+ E. Letting
[( x) = x - for x E U,
observe that since JiaU = f, we have j: (U, aU) --+ (E, E - {O}), and hence
by (4.1), d(j, U) is odd.
On the other hand, since there obviously exists a ray Ro originating at 0
with Ro n [(aU) = 0, we have d(j, U) = 0 by (3.5); this contradiction
completes the proof. 0
We now establish an extension of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem:
(4.4) THEOREM. Let U C E be a bounded centrally symmetric domain
with 0 E E, and f : aU --+ Eo a compact field, where Eo c E is a
closed linear subspace of codimension 1. Then f(xo) = f( -xo) for
some Xo E aU.
354 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
For each i E [n], define J-Li : N v ---> R by x I---' max{O, 1 - pv(x - Cin,
and let J-L(x) = L:~=1 J-Li(X). The Schauder projection 71V : Nv --->
conv N is given by
1 n
7rv(x) = -(x) "2::J-Li(X)Ci.
J-L i=1
Note that 7rv is well defined, because each x E N v belongs to some V(Ci)
and J-Li(X) 1= ¢:? x E V(Ci), so that J-L(x) 1= O.
(5 .2) PROPOSITION. Let C1, . .. ,Cn belong to some convex C C E, V E 1/
and 7rv be the Schauder projection. Then:
(a) 7rv : N v ---> conv Nee is a compact map,
(b) 7rv(x) E V(x) for all x E N v .
PROOF. (a) is obvious; to prove (b), note that letting N x = {Ci I Ci E V(xn,
we see that 7rv(x) E conv N x C V(x) for each x E Nv, and thus the proof
is complete. 0
This leads to the basic
(5.3) THEOREM (Approximation theorem) . Let X be a space, C a convex
subset of a locally convex space E , and f : X ---> C a compact map.
Then for each V E 1/ there exists a finite set N = {C1, ... , cn } C
f(X) C C and a finite-dimensional map fv : X ---> C such that:
§13. Further Results and Applications 355
then by commutativity,
I(j fr, r- 1 (U)) = I( (j (J) (rlfr) , r - 1 (U)) = I( (r7fr)(j (J) , (j (J) -lr- 1 (U))
= I(r7f(!, (J-l(U)),
because (JTJ = rj = id. (We have used the fact that TJfr and (j(J)(TJfr) are
compact, so that the commutativity property could be applied.)
We are now ready to state the main result of this section:
(5 .8) THEOREM. Let C be the category of spaces that are r-dominated by
open sets in locally convex linear topological spaces, and let ff be the
class of all compact maps f E ff(V, X) for all X E C and V c X
open. Then the fixed point index I : ff ---+ Z defined by (*) has all the
properties (I)- (VII) of (12.2.1) , provided that in (III) it is assumed
that all homotopies are compact and in (VII) it is required that either
f and gf be compact, or g and fg be compact. 0
A compact space X is said to be an ANR for normal spaces if X embed-
ded in any normal space Y is a nbd retract of Y. Let X be a compact ANR
for normal spaces. Since any such X can be embedded in a locally convex
space, we may assume that X is a subset of a locally convex space E. It
can be proved (see (17.4.4)) that the linear span of X in E is normal, and
therefore X is r-dominated by an open set in a locally convex space.
As a corollary of Theorem (5.8) we obtain:
(5.9) THEOREM (Index for compact nonmetrizable ANRs). Let C be the
category of compact ANRs for normal spaces, and let ff be the class
of all maps f E ff(U, X) for all X E C and U C X open. Then
there exists a fixed point index function I : ff ---+ Z with properties
(I)- (VII) . 0
A . Kronecker characteristic
Throughout this subsection we let <1:0 denote the class of maps defined by the condition:
f E <1:0 if and only if f : au -+ E - {o} is a compact field , where U is an open bounded
subset of a normed linear space E. If f E <1:0 , the Kronecker characteristic of f is the
integer ,U, U) defined by ,U, U) = dei, U) , where i E <1:(U) is a compact field such that
i lau = f ·
(A.I) Establish the following properties of the function f ...... ,U, U) for f E <1:0:
(I) (Normalization) If Xo tt au and f(x) = x - xo for x E au , then -yU, U) = 1
or 0, depending on whether xo E U or not.
(II) (Additivity) Let U C E be open bounded, and let Ul, .. . ,Uk be disjoint open
- k
subsets of U. Let f : U -+ E be a compact field with feU - Ui=l Ui) c E - {O}.
~ ~-
k ~
(A.3) A compact field f : aU -> E - {O} is called inessential if it can be extended over
V to a compact field f: V -> E - {O}; otherwise, f is called essential. Prove: If U is
connected, then f is inessential if and only if ')'(f, U) = O.
(A.4) (Antipodal theorem) Let U be a bounded centrally symmetric domain with 0 E U .
Show: If f : aU -> E - {O} is an odd compact field, then 'Y(f, U) is odd .
(A.5) (Generalized Borsuk- Ulam theorem) Let U be as in (A.4), and let f : aU -> Eo
be a compact field, where Eo c E is a closed linear subspace of codimension 1. Prove: f
sends at least one pair of antipodal points to the same point, i.e. , f(x) = f(-x) for some
x E aU .
(A.6) (Hopf- Rothe theorem) Let U = B(O,l) be the open unit ball in E and 8 = aU.
Let f, 9 : 8 --+ E - {O} be two compact fields with ')'(f, U) = ')'(g , U). Prove: The compact
fields f and 9 are homotopic.
[(i) Assuming first that f and 9 are finite-dimensional, let F : 8 -> E and G: 8 -> E
be the associated finite-dimensional maps. Take a linear subspace Eo C E with dim Eo <
00, F(8), G(8) c Eo, let Uo = Un Eo , aUo = 80 and fo = f180, gO = g180; note that for
fo , gO : 80 -> Eo - {O}, ')'(fo, Uo) = 'Y(gO , Uo).
(ii) Using the Hopf theorem (9.8.3) , show that the maps fo , gO : 80 -> Eo - {O} are
homotopic. This implies that if we write fo(x) = x - Fo(x) , go(x) = x - Go(x) , then
there exists a fixed point free homotopy H : 80 x I -> Eo such that fo(x) = H(x,O) ,
Go(x) = H(x , 1) for x E 80.
(iii) Letting 7ro : E -> E be a linear projection onto Eo, define h : 8 x I -> E - {O}
h(x, t) = {x - II 7ro(x)IIH( II 7ro(x)ll- l7ro(x), t) if 7ro(x~ #- 0,
x otherWIse .]
In this subsection E stands for a normed linear space with dim E > 1, and X, Y for
proper (i .e., nonempty and different from the entire space) subsets of E . We denote by C
the category whose objects are closed proper subsets X of E and whose morphisms are
compact fields f : X -> Y; for the terminology concerning compact fields , see §6. By a
special compact field is meant a field f : X -> E such that for some finite-dimensional
linear subspace Eo c E, there exists a continuous linear projection p : E -> Eo and a
compact Fo : Eo -> Eo satisfying f(x) = x - Fo(p(x)) for x E X.
(B.1) Let X C E be closed , and let Z be a compact subset of a finite-dimensional linear
subspace of E . Show: For each compact field f : X -> E - Z there exists a special compact
field fo : X --+ E - Z such that fo is homotopic to f .
(B .2) Let X C E be closed, and let f : E -> E be a compact field such that fiX = l' :
X --+ E - {O} . Show: There is a compact field g : E -> E such that :
(i) g-l(O) = f- 1 (0) and g(x) = x outside a bounded set,
(ii) glX = g' : X -> E - {O},
(iii) 9' is homotopic to 1'.
§13. Further Results and Applications 359
Show: (a) a(f) is well defined, (b) a is a contravariant functor from C to Ens.
[Use (B.4).]
(B.7) (The natural transformation f.L) For X in C, let f.L(X) : 7r(X) -> a(X) be the map
that assigns to [u] E 7r(X) the integer-valued function X = 7r(X)([u]) : K. -> Z with
X(K) = d(u, K) for a component K E K. of the set E - X . Show: f.L: 7r -> a is a natural
transformation of functors.
[Use (B.4) .]
(B .8)* Let E be of finite dimension greater than 1, let Xc E be compact, and let K. be
the set of all bounded components of E - X. Prove:
(a) For every function X : K. -> Z with X(U) "# 0 only for a finite number of U E K. ,
there exists a map f : X -> E - {O} such that d(f , U) = X(U) for every U E K..
(b) If f,g : X -> E - {O} are such that d(f, U) = d(g, U) for every U E K. , then f is
homotopic to g .
[For (a): For every U E K. with X(U) "# 0 choose an open ball Be U and a map f : 13 -> E
with d(f, B) = X(U). Extend this map over E in such a way that the possible new zeros
all lie outside a ball containing X .
For (b) : Use the fact that the set of homotopy classes of maps X -> E - {O} has the
structure of an abelian group: if dim E = 2, then E - {O} is the multiplicative group of
360 IV. Leray- Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
complex numbers; for dim E :::: 3, see Kuratowski's monograph [1968], Vol. II, Sect. 60.
It is sufficient to prove that if d(J, U) = 0 for every U E K, then f is homotopic to a
constant map. Such an f extends to a map h : B --> E - {O} of a ball B containing X
by concentration of zeros in balls contained in U E K, and their elimination by the Hopf
theorem; h is null homotopic by contractibility of B .J
(B.9)* Prove: The transformation p, : 7r --> CJ is a natural equivalence.
[To show that p,(X) : 7r(X) --> CJ(X) is surjective, use (B .8)(a) for a suitable finite-
dimensional linear subspace Eo of E, the Borsuk homotopy extension theorem, and a
linear projection of E onto Eo. To show that p,(X) is injective, choose a suitable finite-
dimensional linear subspace E1 of E and a sufficiently large ball B1 eEl. Use (B.2),
(B.8)(b), (B .3) and properties of the degree.J
(B.IO) (Theorem on disconnection of E) Let X be a closed subset of E. Show: X does
not disconnect E if and only if any two compact fields f, 9 : X --> E - {O} are homotopic.
(B.ll) For X, Y C E closed, we say that X is h-dominated by Y if there are compact
fields f : X --> Y and 9 : Y --> X such that gf : X --> X is homotopic to Ix; in this
case we say that 9 is a left homotopy inverse of f, and f is a right homotopy inverse of g.
(a) If X is h-dominated by Y, then the number of components of E - X is not greater
than the number of components of E - Y.
(b) If a compact field f : X --> Y has a left homotopy inverse g, then for every com-
ponent K of E - X there exists a component L of E - Y such that d(J, K, L) =I- O.
[Consider d(J, K , L) and d(g, L , K) as entries of matrices of linear maps between real linear
spaces and use properties of the degree.J
(B.12) (Generalized Leray theorem) Closed subsets X, Y of E are called h-equivalent
whenever X is h-dominated by Y and Y is h-dominated by X. Show: If X and Yare h-
equivalent, then their complements E - X and E - Y have the same number of components.
(B.13) Let X, Y C E be closed, f : X --> Y a compact field having a left homotopy
inverse, Ko a subset of the set of components of E - X, D = U{ K IKE Ko}, and
A = X U D . Show: If a compact field f : A --> E is an extension of f such that f(D) and
Yare disjoint, then for K E Ko the images f(K) are distinct components of E - Y and
d(J, K, f(K)) = ±1.
(B.14) (Generalized invariance of domain) Let U C E be open and connected, and let
f : V --> E be a compact field such that flaU : aU -> E is injective and f (aU) n f (U) = 0.
Show: f(U) is open and connected and f(aU) = af(U).
(B .15) If U C E is open, we say that V is regularly shrinkable whenever there exists a
deformation d : V x I --> V such that d(x, t) E U for (x, t) E V x (O,lJ and d(V, 1) = Uo
for some Uo E U; the closure of an open convex set is a r egularly shrinkable set . Show: If
V is regularly shrinkable and F : V -> E is compact with F(aU) C V, then F has a fixed
point .
(Most of the results of this subsection, which are also valid in locally convex spaces,
are due to Bowszyc [1970J ; for (B .14) see also J.H. Michael [1957J.)
deg..4'l([f, FJ , U, y) = I(Ty , V) .
(C.3)* (Browder- Caccioppoli theorem) Let E, E be Banach spaces, 2(E , E) the Banach
space of continuous linear maps from E to E, and 2c(E, E) the subspace of completely
continuous linear maps. Assume that f : E -+ E is a proper C 1 map such that :
(i) For any compact convex C C E there exists a continuous map <.p : C -+ 2c(E, E)
such that for every v E C the map D fv + <.p( v) E 2(E, E) is an isomorphism.
(ii) There exists a point YO E E such that f-l(yO) = {Xl, . . . ,X2k+d has an odd
number of elements and Dfxi is an isomorphism for each i E [2k + 1].
Show: f is surjective.
(The above results are due to Browder [1969J.)
362 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
where Ii" ... ,ik E COO(U); we write w = 'LfIdxI. The algebra A*(U) = E9~=oAk(U) is
naturally graded; here Ak (U) consists of the k-forms on U. There is a differential operator
d: Ak(U) ~ Ak+l(U) given by:
(a) If f E AO(U), then
where If(x) = det f~ is the Jacobian of fat x. Because f* commutes with d, f* is in fact
a cochain transformation of A*(V) to A*(U) .
The notions of differential form, differential operator, and induced map as well as their
properties extend in a natural way to the category of manifolds.
Recall that a Coo manifold M of dimension n with boundary is given by an atlas
{Ua , 'Pa}, where 'Pa is a homeomorphism of Ua C M either on R n or on the half-space
H n = {(Xl, . .. , Xn) I Xl :::; O} such that each 'Pa'P~l is a Coo map . The boundary 8M
is an (n - I)-dimensional manifold. An oriented atlas {Ua , 'Pa} (i.e. , one with all 'Pa'P~ 1
having positive Jacobian) induces an oriented atlas on 8M. For an n-dimensional oriented
manifold M and an n-form 'T/ on M with compact support there is defined the integral
§I3. Further Results and Applications 363
1M TJ · A basic result due to Stokes asserts that if w is an (n-I)-form with compact support
on an oriented manifold M of dimension n , and if 8M is given the induced orientation,
r dw = JaM
r i*(w),
where i : 8M ...... M is the inclusion.
(D.I)* (Brouwer degree between smooth manifolds) In what follows, M , N stand for (para-
compact) oriented Coo manifolds without boundary of the same dimension n ; U C M is
open with compact closure V ; f : V ...... N a Coo map; and bEN - f(8U). An open nbd
V of b is called Euclidean if it is diffeomorphic to Rn. All differential forms on Mare
assumed to be of class Coo.
(a) Let TJ be a differential n-form with compact support on R n (or on a Euclidean
nbd V) . Show: There exists a differential (n - I)-form w with compact support such that
TJ = dw if and only if I TJ = O.
[For necessity, use the Stokes theorem, and for sufficiency, apply induction on n; cf.
Nirenberg's lecture notes [1974], Lemma 1.3.3.]
(b) Let V be a Euclidean nbd of bEN - j(8U), and let TJ be a differential n-
form with compact support contained in V such that IN
TJ = 1. Prove: (i) The number
deg(f, U, b) = Iu f*TJ does not depend on the choice of TJ; (ii) if deg(f, U, bo) =f. 0, then
there exists Xo E U such that j(xo) = boo
(c) Show: (i) If bo , bI belong to the same component of N - j(8U) , then deg(J, U, bo)
= deg(f, U, bI); (ii) if N is connected and U = M is compact, then deg(J) = deg(J, M, bo)
is independent of bo .
(d) Prove: If TJ is an n-form with compact support contained in the component of
N - j(8U) containing bo, then
(We remark that this equality provides an equivalent definition of the degree .)
[Use a Coo partition of unity on N.]
(D .2)* (Properties oj the degree) (a) Let b be a regular value of j (i.e., if j(x) = b, then
the derivative D j(x) of j at x is an isomorphism of the appropriate tangent spaces). Show:
deg(f , U, b) = LsgnDj(xj) ,
where j - I (b) = {Xl, . . . ,Xk} and sgn D j(Xj) is 1 or -1 according as D j(Xj) preserves or
reverses orientation. The Sard theorem implies that deg(J, U, b) is defined for some b.
(b) (Additivity) If U is the union of disjoint open subsets UI and U2, and if b (j.
j(U - (UI U U2)), then
Bifurcation theory
Theorem (1.10), due to P. Rabinowitz and M. Krasnosel'skir, is the basic
classical result in bifurcation theory. Theorems (1.8) and (1.9), which appear
in a slightly more general form in Nussbaum's lecture notes [1985], extend
the Krasnosel'skir-Rabinowitz theorem to maps in metric ANRs (e.g. cones).
The "local bifurcation" result (1.10)(a) is due to Krasnosel'skir [1956];
(1.lO)(b) was discovered by Rabinowitz [1971]; a remarkable feature of this
result is that it provides information about global behavior from purely
local data. The refinements of the Rabinowitz theorem given in (1.lO)(c), (d)
were found by Ize [1976]. All the above theorems were proved by using the
Leray-Schauder degree theory.
For a direct proof of the Rabinowitz theorem using the Leray-Schauder
degree, the reader may consult the books by Chow-Hale [1974], Brown
[1953], and Nirenberg's lecture notes [1974]. For more general closely re-
lated results for compact maps f : C x J ---+ C, where C is a closed convex
set in a Banach space, see Dancer [1974]' Nussbaum [1975], and Turner
For some applications of bifurcation results to Sturm-Louville problems
and eigenvalue problems for elliptic partial differential equations the reader
is referred to Rabinowitz's lecture notes [1975] and the books of Chow-Hale
[1974] and Zeidler [1986], where further references can be found.
[1911]; Holder spaces in the abstract setting were considered for the first time
by Schauder [1927a], [1932]. Many applications of the Schauder theorem for
proving the existence of classical solutions of partial differential equations
are treated in the book by Pogorzelski [1966]; for other applications and
further references see Krasnosel'skil's book [1964b] and Griffel [1985].
The scheme outlined at the beginning of Section 3 in §7 and used in the
proof of (2.2) and (2.3) is an explicit and abstract formulation of the general
approach used by Schauder [1927a], [1927b]. Application of this scheme to
(2.3) (carried out by Schauder in [1933]) was an important mathematical
achievement; it involved the development of the theory of so-called Schauder
estimates for linear second order elliptic operators (Schauder [1932]). The
same general ideas were exploited by Schauder in another important direc-
tion: for proving the existence of weak solutions of some nonlinear problems.
This involved the study of the classes W k ,2, the derivation of Schauder esti-
mates for linear differential operators in this setting and finally application
of topological arguments (Schauder [1934]' where the case of quasi-linear
elliptic equations with continuous coefficients in R2 is outlined, and also
Schauder [1935], where quasi-linear hyperbolic equations are treated).
A detailed and modern exposition of the theory of Schauder estimates
and its applications to nonlinear problems can be found in the books of
Gilbarg- Trudinger [1977] and Ladyzhenskaya- Ural'tseva [1964].
The Leray- Schauder method represents one of the most basic tools of
nonlinear analysis; in Section 2 we indicate in a simple setting how this
method may be used in the study of nonlinear partial differential equations.
The first fundamental results on quasi-linear second order equations of
eliptic type were obtained by Bernstein [1912]; further significant progress
was made through the work of Schauder and Leray (cf. Schauder [1932]'
[1933], Leray- Schauder [1934], Leray [1938], [1939]). In their joint memoir
[1934] Leray and Schauder brought together a number of important ideas
and developed a new method for solution of quasi-linear equations; their
work, while embracing several preceding discoveries, provided also a general
framework for the treatment of many other nonlinear problems. For an ac-
count of historical beginnings see the surveys by Schauder [1936a], [1936b]
and Leray [1936], where a number of references to older literature can be
A modern presentation of the theory of second order quasi-linear elliptic
equations, which has been brought to a significant level of completeness,
can be found in the books of Gilbarg- Trudinger [1977] and Ladyzhenskaya-
Ural'tseva [1964] . These books also present applications of the continuation
method to the proofs of existence of generalized solutions of some nonlinear
problems. Further literature can be found in Nirenberg's lecture notes [1974]
and the survey by Serrin [1976] .
366 IV. Leray-Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
then Z(f - b) = Z(fo - b). We then define the degree of f with respect to b by d(f, U, b) =
d(fo, U, b) . It can be verified that the degree for R-maps has the same properties as the
Leray- Schauder degree for compact fields. For details, see Rothe's book [1986].
Coincidence degree
Let E, F be normed linear spaces, and L : E --> F a fixed linear Fredholm operator of
index zero. If U C E is open and bounded , and N : U --> F is a compact map, one
can define, for maps of the form L + N : (U, aU) -. (F, F - {b}), the coincidence degree
deg(L + N, U, {b}) with respect to U and b. This degree, developed by Mawhin [1972]'
retains the main properties of the Leray- Schauder degree. Extensions of the continuation
theorems can also be established in this setting. For details, see Gaines- Mawhin [1977] .
We now describe, in a simple setting, a direct extension of the Leray- Schauder degree to
Fredholm maps due to Smale [1965]. We first recall some terminology.
Let E, F be Banach spaces, U a domain in E, and f : U --> F a C 1 map. An element
x E U is called a regular point for f if D f(x) E 2(E, F) is surjective, and a critical
point otherwise. The image of a critical point is a critical value of f . An element y E F
is a regular value of f if it is not a critical value. The map f is called Fredholm if each
differential D f(x) is a Fredholm map, i.e., D f(x) E <P(E , F) for each x EX. Since U is
connected, the index Ind D f(x) is constant on U; its value (denoted by ind f) is called the
index of f. The set of all Fredholm cq maps of index n is denoted by <Pn C q .
Given a domain U C E , we say that a map f : (U, aU) --> (E, E - {O}) is allowable if
f is proper and flU: U --> E is a C 1 Fredholm map of index O. We let '6'o(U, E) denote
the set of allowable maps f : (U, aU) --> (E, E - {O}). Call f, 9 E '6'0 (V, E) homotopic
(written f rv g) if there exists a proper map h: (U, aU) x I --> (E , E - {O}) such that:
368 IV. Leray~Schauder Degree and Fixed Point Index
Let f E Yfo(V, E) and y E E be a regular value for flU with Ilyll < inf{llf(x)11 I
x E aU}. It follows that either f~l(y) = 0 or f~l(y) = {Xl,." ,Xk} C U. The mod 2
degree deg(f; y) of f with respect to y is then defined to be, respectively, 0 or k mod 2.
One shows that deg(f; y) does not depend on the choice of the regular value y and we set
deg f = deg(f; y). The main properties of the degree are:
(i) deg f =1= 0 f(x) = 0 for some x E U ,
(ii) f '" g degf = degg.
Using the mod 2 degree, one can extend the antipodal theorem to Fredholm maps: Let
U c E be a bounded symmetric domain containing 0 and f E Yfo(V, E) be odd (i.e.,
f (x) = - f ( - x) for x E V). Then deg f == 1 (mod 2). For details the reader is referred
to Smale [1965J and Elworthy~Tromba [1970]; for a proof of the antipodal theorem see
G!;;ba~Granas [1983J.
Let E be a Banach space, !feE) the Banach algebra of bounded linear operators on E,
and GL(E) the multiplicative subgroup of invertible elements. Let ,X:(E) C !feE) be the
set of completely continuous linear operators and !fc(E) and GLc(E) the subsets of !feE)
a nd GL(E), respectively, of operators of the form 1+ T, where T E feE). Then GLc(E)
is a subgroup of GL(E). It is known that GLc(E) has two components (G!;;ba [1968],
where references to earlier more special results of A. Schwarz and Palais can be found; see
also the survey by Borisovich- Zvyagin- Sapronov [1977], Isnard [1973], and "Additional
References") . We denote the component containing the identity by GLt(E) and the other
by GL;:- (E) . Given a Banach manifold M , a c-structure on M is an admissible atlas
{~i'U;} maximal with respect to the property: for any i,j, the differential d(~j~il) at
any point is in GLc(E). The c-structure is orientable if it admits a subatlas for which the
differentials actually lie in GLt(E). An orientation is a subatlas maximal with respect
to this property. A smooth map f : M -+ N between c-manifolds (i.e., manifolds with
distinguished c-structures) is a c-map if for any local representative 1jJjf~il of f the
differential d(1jJjf~il) at any point is in !fc(E). This implies that f is Fredholm of index
Suppose f is a proper c-map between oriented manifolds lvf, N with N connected.
Then the oriented degree of f is defined: By the Smale~Sard theorem, f has a regular
value yEN and f~ I (y) C M consists of a finite number of points. Counting these points
with proper signs gives the degree:
The above sign is determined as follows: Take any local representative 1jJjf~il about x .
The differential d(1jJjf~il) at ~i(X) is then in GLc(E) , since x is a regular point . Define
sgn df x to be 1 if the differential is in GLt (E), and -1 otherwise. This definition of degree
obviously extends the finite-dimensional one and is due to Elworthy~Tromba [1970J.
The Lefschetz-Hopf Theory
To formulate the above intuitive ideas in a precise formal way, we shall use
the language of categories and functors.
Recall that a category K consists of a class of objects, and for any objects
A and B, there is a set K(A, B) (also denoted by [A , BlK) of morphisms
f : A --+ B from A to B with the following properties: given two morphisms
f : A --+ Band g : B --+ C, the composite morphism gf : A --+ C is defined;
furthermore, the composition operation is required to be associative and to
have an identity IA in K(A, A) for every object A in K.
For example, the class K of all sets, with K(A, B) being the set of all
maps of A into B, and with the customary composition law, obviously forms
a category Ens. Similarly, the class K of all topological spaces, with K(A, B)
the set of all continuous maps of A into B and with the usual composition
law, forms a category Top. There are many categories in which all ob-
jects have some type of algebraic structure, such as the category Ab of
abelian groups (in which all morphisms are homomorphisms) or that of
vector spaces, or modules over a fixed ring, whose definitions are obvious.
For any category K , the opposite category K* is that having the same
objects as K, morphisms K*(A, B) = K(B, A), and the same composition
law as in K.
A morphism u : A --+ B in a category K is called an isomorphism if
there is a morphism v : B --+ A in K with uv = IE and vu = IA; the
morphism v is called the inverse of u , and is unique. Two objects A , B E K
are equivalent (written A ~ B) if there is an isomorphism u : A --+ B in K;
the relation is indeed an equivalence relation in K. These notions yield the
customary concept of isomorphism in Ens, Top, and Ab.
When several morphisms between various objects in a category are con-
sidered simultaneously, it is convenient to display the morphisms as arrows
§14. Singular Homology 371
in a diagram, such as
1)= II Iv
The diagram 1) is said to be commutative if uj = vg. The same terminology
applies to more complicated diagrams.
Let K, L be two categories. A covariant junctor T : K -+ L is a rule that
assigns to each object A E K an object T(A) ELand to each morphism
u E K(A , B) a morphism T(u) E L(T(A), T(B)) so that:
(a) T(lA) = IT(A) for each A E K,
(b) T(uv) = T(u)T(v) whenever uv is defined.
If K* is the opposite category, a functor T : K* -+ L is called a contravariant
functor (or briefly a cofunctor) on K; it can be interpreted as a functor on
K that reverses the direction of each morphism when sent to L.
A functor T : K -+ L transfers commutative diagrams in K to commu-
tative diagrams in L. Moreover, if u is an isomorphism in K , then T(u) is
an isomorphism in L; the converse is not necessarily true.
We list two simple but important examples:
(i) The functor F : Ens -+ Ab . For any set A , let F(A) be the free
abelian group generated by A. The defining property of free abelian
groups implies that if j : A -+ B is any function, then there is a
unique homomorphism Ff: F(A) -+ F(B) with (Fj)i = jj, where
i : A -+ F(A) and j : B -+ F(B) are the inclusions.
(ii) The functor SM : Top -+ Ens. For a fixed space M, we define
SM : Top -+ Ens by
SM(X) = Top(M, X) , X E Top,
and for j : A -+ B, SM(f) : Top(M, A) -+ Top(M, B) is given by
[SM(f)](U) = ju , u E Top(M,A).
Let 5, T : K -+ L be two functors. A natural transformation t : 5 -+ T
of 5 into T is a function that assigns to each A E K a morphism t A E
L(S(A) , T(A)) so that for all A , B, u in K , the diagram
lt B
In the remaining part of this section our aim is to show that the singular
homology assigning to each space X an abelian group Hn(X), the nth ho-
mology group of X , and to each map f : X ~ Y of spaces a homomorphism
Hn(f) : Hn(X) ~ Hn(Y) of groups is, in fact, a functor , called the nth
singular homology functor from Top to Ab.
Some examples
We calculate the singular homology of some simple spaces.
EXAMPLE 1. In contrast to the simplicial case, observe that if X #- 0, then
Cn(X) #- 0 for every n 2 o. However, we show that if * is a one-point
space, then Ho(*) ~ Z and Hi (*) = 0 for all i > O. For there is exactly
one singular simplex TP : LlP --+ * for each p 2 o. If p > 0 is even, then
8TP = TP-l, so that there are no p-cycles, and Hp( *) = o. If p > 0 is
odd, then 8TP = 0 and 8Tp+l = TP, so that every cycle bounds, and again
Hp( *) = O. In the case n = 0, we have Zo( *) = cyclic group generated by
TO and B o(*) = 8Cl (*) = 0; therefore H o(*) = Zo(*) = Z .
EXAMPLE 2. An easy modification of the proof in Example 1 shows that
Ho(X) = Z whenever X is path-connected.
EXAMPLE 3. Let Xc RP be a convex set. Then Ho(X) = Z and Hi(X) = 0
for all i > O. The first statement being evident from Example 2, we concen-
trate on the second. We will show that Hn(X) = 0 for n 2 1 by constructing
a chain homotopy D : Cn(X) -) Cn+l (X) (see §6); since Cn(X) is the free
abelian group generated by the singular n-simplices T, it is enough to define
DT E Cn+l(X) for each generator T: Lln --+ X.
Choose a point ~ E X; for each n > 0 and each T : Lln --+ X set
DT(xo , .. . ,Xn+l)
xo~ + (1- Xo)T(~,
1 - Xo
... , Xn+l ),
1 - Xo
Xo #- 1,
~; Xo = 1.
This is the analogue of the cone construction with vertex ~: on the face of
Lln+l opposite the vertex (1,0, ... ,0) , we are setting
DT(O, Xl, ... , xn+d = T(Xl , . .. , Xn+l) and DT(l , 0, . .. ,0) =~,
then mapping each line segment in Lln+l joining (1,0, ... ,0) to a point x
on the face of Lln+l opposite (1,0, ... ,0) linearly onto the segment in X
§14. Singular Homology 375
1 - Xo
... , Xi-l ,o,~, ... ,~)],
1 - Xo 1 - Xo 1 - Xo
so that 6iDT = D6i-IT for i > 0. Thus,
oDT = 60DT - 6lDT + '" ± 6n+lDT
= T - D60T + ... ± D6 nT = T - D(oT),
so T = oDT + DoT and e = oDe+ D8c for every e E Cn(X). If e is a cycle,
then oe = 0, so e = oDe and every cycle bounds. This completes the proof.
PROOF. We first consider the absolute case, when we are given a space
X together with the collection {Ka} aED of all compact subsets of X. We
are going to show that H * (X) ~ ~ H * (Ka). For convenience we assume
that there is a one-to-one correspondence ex ...... Ka between the indices
in D and the compact subsets of X; we write ex ~ /3 whenever Ka C K/3,
which makes D a directed set. We form the direct system of chain cornplexe~
{C*(Ka ),ia/3}a ,/3ED, where ia/3 : C*(Ka ) --t C*(K/3), ex ~ /3, is the inclu-
sion. Let C*(X) be the singular complex of X , and fa : C*(Ka ) --t C*(X)
the inclusion. We note that the family {fa} is compatible and that both
conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem (D.3)(II) in the Appendix are satisfied
(because the support of any chain in C*(X) is compact) . Thus, by that the-
orem, C*(X) ~ ~{C*(Ka),ia/3}. Now the asserted isomorphism follows
from the fact that the homology functor commutes with direct limits (see
Appendix, Theorem (D.7)).
The proof of the theorem in the relative case is analogous, and the details
are left to the reader. 0
with singular simplices T : Lln --+ Lln, and the process has affinities with
barycentric subdivision of polyhedra.
In this section we establish the invariance of singular homology under
barycentric subdivision. This implies that to compute singular homology we
can confine ourselves to singular simplices with arbitrarily small supports.
PROOF. The method of proof goes by the name of "acyclic models" and is
due to Eilenberg-MacLane. Since a(id o) - f3(id o) = 0, it follows that (*)
holds for n = 0 with Do = o. Assuming inductively that Dk : C k -+ Ck+1
has already been found for all k < n with
Barycentric subdivision
Let Ll q be the standard simplex in Rq+ 1, and {An (Ll q)} the sub complex
of {Cn(Llq)} generated by the affine singular simplices in Llq. Given a fixed
point b in Ll q, the cone operator x assigns to a generator (J = (POPI ... Pn)
in An(Llq) the affine simplex of one higher dimension,
x( (J) = b x (J = (bpOPI ... Pn) ,
and so determines (by linearity) a homomorphism x : An (Ll q) --+ An+ 1(Ll q).
A straightforward verification gives
We are now ready to define the subdivision operator (3 and prove its
(2.5) THEOREM. The operations (3 and (3r have the following properties:
(i) (3r is a natural chain map for any r E N.
(ii) For each space X, (3r is naturally chain homotopic to the identity
map of the singular chain complex into itself.
(iii) For any space X, every cycle Z E Z(X) is homologous to the
cycle (3r(z).
(iv) For a given n E N and any 6 > 0 there exists an integer
sEN (depending on nand 6) such that the support of any
affine simplex Si appearing in the chain (3~ (idn ) has diameter
diam(lsil) ~ 6.
PROOF. (i) Because every functor C n is presentable, to show that (3 = {(3n}
is a chain map we simply need to verify that in the diagram
Cn(Lln) ~ C n _ 1 (Lln)
~n! !~n-l
Cn(Lln) ~ C n _ 1 (Lln)
382 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
Small simplices
(2.6) DEFINITION. Let X be a space and V = {VA I A E A} a family
of subsets of X whose interiors f\\ I A E A} cover X. A singular
simplex T : Ll n -+ X will be said to belong to V (or to be V -small)
provided its support ITllies in at least one of the sets VA'
By confining our attention to singular simplices that are V-small, we can
introduce several notions which are strictly analogous to those of Section l.
We let C;/(X) be the subcomplex of C*(X) generated by the V-small
singular simplices. If A c X, we define CY(A) to be the sub complex
of CY (X) generated by the singular simplices that belong to V n A =
{VA n A} AEA, and CY (X, A) to be the quotient complex CY (X)/CY (A).
Thus associated with V are three chain complexes
CY(X), CY(A), CY(X, A),
and the corresponding graded homology groups
H; (X) = {H~ (Xn, H; (A) = {H~ (An, H; (X, A) = {H~ (X, An.
(2.7) THEOREM. Let (X, A) be a pair and V = {VA} a family of subsets
of X whose interiors cover X. Then the injection j : C; (X, A) -+
C*(X, A) induces an isomorphism j* : HY (X, A) -+ H*(X, A) of
homology groups.
§14. Singular Homology 383
... --- Hi' (A) --- Hi' (X) --- Hi' (X, A) ~ Hi-I (A) --- Hi-I (X) --- ...
3. Excision
As the main consequence of (2.7) we come to the following basic
(3.1) THEOREM (Excision theorem). Let (X , A) be any pair of spaces, and
let E c X be any subset such that E c lnt A (i. e., E is ''far from the
boundary"). Then the inclusion map i : (X - E, A - E) <---t (X, A)
induces an isomorphism in homology:
i* : H*(X - E, A - E) ~ H*(X, A).
PROOF. Consider the open covering V = {lnt A, X - E} of X.
(a) i* is epic. Let c be any cycle mod A; then c = "L,niTi' and by
Theorem (2.7), we can assume that each Ti is V-small. In particular, the
support of each singular simplex is then either entirely in lnt A, or entirely
in X - E, or possibly in both. We break up c into two parts: c = Cx -E + r
by collecting all the simplices of c whose supports lie entirely in X - E, and
letting r be the remaining part of c. We now claim that Cx -E is a cycle
mod A - E, and then ICX-E - ci = Irl c A, so c and CX-E are homologous
mod A-E. Indeed, since X - E c X - E, the supports of the singular
simplices of r cannot be entirely in X - E, and therefore Irl c lnt A c A.
Focusing on CX-E, we have aCX-E = ac- or. Now, since ICX-EI eX - E,
we know that l8cx - EI eX - E; but this must be equal to lac - arl, which
is contained in A. Thus, l8cx -EI cAn (X - E) = A - E , and therefore
Cx -E is a cycle mod A-E. Because Cx - E and c are homologous mod A,
it follows that i*([cx-e]) = [c] E H*(X,A), and thus i* is epic.
(b) i* is monic. Let Zx -E E Z* (X - E, A - E) be a cycle homologous to
zero in Z*(X, A); this says that ZX - E = aqX+QA, where we can assume that
all chains involved are V -small (by taking IF on both sides if necessary). As
before, we break up qx into two pieces qx = qx - E + r A , getting Zx - E -
aqx-E = or A + QA; the left side is in X - E, the right in A , so both are in
A-E. Thus, ZX-E is, in fact, bounding on X - E mod A - E, i.e., i* is
monic. 0
(3.2) DEFINITION. Let (A, B) be a pair of subsets of a space X with
X = AU B. We say that the pair (A, B) is excisive if the inclusion
(A, A n B) <---t (A U B, B) = (X, B)
induces an isomorphism in homology.
With this terminology, the excision theorem (3.1) can be put in another
equivalent form, which is sometimes formally easier to use and involves sets
whose interiors cover X (it resembles the usual group-theoretic isomorphism
Below we write A for lnt A and CA for X - A.
§14. Singular Homology 385
Hn(sn,*) ~Hn(sn,sn - A)
~ lj*
H n(sn , sn - {p})
386 v. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
commutes; this implies that the above exact sequence splits, and our asser-
tion follows.
(iii) Let V c sn be open, and A c V non empty and compact . Then
inclusion induces an isomorphism
e: Hn(V, V - A) ~ Hn(sn, Sn - A) .
For write (sn, sn - A) = (V U (sn - A), sn - A); by excision, this has the
same homology as (V, V n (sn - A)) = (V, V - A).
4. Axiomatization
In order to get quickly to the essentials of the algebraic techniques we shall
now present the axiomatic approach.
There are many homology theories; the following description of what is
to be meant by a homology theory has been given by Eilenberg- Steenrod.
Each homology theory is defined on some category K whose objects are
pairs (X, A) of topological spaces such that A eX, and whose morphisms
are continuous maps of such pairs. The category K must contain the space 0,
and we denote a pair (X,0) simply by X.
(4.1) DEFINITION. A homology theory on K is a sequence h* = {h n },
n = 0,1 , ... , of functors from K to the category of abelian groups,
together with a family of natural transformations
one for each (X, A , n), such that the following axioms hold:
(1) (Homotopy) If fo, fr : (X, A) ---> (Y, B) are homotopic, then
hn(fo) = hn(fr) for all n.
(2) (Exactness) For each (X, A) E K, the sequence
. .. ---> hn(A) ---> hn(X) ---> hn(X, A)
~ hn- 1(A) ---> hn-1(X) ---> ... ---> 0
is exact, where all unmarked maps are induced by inclusions.
(3) (Strong excision) The inclusion e : (A, A n B) ---> (A U B , B)
induces an isomorphism
for all n.
For a homology theory h*, the graded group {h n ( *)}, where * is a one-
point space, is called the group of coefficients of the theory. By an ordinary
homology theory h* we shall mean one with h n (*) = 0 unless n = 0; if
§14. Singular Homology 387
PROOF. Let r : X ---+ A be the retraction. Then roi = id , so that r* oi* = id;
from this we see that i* : hn(A) ---+ hn(X) is monic and r* : hn(X) ---+ hn(A)
is epic. Moreover, since i* is monic, the exact sequence
0---+ hn(A) ---+ hn(X) ---+ hn(X, A) ---+ 0
splits as hn(X) ~ 1m i* EB Ker r* ~ hn(A) EBKer r*. This shows that hn(X, A)
~ hn(X)/hn(A) = Kerr*, completing the proof. 0
(4.6) PROPOSITION. If X is the disjoint union X = Xl u··· U X k , then
hn(X) ~ EB7=1 hn(Xi)'
PROOF. We prove this for n = k = 2, the general case following by induction.
Assume that X = Xl u X 2 ; then Xl is a retract of X, so
h 2 (X) = h 2 (Xr) EB h 2 (X I U X 2 , Xr),
and by excision, the second term is isomorphic to h 2 (X 2 , 0) == h 2 (X 2 ). 0
Reduced groups
Let X be nonempty and r : X ---+ * the unique map to a one-point space
* EX. Our first task is to find a relation between h n (X) and h n (X , *).
(4.7) PROPOSITION . We have hn(X, *) = Ker[r* : hn(X) ---+ h n (*)], with
r * epic. In fact ,
is exact.
PROOF. We consider
and since the top sequence is exact, we clearly have 1m c Ker at each stage
of the last sequence. The task is to show the converse, that Ker c 1m for
each pair.
(i) Let x E Ker,6, j(x) = O. Then there is an a E hn(A) with i(a) = x
because of exactness. We have to show a E Ker 0:. So, consider 0:( a); then
>..o:(a) = ,6i(a) = ,6x = 0, so o:(a) E Ker>.. = 0, and therefore a E Ker 0:.
(ii) Let ~ E hn(X, A) = Ker,)" f)~ = O. Then there exists x E hn(X)
with jx = ~. The problem is to pick such an x in Ker,6. Let us see how
far off we are with x. We find J.L,6(x) = ')'j(x) = 0, so ,6x E Ker J.L = 1m >..,
showing ,6x = >..(a') , and since a is surjective, ,6x = >..o:(a). Now consider
x - ia. We have j(x - ia) = jx = ~ because of exactness; and we have
,6(x - ia) = ,6x - ,6ia = ,6x - >..o:(a) = O. Thus, the sequence is exact at
(iii) Let ( E Kerb, i(() = O. Then there is a ~ with f)~ = (, and clearly
~ E Ker,),. 0
We now consider the reduced groups for the special case where the space
is contractible (i.e., id : X --'> X is homotopic, in X, to a constant map
PROOF. 0 = hn(A,*) --'> hn(X,*) --'> hn(X,A) --'> h n - 1(A,*) = 0, and the
result follows. 0
. . . -t h n (A n B ,*) (i,,-i2)
-----t h n (A)
,* EEl h n ( B, *) ],+]2
h nUB,
(A *)
a hn_1(AnB,*)
-t - t '" -t 0
with 8 = 6,-lk2 is exact. o
Homology groups of spheres
We now give some applications and determine the homology of some simple
(a) hq (Bn , *) = 0 in any homology theory.
is exact. But S"t and S"!:. are contractible, and therefore their homology
groups are zero; so
hq(sn, *) ~ hq_dsn-l, *).
We repeat this again to find
hq_l(sn-l,*) ~ ... ~ ho(sn- q,*), q < n,
hq(sn, *) ~ hq(SO, *) , q = n,
hq-n(SO, *), q > n.
Now, ho(sn- q, *) = 0, for we have
*) EEl ho(S~-q, *) ~ ho(S~-q U s~-q, *) - t 0;
we obtain a chain complex C* = {Cn (K) x Cn (L), 8}. Since the correspon-
dence T 1-+ PKT xPLT yields an isomorphism Cn(K x L) ~ Cn(K) x Cn(L),
calculation of the homology H*(K x L) is reduced to that of C* .
A chain transformation T : C* - ? D* can be constructed by setting, for
each n :2 and each generator S x T E Cn(K) x Cn(L),
T(S X T) = (h 0'" 0 onS ® T + 020'" OnS ® ooT
~ // 11
)t {)
C n - Bn - 1 - 0
commutative. Since aa.
= 1, this implies Cn (L) = 1m a. EB Ker = 1m a. EB a
Zn (L ), showing that the group of cycles is a direct summand of the group
§14. Singular Homology 395
Zn(C 181 G) = Ker(ao 181 1) EEl [Im(a 181 1) n Ker(a 181 1)].
It remains to simplify the expressions for the direct summands. For the first
factor: by exactness, we have Ker(ao 181 1) = Im(i 181 1); moreover, Im(a 181 1)
= Im[(i I8l 1)o(k I8l 1)o(ao I8l 1)], which, because 00 181 1 is epic, gives Im(8181 1) =
(i 18I 1)[Im(k 181 1)]. Observing that i 181 1 is monic, we find
k . k @1
Now, 0 - 7 En - 7 Zn - 7 Hn - 7 0 IS exact, so Bn l8l G --+ Z n l8l G - 7 H n 0 G-7
o is also exact, and therefore the first direct factor is H n (C) 181 G.
§14. Singular Homology 397
~ Tor(Hn-1 ' G) ~ B n- 1
k0 1
0 G ---7 Zn-1 0 G ~ H n - 1 0 G ~ 0,
so that the second summand is ~ Tor(Hn - 1, G), and the proof is complete.
The second part is immediate, since Tor(A, Q) = whenever Q is torsion-
free , for any abelian A. 0
(5.7) COROLLARY (Klinneth formula). Let K , L be finite complexes. Then
n n
i=O i= 1
Such maps have a well-defined degree, deg 1r f, and in order to define this,
we need a few preliminary remarks about orientation in Rn.
Recall that two orderings of the vertices of a simplex are called equivalent
if they differ by an even permutation. There are exactly two equivalence
classes, and each class is called an orientation of that simplex. The order in
which the vertices are written represents the selected orientation.
If (J' = (Po, PI, ... , Pn) is contained in Rn , then the orientation of (J' in-
d uced by the orientation of R n represented by (e I, ... , en) is that class
of orderings for which the unique affine map sending (Po, PI , ... , Pn) to
(0, el, ... , en) has positive determinant. This orientation of (J' depends, in
fact, only on the orientation of Rn, and not on the representation of that
An orientation for sn-l is a definite generator b E H n- l (sn-l); since
H n- l (sn-l) = Z, a sphere has exactly two orientations, b and -b.
An orientation of Rn induces an orientation of each En-l c Rn as
(a) Regard En-l as the triangulated boundary of an n-simplex (J'.
(b) Take (J' = (Po, PI, ... ,Pn) with the orientation induced by Rn.
(c) The homology class b E Hn_1(En-l) containing 8(POPI . . . Pn) is the
induced orientation. .
Let f : En-l ---> sn-l be a map of oriented spheres, as considered above.
The degree of f is the unique number deg fEZ with f* (b') = (deg f)b.
Obviously, the degree is not uniquely determined until the orientations have
been specified; changing both orientations does not change the degree, but
changing only one of them does. However, if En-l and sn-l are always
both taken with the orientation induced by some orientation of Rn, then
the degree is uniquely determined, independently of the orientation chosen
in Rn, since the opposite orientation changes the sign of orientations of both
Returning now to our map 1r f : En-l ---> sn-l, we find that it has a
definite degree, and it depends only on the boundary values of f.
It is instructive to calculate first the degree deg L of a nonsingular linear
map L : (Po, ... ,Pn) ---> (L(po), ... , L(Pn)). For this, we first need orienta-
tions of (po, ... , Pn) and (L(po), ... , L(Pn)).
Assume (Po, ... ,Pn) has the required orientation; then (L(po), ... , L(Pn))
must have the induced orientation, so that we obtain ±(L(po), . .. , L(Pn))
depending on whether the simplex has the same orientation as (Po, .. . ,Pn)
or not. Thus, (1rf)* sends the generator 8(po ... Pn) to 8(L(po) ... L(Pn)),
so we conclude that
deg L = signdet L = [Po, . .. , Pn] [L(po), . .. , L(Pn)] .
Therefore, as far as linear transformations are concerned, we find that
§14. Singular Homology 399
degL = d(L, B(O, 1)) as considered in §1O, and at least for such linear
maps, we have a determination of d(L, B(O, 1)) simply and directly from
the boundary values.
We now analyze the process more carefully, trying to see what can be
done if we are given 1 : U - t Rn, where U is not necessarily a convex body.
We assume that U is compact and tt 1(/JU); the set 1-1(0) n U = K is
therefore a compact subset of Int U.
We started off with V - K L Rn - {a} ~ sn-1, where V ::) K is a ball,
giving (7rJ)* : Hn-1(V -K) - t Hn_1(sn-1) in homology. Then we took the
boundary V C V - K to get
H n - 1( V.) i
-t H n - 1(V- - K ) (7r f).
--+ H n - 1(n-1)
S ,
and set deg 1 to be the coefficient of the generator of H n - 1(sn-1) in
(7rJ)*i(b) , where bE Hn-1(V) .
In terms of the original diagram, this can be interpreted as saying that
we have selected a distinguished element y = i(b) of Hn-1(V - K) and let
(7r J) * (y) determine the degree of f.
This distinguished element y came about easily because V is an (n - 1)-
sphere, and so has a unique basic cycle. We cannot find y so easily if V is
not a sphere, so we seek another way to get it.
For this purpose, we consider the commutative diagram
since these are disjoint . So we have to show that the split parts of the
distinguished element in H n - 1(U 1UU2-(K1UK 2)) are each the distinguished
elements. To see this, it suffices to consider the diagram
The next result follows at once from the definitions involved.
(6.5) THEOREM. II 0 E U and the map 1 : U ---) R n is the inclusion , then
degu (f) = 1. 0
The three theorems above indicate that if we assign to each 1 : (U , aU)
---) (R n , Rn - {O}) the integer degu (f), then the function 1 1-+ degu (f)
is precisely the same as the function 1 1-+ d(f, U) that we obtained in an
elementary fashion in Chapter IV. In particular, we infer immediately that :
402 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
Thus, for convex bodies we can get the degree as the sum of the individual
degrees, or directly from the boundary values (d. (E.2)(d) in §13).
by assigning to a homomorphism <P : F(X) -> A its restriction <PIX: X -> G(A). This
transformation is natural in both X and A, and the defining property of free abelian
groups implies that T/X ,A is bijective.]
are natural and bijective, observe that each natural transformation v : F -> XA is just a
compatible family of morphisms {Va : Fa -> A}.]
(A.7) Given categories C and DIet F : C --t D be a left adjoint of G : D -> C . Prove:
F preserves direct limits, i.e., if HE CD is any functor such that limH
exists in C, then
!!!!: F H = F(!!!!: H) .
[By definition , for all D in D, we have
B. Functor-chains
(B.1) Let T be a category. A functor-chain C* = {Cn , 8n } on T is a sequence of covariant
functors C n : T --t Ab for n 2: together with natural transformations 8n : C n -> Cn-l
for n 2: 1 such that 8 n -18n = 0. For each X E T, we set
and call Hn(X) the nth homology group of C*(X). Prove: For each n 2: 0, the map
X I-> Hn(X) is the object function of a covariant functor Hn : T --t Ab.
404 v. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
·· · ~Gn~Gn - 1~···-GO
tTn - 1 tTo
where each square commutes. Show:
(a) If S., T. : C. --> G. are two natural transformations of functor-chains, then so
are S. ± T. (the meaning is clear, since values can be added in Ab).
(b) R. 0 (S. - T.) = R. 0 S. - R. 0 T • .
(B.5) Two natural transformations S" T. : C. -+ G. of functor-chains are called chain
homotopic, written S. ~ T., if there exists a sequence Dn : C n -+ G n + 1 of natural
transformations such that Sn - Tn = dn+1Dn + D n - 10n. Show: The chain homotopy is
an equivalence relation in the set of natural functor-chain transformations from C. to G • .
(B.6) Let S" T. : C. -+ G. be such that S. ~ T •. Show: If R. : G. -+ G; and P. : C; -+
C. are any two natural transformations, then S. P. ~ T. P. and R. S. :::: R. T • .
(B.7) Let S" T. : C.
(a) For each n 2: ° G •.
-+ Show:
and X E T we have the induced homomorphism
Hn(S.)(X) : Hn(C.(X)) -+ Hn(G.(X)).
(b) If S. ~ T. , then Hn(S.)(X) = Hn(T.)(X) for all nand X.
(b) Let S, T : Ho(C.) -+ Ho(G.) be two natural transformations such that S(Mo)[so]
= T(Mo)[soJ, where [so] E Ho(C.(Mo» is the class of So E Co(Mo) . Then any
extensions S. , T. are chain homotopic . In particular, any two extensions of a fixed
S are chain homotopic.
[Consider the augmented functor-chains
and construct first So using the fact that G. is O-acyclic for all X (see (B.3» . Then the
construction proceeds by induction. The proof of (b) is similar.]
Cn(Ll n ) ~ Cn_i(Ll n )
Tnt tTn - 1
(D.2) Let C. be the singular complex functor-chain and C. another functor-chain such
that for each n 2: I, G. is n-acyclic at Ll n . Show:
(a) To construct T. : C. -+ C" we need only specify T: Ho(C.) -+ Ho(C.) .
(b) Any two S , T : Ho(C.) -> Ho(C.) yielding the same value at [so] produce trans-
formations S., T. : C. -> C. such that S. c:= T •.
(D.3) (Homotopy invariance) Let C. : Top -+ Ab be the singular complex functor-chain.
Define another functor-chain C. : Top -+ Ab by
In this subsection the homology groups are taken with rational coefficients and are there-
fore considered as vector spaces over Q. Recall that given a pair (X , A), the Betti numbers
bn (X, A) are defined by
bn(X, A) = dim Hn(X , A) , n = 0, 1, 2, ... ,
406 v. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
A pair (X, A) is said to be of finite type if the graded vector space {Hn(X , is of An
finite type. The Poincare polynomial pet, X , A) of such a pair is defined by pet, X , A) =
Lbn(X,A)t n .
Let (X , Y ,Z) be a triple of topological spaces , i.e., Z eYe X , and let
... -> Hn+1 (X , Y) ~ Hn(Y, Z) ~ Hn(X, Z) 1..::. Hn(X, Y) ~ Hn-I (Y, Z) -> .. .
be the corresponding long exact sequence of vector spaces. Let (!n(X, Y, Z) = dim 1m an .
(E.1) Let (X, Y,Z) be a triple. Establish the following relations between the vector spaces
appearing in the exact sequence of (X , Y,Z):
bn (Y, Z) = {!n+1 (X, Y, Z) + dim 1m i.,
bn(X, Z) = dimlm i. + dimlmj.,
bn(X, Y) = dimlmj. + i?n(X, Y, Z).
[Use the observation that if A ~ B .! C is an exact sequence of vector spaces, then
dimB = dimlma + dim Im,8.J
(E.2) Let Z e Y e X be a triple such that Z is a deformation retract of Y. Show:
Hn(X, Y) = Hn(X , Z) for all n 2: O.
(E .3) Let X cAe X' and Y C B C y' be two triples such that X' C Y. Assume that
X (resp . Y) is a deformation retract of X' (resp. yl). Show: bn(Y,X) ::; bn(B , A) for all
n 2: O.
(E.4) Let Z eYe X be a triple such that the pairs (X, Y) and (Y, Z) are of finite type.
(a) The pair (X , Z) is of finite type.
(b) bn(X, Y) + bn(Y, Z) = bn(X, Z) + i?n(X , Y, Z) + {!n+ l (X , Y ,Z) .
(c) bn(X, Z) ::; bn(X, Y) + bn(Y, Z) for all n 2: O.
(d) X(X, Z) = X(X, Y) + X(Y, Z) .
(e) pet , X, Y) + pet, Y, Z) = pet , X, Z) + (1 + t)Q(t, X , Y , Z) , where Q(t , X , Y, Z) =
Li?n+I(X, Y,Z)t n .
[For (e), use (E.1) and the fact that i?o(X, Y, Z) = O.J
(E.5) Let Xo C Xl C . . . C Xs be a finite increasing sequence of spaces such that each
pair (Xj , X j _ l ) (j = 1, .. . ,s) is of finite type. Show:
(a) bi(Xs, Xo) ::; Lj bi(Xj , Xj-I) for each i.
(b) X(Xs,Xo) = LjX(Xj,Xj - I ).
(c) Lj P(t,Xj,Xj _ l ) = P(t,Xs,Xo) + (1 +t)Q(t) , where Q(t) is a polynomial with
nonnegative coefficients.
x E Ker[Hq(J ::; a) -> Hq(J ::; c')) but x rt Ker[Hq(J::; a) -> Hq(J < c')) .
(F.l) (Critical levels) A level a E R is an ordinary level of J if Hn(J::; a, J < a) = for
all n E N. A level c is critical if it is not ordinary; it is q-critical for some q E N provided
Hq(J ::; c, J < c) f= 0.
Assuming that J is an h-function, show:
(a) If Hq(X) f= 0, then J admits at least one q-criticallevel.
(b) If Hq(J < a) f= for some a E R, then J admits at least one q-critical level c
with c < a.
(c) If Ker[Hq(J ::; a) -> Hq(X)) f=
(q + 1)-critical level c' with a < c'.
° for some a E R, then J has at least one
(F.3) (Morse inequalities) Assume that for any j = 0, 1, .. . , q+ 1 the h-function J admits
only a finite number of j-criticallevels. Show: If the type numbers Mo, MI,' . . ,Mq+l are
finite, then so are the Betti numbers bo(X), bl (X) , ... ,bq(X), and
q+l q q
2) -1)q-j Mj ::; 2:) -1)q- j bj (X) ::; L( -l)q-j Mj .
j=O j=O j=O
(d.3) for each a E R there exists a f3 > a such that (J ::; a) is a deformation retract
of (J < (3) .
We say that J : X -> R is a d-function provided it is continuous and bounded from below,
the sets (J ::; a) are compact for all a E R, and J admits a nonempty set of critical points.
Assuming that J is a d-function, show:
(a) J is an h-function.
(b) For any z E X, let Xz = (J < J(z)) and mq(z) = dim Hq(Xz U {z},Xz ). Then:
(i) If mq(z) f= 0, then z is a critical point of J.
(ii) mq(c) = E{mq(z) I J(z) = c}.
408 V. The Lefschetz-Hopf Theory
[For (a), use the fact that singular homology has compact carriers: for any XE Hq(X ,A),
there is a compact pair (X', A') c (X,A) such that x E Im[Hq(X',A')-+Hq(X,A)J.J
(The above results are due to Eilenberg [1950J.)
G. Selected problems
(G.l) Let X be a space and A C X a closed strong deformation retract of some open nbd
U of A (over U). Show:
(a) Hn(X, A) S;' Hn(X/A , *).
(b) The above isomorphism is induced by the identification p: (X, A) -+ (X/A, *) .
[For (a), first from A cUe X and Hn(A) S;' Hn(U), using exactness and excision, deduce
that Hn(X, A) S;' Hn(X , U) S;' Hn(X - A, U - A) . Then, using (B.6) of §11, observe that
p. : Hn(X - A, U - A) S;' Hn(X/A - *, U/A - *), and thus
(X/A - *, U/A - *) ~ (X/A,U/A) ~ (X/A,*).J
is a strong deformation retraction of N onto B . Conclude the proof by showing the com-
mutativity of the diagram
~l t~
Hn(Y, B) ~ Hn(Y, N) ~ Hn(Y - B, N - B).J
(G.3) (Mayer- Vietoris homomorphism) (a) Consider the commutative diagram of abelian
groups and homomorphisms
in which both horizontal and vertical lines are exact and kl and k2 are isomorphisms.
Show: il and jl are monic and G = il(Hl) EB h(Gl).
§14. Singular Homology 409
(b) Let (A, B) be an excisive pair and consider the Mayer- Vietoris homomorphisms
in which the diagonals are exact . Show: The homomorphisms from top to bottom along
the edges differ in sign, i.e. , .1B(a) = -.1A(a) for a E Hn(A U B) .
[First, using (a) , observe that
Hn(A U B , A n B) ~ Hn(A, A n B) EB Hn(B , A n B).
Then, taking a E Hn(A U B) , write the direct sum decomposition of its projection into
Hn(A U B, A n B); push that down into Hn-l(A n B) to get zero; then commutativity
gives the images along both sides.]
Singular homology
Singular homology in its present form is due to S. Eilenberg. The reader in-
terested in studying the theory in full detail may want to consult the books
of Dold [1980] and Vick [1973]. The axiomatic treatment of the ordinary
homology (and cohomology) theories is due to Eilenberg and Steenrod and
appears in their book [1952]. General homology and cohomology theories
were introduced by G.W . Whitehead [1962]; for details and other refer-
ences, the reader may consult Switzer's book [1975]. The reader interested
in historical details is referred to the book of Dieudonne [1989].
The comparison of homology principle given in Theorem (5.3) is due to
Dugundji [1966].
Cohomology theories
Cohomology can be axiomatized in the same way as homology. Let K be
a category whose objects are pairs (X, A) of topological spaces and whose
morphisms are continuous maps of such pairs.
410 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
for all n.
For a cohomology theory h *, the graded group {h n ( *)}, where * is a one-
point space, is called the group of coefficients of the theory. By an ordinary
cohomology theory h* is meant one with h n (*) = 0 unless n = 0; if moreover
hO (*) = G, then h * is called an ordinary cohomology theory with coefficients
in G.
As in the case of ordinary homology, any two ordinary cohomology the-
ories with the same coefficient group coincide on the category of polyhedra.
Both the Cech cohomology theory and singular cohomology theory sat-
isfy the above axioms and are in fact ordinary cohomology theories on suit-
able pairs of topological spaces. These two cohomology theories differ for
some pairs (X, A).
For notational convenience we use the symbol H* to denote an ordinary
cohomology theory.
Singular cohomology
Let X be a space, C*(X) = {Cn(X), an} the singular chain complex of X ,
and G a fixed abelian group. Given an abelian group A, write Hom(A, G) for
the set of homomorphisms from A to G and note that the assignment A f--+
Hom(A, G) defines a cofunctor AC : Ab - t Ab. Just as in the construction of
singular homology H*(X; G) with coefficients in G, instead of using the ten-
sor product ® G, we can apply the cofunctor AC to the singular chain com-
plex C*(X) to obtain a cochain complex Hom(C*(X),G) = {Cn(X),(\"n},
where cn(x) = Hom(Cn(X) , G) and (\"n f E Hom(Cn+1 (X), G) is defined by
((\"nJ)(c) = f(a n+1 c), c E Cn+1 (X). The cohomology groups of this cochain
§14. Singular Homology 411
set of a. The q-dimensional chain group Cq(V(a» is the free abelian group generated by
the ordered q-simplices of V(a); the boundary operator Oq : Cq(V(a» --; Cq-l(V(a» is
defined by
o((xo,···, Xq» = 2) -l)i(xo, ... , Xi, ... , Xq),
where (XO, . .. , Xi, ... , Xq) is the q-tuple obtained by deleting Xi. Then Hq (V( a» is defined
as the homology of the chain complex (Cq, Oq).
When a cover 13 E D(Y) refines another cover a E D(Y) (we write a ~ 13), then
V(f3) c V(a), so that the inclusion ia{3 : V(f3) --; V(a) induces a natural homomorphism
(ia{3)* : Hq(V(f3» --; Hq(V(a». The q-dimensional Vietoris homology group is defined as
the inverse limit
Hq(Y) = ~ {Hq(V(a» , (ia{3)*}.
For compact metric spaces , this group was introduced by Vietoris [1927J.
To define the Vietor is cohomology of a space Y with coefficients in an abelian group e,
let a E D(Y). We define Cq(V(a» = Hom(Cq(V(a», e) and let the coboundary map oq :
Cq(V(a» --; cq+l(V(a» be defined by (oq n(c) = f(oq+lc), where f E Cq(V(a» and c E
Cq+l (V(a». The cohomology groups of this cochain complex are denoted by Hq(V(a) ; e).
If the cover 13 E D(Y) refines a E D(Y), then the inclusion Cq (V(f3» '-> Cq (V( a»
induces the dual homomorphism cq (V( a» --; cq (V(f3», and therefore the homomorphism
i~{3 : Hq (V( a); e) --; Hq (V(f3); e). The q-dimensional Vietoris cohomology group of Y
with coefficients in e is defined by
Hq(y; e» = lli!J {Hq(V(a); e) , i~{3}.
aE1J (y)
A special feature of the Vietoris cohomology is that it coincides with the Alexander-
Kolmogoroff cohomology (called also by some authors the Alexander- Spanier cohomol-
ogy); for details see the books of Spanier [1966J and Hilton- Wylie [1960J .
THEOREM (Hurewicz-Dugundji-Dowker [1948]). If a space Y is paracompact, then the
Vietoris and Cech cohomology groups of Yare isomorphic.
PROOF e). Let U be an open nbd of the diagonal L1 = {(y,y) lyE Y c Y x Y}. For
each X E Y, let Ux = {y E Y I (x, y) E U} be the x-slice of U and denote by U* the cover
{Ux I x E Y} ; we note that the space Y itself is the indexing set for the cover U*. Using
paracompactness of Y, one can prove that every open cover of Y has a refinement which
is of the form U*; in other words, the set of covers of the form U* is cofinal in the directed
set D(Y) of all open covers of Y. The class of open nbd's of L1 is directed by inclusion, and
we see that if U c V are such nbd's, then the cover U* is a refinement of V*; moreover,
there is a natural choice of the refining function which carries the index set Y of U* into
the index set Y of V*, namely, the identity. The set Nq(U*) of q-simplices of the cover
U* is in fact a subset of Nq(V*), and the induced refining map cq(V*) --; cq(U*) is
the restriction, that is, the image of f E cq(V*) is fINq(U*). It follows that the Cech
cohomology group Hq (Y) is isomorphic to the direct limit, under the homomorphisms
induced by restriction, of Hq (U*) for all neighborhoods U of the diagonal in Y x Y.
Then, if af3 : P - t P has a fixed point, so also does f; this information is
conveyed by the commutative diagram
a~l;( 1!
and the fixed point question for f is now thrown into the same question for
an associated map of another space.
Just as polytopes- specifically, maps into nerves- provide a bridge be-
tween algebraic and topological methods, so also the factorization technique
serves as a bridge in fixed point theory. For consider the case where P is a
finite polytope; then, for the above factorization, we know that af3 will have
a fixed point whenever its Lefschetz number )..(af3) is nonzero.
414 v. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
~l;( l~
~Ol /
1 ...
~Ker<pn-l ~Ker<pn
= E
in which all vertical arrows are contractions of the endomorphism <po Since
<Po = 0, by applying commutativity of the trace repeatedly, we see that the
trace of every vertical arrow is zero. In particular, tr <p = O. 0
(1.3) PROPOSITION. For every <p : E ---+ E, the map 0: if ---7 if is injective.
PROOF. Clearly, it is sufficient to prove that <p-l (N~) = N ~. If x E <p-l (N~),
then <p(x) E N~, i.e., for some n, we have <pn(<p(x)) = 0 = <pn+l(x); hence
x E N~. Conversely, if x E N~, then <pn(x) = 0 for some n; thus <pn(<p(x))
= 0, and hence <p(x) E N~, i.e., x E <p-l(N~). 0
Thus, to each object (E, <p) in E we have assigned an object (E, <j5)
in Emono. We note that if f : (E', <p') ---+ (E", <p") is a morphism in E,
then f : E' ---7 E" maps N ~' into N ~", and therefore determines a linear
factor map 1: E' ---7 E" by x + N ~' f---t f (x) + N ~". It is easily seen that
1 0 0' = 0" 0 1, and thus 1 is a morphism from (E',0') to (E", 0") in E.
416 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
(1.4) PROPOSITION. The assignments (E, cp) t-t (E, cp) = (E, rp) and ft-t 1
define a functor "-,, from E to the subcategory Emono.
has exact rows and commutes. If dim E' < 00 , then the corresponding
0'1 _01 _0"1
has the same property. o
We first show that the Leray trace is a generalization of the ordinary trace
function .
<p'1 <p 01 j
§15. Lefschetz Theory for Maps of ANRs 417
By additivity of the trace, we have tr <p = tr <p' + tr:p. Since dim E < 00, we
have Ncp = Ker<pn for some n, i.e., <pn(Ncp) = {O}. From this we infer that
tr <p' = 0 (because <p' is nilpotent), and hence tr <p = tr:p = Tr <po 0
Two basic properties of the Leray trace are given in the following
(1.8) THEOREM.
(A) (Commutativity) Let
be a commutative diagram in the category of arbitrary vector
spaces. If one of <p, 'ljJ is an admissible endomorphism, then so
also is the other, and Tr <p = Tr 'ljJ.
(B) (Additivity) Let
cpr! cpl cp"!
be a commutative diagram in the category of vector spaces with
both rows exact and such that one of the following conditions
(i) <p is admissible,
(ii) <p' and <p" are admissible.
Then all three endomorphisms are admissible, and
Tr <p = Tr <p' + Tr <p" .
PROOF. In view of (1.4), property (A) follows from the commutativity of
tr; the proof of additivity of Tr, based on (1.5), is left to the reader. 0
We now give some examples of admissible endomorphisms:
(1.9) PROPOSITION. Every weakly nilpotent endomorphism <p : E --t E is
admissible and Tr <p = O.
PROOF. If <p : E --t E is weakly nilpotent, then E = Ncp, E = 0, and the
conclusion follows. 0
(1.10) PROPOSITION. Let <p : E --t E be an endomorphism, Eo C E an
invariant subspace, and assume that for each x E E there is a natural
nx such that <pnx (x) E Eo. Let <Po : Eo --t Eo be the contraction of <p.
418 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
0--- Eo - - - E - - - E / Eo - - - 0
~o1 ~j ~11
0--- Eo - - - E - - - E / Eo - - - 0
Let x + Eo be an arbitrary element of E / Eo. By assumption there is an
integer n such that <pn (x) E Eo, and hence cpr
(x + Eo) = <pn (x) + Eo = Eo.
Consequently, by (1.9), <PI is admissible and Tr <PI = O. This, in view of
the additivity of the Leray trace, implies both of our assertions (i) and (ii),
because Tr <P = Tr <Po + Tr <PI . D
(1.11) COROLLARY. Any of the following conditions implies that an endo-
morphism <P : E ---> E is admissible:
(i) dim<p(E) < 00,
(ii) dim<pn(E) < 00 for some n,
(iii) there is an invariant finite-dimensional subspace Eo C E such
that for each x E E there is an n with <pn (x) E Eo. D
~l;( l~
be a commutative diagram in the category of graded vector spaces.
If one of c.p, 'ljJ is a Leray endomorphism, then so also is the other,
and A(c.p) = A('ljJ).
(B) (Additivity) Let
~Il ~l ~lIl
be a commutative diagram in the category of graded vector spaces
with both rows exact and such that one of the following conditions
(i) c.p is a Leray endomorphism,
(ii) c.p' and c.p" are Leray endomorphisms.
Then c.p' , c.p, and c.p" are Leray endomorphisms, and
A(c.p) = A(c.p') + A(c.p").
PROOF . Clearly, this is an obvious consequence of the definitions and of the
additivity and commutativity of the Leray trace. 0
(2.3) THEOREM. Let a = {a q }, b = {b q }, c = {c q } be endomorphisms
of the graded vector spaces A = {Aq}, B = {B q } , and C = {Cq },
respectively, and assume that the following diagram in the category of
vector spaces is commutative and has exact rows:
Oq + l A q~
iq B q~
jq Oq A
Cq~ q-l~'"
~C}::+~'+'> l:~l:,~t-~A}~:-~
If any two of a, b, care Leray endomorphisms, then so also is the
third, and A(c) = A(b) - A(a).
420 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
A~ = ImOq +l = Keri q , A' = {A~} ,
B~ = 1m iq = Ker jq, B' = {B~},
C~ = lmjq = Keroq, C' = {C~}.
1a~ la q lb~
lb~ lb q lc~
1c~ 1 Cq 1a~ - 1
In the above diagrams a~, b~, c~ are the evident contractions of aq, bq, cq,
respectively, and we let a' = {a~}, b' = {b~}, c' = {c~}.
By examining the above diagrams and taking into account Theorem
(2.2), we easily verify (i). To prove (ii), we note that from the first and
second diagrams we get, using additivity,
A(a) = A(a') + A(b'), A(b) = A(b') + A(c'),
and from the third (because of the shift in dimension) , A (c) = A (c') - A (a').
Consequently, A(c) = A(b) - A(a). 0
(X, A) ~ (Y, B)
9fl / lf9
(X, A) ~ (Y, B)
422 V. The Lefschet z-Hopf Theory
Now our assertion follows clearly from the definitions involved and Theorem
To establish (ii) , write the commutative diagram with exact rows
1;1/ lIe
§15. Lefschetz Theory for Maps of ANRs 425
Cf = n
fn(x) and OK = U fn(K);
n~ l
the set C f is called the core of the map f, and OK is said to be the orbit of
K under f. If K = {x} consists of a single point x EX , then Ox = OK is
the orbit of the point x. A set A c X is invariant if f(A) c A. Clearly, the
core C f and all the orbits OK, K c X, are invariant subsets for f.
We are now ready to describe the basic classes of maps Xev, £as, £at
and Xca.
§15. Lefschetz Theory for Maps of ANRs 427
K C Wo c Wo C Vo·
Letting VI = f-I(WO ), we observe that since K C f-I(K) and f2(L) cWo,
we have
f(Vt) c Vo, K U f(L) C VI.
428 v. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
and thus (i) and (ii) are established. From f2(X) eKe U, it follows that
(iii) and (iv) are also satisfied. 0
Since for each y E K we have y E f-n(x)(V) for some n(x) with 0 ::; n(x)
::; N, we infer that K C U.
§15. Lefschetz Theory for Maps of ANRs 429
2) -l)q L
Lf(z) = 1 _ )'z
q=O i=l q2
1 [
1- z - 1 -
).l1Z + ... + 1 -
+[ 1 + 1 + ... + 1 ] _ ....
1- ).21Z 1- ).22Z 1- ).2n(2)Z
We remark that the periodicity index is more efficient than the Euler
number in detecting periodic points. For although x(f) #- 0 clearly implies
that j3(f) #- 0, the converse is not true: the reader is advised to construct
a map f : s2n+l --* s2n+l of degree d(f) different from 0 and 1 for which
j3(f) #- 0 but x(f) = o.
We now draw a few consequences of Theorems (7.2) and (8.2) .
PROOF. In case (a) we find A(f) = A(id) = X(id) = X(X) #- 0; in case (b)
we have X(h) = X(id) = X(X), which completes the proof. D
[tq(f)] = I)Aqi],
i=l q
and this implies that the length of [A(f)] is equal to the periodicity index
{3(f). The assertion now follows from (8.3).
(ii) By definition of E we have E([A(f)]) = A(f) i 0, and thus f has a
fixed point by (7.2).
Throughout the first two subsections all vector spaces are taken over a fixed algebraically
closed field K . We denote by K[[xll the integral domain of all formal power series s =
L~=o anX n with an E K .
(A.2) Let K[x) C K[[x)) be the ring of polynomials and assume s = L anxn = uv- 1 ,
where u, v E K[x] , u, v i= 0 and deg u < deg v = k. Prove: There is no gap of length k in
§15. Lefschetz Theory for Maps of ANRs 435
[Assume that there is such a gap: uv- 1 = lao + ... + asxS] + [as+k+lXs +k+1 + ... ];
letting ps = lao + ... + asx S ], observe that the polynomial u - vPs has 0 as a root of order
not less than s + k + 1, and thus deg(u - vPs) ::::: s + k + 1; from this get a contradiction
by showing that deg v ::::: k + 1.]
(A.3) Let d : K[[xll ---> K[[xll be the ordinary derivation, and for an invertible s E
K[[x]], let D(s) = s-ld(s) be its logarithmic derivative. Show: If Sl, ... , Sk, s E K[[xll are
invertible, then
k k
D( II Si) = L D(Si) and D(s-l) = -D(s).
i=l i=l
(a) If s = uv- 1, where u = L:~:6 anxn, v = L:~=o bnx n , and bo, bk =J 0, then
k-l k
s * -_ (""'
~ anx k-l-n) ( ""'
~ nX
b k_n) - l .
n=O n=O
(b) If SI, ... ,Sm have conjugates, then so does their sum, and (L:~1 sd * = L:~ 1 s7·
(B.2) Let 'P : E ---> E be an admissible endomorphism. Show: All the roots AI, . .. ,Am
(m = dim E) of w(rp) are different from zero, and for any natural n we have
L Aj.
Tr('P n ) = tr(rpn) =
[Using Jordan's theorem , choose a basis in E in which rp has a triangular matrix form.]
(B.3) Let 'P = {'Pq} be a Leray endomorphism of a graded vector space E = {E q}; we
recall that in this case E = {Eq} is of finite type, the Lefschetz number A( 'P) of'P is A( 'P) =
L:~o(-I)qTr'Pq, and its Euler number X('P) is X('P) = X(E) = L:~o(-l)qdimEq.
(a) 'P is a Leray endomorphism if and only if so is 'P n for some n.
(b) If 'P is a Leray endomorphism, then X( 'P) = X( 'Pn) for all n.
(B.4) (Rationality of the Lefschetz power series) Let 'P = {'Pq} be a Leray endomorphism
of E = {Eq}. The Lefschetz power series L('P) E K[[xll of'P is defined by
L('P) A(rpn)Xn =
n=l n=O n=O q=O
436 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
II w~-l)q,
W = weep) =
where Wq is the characteristic polynomial of cpq. Show: L(ep) = (D(wC<p»)* = uv - 1 , where
u and v are some relatively prime polynomials with degu < degv (if u -# 0).
[Denote by Aqj (j = 1, .. . ,dim Eq) all the roots of the characteristic polynomial Wq
of cpq. Using (A.l)-(A.3) and observing that Wq = rIj(x - Aqj), establish and compare
the following formulas:
(B .6) Let ep = {epq} be a Leray endomorphism and assume that the characteristic rational
function W of ep has the form W = yz-1, where y, z are relatively prime polynomials. Let
a and b be the numbers of different roots of y and z , respectively. Show:
x(ep)=degy-degz and P(ep)=a+b.
Throughout this subsection only metric spaces are considered . A space X is n-locaUy
connected if for each x E X and each nbd U of x there is a nbd V C U of x such that
every f : 8 m -> V, m :S n, has an extension F : K m + 1 -> V. The class of n-Iocally
connected spaces is denoted by Len. We recall that for a space X , we write dim X :S n
if each open covering {U} of X has an open refinement {V} in which no more than n + 1
sets V have a nonempty intersection.
The proof of the main theorem in this subsection is based on the following results:
(Kumtowski- Dugundji theorem) For a space Y and some n 2: 0, the following properties
are equivalent:
10 Y E Len.
20 If A C X is closed and dim(X - A) :S n + 1, then each f : A -> Y can be extended
over a nbd U of A in X.
§I5. Lefschetz Theory for Maps of ANRs 437
(Bothe embedding theorem) For every n = 1,2, .. . there exists a compact (n + I)-dimen-
sional absolute retract X~n) such that every separable metric space of dimension::::; n has
an embedding into X~n).
[For a proof, see Dugundji [1963] and Bothe [1958].]
(C .1) Let K be compact with dimK ::::; n and assume that f : K -> K can be factored
as K ~ X !!... K , where X is an LOn-space. Prove: f is a strongly Lefschetz map .
[Using Bothe's theorem , embed K in the compact absolute retract X~n) with dim X~n)
= n + 1. Consider the diagram
functor - given in (1.4). Given a monomorphism <.p : E --t E, let I<p = n~=o <.pn(E) be the
generalized image of <.p and observe that <.p(I<p) C I<p . Given now a pair (E , <.p) in Emono , we
let A2( (E , <.p)) = (E, ip), where E is the generalized image of <.p and ip(x) = <.p(x) for x E I<p .
It is easily seen that ip is an isomorphism, and we define the Leray functor L : E --t Eiso
as the composition A2 0 AI.
The main property of the Leray functor (which can be regarded as an extension of
(1.8)) is given in the following:
THEOREM. Assume that we are given a commutative diagram as in (1.8), which can be
rephrased as the commutativity of the diagram
We give a direct and simple proof of the result for compact ANRs (as given in
Hurewicz's lectures), based on the fact that every compact ANR is c-dominated by a
finite polyhedron. Let (X , d) be a compact ANR, f : X -> X, and c > O. There is a
where Pc is a finite polyhedron, d(gk(x) , f(x)) < c for x E X , and f ':::' gk. Assuming
A(f) = A(gk) = A(kg) =f. 0, we have kg(p) = p for some p E Pc; hence gkg(p) = g(p) ,
and so d(f g(p), g(p)) < c, i.e. , f has an c-fixed point. Since c > 0 is arbitrary, the desired
conclusion follows.
The proof of the Lefschetz theorem for compact maps of ANRs given in
the text follows that of Granas [1967]; Jaworowski- Powers [1969] gave an
independent proof of the same result , similar to the above proof of Hurewicz.
Some more special but closely related results were established earlier by
G6hde [1964]' Browder [1965b], and Eells (see his survey [1966]).
The first results in asymptotic fixed point theory are due to Leray [1945b],
Berstein [1957], Bourgin [1957], and Deleanu [1959]. Later, the theory was
developed by Browder [1970], [1974], Palais (unpublished), Nussbaum [1971],
[1972], Fournier [1975], and Eells- Fournier [1976]. The notion of the core
of a map in the context of compact spaces appeared for the first time in
Leray [1945] and was later used by Deleanu [1959]. The classes of eventually
compact and asymptotically compact maps were first studied by Browder
[1965], [1970], [1974]. Maps of compact attraction and the Lefschetz theorem
for such maps are due to Fournier [1975]; compactly absorbing maps are
implicit in the proof of the above theorem presented in Granas's lecture
notes [1980]. The presentation of the results in Sections 5-7 is close to that
of Fournier [1975] and of the above-mentioned lecture notes.
The notion of an attracting fixed point goes back to Schreier- Ulam (Stu-
dia Math. 5 (1935), p. 155) and that of a compact attractor to G6hde [1964].
The notion of a stable attractor was introduced by Nussbaum [1971].
The periodicity index defined in (8.1) and Theorem (8.2) are due to Bowszyc
[1969]; Theorem (8.2) contains Theorem (9.3.3) as a special case. Theorem
(8.7) is due to the authors and appears here for the first time.
There exists a related approach to periodicity based on using the Lef-
schetz zeta function. Let X be a space and f : X -7 X a Lefschetz map. By
440 V . The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
00 A(fn)zn)
(j(z) = exp (
~ n '
where A(r) is the generalized Lefschetz number of fn (we use the singular
homology with coefficients in Q).
THEOREM. If f : X --+ X is a Lefschetz map, then the Lefschetz zeta
function of f is a rational function, and
Since for n even, the polynomial 1 + x + x 2 + ... + xn has no real roots, we find that
>.(f) t=- 0, implying that f has a fixed point .
For more details and other examples the reader is referred to Lopez
[1967], Bredon [1971], and Fadell's survey [1970].
We remark that the main results of this paragraph remain valid if in
their formulation we use singular cohomology instead of singular homology.
Moreover, in any category where the tech and singular theories are naturally
equivalent- such as ANRs- the tech Lefschetz numbers and tech Lefschetz
spaces (defined using either the tech homology or cohomology) coincide with
the corresponding notions using the singular homology and cohomology.
§16. The Hopf Index Theorem 441
<p(x) = {36/>'(X), x E V,
0, x E {p} U (U - W).
Define ft : U ------ Rn by
ft(x) = [-t<p(x)]x + [1 + t<p(x)lf(x) ,
which pushes f(x) along the ray xf(x) away from x. Clearly fo = f and
ft(x) = f(x) for all t and all x E {p} U (U - W); in particular, ft(p) =
f(p) = p for all tEl.
Each ft is fixed point free on V - {p}: if ft (x) = x for some x E V and
tEl, then x = [-t<p(x)]x + [1 + t<p(x)lf(x), and therefore [1 + t<p(x)]x =
[1 + t<p( x)] f (x); since 1 + t<p( x) 2': 1, this shows that x = f (x), and therefore
x = p. Thus, ft is a homotopy of f that is fixed point free on V - {p}, so in
particular, (1.2) shows that I(j,p) = I(h,p).
To see that p is a normal fixed point of h, we note that if 8 E V, then
118 - p II :::; 15, so
Ilh(8) - pll 2': Ilh(s) - 811-118 - pll 2': (1 + <p(8))llf(8) - 811- 0
= [1 + 36/>.(8)]>.(8) - 6 2': >.(8) + 262': 26,
which shows h(8) tj. V. Thus, V n h(V) = 0, and the proof is complete. 0
§16. The Hopf Index Theorem 443
the algebraic number of times that f(V) covers a given point x E V - {p}.
Hi(K) = {Hi(K),
~ n,
z - n.
Precisely , the homology class [.::1- a] of the cycle .::1- a is a generator
of Hn(K).
PROOF. Noting that
Hi(K U En, K) = Hi(K u 1.::11, K) ~ Hi (1.::11, 1.::11 n K) = Hi(I.::1I, ILlI)
by excision, and that 1.::11 is homeomorphic to an n-ball, we deduce that
Hi (K U En , K) = 0 for i # n, and is generated by .::1 for i = n. The exact
homology sequence for the pair (K U En , K) therefore decomposes to
Hi(K U En) ~ Hi(K), i # n, n- 1,
and because Hn(K) = 0,
(2.3) COROLLARY. Let g: KUEn ---+ KUEn be any continuous map, and
let gE = glEn. Then
>.U) = L TU ,pj)·
PROOF. According to (1.4) by a small modification of f confined entirely
to an arbitrarily small neighborhood in the simplex containing it , each Pj
can be enclosed in a small simplex normal for f at Pj, in such a way that
the family of those normal simplices is pairwise disjoint. Taking K with a
subdivision that does not disturb those simplices, we can therefore assume
that the family of simplices {a j} containing the {Pj} is pairwise disjoint,
each contains exactly one Pj, and each a j is a normal simplex for f at Pj·
For each Pj and aj, attach the cone .1 j to K, to get the space Kc =
K u L\ u ... u Es . Because each simplex is normal for f atYj, the map
f : K ~ K has a normal extension over each ,1 j, leading to f : K c ~ K c;
the only fixed points for 1 are the Pj and the vertices pj of the cones. Let
(2 : Kc ~ Kc be the reflection map of (2.4)(1); it follows that (21 has no
fixed points, and therefore >'((21) = O.
We now relate >'((21) to >'U). Because for all dimensions i < n we have
(2*i = idHi(K c )' and hence tri((2[) == tr[((21)*il = tri f, we need to worry
only about dimension n. By (2.4)(3), {[.1 1 - all, ... , [.1 s - as]} is a basis of
By (2.4)(4), for each j = 1, ... , s,
s s
tr n (gl) = Ld(rjgi1 17j) = Ld(rjgi1 17j).
j=1 j=1
Now, letting gj = g[17j : 17j -7 17j we have rjgi117j = gjrj l[17j , so this is
the composition
d(rjgJj17j ) = -d(rji117j ).
Moreover, since 1 is a normal extension, (1.6) and (1.5) show that
s s s
tr n (gl) = - Ld(rjJj17j ) = - Ld(7rpj f) = _(_l)n L1(f,pj).
j=1 j=1 j=1
Thus, by taking the alternating sum of traces, we find
0= )..(gl) = L(-l)i tri (gl) + (-l)ntr n (gl).
We now claim that tri f = tri(gf) for i < n: indeed, if l : K <.......; Kc is the
inclusion and r : Kc ----t K the obvious retraction, it follows by (2.4) (2) that
l*i is an isomorphism. From rl = idK we get r *i = l:;,/, and from f = rgjl we
obtain f*i = r*i(gn*il*i = Z-:;/(gn* i l*i; thus the desired conclusion follows .
From this and because trn f = 0, we get
n s
0= )..(gJ) = L( _l)i tri(gl) = )..(f) - (_l)n( _l)n L 1(f,pj);
i=O j=1
this gives )..(f) = 1(f, K) = 1(f, U) = 2:;=1 1(f, Pj)· o
Assume that h : §l ---> Z has properties (I)-(IV). Since h has the excision
property (by additivity), it follows by commutativity that h also has the
contraction property (the argument is similar to that in Section 12.2). Since
every compact map is compactly homotopic to a finite-dimensional map, it
follows by homotopy, excision, and contraction that h is completely deter-
mined by its values on maps in §o. Thus, in view of the uniqueness of 10 ,
the function h must coincide with the Leray- Schauder index.
Lastly, let 1 be defined on § and have properties (I)- (IV). Let f E
§(U, X) (X is an ANR, U c X open), and let V be an open set in a
normed linear space that r-dominates X with s : X ---> V, l' : V ---> X,
rs = Ix. By commutativity applied to s : X ---> V, fr : r-l(U) ---> X (note:
fr and sfr are compact), we get
l(frs, s - l r- 1 (U)) = 1(f) = l(sfr, r-l(U)).
Thus, if 1 has the commutativity property, then it is completely determined
by its values on maps in §1. Consequently, if 1 also has properties (I)-(III) ,
it is necessarily the unique extension of the Leray- Schauder index from §1
to §. 0
We now state the main theorem on the index for ANRs in a closely
related and in fact equivalent setting of compact maps that are fixed point
free on the boundary.
(5.2) THEOREM. Let X be the class of maps defined by the condition:
f E X if and only if f E Xau(U, X), where X is an ANR and U
is open in X. Th en there exists a unique index function i : X ---> Z
assigning i(f) = i(f' U) to each f E Xau(U, X) and satisfying the
strong normalization, additivity, homotopy, and commutativity prop-
PROOF. This follows easily from (12.6.2) and (5.1); the details are left to
the reader. 0
PROOF. In view of (5 .1) we need only show that A(J) == A(JP) mod p. As-
sume first that X = U is an open subset of a normed linear space E. Apply-
ing (12.3.1) to f, choose a sufficiently small c > 0 and an c-approximation
fe: : U ---t U of f such that fe:(U) C Pe: C U, where Pe: is a finite polytope
§16. The Hopf Index Theorem 453
A c Vm - I C Vm - I C ' " C VI C V I C Vo = W.
454 V. The Lefschetz - Hopf Theory
From this, in view of Theorem (6.4), we infer that for every sufficiently large
prime p ,
A(f) == A(fP) = A(f~) == A(fy) mod p ,
implying that
A(f) = A(fy).
Now, by strong normalization and excision, we get
A(fy) = i(fy, Y) = i(fY ' X - V) = i(f' X - V) = i(f' X - U) ,
and thus A(f) = i(f, X - U).
To complete the proof, we observe that (b) follows from (a). 0
---- fk' ffr are determined by fP· Because K is acyclic and ffr
where fk' =
(fy)P, where jy : Y ~ Y is the contraction of f, we have
(A. 1) Let d be an excisive family, f : A ---4 A a map with f(Ai) C Ai for all i E [n], and
assume that for each multi-index J with IJI :::; n the map f J : AJ --> AJ determined by f
is a Lefschetz map. Prove: f is a Lefschetz map and A(J) = LJ( _1)IJ I+l A(JJ).
(A.2) Let X be an ANR and d = {Adi=l an excisive family of closed subsets of X such
that all members of the lattice M(d) are ANRs. Let f : (X, A) ---> (X, A) be a compact
map satisfying f (Ai) C Ai for i E [n], and denote by f x : X ---4 X and fA: A ---> A the
maps determined by f. Prove:
(i) A(J) = A(Jx) - LJ(-I) IJI+lA(/J).
(ii) If each AJ is either empty or acyclic, then A(J) = A(Jx) - X(N(d)).
(iii) A(J) i= 0 implies that f has a fixed point in X-A.
§16. The Hopf Index Theorem 457
(A.3) Let X be an ANR and szI = {Ad~1 a family of open subsets of X. Let f :
(X, A) -> (X , A) be a compact map such that f(A;) C Ai and each f J : AJ -> AJ is
compact. Prove:
(i) A(f) = A(fx) - LJ(-1)IJ I+ 1A(fJ) .
(ii) If each AJ is either empty or acyclic, then A(f) = A(fx) - X(N(szI)).
(iii) A(f) f= 0 implies that f has a fixed point in X-A .
(A .4) Let X be an AR and A = UZ:1 Ai (n ~ 2) a disjoint union of ARs that are either
all open or all closed in X. Let f : (X , A) -> (X , A) be a map such that (a) f(A i ) C Ai
for all i E [nJ and (b) fx : X -> X and all the fJ : AJ -> AJ are compact. Show: f has
a fixed point in X - A.
[Observe that A(fx) = 1 and X(N(szI)) = n , and hence by (A.2) or (A.3) , A(f) =
1 - n f= 0.]
(A.5) Let X be a compact AR and U the union of n ~ 2 open sets Ui such that ~ =0 nE0
and each Vi is an AR. Assume further that f : X - U -> X is a map satisfying f(8Ui) C Vi
for all i E [nJ. Prove: f has a fixed point.
(B.1) Let §X = {f} be a divisible family of compactly fixed maps, each having a fixed
point. Show: n{Fix(f) I f E § x} f= 0.
[Prove that the family {Fix(f) I f E § x} has the finite intersection property.]
(B.2) Let X be a space. A semifiow on X is a continuous family of maps {ft : X -> X} t> o
such that (a) it, +t2 = it, 0 ft2 for all t1, t2 E R+ ; (b) fo = Ix · A fixed point for
the semiflow {ft} is a point Xo E X such that ft(xo) = Xo for all t ~ O. Show: If
ft : (X , A) -> (X, A) , t E R+, is a semiflow, then (i) ft, is homotopic to ft2 for all
t1, t2 ~ 0; (ii) the family of those ft indexed by positive rationals is divisible.
(B.3) Let (X, A) be a pair of ANRs such that A is either open or closed in X, and let
ft : (X , A) -> (X , A) , t E R +, be a semiflow such that ft is compact for all t > O. Prove:
If the Euler characteristic X(X, A) is finite and different from zero, then the semiflow {ft}
has a fixed point in X - A.
In this subsection we will use the following theorem of Shub- Sullivan [1974] : Let M be a
smooth compact manifold and f : M -> M a C 1 map . If Xo is an isolated fixed point for
allr (n EN), then the sequence {J(fn, xo)} of indices is bounded.
(C.2) Given a map f : X -> X, we let Pn(f) denote the number of fixed points of fn .
Prove: If f : 8 2m -> 8 2m , then P2(f) > O.
(C.3) Let f : 8 m --+ 8 m have Id(f)1 ~ 2. Prove: )..(fn) grows exponentially with n .
(C.4) Let M be a smooth compact manifold and f : M -> M a C 1 map such that
limsuPn-+oo )..(fn) = 00 . Show: f has infinitely many periodic points.
458 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
(C.5) Let f : 8 m --+ 8 m be a C1 map. Prove: If Id(f)1 :2: 2, then f has infinitely many
periodic points.
(5.1), which combines (4.2) and (12.3.4) , brings also a natural extension of
the Lefschetz- Hopf index theory for compact ANRs. Therefore, it would be
appropriate to call this result the Leray- Schauder- Lefschetz- Hopf theorem.
However, to keep the terminology clear, we call the index given in (5.1)
the "Lefschetz- Hopf index", and its "geometric part" given in (12.3.4) the
"Leray- Schauder index".
There are two general methods for handling the Lefschetz- Hopf index.
The first one is based on the chain approximation technique, and more
precisely, on finding and applying appropriate algebraic analogues of the
properties of the fixed point index for chain mappings. This method was used
by several authors: Leray [1945], O'Neill [1953], Browder [1960], Fournier
[1978], and also Eilenberg- Montgomery [1948]' where the Lefschetz- Hopf-
type coincidence theorem is established; the use of the chain approximation
method in the context of the fixed point index for set-valued maps will be
discussed later on.
The chain approxima tion method originated and evolved from the work of Vietoris
[1927]; in that article (where the Vietoris homology groups for compacta appeared in fact
for the first time) the following theorem was proved (upon a suggestion of Brouwer, as
Vietoris remarks in a footnote) : II X and Yare compacta and I : X --+ Y is surjective
with acyclic fib ers (with respect to Vietoris homology with coefficients in a field) , then I
induces an isomorphism of the corresponding Vietoris homology groups . The proof of this
theorem was based on constructing a chain map from the Vietoris chains of Y to those of
X, which is (in a natural sense) an "approximation" of the inverse 1- 1 : Y --+ X.
ferred to Nussbaum's lecture notes [1985] and also to Fenske- Peitgen [1976],
Fournier- Peitgen [1977], [1978], and Benci-Degiovanni [1990].
A basic technique in the theory of critical points is that of gradient flows . Assume that
M is equipped with a Riemannian metric and that I is a Morse function . Then the negative
gradient vector field of I determines (via the differential equation dx / dt = - 'V I (x)) a flow
'Pt : M -; M such that the value of f along any path t >--> 'Pt(p) , PE M, is never increasing.
We observe that
(b) { J('PI'P) = (_l)k, where J('PI,p) is the local index of 'PI at p, and
k is the index of the critical point p.
From (a), (b), it follows that the Lefschetz formula coincides with the "Morse equality"
asserting that the Euler characteristic X(M) = 2:(-l)k bk equals 2:(-l)k'Yk, where 'Yk is
the number of critical points of f of index k . (Observe that "Morse equality" follows from
"Morse inequality", by taking t = -1 in (*) above.) This implies that the Morse theory,
when applicable, contains more information than the Lefschetz formula. On the other
hand, the Lefschetz formula has a wider range of applications to maps not homotopic to
the identity, which do not appear in the deformation theory of critical points.
For more details the reader is referred to Smale [1967], Pitcher [1971J, and also to
Franks [1980J and Bott [1982], where some further references can be found .
Historical note
The sum of the indices of the fixed points of a given map, which, since
Brouwer's first proofs of fixed point theorems, has been the object of many
special investigations, was completely determined for maps of arbitrary man-
ifolds by Lefschetz [1926]. For M a closed triangulable manifold and a map
f : M ---) M having a finite number of fixed points Xl , ... ,x s , with the "local
index" if (x j) E Z for each j E [s], Lefschetz established the relation
L if(Xj) = )..U),
where )..U) is the Lefschetz number of J. Hopf [1929]' using the local index
for isolated fixed points (defined with the aid of the Brouwer degree for
self-maps of spheres), extended the Lefschetz formula to arbitrary finite
polyhedra. These results can be regarded as the beginning of the fixed point
index theory.
An early presentation of the fixed point index for polyhedra (using the
tools of simplicial homology and due to H. Hopf) was given in the treatise
of Alexandroff- Hopf [1935]. After the appearance of that book and also of
Leray- Schauder's memoir [1934], the problem of generalizing and extending
the Leray- Schauder theory and the fixed point index arose in a natural way.
In the forties, Leray succeeded in developing an index theory that was ap-
plicable to quite general topological spaces. This required a new homology
(or more precisely cohomology) theory, which he developed in [1945a,b] for
462 v. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
(i) For any maps X L y .!!.c. Z, the composite gf : X -> Z is a
NES( compact metric)-map provided either f or g is aNE.S( com-
pact metric)-map.
(ii) If either X or Y is a NES( compact metric) space, then any f :
X -> Y is a NE.S(compact metric)-map.
PROOF. The straightforward verification is left to the reader. o
(2.3) THEOREM. Let K be a compactum and f : K -> K a NES( compact
metric)-map. Then f is strongly Lefschetz, that is, A(f) is defined
and A(f) i- 0 implies that f has a fixed point.
PROOF. Embed K into the Hilbert cube ['Xl and consider the diagram
exists a nbd Uc: of A in Z and 'Pc: : Uc: ----; Y such that 'Pc: IA and 9 i
are E-close and homotopic. The class of approximate Nt'S(compact
metric)-maps is denoted by ANt'S(compact metric).
(2.7) THEOREM. Let K be a compactum and i : K ----; K an approximate
Nt'S ( compact metric)-map. Then i is strongly Leischetz.
PROOF. Embed K into the Hilbert cube l= and consider the diagram
CY, {3 E Cov(X) and a refines {3, then every a-fixed point for f is also a
{3-fixed point for f.
(3.1) LEMMA. Let f : X --) X be a map and K = f(X). The following
statements are equivalent :
(i) f has a fixed point,
(ii) there is a cofinalfamilyTJ C Covx(K) such that f has an a-fixed
point for every CY E TJ.
PROOF. (i)=}(ii) is evident. To prove (ii)=}(i), assume that f has no fixed
points. Then for each x E X there are neighborhoods Vx and Uf(x) of x
and f(x), respectively, such that f(Vx ) C Uf(x) and Vx n Uf( x) = 0. Setting
{3 = {Vx } , we get a covering of X such that f has no {3-fixed point. If a E TJ
refines {3, then f has no a-fixed point, contrary to (ii). 0
(3.2) LEMMA. Let f : X --) X be a map, K = f(X), and let TJ C Covx(K)
be a cofinal family of coverings of K. Assume that for each CY E TJ
there is an fo : X --) X with the following properties: (i) f and fo
are a-close; (ii) fo has a fixed point. Then f has a fixed point.
PROOF. Because by (i) a fixed point for f is an a-fixed point for f, our
(3.5) DEFINITION. A space P dominates a space X if there are maps
X ~ P ~ X such that rs c:::: Ix. If a E Cov(X), we say that P
a-dominates X if there are maps X ~ P ~ X such that r oso ~ Ix.
§17. Further Results and Applications 469
Assume that A(f) # O. Since Pa is a Lefschetz space, (*) shows that
Fix(safra) # 0, and hence Fix(frasa) # (see (0.4 .1)). To complete the
proof, observe that by the choice of a , the relation raSa g, 1 implies f g
frO/sa, and therefore, since Fix(frasO/) # 0, the map f, being {3-close to
frasa, has a {3-fixed point. Because (3 E Cov(X) was fixed arbitrarily, we
conclude by (3.1) that f has a fixed point. 0
REMARK. Denote by Pol the class of infinite polyhedra with the weak
topology (cf. Section 7). From the properties of these spaces and from
the Lefschetz- Hopf fixed point theorem (9.2.4), it follows easily that every
X E Pol is a Lefschetz space. Because ANR C ~(Pol), Theorem (3.6) gives
another proof that every ANR is a Lefschetz space (see (15.4.3)).
~1 / l
L aixi·
(5.5) THEOREM.
(a) Let K be a compact space and suppose f : K -+ K can be
factored as K ~ X ~ K, where X is an ANES( compact) space.
Then f is strongly Lefschetz.
(a) * Let X be an ANES ( compact) space and suppose that F : X -+ X
can be factored as X ~ K ~ X, where K is a compact space.
Then F is strongly Lefschetz.
'Pa). , us -1 : K~ -+
X are (3-homotopic.
It follows that the maps fa = v'Pajs and f = vus- 1 s from K to K are a-
homotopic. Since a E Cov(K) is arbitrary, it is clear, in view of the definition
of fa , that {Ja}aECov(K) is the desired approximating family for f. Now,
since open sets in Tychonoff cubes are Lefschetz spaces, our assertion follows
at once from Lemma (3.4) , and thus the proof is complete. 0
474 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
(6.2) THEOREM. Let X be a regular space and assume that every nonempty
open subset of X is a Lefschetz space. Then X is a Lefschetz space
for any of the basic classes of locally compact maps.
PROOF. Because Xev C Xac C Xat C fca, it is clearly enough to consider
the case of the class fca of compactly absorbing maps. So let f : X -----) X
be in fca; we are going to show that f is strongly Lefschetz.
By (15.6.1), there exists an open f-invariant subset U of X such that
U absorbs compact sets in X and fu : U -----) U is compact. Because by
assumption, U is a Lefschetz space, fu is a Lefschetz map, and therefore so
is f by (15.7.1) , and A(J) = A(Ju). If A(J) = A(Ju) =I- 0, then (again by
assumption) Xo = fu(xo) = f(xo) for some Xo E U, which completes the
proof. 0
From (2.4), (5.2), (5.3), and (6.2), we obtain the following general asymp-
totic fixed point theorem:
(6.3) THEOREM. The following classes of spaces are Lefschetz spaces for
compactly absorbing maps:
(i) metric NES( compact metric) spaces,
(ii) regular NES( compact) spaces,
(iii) regular ANES( compact) spaces. 0
As immediate consequences we obtain
§17. Further Results and Applications 475
We shall need some open sets. For any vertex p E KO, define C (p) =
U{O' E X I p tj O'}; C(p) is clearly a subpolyhedron of K, and Stp =
K - C(p) is an open set containing p, called the star of p. It is useful to
observe that
(*) ns
St Pi "# 0 if and only if [Po, Pi,· .. ,Ps] is a simplex of K.
Each H(x, t) lies on the line segment joining x to K:(x) , so that H maps
K x I into K.
Regarded as a map Km x I ---) K m , H is continuous, since the barycentric
coordinates vary continuously; because H(x,O) = i 0 K:(x) , we find that H :
i 0 K: ~ id.
§17. Further Results and Applications 479
Then K, is a map of Y into N (U): for if Aao ' ... ,Aa n are all the (finitely
many) functions that do not vanish at a given Y E Y, then yEn supp Aai C
n Uai , so that (0:0,"" O:n) is a simplex of N(U), and y and K,(Y) belong to
that simplex. The map K, is continuous at each Yo E Y: for Yo has a nbd
V meeting at most finitely many sets supp Aa , so that K, maps V into a
finite subpolyhedron L of N(U); since L is simplicially homeomorphic to a
polyhedron in some RS, and since addition is continuous on R S , the map
K, is continuous on V, and therefore at Yo. Finally, since K,(Y) E St 0: if and
only if Aa(Y) > 0, we find that K,-1(Sto:) C Ua . 0
These simple maps are called the standard maps of Y into N(U); they
have the universal property that any continuous map of Y into any polytope
factors up to homotopy through a standard map. Precisely, we have
(7.12) THEOREM. Let Y be paracompact, and let h : Y ---. P be a con-
tinuous map into some polytope. Then h can be homotopy factored
through a standard map into the nerve of an open covering. In fact, if
{Ua I 0: E d} is any open refinement of the open cover {h -1 (St p) I
p E pO} , then h ~ /-l 0 K" where K, : Y ---. N(U) is the standard map
and /-l : N(U) ---. P is a simplicial map.
PROOF. For brevity, set N = N(U). If Pal is a partition of unity subordi-
nate to {Ua }, the standard map K, : Y ---. N is given by K,(Y) = L Aa(y)o:.
To construct /-l, for each Ua select an h- 1(Stp) such that Ua C h - 1(Stp)
and define /-l : NO ---. pO by /-l(0:) = p. Note that if (0:0,"" O:n) is a simplex
of N, then uaon .. ·nUan -t= 0, so -t= nih-1(St/-l(O:i)) = h-1(niSt/-l(O:i)),
and hence niSt/-l(O:i) -t= 0, which implies that (/-l(o:o), ... ,/-l(O:n)) is a sim-
plex of P. The linear extension over each simplex defined by
J.L 0 K, and h are contiguous as maps of Y into P, so by (7.9) they are homo-
topic. 0
(A) Let Y be para compact with covering dimension dim Y S; n. Then any
continuous map 1 : Y --> P, where P is any polytope, is homotopic
to an I' : Y --> pn C P.
PROOF. Since {h- 1 (Stp)} has a refinement {Uo< I a E d} of order S; n, it
follows that dimN(U) S; n. Now 1 ~ J.L 0 K" where J.L is simplicial; and a
simplicial map cannot increase dimension. Thus, J.L maps into pn, and the
proof is complete. 0
(B) Let Y be paracompact with dim Y < n. Then every 1 : Y --> sn is
homotopic to a constant.
PROOF . Regard sn is a polytope. By (A), 1 can be deformed into (sn)k
for some k < n. Choosing a point ~ in the interior of an n-simplex and
contracting sn - {O along great circles to the antipode C completes the
proof. 0
(C) Let Y be paracompact and A c Y closed. If dim A < n, then every
continuous 1 : A --> sn can be extended over Y.
PROOF. Since dimA < n, we have 1 ~ 0 by (B). But sn is NES(para-
compact), so by Borsuk's theorem, extension is a problem in the homotopy
category. Since the constant map is extendable over Y, so also is 1. 0
Topological information is transferred by maps. We have seen that we can,
to an extent, transfer information from a space to polytopes "relatively
accurately" in the paracompact case. We now wish to transfer information
from a polytope to a space; again the map used must be "accurate" in some
sense- the constant map back, for example, says very little for an arbitrary
space. In general, this cannot be done. But for ANRs it is indeed possible:
specifically, for every ANR Y we can construct a polytope P and maps
Y ~ P ~ Y such that g 0 K, ~ id. This leads to the expectation that the
algebraic properties of ANRs will be analogous to those of polytopes.
(7.13) LEMMA. Let Y be a locally convex set in a normed linear space. Then
there is a polytope P and continuous Y ~ P ~ Y such that gOK, ~ id
(we say that Y is dominated by P).
PROOF. Cover Y by convex open sets {Co< I a Ed}; this has a nbd-finite
refinement {Wj3 I {3 E ~} such that for each y, St(y, {Wj3}) is contained in
482 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
PROOF. We are given Y ..!!... P ~ Y with go h ::::::' id. Consider any refinement
of {h-1(Stp) n Ua} , say {V,6} . This {V,6} refines {Ua}; but it also refines
§17. Further Results and Applications 483
with h ':::::' J-L 0 K,. Thus (g 0 J-L) 0 K, = 9 0 (J-LK,) ':::::' 9 0 h ':::::' id. o
(7.16) THEOREM. Let Y be a pam compact space dominated by a polytope.
Then Y is dominated by the nerve P of a suitable open covenng.
(a) If Y is LindelOf, then P can be assumed countable.
(b) If Y is compact, then P can be assumed finite.
(c) If dim Y :S n, then P can be assumed of dimension :S n.
PROOF. This is a direct consequence of (7.15). o
In this subsection Q stands for any subclass of JV = normal spaces; frequent ones will be:
.'!J! = paracompact spaces, X = compact spaces, Al = metric spaces, X Al = compact
metric spaces. A space Y is called a neighborhood extensor space for the class Q [written:
Y is a NES(Q)] if for each X E Q and every closed A C X, each continuous f : A --> Y is
extendable over some open nbd U of A.
(A.3) Let Y be a space with Y = Yl U Y2, where Yl, Y2 are closed. Prove: If Yl, Y2 , and
Y1 n Y2 are NES(Al) , then Y is a NES(Al).
[Let X E Al, A C X closed, and f : A --> Y be given. Define
(A.4) Let Y be any NES(..4l) and BeY a closed NES(..4l) subset . Show:
(i) Y x {O} U B x I is a NES(.4l) .
(ii) Any finite union of closed convex sets in a locally convex space is a NES(..4l).
(A.5) Let Y = UI U U2, where UI , U2 are open. Show: If UI , U2 are NES(Q) for some
Q c JV , then Y is a NES(Q).
[Let X E JV , A C X closed, and f : A - 7 Y be given . Consider the disjoint closed sets
H = A- f-I(Ud, F2 = A- f- I (U2) in X and choose A: X --> I with AIPI = 1, AIP2 = O.
Then for the closed sets BI = {x E X I A(X) ::; 1/2}, B2 = {x E X I A(X) ~ 1/2} with
X = BI U B2 , show f(A n B i ) C Ui (i = 1, 2). Apply the Kuratowski lemma (A.2) .]
(A.7) (Hanner theorem) Let Q C 9 . Prove: A metric space Y is a NES(Q) if and only if
Y is locally a NES(Q). (This result, due to Hanner [1952]' is also true for any paracompact
space Y.)
Throughout this subsection we use the notation and terminology of (15 .3.1). Let (X , A)
be a pair of spaces and f : (X, A) --> (X, A) a map. Then:
(i) f is a Lefschetz map if the Lefschetz numbers AU), AUx) and AUA) are defined ,
(ii) f is compact if f X and f A are com pact ,
(iii) f is partially extendable if f is compact and fA extends to an fA E X(U, A),
where U C X is open and A C U. (In what follows , given such a partially
extendable f, we always writei: A'--> U for the inclusion, so that fA = fA oi .)
§17. Further Results and Applications 485
(B. 1) Let (X , A), (Y, B) be two pairs and assume that the diagrams
(Y,B) (X,A)
(X, A)
7~ (Y, B)
~f Yk
(Y, B) ~ (X, A)
r[Fix(f) n Y - B) c Fix(F) n X - A.
(b) If 0:- 1 (A) = Band ,8-1 (B) = A , then the sets Fix(f)nY - Band Fix(F)nX - A
are homeomorphic .
(B.2) (Allowable pairs) By an allowable pair is meant a pair (X, A) such that each par-
tially extendable f : (X, A) ---t (X, A) is a Lefschetz map, and A(f) #- 0 implies that f
has a fixed point in X - A. Prove: If r : (Y, B) ---t (X, A) is a retraction, B = r- 1 (A) and
(Y, B) is an allowable pair, then so also is (X , A) .
[Take a partially extendable f : (X , A) ---t (X,A) with extension fA E X(U, A).
Consider the commutative diagram
(X , A) ~ (Y, B)
(X, A) ~ (Y, B)
and observe that ,80: = ,8 f r is partially extendable (since r - 1(U) :::> B is open in Y
and ,8fAr : r-1(U) ---t B extends ,8frlB : B ---t B). By (15.2.2) and the assumption,
A(f) = A(o:,8) = A(,8o:). If A(f) #- 0, then because ,80: is partially extendable, Fix(,8o:) n
Y - B #- 0. Using (B.l)(a), conclude that Fix(o:,8) n X - A #- 0.)
(B.3) Let X be an open subset of a locally convex space E , and let A C X be arbitrary.
Show: (X , A) is allowable.
[Let f : (X , A) ---t (X , A) be partially extendable with extension fA E X(U, A) ;
using the index I for compactly fixed maps in E, observe that (i) I(ifA , U) = A(ifA) =
A(fAi) = A(fA), and (ii) A(f) = A(fx) - A(fA), because A(fA)' A(fx) are defined, and
so also is A(f) by (15 .2.3) . To conclude, assume Fix(f) n X - A = 0; then I(fx,X) =
I(ifA,U) by excision and A(f) = I(fx , X) - I(ifA,U) = 0, by (i), (ii), and strong
(B.4) Let X be an open subset of a Tychonoff cube IN , and let A C X be arbitrary.
Show: (X , A) is allowable.
[Prove that there exists a retraction r : (Y, B) ---t (X, A) , where Y is open in a locally
convex space, B = r- 1 (A), and then apply (B .3) and (B.2) .J
contains fA (U). Embed K into a Tychonoff cube IN and consider the diagram
f : (X, A) °
(B .6) (Lefschetz pairs) By a Lefschetz pair is meant a pair (X, A) such that each compact
- t (X, A) is a Lefschetz map, and A(f) i= implies that f has a fixed point
in X - A. Prove: If r : (Y, B) - t (X, A) is a retraction , r- 1 (A) = B , and (Y, B) is a
Lefschetz pair, then so also is (X , A).
(B.7) Let E be a locally convex space and (Y, B) a pair of open sets in E. Show: (Y, B)
is a Lefschetz pair.
(B.8) Let (X, A) be a pair of NES(compact) spaces. Show: (X, A) is a Lefschetz pair.
[Let f : (X, A) - t (X, A) be compact; choose a compact pair (K, L) such that
(f(X),f(A)) C (K , L) C (X,A) and an extension] : W - t A of j : L ' - t A over an
open nbd W ~ L in K , which exists because A E NES(compact). Letting V C K be open
with LeV eVe Wand U = f - 1 (V), observe that fA =] 0 f : U - t A is a compact
extension of fA over U, since fA (U) C ](V) and ](V) is compact. This shows that f is
partially extendable, and the conclusion follows from (B.5).J
(B.9) Let X be a NES(compact) space, and let A C X be open. Show: (X, A) is a
Lefschetz pair.
(B.1O) Let (X,A) be a pair of metric NES(compact metric) spaces. Show: (X,A) is a
Lefschetz pair.
(The above results are due to C. Bowszyc.)
map <p : U -. Y such that <pIA = f9; the class of all NES(compact)-maps is denoted by
NES(compact). Prove:
(i) X E NES(compact) {:} Ix E NES(compact) .
(ii) go f E NES(compact) whenever either f or 9 is a NES(compact)-map.
(iii) If either X or Y is a NES(compact) space, then every f : X -. Y is a NES(com-
(C.2) Let K be a compact space and f : K -. K a NES(compact)-map . Show: 1 is
strongly Lefschetz.
[Embed K into a Tychonoff cube if'/., and then prove that 1 factors through an open
subset of IN . Because U is a Lefschetz space, conclude using (15.3.5).J
(C .5) Show: Theorems (5 .3) and (5 .6) are special cases of (C.4).
(The above results are due to Gauthier-Granat; [2003J.)
(D .1) Given a homotopy ht : X --+ X , we let hex, t) = (ht(x) , t) for (x, t) E X x I. Thus
h: X x I -. X x I. Prove: (x, t) and (y, t) are in Fix(h) and are h-equivalent if and only
if x and yare in Fix(ht) and are ht-equivalent.
(D.2) Let x E Fix(J) , and let <P(x) be the fixed point class of 1 containing x . Prove: <P(x)
is open in Fix(J) .
[Use the Arens-Eells embedding and show that there exists a 8 = 8(x) > 0 such that
whenever x' E Fix(J) and d(X , X') < 8, then x "'f x'.J
(D .3) Prove: 1 has a finite number of compact fixed point classes.
(D.4) Let <P be a fixed point class of f . Show:
(a) There exists an open subset U c X such that <P c U and Un Fix(J) = <P.
(b) The index i(<P) of <P defined by i(<P) = I(J, U) is independent of the choice of U .
[For (a), use (D .2); for (b), use the excision property of the index.J
488 V. The Lefschetz- Hopf Theory
(D .5) Call a fixed point class if> of f essential if i(if» i= O. The Nielsen number NU) of
f is defined to be the number of essential fixed point classes of f. Prove: f has at least
NU) fixed points.
(D .6) Let h : X x I --+ X be a compact homotopy and $ a fixed point class of the compact
map h : X x I --+ X x I; denote by $t = {x I (x , t) E $} the t-slice of $ for tEl . For
each given tEl , prove:
(a) $t is either empty or a fixed point class of ht : X --+ X,
(b) if if> is a fixed point class of ht , then it is the t-slice of a (unique) fixed point class
$ of h.
(D .7) With the notation of (D.6) , prove: i($o) = i($d , where i($t) = 0 if $t = 0.
[(i) Fix rEI . Choose an open U C X x I with $ c u , un
Fix(h) = $ and observe
that $r cUr, Ur n Fix(hr ) = $r and i($r) = i(hrIUr , Ur ).
(ii) Use the general homotopy invariance (12.6.3).]
The quantity hd(J) = limc: ...... o hd(J, E) (depending only on the topology of X)
is the topological entropy of f and is denoted by htop(J); this invariant
describes the dynamical complexity of a given map.
Let M be an n-dimensional compact connected orient able manifold with-
out boundary, f : M --7 M a map, and f* : Hn(M; Z) --7 Hn(M; Z) the
induced homomorphism. Fix an orientation on M, i.e., an isomorphism
Hn(M; Z) ~ Z. Then the degree d(J) of f is d(J) = f*(l) E Z. When
M = sn, this coincides with the Brouwer degree described in §9.
THEOREM (Misiurewicz- Przytycki [1977]). If M is a smooth compact con-
nected orientable manifold and f : M --7 M is a C 1 map, then
log Id(J)1 ::; htop(J).
This result ensures that a map with Id(J)1 :::: 2 is dynamically complex.
(1) We remark that the following problem remains open: Let E be a Banach space
and f : E --> E a map such that fn is compact for some n ;::: 2. Does f have a fixed point?
Selected Topics
This chapter is concerned with a few selected topics related to the Leray-
Schauder theory. It presupposes on the part of the reader some knowledge
of the Cech homology and cohomology theory; occasionally, an important
background theorem is included without proof, whenever such a theorem is
• " ----+ Hoo-n(X, A) ----+ Hoo-n(x) ----+ Hoo-n(A) o~n H oo - n +1(X, A) ----+ ...
for all n.
The coefficient group of this theory is defined to be the graded group
{Hoo-n(S)}~=l' where S is the unit sphere in E. In this paragraph we
construct one such cohomology theory which corresponds to ordinary Cech
cohomology for compact spaces and whose coefficients satisfy Hoo- 1 (S) = G
and Hoo-n(s) = 0 for n I- 1.
1. Preliminaries
After some preliminary definitions, we first assemble the basic categories
that will enter later on in our study of cohomology theories. The remaining
part of the section is concerned with a review of Cech cohomology theory
for compact spaces.
(1.1) DEFINITION. An h-category (K, "') is a category K such that for each
pair of objects A, Bin K, the morphism set K(A, B) is equipped with
an equivalence relation '" (called homotopy) satisfying the following
(compatibility) condition:
h rv 12, gl rv g2 ::::} glh rv g212
whenever the compositions are defined.
A morphism f E K(A, B) is called homotopy invertible (or simply
h-invertible) if there exists agE K(B , A) such that gf '" lA and
fg'" 1B; we then say that the objects A and B are homotopy equiv-
alent (or simply h-equivalent).
We say that an h-category (L,~) is an h-subcategory of (K, "') if L
is a subcategory of K and f ~ 9 in L implies f rv 9 in K.
A functor A from an h-category (K, rv) to an h-category (L, ~) is
called homotopy invariant (or briefly an h-functor) if f '" 9 implies
AU) ~ A(g).
§18. Finite-Codimensional Cech Cohomology 493
where i a,(3 : (X,(3, A,(3) "--+ (Xa, Aa) is the inclusion for a j /3.
(1) By a triad is meant an ordered triple T = (X; Xl, X2) of compact spaces such that
X = Xl U X2, and by a map f: (X;X1,X2) ...... (Y;Y1, Y2 ) of triads a map f : Y x ...
that sends Xi to Yi for i = 1,2.
496 VI. Selected Topics
are excisions.
(1.6) DEFINITION. Given triads (A; AI, A 2 ) <S (X; Xl , X 2), we define the
relative Mayer- Vietoris homomorphism
Ll : Hn - I(X o , Ao) -t Hn(x, A)
to be
Ll = j* 0 (k*) - l 080 (q*)-l,
8 : Hn-l(xo U A 2 , A 2) -t Hn(X2' Xo U A 2)
is the coboundary homomorphism of the triple (X2 ' Xo uA 2, A 2 ) and
j : (X, A)'-+ (X , Xl U A) is the inclusion.
~! 1f "
Hn - l(xo , Ao) ~ Hn(x , A)
where Yo = YI n Y2 and Bo = BI n B 2 . o
Consecutive pairs of triads
Given a triad T = (X; Xl, X 2 ), let -T = (X ; X2, XI) and denote by Lln(T) ,
or simply Ll(T), the Mayer- Vietoris homomorphism
Ll(T) : H n(XI n X 2 ) - t Hn+1(x)
498 VI. Selected Topics
Yl u Y2 = Y = Xl n X 2 ;
we then write To ::::} T and say that the pair (To, T) starts at Yl n Y 2
and ends at Xl U X 2 .
Observe that for every consecutive pair of triads (To, T) we may form the
To===? T
j j
T~ ====? T'
TI =:> T2 Tg ~ T10
Letting .1i = .1(Td for i = 1, .. . ,10, we apply Lemma (1.9) and property
(*) to obtain
.12.11 = .14.1 3 = .16.15 = -.18.17 = - .11O.19,
and thus the proof of the lemma is complete. o
e) The reader may skip this proof on first reading and return to it when necessary
for the proofs of consequences of (1.10).
500 VI. Selected Topics
2. Continuous Functors
The basic constructions of this paragraph depend essentially on the conti-
nuity property of the functors under consideration. This section develops
the above property, and its main result is that every continuous h-cofunctor
>'0 : £0 ---t Ab defined on the subcategory £0 of £ admits a unique extension
over £.
Throughout this section we let >'0 denote a homotopy invariant cofunctor
from the category £0 = (£o,~) to the category of abelian groups; £0 being
dense in £ , we let
>'(X) = >'o(X) for X E £0
1* = >'0(J) : >'(Y) ---t >'(X) for f E £o(X, Y).
Approximating sequences
We now describe some technical tools that will be needed for the proof of
the main result of this section.
Given an object Y in £ and kEN, we let
y(k) = {x EEl d(x, Y) :S 11k}.
To a sequence {Xd of objects we associate the enlarged sequence {i\} by
Xk = xt) = {x EEl d(x,Xk):S 11k}.
(2.1) DEFINITION. Let Y be an object of £. An approximating sequence
{Yn } for Y is a descending sequence Y1 ::J Y 2 ::J ... of objects in £
such that Y = n~l Yk.
Some useful properties of approximating sequences are collected in
(2.2) PROPOSITION. Let {Xd and {Yd be approximating sequences for
X and Y, respectively, and let f : Xl ---t E be a compact field. Then:
(i) {Xk U Yd is an approximating sequence for X U Y,
(ii) {Yd is an approximating sequence for Y,
(iii) for every a ELy, {Yk n LahEN is an approximating sequence
for Y a ,
(iv) {f(X k )} is an approximating sequence for f(X).
PROOF. Properties (i)- (iii) are evident. To establish (iv), it is sufficient to
show that n;;'=lf(X k ) C f(n~l Xk). Let y E n~l f(X k ); we have y =
Xk -F(Xk), where Xk E X k . Since F is compact, we may assume without loss
of generality that limk-too Xk = x and consequently y = limk-too f(Xk)
f(x). Since x E n~=l X k , this completes the proof. 0
§18. Finite-Codimensional Cech Cohomology 501
We are now ready to formulate the definition of continuity for the co-
functor AO : (..co,~) ---+ Ab.
Let Y be an object of ..c. Take an approximating sequence {Yd for Y
and consider the homomorphisms
ikn = Ao(ikn) : A(Yk) ---+ A(Yn ),
jZ = AO(jk) : A(Yk ) ---+ A(Y) ,
induced by the inclusions ikn : Y n <:.......t Y k , k < n , and jk : Y <:.......t Y k . Taking
into account the obvious commutativity relations in Ab,
** = znm
zkm .*
zkn for k < n < m ,
.* .* .* for k < n ,
Jk = I n 0 zkn
we see that {A(Yk ), i kn } is a direct system of abelian groups and {jZ :
A(Yk) ---+ A(Y)} is a direct family of homomorphisms.
(2.3) DEFINITION. A functor AO : ..co ---+ Ab is said t.o be continuous if for
each object Y and any approximat.ing sequence {Yd for Y the direct
~jZ : ~{A(Yk) ' i kn } ---+ A(Y)
k k
is an isomorphism.
Approximating systems
The proof of the main theorem of t.his section requires some preparatory con-
siderat.ions concerning a suit.able refinement of t.he approximat.ion technique
for compact fields.
(2.4) DEFINITION. Let. f E ..c(X, Y) be a compact field. A sequence {Yk , ik}
of objects Y k in..c and fields fk E ..co (X, Y k ) is called an approximating
system for f if:
(i) {Yd is an approximating sequence for Y,
(ii) fk rv jkf in ..c, where jk : Y <:.......t Y k is the inclusion,
(iii) ik ~ iknfn in ..co , where ikn : Y n <:.......t Y k is the inclusion (k ::; n).
(2.5) PROPOSITION. Let f E ..c(X, Y) be a compact field . Then for every
kEN there is a field ik E ..co (X, y(k)) such that
Ilf(x) - ik(x)11 ::; 11k for all x E X;
moreover, {y(k), fd is an approximating system for f . 0
In what. follows, any syst.em {y(k) , ik} as in (2.5) will be called a standard
approximating system.
In the rest of t.his sect.ion we assume that t.he cofunct.or AO : ..co ---+ Ab is
502 VI. Selected Topics
where k ::::: n, yields a commutative diagram in Ab:
Consequently, {fi;} is a direct sequence of homomorphisms, and therefore
we have the map
UQ; fi: : UQ;{A(Yk ), i kn } --> A(X).
k k
0 fk' where
lk : Y k '-7 Y k is the inclusion. Since for each k the diagram
Y Yj~ X lk
Y k
Now by the continuity of AO the two arrows on the left are isomorphisms, so
STEP 2. Next, we suppose that the systems {Yk, fd , {Yk, id have the same
approximating sequence {Yd for Y. Consider the enlarged sequence {Wd ,
where Wk = Yk for kEN, and define gk , gk E '£o(X, Wk) by gk = lk 0 fk'
gk = lk01, kEN, where lk : Yk --* Wk is the inclusion. We claim that
STEP 3. Finally, assume that {Yk , ik} , {yk ,1} are two arbitrary approx-
imating systems for f. For each kEN, set Wk = (Yk U yk)(k) and define
gk, gk E '£o(X , Wk) by gk = lk 0 ik , gk = lk 0 1,
where lk : Yk '-+ Wk,
lk: Yk '-+ Wk are the inclusions. In view of (**) , {Wk,gd , {Wk ,gd are
both approximating systems for f, and because each of the pairs {Wk, gk} ,
504 VI. Selected Topics
{Yk , fd and {Wk ,9i.:}, {Yk , h} satisfies the assumptions of Step 1, we get
(~fn 0 (~jk)-I = (~gk) 0 (~(ldk)*)-I,
(~1n 0 (~Jk) - I = (~gk) 0 (~(ZkJk)*)-I.
Now our assertion follows from (**) of Step 2, and the proof is complete. 0
(2.7) DEFINITION. Given a compact field f E £(X, Y), let {Yk , fk} be an
approximating sequence for f and let j k : Y <-t Yk be the inclusion.
We define the induced homomorphism f* : '\(Y) ~ '\(X) by
r = (~fk) 0 (~jk) - I.
STEP 1 (Special case: g E £0). Given f E £(X, Y) and 9 E £o(Y, Z), let
h = 9 0 f; we shall prove that
h* = f* 0 g*.
Let {y(k), fd be a standard approximating system for f. The Tietze
theorem gives a finite-dimensional extension g : y(l) ~ E of 9 over y(1).
For each kEN let Wk = g(y(k») U Z and note that both {Wk } and {Wd
are approximating sequences for Z.
§18. Finite-Codimensional Cech Cohomology 505
In the diagram
~ ~
We also remark that {Wk ' hk} and {Wk' gd are approximating systems
for hand g, respectively. This together with the last formula implies that
h* = 1* 0 g*, and the proof is complete.
STEP 2 (General case). Let f E £(X, Y) and 9 E £(Y, Z) be arbitrary
fields and h = 9 0 f. We shall prove that h* = 1* 0 g*. Let {Z(k), hd
and {Z(k), gd be standard approximating systems for hand g, respectively.
From the inequalities
Ilhk(X) - h(x)11 ::; 11k for all x E X,
Ilgk 0 f(x) - h(x)11 ::; 11k for all x E X ,
we infer that for every kEN the fields gk 0 f, hk : X ---- Z(k) are homotopic
in £. In view of (2.8) this implies that h'k = (gk 0 1)* , and therefore, because
gk is finite-dimensional, we get (gk 0 1)* = 1* 0 gk by Step 1, and thus
lli!;h'k = lli!;(J* 0 giJ = 1* 0 lli!;g'k.
This implies h* = 1* 0 g* and completes the proof. o
Now define a function A from the Leray- Schauder category £ to the
category Ab by putting A(X) = AO(X), A(J) = 1* . Observe that if the field
f is in £o(X, Y), then it is clear (by taking {Yk , ik} with Y k = Y, fk = 1)
that A(J) = Ao(J), i.e., A extends Ao over £.
We can now summarize the preceding discussion in the following
(2.10) THEOREM. Let AO : £0 ---- Ab be a continuous homotopy invariant
cofunctor. Then AO admits a unique extension over £ to a homotopy
invariant cofunctor A : £ ---- Ab. 0
506 VI. Selected Topics
Dk-1l lDk
Ll :> Hk-n+l(X)
Vk + 1
Hd(a)-n(x n ) ~ Hd(n)-n(la(X a ))
Va l lVd(a)
Hn-I(Un ) (La).) Hn-l(la(Ua ))
Hd(n)-n(x a ) ~ H d(f3)-n(Xf3)
Val lv~
Hn-l (U)
H n-l (U)
f3 o
Now for any relation a ::; (3 in LX we define a homomorphism
.1af3 : Hd(a) - n(xn ) --+ H d(f3) - n(Xf3)
PROOF. This follows at once from Lemma (3.2). A direct proof of (3.3) is
given at the end of this section. 0
(3.4) DEFINITION. Let a ::; (3 be an arbitrary relation in LX, and let
a = ao ::; ak+l = (3 be a chain of elementary relations in
al ::; ... ::;
LX joining a and (3. We define
.1af3 = .1 nk f3 0 ... 0 .1 a1a2 o.1 aa1
as the composition of the corresponding Mayer- Vietoris homomor-
§18. Finite-Codimensional Cech Cohomology 509
It follows from Lemma (3.3) that the definition does not depend on the
choice of the chain joining a and (3.
For an object X in ,.C, consider the abelian groups Hd(a) - n(xo,) together
with the homomorphisms Lla,6 for all a :::S {3 in Cx . It follows from Lemma
(3.2) that {Hd(a) - n(xa ), Lla,6}aELx is a direct system of abelian groups,
which we call the (00 - n) -cohomology system of X corresponding to the
orientation 0 of E.
(3.5) DEFINITION . For an object X in ,.C, we define an abelian group
Hoo - n(X) = !i!!} {Hd(a)-n(x a ), Lla,6}
is an isomorphism.
(a) i* is epic: Let c E Zn-l(U) and denote by lei the compact support
of c. Using (6.2.3) take a finite-dimensional E-approximation ie: : lei --+ U of
the inclusion map i : Icl ~ U , where E < dist(lel, aU). Because the maps
i,fe: : lei --+ U are homotopic, the cycles C n - 1(fe:) (c) and c represent the
same homology class in H n - 1 (U). Since the support of the former cycle lies
in some Ua, this proves that i* is an epimorphism.
(b) i* is monic: Suppose that a cycle b E Zn - l (Ua ) is the boundary
of some singular chain c in U. Let ie: : lei --+ U be a finite-dimensional
E-approximation of j : lei ~ U with ie:(lel) c L,6, where L,6 :=> La and
E < dist(lel, aU). Because j , ie: : lei --+ U are homotopic and Cn(fe:)(e) is
a chain in U,6, we infer that the cycle b represents in H n - l (U,6) the same
homology class as the cycle
510 VI. Selected Topics
and thus this homology class is zero. This implies that i* is a monomorphism,
and the proof of (3.6) is complete. 0
Direct proof of Lemma (3.3)
We shall use the following notation:
Qk+l = {x E Rk+2 I xk+l = O},
(Xl, ... , xk, Xk+l, Xk+2) 1--+ (Xl, ... ,Xk> Xk+2, Xk+l)
and choose linear isomorphisms la : La -> Rk , l, : L , -> R k + l , l:; : L:; -> R k + l sllch
that la E Oa, l, EO" l:; EO:;, and
la(x) = l, (x) = l:;(x) for all x E Lo..
and observe that if d(f3) = d(o:) + 1, then ff3(xt) c Y/' ff3(Xj;) c Yf3- '
and hence the above diagram commutes by the functoriality of the Mayer-
Vietoris homomorphism. Therefore, in view of the definition of Lla.B ' we see
that (V) in fact commutes for any relation 0: ::5 f3 in Lx. Consequently, f
induces the map
Hd(a)-n(y;) ~ Hd(a)-n(y~)
41~~1 141~~
Hd((3 )-n(Y$) (ifl): H d((3)-n(YJ)
5. Cohomology Theory on £
Having defined the absolute cohomology functors H oo - n , we now turn to
the case of relative cohomology. Throughout the section we let F = E EB R
be the direct product of E and the real line R, and we regard E as a 1-co-
dimensional linear subspace of F; we let y+ = (0,1), where E E, 1 E R.
of the pair (Xcx U CA cx , GAcx) and taking into account that CAcx is con-
tractible, we see that i~ is epic and j~ is an isomorphism for n ~ 1.
§18. Finite-Codimensional Cech Cohomology 515
Lla(31 Lla' 1.
(3' 1
Ll Q , (3'
1H oo- nU) 1
HOO-n - l(J)
PROOF. This follows from the definitions involved and Theorem (4.3) . 0
The homomorphism o~
We now establish some results that will be used in defining the coboundary
transformation ooo-n. Recall that for an object A in £E we write £A
{a E £ E I Aa :f: Q)}.
(5.6) DEFINITION. For (X, A) in £~ and a E £A let
o~ : Hd(a) - n-l (Aa) -----; Hd(a) - n(xa , Aa)
(5.7) LEMMA. If (X, A) is in £~, then for every relation 0: :::S f3 in LA the
following diagram commutes:
= (_l)d({3)J{3n 0 ,d(n+l)
= n o8 n o,d(n+l)
'1{3 {3 a{3'
From this, since rt{3 is an isomorphism, we get ,d~1 0 8~ = 8~ 0 ,d~~+l), and
the proof is complete. 0
(5.8) PROPOSITION. Let (X, A) be in £i-. Then, for every a E CA, the
8n + 1
... -t Hd(n)-n(x n ) -t Hd(n)-n(A n ) ~ Hd(n) - (n+l)(x n , An) -t ...
(5.9) PROPOSITION. Let (X, A), (Y, B) be in £i-, and f : (X, A) - t (Y, B)
an ao-field. Then, for any a E CA such that ao :5 a, the following
diagram commutes:
£oo - n .\"n
u(X,A) = l'..!.!!fun'
(fIA)-l lr 11-
Hoo-n-1(A) ~ Hoo-n(X, A) ~ Hoo-n-l(x U CA)
§18. Finite-Codimensional Cech Cohomology 519
Assume first that we have proved 1*o8°o-n = 8oo - no(f IA)*. Then, because
the right-hand square is commutative, we have
7) 0 1* 0 Joo - n = 1* 07) 0 Joo - n = 8°o-n 0 (fIA)* = 7) 0 Joo-n 0 (f I A)*,
and since 7) is an isomorphism, this implies 1* 0 Joo - n = Joo-n 0 (f I A)*.
Thus in order to prove our assertion it is enough to show that for a field
f: (X, A) - t (Y, B) in £~ the following diagram commutes:
Hoo - n-1(B) 8 00
-; Hoo-n - l(y U CB)
U IA)* 1 _ 1f *
~k(f~k)* r~k(JCk))*
lli!}k HOO-n-1(B k ) - l l i ! } k Hoo-n - 1(Yk U CB k )
~k(j~)*l l~dk
1 6(y~B) -
Hoo-n- (B) :> Hoo-n-l(y U CB)
By Theorem (4.2) the homomorphisms lli!} (jU* and lli!} (jk)* are invertible.
This, in view of the definition of the induced map, implies our assertion, and
thus the proof is complete. 0
We summarize the preceding discussion in the following
(5.11) THEOREM. H oo -* = {Hoo-n,b oo - n } is a cohomology theory on £2.
Moreover, HOO-l(8) ~ HO(point), i.e., the coefficients of the theory
H oo -* coincide with those of the theory H* .
PROOF. (i) The exactness axiom follows from (5 .8) and the definition of
Hoo- n by passing to the limit with o.
(ii) The homotopy axiom has already been established.
(iii) To show that the excision axiom is fulfilled, let (X; A, B) be a triad
in £ , i.e. , AU B = X; if k : (A , A n B) ---+ (X , B) is the inclusion , then so
is k : Au C(A n B) ---+ X u ~CB. SincejkoJ* is an isomorphism for each
0, it follows that so also is k* lli!}o: k~. From this, by considering the
commutative diagram
Hoo-n(X, B) : :> Hoo-n-l(x U CB)
fl",o-n(k) 1 1k*
Hoo-n(A, A n B) ~:> Hoo - n- l(A U C(A n B))
we infer that Hoo-n(k) is an isomorphism, and the proof of strong excision
is complete.
(iv) To show that the dimension axiom is satisfied take the (00 - 1)-
cohomology system {H d (0:)-1(80:); L10:,i3} of the unit sphere 8 in E; note that
if 0 :::5 f3 is elementary, then L10:,i3 coincides with the suspension isomorphism.
Consequently, for sufficiently large 0, we have H oo - 1 (8) ~ Hd(o:)-l (80:)' and
our assertion follows. 0
§18. Finite-Codimensional Cech Cohomology 521
(5.12) COROLLARY. If (X, A) and (Y, B) are two equivalent (or more gen-
erally, h-equivalent) pairs in £~ then for every n > 1 we have an
isomorphism Hoo-n(X, A) ~ Hoo-n(y, B). 0
Let Ar,R = {x EEl r :s: IIxll :s: R}, 0 < r < R. Clearly, HOO-I(Ar ,R; Z) ~ Z. We
identify the above groups with Z by isomorphisms compatible with those induced by the
inclusions Ar,R C Ar1 ,R 1 for 1"1 :s: r < R:S: Rli we let 1 denote the generator of Z .
(A.l) Let X be in £'E , UI, Uz , . . . be the (finite or transfinite) family of all bounded
components of E - X, Xi E Ui, and let fi : X --> Ar,R for some R > r > 0 be given by
fi(x) = x - Xi for x E X . Show:
(a) ft does not depend on Xi .
(b) H OO -I(X; Z) is a free abelian group with generators {ai = Jt(l) Ii = 1,2, .. .}.
(c) If g : X --> Ar,R is a compact field , then g* (1) = L7=I njaij '
(A.2) Let U be an open bounded subset of E. Show: To each compact field f : (D, aU) -->
(E, E - {O}) corresponds an integer deg(j) with the following properties:
(i) (Normalization) If Xo E U and f : (D, aU) --> (E, E - {O}) is given by f(x) =
x - xo, then deg(f) = 1.
(ii) (Homotopy) If the fields f,g E ([((D , au), (E , E - {OJ»~ are homotopic, then
deg(j) = deg(g).
(iii) (Additivity) If VI, V2 are two open disjoint subsets of U such that Z(f) C UI UU2,
then deg(f) = deg(fWI) + deg(fW2).
(A.3) Show: The integer deg(f) coincides with the Leray- Schauder degree.
(B .l) Let l' be a map in ([(X",). Show: There exists an ex-field f E ([",(X) such that
f", = fiX", = f'.
(B .2) Let f , g be two ex-fields in ([",(X), and assume that h~ : X", --> L", - {OJ is a
homotopy joining f", and g",. Show: There exists an ex-homotopy ht : X --> E - {OJ in
([",(X) joining f and g, such that htlX", = h~ for tEl .
(B.3) For X in £, and ex E Lx, let T", : 7r",(X) --> 7r(X", ) be given by [f]", f-> [f",]. Show:
The map Ta is bijective.
522 VI. Selected Topics
(B.4) Let f,g : X -t E - {O} be two fields such that f ~ 9 in <t(X). Show: There exist
an a and a-fields 1,9 E <ta(X) satisfying (i) 1 ~a 9 in <ta(X); (ii) 1 ~ f, 9~ gin <t(X).
(B.5) Let f E <ta(X) and 9 E <t,e(X). Show: If f ~ 9 in <t(X) , then there exists a l' E Lx
with a ::5 1', (3 ::5 l' such that f ~, 9 in <t,(X).
(B.6) (Inessential fields) Let X be an object in £. We say that a field f in <t(X) (respec-
tively in <ta (X)) is inessential if for any Y in £ containing X, there exists an in <t(Y) 1
(respectively in <ta(Y)) such that 11x = f. Show:
(i) Any <t(X) (respectively <ta(X)) contains an inessential field (respectively a-field).
(ii) Any two inessential fields (respectively a-fields) 1', f" : X - t E - {O} are homo-
topic (respectively a-homotopic) in <t(X) (respectively in <ta(X)).
(B.7) Let A and B be two objects in £, and f : A - t B a compact field. Show: If a field
'P: B - t E - {O} is inessential, then so also is the composite 'P 0 f : A - t E - {O}.
(C.l) For each a E L regard 7ra(X) as a based set with the Oa-homotopy class a.s the base
element. For any relation a ::5 (3 in Lx , let ia,e : 7ru(X) - t 7r,e(X) be given by [f]a f--> [f],e.
Prove: The family {7ra(X),ia,e} is a direct system of based sets over Lx.
(C.2) For each a E Lx let iu : 7ra(X) - t 7r(X) be defined by [flu f--> [fl. Show:
(i) The family {i a } is a direct family in Ens' over Lx.
(ii) The direct limit map
is invertible in Ens' .
(C.3) For each relation a ::5 (3 in Lx , define ja,e : 7r(Xa) -t 7r(X,e) in Ens' to be the
where the first map is the inverse of the bijective based map rg :7ra(X,e ) -t 7r(Xa) given
by [f]a f--> [fa], and the based map ig :
7ra(X,e) - t 7r(X,e) is defined by [f]a f--> [fl. Prove:
The family {7r(Xu),ja,e} is a direct system in Ens' over Lx.
(C.5) For X in £ and Q E Lx, let TOiX : 7rOi(X) -; 7r(XOi ) be given by [f]Oi ...... [fOi], and
for any relation Q ::S (3 in £x consider the commutative diagram
Define a family T = {TX} of based maps TX : 7ro(X) -; 1f(X) by TX = ~Oi TOiX. Prove:
(i) TX is a bijective based map for each X in £.
(ii) T: 7ro -; 1f is a natural equivalence of the cofunctors 7rO , 1f : £0 -; Ens* .
(The above results are due to G~ba-Granas [1965a], [1965b] .)
Historical comments
In a letter sent to J. Schauder in 1935, J. Leray asserted the possibility of
extending to infinite dimensions Betti groups etc. (cf. Schauder [1936]); the
details, however, never appeared in print. The first attempts of extending
to the infinite-dimensional case the topological invariants other than the
Brouwer degree were made by L. Lusternik.
In the early 1930s, L. Lusternik observed that many problems of the
"calculus of variations in the large" can be reduced to the study of the
topological properties of "locally linear spaces" e)
(Banach manifolds).
Furthermore, soon after the discovery, in 1935, of cohomology groups, he
became aware that these groups provide an effective tool for the study of
"(00 - k )-dimensional cycles" in locally linear spaces. Given a locally lin-
ear space M, Lusternik [1943a] defines its length Long(M) e)
and proves
that Long(M) ::; Cat(M) -1, where Cat(M) is the Lusternik- Schnirelmann
category of 111.
Consider now the (locally linear) space Mab of rectifiable arcs joining two points a
and b of 8 2 . Using cohomology, Lusternik [1943a], [1943b] outlines a method for showing
that Long(Mab) = 00, and as application proves the existence of infinitely many geodesics
joining two given points of 8 2 . For details concerning the method (which could, in fact,
also be applied to other similarly defined spaces), see Lusternik's tract [1947].
Around 1954, the first author of this book learned from his Ph.D. super-
visor L. Lusternik the following:
PROBLEM (Lusternik). Is it possible to construct the "(00 - k)-dimensional
homology groups" in a Banach space within the framework of the Leray-
Schauder theory?
This problem (especially on the technical side) turned out not to be
evident. We now describe the main consecutive steps which have led, over a
number of years, to a positive solution of the Lusternik problem.
L. Lusternik, 1950
(b) The case dim E = n. In this case, E = R n , and 7r(X) coincides with
the set 7r n- 1 (X) of homotopy classes [I] of maps f : X -+ Rn - {O} . Given
f,g: X -+ Rn - {O} such that for each x E X, either f(x) = 1 or g(x) = 1
(where 1 denotes the point (1,0, ... ,0) of Rn), the product f(x) ·g(x) is well
defined if we assume the obvious rule 1· p = P = p. 1 (for each p E Rn) ; thus,
in this particular case, f and 9 are "multipliable". By a theorem of Borsuk
[1936], for each pair f,g : X -+ Rn - {O}, there exists a pair of multipliable
maps 1, "9 such that [I] = Lfi
and [g] = ["9]. We set [I] . [g] = [j'"9]; this
definition does not depend on the choice of j, "9 and in this case, as was
shown by Borsuk, 7rn-I(X) becomes an abelian group.
The following extension of the Eilenberg theorem due to Borsuk [1950]
describes the structure of the cohomotopy group 7rn-I(X).
(c) The case dimE = 00. In this case 7r(X) is the set 7r oo - 1 (X) of
homotopy classes of compact fields f : X ---) E - {O}.
The following result (Granas [1962]) extends Borsuk's theorem to the
framework of compact fields:
THEOREM (Granas). Let X c E be closed and bounded, U1 , U2 , ... the
sequence (finite or transfinite) of all bounded components of E - X, and
Xi E Ui . Then
(i) 7r oo - 1 (X) admits the structure of an abelian group,
(ii) the homotopy classes [(x-xl)IX], [(x-x2)IX], ... are the generators
of 7r oo - 1 (X).
The last theorem suggested the study of "the groups 7roo-n(x)" and
provided a starting point for constructing the first full-fledged infinite-dim-
ensional cohomology. In his 1962 thesis, K. G~ba constructed in fact such a
theory by extending to Banach spaces the theory of cohomotopy groups of
Borsuk as well as the Spanier- Whitehead duality.
To describe the main results of this theory (G~ba [1962]' [1964]), we intro-
duce some notation. Let E = EOO be an infinite-dimensional normed linear
space together with a sequence {E oo - n EEl En} of direct sum decompositions
of E such that
(i) EO c El C E2 C ... ,
(ii) Eoo ::J E oo - 1 ::J Eoo- 2 ::J ... ,
(iii) codim Eoo-n = dim En = n.
Let 0 = {O Q} be a fixed orientation in E. For each n 2 1 choose an
isomorphism In : En ---) Rn representing the orientation of En such that
In(x) = In+l (x) for x E En, and let uoo-n = E - En-I, oo - n = E - v
l;;: 1 (R:jJ .
THEOREM (G~ba). Let £ = £E be the Leray- Schauder category associated
with E.
1° There exists a sequence {7r oo - n } ~=l of contravariant functors 7r oo - n :
£2 ---) Ab such that 7r oo - n (X, A) is the set of homotopy classes of
compact fields f E <t((X, A) , (u oo - n , v oo - n )).
2° There exists a family of natural transformations 6oo - n : 7r oo - n (A) ---)
7r oo - n+1(X, A) such that the following properties hold:
(i) (Homotopy) If the fields fa, !I : (X, A) ---) (Y, B) are homotopic,
then 7r oo - n (fo) = 7r oo - n (!I).
(ii) (Exactness) For each (X, A) in £2, the sequence
(j oo-n
... ---) 7r oo - n (X, A) ---) 7roo(X) ---) 7r oo - n (A) -----+ 7r oo - n+ 1 (X, A) ---) ...
is exact, where all unmarked maps are induced by inclusions.
§18. Finite-Codimensional Cech Cohomology 527
Generalized degree
DEG(J) = [jjj,
where [j jJ is the homotopy class of the field j 1: S --t uoo - n .
THEOREM. Let f be in \t(n). If DEG(J) is a nontrivial element of the group
7r oo - n , then Z(J) # 0.
Since the group 7roo - n(s) ~ L'oo-n(s) is isomorphic to the stable ho-
motopy group of spheres L'm+n_ l(sm) , the above theorem can only be of
interest when the latter is nontrivial (this is known to be the case, for ex-
ample, for n = 1, 2,3,4,7,8 , but not for n = 5,6).
For some applications of the generalized degree to nonlinear problems
see Nirenberg [1970] .
hoo - n +1 (X, A) satisfying the homotopy, exactness, and strong excision ax-
ioms; the graded group {h oo - n - 1 (S)}, where S is the unit sphere in E, is
the group of coefficients of the theory. A systematic and unified treatment
of such theories, based on the important work of G.W. Whitehead [1962]'
can be found in G~ba-Granas [1973].
We list some of the central results of the general cohomology theory.
(I) THEOREM. To any cohomology theory h* on the category of polyhedra
corresponds a cohomology theory h oo -* on'c with the same group of coeffi-
cients; moreover, the assignment h* 1----+ h oo -* is natural with respect to the
Thus, in particular, to any spectrum e)
it. in the sense of G.W. White-
head corresponds a theory {h oo -*, it.} called the cohomology theory on ,c
with coefficients in it.. If it. = JK( 7r) is the Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum,
then we get the "ordinary Cech cohomology" Hoo-*(.; 7r) on ,c (which was
described in §18) with coefficients in 7r. If it. is the sphere spectrum §, then
the corresponding theory, denoted by 2)00-*, is called the stable cohomotopy
on 'c. The Hopf-Hurewicz map h : § -----+ JK(Z) between the spectra induces
a natural transformation h* from 2)00 - * to Hoo-*(.; Z).
(II) THEOREM. There exists a natural equivalence between the functors
7r oo - nand 2)oo-n from,C2 to Ab.
This theorem implies that the stable cohomotopy theory 2)00-* can be
in fact identified with the cohomotopy theory 7r 00 -*.
(III) THEOREM (Duality theorem in E). Let it. be either the spectrum of
spheres § or the Eilenberg- M acLane spectrum JK( 7r) and let h oo-n (-; it.) (re-
spectively h n (-; it.)) be the cohomology (respectively homology) with coeffi-
cients in it.. Then
(i) for each pair (X, Y) in'c and V = E - Y, U = E - X there exists
a duality map
(ii) D maps the cohomology sequences of a triple (X, Y, Z) into the ho-
mology sequences of the complementary triple (W, V, U) = (E - Z,
E - Y, E - X), i.e., the following diagram commutes:
. . . ",,* hoo-n(X, Y;A)",,* hoo-n(X, Z; A)""* hoo-n(y, Z; A)",,* hoo-n+1(X, Y;A)""*'"
iD iD iD iD
' " -hn(V, U ;A) ~ hn(W, U ;A) -----?hn(W, ViA) --hn-l(V, U;A) _ ...
Eoo-n(X, Y) ~ HOO-n(X, Y; Z)
Dl lD
En (V, U) h.) Hn(V, U; Z)
The duality combined with the Hurewicz theorem in §-theory yields the
(IV) THE HOPF THEOREM. For any pair in £ the first nonvanishing stable
cohomotopy group is isomorphic to the first nonvanishing cohomology group
over Z. More precisely , we have
(i) 7T oo - q(X, Y) ~ Eoo-q(X, Y) = 0 ¢:} HOO-q(X, Y; Z) = 0 for any
o ':S q < n,
(ii) if 7T oo - q(X , Y) ~ Eoo-n(x, Y) = 0 for 0 ':S q < n, then the Hopf
map h* : Eoo-n(x, Y) ----+ Hoo-n(x, Y; Z) is an isomorphism.
We note that:
(i) if X and Yare two equivalent objects of the category 'c, then
Codim X = Co dim Y and Co dime X = Co dime Y,
(ii) in the finite-dimensional case the definition of co dimension coincides
with a theorem of P. Alexandroff characterizing the dimension of
compacta by maps into sn.
The main theorems of the previous subsection yield the following result:
THEOREM. Let X be an object of the Leray-Schauder category 'c.
(a) Co dim X = Codimz X.
(b) If Co dim X 2 2, then bo (E - X) = 0 e), i. e., X does not disconnect
the space E .
(c) (Phragmen- Brouwer theorem) If (Y; Y1 , Y 2 ) is an additive triad in
,C and Codim(Yl n Y 2 ) 2 2, then
inside [a , b]. In 1941, L. Lusternik gave a procedure that allows extending this result to
the case 'I' t and established the following
THEOREM (Lusternik [1941]). Under suitable growth conditions on '1':
(i) there exists a countable sequence AI , A2, . " of eigenvalues of (*),
(ii) to each eigenvalue Ak there corresponds an eigenfunction Yk that vanishes exactly
n times inside [a, b].
Lusternik's proof of this theorem was based on using the continuation method in conjunc-
tion with the following important property of codimension: If M is a connected Banach
manifold and N C M a submanifold with CodimN ~ 2, then N does not disconnect M.
1. Preliminary Remarks
Throughout the entire paragraph only metrizable spaces are considered, and
we always use Cech homology with compact supports over the rationals Q;
when no confusion can arise, the Q will be omitted in the notation, so that
the graded homology of X over Q is denoted simply by H*(X) = {Hn(X)}.
In this section we gather the relevant facts of the Cech theory that will be
Given two spaces X and Y, we say that a map 8 : X --+ Y is inverse
acyclic if the fiber 8- 1 (y) is acyclic e)
for each y. Note that an inverse
acyclic map is necessarily surjective.
The main results of this paragraph rely heavily on the following theorem:
(1.1) THEOREM (Vietoris). Let 8 : X --+ Y be an inverse acyclic map
between compact metric spaces X and Y. Then the induced homo-
morphism 8* : H*(X) --+ H*(Y) is an isomorphism. 0
e) Recall that X is acyclic if: (i) X is nonempty, (ii) Hq (X) = 0 for q :2: 1, (iii) the
reduced Oth homology group Ho(X) is O.
532 VI. Selected Topics
2. Category of Fractions
We begin by collecting some simple notions of category theory that will be
(2.1) DEFINITION. Let T be a category and )/ a family of morphisms in
T such that
(F.1) the identities of T are all in )/,
(F.2) if s : X -----) Y and t : Y -----) Z are in )/ , then so is ts,
(F.3) any diagram in T
with an invertible morphism u in T.
/~ Y
,[--L Y
Conditions (F.l)- (F.3) imply that the composition law is well defined
and makes 1/ (T) a category, called the category of fractions of T by 1/.
534 VI. Selected Topics
r xyr'L- r ,
s'~ ~s
r f)o Y
To compose two Vietoris fractions 'P = fls E §(X, Y) and 7jJ = glt E
§(Y, Z) we write a commutative diagram:
t'~ f }
r .. y
in which r Xy r' is the fiber product of f, t, and j', t' is the pull-back of
f, t. Now the composite 'P = (glt)(fls) is equal to gf'lst'.
In what follows we regard the category T of metrizable spaces as a
subcategory of the Vietoris fractions 'Y(T).
In order to define a homomorphism of homology groups induced by a
fraction , we need to extend Theorem (1.1) to abitrary Vietoris maps.
(3.3) THEOREM (Vietoris mapping theorem). Let s : X ---4 Y be a Vie-
toris map between spaces X and Y in T. Then the induced map s* :
H*(X) ---4 H*(Y) is an isomorphism.
PROOF. We recall the definition of the Cech homology functor with com-
pact supports. Given X in T, let Vx = {XoJ denote the set of all compact
subspaces of X partially ordered by inclusion. Assigning to each such Xo:
its graded tech homology H*(Xo:) and to each pair Xo: C X(3 the homo-
morphism (io:(3)* : H*(Xo:) ---4 H*(X(3) induced by inclusion, we obtain the
direct system {H * (X0:), (i0:(3) *} of graded vector spaces.
Given s : X ---4 Y in T and letting V y = {Y.>.} denote the partially
ordered set of all compact subspaces of Y, we see that the assignment Xo: f--t
s(Xo:) determines an order preserving map Vx ---4 Vy. This implies that the
family {so:}, where So: : Xo: ---4 s(Xo:) is defined by s, determines a map of
direct systems
let Xex = S-1S(Xex) and observe that s sends each Xex onto s(Xex); moreover,
since the restriction map Sex = slXex from Xex onto s(Xex) is inverse acyclic,
the induced map (sex)* : H*(X ex ) --> H*(s(X ex )) is an isomorphism by the
Vietoris theorem (1.1).
Next we note that the set fj = {Xex I Xex E Dx} is cofinal in Dx and this
gives s* = lli!} (sex)* = lli!} (sex)*. Now because each (Sa)* is an isomorphism,
the conclusion follows. 0
t'~r f
By definition of the homomorphism induced by a fraction we have
('ljJrp)* = [(glt) (fls)] * = (g I' Ist/)* = (g 1')* (st/) -;1 = (g* f~) (t/)-; 1 s-;1
= [gA-;1] 0 [I*s-;1] = [(glt)*] 0 [(f18)*] = 'IjJ*rp*. 0
§19. Vietoris Fractions and Coincidence Theory 537
Using the functor H we now define for the Vietoris fractions some notions
analogous to those introduced for ordinary maps in §15.
(4.3) DEFINITION . Let X, Y be in T, and let !.p = fls E §(X, Y) be a
fraction. We say that !.p = fls E §(X, X) is a Lefschetz fraction if
the induced map!.p* : H*(X) --+ H*(X) is a Leray endomorphism; for
such a !.p we define its generalized Lefschetz number by A(!.p) = A(!.p*).
With this terminology, we have the following simple general result that is
frequently used:
(4.4) LEMMA. Let a E §(K,X) and {3 E §(X,K) be two fractions.
Then {3a E §(K, K) is a Lefschetz fraction if and only if so is a{3 E
§(X, X). In other words, given commutative diagrams
Now the desired assertions follow at once from the definitions involved and
(15.2.2)(A). 0
5. Coincidence Spaces
(5.1) DEFINITION. Let r, X be in T , and let f : r --+ X, s : r --+ X be
two maps. Given E > 0, a point y E r is called an E-coincidence point
for the pair (j, s) if d(j (y), s(y)) < E, where d is a metric in X.
(5.2) LEMMA. Let f, s : r --+ X be two maps such that s is proper and f
is compact. If for each E > 0 there exists an E-coincidence point for
(j, s), then the pair has a coincidence point.
PROOF. The proof is strictly analogous to that of (6.3.1) and is left to the
reader. 0
538 VI. Selected Topics
Let <p = fls E §(X, X) be a Vietoris fraction, and (j, s), (g, t) two
representatives of <po We let
Coin(j, s) = {y E r I f(y) = s(y)}, Coin(g, t) = {y E r' I g(y) = t(y)},
and observe that if tu = sand ug = f for some homeomorphism u : r - t r',
then u maps homeomorphic ally Coin(g, t) onto Coin(j, s). Thus, up to hom-
eomorphism, we can assign to each Vietoris fraction <p E §(X, X) its coin-
cidence set Coin (j Is).
We say that a fraction <p = fls E §(X, X) has a coincidence if the set
Coin <p is nonempty.
(5.3) LEMMA. Assume that each of the diagrams
;/l~ and
Y---r X X~Y
"~r' 9
s~ t~
The reader can now verify that if (x, y) E r x y r' is a coincidence point
for (g1', st'), then (y, x) E r' Xx rand (y, x) is a coincidence point for
(j g', ts'); this clearly yields the desired conclusion. 0
We call a fraction <p = fls E §(X, Y) compact if the map f is compact.
We remark that if a = fls E §(X, Y) and {3 = glt E §(Y, Z) are two
Vietoris fractions, then their composite {3a E §(X, Z) is compact whenever
either a or {3 is compact. This clearly follows from the definitions involved.
(5.4) DEFINITION. We say that X is a coincidence space if:
(i) any compact <p = fls E §(X, X) is a Lefschetz fraction,
(ii) A( <p) =1= 0 implies that <p = fls has a coincidence.
§19. Vietor is Fractions and Coincidence Theory 539
We describe two simple ways of forming new coincidence spaces from old
(5.5) LEMMA. If X is a coincidence space, then so also is every retract A
PROOF . Let r : X ---+ A be the retraction and i : A '---+ X the inclusion. Given
a compact Vietoris fraction <.p = fls E §(A, A), consider the commutative
~1:/ li~r
and note that the fraction 1/J = i<.pr E §(X, X) is also compact. Now the
desired assertion follows from (4.4) and (5.3). 0
(5.6) LEMMA. Let K be a compact metric space and assume that a fraction
<.p E §(K, K) factors through a coincidence space X, i.e., there are
maps a and (3 making the diagram
;/ 1~
commutative. Then <.p is Lefschetz, and A( <.p) i= 0 implies that <.p has
a coincidence.
<P = {U ¢= rL U} E §(U, U)
be a compact fraction. We first show that <P is a Lefschetz fraction. By
applying the approximation theorem (12.3.1) to f, choose a sufficiently small
E > °and an E-approximation fc : r ----7 U of f such that fc(r) c Pc c U,
where Pc is a finite polyhedron and fc is homotopic to f. To prove that <P
is Lefschetz, consider the fraction
<Pc = {U ¢= r ~ U} E §(U, U)
where the fractions <p~ and 'Pc are determined by <Pc' Since the homology
H*(Pc ) is of finite type, the fraction <p~ is Lefschetz, and by (4.4), so also is
the fraction <Pc, and A(<p~) = A(<pc). Because f ~ fc we infer that A(<p) is
defined, and moreover,
A(<p) = A(<pc) = A(<p~).
Assuming now that A( <p) "# 0, we have A( <p~) "# 0, and hence by the
Eilenberg- Montgomery theorem (1.2), the fraction <p~ : Pc ----7 Pc has a
coincidence. From this, in view of the commutativity of the above diagram
and (5.3), we infer that also <Pc has a coincidence, and thus fe;(xo) = s(xo)
for some Xo; this shows that Xo is an E-coincidence point for the maps f
91 K
where h : K --+ R is a homeomorphism of K onto a subset R of a Hilbert
space H. Since X is a NES(compact metric) , there is an extension 9 : U --+ X
of the ma~fh-1 : R --+ X over an open nbd U of R in H , i.e., gj = fh- 1,
where j : K --+ U is the inclusion. Consider now the composite
We have ((3g)(jh) = f3(gj)h = f3(1h- 1)h = f3 f = <p, which shows that <p
factors through an open set U c H . Now because U is a coincidence space
by (6.1) , we conclude by (5.6) that the fraction <p is Lefschetz, and A(<p) i- 0
implies that <p has a coincidence. 0
As an obvious consequence of (6.2)(a)* we obtain at once the desired
extension of the Eilenberg- Montgomery theorem:
for Ilyll :S g,
r(y) ={ ~Y/IIYII for Ilyll > g,
for some x E E; this obviously implies that y = r(x) is a fixed point for
rT: Ke -----t K e , i.e., y E rTy.
We now examine two possible cases: (i) IITyl1 ::::; {! and (ii) IITyll > {!.
In case (i), rTy = Ty, and therefore y E Ty, i.e., property (a) holds. In
case (ii), there exists a z E Ty with IIzll > (! and y = r(z), and hence, in
view of (*), we get
and z = My E Ty.
This gives y E >..Ty with>" = {!/lIzll < 1. Thus, property (b) holds, and the
proof is complete. 0
Several fixed points for compact acyclic maps can be derived from (7.6)
by imposing conditions that prevent the occurrence of the second property.
(7.7) THEOREM. Let T : Ke -----t E be a compact acyclic map and assume
that for all x E 8Ke one of the following conditions is satisfied:
(i) IITxll::::; max{lIxll, IIx - Txll},
(ii) IITxll ::::; (lix - Txll2 + IIxIl 2)1/2.
Then T has a fixed point.
PROOF. The routine verification that property (b) in (7.6) cannot occur is
left to the reader. 0
Let T : E -----t E be an acyclic map. We say that T is completely continuous
if it is compact on bounded subsets of E.
Theorem (7.6), applied to completely continuous acyclic maps , yields
(7.7) THEOREM (Leray- Schauder alternative). Let T : E -----t E be a com-
pletely continuous acyclic map, and let
£(T) = {x EEl x E >..Tx for some 0 < >.. < I}.
Then either £(T) is unbounded, or T has a fixed point.
PROOF. Assume that £(T) is bounded, and let Ke be a ball containing £(T)
in its interior. Then TIKe : Kg -----t E is a compact acyclic map, and since
no x E 8Kg can satisfy the second property in (7.6), the map T has a fixed
point, and the proof is complete. 0
maps are denoted by <.p, 1jJ, . .. , and single-valued maps by f, g, ... ; for convenience we
write <.p : X -> Y instead of <.p : X -> 2Y . With <.p : X -> Y we associate the diagram
p q
X +--- r<p -> Y
in which r = r<p is the graph of <.p, and P, q are the natural projections.
A map <.p : X -> Y is called acyclic if <.p is u.s.c. and <.p(x) is acyclic for each x E X;
for such a <.p, the sets p-l(x) are also acyclic, and by the Vietoris theorem, p induces an
isomorphism p. : H.(r) ~ H.(X). The homomorphism <.p. = q.p;l : H.(X) -> H.(Y)
is said to be induced by <.p.
Let <.p : Sn -> Rn+l_ {O} be an acyclic map. Since Hn(Sn) ~ Hn(R n +1 - {O}) ~ Z2,
we may identify <.p. with an integer mod 2. This integer is called the degree mod 2 of <.p
and is denoted by d( <.p); for any YO E Rn+l - <.p( Sn), we let d( <.p, YO) = d( 1jJ), where
1jJ(x) = <.p(x) - YO.
(A.l) Show: If <.p: (Kn+l,Sn) -> (Rn+l,Rn+l - {O}) is an acyclic map with d(<.pISn)
i- 0,then 0 E <.p(xo) for some xo E Kn+l.
[Supposing the contrary, consider the commutative diagram
where i, j are inclusions and Pi, qi are the natural projections of the respective graphs;
to get a contradiction, apply the Vietoris theorem to show that d(<.pISn) = 0.]
(A.2) Define the relation of acyclic homotopy between acyclic maps and show:
(a) If the acyclic maps <.p,1jJ : Sn -> Rn+l - {O} are acyclically homotopic, then
d(<.p) = d(1jJ) .
(b) If f : Sn -> R n +1 - {O} is a selector of an acyclic map <.p : Sn -> Rn+l - {O},
then d(cp) is equal to the ordinary degree mod 2 of the map f.
(A.3) (Generalized Brouwer theorem) Let <.p : K n -> K n be an acyclic map. Show: <.p has
a fixed point.
(B.2) A set-valued map if> : M -> M is called a set-valued involution if y E if>(x) implies
x E cP(y) for all (x, y) E MxM. Let cP: M -> M be an involution and <.p : M -> Rn+l_{O}
an acyclic map satisfying the following condition:
(* ) no ray starting at 0 E Rn+l intersects both <.p( x) and <.p( if> ( x)) for any x EM.
Prove that Z is compact and establish successively the following assertions: (i) f is well
defined; (ii) r* and p. are isomorphisms; (iii) s is the composition of the maps (x, y, u , v) f-->
(x,y,u) f--> (x , y) f--> x, having counterimages homeomorphic to <p(y), <p(x), and <li(x) ,
respectively; (iv) s* is an isomorphism, and thus H*(Z) ~ H*(S"). Letting h: Z -+ Z be
the involution (x,y,u , v) t--+ (y,x ,v, u) , observe that the map 9 = rf : Z -+ Sn satisfies
g(z) 1= g(h(z)) for each z E Z . Using (B.l), conclude that g. : Hn(Z) -+ Hn(Sn) is
nontrivial, and hence so is <p •. ]
(B.3) Let <p : (Kn +l, Sn) -+ (R n +1 , R n +1 - {O}) be an acyclic map such that no ray
starting at the origin intersects both the sets <p(x) and <pC -x) for any x E Sn. Show:
o E <p(xo) for some Xo E Kn+l.
(B.4) (Generalized Borsuk-Ulam theorem) Let <p : Sn -+ R n be an acyclic map . Show:
There exists a point Xo E Sn such that <p(xo) n <pC -xo) 1= 0.
(C .I) Let A C R n + 1 be compact, and a E A. Show: a E lnt A if and only if there exists
an acyclic map <p: Kn+l -+ A such that <p(Sn) C A - {a} and d(<pISn , a) 1= o.
[For sufficiency, first show that a E lnt M ¢} Ker [Hn (A - {a}) -+ H n (A)] 1= 0; then
observe that the above kernel contains <p.(Hn(Sn)) which is nonzero by assumption .]
where p, q are the natural projections, j is the inclusion, and s, t , h, and f are defined by
s(x,y,u,v) = (x,y), h(x,O,u , v) = x ,
t(x,O,u , v) = (x,O) , f(x,y,u , v) =u - v .
Then establish successively the following assertions: (i) t and f are well defined; (ii) s is
the composition of the two Vietoris maps (x,y , u , v) >-> (x,y , u) >-> (x , y) ; (iii) s* , t* , h*
are isomorphisms; (iv) i* and j* are isomorphisms and hence H*(M) """ H*(Sn). Define
k : M ---> M by (x , y,u,v) >-> (y , x , v , u), and note that k is an involution such that
fk(z) = -J(z) for z E M. Applying (B.2) with k taken for <l> and f for <p, find that
f* =f. 0, implying that q* =f. 0, and thus d(1f; ,yu) =f. 0 .]
(C.3) (Lemma on E-maps) Let E > 0 and K c(xo) = {x E R n + 1 Illx - xoll : : : E}. Show: If
<p : Kc(xo) --4 R n +l is an acyclic E-map , then every point Yo E <p(xo) is an interior point
of <p(Kc(xo».
(C.4) (Invariance of domain) Let U C R n+ l be open and <p : U ---> R n + 1 an acyclic map
such that <p(xI) n <p(X2) = 0 for any Xl =f. X2 in U. Show: <p(U) is open in Rn+l.
(For the results of subsections A, B , C ,see Granas-Jaworowski [1959].)
(1) The main results of this work were presented in Granas's lectures at the University
of Bonn in 1975.
548 Vi. Selected Topics
Homotopy method
We now briefly comment on the study of fixed points for set-valued maps
that is based on homotopy considerations and relies only on using elementary
tools of geometric topology.
550 VI. Selected Topics
For details and related results the reader may consult Kryszewski [1996]
and also the book of G6rniewicz [1999].
(1) Let <p : Sn --> Sn be an u .s.c. set-valued map. Then: (i) <p is cellular if each <p(x) is
the intersection of a descending sequence of topological n-cells; (ii) <p is strongly acyclic if
the homotopy groups 7rk(Sn - <p(x)) vanish for all x E Sn and k = 0, 1, . .. (cf. Kucharski
[1988]); (iii) <p is an Ro-map if each <p(x) is a n Ro-set , i.e., an intersection of a descending
sequence of compact ARs.
§20. Further Results and Supplements 551
This implies that there exists a finite subset {Xl, ... , Xk} of K and an open
covering {Ui}f=l of K by balls Ui = B(Xi' 8) such that Ilf(x) - f(y)11 < c
whenever x, y E Ui , i E [k).
Take now a smooth partition of unity {Ad subordinate to {Ud and
define a smooth map 9 : U ---t R n by
g(x) = L Ai(X)f(Xi) , XE U.
We let
CY(f,U) = LsgndetDj(xi)
(1.6) LEMMA (Homotopy extension lemma). Let (U, Uo) be a pair of open
bounded T -invariant subsets of R n , and let fo , go E g J1'(U 0) be ho-
motopic in gJ1'(U o). Assume that fo extends to a map f E gJ1'(U).
Then there exist 9 E g J1'(U) and an open T -invariant set V C Uo
such that:
(i) f rv 9 in g J1'(U) ,
(ii) g(x) = f(x) for all x E U - Uo ,
(iii) gol(O) n Uo = g-I(O) n Uo c V,
(iv) g(x) = go(x) for all x E V.
PROOF . Let kEg J1' £(U o) be a T-admissible homotopy joining fo and go .
Choose an open T-invariant e)
subset V of Uo such that V c Uo and
k(x, t) =J 0 for all (x, t) E (U o - V) x I and then choose an open T-invariant
subset VI of Uo such that V C VI C VIC Uo. Let >. : Rn - t I be a smooth
T - invariant function such that
to find agE JV g d(U) such that f rv 9 in g d(U). We first note that
h(u,O) =
for all (u,O) E U, because f is equivariant. Letting s =
inf{llf(u,v)111 (u,v) E aU} > 0, choose an E > so that for all (u,v) E u,
Ilvll < 2E * Ilh(u , v)11 < s.
To establish our assertion, let ,X : R -+ I be a smooth function such that
Equivariant degree
We first define the degree for maps in JV cf: szI(U). As before, let U c Rn be
allowable and f = (h, h) E JV cf: szI(U). Set Uo = Un RP and, assuming
Uo f= 0, define go: Uo ~ RP by go(u) = h(u,O); clearly, go E szI(U o )·
We now let
do = { d(go, Uo) if Uo f= 0,
if Uo = 0.
Because f is normal, there exists an E °
> such that the formula
gl (x) = f (x) for x E U - U (E)
defines a map gl in cf: szI (U d, where U1 = U - U (E). Since T acts freely
on U 1 , there exists an integer d 1 such that d(gl' Ud = 2d 1 e) ·
We now define the T -equivariant degree degT(f, U) of f by setting
degT(f, U) = (do, dd E Z EEl Z.
(1.12) THEOREM. Let JV denote the class of all maps f E JV cf: szI(U), where
U is an allowable subset of Rn. Then there exists a function
degT : JV ~ Z EEl Z
assigning a degree degT(f, U) to each f E JV cf: szI(U) and satisfying:
(1) (Existence) If degT(f, U) f= 0, then Z(f) f= 0.
(2) (Excision) If Uo C U is an open T-invariant subset of U such
that Z(f) C Uo , then degT(f, U) = degT(fIUo , Uo ).
(3) (Additivity) If VI, V 2 are two disjoint open T-invariant subsets
of U such that Z(f) c VI U V2 , then
e)This follows from the fact that if gl is generic and g1 Cxa) = 0, then also g1 (Txa) = 0,
and sgndetDg1(Txa) = sgndetg1(xo) (because gl = Tog1 oT and detT = ±1 imply
detDg1(TxO) = detD91Cxo)) ·
558 VI. Selected Topics
Relative dimension
Let E be a fixed infinite-dimensional Hilbert space over R, and G(E) the
Grassmannian of E, i.e., the collection of all closed linear subspaces of E.
§20. Further Results and Supplements 559
We set
G*(E) = {V E G(E) I dim(V) < oo},
G*(E) = {V E G(E) I codim(V) < oo}.
If V E G(E), we let V.l denote its orthogonal complement , and P v the
orthogonal projection of E onto V.
In order to compare two different elements of G(E) we need the following
(2.1) DEFINITION. Two linear subspaces V, W E G(E) are said to be
commensurable (written V rv W) if the linear operator P v - P w is
completely continuous. Commensurability is an equivalence relation
in G(E) , and if V rv W , the relative dimension dim(V, W) of V with
respect to W is the (possibly negative) integer defined by
dim(V, W) = dim(V n W.l) - dim(V.l n W).
Note that the subspaces V n W .l and V.l n Ware finite-dimensional, being
the sets of fixed points of the completely continuous operators
PW .L 0 P v = (Pv - Pw ) 0 Pv , PV .L 0 Pw = (Pw - Pv ) 0 P w ,
We list a few simple examples and properties of commensurability:
(i) Any V, WE G*(E) are commensurable, and
dim(V, W) = dim V - dim W.
(ii) Any V, WE G*(E) are commensurable, and
dim(V, W) = codim W - codim V.
(iii) If Wr has dimension r , then V EB Wr rv V for any V E G(E) such
that V n Wr = {O} , and dim(V EB W r , V) = r.
(iv) If Ws is an s-codimensional subspace of V , then V rv Ws and
dim(Ws, V) = -so
(v) If V E G(E), K E '!£(E, E) is completely continuous, and T
1+ K , then T(V) E G(E) and T(V) rv V .
The E+ -cohomology
We fix an orthogonal splitting E = E + EB E- , where E + and E - are infinite-
dimensional closed linear subspaces of E. We will construct a cohomology
theory, the E + -cohomology H'E+, such that the spheres in closed linear
subspaces commensurable with E - have nontrivial cohomology, depending
on their relative dimension with respect to E- .
Let TE + be the product topology of the weak topology of E + and the
strong topology of E - ; clearly, TE + induces the weak topology on every
closed linear subspace commensurable with E+, and the strong topology
560 VI. Selected Topics
Construction of Hi+
In the remainder of this section we will give a general idea of how the E+-
cohomology theory is constructed. The construction turns out to be similar
to that of Hoo-*; for obvious reasons, we will only sketch the arguments,
pointing out the main differences with the previous case.
Let G*(E-) = {Leo L(3 , ... } be the set of all finite-dimensional linear
subspaces of E - . For notational convenience we establish a one-to-one cor-
respondence between the symbols 0:, (3, ... and the elements of G*(E-). We
write 0: :::S (3 if Lo C L(3 and denote by L the set G*(E-) partially ordered
by the relation :::S; clearly, £ is a directed set.
Choose arbitrarily an orientation of each 0: ELand observe that given
0: :::S (3 with d((3) = d(o:) + 1 (where d(o:) = dimL o ), the orientations of Lo
and L(3 determine in a unique way two closed half-spaces Lt, L~o< of L(3
such that
Lt u L~" = L(3 and Lt n L~o< = Lo.
If X C E and 0:, (3 are as above, define TE+-compact sets
Xo = X n (E+ ttl L o ),
X+(3" =Xn(E+ ttl L-)(3" ,
X- = X n (E+ ttl L- ).
(3"" (3"
Now let (X, A) be an object of £1+. Since
and the continuity property asserts that this is an isomorphism. This follows
from the continuity of Cech cohomology, because the sets X k n (E+ EB La)
are TE+-compact, being TE+-closed in a linear subspace that inherits the
weak topology. Compactness is crucial here, and this explains why we are
working with the topology TE+ .
Given an E+-compact field f : X --+ Y, by an approximating system
for f is meant a sequence {Yk , fd, where {Yd is an approximating system
for Y, and fk : X --+ Y k are E+ -finite fields such that !k is E+ -compactly
homotopic to jk 0 f, while !k is E+ -finitely homotopic to ikl 0 fl' where
jk : Y '--+ Y k and ikl : Yi '--+ Y k are the inclusions. It is not difficult to
show that every E+ -compact field has an approximating system. Then the
564 VI. Selected Topics
commutative diagram
One verifies that this definition does not depend on the choice of the ap-
proximating system, as in Proposition (18.2.6). Contravariant functoriality is
proved as in (18.2.9), after we observe that E+ (J} Lo. with the weak topology
induced by TE + is a locally convex space, so the Tietze extension theorem
holds for (E+ (J) Lo.)-valued maps. The construction of 1* can also be easily
generalized to E +-compact fields between pairs.
Let (X, A) be an object in ,.C~ + . For each ex E £, we have the coboundary
sq+d(o.)(Xo. , Ao.) : Hq+d(o.)(Ao.) -----t Hq+d(o.)+l(Xo., Ao.).
Let ex :S (J be a relation in £ such that d({J) = d( ex) + 1. An argument
involving cone suspension shows that the diagram
"q +d(Q) (X A )
Hq+d(o.) (Ao.) Q, Q .. Hq+d(o.)+l(Xo., Ao.)
"q +d({3) (X A )
Hq+d((3) (A(3) {3, {3 )0 Hq+d((3)+l(X(3, A(3)
The exactness of the long cohomology sequence and the naturality of the
coboundary with respect to E+ -compact fields are proved as in (18.5.8) and
PROOF. For each kEN , let Nk be the kernel of jklRs : Rs --> Hn(X k , A k );
then {Nd~l is a descending sequence of subspaces of Hn(X , A). To prove
our assertion, we need only show that one of them is zero. Indeed, otherwise
there is an m such that {O} =I N m = Nm+l = .... Now, by applying (3.1)(b)
to a nontrivial element Z E N m , we obtain a contradiction. 0
566 VI. Selected Topics
A compact space is said to have homology of finite type if all its Betti
numbers are finite, and almost all are zero. (Recall that the nth Betti number
of a space X is the dimension of Hn(X).)
We will need the following property of Cech homology:
(3.3) PROPOSITION. Let Z be a compactum having homology of finite type.
Then there exists an c = c(Z) with the following property: For every
compactum X, any two c-close maps f,g : X -+ Z induce the same
homomorphism f* = g* : H*(X) -+ H*(Z).
PROOF. Let Hn(Z) = ~{Hn(N(U)),puv}, where N(U) denotes the nerve
of the finite open cover U of Z, and the Puv are the bonding morphisms;
and let Pu : Hn(Z) -+ Hn(N(U)) be the projection of this inverse limit to
Hn(N(U)). Because Hn(Z) is finite-dimensional, a proof entirely similar to
that of (3.2) shows that there is a finite open cover U = {UI , . .. , Us} of Z
such that Pw : Hn(Z) -+ Hn(N(W)) is monic for each W refining U. Use
normality to find an open cover V = {VI, ... , Vs } of Z such that Vi c Ui
for each i E [s], and set c = mindist(Vi' X - Ui ).
Now let X be any compactum, and let f,9 : X -+ Z be c-close; then
9- I (Vi) C f - I(Ui ) for each i E [s], so with the simplicial map {) determined
by the vertex map g-I(Vi) f---t f-I(U i ) and the obvious homomorphisms f*,
g* (induced by simplicial maps f# , g#) we have the commutative diagram
where the % are the projections in the spectrum for Hn(X). Let a E Hn(X)
and set f*(a) = b, 9*(a) = b; then 9*ql(a) = pv(b) and f*q2(a) = Pu(b), so
by commutativity
pu(b) = pvupv(b) = PVU9*ql (a) = f*{)ql (a) = f*q2(a) = Pu(b).
Since Pu is monic, this shows that b = b, and because a is arbitrary, we
find that f and 9 induce the same homomorphism Hn(X) -+ Hn(Z). Since
Hn(Z) i= 0 for at most finitely many n, the result follows. D
(3.4) DEFINITION. Let X be a compactum.
(a) A Borsuk presentation B = {Zi liE N} for X consists of a
descending sequence ZI ~ Z2 ~ ... of compact ANRs such that
n:1 Zi = X.
§20. Further Results and Supplements 567
Since every com pactum X can be embedded in the Hilbert cube and have ar-
bitrarily small compact ANR neighborhoods there, each such X has Borsuk
For any compactum Y, the set of B-maps X ----+ Y is a nonempty closed
subset in the function space Y x (with the sup metric) containing the con-
stant maps. Given a B-map f : X ----+ Y and any 9 : Y ----+ Z, the composition
is also a B-map; in particular, composition in XX preserves the B-property.
PROOF. Choose E(X) as in (3.3) and fix E > 0 with E < E(X). Find Zn
and a map gn = 9 : Zn ----+ X with d(gj(x),f(x)) < E for all x E X ,
where j : X '-> Zn. Since gj, f : X ----+ X are E-close, they induce the same
homomorphism in homology, so )..(jg) = )..(gj) = )..(f) =1= o. Because Zn is
an ANR, this implies that jg : Zn ----+ Zn has a fixed point xo , necessarily in
X, so d(f(xo),xo) = d(f(xo),g(xo)) < E. Thus f has an E-fixed point for all
sufficiently small E > 0, which completes the proof. 0
the diagram
where k > i and j*, p* are induced by inclusions. Then there exists
an N such that j* is monic for all i ~ N; and for each such i, there
exists a k(i) ~ i such that Imp* C Imj* for all k ~ k(i).
PROOF. Choose a basis {Zl, ... , zn} for H*(X). It follows from (3.2) that
there is a ZN on which these generators are linearly independent, so j* is
monic for all i ~ N. Fix any such Zi; because Zi has homology of finite
type, we find that for the inclusion w : (Zi' 0) ----7 (Zi' X) the image Im w*
is finitely generated, so if we let J..t : (Zi' X) ----7 (Zi' Zk) be the inclusion
(with k > i), another application of (3.2) shows that there is a k(i) such
that J..t* : H*(Zi,X) ----7 H*(Zi , Zk) is monic on Imw* for all k ~ k(i). Now
consider the diagram
All maps being induced by inclusions, the triangle is commutative; and both
the horizontal and vertical lines are exact. For any y E H*(Zk), we have
A*P* (y) = 0 by exactness, so by commutativity,
because J..t* is monic on Im w*, this shows that w*p* (y) = 0, and therefore
p* (y) E Ker w* = Im j*; since y was arbitrary, the proof is complete. 0
(3.8) LEMMA (Borsuk's trace lemma). Let X, Y, Z be compacta, each
having homology of finite type, and let j : X ----7 Z and p : Y ----7 Z be
maps such that in the diagram of induced maps
§20. Further Results and Supplements 569
Jnl ~ lpn
Hn(X) ~ Hn(Z)
we note that
In =
ZJn, Pn =
and therefore, by assumption,
From (**), since i is monic, we obtain
Now, using (* )-( ***) and the commutativity of the trace, we obtain
tr(fn) = tr(J;;lJnfn) = trGnfnJ;;l) = tr(Pn9njnJ;;1)
= tr(Pn9niJnJ;;1) = tr(Pn9n i ) = tr(iPn9n)
= tr(Pn9n) = tr(9nPn),
and thus the proof is complete. o
We are now ready to prove the main result of this section.
(3.9) THEOREM (Borsuk- Dugundji). Let X be a compactum with homol-
09Y of finite type and a Borsuk presentation B = {Zd. If f : X - t X
is an NB-map with A(f) f:. 0, then f has a fixed point.
PROOF. Let N be a fixed integer. We start by finding a Zs C ZN such that
the inclusion X '---+ Zs induces a monic w* : H*(X) - t H*(Zs)' For this Zs
there is an Cs = c(Zs) satisfying (3.3). For c = min(cs, liN) we find a Zn
as in Definition (3.6); we can assume that Zn C Zs , so in particular, the
inclusion X '---+ Zn also induces a monic j* : H*(X) - t H*(Zn)' Now choose
k > n so large (as we can by Lemma (3.7)) that in the diagram
. lp,
H*(X) ~H*(Zn) ~H*(Zs)
570 VI. Selected Topics
f j s
X ---t X "-> Zn "-> Zs
are Es-close , they induce the same homomorphism in homology, so that
s*p*g*j* = s*j*f*. Because s*j* = w* is monic, we find that s* is monic on
Imj* =::l Imp*, so p*g*j* = j*f* : H*(X) ---t H*(Zn). Now, by Borsuk's trace
lemma (3.7) we conclude that )..(pg) = )..(f) =I O. Because Zn is a Lefschetz
space, it follows that pg : Zn ---t Zn has a fixed point ZN; we note that
ZN E Zk C ZN and d(f(zN), ZN) < E ::; liN . Performing this construction
for N = 1,2, ... , we can, because X = n~=l ZN, choose a subsequence of
{ZN} converging to some Zo EX. Then 1(zo) = Zo, and since J1x
= f, the
proof is complete. 0
(3.10) COROLLARY. Let X be a connected compactum with homology of
finite type and a Borsuk presentation B.
(a) If X is acyclic, then any NB-map f : X ---t X has a fixed point.
(b) If x( X) =I 0, then any homeomorphism h : X ---t X that is an
NB-map has a periodic point.
(c) If the odd-dimensional Cech homology groups H2i+l(X; Q) are
all zero, then any NB-map f : X ---t X has a periodic point.
In subsections A and B, in the context of the Lefschetz theory, we replace singular homol-
ogy by Cech cohomology. Thus "Lefschetz maps" , "Lefschetz spaces" etc . are understood
to be taken with respect to Cech cohomology. Using the continuity of the Cech theory, we
derive some general fixed point theorems, different from those previously established.
(A .I) (Asymptotically regular maps) Let X be a space and f : X --> X a map. We say
that f is asymptotically regular ifthere exists a family {Ka I a E A} of non empty compact
subsets of X satisfying:
(i) f(Ka) C K a for each a E A ,
(ii) for any a,;3 E A there exists a I E A such that K, C Ka n K (3 ,
(iii) for any a E A and ;3 E A with K (3 C Ka there exists a positive integer n such
that r(Ka ) C K (3 .
Observe that conditions (i)- (iii) imply that Ko = aEA Ka =I- 0 and f(Ko) C Ko·
(a) Let f : X --> X be asymptotically regular. For a E A, let f:;' : H(Ka ) -->
H(Ka), fa : H(Ko) --> H(Ko) and i~ : H(Ka) --> H(Ko) denote the homomorphisms of
§20. Further Results and Supplements 571
(A.2) (Maps in the class Xa~) If X is a space and f: X ---7 X, we let Cf = n~l reX)
denote the core of f, and by "f/ (Cf) the set of all open nbd 's of C f in X. We define the
class Xa~ by the condition f E Xa~ if and only if f : X ---7 X is locally compact and C f
is nonempty and compact e).
(a) Let X be a regular space and f : X ---7 X be in X'a~. Show: For each U E "f/(C f)
there exists a Vu E "f/(C f) such that :
(i) Vu C U,
(ii) f(Vu) C Vu ,
(iii) Ku = f(Vu) U C f is compact.
[Given U E "f/(C f), using local compactness of f, choose aWE "f/(C f) such that We U
and K = feW) is compact. Consider the compact set K n (X - W) and note that for
each x E K n (X - W) there exists an nx E N such that x E X - fn x (K), because
nnEN r(K) C X - (K n (X - W)). From this, by compactness, K n (X - W) C
U~= l (X - fn Xi (K)) for some nx,,···, nXk E N. Let n = max1:::;i:::; k n Xi and set Vu =
V = W n r1(W) n··· n r(n+1)(W).
Fix x E f(V) and observe that:
(i) n~~} fi(W) C n~o fi(K) C W n K.
(ii) fi(x) E W for i = 0,1, . . . ,n, and hence x E W n r1(W) n · · · nrn(W) .
e) To simplify notation, we write H(X) for H* (X; Q); we use the notation analogous
to that of Section 1 of §15.
e) Observe that if f E Xa~ and the orbits {Ox} of f are relatively compact, then
f E £as (cf. (15.6.1)).
572 VI. Selected Topics
(B.1) Let X be an admissible Lefschetz space, and let f : X ---> X be in Xa~. Prove:
For each U E Y (0 f), the map fu : K U ---> K u is Lefschetz, and FixUU) i= 0 whenever
AUu) i= O.
[Consider the commutative diagram
/ I
Ku ~ f(Ku) U f(Vu) ~ ... ~ f"(Ku) U f(Vu) ~ f(Vu) ~ Vu
I/ l~ui
where the horizontal arrows are inclusions and the others are evident contractions of f .
Use (A.2), (15.6.3), and the general properties of Lefschetz maps to conclude that fu is a
strongly Lefschetz map.]
§20. Further Results and Supplements 573
(B.2) (Le/schetz theorem for maps in Xa~) Let X be an admissible Lefschetz space and
/ : X....... X a map in Xa~. Prove:
(i) The contraction J: OJ ....... OJ of / is a Lefschetz map.
(ii) If A(]) =F 0, then Fix(]) =F 0 and Fix(f) =F 0.
theory deals with the study of critical points of a smooth function on a man-
ifold M. When M is finite-dimensional, the main ingredient of the theory
is that the presence of a critical point of Morse index q changes the homo-
topy type of the sublevel sets of f by attaching a q-dimensional ball along
its boundary (see Milnor [1963]) . This fact remains true for an infinite-
dimensional Hilbert manifold, so Morse theory holds in this framework and
it detects critical points with finite Morse index (see Palais [1963]). How-
ever, since every infinite-dimensional sphere in a Hilbert space is an AR, the
Morse theory fails to detect critical points with infinite index.
Let E be a Hilbert space and f : E ~ R a Morse functional on E (i.e., a
C function satisfying the Palais- Smale condition
2 e)
and such that at every
critical point x, the Hessian D2 f(x) is nondegenerate). We recall that the
Morse index m( x) of f at a critical point x is the dimension of the maximal
subspace of E on which the form D2 f(x) is negative-definite. We say that
f is strongly indefinite if all of its critical points have infinite Morse index.
One general class of strongly indefinite functionals consists of the func-
tionals f on E of the form
f(x) = 2(Lx,x) + b(x),
where L is an invertible self-adjoint bounded operator on E , with infinite-
dimensional positive and negative eigenspaces, E + and E - , and b is a C 2
function satisfying: (i) b is weakly continuous, (ii) the gradient \1b of b is
continuous from the weak to the strong topology of E. Functionals of this
type arise in a natural way in the study of periodic solutions of Hamiltonian
systems, of wave equations, and in many other concrete variational problems
(see Rabinowitz's tract [1986]).
Assumption (ii) implies that the Hessian of b at any point x, D 2 b(x), is
a completely continuous operator. Then it can be shown that the negative
eigenspace V- of D2 f(x) = L + D 2b(x) is commensurable with E - . If x
is a critical point of f, then we define the relative Morse index of x by
E+ -m(x) = dim(V -, E-).
The dimension axiom for the E+ -cohomology theory suggests that a
Morse theory based on Hi;+, rather than on a standard homology or coho-
mology, should be able to detect the critical points of f. Many deformation
arguments in Morse theory require the use of the negative gradient flow , i.e. ,
the local flow obtained by integrating the vector field - \1 f; in the present
case, this local flow has the form
(x , t) f---7 e-tLx - K(x, t),
e) A function j : E ---+ R satisfies the Palais- Smale condition if any sequence {xd
in E such that {f( Xi)} is bounded and IIdj(xi)11---+ 0, contains a convergent subsequence.
§20. Further Results and Supplements 575
where K is continuous from the weak to the strong topology. So the class
of morphisms and homotopies in the h-category £ E+ has to be enlarged to
include maps of this form. Using Z2 as the coefficient group e), it is possible
to prove the homotopy invariance of H;;+ with respect to homotopies of the
h(x, t) = Atlx - K(x, t)],
e) The impossibility of using arbitrary coefficients is due to the fact that the group of
invertible linear operators on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space is connected. A similar
feature appears in degree theory, when one attempts to extend the Leray- Schauder degree
from compact fields to Fredholm maps.
576 VI. Selected Topics
that f(X) has homology of finite type. If f(X) = n~o Zi, where all Zi C X
are compact ANRs , then f is a Lefschetz map , and AU) i=- implies that f
has a fixed point.
The hypothesis in Theorem (3.5) that X has homology of finite type
can be eliminated by a procedure suggested by Borsuk, which associates a
"Lefschetz set" AU) with each B-map f : X --+ X: for any integers n, k, let
AU; n, k) = {A(g) I g: Zn --+ X, d[g(x), f(x)] < 11k for all x E X}
and define
00 00
In this book we concentrated mainly on themes closely related to the
Leray- Schauder theory. Accordingly, a number of special and important
topics were, for obvious reasons, left out. Among these we mention:
(a) Nielsen theory.
(b) The Poincare- Birkhoff theorem.
(c) Symplectic fixed points.
(d) The Lefschetz fixed point theorem for elliptic complexes.
(e) Extensions of degree theory to noncontinuous maps.
(f) Vertical fixed point theory.
§20. Further Results and Supplements 577
For a proof of this result and its applications to the study of geodesics
on S2, the reader is referred to Franks [1992]. For other generalizations
and related results, see "Additional References" III (b) and Hofer- Zehnder
IPH(Z) = ((p,q) - H(p , q,t))dt ,
can be written in the form
. 8H
Joz = V' Ht(z),
where J o is the 2n x 2n matrix (~i~~)'
All the above notions extend in a natural way to the category of symplec-
tic manifolds. Let (M,w) be a symplectic manifold, where M is a compact
smooth manifold of even dimension 2n and w is a nondegenerate 2-form on
M e).A smooth time-dependent Hamiltonian H : M x R --+ R determines
a Hamiltonian vector field X H on M by the formulaw(X H ,·) = dHtC). The
vector field X H generates a Hamiltonian flow 'Pk E Diff(M) satisfying
'PH=1'd M·
e) For the terminology used in these comments and for further reading, see Arnold
[1980], McDuff-Salamon [1995], Hofer- Zehnder [1994], and M. Schwarz [1993].
e) This means that the nth exterior power w n does not vanish at any point of M ;
then the form vol = (l/n!)w n is the canonical volume form on M .
580 VI. Selected Topics
e) Recall that the mod 2 cup length cup(M) of a manifold M is the minimal number
N such that for any cohomology classes a1, ... , ow E H* (M; Z2) with deg ai :::: 1, their
cup product a1 U ... U aN is zero; it can be proved that Cat(M) :::: cup(M).
§20. Further Results and Supplements 581
Since 1989, the work of Floer has been extended by several authors. The
following two recent results are of special interest and importance:
(i) In 1998, G. Liu and G. Tian, and independently K. Fukaya and
K. Ono, proved Arnold's conjecture for general symplectic manifolds, as-
suming that all fixed points of a Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms f : M -+ M
are nondegenerate (see Liu- Tian [1998] and Fukaya- Ono [1999]).
(ii) In 1999, Yu. Rudyak proved the original Arnold conjecture for ar-
bitrary symplectic manifolds satisfying the Floer condition 1[2(M) = 0 (see
Rudyak [1999] and also his papers in "Additional References" III(b)).
" k tr('Pk ,p)
v(p) = ~)-1) Idet(l- dfp)I'
This theorem and its proof are quite sophisticated. The techniques de-
veloped for the proof have had in fact a great influence on the development
of several areas of topology and differential geometry. There are a number
of significant applications. For the de Rham complex of exterior differen-
tial forms on a smooth manifold, it is the classical Lefschetz- Hopf index
theorem. Further specific cases yield precise descriptions for isometries on
Riemannian manifolds. As an example one obtains the following
10 Degree for VMO maps. For simplicity, we shall only consider an ex-
tension of the Brouwer degree for maps from sn to sn. First we gather some
definitions and results about the class BMO of functions of bounded mean
§20. Further Results and Supplements 583
IlfllBMO = sup
IBII r If(x) - fBI dx <
Ilfll* = sup
IBl 12 r r If(x) -
iB iB
f(y)1 dx dy.
L OO functions lie in BMO(Rn), but they are not dense; for example,
g(x) = log Ixl belongs to BMO(Rn) but cannot be locally approximated by
bounded functions near the origin.
The definition of BMO makes sense as soon as there are proper notions
of integral and ball in a space. Thus for example, we have the Banach space
BMO( sn) of the BMO functions f : sn ........, R. Functions in the Sobolev
class H1 ,p(sn) belong to BMo(sn), and the space BMo(sn) is contained
in LP(sn) for I ::; p < 00; the functions in CO(sn) are also not dense in
Let VMo(sn) be the closure of CO(sn) in BMo(sn); the elements f E
VMO( sn) are the functions of vanishing mean oscillation on sn. These
functions are characterized by the property that
IBII iB If(x) - fBI dx = O.
fe;(x) = IBe;~ x )1 r
f(y) dy
e) For the terminology used in these comments and further reading see Iwaniec-
Martin [2001] .
§20. Further Results and Supplements 585
where f#rt is the pull-back of a smooth n-form rt on N. One can express the
degree in equivalent form by the formula
d(J; M, N) = 1M J(x , J) dx ,
where the Jacobian determinant J(x, J) is the pull-back of the volume form,
J(x, J)dx = f#(dy) .
If f : M -+ N is not smooth, but in the Sobolev class w1,n(M, N) ,
then the Jacobian J(x, J) exists almost everywhere and is L1-integrable;
one can therefore define the degree d(J; M , N) of f again by the formula
(**). This case, however, is covered by the Bn§zis- Nirenberg theory because
W1,n(M, N) c VMO(M, N). Since, as shown by F. Bethuel, for 1 ~ p < n,
W1 ,P(M, N) need not necessarily be smaller than VMO(M, N), the natural
question emerged whether one can make sense of the degree formula (**)
for maps with nonintegrable Jacobian.
T. Iwaniec and his collaborators have developed, in fact , a viable degree
theory for maps in some classes slightly below the Sobolev class w1 ,n (M, N).
One typical example is the Orlicz- Sobolev space W1 ,P(M, N) , where P =
P(t) = t n /log(e + t). It consists of the maps f : M -+ N whose differential
D f : T M -+ TN satisfies (1 )
r log(eIDf(x)ln
+ ID f(x)l) x < 00.
( ) .1
d f; M , N = 10->0+
hm M
J(x, J)
1D f( x )1 10 dx
defines the degree, which is invariant under homotopy within each of the
above classes of maps. For details of the above theory, the reader is referred
to Greco- Iwaniec- Sbordone- Stroffolini [1995] and Hajlasz- Iwaniec- Maly-
Onninen [2003].
(1) It can be proved that each Orlicz- Sobolev class w1 .P (sn,Sn) with P = P(t) =
o(tn) contains an orientation-preserving map with non integrable Jacobian. This implies
that there is no integral formula for the degree of a map in any such class.
586 VI. Selected Topics
A. Generalities
We use the standard set-theoretic and logical symbols: f/J for the empty set,
U for the union of sets, n for intersection, - for difference, and c for inclu-
sion. The Cartesian product of two sets A and B is denoted by A x B, and
the product of an indexed family by IliEI Ai. The symbol x E A indicates
that x is an element of the set A; the negation of a membership assertion
is indicated by tf-. The subset of all elements x of a set X that have some
property P (i.e., for which P(x) holds) is denoted by {x E X I P(x)}.
The connectives "implies" and "if and only if" are denoted by ::::::? and <=>,
respectively. The set of all subsets of a set X is denoted by 2x.
The following fixed notations are used:
N = set of natural numbers,
Z = ring of integers,
R = field of real numbers,
C = field of complex numbers,
Q =
vI: x;,
field of rational numbers,
Rn = Euclidean n-space with Ilxll =
Appendix: Preliminaries 589
Given two sets X and Y, a map f : X ----+ Y from X to Y assigns to
every x E X a well determined f (x) E Y; the set of all maps from X to
Y is denoted by Y x. If f : X ----+ Y and 9 : Y ----+ Z, the composite map
go f : X ----+ Z is defined by x f--+ f(g( x)). If A c X is a subset , the inclusion
i : A ----+ X is defined by i(a) = a for all a E A; if A = X , the inclusion
i becomes the identity map id x on X. The composite of i : A ----+ X with
f : X ----+ Y is denoted by flA : A ----+ Y and is called the restriction of f
to A; we say that f extends flA over X. For a map f : X ----+ Y , if A c X
and BeY, the image f(A) of A and the counterimage f-l(B) of Bare
given by
f(A) = {J(x) Ix E A}, f-l(B) = {x E X I f(x) E B}.
A map f : X ----+ Y is injective if f(x) = f(x ' ) implies x = x'; it is
surjective if f(X) = Y; a map that is both injective and surjective is said
to be bijective. If f : X ----+ Y and 9 : Y ----+ X with gf = id x , then f is
injective and 9 is surjective. For a bijective f : X ----+ Y, the inverse of f is
denoted by f - 1 : Y ----+ X; it is characterized by the identities f- l 0 f = id x ,
fof - l=id y .
If x E X = ITiE! Xi, we write x = {XdiEI and call Xi E Xi the ith
coordinate of x; the map Pi : X ----+ Xi given by x f--+ Xi is the projection of
X onto the axis Xi.
A family {JdiE! of maps h : X ----+ Yi is separating provided for any
Xl , X2 E X there is a map fj with fj(xt} =I- fj(X2). If {JdiE! is separating,
then x f--+ {Ji(X)}iE! is an injective map of X into the product ITiE! Yi.
A binary relation j in a set X is called a preorder if (a) x j x for every
x EX, (b) x j y and y j z implies x :::S z; it is called a partial order if
also (c) x :S y and y :S x implies x = y. A set X together with a preorder
(respectively partial order) j is called a preordered (respectively partially
ordered) set. A subset A of a preordered set (X, j) is cofinal in X if for each
x E X there is an a E A with x j a. An element Xo E X is called maximal
in X if there is no x E X with x =I- Xo j x; a minimal element is defined
590 Appendix: Preliminaries
B. Topological Spaces
A topological space is a pair (X, 7) consisting of a set X and a collection
7 = {U} of subsets of X called open sets such that:
(i) any union and any finite intersection of open sets are open,
(ii) the whole space X and the empty set 0 are open.
The collection 7 is a topology for X. The sets complementary to the open
sets are called closed sets. Any intersection and any finite union of closed sets
are closed; X and 0 are closed. The closure A of A c X is the intersection
of all closed sets that contain A. The interior Int(B) of B is the union of
all open sets that are subsets of B. A is closed if and only if A = A, and B
is open if and only if B = Int(B). The set 8A = A n X - A is the boundary
of A, and its elements are boundary points of A. If A c B eX, then A is
dense in B if A = B. A space X is separable if it contains a countable set
dense in X.
A space X is connected if it is not expressible as the union of two
nonempty disjoint open sets. In any space X, the union of all connected
sets containing an x E X is called the component of x in X; the set of
components of the points of X forms a partition of X , and the members of
this partition are called the components of X. Each component is a maximal
connected subset of X and is closed in X.
A base for the topology of a topological space is a collection {3 c 7 of
sets such that the open sets are all the unions of members of {3. A collection
(J C 7 is a subbase for 7 if the family of all finite intersections of members
Let X and Y be topological spaces. A map f : X --+ Y is continuous if
whenever U is open in Y, f-l(U) is open in X. Evidently if f : X --+ Yand
g : Y --+ Z are continuous, then so is the composite map gf : X --+ Z. If for a
bijective map f : X --+ Y both f and its inverse f- 1 are continuous, then f is
called bicontinuous or a homeomorphism. If such a map exists for two spaces
X and Y, then these spaces are called homeomorphic. A map f : X --+ Y
is an embedding if f maps X homeomorphically onto f(X). An embedding
f : X --+ Y is closed (respectively open) if f(X) is closed (respectively open)
in Y. A continuous map f : X --+ Y is open (respectively closed) provided
f maps open (respectively closed) sets in X onto open (respectively closed)
sets in Y. If A c X, a continuous r : X --+ A with riA = idA is called a
retraction of X onto A; if such an r exists, then A is called a retract of X.
A function f : X --+ R on a topological space X is lower (respectively up-
per) semicontinuous if {x E X I f(x):S; r} (respectively {x E X I f(x) 2:: r})
is closed for each real r. The sum of two and the sup of any family of lower
semicontinuous functions is lower semicontinuous; the inf of any family of
upper semicontinuous functions is upper semi continuous.
Relations between topologies may be conveniently expressed in terms of
continuous maps. If Tl and T2 are topologies on X, then Tl C T2 if and only
if for any space Y every Tl-continuous map f : X --+ Y is also T2-continuous.
for each x E X and each nbd V of x, there exists a nbd U of x such that
U C V; and X is completely regular if for each x E X and closed set A not
containing x, there is a continuous f : X ----+ I with f(x) = 1 and flA = O.
In this book all topological spaces are assumed to be Hausdorff.
(B.1) URYSOHN LEMMA. Let X be normal, and let A and B be two disjoint
nonempty closed subsets of X. Then there is a continuous>. : X ----+ I
such that >.(a) = 1 for a E A and >.(b) = 0 for bE B.
(B.2) THEOREM (Tietze- Urysohn). Let X be normal, A c X closed, and
f : A ----+ R continuous. Then there is an f* : X ----+ R continuous that
extends f over X.
A covering of a topological space X is a collection {U} of sets whose union
is X . If all the sets of a covering {U} are open, then {U} is called an open
covering. A finite covering is one consisting of finitely many sets. A family
of sets has the finite intersection property if any finite number of sets in the
family have a nonempty intersection.
A topological space is compact if it is Hausdorff and if every open cover-
ing contains a finite subcovering. Equivalently, a space is compact if every
family of closed sets with the finite intersection property has a nonempty
intersection. A subset of a space is compact if it is compact when regarded
as a subspace; it is relatively compact if its closure is compact. A topological
space X is locally compact if every point of X has a compact neighborhood.
Some elementary but frequently used properties of compact spaces are:
(a) every compact space is normal; (b) a compact subset of a Hausdorff space
is closed; (c) the continuous image (in a Hausdorff space) of a compact space
is compact; (d) an injective map with a compact domain is an embedding;
(e) a lower (respectively upper) semicontinuous function on a compact space
attains its infimum (respectively supremum).
(B.3) THEOREM (Tychonoff). The topological product of any family of com-
pact spaces is compact.
Generalized convergence
A preordered set (51, :::S) is directed if for each pair x , y E 51 there is some z
such that x :::S z and y :::S z.
Let 51 be a directed set. A net {xa} aEOZ' in a set X is any function
x : 51 --+ X. A net {Y13}13EOZ'o with a domain 510 is a subnet of {Xa}aEOZ' if
there is a function N : 510 --+ 51 such that (i) Y13 = X N (13) for each (3 E 510 ;
(ii) for each a E 51 there is a (3 E 510 such that N(t) ~ a whenever r ~ (3.
Let {Xa}aEOZ' be a net in a topological space X. The net {Xa}aEOZ' con-
verges to a point x E X (written limaEOZ' Xa = x) provided for each nbd U
of x there is an ao E 51 such that for all a ~ ao we have Xa E U.
(i) If A is a subset of a topological space X, then x E A if and only
if there is a net in A converging to x.
(ii) X is compact if and only if each net in X has a subnet converging
to some point of X .
(iii) X is Hausdorff if and only if each net in X converges to at most
one point.
(iv) f : X --+ Y is continuous if and only if limaEOZ' Xa = x implies
limaEOZ' f(xa) = f(x) for each net {Xa}aEOZ' in X.
594 Appendix: Preliminaries
Metrizable spaces
Vn = Un n n
{x I <Pi(X) < lin} ,
finitely many Vi: for 'Pn(x) (x) = s > 0, so {y I 'Pn(x)(Y) > s/2} is a nbd of x
meeting no Vk with k > max{n(x) , 2/s}. We now prove the theorem.
Let {U,\ I A E A} be an open cover; we can assume that the indexing
set A is well ordered. For each fixed integer n = 1,2, ... , define a transfinite
sequence of closed sets as follows:
Observe that with the construction of the sets Vn ,>., we have established
another property of open coverings in metric spaces that is of importance
in applications.
PROOF. The sets Vn ,.x = Q~ n (Hn,.x, 1/(3n)) satisfy (i) Vn ,.x C U.x for all
(n , A); (ii) d(Vn,.x, Vn ,l') 2 1/(3n) whenever p, < A, so the {Vn,.x} are a
pairwise disjoint family for each n; (iii) Un U.x Vn,.x = X; and (iv) for each
n, the family {Vn ,.x I A E A} is nbd-finite. 0
For any space Y, the support supp(f) of a map f : Y ---+ R is the
closed set {y E Y I f(y) i= O}. Let Y be a space and {U.x I A E A} an open
covering of Y. By a partition of unity subordinate to {U.x} is meant a family
of continuous maps /'\,.x : Y ---+ I for A E A such that:
(i) supp(/'\,.x) C U.x for each A,
(ii) {supp(/'\,.x) I A E A} is a nbd-finite closed covering of Y,
(iii) L:.x /'\,.x(y) = 1 for all y E Y.
Let X be paracompact, and let {U.x I A E A} be any open covering of X.
(a) {U.x} has an open nbd-finite refinement {V.x I A E A} with V.x C U.x
for each A.
(b) {U.x} has an open refinement {VI'I p, E M} with the property: for
each x E X, the union U{VJl I x E VJl} is contained in some U.x.
(This is called an open barycentric refinement.)
(c) {U.x} has a subordinate partition of unity.
and the sup is attained with ~ = {z} E 17. Thus 1I"\(y) - "\(z) II = d(y , z) and
,,\ is isometric.
Now we observe that (a) fp(e) == 0; (b) for each y E Y, we have fy(e) = 0
whenever =:J {y,p}.
In particular, "\(Y) contains the origin of C(17). Let L be the linear span
of "\(Y) in C(17); clearly, L is a normed linear space which need not be
closed in C(17); but "\(Y) c L , and we now show that "\(Y) is closed in L.
Let gEL - "\(Y); then 9 = L:~1 adYi for suitable real ai and Yi E Y.
Because 9 rf- "\(Y) , we have 9 i= fYi for i = 1, ... , n; to show that "\(Y) is
closed in L , it is sufficient to show that B(g, 0) n "\(Y) = 0 for some 0 > O.
Let 0 > 0 be smaller than
min {~lIgll, ~ IIg - fYllI ,· .. , ~ IIg - fYn II}
and assume IIg - fyil < 0 for some fy E "\(Y); then for this fy we would have
IIfy - fyJ 2: 0 and IIfyll = IIfy - fpll 2: 0; therefore, because ,,\ is isometric,
d(y,Yi) 2: 0 and d(y,p) 2: o. But IIg - fyll 2: Ig(~) - fY(~)1 for every eEL';
in particular, for ~ = {Y1,"" Yn,P} we have g(~) = 0 by (b), so
IIg - fyll 2: Ify(~)1 = d(y , {Y1,"" Yn,P}) 2: 0,
contradicting the assumption that IIg - fyll < O. Thus B(g, 0) n "\(Y) = 0,
and since gEL - "\(Y) was arbitrary, the proof is complete. 0
Set-valued maps
Let X, Y be topological spaces. A map S : X -+ 2Y is called a set-valued
map; the sets Sx are the values of S. The image of an A C X is S(A) =
U{Sx I x E A}, and the graph of Sis G s = {(x,y) E X x Y lyE Sx}.
The inverse S-l : Y -+ 2x and the dual S* : Y -+ 2x of S are the maps
Y f--> S - ly = {x E X lyE Sx} and y f--> S*y = X - S-ly. The values of
S-l (respectively of S*) are called the fibers (respectively the cofibers) of S.
Note that S is surjective (i.e., S(X) = Y) if and only if its fibers S-ly
are all nonempty. By a fixed point of a set-valued map S : X -+ 2Y is meant
a point Xo E X for which Xo E SXo . Clearly, if S has a fixed point, then so
does S - l.
The union SUT (respectively intersection SnT) of maps S, T : X -+ 2Y
is the map x f--> Sx U Tx (respectively x f--> Sx n Tx). The composition of
S : X -+ 2Y and G : Y -+ 2 z is the map x f--> G(Sx). An S : X -+ 2Y is
point-compact if each Sx is compact.
Appendix: Preliminaries 599
Vector spaces
We will use K to denote either the field R of real numbers or the field C
of complex numbers. A vector space E over the field K is an abelian group
E together with a map K x E ---t E (in which the image of (A, x) is written
AX) satisfying
A(X + y) = AX + AY, A(f-LX) = (Af-L)X,
(A + f-L)x = AX + f-LX, Ix = x,
for all x, y E E and A, f-L E K. The field K is called the scalar field of E , and
the map K x E ---t E the scalar multiplication; K is itself a vector space over
K if the scalar multiplication is defined to be the multiplication in K. We
say E is a real (respectively complex) vector space if K = R (respectively
A subgroup M C E is called a linear subspace if AX E M for all A E K
and x E M; the quotient group, with scalar multiplication defined by setting
A(X + M) = AX + M for each coset, is also a vector space over K, called the
quotient space E / M.
If a, b are elements of E, the set {x I x = (1 - A)a + Ab, 0 ::::; A ::::; I}
is called the line segment joining a to b; a subset C C E is convex if for
600 Appendix: Preliminaries
each pair a, b E C, the line segment joining them lies in C . For any subset
AcE, the intersection of all convex sets containing A is called the convex
hull conv(A) of A ; it is the "smallest" convex set containing A and can be
described directly in terms of A as
n n
conv(A) = {Y I Y = L Aiai; ai E A , Ai :2 0, L Ai = 1; n arbitrary}.
i=l i=l
The intersection of all linear subspaces containing A is called the linear span
of A and is denoted by span(A); it is the smallest linear subspace containing
A and can be described as
span(A) = {Y I Y = L Aiai ; Ai E K, ai E A; n arbitrary}.
of linear spaces and linear operators is exact if the image of each operator is
precisely the kernel of the next operator. Because every short exact sequence
o ~ El ':0. E2 ~ E3 ~ 0 of vector spaces and linear operators splits, it
follows that E2 ~ El E9 E 3; as in the case of abelian groups, since any linear
operator T : E ~ F gives rise to a short exact sequence 0 ~ Ker T ~ E ~
ImT ~ 0, we have E/KerT ~ ImT.
each v E V there exists some E: > 0 and finitely many aI, . .. ,an E d such
that n~=l {x I Poei (x - v) < c} C V.
Let A be a subset of a locally convex space E. A point x E A is an
extreme point of A if it is not contained in the interior of any line segment
having its endpoints in A . The convex closure Conv A of A is the smallest
closed convex subset containing A.
(C.2) THEOREM (Krein- Milman).
(a) If A is a compact convex subset of a locally convex space E, then
A is the convex closure of its set of extreme points.
(b) If B is any compact subset of E, and if Conv B is also compact,
then all the extreme points of Conv B belong to B .
The weak topology in a locally convex space E is the smallest topology
for which all the linear functionals f : E -+ R that are continuous in the
original topology remain continuous. The weak topology, which is in general
smaller than the original one, also makes E into a locally convex linear
space. We speak of weakly open sets, weak compactness, etc. when referring
to the weak topology.
(C.3) THEOREM (Mazur). In a locally convex space E, a convex set C c E
is weakly closed if and only if it is closed.
Banach spaces
A normed linear space is called a Banach space if the metric determined by
its norm is complete. The Hausdorff completion of any normed linear space
is a Banach space; in particular, every normed linear space can be mapped
by a linear isometry onto a dense subset of a Banach space.
If E, F are linear topological spaces, then the set of all continuous linear
operators from E to F, with the operations
(S + T)(x) = S(x) + T(x) and ('\T)(x) = ,\T(x),
forms a linear space !£(E, F). If both E and Fare normed linear spaces,
then !£(E , F) is normed by setting IITII = sup{IIT(x)lllllxll = I}, and if F
is a Banach space, this norm makes !£(E , F) into a Banach space.
(C.4) THEOREM (Mazur). Let E be a Banach space and ACE a relatively
compact subset. Then its convex closure Conv A is compact.
(C .5) THEOREM . Let E, F be Banach spaces and T E !£(E,F).
(a) (Banach) If T is bijective, then T- I is continuous.
(b) (Schauder) If T is surjective, then T is an open mapping.
(C.6) (Closed graph theorem) Let E, F be Banach spaces. A linear operator
T : E -+ F is continuous if and only if its graph is closed.
604 Appendix: Preliminaries
Riesz-Schauder theory
Let E, F be normed linear spaces. An operator T E 5t'(E, F) is called
Fredholm if 1m T is closed in F and both Ker T and Coker T = Film Tare
of finite dimension. We call
Ind T = dim Ker T - dim Coker T
the (Fredholm) index of T. The subset of 5t'(E, F) of Fredholm operators
of index m is denoted by tPm(E, F).
An operator T E 5t'(E, F) is called completely continuous e)
if T sends
bounded sets in E to relatively compact sets in F. The set of all such
operators is denoted by X(E, F); when E = F we write X(E) = X(E, E).
Some elementary but frequently used properties of completely continuous
operators are:
(i) A completely continuous operator is continuous.
(ii) X(E, F) is a linear subspace of 5t'(E, F).
(iii) If F is a Banach space, then X(E, F) is closed in 5t'(E, F).
(iv) If E is a Banach space and T E X(E), then 1- T E tPo(E, E).
Let E be a real Banach space and T E X (E). We call
r(T) = Vt E R I Ker(I - J-lT) =1= {O}}
(1) Note that such operators are now often called "compact", which is in conflict with
our terminology of §6.
606 Appendix: Preliminaries
the set of characteristic values of T. It is clear that 0 tI- r(T) and fL E r(T) {::?
fL- 1 is an eigenvalue of T.
Hilbert spaces
Denote the complex conjugate of z E C by z. Let E be a complex Banach
space. A map Ex E -+ C (the image of the pair (x, y) being denoted simply
by (x, y)) is called an inner product on E if:
(a) (x , >..y + fLZ) = ~(x, y) + 7l(x , z) for all x, y E E and >.., fL E C,
(b) (x, y) = (y, x) for all x, y E E,
(c) (x,x) ~ 0 and (x,x) i= 0 if x i= o.
An inner product in a real Banach space is a real-valued map E x E -+ R
having the properties (a)- (c) (so that the bars can be omitted) .
It follows that Ilxll = ~ is a norm. A real (or complex) Banach
space with norm obtained from an inner product is called a Hilbert space.
We list their main properties:
(i) A norm in a (real or complex) Banach space E is derivable from an
inner product if and only if it satisfies the parallelogram law:
Ilx + Yl12 + Ilx - Yl12 = 211xl1 2+ 211Y112.
(ii) The inner product on a Hilbert space H is continuous on H x H,
and l(x,y)1 :S Ilxll·llyll for all X,y E H.
(iii) (F. Riesz) Given any continuous linear functional f : H -+ K
on the Hilbert space H, there exists a unique y E H such that
f (x) = (x, y) for all x E H.
(iv) Every Hilbert space is reflexive.
Let H be a Hilbert space. A subset A cHis called orthogonal if (x,y)=O
for all x , yEA with x i= y; if also Ilxll = 1 for each x E A , then A is called
Appendix: Preliminaries 607
3. The spaces Ck(D). Given an integer k 2: 1 let Ck(D) be the set of all
real-valued functions u defined in D whose partial derivatives of order::::; k
all exist and are continuous e). The class C k (D) is a Banach space under
one of the equivalent norms
e) We assume that each U E C k (1]) admits a C k extension over some nbd of 1] in Rn.
608 Appendix: Preliminaries
For an integer k 2: 1 and 0 < a < 1, let ck+a (fl) be the set of all functions
u that together with their derivatives up to order k are Holder continuous
with exponent a. The class C k + a (fl) is a Banach space under one of the
equivalent norms
IIUIIk+a = L IIDsulla,
Is l ~k
and set
Ck,P(rl) = {u E Ck(Q) Illullk,p < oo}.
We denote by Wk ,P(rl) the completion of Ck(Q) with respect to the norm
II Ilk,p. Note that {urn} is a Cauchy sequence in Ck,P(Q) if and only if
IIDsu rn - DSukllp -+ 0 as m, k -+ 00 (0::; lsi::; k).
Because LP(Q) is complete, there exist functions US E LP(Q) such that
IIDsu rn - uSllLP -+ O. We can assign to uO E Wk,P(Q) the functions US
(0 < Is I ::; k) and call these functions the "derivatives" of uO. One verifies
that W k,2(rl) is a Hilbert space with the inner product
(u, v) = 1L
[} O~lsl~k
DSu(x)DSv(x) dx, u, v E Wk ,2(Q).
D. Algebraic Preliminaries
A set C together with a map (x, y) f-t X + y from C x G to C is called an
abelian group whenever:
(i) x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z for all x, y, z E C,
(ii) x + y = y + x for all x, y E G,
(iii) there exists an element 0 E C such that x + 0 = x for all x E C,
(iv) for each x E G there is an x' E G such that x + x' = O.
The element 0 is unique, as also is the inverse x' of each x; x' is written -x ,
and x+( -y) is written x-yo A set A eGis called a subgroup of G if x-y E A
for all x,y E A; the set CIA = {z+A I z E G}, with addition defined on the
cosets z+A = {z+a I a E A} by setting (x+A)+(y+A) = (x+y)+A, is also
Appendix: Preliminaries 609
Exact sequences
A sequence
... -t G' -t G -t Gil -t ...
o --t
Ker tp --t --t H --t
Pc oker tp --t 0
is exact.
An exact sequence of the form
o - t G' ~ G ~ Gil -t 0
is called a short exact sequence. Since every homomorphism <p : G - t H
gives rise to an obvious short exact sequence 0 - t Ker <p - t G - t 1m tp - t 0,
we have G IKer <p ~ 1m tp.
Observe that any 5 consecutive terms in a long exact sequence
G i ~ G2 -t G3 --t G4 ~ G5
give rise to a short exact sequence
o - t Coker <Pi -t G3 -t Ker tp4 -t o.
A short exact sequence (*) is said to be split if one of the following
equivalent conditions is satisfied:
610 Appendix: Preliminaries
(i) 'P has a left inverse 'P', that is, 'P' 'P = lGI,
(ii) 7j; has a right inverse 7j;', that is, 7j;7j;' = lGII,
(iii) G ~ G' EEl Gil.
The following behavior of exact sequences is frequently used:
(D.l) 5-LEMMA. In the commutative diagram
AI--A2 --A3 --A4 --A5
lVl lV2 lV3 lV4 lV5
BI--B2 --B3 --B4 --B5
of abelian groups and homomorphisms, with exact rows, if VI , V2, V4,
V5 are all isomorphisms, then V3 is also an isomorphism.
has exact rows and the "Ii are isomorphisms, then the sequence
is exact.
Let X be any set of objects. The set F(X) of all formal finite linear
combinations L: eixi of elements of X with ei E Z forms the free abelian
group generated by X. Because the elements of X form a basis in F(X), every
map from X to a set Y induces a unique homomorphism i.p : F(X) ---> F(Y).
We now list some properties of the tensor product:
(a) If a = or c = 0, then a 0 c = 0; the converse need not be true.
(b) n(a 0 c) = (na) 0 e = a ® nc for all n E Z.
(c) 0 is commutative, associative, and
for any abelian group G. The group Ker(o: (1) is called the torsion product
of A and G, and is denoted by Tor(A, G). We list some of its properties:
(a) The group Tor(A, G) is independent of the particular free presenta-
tion used for A, and is functorial in A and G.
(b) Tor(A, G) ~ Tor(G, A).
(c) Tor(EB a Ax, G) ~ EBa Tor(Aa, G).
(d) Tor(A, G) = 0 if either A or G is free, and
Tor(Z InZ, Z ImZ) ~ Z I(n, m)Z.
(e) If 0 --+ A ~ B -! C --+ 0 is any exact sequence of abelian groups,
then for any abelian group G, there is an exact sequence
0--+ Tor(A, G) --+ Tor(B, G) --+ Tor(C, G)
--+ A 0 G ~ B 0 G ~ C 0 G --+ O.
(D.5) THEOREM. Let {G a }, {G a } be two direct systems over 1), and let
{h a : G a ---+ Ga I a E 1)} be a family of homomorphisms such that
h{37ra{3 = ira{3ha if a ~ (3. Then there exists a unique homomorphism
h= : G= ---+ Goo with the property that hoou a = uah a for all a E 1).
Appendix: Preliminaries 615
(D.6) THEOREM. Let {Ca } be a direct system of chain complexes over the
directed set V . Then for each n = 0, 1, ... ,
lli!}Hn(Ca ) = Hn(lli!}Ca ).
(D.7) THEOREM. Let {G~}, {G a }, and {G~} be direct systems over the
same directed set V , and assume that for each a E V there is an
exact sequence G~ --t G a --t G~, where the maps commute with those
defining the direct systems. Then the induced sequence
lim G~
~ ~
--t lim G a
--t lim G~
~ ~
is also exact.
(D.8) THEOREM. Let Nand C be directed sets. Define an order on N xC
by (0, k) ::S ({3, l) provided a ::S (3 and k ::S l. Let Ga ,k be a direct
system over N x C. Then:
(a) the maps Ga,k --t lli!!k Ga,k --t lli!;aOi.~k Ga ,k) induce an iso-
a ' k ~ lim(limG
--+ --+
a ' k) ,
a,k a k
(b) there is a natural isomorphism
-----+ --+
G a ' k) ~ lim(lim
--+ --+
G a ' k).
a k k a
match in the sense that if a ::S fJ, then go. = J-L(3o. (g(3); we call such a system
{go.} a thread and go. is the representative of the thread in Ga. Addition in
Goo is defined in the obvious manner: if 9 = {ga} , g' = {g~} E Goo, then
{ga + g~} is also a thread, and we set 9 + g' = {ga + g~}. This is easily seen
to make Goo an abelian group, the zero being the thread consisting of the
zeros of all Ga.
For each a, mapping a thread to its representative in Go. yields a canon-
ical homomorphism Po. : G= ---7 Go. with the following properties:
(i) 9 = g' in Goo if and only if Po. (g) = Po. (g') for all a E 1),
(ii) Pa = J-L(3aP(3 whenever a ::S fJ·
Several simple notions about categories and functors are needed in order to
express , quickly and precisely, the various mathematical frameworks within
which we work.
A category K is a class (not necessarily a set!) of objects (written A, B,
C, ... ) together with:
1° a family of sets K(A, B), one for each ordered pair of objects (the
elements of K(A , B) are called morphisms from A to B in K and
denoted by f : A ---7 B or A L B), and
2° a function C : K(A, B) x K(B, C) ---7 K(A, C) , one for each ordered
tri pIe of objects (C (f, g) is written 9 0 f or 9 f and called the compo-
sition of f and g) , satisfying the following two conditions:
(a) The composition law is associative: if ALB .J.." C ~ D, then
h 0 (g 0 f) = (h 0 g) 0 f.
(b) For each object B there is a morphism IB E K(B , B) such that
f 0 1B = f for every f : B ---7 C, and 1Bog = 9 for every
g: A ---7 B.
We list a few examples:
(i) The class K of all sets, with K(A, B) being the set of all maps of
A into B with the customary composition law, obviously forms a
category Ens.
(ii) The class K of all topological spaces, with K(A, B) the set of all
continuous maps of A into B and with the usual composition law,
forms a category Top.
(iii) For any category K, the opposite category K* is that having the
same objects as K, morphisms K*(A, B) = K(B , A), and the same
composition law as in K.
Appendix: Preliminaries 617
(iv) There are many categories in which all objects have some type of
algebraic structure, such as the category Ab of abelian groups (in
which all morphisms are homomorphisms) or that of vector spaces,
or modules over a fixed ring, whose definitions are obvious.
whenever the latter diagram commutes. The same terminology applies to
more complicated diagrams; a morphism that completes a given diagram is
usually denoted by a dashed arrow.
618 Appendix: Preliminaries
tAl lt B
is commutative. We denote by Nat(S, T) the set of all natural transforma-
tions of S into T. The natural transformation t : S - t T is called a natural
equivalence if each t A is an isomorphism in L.
We can form a category of functors from K to L, denoted by L K , whose
objects are functors and whose morphisms are natural transformations t :
S - t T. Two functors S, T in this category are isomorphic if there are
natural transformations t : S - t T and s : T - t S such that st = Is and
ts = IT. It is easily seen that Sand T are isomorphic if and only if there
is a natural transformation t : S - t T such that t A : S(A) - t T(A) is an
isomorphism in L for each A in K.
EXAMPLE. Any directed set D may be regarded as a category whose objects
are the elements a , (3, ... of D, the morphisms from a to (3 are given by
D( a, (3) = {((3, a)} if a ::5 (3, and D( a, (3) = 0 otherwise, and the composition
of morphisms is defined by b, (3)((3, a) = b, a) whenever a ::5 (3 ::5 'Y. With
this terminology, a direct system of abelian groups over D may be interpreted
as a functor T : D - t Ab, and a morphism of two direct systems T, S of
abelian groups as a natural transformation T - t S of functors.
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II. Monographs , Lecture Notes, and Surveys 623
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I. Classical Topics
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(a) Results Related to the Banach Theorem
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(c) KKM-Theory. Applications and Related Results
(d) Fixed Points in Linear Topological Spaces
(e) Fixed Points for Kakutani Maps and Related Results
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of Standard Symbols
A=}B A implies B
A<=?B A and B are logically equivalent
xEX x is a member of the set X
x!f.X x is not a member of the set X
AcB A is a subset of B
o Empty set
AuB, UA,X Union
AnB, nA,X Intersection
AC , CA Complement
A-B Set-theoretic difference
AxB, nAi Cartesian product
AIR Quotient set (set of equivalence classes of A with respect to
an equivalence relation R)
2A Set of all subsets of A
BA Set of all maps from A to B
{x I P(x)} Set of all elements x with the property P(x)
{adiEI Family with index set I
I : X-->Y Map 1 from X to Y
x f-t I(x) Map assigning I(x) to x
IIA Restriction of the map 1 to A
go j , gl Composite of the maps 1 and 9
lA, idA Identity map A --> A
r nth iteration of the map 1
(X , A) Pair consisting of the set X and A C X
1 : (X , A) --> (Y, B) Map 1 : X --> Y with I(A) C B
[n) {1 , 2, .. . ,n}
II. Order
III. Algebra
V. Topology
B(x, c) Open ball in a metric space with center x and radius c > 0
K(x,c) Closed ball with center x and radius c
(X,c) Open "ball" with "center" X and radius c > 0
an --+ a Sequence {an} converges to a
lim an Limit of the sequence {an}
X, CIX Closure of the set X
IntX Interior of the set X
aX, FrX Boundary of the set X
8(x, y), d(x, y) Distance between the points x and y
f-::;9 Homotopy of the mappings f and 9
X~Y Homeomorphism of the topological spaces X and Y
diamX, 8(X) Diameter of the set X
nbd Neighborhood
u.s.c. Upper semicontinuous
l.s.c. Lower semicontinuous
670 List of Standard Symbols
AR Absolute retract
ANR Absolute neighborhood retract
ES(Q) Class of extensor spaces for the class Q
NES(Q) Class of neighborhood extensor spaces for the class Q
VII. Homology
[Po, ... , ps J, (PO, ... , Ps), Simplex with vertices PO, . . . , Ps
Ipo, ... ,Psi
,1n Standard n-simplex
[0'] Barycenter of the simplex 0'
Stp Star of the vertex P
Sdmf f(m) mth barycentric subdivision of the complex f
Sd m : C.
( f ) --> C. (f(m)) Subdivision chain homomorphism
If I Support of the simplicial decomposition f
C. = (Cn)n >O Chain complex
an : Cn --> Cn-I Boundary operator
Zn Group of n-cycles
En Group of n-boundaries
Hn nth homology group
Hn(X,A) Relative homology group
Hn(X;G) Homology group with coefficients in G
Hn(f) = f.n Homomorphism of homology groups induced by f
C* = (Cn)n>O Cochain complex
fin : C n --> Cn + I Coboundary operator
Zn Group of n-cocycles
En Group of n-coboundaries
Hn nth cohomology group
Hn(f) = rn Homomorphism of cohomology groups induced by f
)..U) Lefschetz number of the map f
xU) Euler number of the map f
X(K) Euler characteristic of the polyhedron K
List of Standard Symbols 671
VIII. Categories
K Arbitrary category
K(A,B) Set of morphisms from A to B in K
K* Opposite category
Ens Category of sets
Ab Category of abelian groups
GrAb Category of graded abelian groups
Top Category of topological spaces
Top2 Category of pairs of topological spaces
ItE, It Category of compact fields on the normed linear space E
£'E , £, Leray- Schauder category of the normed linear space E
space, 1 subnet,593
special compact field, 358 subpolyhedron, 198, 475
neighborhood, 340 subpolytope, 476
pair of polyhedra, 250 subtriad, 497
PL n map, 251 successive approximations, 23
spectrum of CW-complexes, 528 successor, 614
Sperner labeling, 101 sufficiently many linear functionals, 42
Sperner lemma, 101 , 107 superreftexive space, 78
split exact sequence, 609 support functional, 36
square roots in Banach algebras, 21 of map, 597
S-space, 137 of simplicial decomposition, 197
stability of attractors , 22 of singular chain, 372
of open embeddings, 60 of singular simplex, 372
stable attractor, 426 point, 36
co homotopy, 528 supporting drops theorem , 29
fixed point, 329 supremum, 25
Stampacchia theorem, 49, 66 surjective map, 140, 589,
standard approximating system, 501 set-valued map, 37, 598
Euclidean n-simplex, 372 suspension , 218, 293
form of simplex, 87 sweeping, 132
map, 205, 221 , 480 symbol of differential operator, 581
realization, 203, 477 symmetric set, 136
retraction, 3, 53 triangulation, 88
s-simplex, 86
star, 198, 476 T-admissible homotopy, 553
star-shaped set , 77 map, 553
start of triad, 498 tangent vector, 36
stationarily homotopic maps, 282 Tarski- Kantorovitch theorem, 26
Stone theorem, 595 tensor product , 611
strictly differentiable map, 36 T-equivariant degree, 557
monotone map, 75 thread , 616
separated sets, 170 Tietze-Urysohn theorem, 592
strict minimizer, 30 T-invariant set , 553
strong deformation retract, 289 (T, k )-simple covering, 554
excision, 386, 410, 492, 495 set, 554
normalization, 335, 463 topological entropy, 490
topology, 478 invariance of simplicial homology, 392
strongly acyclic set-valued map, 550 KKM-principle, 97, 190
indefinite Morse functional, 574 space, 590
KKM-map, 38, 96 transversality, 4, 135
Lefschetz map, 422 transversality for coincidences, 136
monotone map, 61 , 75 transversality theorem, 122
structure, 391 topologically complete space, 594
category, 391 topology, 221, 590
subbase, 590 generated by family, 592
subdifferential, 36 torsion product, 612
subdivision, 100 totally bounded space, 595
subgroup, 608, ordered set, 590
of graded group, 612 trace, 223, 225
sub linear functional , 70, 602 triad , 495
690 Index of Terms