Dungeon Gits: Very Small Roleplaying

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DUNGEON GITS is a very small

set of roleplaying rules for 3-6

Grab some paper, pencils and a

bunch of six-sided dice (d6s).
Use minis if you like.

One player is the Referee. They

adjudicate the rules and run the
adventures. The other players
are Player Characters (PCs).

Tests: Whenever a PC wants to

do something where there’s a
consequence, they roll 2d6 +
attribute + relevant knack. If
the result is 10 or more, they
succeed. If it’s less than 10, they
fail and take the consequences.
Crucial successes & fails: If a
‘natural’ 12 is rolled (two sixes), Attributes: Each PC has two
this is a crucial success. The PC attributes:
that rolled it gains a Hero Die. If ★ Bashing (used for
a ‘natural’ 2 is rolled (two ones), combat and
it’s a crucial fail and they lose strength-based tests)
one Hero Die if they have one. ★ Not Bashing (used for
every other kind of test)
Hero Dice: All PCs start with
one Hero Die per session. They Split 3 points between these,
can have a maximum of 3 at any with 0 being the minimum.
one time. When making a Test, a
PC may spend as many Hero Hit Points: PCs begin with 10 +
Dice as they like to add to the Bashing points in Hit Points
roll. Hero Dice can also be spent (HP). When reduced to 0 HP, the
to heal a PC by rolling the die PC is dead. PCs may spend Hero
and healing by that much. Dice after they reach 0 to heal
themselves to life.

Knacks: These are special skills COMBAT

and knowledge a PC possesses.
Choose 3 Knacks, which can be For ordering combat, PCs go
anything the player wants, as first in order of highest Not
long as the Referee is cool with Bashing first. Decide between
it. A Knack offers a +1 to Tests you on a tie. Enemies go after in
that are relevant to that Knack. whatever order the Referee
For example, someone with the wants. A round is over once all
‘chef’ Knack would roll 2d6 + 1 for involved have acted - then a
‘chef’ + Not Bashing when new round begins. Rounds last
cooking. around 10 seconds each.

Money: PCs start with 1d6 + 10 Attacking: When attacking a

copper pieces (cp). non-player character (NPC), the
PC rolls 2d6 + Bashing +
Fleshing out: Give the PC a Weapon bonus. The roll must
name and a class type. This can exceed the NPC’s defense score
be anything, but make it sound (DS). If it succeeds, damage is
cool. done to NPC’s HP equal to the
amount the attack exceeded the
Below is an example PC: DS. If if fails, no damage is done.

Colin the Hairy Defending: When an NPC

Dapper Silvertongue attacks, the PC rolls 2d6 +
Bashing: 1 Bashing + Armour bonus. If it
Not Bashing: 2 equals or exceeds the enemy DS
HP: 11 they take no damage. If it
Knacks: Dancing, Speeches, doesn't, damage is done to PC
Deception. HP equal to the difference
Backpack (6): Staff (1), Hide between the roll and the enemy
armour (1) DS.

Combat participants get one

action each, including
movement (30ft), attacking,
using an item or doing a stunt.


Bonus limits: You can only use

weapons or armour with a
bonus equal to your Bashing

Backpack: Your Backpack is

equal to Bashing + 5. This
determines how many items you
can carry. Anything bigger than
a fist counts as 1 item. Anything
bigger than a leg counts as 2
items. For every point you have
over, reduce Not Bashing rolls
by that much. Also reduce
movement by 5 feet for every
item over.

Costs: Weapons and armour Other equipment

cost 10 x their points in cp. ★ Rope (1cp)
★ Torch (1cp)
Bonuses added to combat are ★ Chalk (1cp)
included in brackets. ★ Wineskin (1cp)
★ 10’ pole (2cp)
Weapons ★ Sandtimer (2cp)
★ Dagger, sling or staff (1) ★ Pitons (3cp)
★ Shortsword, shortbow, ★ Mountain gear (7cp)
hatchet or spear (2) ★ Aristocrat gear (10cp)
★ Longsword, war-axe or ★ Quill & ink (2cp)
longbow (3) ★ Book (3cp)
Armour ★ Oil (2cp)
★ Hide (1) ★ Rations (1cp)
★ Chain (2)
★ Plate (3) Usage: Some items can only be
★ Shield (+1 to current used a limited number of times
armour - can’t be worn (in bold). After using, roll a d6. If
with a two-handed a 1 is rolled, it is all used up.

After completing an adventure, ★ Rat, DS5, HP1
a PC levels up. When this ★ Goblin, DS6, HP3
happens, do the following: ★ Skeleton, DS7, HP5
★ Increase HP by 3; and ★ Orc DS8, HP8
★ Increase one attribute by ★ Giant, DS9, HP10
1; or ★ Ogre, DS10, HP14
★ Gain a new Knack. ★ Dragon, DS15, HP25
★ Titan DS16, HP40
Once a PC has reached fifth
level, they are considered to be Special abilities: The Referee
a veteran and will retire, should feel free to give their
becoming a legend. That player monsters their own abilities.
should write a legendary poem Here are some examples:
about their character as they ★ Venomous: If the PC is
retire. This can be as long or hurt by the monster, they
short as the player wants, must Test Not Bashing. If
they fail, they take 3 HP
damage every hour.
★ Fire breath: The monster
gains a +1 to its DS when
attacking. It deals 2 extra
★ Regenerate: The monster
gains 1d3 HP at the
beginning of its turn.
★ Invisibility: A monster
can turn invisible for 3
rounds per combat. If a
PC attacks, they must
roll a d6. A 1-2 means
they can attack as
normal. A 3+ means they
miss entirely.

MAGIC ITEMS ★ Monster Ball: There’s a 1

in 3 chance of capturing
You can’t just buy magic items one monster of DS7 or
off the rack - they are generally lower in the ball once
found in dangerous and you throw it at their feet.
wondrous locations. They cannot escape
unless you let it out.
★ Cloak of Drifting: While ★ Dog Collar: While
wearing the cloak, you wearing the collar, you
can drift on the breeze can turn into a dog once
up to 10 miles before per hour for 15 minutes.
settling down. Retain all your attributes
★ Mug of Continuous Tea: and knacks. You talk a lot
A mug that refills itself like a famous
with fresh, hot tea. mystery-solving cartoon
★ Talisman of Death: While dog.
worn, you are recognised
by any undead as one of LICENSE
their own. You have no
pulse, but are still alive.
★ Mesmer Pipe: Blowing DUNGEON GITS is made with a
this pipe smoke in creative commons license. You
someone’s face bends are free to share, modify and
them to your will. They adapt it, as long as you credit
follow your instructions the creator Scott Malthouse.
for an hour. Usable one
per day.
★ Bottle Djinn: Grants you
one wish. There’s always
a negative to the
★ Vampire Glove: Touching
someone while wearing
the glove syphons 1d6 HP
from them and transfers
to you once per hour.

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