Dungeon Gits: Very Small Roleplaying
Dungeon Gits: Very Small Roleplaying
Dungeon Gits: Very Small Roleplaying
After completing an adventure, ★ Rat, DS5, HP1
a PC levels up. When this ★ Goblin, DS6, HP3
happens, do the following: ★ Skeleton, DS7, HP5
★ Increase HP by 3; and ★ Orc DS8, HP8
★ Increase one attribute by ★ Giant, DS9, HP10
1; or ★ Ogre, DS10, HP14
★ Gain a new Knack. ★ Dragon, DS15, HP25
★ Titan DS16, HP40
Once a PC has reached fifth
level, they are considered to be Special abilities: The Referee
a veteran and will retire, should feel free to give their
becoming a legend. That player monsters their own abilities.
should write a legendary poem Here are some examples:
about their character as they ★ Venomous: If the PC is
retire. This can be as long or hurt by the monster, they
short as the player wants, must Test Not Bashing. If
they fail, they take 3 HP
damage every hour.
★ Fire breath: The monster
gains a +1 to its DS when
attacking. It deals 2 extra
★ Regenerate: The monster
gains 1d3 HP at the
beginning of its turn.
★ Invisibility: A monster
can turn invisible for 3
rounds per combat. If a
PC attacks, they must
roll a d6. A 1-2 means
they can attack as
normal. A 3+ means they
miss entirely.