On Simulation Model Complexity
On Simulation Model Complexity
On Simulation Model Complexity
Chwij: Bawetto, and Paul
constructive complexity aspect of the model, although incorporation of more objects and elements (we
some aspects of “transparency” will also be discussed. will discuss this matter in the next section).
Very often the complexity of a simulation model is 2. “Include all” Syndrome: it attacks more - ,
confounded with “level of detail” (Webster et al. 1984). In inexperienced modelers. Since they feel
fact “level of detail” is one of complexity’s components “insecure” about what to include in the simulation
whereas “scope” is another. As an example, consider when model, they follow the maxim “It is better the
simulating manufacturing systems, then either the entire excess than the lack” having the tendency to
facility or just one work-center can be modeled. “Scope” is include everything that is possible in the model.
reduced in the latter case when compared to the former. On 3. “Possibility” factor: Because of increasing
the other hand, the work-center could be modeled with an computation power (approximately the speed of
associated processing time or processing times, CPU and memory size doubles its capacity every
breakdowns, shift patterns, material handling equipment, 18 months, according to the old but still in effect
etc. In this case the “level of detail” is much higher Moore’s law), complexity and size is not a
although the scope remains the same (the same work- constraint on building a simulation model
center). The reader should refer to Robinson (1994) for a - anymore. So some people, as amazing as it may
detailed discussion on “Scope” and “Level”. seem, can create complex models, just because
Complexity measures were defined in order to computer power allows it. The increase of
objectively quantify the complexity of a simulation model. computational power allows better model
Wallace (1987) defined a metric called CAT, which performances during the runs. It also gives birth to
measures the complexity of a simulation model represented better software tools. Paradoxically it is also one
using Condition Specification [see Overstreet and Nance factor that is affecting the growing of complex
(1985) for details]. Yucesan and Schruben (1998) proposed models.
metrics based on Event Graphs representations; one of
them following McCabe’s (1 976) work on the complexity Among technical factors we outline:
within software engineering.
All these measures share common issues. First, they Lack of understanding of the real system: The
are associated with a specific model representation system being modeled must be very well
technique i.e. the simulation model should be described in understood by the modeller in order for him to
the given technique in order to be able to measure the formulate correctly the hypothesis and to consider
complexity. Second, none of them covers all aspects of proper levels of detail. If the system is poorly
complexity in a model. Finally, there are no standard understood, the model will be a result of
measures widely accepted. modeler’s misunderstandings, possibly adding
This clearly leaves room for discussion and research to complications that could be unnecessary.
better define model complexity and the components of Inability to model correctly the problem
complexity. (conceptual model): The lack of ability to model
(or abstract) correctly the problem is common.
3 REASONS FOR INCREASING Modelers who tend to build the model “as close to
COMPLEXITY reality as possible”, including practically
everything seen in real world. Since modeling is
Complex and large models are growing at a significant rate an abstraction of reality, model results (not the
(Arthur et al. 1999). This goes against what the general model itself) should be close to reality, not exactly
simulation community preaches. In the following, we the same. Who needs the complexity of reality in
enumerate some reasons for this fact, dividing them into the model when that complexity was what started
technical and non-technical. Non-technical reasons are the project?
related to human nature and we can cite: Inability to translate or code correctly the
conceptual model into a computerized model
“Show off’ factor: A complex model when or lack of the simulation software knowledge:
shown to managers has more impact than a If the modeler is not totally acquainted with the
simpler one, even if they both could perform the functionality of the simulation software or he has
same job. Furthermore since it is more complex it a lack of good programming skills, he can
has a connotation that it was more difficult to generate the code in a very complex way. This
build, valorizing in some sense the modeler’s job. can .lead to a more complex computerized
Besides this, the great focus on animation features simulation model.
could lead to a complex model due to the Unclear simulation objectives: There is
unanimity among several authors [Innis and
Chwif; Barratto, and Paul
Rexstad (1983); Yin and Zhou (1989); Salt plausible reason that their models are better “polished” and
(1993)l that this is one factor that contributes the thus simpler.
most to the growth of complex models. Unclear or
poorly defined objectives directly affects 4.2 Complex Models and Model Validity
complexity “scope” component of a given model.
As Salt (1993) points out: “Where the overall aim It seems there is no conclusive answer about this
(of the simulation model) is poorly defined, the relationship reported in literature. According to Zeigler
anxious simulationist may draw the bounds of the (1984), a more complex model can apparently represent
model too wide, in the hope of including whatever reality better, although we have to agree with Salt’s (1993)
it is that the user is really interested in”. point of view that it is possible to create a complex and
fully detailed model that is completely imprecise.
Another point related to the last item is the fact that we According to Lobiio and Porto (1997) the relationship
are usually tempted to focus on the system itself instead of between “level of detail” (which is a component of
having always in mind the objectives of the system. In complexity) and model confidence (which is directly
order to try to reinforce this fact, we conducted an related to validity) follows a tendency shown in figure 1.
experiment involving 17 people with various knowledge of Nevertheless, all of these statements are hypothesis based
simulation modeling, from very little knowledge (less than on “experience” and “good sense” on how validity is
1 year) to experienced (more than 5 years). We distributed related to complexity, because no extensive experiments
questionnaires containing a written description of a have been reported. There is a possibility to explore this
problem. Then the respondent was asked to draw a relationship further, since it receives so little attention in
communicative model in an ACD (Activity Cycle the literature.
Diagram) from the description. The problem consists
basically of three machines in serial with infinite buffers 4.3 Complex Models and Computer Performance
between them. The objective of this model is to determine
the utilization of machine two (the machine in the middle). Even though there are no conclusive studies, this
All the people involved in this test (including beginners, relationship is quite obvious: computer performance
intermediate and expert modelers) included all the three decreases as model complexity increases. However, the
machines. Since this model has no constraint on buffer shape of this relationship (linear, polynomial, exponential,
size, it could be modeled with only the first two machines, etc) is unknown, as are those components of complexity
because the behavior of machine three does not affect that mostly affect computer performance (Brooks and
machine two. Although this example is very simple and the Tobias 1996). We did some experiments (reported in
number of persons involved did not allow us to reach a Chwif, Barretto and Santoro 1998) in which a simplified
conclusive response in statistical terms, it reinforces our version of a given model (yielding the statistically
hypothesis that modelers have a tendency to focus on the equivalent results) ran 8 times faster.
“system structure” instead of on the “simulation
Model ConJiience
Chwif; Barretto. and Paul
of the total simulation study time was found (39 hours to method for determining the best complexity level
1’7 hours). This kind of reduction could be achieved when of a given model that still maintains its validity.
the model is “born” simple, but if we think about a model 2. Problems of Scope Reduction: In some cases a
that we attempt to simplify later, since a great effort could simpler model could be achieved by reducing its
be spent on this process (Rextad and Innis 1985), this result scope. For example in an AGV system, a model
would not hold. that can deal with up to five AGVs could be
simplified to deal with only two. In Zeigler’s
4.5 Complex Models and Graphical Animation Terminology this means to reduce the
“Experimental Frame” of a model (Zeigler 1976).
Despite the importance of animation and visualization on This could be translated also into less flexibility
model understanding, a model could have its complexity of the simpler model.
increased if it is “driven” for animation. Hence a series of 3. Difficulties in understanding: In some case a
elements and building blocks have to be put in the model very simple model could be achieved by applying
for “easing understanding” and “closing the model to one great human ability: abstraction. This is great
reality”. For instance, one transport process could be for the modeler because he understands his model
modeled simply by assigning a timed distribution to it with by knowing exactly what kind of abstractions he
practically no animation, or a complete path of a forklift made. Then when he shows it to another person,
truck has to be built in order to show the forklift truck the model could be considered totally
movement. . “unintelligible” and it then becomes necessary to
decrease the level of abstraction of the model (to
5 ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES ease the peoples’ part understanding). So a
OF SIMPLER MODELS simpler model is not always easy to understand.
Robinson (1994) reported two real cases of simulation The complexity of a simulation model has two sides.
modeling which made him conclude that “small is In the next section we present some “rules” of thumb to try
beautiful”. In fact, based on our previous discussions, we to cope with complexity.
can enumerate some of the advantages of a simpler model:
1. It is easier to implement, validate and analyze.
Salt (1 993) also pointed out that it is much easier This section provides some rules of thumb based on the
to “throw away” a simpler model if it is wrong or literature and our own experience.
not reliable, because “it is much harder to admit
the failure of a million dollar systems than a 1. Keep it Simple: Always try to pursue the simpler
thousand dollar one”. model for your purposes (having also in mind the
2. It is easier to “change” a simpler model than a problems described in the previous section).
complex one if the conditions and hypothesis of Remember: if the model is born simple, there will
the systems change (as they usually do!). be gains throughout all the simulation study. In
3. The time to complete a simulation study could be the literature we found some possible guidelines
reduced with a simpler model. In fact according to to make a model simpler (Yi and Zhou 1989,
Pedgren, Shannon and Sadowski (1995), it is Innis and Rextad 1983, Robinson 1994, Pedgren,
infinitely better to have results (even Shannon e Sadowski 1995, Frantz 1995).
approximate) of a simpler model before the 2. Add complexity later: If you are in doubt of
deadline of the simulation study than to have the including some element or factor in a model, do
results of a highly complex model after the the following: do not include it; assume the
deadline. hypothesis it will not affect model results. Then
only after you validate, analyze and have the
Simple models, however, are not always the best results, include this if you feel it is really
choice. Below we summarize a list of problems of simple necessary. Always ask the question: Is this strictly
models: necessary? Instead of using “It is better the excess
than the lack” try this “It is worthier the necessary
1. Problems of Validity: Paraphrasing Einstein: A minimum than the possible maximum”. This
model must be as simple as possible, but not complies with Pidd’s (Pidd 1996) second
simpler. It must be complicated if necessary, but principle of modeling which is “be parsimonious,
not so much. So an over simplified model could start small and add”.
lead to a validity loss. Unfortunately there is no
Chwg Barretto, and Paul
3. The complex model was already’built. Is there 3. There is a substantial increase in the complexity
any means to simplify it? Unfortunately, once a in our current simulation models. One factor that
complex model is created, the efforts to simplify it surely contributes to this is the development of
could be unworthy. Moreover there is a lack of powerful computer hardware.
simplification procedures related to simulation 4. Several relationships that involve complexity are
models reported in the literature. Chwif, 1999 not explored in detail in the literature.
developed an automated method that tries to 5 . Despite some very good “guidelines” there is a
simplify an existing model based on its objectives. lack of methodologies to lead a modeler to obtain
Although his algorithm reached in some case a simpler model.
reductions in complexity of almost SO%, the
simulation model has to be described using a Since complexity will be a constant in our simulation
specific simulation model representation models, Nicol (Page et al. 1999) mentions one possible
technique. future line of research which would try to answer the
4. “Reduce” the Level of Detail using Hierarchy: question “HOW can we deal with complex and huge
Hierarchy is considered one method of model simulation models?” On the other hand we have to keep in
abstraction (Luna 1993) and thus can “simplify” mind that there are a number of advantages if we were able
the simulation model. The use of hierarchical to obtain a simpler model. Therefore the real question
modeling can be crucial for the manageability of might be “How can we avoid the generation of complex
complex models (Daum and Sargent 1999). Since models?”
hierarchy sometimes could not simplify a model
in terms of “constructive simplicity”, we use the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
words “Reduce” and “Simplify” in quotation
marks. That is because the number of elements in The authors would like to thank the Department of
a model that is hierarchically constructed could be Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University,
the same as in a “flat” model, with the difference who provided the resources necessary for part of this
that some of them are “hidden” by the hierarchy. research, whilst Leonard0 Chwif was a Research Visitor.
A simplification could be achieved if it is possible Thanks also to the Brazilian’s Research Funding Agencies
to aggregate some portions of the model (e.g. a set CAPES who supported partially this research (under
of machines becomes one “big” machine). reference no. 0439198-8) and FAPESP.
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H. B. Nembhard, D. T. Sturrock, and G. W. Evans, Engineering (Mechatronic Specialization) in 1992 at the
1509-1520. Institute of Electrical and Electronics University of Sao Paulo and got his MSc degree in 1994
Engineers, Piscataway, New Jersey. and his Ph.D. in Simulation in 1999 from the same
University. .He spent a session at Brunel University as a
Chwif: Barretto, and Paul