What Is The Meaning of Inquiry

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Ivan Dennis Salupan November 29, 2018

Grade 12- CSS

1. What is the meaning of Inquiry?

According to the Wikipedia:

 An inquiry is any process that has the aim of augmenting knowledge,
resolving doubt, or solving a problem. A theory of inquiry is an account of
the various types of inquiry and a treatment of the ways that each type of
inquiry achieves its aim.

Meaning from the dictionary.com that Inquiry is:

 a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge.
 an investigation, as into an incident:
 the act of inquiring or of seeking information by questioning; interrogation

2. What are the types of Inquiries?

Different types of Inquiries are:
 Normative inquiry- It seeks to identify and justify the morally-desirable
norms or standards that should guide individuals and groups. It also has
the theoretical goal of justifying particular moral judgments. Normative
questions are about what ought to be and what is good, based on moral

For example:

1. How far does the obligation of engineers to protect public safety extend
in any given situation?
2. When, if ever, should engineers be expected to blow whistle on
dangerous practices of their employers?
3. Whose values ought to be primary in making judgment about
acceptable risks in design for a public transport system or a nuclear plant?
Is it of management, senior engineers, government, voters or all of them?
4. When and why is the government justified in interfering with the
5. What are the reasons on which the engineers show their obligations to
their employees or clients or the public

 Conceptual inquiry- It is directed to clarify the meaning of concepts or

ideas or principles that are expressed by words or by questions and

For example:
(a) What is meant by safety?
(b) How is it related to risk?
(c) What is a bribe?
(d) What is a profession?
When moral concepts are discussed, normative and conceptual issues are
closely interconnected.

 Factual or Descriptive Inquiry- It is aimed to obtain facts needed for

understanding and resolving value issues. Researchers conduct factual
inquiries using mathematical or statistical techniques. The inquiry provide
important information on business realities, engineering practice, and the
effectiveness of professional societies in fostering moral conduct, the
Ivan Dennis Salupan November 29, 2018
Grade 12- CSS

procedures used in risk assessment, and psychological profiles of

engineers. The facts provide not only the reasons for moral problems but
also enable us to develop alternative ways of resolving moral problems.
For example:
1. How were the benefits assessed?
2. What are procedures followed in risk assessment?
3. What are short-term and long-term effects of drinking water being polluted?
4. Who conducted the tests on materials?

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