Problem Solving and C Programming Case Study Document For Hands-On v1.0

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Problem Solving and 'C' Programming

Case Study to be used for Hands-on Sessions

2007, Cognizant Technology Solutions. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

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About the Author

Created By: Credential Information: Version and Date: Jeyshankar Perumal (125623) Technical Skills: UNIX/C/C++/Oracle Experience: 8.5 Years PSC/CASE-STUDY/1107/1.0

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Case Study: Overview

This case study is to develop a batch job which generates the monthly report for the given account details from the XYZ bank.

Case Study - Generation of Monthly Balance Reports

XYZ bank is one of the best, well known recognized bank in the world. They have lot of customers across the countries due to which they find lot of challenges in integrating their operation. They decided to outsource many components to outside vendors. One such component is the monthly report generation. They will send you the huge accounts data file and you have to generate monthly reports and send back to them.

Case Study - Generation of Monthly Balance Reports (Contd.)

Create a batch program to generate two different monthly reports. They are:
Account Balance Monthly Report Negative Balance Monthly Report

Account Balance Monthly Report generation This report should contain account balance information for all accounts opened and ACTIVE during the given month. The program should do the following to generate the report:
Get the month for which the report is required Find out the first day and last day of month

Case Study - Generation of Monthly Balance Reports (Contd.)

Read records from the Account Balance data file Check whether the account is ACTIVE Check whether each record lies between the date range calculated above If lies than print it on the report Else proceed with next record While printing on the report print by grouping branch wise The report should have valid header, footer, run date, heading and formatted

Case Study - Generation of Monthly Balance Reports (Contd.)

Negative Balance Monthly Report This program should contain account balance information for all accounts whose balance is negative. The program should do the following to generate the report.
Read records from the Account Balance data file Check whether the balance is negative. If negative than print it on the report Else proceed with next record. The report should have valid header, footer, run date, heading and formatted.

Case Study - Generation of Monthly Balance Reports (Contd.)

Sample reports
Account Balance Monthly Report


Negative Balance Monthly Report




By completing this case study you will be gaining knowledge on the following:
Basic elements of C language Conditional statements and looping Arrays and Strings Functions, Structures and Unions Pointers and Linkedlist File handling


This case study is created based on the domain knowledge on banking transactions. This is not taken from any books, website or projects.

Disclaimer: Parts of the content of this course is based on the materials available from the Web sites and books listed above. The materials that can be accessed from linked sites are not maintained by Cognizant Academy and we are not responsible for the contents thereof. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names in this course are the marks of the respective owner(s).


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2007, Cognizant Technology Solutions. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

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