Case Analysis

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Current Situation:

Prof. Jenny C. Calabio director of the URGP, he oversees the University Cafeteria

and its activities, one of these activities are the catering services in all University

functions such as meeting, conference, assembly etc. WVSU Cafeteria’s Catering

Services was established to cater the needs of the academic community to have a clean

eating and comfortable place that can serve quality food and to provide service at a

reasonable and affordable price. The cafeteria can accommodate 100 persons and it is

located on the ground floor of the Hometel and their main customers are the students,

faculty, staff, guests, special functions of Hometel, residents of the dormitory and outside

customers. Prof. Calabio is experiencing some challenges because of increasing

customer’s complaints about the quality and services in the cafeteria. Prof. Calabio has to

act quickly to find better action to the problem to lessen the complaints of the customers

and for them to increase their sales.


● To serve a clean and quality foods at a reasonable and affordable price

● To provide a better service to the customers

● To have a clean eating place for the people in the academic community

● To decrease customer complaints and handle it effectively

● To have sustainable competitive advantage and smooth food production

● To secure the long run of the cafeteria

● To make clients happy and satisfied

● To monitor employee performance and training

SWOT Findings:


1. The cafeteria often has catering services during official functions of the


During official functions of the University such as meetings, conferences and

assemblies, the university cafeteria was incharge of catering services so it increased the

sales of the cafeteria.

2. The cafeteria can accommodate 100 persons

Since it was located on the ground floor of Hometel, many customers will go there

and the cafeteria can accommodate them and will have more sales at the same time.

3. The cafeteria have many customers inside and outside of the University

The main customers are the students, faculty, staff, and guests including the special

function of Hometel, residents of dormitory and outside customers that want to cater their

services offering.


1. Client Complaints

Rising clients complaints due to the poor services. Unstable offered services that’s

why the catering are receiving negative feedback than a positive one.

2. Low services offering

Lack of experience can cause failed services and can decrease the profit.

3. No guidelines for reservation of policy

The catering cannot be operational without putting proper guidelines in a reservation



1. Having a very satisfactory rating in 3 years

It is proof that the cafeteria meets the needs of the customers in the University and

they can cater to them at all times. It can give them some good feedback even though there

are many complaints.

2. Being a campus cafeteria for all University Personnel from all over the

WVSU System

The cafeteria can have many sales all the time because they are located on the

ground floor of the Hometel and many students, faculty, staff, and guests will need their

service offerings.

3. They are able to provide training and experience to HRM students

By providing training to the HRM students, the students’ abilities are gradually

being molded and the cafeteria will have a great staff at the same time.


1. Wide competition with other catering services

The operation may slow down and the number of their clients may decrease. They

need to plan how to fix the lapses and problems with their services.

2. Increasing price of utensils and other equipment

It may be difficult for them to accommodate their clients immediately. Not even

completely satisfy their clients and they may even receive continuous complaints regarding

their services.
3. Lack of concrete plan in managing manpower

The catering services can’t stay operational. Able to cause negative effects to their

clients' care, profit and ultimately to their performance.

Recommendations and Action Plan

One of the strengths of WVSU Cafeteria’s Catering Services is the catering

services during official functions of the University such as meetings, conference and

assemblies, the university cafeteria was in charge of catering services so it increased the

sales of the cafeteria. Therefore, the proposed action here is to prepare a seminar about

proper dining etiquette and the manager of catering services will be responsible then the

target week is 2-3 weeks with the budget requirement of 15,000 pesos. The second

strength is it can accommodate 100 persons, since it was located on the ground floor of

the Hometel. For this matter the possible action is to make an improvement to the

services and good offerings so that the customers will stay in their cafeteria and to

increase more of the sales also the customer will be happy & satisfied with the service.

The marketer/purchaser is the person in charge and it takes 1 month to improve the

service and the budget requirement is 14,000 pesos.

The third one is having many customers inside and outside of the University, the

main customers are the students, faculty, staff, and guests including the special function

of Hometel, residents of the dormitory and outside customers that want to cater their

service offerings. Most customers would like to go there, because the place is near and

it’s a cafeteria where you can dine in. The proposed action is to improve the necessary

materials such as utensils, table cloth and chairs to avoid unnecessary complaints from

the customers and clients. Implementing changes and improvement is appropriate to

prevent problem situations. The utility is the person in charge and it takes 1 month then

the required budget is 20,000 pesos. While the weaknesses are the following. First is the

client complaints, because client complaints are rising due poor services, unstable offered

services that’s why the catering are receiving negative feedback than a positive one. The

customers are dissatisfied and it can cause the catering to lose customer’s loyalty and

may build a bad reputation for the service. The action plan in this matter is to improve

services and meet the desired satisfaction with the help of a student assistant and it takes

1 month and the budget requirements is 10,000 pesos.

Second is low services offering wherein the WVSU Cafeteria’s Catering Service are

lacking in experience and it can cause failed services and can decrease the profit. So the

action plan for this is to hire more staff that has enough experience because hiring an

expert can boost the service. And with the help of the manager, the proposed action takes

2 months and the budget requirement is 20,000 pesos. The third one is having no

guidelines for reservation policy, the catering cannot be operational without putting

proper guidelines in a reservation policy so the action plan in this matter is to give proper

guidelines to the customer because it can provide the best customer service. To make it

possible, the houseparent is the person in charge and it takes 5 days to do so the budget

requirement is 2,000 pesos.

The first opportunity is their very satisfactory rating in 3 years so their main

objective is to continue to receive more positive feedback from their clients. The

proposed action would be improving their services and constantly connecting to their

clients feedback because it will help to fill their deficiency and inaccuracy in service. To
make the plan more successful, they will be guided by their student assistant since he is

the one who deals more with clients with requests and complaints regarding their service.

They need 1 month to completely fix their service and they can spend 5,000 pesos for the

whole operation. The second opportunity is being a campus cafeteria where their most

objective is to be able to provide higher quality food that fits in the pocket of every client

because every food listed on the menu can be afforded by anyone. All they have to do is

continue to serve good food according to the tastes of the clients to maintain the high

number of clients and make up for the mistakes that have occurred. Their cook or chef

will guide them in preparing food because he is in charge of preparing and planning food

for the menu and market list for the food of clients and maintaining cleanliness in the

kitchen area. In order to properly manage the food they need a month to fix everything

from the safety and cleanliness of preparing food and proper usage of utensils. They can

spend 10,000 pesos for all the maintenance.

It is also a good opportunity for WVSU to provide experience and training to

HRM students because they are already helping to further enhance the skills of HRM

students. Their main objective is to further extend the performance of students. The

proposed action is to provide training to increase their self -confidence and avoid self

doubts. To accomplish this they will be assisted by their manager for the assessments of

training, the training will be held for two weeks and the required budget is 20,000 pesos

and as a result ,the productivity of the organization will increase. It is a huge threat for

the WVSU Cafeteria Catering Service, a wide competition in their industry in order to

keep up with the competitors, the main objective is to increase the competitive advantage.

Another good thing to do is to increase the good services and increase the size of the
offering that is different from the competitors and to have the most unique brand so that

the catering services can be recognized not only in the entire university but in a wider

area. From the guidance of the catering manager the plan can be executed in 2 weeks

with a budget of 12,000 pesos.

The second threat is the increasing price of utensils and equipment with a

significant impact on the operation. The main objective here is to purchase more effective

equipment to facilitate and make the operation within the catering service more efficient.

The action that can be taken is to increase revenue without sacrificing the services and to

have a budget for the equipment to be purchased. To make it easier, the business needs

guidance and signals from the cashier and manager since they are the ones who manage

the money that goes into the business. To be more effective it needs to be accomplished

within 2-3 weeks which requires a budget of 10,000 pesos. The last threat is the lack of a

concrete plan in managing manpower. A good objective for this is to recruit or appoint

well -trained staff within the catering to completely carry out the provision of proper

service. The proposed action is to provide consistent training prior in the good operation

and proper business planning to avoid any complaints regarding the performance of the

catering service. From the guidance of the manager, the said training can be implemented

and happen in 2 weeks with a budget of 15,000 pesos for the necessities of the trainees

including their allowance.

Often had catering To learn about the Prepare a seminar Manager 2-3 weeks ₱15,000
services during basic dining about proper dining
official functions etiquette etiquette.
Can accommodate 100 To satisfy the Make an Marketer/Purchaser 1 month ₱14,000
persons customers improvement to the
services and
food offerings
Have many customers To lessen the Improve the Utility 1 month ₱20,000
inside and outside of complaints of the necessary materials
the university customers such as
utensils, table cloth
and chairs.
Clients complaints To give quality Improve services and Student Assistant 1 month ₱10,000
services to the meet the desire
clients satisfaction.

Low services offering To provide extra Hire more staffs that Manager 2 months ₱20,000
training to the has enough experience.
No guidelines for To give proper Putting guidelines on Houseparent 5 days ₱2,000
reservation of policy guidelines to the reservations.
Having a very To have a positive Maintain the good Student Assistant 1 month ₱5,000
satisfactory rating in 3 feedback all the services and improve
years time the service that has
customer complaints.
Being a campus To give a satisfying Improve the taste of Chef 1 month ₱10,000
cafeteria for all food offerings to all the foods to satisfy
University Personnel customers. the cravings of the
from all over the customers.
WVSU System

They are able to To give a great Give them a training Manager 2 months ₱20,000
provide training and experience to the that can help them to
experience to HRM HRM students increase their
students confidence level and
improve their skills.
Wide competition with To increase the Build a branding Manager 2 weeks ₱12,000
other catering services competitive through creating a
advantage among definite strategies on
competitors how WVSU catering
services will compete
with other top caterer.
Increasing price of To purchase most Keep profits high Cashier & Manager 2-3 weeks ₱10,000
utensils and other effective equipment without sacrificing
equipment in order to increase services.
Lack of concrete plan inTo increase the Implementation of Manager 2 weeks ₱15,000
managing manpower number of well training between
trained personnel planning and
inside the catering execution of catering
service and fully services.
improve customer
Strength 1: The cafeteria often had catering services during official functions of the


Action Plan : Prepare a seminar about proper dining etiquette.

Since the cafeteria often had many services during official functions, the Director

should prepare a seminar about proper dining etiquette for them to be more prepared and

well educated.

Strength 2: The cafeteria can accommodate 100 persons

Action Plan : Make an improvement to the services and food offerings

The cafeteria can accommodate 100 persons so they need an improvement to the

services and food offerings to satisfy the customers inside and outside of the university.

Strength 3: The cafeteria have many customers inside and outside of the University

Action Plan : Improve the necessary materials such as utensils, table cloth

and chairs.

They have many customers inside and outside of the university therefore, they

need to improve the necessary materials such as utensils, table cloth and chairs to avoid

customer complaints.

Weakness 1: Clients Complaints

Action Plan : Improve services and meet the desire satisfaction

Improving the services will give a good service that they deserve and the cafeteria

will receive good feedback as well.

Weakness 2: Low services offering

Action Plan : Hire more staffs that has experiences

Hiring more staff that have enough experience will provide proper services to the


Weakness 3: No guidelines for reservation of policy

Action Plan : Putting guidelines reservations

Putting guidelines on reservations for the clients in order to enlighten them what

kind of services and products the catering will offer.

Opportunity 1: Having a very satisfactory rating in 3 years

Action Plan : Maintain the good services and improve the service that has

customer complaints

Maintaining the good services and improving the service that has customer

complaints are a good action to build the trust of the repeating customers.

Opportunity 2: Being a campus cafeteria for all University Personnel from all over the

WVSU System

Action Plan : Improve the taste of the foods to satisfy the cravings of the

By improving the taste of the foods in the cafeteria, customers will be satisfied and

they can have more profit and good feedback at the same time.

Opportunity 3: They are able to provide training and experience to HRM students

Action Plan : Give them training that can help them to increase their

confidence level and improve their skills.

The HRM students need hands-on training that will be needed for their course and

the cafeteria will have well educated staff wearing a good uniform that can attract many

Threat 1: Wide competition with other catering services

Action Plan : Build a branding through creating a definite strategies on how

WVSU catering services will compete with other top caterer

The WVSU Cafeteria catering Services should initiate the most constructive game

plan in establishing their brand to be able to gradually acknowledge and recognize their

offerings and services inside and outside the university.

Threat 2: Increasing price of utensils and other equipment

Action Plan : Keep profits high without sacrificing services including in

boosting operational efficiency and adding related services

The cashier and manager of the cafeteria must monitor and review their current

pricing structure to moderately reduce their inventory and overhead cost.

Threat 3: Lack of concrete plan in managing manpower

Action Plan : Implementation of training between planning and execution of

catering services.

Before implementing a training, they need to create first an action plan including

the assessment needs of the trainees, training objectives and their initiatives to make

everything synchronize when training is totally implemented.

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