Condition Monitoring of Exhaust System Blowers Using Infrared Thermography

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DOI: 10.1784/insi.2008.50.9.

512 IRT

Condition monitoring of exhaust system blowers using

infrared thermography
Paper submitted 05 May 2008
S Bagavathiappan, T Saravanan, N P George, John Philip, T Jayakumar and Baldev Raj Accepted 15 July 2008

Electrical and mechanical machines are integral parts of of all machine failures occur due to bearing failures(1). Commonly
engineering plants. Machine failures can occur due to many used bearing condition monitoring techniques are vibration,
reasons. Thermal energy produced during the operation temperature, acoustic emission, sound pressure, laser and current
of all machines can be in the form of friction losses within monitoring. Sometimes, chemical analysis is also employed by
machines, energy losses within machines, as a characteristic looking at the wear debris generated from the bearing, which is
of the process media, or any combination thereof. Infrared carried by the lubricating oil.
thermography (IRT) is an ideal Non-Destructive Testing Condition monitoring(2) is the practice of obtaining the basic
(NDT) technique to investigate abnormal temperature operating characteristics from a working plant to assess its efficiency
distribution on machine surfaces, because it provides and predict its reliability. Practically every chemical and process
thermal images of a machine or component remotely. In industry employs predictive condition management to ensure the
this paper, we discuss an important application of thermal safety, reliability and also cost effectiveness of plant operation.
imaging for condition monitoring of blower bearings, shaft A wide variety of Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) techniques
and the motors in ventilation systems used in nuclear plant such as acoustic emission(3), vibration analysis, ferrography and
areas. Sources of abnormal temperatures are detected at the oil analysis are used to determine mechanical problems while
bearings and shaft at the impeller end of the blower of an the equipment is in operation. Infrared Thermography (IRT) is
exhaust system. Also, abnormal temperature distribution is becoming another promising technology in verifying conditions
detected in one of the belts of the pulley drive system due found with vibration and oil analysis. With thermography, we can
to over-tightening. IRT was effectively utilised to pinpoint detect whether the bearings are hot, and using vibration analysis
the sources of excessive heat in the blower and to carry out we may determine why they are hot. Thermography allows quick
imaging of machinery to determine its thermal condition. It can
necessary corrections. We demonstrate the usefulness of IRT
be used to identify and analyse thermal anomalies for condition
to detect the sources of abnormal temperatures in various
monitoring. Thermal energy is present during the operation of all
components of the blower at an early stage of impending
machines due to friction losses, energy losses, or any combination
malfunction failure that could prevent major breakdowns.
thereof. The temperature is a key parameter for monitoring the
Keywords: IRT, passive, blower, bearings, motor, shaft, belt. performance and the condition of machines and to diagnose machine
problems. The magnitude and distribution of the temperature are
1. Introduction indicators of departure from acceptable performance.
Infrared thermal imaging or infrared thermography finds
Failures of electric or mechanical machines occur due to problems extensive applications in a variety of fields of industry(4-11). The
associated with stator, rotor misalignment, overheated bearings, versatility of IRT for condition monitoring is lucidly discussed
improper lubrication and worn out components or mechanical in some of the earlier publications(15). IRT is an ideal technology
loading anomalies. It has been observed that approximately half to investigate thermal anomalies in machines because it provides
complete thermal images of a machine, or a machine component,
with no physical attachments (ie non-intrusive), requires little set-up
Dr Baldev Raj is the Distinguished Scientist and Director of Indira Gandhi and provides the results in a short time. In this paper, we discuss
Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam. He is an Hon Member of ICNDT, the applications of thermal imaging for condition management of
Hon Fellow of the Indian Society for NDT, Hon Fellow of The British blower bearings, shaft and the motors in ventilation systems in a
Institute of NDT and Founder Member of the Board of Directors, World
radioactive plant.
Federation of NDE Centres, USA.
Dr T Jayakumar is the Head, Non-Destructive Evaluation Division, Indira
2. Thermal imaging – principle
Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India.
Corresponding author: Dr John Philip is the Head, SMART Section, Non- Infrared thermography is a method of mapping the temperature
Destructive Evaluation Division, Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira profile of the surface of an object. It makes use of the infrared
Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam – 603 102, Tamil Nadu, spectral band of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by the
India. Tel: 91-044-2748 0232; Fax: 91-044-2748 0356; E-mail: philip@ object. All infrared measurements are normally made in the wavelength band of 0.75  μm-25  μm. The fundamental equations
Shri N P George is an Engineer in Charge of Ventilation Systems, Post that link the absolute temperature of the object with the intensity
Irradiation Examination Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic and wavelength of emitted radiation are given by Planck’s, Stefan
Research, Kalpakkam. Boltzmann and the Wein’s Displacement Law(12).
Dr T Saravanan is a Scientist in the Non-Destructive Evaluation Division, The energy emitted and the temperatures are related by Stefan-
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam. Boltzmann Law:
Shri S Bagavathiappan is a Scientific Assistant in the Non-Destructive W = !" T 4 . .......................................(1)
Evaluation Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, where W is the radiant flux density, ε is the emissivity, σ is the
Kalpakkam. Stefan-Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature.

512 Insight Vol 50 No 9 September 2008

All objects above absolute zero radiate energy in the bearings use rollers that are thicker in the middle and thinner at the
electromagnetic spectrum by virtue of the motion of its constituent ends. Spherical roller bearings can thus adjust to support misaligned
atoms. The spectrum and intensity of radiation emitted by the object loads. However, spherical rollers are difficult to manufacture and
depend on its absolute temperature and the nature of the object thus expensive. The spherical bearings have higher friction than
surface. At ambient temperature and above, these radiations are a comparable ball bearing, since different parts of the spherical
predominantly in the infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrum. rollers run at different speeds on the rounded race and thus produce
The infrared radiations from the object are converted using a opposing forces along the bearing/race contact.
suitable IR detector and displayed as a colour or black and white Spherical roller bearings support mainly a radial load and
image. The colours are simply a visual aid to show the temperature partially thrust load. They have two rows of barrel-shaped rollers,
differences at different regions in each image. Conventionally, dark which conform closely to the raceways. This conformity, along with
and light zones in positive black-white thermograms represent the size and number of rollers, gives spherical roller bearings their
low-temperature and high-temperature regions on the examined heavy-duty load carrying capacity. Spherical bearings can also take
surface, respectively. Colour pallets, which are less determinates, considerable thrust loads, due to the shape of the outer raceway in
are generally used to better visualise subtle surface-temperature which the rolling elements run. The bearings can operate without
non-uniformities. Thermal NDE is based on the principle that flaws binding in a situation in which shaft to bearing alignment is not
or defects within or on a body exhibit a thermal radiation signature perfect. For a ball or roller bearing to perform satisfactorily, the fit
that is different from its surroundings. These thermal signatures can between the inner ring and the shaft and the fit between the outer
occur naturally due to heat sources present within the body itself ring and housing must be suitable for the application. Too loose a
or it can be induced/generated artificially through external means. fit can corrode or score the bearing bore and shaft, while too tight a
Thus, two approaches or techniques are generally recognised in fit can result in unnecessarily large mounting forces and too great a
thermal NDE – (a) passive and (b) active(13). reduction in internal bearing clearance(15).
The passive technique involves applications where the material It was observed that the bearings were getting overheated and in
already contains its own internal source of heat. In passive order to ascertain the source of heat, thermal imaging technique was
thermography, abnormal temperature profiles indicate a potential applied. The bearing temperature rise can be caused by degradation
problem and key words are the temperature difference with respect of the grease or the bearing. Some other factors that can cause the
to the surrounding, often referred to as the deltaT or the hotspot. bearing temperature rise include: winding temperature rise, motor
Generally, passive thermography is rather qualitative because the operating speed, temperature distribution within the motor(16).
goal is simply to pinpoint anomalies. However, some investigations Therefore, the bearing temperature measurements can provide
provide quantitative measurements if thermal modelling is useful information about the machine health and bearing health.
available so that measured surface temperature can be related to For this kind of IR application, comparative thermography is
specific behaviours or subsurface discontinuities(14). The majority appropriate. Comparative thermography can be either quantitative
of condition monitoring applications where the component itself or qualitative. The quantitative technique requires the determination
gets heated up due to a variety of reasons falls under this category. of a temperature value to distinguish the severity of a component’s
In the passive approach, no external heating or cooling is applied. condition. This value is determined by comparing the target’s
Instead, the difference in temperature that exists within the temperature to that of similar service equipment or baseline data.
elevated structure or between it and its surroundings establishes Although the temperature value is not exact, it is reasonably close
the necessary temperature patterns. Passive thermography is to actual, and more importantly, the temperature differentials are
commonly applied to assess or monitor the state of an industrial accurate. However, there are many applications where quantitative
process or manufacturing stage on the basis of temperature patterns. data is not required to monitor the condition of machinery, or to
Active techniques involve the application of an external thermal diagnose a problem and recommend the appropriate corrective
perturbation (heating or cooling) to the object as a whole or to a action. In such cases, qualitative techniques may be adequate.
small area of interest within the object. While both heating and Thermal imaging of all the component of the blower was carried
cooling can be applied, it is heating which is generally preferred. out using the Thermovision-550 system, capable of measuring
This can be attributed to the fact that it is easier to heat a body, and object temperature from -20°C to 1200°C, with a measurement
a wide variety of heating sources are also available. The choice of accuracy of ±2°C. This is a compact, lightweight system with a
the heating method is quite critical as this would decide the thermal built-in 20° lens and focal plane array based detector having
contrast and hence the detectability of defects. spectral range of 3.6-5 µm with a thermal sensitivity less than
0.1°C at 27°C. A high-resolution colour image is provided in real
3. Experimental procedure time, which can be viewed on the miniature screen provided with
the system or using an external monitor. The image is captured
The specifications of the blowers examined are 68,000 m3/h and stored either in the removable PC-card or in a cassette using a
each, 250 mm of Water Gauge (WG) static pressure, fan speed is VCR. The camera is placed at a distance of 0.55 m from the sample
980 r/min and 100 HP motor. Figure 1 shows a picture of the blower for best spatial and thermal resolutions. The surface temperature
of the exhaust system-1. There is 100% standby for each blower profiles of the specimens were recorded in a PC Flash card, and
and they operate non-stop for 15 days and remain off for the next later analysed using image processing software.
15 days. The blower has two numbers of double-row self-aligning
spherical roller bearings with adaptor sleeve. Spherical roller
4. Results and discussion
Analysis of the thermal images indicated that both the bearings of
the blower of the exhaust system were hotter than the other regions.
Figures 2 and 3 show the full mosaic thermal images of the blower
of the exhaust system under abnormal and normal conditions,
respectively. From the thermal images, it is observed that the shaft
region appears to be normal in both the blower systems.
Figures 4(a) and (b) show the thermal images of the bearing
regions of both sides of the blower. These thermal images revealed
Figure 1. Photograph of blower of exhaust system that hot spots are present in both sides of the bearing. The maximum

Insight Vol 50 No 9 September 2008 513

loads, which eventually enhance the lifetime of the machine. In the
present case, the hot spot is found to be due to bearing damage,
based on the observation made after dismantling the assembly.
After detection of the problem, the old eight-groove pulley was
repaired and reinstalled. In place of the D-groove pulleys, C-groove
taper lock pulleys suitable for wedge belts were used. The number of
Figure 2. Mosaic thermal image of problematic exhaust blower belts was also reduced to five from eight. By doing this, a reduction
system. Hotter regions are marked in the white circle in the power requirement of about 5 A without sacrificing other
parameters is achieved. However, after the modification, it was
observed that the bearings were getting overheated again. In order
to ascertain the exact source of heat, thermal imaging technique
was once again carried out.
Figures 7(a) and (b) show the thermal images of the bearing
regions of pulley side and impeller side, 30 s after the start of the
blower. From the thermal images, it is observed that the maximum
Figure 3. Mosaic thermal image of normal exhaust blower temperature observed in the bearing region, 30 s after the start, in
system shaft side is 35.2°C and bearing side is 34.8°C for the pulley-end
and impeller-end, respectively. Analysis of the thermal images
showed that the bearing side (pulley-end and impeller-end) of the
blower has abnormal temperatures. The impeller-side shaft appears
hotter than other regions. The thermal image clearly reveals the
source heat begins at the impeller-end of the shaft.

Figure 4. Thermal image of (a) pulley-end and (b) impeller-end

bearing after 20 min start of blower of exhaust system

temperature observed in the bearing region, after 10 min of the

start, in the pulley-end bearing side, is 78.5°C and impeller-end
bearing side is 79.3°C. Figures 5(a) and (b) show the thermal image
Figure 7. Thermal image of (a) pulley-end and (b) impeller-end
of the shaft and its line profile along the shaft region, respectively. bearing side after 30 s start of blower of exhaust system
From the thermal images it can be clearly seen that the shaft region
is uniform. Figures 6(a) and (b) show the thermal image of bearing
Figures 8(a) and (b) show the thermal images of pulley and
regions of the normal blower. In the normal blower of the exhaust
impeller side bearing regions 20 min after start of the blower. From
system, the bearings on both sides showed uniform temperatures
the thermal images, it is observed that the maximum temperatures
without any hot spots, irrespective of the continuous running of the
observed in the bearing and shaft region, 20 min after the start are
system. The maximum temperature in the bearing region on both
74.0°C and 81.3°C respectively. However, the impeller-end of the
sides is about 62.9°C. From the thermal images of the abnormal
shaft shows still higher temperature compared to the pulley-end.
blower, it is observed that the maximum temperature observed in the
Analysis of the images in the second campaign shows that an
bearing region, 20 min after the start, in the pulley-end bearing side
over-tight gland rope produced the hot spots near the impeller-
is 78.5°C and impeller-end bearing side is 79.3°C, respectively.
end. Figures 9(a) and (b) show the thermal image of shaft and line
profile along the belt. The thermal images reveal that the shaft
region is normal.
It is known that improper belt tension can lead to a number of
problems. If there is a less tension, the belt can slip and, if the tension
is too high, excess friction can develop heat, resulting in shorter
life for the belt, pulley bearings and other parts. The interaction of
the pulley wheel and the belt generates friction as the belt contacts
Figure 5. Thermal image of (a) shaft and (b) horizontal line profile
along the shaft after 20 min start of blower of exhaust system

Figure 8. Thermal image of (a) pulley-end and (b) impeller-end

bearing side after 20 min start of blower of exhaust system
Figure 6. Thermal image of (a) pulley-end and (b) impeller-end
bearing side of normal blower of exhaust system

Some of the commonly occurring faults in blower systems

are misalignment of the drive, bearing damage, imbalance of the
system, bend on the shaft and run out of the shaft and pulley, which
could lead to the abnormal temperatures (hot spots). Misalignment
can cause high stresses in the couplings, shafts, bearings and seals. Figure 9. Thermal image of (a) shaft and (b) horizontal line profile
Proper shaft alignment can ensure reduced vibrations and parasitic along the shaft after 20 min start of blower of exhaust system

514 Insight Vol 50 No 9 September 2008

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