Chapter 3 Part 1

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The mechanical energy that is transferred from a fluid machine to a flow medium
is not a quantity that can be measured directly. In addition not all the energy
transferred from the fluid machines appears as useful at the end of the machines;
some of it is non utilizable. In this chapter we see, mainly, how to calculate the
mechanical energy and power transferred from a fluid machine to a flow medium
from measurable quantities. The concepts and relationships are especially useful
in testing and evaluation of fluid machines.


As discussed in the previous chapters fluid machines are used to transfer mechanical
energy to a flow medium. The source of energy may be electricity, compressed air,
steam, or fuel. The energy from these sources is converted to mechanical energy using
motors, gas or steam turbines or diesel engines and they are commonly known as the
drive, or prime movers of the fluid machine. The fluid machine is driven by one of these
drives and the drive transfers the energy from the source to the fluid machine and the
fluid machine transfers it to the flow medium.

However, not all the energy from the source appears as useful at the pressure end of the
machine. A certain amount of energy is lost in the drive due to heating caused by friction
of moving parts and flow of electricity. Regarding the fluid machine, some of the energy
is changed to heat outside (at bearings, couplings) and inside the fluid machine due to
fluid friction, leakage, etc. This energy is considered as loss since the useful energy for a
flow medium is the mechanical energy, which is the sum of the pressure, velocity, and
geodetic (potential) energies. The increase in useful energy of a flow medium is the sum
of the differences in pressure energy, velocity energy and geodetic energy between the

Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 44

suction and discharge end of the machine. The pressure energy difference is the
difference of the static pressure of the flow medium between the suction and discharge
end. The difference in velocity energy is the energy difference between the suction and
discharge end of the machine due to difference in the mean velocity of the flow medium
at the two ends. The energy difference caused by difference in elevation of the two ends
of the machine is called geodetic energy. These three forms of energy in a flow medium
can be changed from one form to the other. For instance in subsonic flow, velocity
energy can be converted to pressure energy by increasing the flow area. However
changing from one form to the other mostly involves energy loss and should be done

Flow systems in process industries are mostly designed with balanced velocity and
pressure energy ratio. Very high velocity causes high-energy loss due to fluid friction. On
the other hand very small velocity results in larger flow area that makes the flow system
large and costly. Hence a balance is usually made in design between the pressure and
velocity energy ratio. In this course we focus on the energy transferred from the fluid
machine to the flow medium and the losses related to the transfer process. Figure 3.1
shows the different components of the energy transferred from the source to the flow
medium and the accompanying losses.

Energy loss Energy loss outside

in the drive the fluid machine Total energy
(bearings, couplings) loss of the
fluid machine
Energy loss inside the fluid
machine (increases in non
Total Energy utilizable-energy content of
from the the flow medium)
Energy delivered
to the fluid
machine Useful energy rise of the
flow medium (Increase in
mechanical energy)

Thus regarding the energy transfer from a fluid machine to a flow medium one can
Figure 3.1 Energy transfer from a fluid machine to a flow medium
i. An increase of the useful energy content of the flow medium
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 45

ii. An increase in non utilizable energy content of the flow medium (Energy
loss inside the fluid machine)
iii. Energy loss outside the fluid machine
iv. Energy loss in the drive
The total energy loss of the fluid machine is the sum of the losses outside and inside the
fluid machine. The drive should be able to deliver the sum of the total loss and the
increases in the useful energy content of the flow medium.


The difference of the useful energy content of the flow medium per unit mass of the flow
medium between the suction and discharge end of a fluid machine is equal to the specific
work done by the machine, Y, on the fluid. The unit of the specific work is J/kg or

Another term regularly used instead of specific work in calculations involving centrifugal
machines is the head. The head of a fluid machine is the specific work divided by the
gravitational acceleration that the machine can transfer to the flow medium. The unit of
head is meter [m].
H (3.1)
In fans, blowers and compressors the term total pressure is commonly used. It is defined
as the specific work times the density of the flow medium at some given condition
(usually at suction condition).

Hence, the three quantities, total pressure, specific work and the total head (head) of a
fluid machine are related by the equations

Pt  Y  gH (3.2)

Note that all the three terms represent the useful energy transferred from the fluid
machine to the flow medium in different ways.
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 46

The Bernoulli Equation

The differential form of the Bernoulli Equation demonstrates the relationship between the
increase in mechanical energy of a flow medium, and increases in the static pressure, the
velocity and the elevation in gravitational field of a flow medium in differential form.
The increase in the mechanical energy of the flow medium however is equal to specific
work of the fluid machine. Equation 3.3 is the differential form of the Bernoulli Equation.
dP  c2 
dY   d    g dz (3.3)
 2
Y= Specific work of fluid machine

P= Static pressure of the flow medium

c= mean velocity of the flow medium
z= height from datum level
 = Density of the flow medium
g= Gravitational acceleration
Since the specific work of the fluid Y is equal to the increases in the useful energy
content of the flow medium between the suction (S), and discharge (D) ends of the
machine, the Equation 3.3 can be integrated between these two ends to give:
2 2
D dp c D  cS
Y  S  ge (3.4)
 2
e = zD-zS …elevation difference between the discharge and suction end
from a datum
The two ends of the machine are defined as the centerlines of the suction and discharge
flanges of the machine.
Y pr  SD Pressure Energy

 c 2D  c 2S 
Y vel 
  Velocity Energy
 2 
Yg  ge Geodetic Energy
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 47

Discharge end

Suction end
Discharge end
Figure 3.2 Suction and discharge ends of a fluid machine

It can be noted from Equation 3.4 that the velocity and geodetic energies can be easily
calculated if the mean velocities of the flow medium and elevations from a datum of the
suction and discharge ends of the machine are known. However, determination of the
pressure energy requires some more analysis since density of fluids in some cases vary
significantly with pressure.


Case1: Pumps and Fans
Pumps handle liquids, which can be considered as incompressible for all practical
purposes. Hence density variation in pumping of liquids can be considered negligible.
The pressure difference between the two ends of fans is very small (<15%) hence
variation in density can be neglected and an average density can be used without much
loss in accuracy. Therefore for problems involving pumps and fans the pressure energy
can be easily evaluated taking the density as constant.
P D  PS
Y Pr  (3. 5)

Example 3.1
A pump is used to move a chemical that has a density of 1200kg/m3 from one tank to
another. The mean velocities of the flow medium at the suction and discharge end of the
pump are measured to be 1.5 m/s and 2.7m/s respectively. The discharge end of the pump
is 20 cm above the suction end. If the static pressure difference between the two ends is
1.8 bar determine the specific work and head of the pump.
cS= 1.5 m/s,
cD =2.7 m/s
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 48

e=20 cm = 0.2 m
PD-PS=1.8 bar = 1.8 105 Pa
For pumps
2 2
P D  PS c D  cS
Y   eg
 2

1.8  10 5 2.7 2  1.5 2

Y   0.2  9.81
1200 2
Y  154.5 J/kg
The head of the pump is
Y 154.5
H   15.7 m
g 9.81
Example 3.2
A centrifugal fan is used to exhaust air from a workshop. The ambient temperature of the
workshop is 210C. The static pressures at the suction and discharge end of the fan are
measured to be 1.01 bar and 1.12 bar respectively. The discharge end is 0.6m above the
suction end. Determine the total pressure of the fan if the difference in velocity between
the suction and discharge ends is negligible.
T=210C= 294.15K
PS=1.01 bar
PD=1.12 bar
2 2
cD  cS
Pt  Y  P D  PS     eg
Density of air at 210C
M=28.9 kg/kmol (Molecular weight of air)
R=8314.3 J/kgK
PV 
m PM
 
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 49

The density should be calculated at the average pressure.

(1.01  1.12)  10 5
 2  1.26 kg/m 3
8314.3  294.15
Pt = (1.12-1.01)105 + 0 +(1.26  0.6  9.81) =11007Pa=11.01 kPa

Case 2: Blowers and Compressors

In case of blowers and compressors the density of the flow medium changes significantly
between the suction and discharge ends therefore we cannot use the equation derived for
pumps and fans. To evaluate the integral,

Y Pr  S vdP (3.6)

where v  is the specific volume of the flow medium [v]=m3/kg

We have to find a relationship between v and P and replace v in terms of P in the equation
and integrate. The equation relating v and P is obtained from thermodynamics. For any
continuous compression process the relation of the static pressure and specific volume
can be expressed as:
P v n  Constant (3.7)
Equation 3.7 is known as the polytropic equation and the plots of pressure versus specific
volume for various values of the exponent n are known as polytropic curves.


dP n=1 [Isothermal Compression]

P n = k=Cp/Cv [Adiabatic Compression]



Figure 3.3 Polytropic curves of compressible flow medium
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 50

The areas to the left of the curves in Figure 3.3 represent the compression work Ypr under
different types of compression. In isothermal compression the temperature of the flow
medium is kept constant. The exponent n in this case is one (1). For a given flow medium
isothermal compression needs the least amount of specific work for the same
compression ratio.

An adiabatic isentropic compression is an ideal loss free compression process in which

there is no heat transfer between the flow medium and the surrounding. In this case the
exponent n equals the ratio of the specific heat of the flow medium at constant pressure
and constant volume respectively, i.e., k=cp/cv. Actual processes are neither purely
isothermal nor adiabatic-isentropic. Artificially cooled compression processes may be
brought close to isothermal compression and compression processes without cooling are
generally close to adiabatic.

3.3.1 YPr for Isothermal Compression / Yiso

For isothermal compression n=1. Hence,
Pv  constant  P S  S (3.8)
Where Ps and vs are the static pressure and specific volume at suction end of the machine
and P and v are static pressure and specific volume anywhere inside the compressor
Rearranging (3.8)
Ps vs
v (3. 9)
Replacing (3.9) in (3.6) we get
D P s v s dP  D dP
Y iso  S Ps v s S
Yiso represents the pressure energy YPr for isothermal compression. After integration we
 PD 
Y iso  P s v s ln   (3. 10)
 PS 
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 51

In practice, it is much easier to measure the temperature of the flow medium rather than
its specific volume, hence Equation 3.10 can be changed to the form in
Equation 3.11using the ideal gas law.
R T S  PD 
Y iso  ln   (3. 11)
M  PS 
Where R is Universal gas constant, M the molecular weight and Ts the temperature of the
flow medium at suction. R=8314.4 J/kg K.
PD, vD

dP n=1 [Isothermal]

PS, vs

Figure 3.4 Isothermal compression specific work

3.3.2 Ypr for adiabatic isentropic compression (Yad)

For adiabatic, isentropic compression it is already noted that n=k=cp/cv
P v K  Constant  P s v KS
 P v KS  k 1/ k
v   s   P S 1/ vk S (3. 12)
 P  P
Replacing (3. 12) in (3. 6)
1/ k
D PS v s dP  1/ k D 1 / k dp
Y ad  S 1/ k PS v s S P (3. 13)
Integrating (3.13) between suction and discharge ends we get
 1  11/k
Yad  PS vs  PD  P1S1/k 
1  1/k 
Rearranging the above equation we get
K 1
 
 k   P D  K
Yad  PS vs     1 (3. 14)
 k  1  PS 
 
Since it is easier to measure temperature than specific volume, using the ideal gas law
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 52

K 1
 
RTs  k   P D  K
Yad     1 (3. 15)
M  k  1  P S  
 
Since C P  CV  R  , and C P  k
CP R  k  R
CP    CP  
k M  k  1 M
Equation 3.15 can be written in the form
K 1
 
  P  K
  1
Yad  C P T s  (3. 16)
 PS 
 

Table 3.1 Values of the specific heat ratio k

Gas k
Mono-atomic gases [Helium, Argon,…] 1.66
Diatomic gases [N2, O2, H2, air] 1.44
Methane 1.32
SO2 1.29
Ethane 1.20

Example 3.3
A compressor is used to compress N2 gas. The suction temperature and pressure are 120C
and 1.02 bar respectively. The discharge pressure is measured to be 4.3 bar. Determine
the useful specific energy transferred from the compressor to the flow medium (a)
assuming adiabatic compression (b) isothermal compression. The velocity and geodetic
specific energies are negligible as compared to the compression energy.

PS=1.02 bar
PD=4.3 bar
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 53

M=28 kmol/kg for N2

R=8314.3 J /kg K

(a) Adiabatic isentropic compression

( k 1) / k
RTs  k   PD   8314.3  285.15  1.44   4.3  (1.441) / 1.44 
Yad       1       1  153006 J/kg
M  k  1   PS  

28  1.44  1   1.02  

Yad=153.01 kJ/kg
(b) Isothermal compression
RTs  PD  8314.4  285.15  4.3 
Yad  ln  ln   121828 J/kg
M  PS  28  1.02 

Yiso=121.82 kJ/kg
3.3.3 Adiabatic Discharge Temperature
In designing compression processes it frequently becomes important to estimate the
discharge temperature of the flow medium. The discharge temperature according to
adiabatic isentropic compression processes is the minimum discharge temperature of the
flow medium in adiabatic compression. This minimum discharge temperature of
adiabatic compression can be calculated by the formula developed below.

For adiabatic compression it was shown earlier that

P v K  Constant
1/ k
K K vD   PS 
P D v  Ps v
D S    (3. 17)
vS  P D 
Since from ideal gas equation
Ps vs  P D vD  v D  PS T D
(3. 18)
Ts TD v S PD T S
Using (3. 18) in (3. 17) and rearranging
k 1
  k
T ad  TD  T S  P D  (3. 19)
 PS 
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 54

Actual adiabatic processes will have greater discharge temperature due to the heat added
because of losses inside the machine.
Example 3.4
Determine the minimum compression ratio for which the discharge temperature will be at
least 2000C in adiabatic compression of air if the temperature at suction is 150C. Use

The minimum temperature in adiabatic compression is for adiabatic isentropic
compression, therefore
k 1
  k
T ad  T S  P D 
 PS 
  k 1
r   T ad 
 TS 
Where r=PD/PS
 473.15 1.441
r    5.1
 288.15 


The adiabatic isentropic specific work and the adiabatic discharge temperature can also
be determined using the thermodynamic diagrams temperature-entropy diagram (T-S)
and enthalpy –entropy (h-S) diagram.

We have already seen that for adiabatic compression, the total specific work can be
written as
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 55

 c2  c2 
Y  Yad   D s   ge (3.20)
 2 
From thermodynamics, the energy balance for steady state, steady flow system is given
 c2  c2 
h   D s   ge  Q  Ws (3.21)
 2 
Where h is enthalpy of the flow medium, Ws is the shaft work (the useful energy Y, in
this case). For adiabatic compression Q=0, hence Equation (3.21) changes to
 c2  c2 
h   D s   ge  Y (3.22)
 2 
Using 3.21 in 3.22
Yad  h

Yad  hD  hS (3.23)

Finding Yad and TD, ad using a T-S diagram

From (3.23) we see that the adiabatic, isentropic compression is just the difference of the
enthalpies of the flow medium at the discharge and suction ends respectively. The
enthalpy of the flow medium at the suction condition can be determined from
thermodynamic diagrams with the suction pressure and temperature as shown in
Figure 3.5a.

Constant Pressure Lines

PD Actual Compression
Adiabatic Isentropic Compression
h (Constant enthalpy )lines



Figure 3.5a Loss free adiabatic compression in T-S diagram
Since we are doing the calculation for isentropic (loss free) condition we can go vertically
upwards from the suction point until we get the required pressure line. Both the discharge
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 56

enthalpy and the adiabatic discharge temperature can be read directly from the graph. An
actual compression process involves a net increase in entropy and as can be seen from
Figure 3.6 both the actual discharge temperature and discharge enthalpy are greater than
the isentropic values. Once the values of hS and hD are read from the graph Yad can be
calculated using Equation 3.23.

Finding Yad using an h-S diagram

The enthalpy-entropy (h-S) diagram also known as Mollier’s diagram can also be used
for finding Yad. In this diagram the vertical axis represents the enthalpy and the
horizontal axis represents entropy. The enthalpy of the flow medium at the suction
condition can be determined from thermodynamic diagrams with the suction pressure and
temperature as shown in Figure 3.5b

Constant pressure

Constant temperature
h[kJ/kg] lines

hS Ts, Ps

Figure 3.5b Loss free adiabatic compression on h-S diagram
We go vertically upwards from the suction point until we get the required discharge
pressure line. We then read the enthalpy at the discharge from the vertical axis as shown
in Figure 3.5b. An approximate value of the adiabatic discharge temperature can also be
read from the constant temperature lines. Once the values of hS and hD are read from the
graph Yad can be calculated using Equation 3.23.


3.5.1. Characteristic sizes of a fluid machine
The capacity, specific energy (head or total pressure) and brake power are the most
important characteristic sizes of a fluid machine. The capacity is the rate of delivery of
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 57

the flow medium usually given as volume flow rate [m3/hr] rarely as mass flow rate
[kg/s] or molar flow rate [kmol/hr]. The specific energy tells us the energy the machine is
able to transfer to the flow medium per unit mass of fluid. The brake power is the net
power that the drive should deliver to the fluid machine. This brake power should cover
the useful power transferred to the fluid and the internal and external power losses of the
fluid machine.

The mass flow rate at any point can be calculated from the volume flow rate if the density
at the point is known.
m  Q (3.24)
Where m is the mass flow rate kg/s 
Q is the volume flow rate m3/s 
The useful power a fluid machine transfers is the product of the mass flow rate and
specific energy of the flow medium.

N  m Y (3.25)
N  m gH  QgH (3.26)
When the specific energy is given in form of total pressure
N  QPt (3.27)

It is good to note that the useful power in compressors and blower is calculated in two
different ways. For isothermal compression
Y  Yios  Yvel  Ygeo

For adiabatic
Y  Yad  Yvel  Ygeo

In most cases the velocity and geodetic energies are too small as compared to the
compression energy and the two are neglected. Hence
Y  Yios (3.28)

Y  Yad (3.29)
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 58

The brake power, as stated earlier, is the sum of the useful power and the total power loss
(internal and external power losses) of the fluid machine. Therefore the brake power is
the total power input to the fluid machine (output of the drive) and the useful power is the
output power of the fluid machine. Hence the overall efficiency of a fluid machine can be
defined as the ratio of the useful power (output) to the brake power (input).
QY QgH
  (3.30)
Nb Nb
= Overall efficiency
Nb= brake power
N=useful power
Since the useful power in case of compressors can be calculated as either isothermal or
adiabatic the efficiency is also defined likewise.
 ad  (3.31)

 iso  (3.32)
Example 3.5
The test result of an air compressor is presented below.
 Suction End
o Absolute Pressure 1.0 bar
o Suction Temperature 180C
o Flow rate at suction condition 500m3/hr
 Discharge End
o Absolute Pressure 2.5 bar
The brake power (output power of the motor) is 20.4 kW. Determine the adiabatic and
isothermal efficiency of the compressor. Neglect the velocity and geodetic energies.

Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 59

The density of air at suction condition

PS M (1.0  10 5 )  28.9
S    1.19 kg/m 3
RTS 8314.3  291.15
The mass flow rate at suction condition
m s   s Qs  1.19  0.166 kg/s
The specific energy of the compressor according to adiabatic compression
( k 1) / k
RTs  k   PD   8314.4  291.15  1.44   2.5  (1.441) / 1.44 
Yad       1       1  88571.1 J/kg
M  k  1   PS   28.96  1.44  1   1.0  

 

The useful power according to adiabatic compression

N ad  m s Y ad  0.166  88571.1  147028W  14.70 kW

The specific energy of the compressor according to isothermal compression

RTs  PD  8314.3  291.15  2.5 
Yiso  ln   ln    76749.9.9 J / kg
M  PS  28.96  1.0 

The useful power according to isothermal compression

N iso  m s Y iso  0.166  76749.9  12740W  12.74 kW

The adiabatic and isothermal efficiencies of the compressor

N ad 14.70
 ad    100%  72.1%
Nb 20.4

N iso 12.74
 iso    100%  62.4%
Nb 20.4
Example 3.6
Determine the power saving in compressing 1 kg/s of CO2 from 1atm and 150C to (a) 4
atm (b) 20 atm according to isothermal rather than adiabatic compression. What will be
the adiabatic discharge temperatures?
m  1kg / s M=44 kg/kmol
Ts=150C, PS=1 atm
PD,1=4 atm PD,2=20 atm
a) Compression to 4 atm
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 60

( k 1) / k
RTs  k   PD   8314.3  288.15  1.29   4  (1.291) / 1.29 
Yad       1       1  88568 J/kg
M  k  1   PS  

44  1.29  1   1.0  

N ad  kW  88.6 kW
Isothermal Compression
RT s  PD 
Yiso  ln   75483 J/kg
M  PS 
N iso  kW  75.5 kW
Power Saving  88.6  75.5  13.1 kW
Power Saving   100%  14.8%
b) Compression to 20 atm
N ad  232.8 kW

N iso  163.1 kW

Power Saving  232.8  163.1  69.6 kW

Power Saving   100%  29.9%
Note that as the compression ratio increases the power saving increases. That is why
multistage compression with cooling between stages is used for high compression

3.5.2 Performance Characteristics of Fluid Machines

The capacity, head (or total pressure), brake power and efficiency of a given fluid
machine are interrelated. The relationships between these quantities at a given speed are
known as performance characteristic of the fluid machine. The performance
characteristics of a new fluid machine is tested and prepared by the manufacturer. It is an
important document for the proper operation, maintenance and evaluation of the fluid
machine. In many cases the head or total pressure, brake power and efficiency are given
as a function of capacity.
H=f (Q), for pumps or Pt=f(Q) for fans and compressors
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 61

The performance characteristic of a given fluid machine may be reported in form a set of
curves or a table. When it is given in form of curves the curves are known as performance
characteristic curves or simply characteristic curves of the fluid machine. Figure 3.6
shows a typical performance characteristic curve of a centrifugal pump.

The overall efficiency can be calculated from the brake power, head, capacity and density
using (3.29),(3.30) or (3.31). Therefore the efficiency curve is sometimes not included in
the performance characteristic documents. The H-Q, Nb-Q and -Q curves are known as
head-capacity curve, power curve and efficiency curve respectively.

30 0.8 15

20 Eff. 10
H [m] N [kW]
10 N=f(Q)

Figure 3.6 Performance characteristic curve of centrifugal pump.

3.5.3 The Operating Point

A fluid machine can operate at any point on its characteristic curve. The actual operating
point of a given fluid machine depends on the system energy requirement and the pump
characteristics. The system energy requirement is the sum of the static and dynamic
energy requirements of the system described as a function of flow rate. The system
characteristic in pumping is commonly given as head capacity curve. For systems using
fans, blowers and compressors it is given as pressure-capacity curve. Figure 3.7 shows
typical characteristic curves of a ventilation system and a pumping system.
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 62



Figure 3.7 Typical system characteristics

The operating point can then be found by drawing the system H-Q curve and the pump
H-Q curve on the same scale as shown in Figure 3.8 the efficiency and brake power can
the be determined from the -Q, and Nb-Q relations of the pump.

Pump characteristics

Operating point
System characteristics

Figure 3.8 The operating point

Example 3.7
A centrifugal pump running at a speed of 1450 rpm is used to move a chemical that has a
density of 920 kg/m3. The head capacity curve and efficiency curve of the pump and the
characteristic curve of the system are given in Figure 3.9. (a)Determine the volume flow
rate, head and coupling power at the working point? (b)What will be the saving in
pumping 1,000,000m3 if the pump runs at the best efficiency point as compared to the
working point as indicated in Figure 3.9? Assume motor = 0.97, cost of electricity 0.75
Birr/ kW-hr
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 63


16 0.80


12 0.60


8 0.40


4 0.20


0 0.00
0 50 100 150 200

Figure 3.9 Pump and system characteristic curves

= 940kg/m3
The operating point, from the characteristic curve
QO= 163m3/hr
To get the overall efficiency at the operating point read from the efficiency curve with QO
The brake power can be calculated using Equation 3.30
N QHg 940  (163 / 3600)  13.3  9.81
Nb     8814.4 W  8.81 kW
  0.63
(b) The best efficiency is 0.78 and is found at Q= 120m3/hr. The head of the pump at
this flow is 14.5m.

Cost of pumping 1,000,000m3 at best efficiency point

The brake power at the best efficiency point
QHg 940  (120 / 3600)  14.5  9.81
N BEP    5714 W  5.71 kW
 0.78
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 64

Total power from the source

Brake Power 5.71
Ns    5.89kW
Efficiency of the motor 0.97
Time required to pump 1,000,000 m3
V 1,000,000
t   8333.3 hr
Q 120
Cost of pumping C[Birr]
C  Power Consumed  Operating Time  rate
C1  5.89kW  8333.3hr  0.75 Birr/kW hr  36,812Birr
Cost of pumping 1,000,000m3 at the indicated operating point
The brake power at the working point
N b  8.81 kW calculated at (a)

Total power from the source

Brake Power 8.81
Ns    9.08 kW
Efficiency of the motor 0.97
Time required to pump 1,000,000 m3 indicated working point
V 1,000,000
t   6135 hr
Q 163
Cost of pumping
C 2  9.08kW  6135hr  0.75Birr/kW hr  41,779 Birr
Saving by working at the best efficiency point
Saving  C 2  C1  41,779 Birr  36,812 Birr  4,967 Birr
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 65


1. A centrifugal water pump is tested under its design flow rate Q=250 m3/hr. The
static pressure at the suction and discharge end of the pump are measured 1.2 bar
and 8.5 bar respectively. The suction pipe is 10”- 40 and the discharge pipe is 8”-
40. The energy consumed by the pump during a test period of 30 minutes is
48.5kwhr. The geodetic head difference between suction and discharge end are
0.25m. Determine the useful head of the pump, the overall efficiency and the
energy cost for pumping 10,000 m3 of water under the test operating condition.
Assume motor=95%, Density of medium =998 kg/m3.

2. The static pressure at the suction and discharge end of a pump are measured to be
0.85 bar and 2.5 bar respectively. The suction and discharge pipes are 8’’ and 6”
(schedule 40) respectively. The power input to the drive (motor) is measured 7.3kw.
The discharge velocity is 1.7 m/s. The discharge end is 0.3 m above the suction end.
For the operating point determine:
i. The specific work and head
ii. The flow rate (m3/hr)
iii. The overall efficiency of the pump
iv. The annual cost of pumping
motor = 0.97, Density of medium = 980 kg/m3, Working hour =2640 hrs/annum
Unit cost of electricity = 0.75 Birr / kW hr,

3. It is required to compress air at a rate of 10 mol/s from 1.0 bar to 2.1 bars. The
temperature of the air at suction is 200C. Determine
i. The pressure energy transferred to the gas in adiabatic compression.
ii. The pressure energy transferred to the gas in adiabatic compression.
iii. The useful power transferred to the gas in adiabatic compression and
isothermal compression
Use both calculation and graphical method.
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 66

4. A test is carried out on a centrifugal pump to determine the performance

characteristics of the pump. The test data is given below draw the characteristic
curve of the pump and determine.
i. The best efficiency point.
ii. The shut-off head
iii. The volume flow rates and efficiency when the pump runs against
a head of 22m and 30m.
 Motor efficiency motor =0.97
 The discharge and suction pipes are of equal diameter and leakage
is negligible.
Table E3. 1 Test Data
Q[m3/hr] 0 40 75 115 145 175
PS [bar] 1.01 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.89
PD [bar] 4.24 4.11 3.90 3.40 2.81 1.91
Nmot[kw] 10.09 10.67 10.98 11.09 10.60

5. The static pressure and velocities at suction and discharge end of a pump are
1.5bar, 1.55 m/s, 6.4 bar and 2.40 m/s respectively. The density of the flow
medium is 870 kg/m3. The brake power is 14.3 kw. Other information is given in
the drawing below. At the stated working condition, determine
i. The volume flow rate
ii. The pump head
iii. The useful power transferred to the fluid
iv. The overall efficiency



Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 67

6. It is desired to use 28.32 m3/min of air [metered at a pressure of 101.3 kPa and
294.1 K] in a process. This amount of air, which is at rest, enters the fan at a
pressure of 741.7mm Hg and a temperature of 366.3 K and is discharged at a
pressure of 769.6 mm Hg and a velocity of 45.7 m/s. A centrifugal fan having an
overall fan efficiency of 65% is to be used. Calculate the brake power needed.
1mm Hg =0.1333224 kPa

7. A single-stage compressor is to compress 7.56  10-3 k mol/s of methane gas at

26.7 0C and 137.9 kPa abs to 551.6 kPa abs. Calculate the power required
i. if the overall efficiency is 80% under adiabatic compression.
ii. if the overall efficiency is 80% under isothermal compression.

8. An axial flow fan with an air as the flow medium is tested. The suction temperature
and pressure are 293.16 K and 1.01 bar respectively. The static pressure difference
between the suction and discharge is found to be 1.2kPa. The flow rate of the air is
1.4 m3/s. The elevation difference between the suction and discharge end is 0.45m.
Calculate the total pressure of the fan.

9. Three compressors C1, C2 and C3 are available for compressing air with a discharge
to suction pressure ratio of 3.5. The efficiency of each of the compressor is given in
the table below. Write the compressors in order of increasing operating cost.

Table E3. 2 Compressors efficiencies

C1 C2 C3
ad iso ad
0.78 0.72 0.74

10. It is required to compress CO from 1 atm and 140K to 2.1 atm. If the compression
is carried out by a compressor having ad=0.68 what should be the coupling power.
Use T-S diagram, and calculation method to compare the results. Repeat the same
problem for a compressor having iso=0.62.
Chapter 3 Energy Transfer and Specific Work of Fluid Machines 68

11. A horizontal axial flow fan having a suction pipe diameter of 300mm is used to
remove air from a workshop. The static pressure difference between the suction
and discharge ends of the fan is 2.5kPa. The suction pressure and temperature are
1.013 bars and 200C. The velocity of the air measured at the suction is 10.2 m/s.
i. The total useful pressure transferred by the of the fan
ii. The mass flow rate of the fan
iii. The brake power of the fan
Overall efficiency of 85%, Molecular Weight of Air = 28.9 kg/kmol,
R=8314.3 J/kmol-k

12. A compressor is used to compress 0.035 k mol /s of air from 1.01 bar and 200C
to 1.8 bar. The adiabatic efficiency of the compressor is 72.5 %. Calculate:
i. The coupling power of the compressor
ii. The energy cost of compressing 1ton (1000kg) of Air, assuming
mot= 0.95.
iii. The adiabatic discharge temperature under adiabatic compression.

[3.1] Sheer,W., Turbo Mahinery (AAU Teaching Material), 1976
[3.3] Perry, H.R., Green,D., Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook , 6th
editions,1984, McGraw-Hill.
[3.4] Rao,N.S.G., Fluid Flow Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill, 9183.

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