Section 1600: © 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

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Modular Cabinets Section 1600
Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

• Consistent Appearance - The use of modular cabinets on

a project will give a consistency in appearance due to the
General Criteria standardization of materials and construction methods.
1600-G-1 • Functional Flexibility - The use of modular components
Scope facilitates changes in function within a building area.
• Designs for Institutional Needs - Modular cabinet man-
IMPORTANT NOTE TO DESIGN PROFESSIONALS ufacturers incorporate designs that address specific cabinet
Whether cabinets are specified in Section 06000 or in Section functions and specific internal dimensions to meet identified
12000 of your office master, they are often built in “mod- institutional needs.
ules.” • Economies of Mass Production - High quality and
Modular cabinets are often specified from a catalog rather increased productivity are achieved through standardiza-
than the more traditional dialog associated with individual tion of materials and dimensions using modern production
custom cabinetry. techniques.
• Pre-Engineered Hardware - By using specially researched
AWI/AWMAC member firms can and do make modular cab- and tested heavy-duty hardware, modular cabinets meet the
inets. Some have the capability to make both a line of standard high-use needs of institutional and commercial projects.
modular cabinets as well as the custom work often associated • Serviceability - Use of high-quality, factory-finished mate-
with schools, libraries, health care facilities, etc. rials reduces maintenance during the life of the installation.
In many cases the performance of these cabinets exceeds that Matching of replacement parts or complete cabinets is pos-
of traditional kitchen and bath cabinets sold in the retail and sible should the need arise due to damage or additions.
residential contract markets. • Ease of Installation - The modular cabinet concept
This section of the Standard will assist in establishing a lends itself to standardized and economical installation
non proprietary specification and quality standard for mass- techniques.
produced modular cabinets acceptable primarily for institutional Most importantly, AWI/AWMAC cabinetmakers are eager to
or commercial use. work with the design team during the developmental phase of
the project to review form, function, and features. The design
Includes: professional often has a greater variety of choices than is cus-
This section will discuss cabinets, cases, and fixtures, pro- tomary with retail or contract cabinets.
duced from a manufacturerʼs standard details adapted to 1600-G-3
use for a particular project.
Work Included
Architectural cabinets (see Sections 400A & B) Manufacturer will furnish and install cabinet hardware.
Counter tops (see Section 400C) Hardware furnished will be selected by the manufacturer to
1600-G-2 meet or exceed the minimum hardware standards set by this
Design and Specification
Modular cabinets allow the design professional to use manu-
facturer-designed and engineered quality when the economics Work Not Included
of mass production outweigh the needs for design flexibility Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer shall not pro-
offered by Section 400, Architectural Cabinets Standards. Look vide:
in the design ideas area of Section 400 for sample cabinet design • surface finishes other than manufacturerʼs standard;
numbers loaned to us by our sister association, the Woodwork • for any electrical, telephone, mechanical or plumbing
Institute of California (WIC). equipment;
Certain casework applications may require alternate construc- • common blocking (within a wall or ceiling) for the sup-
tion techniques for high abuse laboratory environments. It is port of cabinets;
suggested the design professional consult the AWI/AWMAC • exposed bases other than plastic laminate or wood; or
manufacturers for the performance criteria of laboratory furni- • dust panels (obsolete with modern drawer guides, but
ture, casework, shelving, and tables, and specify accordingly. could be specified between drawers/doors with locks keyed
Design aesthetics, materials, and workmanship will continue differently.)
to be referenced to the Quality Standards Illustrated.
Most AWI/AWMAC members have the capability to produce
modular cabinets. Indeed, when quantities of similar cabinets
are specified under Section 400 of this Standard, they are often
1600 produced using modular fabrication methods. Modular cabinets
offer the following advantages:

© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Cabinet Construction
Modular cabinet catalogs often contain useful data for evaluating
the vendorʼs product. The following items should be evaluated
when considering a modular cabinet fabricator:
• Minimum thickness and material for cabinet components
(usually 19 mm [3/4"])
• Surface materials: Cabinet body components
• Edge treatment of components
• Surface materials: Cabinet doors and drawer fronts
• Drawer construction techniques and hardware
• Drawer sides, subfronts, and backs
• Drawer bottoms 6 mm [1/4"] minimum thickness
• Cabinet hardware
• Adjustable shelf techniques and hardware
• Joinery of cabinet body members
Reference Points
The design professional (and the cabinetmaker) can start with
Section 1600 for each of the above criteria. Selections can be
made between methods and materials shown here, as well as
among other materials and fabrication techniques.
When maximum control in the selection of these items must
rest with the owner and ownerʼs representatives, the use of
Section 400 to specify the project is recommended.
On the other hand, when the cabinetmaker suggests the use of the
factoryʼs standard methods and materials, and those suggestions
meet the needs of the ultimate client, the use of a manufacturerʼs
standard modular cabinet would be appropriate.


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Minimum Nominal Thickness And Material For Cabinet Components (Other Than Doors)
These general minimums apply to all 1600 cabinet standards. In the absence of specifications, the following standards will apply.
Where more than one method or material is listed for a grade, woodworkers will supply their choice from the alternatives.
Cabinet Components Materials Minimum Nominal Thickness
Body Members - (ends [gables], divisions,
Panel product 19 mm [3/4"]
fixed shelves, bottoms, tops)
Face Frames, Rails, Toe Kicks, Cab. Lumber or Panel product 19 mm [3/4"]
Adjustable Shelves - Consult your 19 mm [3/4"] for spans up to 914 mm [36"]
woodwork manufacturer during the 27 mm [1-1/16"] for spans up to 1219 mm [48"]
design phase for engineering sugges- 19 mm [3/4"] for spans up to 914 mm [36"]
tions to minimize deflection of heavily Veneer Core Plywood 27 mm [1-1/16"] for spans up to 1219 mm [48"]
loaded shelves or long spans.
No shelf in conventional base or wall
cabinets at these dimensions shall be Medium Density Particleboard 19 mm [3/4"] for spans up to 813 mm [32]
expected to carry over 23 kg [50 lbs.] or Medium Density Fiberboard 25.4 mm [1"] for spans up to 1067 mm [42"]
per square foot total distributed load.
Backs Panel Product 6.4 mm [1/4"]
Mounting or hanger strips Lumber or Panel Product 12.7 mm [1/2"]
Drawer sides, backs, and subfronts Lumber or Panel Product 12.7 mm [1/2"]
Drawer bottoms Panel Product 6.4 mm [1/4"]
Drawer fronts Lumber or Panel Product 19 mm [3/4"]
Stile and rail cabinet door and drawer thickness - 19 mm [3/4"] minimum nominal thickness. Special consideration should be
given to building very wide and/or very tall doors of this thickness. Consult your manufacturer for guidelines.”
Glass doors - Frames: 19 mm [3/4"] minimum nominal thickness, glass to meet local code. Frameless glass: 6.4 mm [1/4"]
nominal thickness.
Flush cabinet door limits - 19 mm [3/4"] medium density particleboard or medium density fiberboard core up to 762 mm [30"]
width by 2032 mm [80"] height, with like materials and thicknesses both faces. Veneer core doors will not be guaranteed
against warping, telegraphing, or delamination. Larger doors require special design, engineering, and fabrication. Design
teams and manufacturers shall work together to develop sound solutions.


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Shelf Deflection Information

The Department of Wood Science in the Division of Forestry at West Virginia University conducted a study for the Architectural
Woodwork Institute regarding the deflection of wood shelving materials under various amount of stress. The following table
represents their findings with the various products tested. Dimensions have not been converted to metric.
The table shows total uniformly distributed load requirements necessary to cause deflection of 1/4 inch in shelves 8 and 12 inches
wide with spans (i.e. unfixed, supported at each end) of 30, 36, 42, and 48 inches. Load required to deflect shelves more or less
than 1/4 inch may be estimated by direct proportion. For example, the uniformly distributed load required to cause a deflection
of 1/8 inch is one-half that of the value in the table. For width different than 8 or 12 inches (the values used in the table), load
required to cause a 1/4 inch deflection may also be determined by direct proportion. A 6 inch wide shelf, for example, will deflect
twice as much as a 12 inch wide shelf under the same load.
The following equation shows how deflection is related to shelf dimensions, width, thickness, span, load per inch of span and
E-value, a material property which measures stiffness or resistance to deflection. The higher the E-value the less the deflection.
When a shelf is made with several materials, each with its own E-value, a composite E-value must be determined.
To compute deflection:
D= 0.1563wl
Ebh 3

In which the values are:

D = deflection (in inches)
w = load per lineal inch of span
l = span (length)
E = modulus of elasticity
b = base (width)
h = depth (thickness)
Shelf Deflection of /4" by Estimated Total Distributed Load in pounds

Span 30" 36" 42" 48"

Material Thickness
Width 8" 12" 8" 12" 8" 12" 8" 12"
Yellow-Poplar 3/4" 322 483 189 284 117 175 78 117
Red Gum lumber lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
Sweet Gum 1-1/16" 912 1368 528 790 332 498 221 332
Hard Maple 3/4" 356 534 209 313 133 206 88 133
Pecan lumber lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
Red Oak 1-1/16" 1021 1536 592 888 373 560 249 374
lumber 13-/14/"16" 400 600
1134 1701
Medium density particleboard 3/4" 78 117 46 69 29 43 19 28
(raw or covered with “ melamine” ) 1" 185 277 109 164 69 102 45 66
Medium density fiberboard 3/4" 100 150 58 87 36 54 25 38
(raw or covered with “ melamine” ) 1" 237 356 137 206 85 128 59 90
Birch faced plywood, veneer core 3/4" 145 218 86 129 54 81 36 54
Birch faced plywood, medium density
particleboard core 3/4" 125 188 72 109 46 68 31 46
Medium density particleboard covered two
sides and one edge with nominal 0.028" 3/4" 174 261 100 139 64 96 42 63
high pressure decorative laminate (core)
Medium density particleboard covered two
sides and one edge with nominal 0.050" (core) 234 350 137 205 86 129 58 87
high pressure decorative laminate
Medium density particleboard with 1/8"
3/4" 89 139 53 79 33 50 22 33
solid lumber edge
Medium density particleboard with 3/4" 3/4" 100 150 60 90 42 63 25 38
solid lumber edge
Medium density particleboard with 3/4" x 1-
1/2" solid lumber dropped edge 3/4" 384 435 216 241 132 152 92 107
NOTE: All medium density particle board is ANSI 208.1-1998 Type M-2.
The information and ratings stated here pertain to material currently offered and represent results of tests believed to be 1600
reliable. However, due to variations in handling and in methods not known or under our control, neither the AWI nor the
AWMAC can make any warranties or guarantees as to end results.

© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Technical Criteria Owner Selections/Prevailing Standards
It is the responsibility of the owner and/or ownerʼs representative
1600-T-1 to select exposed and semi-exposed finish materials from the
Universal Standards manufacturerʼs offerings. Selections other than manufacturerʼs
In the absence of specifications, the following standards apply offerings may be available. Consultation with proposed manu-
to all cabinets fabricated under this section: facturers is recommended.
• Exclusions listed in Section 1600-G-4 are, by reference, The following are the prevailing selections in the absence of
a part of the performance standard. specifications:
• Sinks and sink trim are excluded. A. Face Style — Flush Overlay — VGS laminate exposed
• Electrical items are excluded. surface faces, with CLS cabinet liner or thermoset decorative
• Appliances are excluded. overlay (vendorʼs choice) semi-exposed surfaces.
• Cabinet shelves conform to 1600-G-7 table.
B. Door and Drawer Face Edging — minimum 1/50" PVC,
• Cabinets 762 mm [42"] in width and more shall have
solid color to match or blend with VGS exposed surfaces.
center support.
• Standard cabinet dimensions are in 76 mm [ 3"] increments. C. Body Front Edging — minimum 0.5 mm [1/50"] PVC, solid
[Special dimensions are available from many manufacturers, color to match or blend with semi-exposed surfaces.
but must be clearly specified.] D. Door Hinges — Concealed 100-125˚ nickel plated
• File cabinets will be approximately 406 mm [16"] or 35 mm “European” hinges with pressed-in-place synthetic,
483 mm [19"] wide. barbed hinge screw pockets.
• All cabinet doors will have the same material type and E. Door and Drawer Pulls — Metal wire pulls, secured with
thickness, applied in the same machine direction, on both screws 96-102 mm [33/4-4"] on center.
sides. [Color of material may vary from outside to inside,
with the inside of the door often finished in the same color F. Drawer Slides — minimum 100# rated, epoxy coated bi-rail
as the inside of the cabinet body.] roller bearing slides with positive stop in both directions, self
closing. File drawers will have full extension slides.
G. Open Interior — Interior surfaces VGS laminate to match
exterior Exposed surfaces, including matching sides, interior
upper and lower surfaces, cabinet backs, shelves and their front
L J edges. Open units, partially open units, and units with glass
doors are included in this classification.
H. Closed Interior — Thermoset decorative overlay with
C G matching back. Units with solid doors, both hinged and exposed
surfaces of sliding doors, are included in this classification.
J. Exposed Ends — VGS laminate to match adjacent cabinet/
K door/drawer exposed surface faces.
F K. Wall Unit Bottoms — VGS laminate to match adjacent
cabinet/door/drawer exposed surface faces.
L. Shelf Edges — minimum 1/50" PVC, solid color to match
B or blend with semi-exposed surfaces, except in Open Interior
as described above.
H M. Toe Base — Unit side panel is continuous to the floor.
Separate Toe Base finish material cabinet substrate with VGS
to match exposed surfaces unless specified as vinyl base [which
is furnished by others], will be unfinished cabinet substrate.

1600 D

© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Alternate Surface Materials: Cabinet Components (other than Doors & Drawer Fronts)
In the absence of specifications, when other than prevailing standards of Section 1600, the following standards will apply.
Where more than one method or material is listed, woodworkers will supply their choice from the alternatives. Counter tops
are covered in Section 400C.

Materials for Transparent Finish

Exposed Panel Products (Transparent Finish) "A" Grade Face Veneer (particleboard core)
Matching of Panel Products across Cabinet Faces None Required
Direction and Matching of Wood Grain None Required
NOTE: Sequence match on one item or a suite of items, and/or balance or center match on each panel may be available
from some manufacturers and must be clearly specified if required.
Grade II (compatible for color)
Exposed Solid Lumber Parts (Transparent Finish) Same species & cut as adjacent face veneer on panel
product unless otherwise specified
"B" Grade Face Veneer or Thermoset
Panel Product decorative overlay (at option of the
Semi-exposed Parts (Transparent Finish)
Grade II solid lumber (compatible species
Lumber to exposed, cut or sawing at option of the
Concealed Parts (Transparent Finish) Mill Option

Materials for Opaque Finish

Medium density fiberboard, medium density overlay, or
Exposed Panel Products (Opaque Finish)
close grain hardwood veneer on particleboard or MDF core
Exposed Solid Lumber Parts (Opaque Finish) Close grained hardwood
Semi-exposed or Concealed Parts (Opaque Finish) Mill Option

Materials for High Pressure Decorative Laminate Finish

VGS nominal .028" thick (core: particleboard, other core
Exposed Panel Products (HPDL Finish)
only by direct specification)
Semi-exposed Panel Parts (HPDL Finish) Thermoset decorative overlay on particleboard core
Mill Option
All unrestrained laminated/overlaid surfaces must be
balanced construction or covered with a moisture barrier
Concealed Parts (HPDL Finish) sheet
Fixed cabinet members not in close proximity to concrete
or other high moisture conditions do not require balance or
moisture barrier sheet
Direction and matching of wood grain or patterned decorative surfaces is not required on any surface.

Flush Cabinet Door & Drawer Front Thickness - 19 mm [3/4"] up to 762 mm [30"] width by 2032 mm [80"] height
using either medium density particleboard or medium density fiberboard core with like materials and thicknesses both
faces. Veneer core doors will not be guaranteed against warping, telegraphing, or delamination. Larger doors require
special design, engineering, and fabrication. Design teams and manufacturers should work together to develop sound
solutions. 1600

© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Alternate Edge Treatments of Exposed and Semi-exposed Components
In the absence of specifications, when other than prevailing standards of 1600-T-2, the following standards will apply. Where
more than one method or material is listed, woodworkers will supply their choice from the alternatives. Counter tops are covered
in Section 400C of this Standard.
Visible edges of panel products shall be treated by applying edge bandings using automatic edgebander or glue and
pressure as indicated below. Back edges and ends of adjustable shelves within cases are not considered to be visible. Edge
banding in excess of this standard must be specified. PVC edge banding is available in several thicknesses and should be
evaluated and specified or approved by the design professional when desired. The following standards apply to square, self
edged cabinet parts. Special design considerations may require special engineering solutions by the manufacturer.
Finish Condition
Component High Pressure Decorative
Transparent Opaque
Body Members Same Species as Face Close Grain Material PVC to match face
Exposed Shelves Same Species as Face Close Grain Material PVC to match interior
Semi-exposed Shelves Compatible with interior Compatible with interior Compatible with interior
Doors and Drawer
Same Species as Face Close Grain Material PVC to match face
Fronts **
NOTE: ** All Edges must be banded. (This was an additional requirement of the 6th edition). Sequence of lamination at
the option of the manufacturer, usually after faces. Minimum edge band thickness 0.5 mm [.018"].
Depending on the use of cabinets, thicker edgebands may be specified to enhance durability. PVC edgebands are
recommended for HPDL cabinets and components. Consult a member company for engineering and specification details.


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Unless specified, sequence of lamination determined by woodworker

Hot melt applied HPDL edge banding shall be primed before application for proper adhesion unless the hot melt
adhesive used has been specially formulated for the application of HPDL without requiring pre-application of a

NOTE: Edgebands, to the extent of standard length

materials, run the full length of a single vertical or
horizonal member without a joint or splice. Joints
align with the plane of the case body at intersections.
Finishing front edges of cases with a single piece of
laminate is not standard practice, and must be specified
if desired.

NOTE: For increased durability either edgeband or chamfer the lower edge
of a die wall toe kick. Must be specified. Otherwise will be treated as a
concealed surface.

NOTE: When radiused details are specified at cabinet body

edges, the exposed edge is generally applied and profiled at the
same time. The edges at the seams may appear as shown at right
due to the radius applied to the elements.

When not in violation of design, leading edges of intersecting

members may be set back, provided setback is consistent.Other
design and engineering details are available.


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Surface Materials: Flush (Panel Product) Cabinet Doors and Drawer Fronts
In the absence of specifications, when other than prevailing standards of 1600-T-2, the following standards will apply. Where
more than one method or material is listed, woodworkers will supply their choice from the alternatives.
Materials for Transparent Finish
"A" Grade Face Veneer with balanced veneer back,
Exposed Panel Products (Transparent Finish)
compatible species (particleboard or MDF core)
Matching of Panel Products across Cabinet Faces None Required
Direction and Matching of Wood Grain None Required
NOTE: Sequence match on one item, and/or balance or center match on each panel may be available from some
manufacturers and must be clearly specified if required.

Materials for Opaque Finish

Medium density fibreboard (MDF), Medium density
Exposed Panel Products (Opaque Finish) overlay, or close grain veneer; balanced construction
and finish (particleboard or MDF core)

Materials for High Pressure Decorative Laminate Finish

VGS nominal .028" thick both face and back
Exposed Panel Products (HPDL Finish)
(particleboard or MDF core)
Direction and matching of wood grain or patterned decorative laminates is not required on any surface.
Flush Cabinet Door & Drawer Front Thickness - 19 mm [3/4"] up to 762 mm [30"] width by 2032 mm [80"] height
using either medium density particleboard or medium density fiberboard core with like materials and thicknesses both
faces. Veneer core doors will not be guaranteed against warping, telegraphing, or delamination. Larger doors require
special design, engineering, and fabrication. Design teams and manufacturers should work together to develop sound


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Surface Materials: Stile and Rail Wood Doors and Drawer Fronts
In the absence of specifications, when other than prevailing standards of 1600-T-2, the following standards will apply. Where
more than one method or material is listed, woodworkers will supply their choice from the alternatives.
Materials for Transparent Finish
Exposed Panel Products (Transparent Finish) "A" Grade face veneer (particleboard core)
Matching of Panel Products across Cabinet Faces None required
Direction and Matching of Wood Grain None required
NOTE: Sequence match on one item or a suite of items, and/or balance or center match on each panel is available and
must be specified if required.
Grade II (compatible for color)
Exposed Solid Lumber Parts (Transparent Finish) Same species as adjacent face veneer on panel product unless
otherwise specified
"B" Grade face veneer (same species as
Panel Product exposed, cut or slicing at option of the
Semi-exposed Parts (Transparent Finish)
Grade II solid lumber (compatible species to
Lumber exposed, cut or sawing at option of the
Solid raised panel, glued for width - Maximum 14"
Raised Panels (over 14" must be rim raised panels, particleboard or MDF
core with Grade II lumber same as veneer)
NOTE: All panels within view from one location may be Rim Raised or Solid in any combination.
Flat Panels Veneered flat panel product, minimum 1/4" thickness

Materials for Opaque Finish

Medium density fiberboard, medium density overlay, or close
Exposed Panel Products (Opaque Finish)
grain hardwood veneer on particleboard or MDF core
Exposed Solid Lumber Parts (Opaque Finish) Close grained hardwood
Semi-exposed or Concelaed Parts (Opaque Finish) Mill Option
Solid Raised Panel, glued for width - Maximum 14"
(over 14" must be rim raised panels, particleboard or MDF
Raised Panels core with close grained hardwood)
Solid simulated raised panel door: Medium density fiberboard
one-piece construction
NOTE: All panels within view from one location may be Rim Raised or Solid in any combination.
Close grain hardwood veneer, medium density fibreboard or
Flat Panels
tempered hardboard, 1/4" minimum thickness

Glass panels, decorative wire panels, stained glass, beveled glass, etched glass, etc. must be specified, including
appropriate safety considerations.


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Drawer Sides, Subfronts, and Backs
In the absence of specifications, the following standards will apply. Where more than one method or material is listed, wood-
workers will supply their choice from the alternatives.
Material Selection
Solid hardwood lumber (minimum 1/2" finished thickness) Species selected by manufacturer and consistent
7 ply all hardwood veneer core plywood (no voids) through out project
Edgebanded Thermoset Decorative Overlay Color selected by manufacturer and consistent
(minimum 1/2" thickness particleboard core) throughout project
NOTE: Pre-manufactured drawer systems, including metal sides, bottom-mount and epoxy-coated slides, are available
and must be evaluated and specified or approved by the design professional when desired. AWI woodwork manufacturer
will select the fabrication system(s) from those listed above in any combination.

Drawer Bottoms (6 mm [1/4"] Minimum Thickness)
In the absence of specifications, the following standards will apply. Where more than one method or material is listed, manu-
facturers will supply their choice from the alternatives.
NOTE: Pre-manufactured drawer systems may
Thermoset decorative overlay panel product on particleboard core require minimum 1/2" thickness for bottom, and
Hardwood veneered panel product on any core must be evaluated and specified or approved by
the design professional when desired.
Hardboard (smooth side visible inside)

Drawer Construction Techniques/Hardware
In the absence of specifications, the following standards will apply. Where more than one method or material is listed, manu-
facturers will supply their choice from the alternatives.
Construction Techniques
Min. 32 mm dowel spacing to 102 mm [4"] high,
Dovetailed, lock shoulder or doweled, glued under pressure
64 mm dowel spacing above 102 mm [4"]
Inset bottoms shall be set into sides and front, 6 mm [1/4"] deep
groove with minimum 10 mm [3/8"] standing shoulder
See illustrations
Onset bottoms (minimum 12.7 mm [1/2"] materials) only in
conjunction with bottom mounted slides
5 sides machined from a single piece
Miter fold (minimum 12.7 mm [1/2"] materials)
simultaneously, glued under pressure
NOTE: Four-sided drawer box may be separate from the attached drawer front.
Hardware, combination metal and roller bearing drawer slides:
Pencil and box drawers min. 45 kg [100 lb.], three-quarter extension
Designated file drawers min. 45 kg [100 lb.], full extension


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Separate Drawer Front (3/4" min.)

Body (1/2"

Bottom (1/4" min., 1/2" if bottom mt.)

3/8" standing shoulder, Section at Drawer 1/2" bottom mount

captured 4 sides
Drawer Section - Figure 1600-05

Front Front Bottom Front

Dovetail French Dovetail Miter Fold Lock Shoulder

Drawer Joinery - Figure 1600-06

Adjustable Shelf Techniques/Hardware
Multiple Holes (minimum 5mm diameter with pins) 32 mm on center; NOTE: Consult with manufacturer for design
or manufacturer standard adjustable shelf standards and clips. solutions when heavy shelf loading is anticipated.

Joinery of Cabinet Body Members
In the absence of specifications, the following standards will apply. Where more than one method or material is listed, manu-
facturers will supply their choice from the alternatives.
A. Fixed case body members* (shelves, bottoms, tops and rails which are fastened to sides, ends and dividers) shall be joined
using concealed dado, dowels, European assembly screws, or interlocking mechanical fasteners. Where the concealed dado or
dowel methods are employed, cases shall be assembled utilizing glue and pressure. The dado method must be reinforced with
blind nailing or blind screwing.
B. No nails, screws or other fastenings may be visible on exposed surfaces. Mechanical fasteners may be visible on semi-ex-
posed surfaces.
C. Rails or top panels must be provided where case will have a separate top in order to permit concealed fastening of the sepa-
rate top through such rails or panels.
D. Groove cabinet backs into sides and recess to allow for installation strips, or apply 12.7 mm [1/2"] (minimum) backs with
minimum #8 low root, high thread (not "drywall") screws spaced maximum 8" on center. Anchor strips not required for back
12.7 mm (1/2") or thicker, so attached.
E. Finished ends will not show evidence of back attachment or anchor strips.
*Note: Where not in violation of design, surfaces of intersecting body members may be set back not to exceed 3.2 mm [1/8"]
provided setback is consistent within the cabinet.

© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Face Frame and Trim Joinery

Joinery Table for Face Frames and Trims

Face Frame Stile and Rail Assembly
Glued mortise and tenon or concealed pocket screw Method selected by manufacturer and consistent throughout any one
Dowel or biscuit joints, glued under pressure project.

Attachment of Face Frame to Body Members Glue and finish nail

NOTE: Site applied mouldings are governed by Section 300 and Section 1700. The following applies to mouldings
contained wholly within an individual panel.
Applied Mouldings Plant fastened; spot glued, fine finish nailed and set
NOTE: Filling nail holes is done during finishing. When factory finishing is not specified and/or part of the fabrication
contract, the responsibility for filling and smoothing of fill material lies with the finishing contractor.

Smoothness of Exposed Surfaces (Minimum Requirements)

Sanding Criteria
Maximum length of sanding cross scratches allowed on exposed
6 mm [1/4"]
surfaces after finishing.
Minimum sanding grit required on exposed surfaces. 120
Consult with an AWI woodwork manufacturer regarding special conditions and finishing requirements.

Tightness and Flushness of Plant Assembled Joints

Gap Tolerances
Maximum gap between Exposed components .8 mm [1/32"]
Maximum length of gap in Exposed components 127 mm [5"]
Maximum gap between Semi-exposed components 1.6 mm [1/16"]
Maximum length of gap in Semi-exposed components 203 mm [8"]
Maximum gap between each end of adjustable shelf and shelf clip 1.6 mm [1/16"]
NOTE: No gap may occur within 1220 mm [48"] of another gap (except adjustable shelf ends.)

Chemical Resistance
When specified for laboratory use in which chemical resistance is a factor, the minimum acceptable chemical resistance for
exposed and semi-exposed surfaces shall be a high pressure laminate formulated for such applications. Design criteria in excess
of this standard shall be clearly called out in the contract documents.


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Compliance Criteria
Fitting of Cabinet Doors and Drawers (Maximum Deviation)

Target Fitting Tolerances

Gap between doors, drawers, panels, and frames 3 mm [1/8"] ±0.8 mm [1/32"]
Flushness of adjacent door and drawer faces 4 mm [5/32"] max. variation
NOTE: Tolerances are subject to component size, hardware choices, allowable warp, installation variations, etc. The
recommended targeted maximum deviations listed are subject to the above conditions.



Fitting Tests - Figure 1600-07

Flatness of Cabinet Doors and Removable Panels (Maximum Deviation)

Measured diagonally, per 305 mm [lineal foot] (or portion thereof) of

.9 mm [.036"]
diagonal measurement, the following maximum deviation from flat:
EXAMPLE: When the diagonal measurement of the illustrated panel is 1220 mm [4'], the maximum distance between the
string and the face of the panel will be about 3.6 mm [9/64"] - 4 x 0.9 [.036"] = 3.6 [.144"] and 9/64" = about .141"


Flatness Test - Figure 1600-08 1600

© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards

Modular Cabinets
Section 1600

Flushness Between Factory Assembled Joints (Maximum Variation)

Flushness Tolerance
Measured with a feeler gauge .1 mm [.005"]

Test Locations

Flushness Test - Figure 1600-09

Tests for Smoothness of Exposed Surfaces
KCPI (Knife Cuts Per Inch) can be determined by holding the surfaced board at an angle to a strong light source and counting
the visible ridges per inch, usually perpendicular to the profile.
SANDING can best be checked by sanding a sample piece of the same species with the required grit of abrasive. Observation
with a hand lens of the prepared sample and the material in question will offer a comparison of the scratch marks of the abrasive
grit. Reasonable assessment of the performance of the finished product will be weighed against absolute compliance with the
Tightness and Flushness of Plant Assembled Joints
Joint tightness and/or flushness will meet the standard when tested with a feeler gauge at the points indicated in the illustration.
Joint length will be measured with a ruler with a minimum division of 1/16" and calculations made accordingly. Reasonable
assessment of the performance of the finished product will be weighed against absolute compliance with the standard.
Edgebanding Performance

Edgebanding Tolerances
Flushness with adjacent surfaces (maximum variation) .1 mm [.005"]

All edgebanding must be free of delamination, bubbles, and all adhesive residue.


© 2003 AWI/AWMAC - 8th Edition Quality Standards


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