Unit 1 Progress Test B: Grammar

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Unit 1 Progress Test B

1 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the words in brackets. Use active or passive forms.

Olive oil
As everybody knows, olive oil 1__________________ (produce) by pressing whole olives.
Every year, over three million tons of the oil 2__________________ (sell) worldwide, and the
number of consumers is rising. This is because, in recent years, olive oil
__________________ (market) as a healthy and tasty alternative to butter in much of
northern Europe and North America. The liquid has a long history. Archaeological evidence
shows that olives 4__________________ (turn) into oil as long ago as 6000 BC. The practice
__________________ (may / begin) in Mesopotamia, but nobody knows for sure. On the
island of Crete in the Mediterranean, vases for holding oil 6__________________ (find). Some
of these are over five thousand years old, suggesting that olive oil production in the
Mediterranean is also ancient. It 7__________________ (know) that the first oil presses
__________________ (invent) about two thousand years ago. Before that time, olives
__________________ (press) by hand. It is amazing to think that many of the dishes which
__________________ (must / prepare) by the Ancient Egyptians were as dependent on
olive oil as many of our dishes are today.

Mark: ___ / 10

2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
1 People should allow teenagers to stay in bed longer.
Teenagers __________________________________ .
2 The council must have completed the repairs before they reopened the building.
The repairs _______________________ before the building _______________________ .
3 It is believed that nightmares are caused by eating too much cheese.
Nightmares __________________________________ too much cheese.
4 Since the mayor has only just opened the shopping centre, we can forgive the shops there for having very little stock.
Since the shopping centre _______________________ , the shops there _______________________ for having very
little stock.
5 People once believed that somebody had made the moon from cheese.
It _______________________ the moon _______________________ from cheese.

Mark: ___ / 10

Solutions Grade 11 Kazakhstan edition Tests 1 Unit 1 Progress Test B

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letter of each word has been given.
1 Did you know that people in Switzerland c___________ more chocolate per head of the population than any other
2 V___________ D is essential for the correct development of our bones, and is found in liver and fish oils.
3 Eating foods rich in animal fats can raise the level of c___________ in the blood, which in turn can lead to heart
4 Eating a banana is a great way of b___________ your energy levels during the afternoon. Just one will stop you feeling
tired and leave you feeling much more active.
5 People have been using a wide range of food a___________ for centuries to improve the flavour or appearance of
food products. These include antioxidants to make food last longer, and sweeteners to make foods taste more sugary.
6 There are only 52 c___________ in an apple, but 155 in an egg, so eating an apple is good if you are on a diet.

Mark: ___ / 6

4 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 The sprinter tested herself with short burns / bursts / pumps of high-intensity exercise.
2 I’m sucking on these menthol sweets because I’ve got a sore sprain / throat / flu.
3 The body is able to convert / attend / lift fat into energy.
4 My brother and his friends go / play / lift weights in the gym. They want to have big muscles!
5 Let’s have a look at what’s on the menu / leftover / portion. OK. I think I’ll have the veggie burger.
6 There was a small amount / slice / diet of soup left in the bowl at the end of the meal.
7 My brother’s got a chest temperature / infection / sting and keeps coughing all the time.
8 I hit the wall with my knee when I fell off my bike. There’s a nasty rash / stiff / bruise and it’s gone black and blue.
9 If you cut yourself, clean the wound and put a bandage / tablet / medicine round it.
10 Whenever I go to the gym, I pedal / push / beat on a bike for an hour.

Mark: ___ / 10

5 Complete the sentences. Use the words to make compound adjectives.

1 Canoeing down the rapids in Canada was a ___________-blowing experience. It was exciting, dangerous and
completely unforgettable.
2 In a ___________-breaking performance, the star striker scored eight goals in one match. Nobody had done that
3 Dan’s excuse seemed ___________-fetched. Nobody really believed that the sandwiches had been stolen by a pack of
dogs. We knew he’d eaten them all!
4 The literature festival has chosen a ___________ respected poet to give a lecture.

Mark: ___ / 4

Solutions Grade 11 Kazakhstan edition Tests 2 Unit 1 Progress Test B

Use of English
6 Complete the dialogue with the words below.
attend chest dizzy feel heartburn mean push rest think X-ray
Dr Jin Hi. How can I help you today?
Hope Well, I always 1____________ my fitness class on Mondays, but yesterday during the workout I had this
terrible 2____________.
Dr Jin Did you 3____________ nauseous as well?
Hope Sorry, do you 4____________ you could repeat that, please? There was a noise outside the room and I
didn’t catch what you said.
Dr Jin Of course. Did you feel nauseous or sick?
Hope Yes, and I felt very 5____________ too – the room was spinning around me. Today I’ve been feeling very
Dr Jin What do you 6____________ by fatigued?
Hope You know, I just haven’t got any energy at all. Everything feels like a huge effort.
Dr Jin And when you go to the gym do you always 7____________ yourself to your limit?
Hope I get out of breath, but it isn’t very strenuous.
Dr Jin OK, I’m going to send you for an ultrasound on your 8____________.
Hope Is that something like an 9____________?
Dr Jin Yes, it doesn’t hurt. In the meantime, make sure you get lots of 10____________.

Mark: ___ / 10

Solutions Grade 11 Kazakhstan edition Tests 3 Unit 1 Progress Test B

7  1 You will hear three texts. Choose the correct answers.
Text 1
1 The speaker compares the kiwi to other fruits in terms of …
A its appearance.
B its size.
C its taste.
2 The article specifically states that the kiwi fruit is good for people with diabetes because …
A it is rich in Vitamin C.
B it is a great source of fibre.
C it contains phytonutrients.
Text 2
3 In the interview, which of the following does Dr Smith recommend people to do?
A avoid eating most sorts of nuts
B choose a particular type of nut to eat
C eat nuts with no additives
4 What does Dr Smith say about chestnuts?
A They are usually processed and packaged.
B They aren’t as fattening as pecans.
C They are much healthier than most nuts.
Text 3
5 How should the piece of news be headlined?
A Poor labelling adds to obesity crisis
B Solution to obesity crisis found
C Obese people eat fewer healthy foods

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Grade 11 Kazakhstan edition Tests 4 Unit 1 Progress Test B

8 Read the text divided into three parts. Match questions 1–5 with paragraphs A–C.

A Recent research has uncovered some remarkable facts about sleepwalking. It has been
established, for example, that most sleepwalkers rise from their beds during the first third of a
night’s sleep, during a stage of their sleeping cycle called non-REM sleep. During this stage,
they are in deep sleep, and their brains are very inactive. The fact that the brain is not really
thinking about anything explains why sleepwalkers walk around with blank expressions and, if
woken, can’t remember what they were doing. It also proves that the long-held belief that
sleepwalkers act out dreams is simply not true. Sleepwalkers can’t be dreaming if their brains
aren’t switched on. Remarkably, though, to my mind at least, the body, unlike the brain, is still
active during non-REM sleep. Most people toss and turn in bed early in their sleep cycle, and
pull at the bedsheets. Sleepwalkers simply take this behaviour to another level.
B While people of all ages may walk in their sleep, the phenomenon is most common in
young children. It is believed that this is because their brains are still developing, and,
therefore, more likely to get confused. Sleepwalking has been described as a state of the
brain in which the boundary between being awake and asleep is uncertain. Something in the
sleeper’s brain tells the body to move when it should be telling it to rest. It makes sense,
therefore, that sleepwalking children behave in the way they do. Not only is a child’s brain
immature, but it is also developing very fast. It is no surprise that it should make mistakes. It is
no surprise either that most kids soon grow out of sleepwalking. It is harder to explain why the
phenomenon seems to run in families, though, and why it is much more likely that a boy,
rather than a girl, should be a sleepwalker.
C It has been shown that children are more likely to go sleepwalking when over-tired or
stressed, so a simple remedy is often to make sure they get a good night’s sleep. Cutting out
certain medicines or food types may also have a positive effect on a person’s tendency to
sleep walk. Sleepwalking may be a symptom of something more serious in adults, however.
Indeed, it could be a symptom of Parkinson’s disease. It is also fair to say that walking around
in your sleep, unaware of what you are doing or where you are going is, naturally, dangerous
in itself. Many have had accidents, and some have committed crimes. In 2005, a British man
was found not guilty of murdering his father after he explained to the court that he had killed
him while walking round the house fast asleep.

In which paragraph does the author …

1 explain why people of a particular age group tend to sleepwalk more than others? ___
2 mention the way people look when sleepwalking? ___
3 suggest ways of preventing sleepwalkers from behaving in the way they do? ___
4 give a specific example of how sleepwalking can have negative consequences? ___
5 discuss how the brain is behaving during sleepwalking episodes? ___

Mark: ___ / 5

9 Read the task below. Write an article.
You’ve read an article saying that fewer teenagers are taking part in team sports. Write an article for your school website
about why it is important for teenagers to take part in team sports, and how students can be persuaded to do more team

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Solutions Grade 11 Kazakhstan edition Tests 5 Unit 1 Progress Test B

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