Placement Brochure Batch - 2017-2022

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Near Raje Sambhaji Sainiki School, Nath Valley Road,
Aurangabad-431005 (Maharashtra)
Office No :(0240) 2953575
1 From the Vice-Chancellor’s Desk —————————————4

2 From the Registrar’s Desk —————————————5

From the Internship & Placement Committee

3 —————————————6
Chairperson’s Desk

4 About MNLU-A —————————————8

5 Academic Curriculum —————————————9

6 About Batch 2022 —————————————11

7 Work Experience & Internships —————————————13

8 Paper Publication —————————————16

9 Paper Presentations and Conferences __________________ 18

10 Mooting —————————————20

11 Other Notable Achievements —————————————23

12 Contact Details —————————————24

13 Appendix —————————————25

dedicated faculty. During the course, this batch has exhibited potential and
vibrant research in their work making the course meaningful. The students have
undergone internships with leading national and international law firms,
corporate institutions, reputed NGOs, public sector enterprises, high-level
litigants and higher judiciary. I think that they have gained invaluable exposure
through these internships, which will allow them in professional life. They have
optimally utilised these crucial years to venture into the legal world as interns so
as to develop their legal acumen, and acquire the proficiency and insight that
only practical experience can give. This batch has promoted the university’s
reputation, both academically as well as with various collaborative activities by
winning laurels in various spheres including conferences, moot courts,
mediation competitions, sports, literary competitions and debates. The students
of this batch strive to be responsible legal professionals, which I trust and hope
will make them serve your organisation with utmost loyalty and reverence.
I welcome your esteemed organisation on behalf of the MNLU-A family to come
and interact with our students and evaluate their suitability for your
It gives me immense pleasure to present the Placement Brochure of the organisation. In this connection, I find it highly significant to mention that the
graduating students of “Batch 2022” of Maharashtra National Law University recruitment of any of our students is not an expense incurred by the recruiter
Aurangabad (MNLU-A). This Batch is a group of 58 students and is the but a long-term investment.
foundation of the MNLU-A family. Over the past years, I have seen this batch Finally, I am confident that they will positively contribute to the growth of not
explore its potential by demonstrating extraordinary levels of enthusiasm, just the legal profession but of the nation as a whole.
dedication and commitment. The Batch of 2022 does not shirk away from Prof. (Dr.) K. V. S. Sarma
challenges; while it sets high standards, goes on to surpass them, and raises the Vice-Chancellor,
bar for everyone else. The curriculum and modules offered by the University and Maharashtra National Law University Aurangabad
opted by the students have high quality of academic and professional excellence.
Students at MNLU-A are provided comprehensive training by erudite and

The Maharashtra National Law University Aurangabad is an upcoming Law Students in identifying their
School / NLU in the country established by passing a separate Statute potentials in furtherance of their
Maharashtra National Law University Act, 2014. The Chancellor of the future employment.
University is ‘Chief Justice of India or its nominee who is a senior Judge of Now, the Students of First Batch
the Supreme Court of India’. The Pro-Chancellor of the University is the of the University who are
‘Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court at Mumbai’. The Maharashtra studying BALLB (Hons.) course
National Law University Aurangabad despite being in its nascent stage is will pass out in the Year 2022
growing by leaps and bound in the various spheres ranging from after having put in their hard-
Infrastructure, Academics, Administration to the deployment of best work in the academics, research
research practices in the University. Highly qualified and competent and internship affairs of the
Faculties, best Library and Online resources, effective and efficient Course.The Placement
administration and innovations in the academics and research affairs of the Committee of the University is
University has helped becoming a prominent and promising Law School in leaving no stone unturned in
the league of NLUs in the Country. In addition to it, it is noteworthy to order to provide them with the
mention the major investment of its resources by the University in the core best opportunities in the industry which they deserve. I am sure the hard-
of area, which is of utmost importance to any Law school i.e. “Internship, work that the students have put in these academic years of their course and
Training and Placement of the Students.” Since the beginning of its the milestones that they have achieved will certainly provide them with an
establishment, the University Administration has been focusing on the appropriate opportunity in the industry. In the backdrop of the same, I
“training” of the Students in order to make them not just an employable wish the Students of the First Batch i.e. Batch 2017-2022 and the Placement
candidates but a good professional, well trained and a responsible human and Recruitment Cell the best in their endeavours in getting appropriate
resource in the industry. The University has established “Internship Cell” employment and placement opportunities to the Students. I also hope and
under the supervision of able Teaching Staff of the University and under the am sure that the prospective recruiters in the industry will look forward to
guidance of the Authorities and Officers of the University, to cater the a hiring the deserving and competent Students of the University and will
conducive mechanism through which Students of the University are trained extend its proposal to the University in furtherance of the same.
in order make a qualified and able Professionals in the field of law. The I congratulate the Recruitment Cell, the Faculty and the Students in-charge
effort of the University in general and the Cell in particular is seen in the of the Cell and bestow my best wishes and also extend my cooperation to
fact that the University has made the “Internship” a compulsory affair for the Recruitment Cell and the Students of the University in order to generate
the Students studying in BALLB (Hons.) course. Moreover, the University is enormous employment opportunities for the Students of the University.
encouraging the Students to pursue the Internship for around Four Months
a Year, by adjusting all other academic and administrative affairs just to Dr. Ashok P. Wadje
make that happen. This innovative practice is one of its kind and is aimed at Registrar In Charge
to provide them with the good employment opportunities in the industry. A Maharashtra National Law University Aurangabad
lot many workshops and trainings have been conducted to train the


It fills me with immense pleasure to present the Batch of 2022 to the potential recruiters. It is a matter of pride
to see them embark on their bright and promising careers. It has been heartening to witness all the
achievements that they have been involved in, winning laurels in all spheres of life, ranging from sports to
moot courts, quizzes and debates.

In the mission of creating tomorrow's leaders, we at MNLU-A are committed to providing our students with a
stimulating environment for learning by integrating theory and practice. Our program aims at building lawyers
who are equipped personally and professionally to model the highest ideals of the legal profession. The
University has helped them provide a platform through which their talents and aspirations have been minutely
groomed to enhance every student's individuality and intellect. The 2022 batch students are practice- ready
lawyers, empowered by their academic and co-curricular experiences. Being in close contact with both
academic and practice leaders, they are ready to step out into the professional world.

Having personally taught the Batch of 2017-22, I can confidently say that they have succeeded in rising above
expectations at each stage. They have an inherent desire to learn the law and have the zeal to find answers to

I have every faith in their ability to lead, to create and to innovate, to rise up to every challenge and achieve
anything they set their minds to. I wish all the success to this talented contingent of students.

Ms. Sakshi Gupta

Chairperson- Internship and Placement Committee
Assistant Professor- Law
Maharashtra National Law University Aurangabad

Realising the importance of quality legal education and need of well-trained law graduates to the Bar, Bench and various professions, the State
of Maharashtra took a very historic decision by creating three National Law Universities in the State at Mumbai, Nagpur and Aurangabad.
Further, all the three are independent and autonomous institutions created under the Maharashtra National Law University Act, 2014. The latest
one added to the list of National Law Universities in India is the Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad, which commenced from
March 16, 2017. The commencement of the University has fulfilled the aspirations of the people of the Marathwada region for an institution of
national importance in Aurangabad. The Law University made a beginning with admissions from the Academic Year 2017-18.

The University is steered and guided by distinguished Judges, Senior advocates, eminent Academicians and abled Administrators as members of
its General Council, Executive Council, Academic Council, Finance Committee, Building Committee and the Planning Board. The University has
excellent, experienced and competent Teaching Staffs having background of Teaching in National Law Universities and other reputed Law
Schools in the Country.

- To advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of law and legal processes and their role in national development.
- To serve the society in the field of law by developing skills with regard to advocacy, legal services, legislation and law reforms.
- To develop a sense of responsibility among the students.
For the development and advancement of legal education and for the purpose of imparting specialised and systematic instruction, training and
research in systems of law.


The University is located in the green lush campus at the outskirts of the historic city of India, Aurangabad in the Kanchanwadi area. The
University campus is located in the 50 acres of the campus, which is surrounded by hills popularly known as Nath Valley area. The University
has excellent infrastructure in the campus, having separate Hostels for the Girls and Boys studying in the University.

I Public Administration and Public Intellectual Property Laws
General English (Grammar and Policy Private International Law OPTIONAL PAPERS
Phonetics) Family Laws-I Internship Human Rights-
Principles of Sociology Constitutional Law-I Indian Federalism
Vulnerable Section
Indian History (Ancient and Law of Transfer of Property VIII
Criminal Psychology UNCITRAL Model
Medieval) Internship Law and Economics
Law of Taxation –Income Tax Law of Corporate Codes
Principles of Political Theory
Legal Method V Code of Criminal Procedure Finance Competition Law
Law of Torts, MV Act and General Principles of Economics Alternative Dispute Resolution Cyber Law Information
Consumer Protection Constitutional Law -II (Clinic –III) Technology Law
Insurance Law
Internship Corporate Laws –I (Company Optional-I
Comparative Penology and
Law) Optional-II
Constitutional Law Victimology
II Labour & Industrial Laws-I Internship
Business Communication Family Laws-II Affirmative Action
Indian Society: Structural Public International Law IX and Discriminative
Dynamics Internship Law of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Justice
Modern Indian History Law of Taxation – Goods and
State and Political Obligation VI Services SEMINAR PAPERS
General Principles of Contract and Modern World History Law of Banking and Negotiable Law and Technology Criminal Justice
Law of Specific Relief Money Banking and Public Instruments and Victimology
White Collar Crime
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory Finance Optional-III Economics of
Corporate Laws-II (Capital market Optional-IV Mergers and
Acquisition Growth and
III and Securities Law) Internship
English Literature Law of Evidence International
Labour & Industrial Laws-II X Taxation Law of Writ:
Theoretical Sociology
Legal And Constitutional History Administrative Law Drafting, Pleading & Practice and
Local Self
International Relations Internship Conveyancing (Clinic-I) Procedure
Special Contracts Professional Ethics , Professional including Panchayat Human Rights and
Criminal Law VII Accounting System ( Clinic-II) Environment
Internship Indian Economy Moot-Court-( Clinic-IV)
Environmental Extradition Laws
Environmental Law
Internship ( Clinic-IV)
IV Code of Civil Procedure & Law of Economics: Theory,
Law and English Language Limitation Management and
Principles of Legislation and Optional-VI
Sociology of Law Policy
Interpretation of Statutes

BATCH 2022
The students of batch 2022 have been cardinal in devising a
roadmap towards the growth of this university. They have thrived
to make headways in winning international and national laurels
through the course of their graduation. Their contributions,
through internships, moots, publications, debates, have
underpinned the recognition of this university in various spheres
of the legal fraternity. Hence it will not be an overstatement to say
that this batch has pioneered the creation of a legal atmosphere for
this university. Students coming from diverse backgrounds is the
biggest asset of this batch as it fashions a creative, sociocultural
blend of ideas in various initiatives undertaken by them.
The university has provided a stimulating environment to students
through moots, internships, publications, conferences, mediation
and arbitration drives and other opportunities to explore their
legal standing in different areas of law. Tapping into these
opportunities, students have been able to trace their place in their
career in law. Students have not limited themselves to the crude
scores and customary classroom learnings alone. There has been
students converging the legal/societal divide during the taut
substantial participation by this batch in debates, public speaking, sports, theatre and various other
times of the pandemic.
extracurricular activities.
The batch of 2022 has managed to craft a skillset, that is of
The batch has been foundational in undertaking successful initiatives starting from the seminar on Bhopal
relevance to the profession. The struggles and challenges of
Gas Leak Disaster, the panel discussion on palliative care, to the launch of insightful journals and blogs to
being the first batch have been overcome by them through great
publish stands of advanced, contentious and innovative thinkers in law. This just shows how systemic their
amount of hard work and academic brilliance. Their journey
vision is to expand their prospects in this profession. Students of this batch have also strived to stretch
towards becoming lawyers has been a testament to their caliber
beyond the technocratic application of their knowledge and education to reach out and aid the deprived. Civic
and proficiency in legal sphere.
engagements spanning across the country like “Run for Home” and “Law for Locals” were shouldered by

ABN Legal Enviro Legal Defence Firm Kesar Das Batra & Associates RSB legal

Akhil Modi & Associates Fox and Mandal Khaitan & Co. RT. Legal

Amicus Services Gaggar and Partners Khanna and Associates, Law Firm in Rab and Rab Associates LLP,
Jaipur Rajasthan
Anand and Anand HSA Advocates Resonance Eduventures Limited
Khurana & Khurana, New Delhi
Atharva Legal LLP, Hammurabi & Solomon Sagar Chandra & Associates
Ayyubi Law Practices IC Universal Legal Samvad Partners
King Stubbs & Kasiva
BMR Legal Ikigai, New Delhi Sapphire And Sage Law Offices
Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan
Bahl and Associates Indian National Bar Association Sarvada Legal
Maheshwari & Co.
Blacks and Whites Law Consultants Intepat IP Shepherd Law Associates
MV KINI Law Firm
JLJ Law office Singh & Associates
Magna Peritus
Chandhiok &Mahajan
JNSS Legal Singh & Singh
NovoJuris Legal, Law Firm
Chir Amrit Legal LLP
Jaggi, Jaggi & Jaggi Attorneys & Singhania and Co.
Parekh & Co.
Clasis Law Solicitors
V. J. Mathews
PSL Advocates & Solicitors
DMD Advocates Jain & Jain Law Firm
Vaish Associates
Pahadia and associates
DSK Legal Joby Mathew and Associates
Vidhi Associates Law firm
Paras Khuwad & Associates
Desai and Diwanji Juris Corp
Vohra and Vohra- IP Attorneys Law
Puniya and Associates
Dhaval Vussonji & Associates Justis Law firm Firm
Puthran & Associates
Dhir & Dhir Associates Jyoti Sagar Associates Zeus Law
R R Legal Partners
Economic Laws Practice K&S Partners

Under Hon’ble Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court, Bench at Jabalpur

Under Hon’ble Justice Rajeev K. Mishra at The High Court of Judicature at Allahabad

Under Hon’ble Justice Sanjay Kumar Singh at The High Court of Judicature at Allahabad

Under Hon’ble Shri Justice Anand Pathak at High Court of Madhya Pradesh Bench at Gwalior

Under Hon’ble ADJ Mamta Jain at District Court Sagar, Madhya Pradesh


District Court, Sheopur, Madhya Pradesh

E-Trst, New Delhi

FICCI - IPR Division, Delhi

Madhya Pradesh State Consumer Redressal Forum , Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Mediation and Conciliation Centre at Allahabad High Court (AHMCC) (May 2019)

National Law University Delhi In Collaboration With The Department Of Justice, Ministry Of Law And Justice, Government Of India Project (Local
Field Investigation)

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, New Delhi

National Green Tribunal, Central Zone

Think India, Jammu & Kashmir Centre.

Advocate A. K. Bhambri Advocate Gajanan Tambatkar Advocate S.V. Sirpurkar

Senior Advocate A. C. Tiwari Advocate Kailash Narayan Vijay Advocate Sankalp Sharma and
Senior Advocate Amar Singh Advocate Kumar Shanu
Rathore Advocate Shiv Prakash Sharma
Advocate M.P. Sharma
Senior Advocate, Dr. Nirmal Advocate Shraddha Patekar
Advocate. Madhu Negi
Advocate Shreedhar Purohit
Advocate Mohd. Zaid
Senior Advocate Farzand Ali
Advocate Shri Rajesh Gogn
Advocate Mr. Abhi Goyal
Senior Advocate Fuzail Ahmed
Advocate Umesh Chandra Shukla
Ayyubi Advocate Mr. Manak Chand Jain
and Associates
Senior Advocate J.S Arora, Patna Advocate Mr. P.K. Joshi
Advocate Yashvardhan Roy
High Court
Advocate Neeraj Grover
Advocate Yashwantsingh U.
Senior Advocate Mr. JP Goyal
Advocate Pankhuri Jaiswal Khambre
Senior Advocate Sanjoy Ghose
Advocate Parvez Bashista,
Senior Advocate Sunjeev Pratap
Advocate Rajendra Singh Rathod
Advocate Rajesh Jain
Advocate Amit Kumar Das
Advocate Ramji Srivastava
Advocate Archit Kaushik
Advocate Ravindra Singh Chhabra
Advocate Ashutosh Kumar Singh,
Patna. Advocate RN Singh

“A Study Regarding the Role of Noscitur a Sociis in Statutory Interpretation”, in “Is Cure Better Than Ineffective Prevention?- The Unresolved Vaccine Dilemma”,
International Journal for Legal Research and Analysis (IJLRA) Comparative Law E-Newsletter Volume I Issue IV on Public Health Framework:

"A Riveting Evolution of Contractual Laws and Obligations in Modern Era”, in Law and Society, Maharashtra National Law University- Aurangabad

Volume 1, Issue 4 of Lex Humanitariae : Journal for Change “Covid-19 Crisis: Analyzing the Reforms to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws",

“Anti Defection Law : an Amelioration or Deterioration of Democracy”, in the IndiaCorpLaw

Asian Journal of Academic Studies “Cross Border Transactions: Cryptocurrency and Foreign Exchange Management

“Arogya Setu (COVID-19) App: Not a Body Guard to Data Privacy”, Blog on Act, Mondaq Custodial crime in India: An inextricable part of police culture”, in

Indian Law Portal Journal of Indian National Law Review.

"Artificial Intelligence & Law”, Online Portal of Indian National Bar Association. “Davis v. Pinterest: Pinterest Pins Victory in Contributory Copyright
Infringement Claim – But Decision May Open a Door for Future Suits” on
“Binding Non-Signatories to International Commercial Arbitration Agreements:
an Arbitrator's Dilemma”, Centre For Alternative Dispute Resolution RGNUL.
“Decoding the contours of CCI’s jurisdictional quandary: A comment on the Star
“Can Elsa Save Anna From Louboutin: the Fuss Around Anna’s Boots and
India Pvt Ltd & Ors. v. Competition Commission of India”, Indian Competition
Possible Lawsuit Against Disney” on NUALS CIPR’s the IP Site
Law Review, Volume V (2020)
“Can Blockchain Forget: Compliance of GDPR in the Age of Blockchain”, National
“Dispute Resolution and Spirit of RERA vis a vis Real estate Industry”,
Law Institute University, Bhopal Blockchain Technology: Adoption, Regulation &
International Journal Of Legal Science And Innovation.
Security” Journal.
“Eligibility of Nominee Director on BOD of the Corporate Debtor under Section
“Circulation of E-Newspaper : Infringement Under Copyright Law”, Mondaq and
29A of IBC”, Taxman
Khurana& Khurana
“Emergency Arbitration: A catalyser for Indian Alternate Dispute Resolution
“Clensta Emerges Victorious in China – CNIPA Favours Indian Mark in
Regime”, RMLNLU Arbitration Law Blog
Opposition Dispute”, Mondaq
“Environmental Law: Present and Future perspective”, Online portal of Indian
“Commercial Contracts During Pandemic and Force Majeure Events: Coronavirus
National Bar Association
Crisis and Post-Pandemic World”, Volume I & II, UPES Student Law Review

“Here is what you need to know about Competition Draft (Amendment ) “Scope of NCLT/NCLAT’s Inherent Powers: Meeting the Ends of Justice”, NLIU,
Bill,2020”, Ipleaders Bhopal’s Centre For Business and Commercial Laws
“High Frequency Trading: A Switchback for Indian Capital Market”, (CBCL)
“Section 7 of IBC Vis-À-Vis Arbitration Clause: a Step in the Wrong Direction by
NCLT”, Competition and Commercial Law Review Blog
“Homebuyer's Tryst with Developers: Has IBC covered it all?”, CBCL NLIU
“Simplifying the Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Act – the Amnesty Scheme of
Bhopal BLOG
2020”, Blog- Indian Journal of Law and Public Policy
“Initial Coin Offerings : Currency or Security, How(EY) to Decide”, Blog
Lexology “Supreme Court Permits Condonation of Delay Appeals Under Arbitration Act”,
the Indian Commercial Law Review and Practise Blog
“India - Finance Act 2020: India Puts Nail in the Coffin to the Gordian Knot of
Stateless Persons”, International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, Issue: Asia- “Treatment of ITC Under Inverted Tax Structure”,Case Comment, Sapphire and
Pacific Tax Bulletin, 2020 (Volume 26), No. 3 Sage Law Offices Blog

“India’s Economy and the Non-Performing Assets Conundrum: a Perusal of the “Taxation of Cryptocurrencies in India”, Blog Lexology
Aviation and Hospitality Sector”, NUSRL Book on Law and Economics. (June “The Contours of Religious Susceptibilities for Trademark Introduction”, Khurana
2021) and Khurana Law Blog
“Liability of Personal Guarantors Under the Insolvency Rules: Extending the “The Incongruousness Between Competition Law and Intellectual Property
Scope of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016”, NUALS IBC E- Licensing” on IIPRD
“The Enforceability of the Force Majeure Clause in Commercial Contracts Amid
“Mergers & Acquisitions in Telecom Sector in India” - ILSJCCL COVID -19”, Journal- International Journal of Law, Policy and Social Review
“NCLT/NCLAT’s Jurisdiction Over the Contractual Disputes”, the Indian “Human Trafficking: A Threat to Article 21”, MNLU-A Comparative Law
Commercial Law Review and Practise Blog Newsletter Volume-I ISSUE-3
“Participatory Democracy in the Light of Central Vista Case”, iPleaders Blog “Voluntary Retention Route for Foreign Portfolio Investors”, Published by Centre
“Review of the 4th Amendment of China’s Patent Law” on IIPRD For Banking and Finance, SLS Hyderabad. (August, 2020

“Right to Asylum for Refugee”, Published in a Book Titled Human Rights Vis-A-
Vis Justice System in Present Era

“Predicament of Migrant Workers vis-à-vis Pandemonium of Gig Economy”, in
“Looking Back at Regina Guha 104 Years Later: An Indian Vantage Point on Webinar on Migrant Workers and Urban Governance: Responsibilities of urban
Women in Law” at the Directions in Legal Education 2020, Online Conference Local Bodies and Human Rights 2020, organised by NLSIU (2020)
organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law
“Predicament Of Migrant Workers vis a vis Gig Economy” in Webinar on Migrant
“Nyaya in India in 21st Century: How Pramana has defined the Feminist Workers and Urban Governance: Responsibilities of urban Local Bodies and
Jurisprudence in India through the Years” for Symposium on Critical Approaches Human Rights 2020, organised by NLSIU (2020)
to International Law organized by Griffith College, Dublin, Ireland
“Detrimental Effects of Pesticide Use in Urban Sphere” at online workshop on the
“Commercial Surrogacy in India- An assessment of Surrogacy Regulation Bill use of Hazardous Pesticides and The Impact on Environment and Health: Legal
2016” in 3rd National Conference on Human Rights and Gender Justice and Social Implications organised by CEERA, NLSIU
2018(Indian Law Institute, New Delhi)

“Affordable Housing and Inclusive Society: 21st Century India”, in National

Seminar on “Affordable Housing: Building an Inclusive Society for the 21st
Century India”, Centre for Tax Laws, Organised by NLU-D (2019)

“Dispute Resolution vis-à-vis Real Estate Industry” in National Seminar on

“Affordable Housing: Building an Inclusive Society for the 21st Century India”,
Centre for Tax Laws, Organised by NLU-D (2019)

“Sustainable Development Goals and Smart Cities”, in National Seminar on Smart

Laws for Smart Cities: Agenda for Reform, Consolidation and Codification,
organised by NLSIU (2018).

"Performance of Contractual obligations”, in National Seminar on Strengthening

Legal provisions for the Enforcement of Contracts, organised by NLSIU (2019).

“Legal and Governance Challenges/Suggested Reforms”, in National Seminar on

Strengthening Legal provisions for the Enforcement of Contracts, organised by
NLSIU (2019).

“Bhopal Gas Tragedy vis-à-vis Mass Torts”, in National Seminar, organised by MNLU-A(2017).

“Women and Legal Rights’ in a Seminar on ‘Women in 21 Century: Issues and Challenges” in National Seminar, organised by MNLU-A(2017)

“Constitutional Perspective of Prisoner’s Human Right”, at Seminar on “Conference on Transformative Constitutionalism, NLSIU, Bangalore

Conference on “Cyber Law for Young Professionals”, organised by Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai.

Training Course on “Mediation and Negotiation”, organised by Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai.

Symposium on “Changing Contours of Intellectual Property Law in the United States, India and China”, organised by GNLU, in collaboration with George
Washington Law University.

Certificate Course in “ADR Mechanisms”, organised by SLS Hyderabad.

Winners of the 1st Army Institute of Law and Q u a r t e r - F i n a l i s t s i n 7 th N L I U B h o p a l
Malhotra & Malhotra Associates Child Law Corporate Law Moot.
National Online Moot Court Competition, Quarter-Finalists in 3rd National Moot Court
2021. Competition on Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Semi-Finalists in the 7th Auro National Moot Law, 2019 at Presidency University Bangalore.
Court Competition. Octa-Finalists in 3rd Surana and Surana and
Semi-Finalists in the NLSIU 6th Lex Omnia KLE Law College National Constitutional Law
National Moot Court Competition, 2019. Moot Court Competition at KLE Law College,

Quarter-Finalists in the 3rd Dr. Y.P. Trivedi Bangalore.

Memorial Tax Law Moot Court Competition. Octa-Finalists in 8th Amity International Moot

Quarter-Finalists in the 4th Jindal Technology Court Competition, 2018 by Amity Law School,

Law and Policy Moot 2019. Noida.

Qualified for XIV National Law School - 3rd Best Memorial in 3rd National Moot Court
Trilegal International Arbitration Moot Court Competition on Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Competition, 2021. Law, 2019 at Presidency University, Bangalore.

2nd Best Memorial at 9th RGNUL National Moot Qualified for Manfred Lachs International
Court Competition. Space Law Moot Court Competition, 2019.

2nd Best Memorial at Shree Hashuji Memorial Qualified for 16 th KK Luthra Moot Court
National Moot Court Competition, 2019. Competition, 2020

62nd Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot West Bengal University of Juridical Science, 13th Shankarrao Kanitkar National Moot Court
Court Competition, 2021. Kolkata Competition, 2019 at Modern Law College,

12th NUJS HSF National Corporate Law Moot 6th NLUO Bose & Mitra & Co. International Pune

Court Competition, 2019-20 at West Bengal Maritime Arbitration Moot Court Competition, Maharaja Vinayak Global University National
University of Juridical Science, Kolkata. 2019 at National Law University, Odisha. Moot Court Competition, 2019 by Jaipur

9th RGNUL National Moot Court Competition, 1 1th G N L U I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o o t C o u r t School of Law, Maharaj Vinayak Global

2020 at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Competition, 2019 at Gujarat National Law University.

Law, Punjab. University. 3rd NLIU – Justice R.K. Tankha Memorial

24th Stetson International Environmental Law 7th RMLNLU SCC Online International Media International Moot Court Competition, 2018

Moot Court Competition Surana & Surana Law Moot 2019 by Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya by National Law Institute University, Bhopal.

(Indian National Rounds), 2020. National Law University, Lucknow. 4 th N. R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW

18th Surana & Surana National Corporate Law 1st National Cyber Law Moot Competition, Mooting Competition, 2018.

Moot Court Competition, 2020. 2019 at Chanakya National Law University. 2nd National Moot Court Competition, 2018 by

1st National Virtual Moot Court Competition, 2 nd TNNLU – CCI National Moot Court Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, NMIMS,

2020 by ICFAI Law School, Dehradun. Competition, 2019 at Tamil Nadu National Mumbai.

1st National Online Moot Court Competition by Law University. 2nd Surana & Surana and RGNUL International

TLL & Ansal University, Gurugram, 2020. 9th P.N. Bhagwati Moot Court Competition, Law Moot 2018 by Rajiv Gandhi National

2019 at Bhartiya Vidyapeeth University, Pune. University of Law, Punjab.

60th Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court
Competition, 2019. 2nd Surana and Surana & Dr. M.S Ramaiah 4 th Manipal Ranka National Moot Court

Tort Law Moot & Judgment Writing Competition, 2018 by School of Law, Manipal
5th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment
Competition, 2019 at Ramaiah College of Law. University Jaipur and Ranka Public Charitable
Law, 2019 at Gujarat National Law University.
10th NLU Anti-Trust Moot Court Competition, Justice T. Ramachandran Memorial Ever
Rolling Trophy Moot, 2019 at GLC Thrissur, Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe Memorial National Level
2019 at National Law University Jodhpur.
Kerala Moot Court Competition, 2018 Shri. Swami
11th NUJS - Herbert Smith Free Hills Corporate Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha, Kolhapur’s Law
Law Moot Court Competition, 2018-2019 at College, Osmanabad.

INTERVIEWED AS A PANELIST : Secured 1st Runners Up position in National Intellectual Property Rights
Prof. Frans Von Der Dunk, University of Nebraska- Leiden University Essay competition organised by UPES, Dehradun.
Lincoln, Black Holes BV Consultancy Professor of Space Law and Policy, Winner at Essay Writing Competition, Arti-Curate-it. Organised by
Harvey and Susan Perlman Alumni (October 2020) Areness Foundation.
Dr. Stellina Jolly, IUCN World Commission on Environmental law and Awarded the "Best Intern Award 2019" by Indian National Bar Association
Resource person for Ministry of Law (October- 2020) (New Delhi).
Dr. K.K. Aggarwal, Padma Shree awardee and President at Confederation Representative at Livelaw for a term of 1 year.
of Medical Association of Asia and Oceania (February 2021)
Dr. J.A. Jayalal- 92nd President of the Indian Medical
Association (February 2021)
Adjudicator in National Law School Debate that was hosted by
National law School of Indian University. (11th April 2019 – 14th
April 2019).
Adjudicator, IIT Guwahati Asian Parliamentary Debate
Competition, 2018.
Core Invited Adjudicator, Pune Institute of Computer
Technology Asian Parliamentary Debate Competition (2021).
Participant at the 6th Ram Manohar Lohiya Parliamentary
Participated as a speaker in BITS PILANI Goa British
Parliamentary Debate. (26th October 2018- 28th October 2018).
Awarded the "Best Intern Award 2019" by Indian National Bar
Association (New Delhi).
Winner of weekly blog writing competition organised by

This Brochure has been sent from the Placement Committee of the Graduating Batch of 2022 of Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad. It
constitutes an official invitation to all prospective Recruiters, to take part in the Placement Proceedings happening at the University.

To know more, email us at [email protected] or [email protected] or contact any of the following Members of the Committee;

MR. ABHISHEK JHA - 8789619680
MS. KSHEMYA NAIR - 9978622725
MS. MANASVI SHARMA - 9340570214
MR. SAYAN KUMAR PANDA - 7000326265

98104 71707, [email protected]


[email protected]

Hon'ble Shri. Justice A. M. Shri. Manan Kumar Mishra - Prof. Dr. K.V.S. Sarma - The Vice- Prof. Dr. Y. F. Jayakumar -
Khanwilkar- The Chancellor, Chairperson of BCI or his nominee Chancellor Professor of Law
Hon'ble Shri. Justice Dipankar Shri. Vasantrao Bhosale - Hon'ble Shri Justice Prasanna B. Dr. Ashok P. Wadje - Associate
Datta - The Pro-Chancellor, Chairperson of Bar Council of Varale - Judge of HC of Bombay Professor of Law
Prof. Dr. K.V.S. Sarma - The Vice- Maharashtra & Goa at Aurangabad Dr. Tanaya Tarai - Associate
Chancellor Shri. O.P. Gupta - Secretary,
Shri. O.P. Gupta - Secretary, Professor of Law
Shri. K. K. Venugopal - The Higher & Technical Education,
Higher & Technical Education, Dr. Ashok P. Wadje - Registrar
Attorney General of India Govt. of Maharashtra
Govt. of Maharashtra
Hon'ble Shri. Justice Hrishikesh Dr. Pratima Jadhav - Eminent
Shri Rajeev Kumar Mittal
Roy - Hon’ble Judge of the persons-Social Science
(Expenditure) - Secretary or P.S of
Supreme Court of India Dr. Abhijeet Shelke - Eminent
Finance Department, Govt. of MH
Hon'ble Shri. Uday Samant - persons-Social Science
Minister for Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Faizan Mustafa - Eminent Shri. Neeraj P. Dhote - Secretary
State of Maharashtra educationists-Legal Field or P.S of Law & Judiciary, Govt. of
Hon'ble Shri. Uddhav Thakre - Prof. Dr. Sadhana Pandey - MH
Minister for Law, State of Eminent educationists-Legal Field Prof. Dr. Sadhana Pandey - A
Maharashtra Prof. Dr. Durgambini Patel - member of GC (Eminent Person in
Hon'ble Shri. Justice Sanjay Vijay Eminent person-Education field the Legal Field)
Gangapurwala - The Chief Shri. Neeraj P. Dhote, Law Prof. Dr. Durgambini Patel - A
Justice of the High Court or his Secretary - Member of Executive member of GC (Eminent Person in
nominee Council the Legal Field)
Hon'ble Shri. Justice Prasanna B. Prof. Dr. Kondaiah J. - Member of
Prof. Dr. Kondaiah Jonnalagadda
Varale - Hon’ble Judge of the Executive Council
- Professor of Law
High Court
Shri. Ashutosh Kumbhkoni - The Prof. Dr. A. Lakshminath
Advocate General of -Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Prof. D. P. Singh - The UGC
Chairperson or his nominee

Prof. Dr. K.V.S. Sarma - Vice Chancellor (Chairman) Prof. Dr. K.V.S. Sarma - The Vice-Chancellor

Prof. Dr. Paramjeet Jaswal - Educationist Ten Members to be nominated by EC on the recommendation of

Prof. Dr. Poonam Saxena - Educationist Vice-Chancellor- Academician/Expert/Judge/(Sitting or Retired)

Prof. Dr. Vijendra Kumar - Educationist Hon'ble Shri. Justice Prasanna Varale, Judge, High Court of Bombay
at Aurangabad (Proposed) - Expert/Judge/(Sitting or Retired)
Mr. Satish Abarao Deshmukh - Nominee of the Bar Council of India
Prof. R. Venktata Rao (Former VC of NLSIU B’luru) - Academician
Prof. Dr. Kondaiah Jonnalagadda - Professor of Law
Prof. Ranbir Singh (VC of NLU, Delhi) - Academician
Prof. Dr. A. Lakshminath -Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Prof. Dr. Y. F. Jayakumar - Professor of Law

Prof. Dr. B. H. Choudhary - Professor of Law

Dr. Ashok P. Wadje (Associate Professor of Law) - Teaching Staff FINANCE COMMITTEE
Ms. Mahenaz Haque (Assistant Professor of English) - Teaching Staff
Prof. Dr. K.V.S. Sarma - The Vice-Chancellor
Ex-officio Secretary - Registrar
Hon'ble Shri. Justice Prasanna Varale, Judge, High Court of Bombay
at Aurangabad (Proposed) - Judge, High Court of Bombay, Bench at

Shri. Rajeev Kumar Mittal (Expenditure) (Proposed) - Secretary,

Finance Dept., Govt. of Maharashtra

Shri. Neeraj P. Dhote (Proposed) - Secretary, Law & Judiciary Dept.,

Govt. of Maharashtra

Mr. Milind Mahajan - Finance and Accounts Officer of the University


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