06 CFT - 21-BID-024 - FEED 2.0 ANNEX V - Control Coordination & Reporting
06 CFT - 21-BID-024 - FEED 2.0 ANNEX V - Control Coordination & Reporting
06 CFT - 21-BID-024 - FEED 2.0 ANNEX V - Control Coordination & Reporting
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................3
2. REFERENCES......................................................................................................................4
5. READINESS REVIEWS........................................................................................................7
9. INTERFACE MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................19
10. COMMUNICATION...........................................................................................................21
APPENDIX 4: SOFTWARE..............................................................................................................47
1.1. SCOPE
The purpose of this ANNEX is to assist CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTING AUTHORITY in the implementation
and administration of the CONTRACT and to outline, specify and define those aspects of CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY's own procedures which are relevant for the interface between the CONTRACTOR and
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the management and planning of the SERVICES under the supervision
of the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, either carried out directly by CONTRACTOR or by its
SUBCONTRACTORS, for the duration of the CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that it keeps
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY fully informed of the status of all aspects of the SERVICES at all times.
Unless otherwise agreed by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, the English language shall be used for all
communications, correspondence, and documentation in relation to the CONTRACT. English translations may
be accepted by prior APPROVAL.
All documentation submitted by CONTRACTOR for CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S review or APPROVAL shall
be returned to CONTRACTOR within ten (10) working days from the date of receipt. CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY will consolidate all comments in a table.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure all APPROVALS required under the CONTRACT have been obtained prior to
execution of the SERVICES.
CONTRACTOR shall not proceed with SERVICES directly affected by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’s comments
unless or until such comments have been adequately addressed and respective APPROVALS obtained.
APPROVALS must be appropriately authorized by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S personnel and be in the form
of a Controlled Document (see 12 - Document Management) or a controlled electronic APPROVAL process.
Emails are not an acceptable means of issuing APPROVALS except where they transmit a scanned or other
APPROVED secure electronic copy of a Controlled Document.
Prior to changing any of its APPROVED methods and procedures, CONTRACTOR shall advise CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY’S and demonstrate that such changes maintain CONTRACTOR's ability to fulfil its obligations in
accordance with the CONTRACT and are not detrimental to performance of the SERVICES or compliance
with the requirements of the CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR's proposals for change must comply with the
requirements for management of change as described in this Annex V “Control, Coordination and Reporting”
and CONTRACTOR's own management of change procedures.
Notwithstanding the duration allowed for APPROVAL by the CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR shall schedule
SERVICES and in particular the preparation, development and finalization of PLANS such that sufficient time
is allowed for:
a) Routine technical discussions with CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S and for the collection,
collation and circulation of any additional information requested by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S.
b) Discussion and incorporation of CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’s comments, re-issue and re-
circulation of affected PLANS for APPROVAL
In the absence of a response from CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S within the period referred to the article 11.8
“Progress Measurement Control” in this Annex V, the Owner of the Work will be deemed to have Approved
the documents in question.
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY REPRESENTATIVE will be responsible for the administration of the CONTRACT.
He/She shall have access at any time to all documents, deliverables and communications and shall be kept
informed on a permanent basis of everything affecting or anticipated to affect the progress of the SERVICES.
He/She may not, however, relieve CONTRACTOR of any of his contractual obligations.
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY will communicate to CONTRACTOR as soon as possible after the EFFECTIVE
DATE an organization chart showing the names and positions of CONTRACTING AUTHORITY personnel
holding positions of responsibility in respect of the monitoring of the execution of the SERVICES.
CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE, as defined in Article 33 of the CONTRACT, shall have full authority to act
on behalf of CONTRACTOR in all respects. CONTRACTOR’s REPRESENTATIVE shall be designated at
EFFECTIVE DATE (or during the Project Kick off Meeting, KOM).
CONTRACTOR shall prepare, maintain and update an overall Organization Chart showing the various
sections of CONTRACTOR’s organization, including its SUBCONTRACTORS, and their interfaces with its
overall organization. CONTRACTOR’s preliminary organization chart is enclosed as an APPENDIX 2 to this
The chart(s) shall demonstrate clear lines of authority and responsibility and address as a minimum and, as
applicable, the following functions:
a) Project Management.
CONTRACTOR shall identify by name the individuals assigned to each management and supervisory position
(KEY PERSONNEL). CONTRACTOR shall provide the following information (unless otherwise agreed by
ensure the adequacy of handover of information, information access, PLANS, job descriptions, roles
and responsibility from incumbent KEY PERSONNEL to replacements. CONTRACTOR shall ensure
that any gaps in competency and knowledge of SERVICES to date between replacement and
incumbent KEY PERSONNEL are identified and appropriate mitigation activities put into effect prior
to any handover.
Every change in CONTRACTOR’s organization will be reflected in the Organization Chart, which shall be
submitted in writing to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for APPROVAL, following which CONTRACTOR will
update and re-issue its organization chart.
a) Be consistent with the Project Schedule and the Baseline Cost Estimate and be provided to
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for APPROVAL within times specified in APPENDIX 1.
b) Act as the framework for managing and executing SERVICES from which detailed PLANS and
procedures shall be developed, such as organization charts, logic networks, schedules and other
material needed by CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL to develop the PROJECT SCHEDULE.
c) Outline the process to be employed for overall management and support of SERVICES.
d) Outline the process to be employed to enable the collation and summarization of costs and detailed
schedules to manage and control all SERVICES.
e) Address the challenges CONTRACTOR may encounter and its plans to meet those challenges in
executing SERVICES (e.g., priority clashes, resources shortages that could arise including while and
if CONTRACTOR is simultaneously supporting other work for different projects within CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY and/or others.
i. Be maintained up-to-date, as a live working document.
ii. All issued revisions of the Project Execution Plan shall be subject to APPROVAL in line with
document classification.
f) As circumstances change, CONTRACTOR shall identify and document critical issues and/or potential
constraints that could adversely or positively affect the accomplishment of the SERVICES and shall
promptly submit to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY proposals to overcome all such constraints and
ensure accomplishment of the SERVICES.
g) Be a Controlled Document with version number, content revisions, names and signatures of persons
responsible for checks / approvals and distribution being identified on each release.
A set of Readiness Reviews will take place before selected milestones to be mutually agreed at the start
of the FEED. The review shall take place prior to reaching the milestones date (a minimum of seven
(07) calendar days in advance), the CONTRACTOR will propose to the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY a
verification checklist prior to the review ( a minimum of three (03) calendar days in advance of the
review) to which the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall agree.
CONTRACTOR shall follow the established Project Procedure RKF-STD-CS-PM-000002 Readiness Review
The checklist and observations will be defined in and approved by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY. Reviews
must be based on a set of documented evidence provided by the CONTRATOR and at least one
verification meeting for clarifications.
Readiness reviews will cover at a minimum:
Readiness to mobilize CONTRACTOR for Field Surveys.
Readiness to launch ITT.
Readiness for IPA assessment kick off. Location
Meetings will be normally held by phone / video conference due to COVID restrictions. Exceptionally will
be at CONTRACTOR’s home offices, but it may be arranged at CONTRACTING AUT+HORITY’s offices,
at CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’s discretion. Agenda
The agenda of the meeting shall be defined in advance indicating the time and place. The agenda shall
be agreed and completed by both parties as necessary at least 24 hours in advance. Refer to sections
below for typical agenda of each type of meeting. Attendance
The attendance to each meeting depends on the type of meeting; however a minimum attendance from
CONTRACTOR is required as shown by section below. The actual CONTRACTOR attendance shall be
shown by the draft agenda, depending on issues to be addressed. Minutes of meetings
Unless otherwise instructed by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, CONTRACTOR will prepare the minutes of
all coordination meetings between CONTRACTING AUTHORITY and CONTRACTOR, i.e. ad-hoc
meetings, weekly meetings, monthly meetings, kick-off meetings, and the like.
During all technical coordination meetings, the minutes will be prepared by qualified CONTRACTOR
personnel, different from CONTRACTOR main representative of the meeting for ensuring a good quality
standard for these minutes, and in particular:
Unambiguous statements,
Good reporting of the basis for any agreement reached during the meeting,
Quality of the expression,
Logical structure of the report, which might not reflect the exact order applied during the meeting
for addressing the various issues,
Compliance with the APPROVED template and structure for the regular meetings,
Identification of the party required for action,
And the like.
The agenda and the location of this Kick-Off Meeting shall be submitted by CONTRACTOR for
APPROVAL no later than one (01) week after the communication of the awarding by the
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY. It will also include engineering and the intended execution.
The typical agenda:
Distribute the CONTRACT information and data presented during the above CONTRACT Kick-Off
Meeting to discipline engineers,
Present the SERVICES specific to the discipline,
Highlight to discipline engineers CONTRACTING AUTHORITY rules and CONTRACT DOCUMENT
specific to the discipline,
Schedule aspects specific to the discipline,
List of engineering deliverables,
Contents and weekday of the Discipline weekly meeting,
Variation Order meetings shall be held as requested by CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
to review any changes issued and/or anticipated, affecting the CONTRACT.
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY or CONTRACTOR shall have the right to call additional meetings when
considered necessary by giving the other PARTY forty-eight (48) hours notice, as a minimum. Venue to
be mutually agreed between CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’s and CONTRACTOR’s Representatives.
The following issues, for example, may be discussed at ad-hoc meetings:
Technical issues;
Quality and progress issues;
Health, Safety and Environmental issues;
Design reviews;
6.3. Project Status/Progress reporting
CONTRACTOR shall provide CONTRACTING AUTHORITY with accurate and complete information with
respect to the SERVICES already performed, to the SERVICES in progress, to the SERVICES scheduled
and to any event affecting or expected to affect the performance of the SERVICES. Such information is
to be provided to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY regularly and consolidated in the Monthly and Weekly
Status Reports.
CONTRACTOR shall make available to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY all relevant planning and reporting
documents. Reports of achievements shall contain facts only. Reports shall also mention scheduled
The reporting requirements herein shall not relieve in any way CONTRACTOR from his obligations to
promptly and specifically report all and any matter significantly affecting the work progress and/or
CONTRACTOR shall highlight in particular:
Items of SERVICES that have suffered some delay and need particular attention for recovery,
Items of SERVICES, which are forecast to suffer delays even though they do not affect the critical
path of the Detailed Work Time Schedule,
SERVICES relevant to items that are on the critical path of the Detailed Work Time Schedule.
CONTRACTOR shall include in his narrative, detailed information such as newly started or outstanding
tasks performance and detailed execution of SERVICES items when progress of the activity
measurement is not always clearly representative of an ongoing action, i.e. at early stage and at
completion stage of an activity.
Any reporting document (weekly and monthly) shall be issued in accordance with the cut-off dates, and
within the time limits specified in the corresponding paragraph here below.
The Weekly Progress Reports shall include the status of all Work Packages and CTR’s, and ongoing
detailed tasks as necessary. It shall focus on any slippage of schedule of critical items and shall be
issued within three (03) calendar days after the cut-off date. The weekly report shall serve as the basis
for discussion.
The weekly progress report content shall be adapted and adjusted in order to comply with CONTRACT
requirements that can arise during the course of the Project.
The guideline table content for a Weekly Progress Report will be as follows:
6.2 FEEP.
6.3 Preparation of EPC CFT Package.
6.4 Other Work Packages.
8. AREAS OF CONCERNS (incl. actions to be taken or Recommendations to be suggested)
9.1 Master Document Progress Status Report (Updated to the current week Cut-off date).
9.2 Deliverables pending CONTRACTING AUTHORITY approval (incl. Overdue).
9.3 Technical Queries Register.
9.4 Services Request for quotation Progress Status Log (for any specialized & external studies to be
sub-contracted by Contractor).
9.5 Change Order Status Register.
9.6 Non-conformance Register and Report.
9.7 Deliverables transmittals and receipts Register status.
9.8 Site Survey Report and status register.
The guideline table content for a Monthly Progress Report will be as follows:
Report shall be received by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY within five (05) days after the cut-off date. In
the event of this day being a public holiday the cut-off date will be the preceding earliest working date.
CONTRACTOR shall make a presentation of the report at the first monthly meeting to be held after the
cut-off date.
All contractual milestones/key dates as set out in Annex III “Schedule of Key Dates” shall be reported
monthly within a separate section of the monthly status report.
The following information shall appear for each milestone:
Milestone description.
Contractual date as per Annex III “Schedule of Key Dates”.
Revised Forecast achievement date (to date).
Actual achievement.
Comments on variations and anticipated variations to such dates.
The milestone status report is not exhaustive. Other information shall be added at CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY 's request.
CONTRACTOR shall issue a close—out report for all main elements of the SERVICES not later than sixty
(60) calendar days after completion of the related activities.
CONTRACTOR shall issue a Close-out Report and shall be categorized by the following Sections to the
Executive Summary.
Project Management.
EPC ITT and Contracts Preparation.
The sections of the report shall not be limited to the following topics except the executive summary and
attachments: purpose, scope of execution, competency, collaboration, availability, lessons learned,
project additional improvement, and close-out remarks.
The development of the Close-out report shall be coordinated with CONTRACTING AUTHORITY using
the above minimum requirement which shall be agreed during the first draft issued from CONTRACTOR
for review prior to final documentation submission.
The forms to be used for VOI’s, VOR’s, Impact statement “IS” shall be developed by CONTRACTOR in
full conformity of the relevant Forms and submitted to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for
A VOI shall be issued by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY as soon as a change to the Scope of WORK, the
WORK TIME SCHEDULE or any other part of the CONTRACT is:
Identified by CONTRACTOR by means of a VOR and accepted by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY,
This VOI shall identify:
Description of the change.
Basis for compensation and impact on CONTRACT PRICE.
Modification(s) if any, to the WORK TIME SCHEDULE.
APPROVED VOIs shall be issued in two (02) originals to be signed and stamped (on applicable stamp
duty) by CONTRACTOR and returned to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for signature in two (02) days.
One signed original VOI shall be returned to CONTRACTOR, the other being retained by CONTRACTING
VOI may also be issued by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY to notify CONTRACTOR of a change in the
CONTRACT PRICE as the result of the following reasons:
SERVICES not performed or not to be performed, or
Non-Conformance Authorization(s), or
Confirmation of the implementation of or withdrawal of OPTION(S),
CONTRACTOR shall immediately put into effect the necessary measures to implement the VOI, unless
otherwise instructed by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY.
Effect on the WORK TIME SCHEDULE defined in ANNEX III (Schedule of Key Dates).
The VOR shall be transmitted to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for review.
After reviewing the VOR, CONTRACTING AUTHORITY will advise CONTRACTOR:
Either that it considers that the subject matter of the VOR does not constitute a change, and
therefore rejects this VOR,
Or that it constitutes a change, in which case, either CONTRACTING AUTHORITY will issue a
VOI after agreement upon the VOR conditions or may request the VOR to be revised and
resubmitted if the conditions are considered not compliant with the CONTRACT conditions.
The CONTRACTOR shall not delay the SERVICES pending the evaluation of a VOR. The CA has five (05)
days to review the documentation.
Whenever a Change has to be evaluated (coming from whether a VOI submitted by the CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY a VOR submitted by the CONTRACTOR), CONTRACTOR shall prepare an Impact Statement
providing an evaluation of all the consequences with fully substantiated supporting documents, failing
which and notwithstanding any other provisions of the CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled
to any claim based on the occurrence of such event.
The value of a Variation Order shall normally be expressed as a fixed lump sum and the lump sum shall
include all of the present and future consequences of the Change Order with reference to ANNEX II
“Breakdown of Prices of Services” for the relevant contractual applicable Lump Sum breakdown and
Unit Rates.
In case of IS cost estimation in currency other than USD, the same exchange rate method applied as
per CONTRACT shall be applied.
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall reply to CONTRACTOR within fourteen (14) days from the submittal
to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY of the evaluation.
In the event of their definite failure to reach such agreement by themselves, the dispute shall be
referred to the respective higher & top management and Project Steering Comity levels of
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY and CONTRACTOR, who shall then conduct all negotiations with regard to
the subject dispute, with CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Representative and CONTRACTOR Representative
providing assistance.
CONTRACTOR shall maintain a Variation Order register, update it and send it to CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY every time a new Variation Order is executed and at any Variation Order meeting. The
Variation Order register shall include the Variation Order reference number, the description of the
Variation and the value of the Variation Order as well as all its relevant story (originating VOI or VOR
and related Impact statement “IS”).
8.1. Terminology
This section describes the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’s approach to risk management and explains
minimum requirements expected of CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR should follow the Risk and Opportunity
Management Procedure requested as per Appendix 1 Summary of Contract Early Deliverables. For the
purposes of these Project Coordination Procedures, the following definitions apply:
a) Risk is defined as a measure of either loss/harm to people, the environment, compliance
status, reputation of CONTRACTING AUTHORITY GROUP, assets or business performance in terms
of the product of the probability of an event occurring and the magnitude of its impact.
b) Risk Assessment is defined as the process by which the impact and likelihood of a risk is
c) Risk Management is defined as the overall process by which risks are identified, assessed,
prioritized for action, and the risk status and actions / measures are tracked to completion.
d) Risk Reduction Measures are defined to be measures or actions taken or to reduce Risk, or
prevent an incident occurring and/or control its impact or frequency and/or mitigate its effect on
people, the environment, compliance status, reputation, assets and/or CONTRACTING AUTHORITY's
business performance.
and requirements for identifying, assessing, prioritizing and managing Risks associated with the
b) CONTRACTING AUTHORITY will review and comment on CONTRACTOR's Risk Management
Procedure against industry practices and standards, including ISO standards, to confirm suitability
and fit-for-purpose. CONTRACTOR shall promptly implement any CONTRACTING AUTHORITY -
requested modifications, including modifications to CONTRACTOR's Risk Management information
formats and communication processes. If CONTRACTOR identifies CONTRACTING AUTHORITY -
requested modifications that could result in material harm to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY or
CONTRACTOR, this shall be brought to the attention of CONTRACTING AUTHORITY immediately.
c) CONTRACTOR shall implement the agreed Risk Management Procedure as part of the
Management activities at the CONTRACTOR's request. Risk Reduction Measures outside the
contracted SERVICES, even those raised with participation by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
personnel, will not be reimbursed by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY without an approved Variation
d) CONTRACTOR shall monitor progress in implementing the Risk Management Process against
the schedule agreed in the Risk Management Procedure for review by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
e) Following agreement on the Risk Management Procedure, CONTRACTOR shall review with
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY representative quarterly results of the Risk Management process,
including risk registers, risk reduction measure status updates, and effectiveness of the overall
Where a Risk has both potential HSSE impacts and potential business impacts, these shall be separately
8.4. Monitor and Review Risks
CONTRACTOR's Risk Register shall be maintained as a live document available for CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY review on a monthly basis.
CONTRACTOR shall notify CONTRACTING AUTHORITY immediately upon identification of a risk considered
to be material to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY.
CONTRACTOR shall maintain evidence in the Risk Register that Risk Reduction Measures associated with the
SERVICES are implemented.
Informing CONTRACTING AUTHORITY on status of Risks and Risk Management process CONTRACTOR shall
include the following Risk Management information in CONTRACTOR's Monthly report to CONTRACTING
a) Copy of the current, updated CONTRACTOR Risk Register.
b) A summary of any changes to the Risk Register since the previous monthly report.
c) A table summarizing the status of the Risk Response Action Plan deliverables, including
number of items open, closed and overdue.
CONTRACTOR may invite CONTRACTING AUTHORITY to participate in any project-specific Risk assessments
performed by CONTRACTOR.
As directed by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY representative, CONTRACTOR shall participate in Risk
assessments conducted by either CONTRACTING AUTHORITY or OTHER CONTRACTORS when these Risk
assessments involve or interface with SERVICES activities that involve CONTRACTOR.
The following interface management provisions specify the minimum requirements with which CONTRACTOR
shall comply to aid the management and coordination of its interfaces with other organizations. `Interface'
refers to contact points between organizations where there is a connection or a transfer of products,
services and/or data between the organizations.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the identification, at each SERVICES interface, and notification to
a) All the activities that it must complete prior to any contact, connection or transfer at the
b) All the deliverables to the interface and services at the interface for which it is responsible.
c) Affected parties at the interface (either source or recipient).
d) The required resources necessary to manage the interface and handle the necessary
information and material transfers across the interface.
These requirements shall apply to CONTRACTOR's interfaces with CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, OTHER
CONTRACTORS, THIRD PARTIES of any kind connected with the SERVICES including AUTHORITIES and
regulatory bodies and any other organizations from which licenses, consents or permits are required.
a) To appoint a CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Interface Manager as contact point for receiving
PLANS and information from CONTRACTOR related to SERVICES interface issues.
b) To provide Interface Engineers in support of CONTRACTING AUTHORITY's Interface Manager.
c) To access the IT tools and portals used by CONTRACTOR GROUP for collaboration, interface
management and transfer of data between the PARTIES, OTHER CONTRACTORS and
CONTRACTOR shall, within the time frame in APPENDIX 1 “Summary of CONTRACTOR Early Deliverables”,
complete for APPROVAL an Interface and Coordination-Management Plan, including an Interface Matrix,
a) Records the interfaces identified above and specifies who in CONTRACTOR GROUP is responsible for
managing each of the identified major interfaces.
b) Includes organization charts showing contact points for information and materials exchanges and
details of roles and responsibilities of personnel named in the Interface and Coordination
Management Plan and Interface Matrix.
c) Identifies the deliverables, planned and forecast dates for delivery (from the PROJECT SCHEDULE)
and the required activities of the parties at the interfaces.
d) Identifies and requests further information to eliminate any gaps in the information provided by
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY as necessary to complete the Interface and Coordination Management
CONTRACTOR shall submit its Interface and Coordination Management Plan and Interface Matrix for
APPROVAL within the time frame specified in APPENDIX 1 “Summary of CONTRACTOR Early Deliverables”.
CONTRACTOR shall proactively address all interfaces associated with SERVICES, including fulfilment of the
requirements of the Interface and Coordination Management Plan, technical execution and implementation
of interface coordination as required to effectively complete the SERVICES in accordance with the PROJECT
CONTRACTOR shall ensure any correspondence to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY regarding interfaces shall be
clear, accurate, timely, consistent and controlled so as to assist in the progress of SERVICES.
CONTRACTOR shall participate in interface coordination meetings with CONTRACTING AUTHORITY and
other organizations involved with the SERVICES at intervals to be agreed with CONTRACTING AUTHORITY.
CONTRACTOR shall promptly highlight to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY any interfaces and interface issues
that are becoming critical to timely completion of the SERVICES.
CONTRACTOR shall immediately highlight to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, Changes or potential Changes to
the deliverables identified in. the Interface Matrix and/or any interface issues with potential to impact safety,
quality, schedule or cost either beneficially or, and especially detrimentally, to allow early assessment of
such change or impact on SERVICES.
CONTRACTOR shall provide, in time to allow appropriate action, initial written reports summarizing such
potential impacts of such Changes on the SERVICES and stating actions to be taken to eliminate detrimental
impacts and secure beneficial impacts such as, without limitation, changed sequence of working, changed
spread of resources. The Interface and Coordination Management Plan shall be adjusted to incorporate such
actions arising from such reports.
CONTRACTOR shall separately advise CONTRACTING AUTHORITY of potential VARIATIONS arising from
such Changes and actions, if any, and obtain APPROVAL/ CONTRACTING AUTHORITY instruction in
accordance with Item 7 (Management of Change) above before proceeding with any such potential
CONTRACTOR shall simultaneously advise CONTRACTING AUTHORITY of any time/ date by which such
APPROVAL/ instruction is required to avoid any irrecoverable negative impact or to secure an achievable
benefit. Failure to so advise shall not be the basis of a subsequent CLAIM/LOSS or VARIATION.
CONTRACTOR shall also issue an Interface Report in electronic format detailing progress in implementing
and completing all activities under the Interface and Coordination Management Plan together with any
associated difficulties, concerns and new interface issues. This Interface Report shall be issued as needed,
but at least monthly.
CONTRACTOR shall also highlight interface issues in its Monthly Report to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY.
a) New interface requests since last report.
b) Number of unresolved interface requests.
c) Potential impact of delayed resolution of interface requests, individually and collectively.
CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain up-to-date a Communications Directory for the CONTRACT
including SUBCONTRACTORS involved with the CONTRACT. The Communications Directory shall include
address, location, telephone, air mail and E-mail and shall be issued to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
immediately after CONTRACT Award and after every change.
CONTRACTOR shall develop and maintain a Communications Database throughout the duration of the
CONTRACT of all incoming and outgoing correspondence including attachments in connection with the
CONTRACT. The Communications Database shall include fields for file reference, originating party, author,
date, key words, title, subject, document type, create date, required action, associated action/information
parties and target completion date.
CONTRACTOR shall, at the written request of CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, make available any specifications,
drawings, design data, Supplier data or technical information required for use by CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY, other CONTRACTOR working for CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, government or similar agencies
or third parties at the times such information is required, subject to the provisions of the CONTRACT on
confidential information.
CONTRACTOR shall keep CONTRACTING AUTHORITY informed, in writing, of all communications with
Government authorities/agencies, local communities, other CONTRACTOR working for CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY and third parties.
10.2. Correspondence
CONTRACTOR shall maintain a chronological register for all incoming and outgoing correspondence. These
registers shall be maintained for each document type, letters, facsimiles, transmittals and minutes of
meetings. At CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’s request CONTRACTOR shall transmit to CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY in electronic format or by pen drive up to date copies of the registers.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all correspondence bears the CONTRACT number, CONTRACT title, subject
Correspondence shall be limited to a single subject, as far as applicable.
All CONTRACTOR’s correspondence shall be addressed to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY REPRESENTATIVE.
Similarly, all CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’s correspondence shall be addressed to CONTRACTOR
All correspondence shall bear the following information:
From……… (Location)
To …….. (Location)
Copy to…
CONTRACT reference and number,
Correspondence document number,
Subject description,
References if in response to previous correspondence,
All correspondence shall list the annexes, which may be attached thereto. All technical documents referred
or attached to any correspondence between CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall have the
correspondence document number and revision status clearly recorded on such formal correspondence.
For all types of correspondence, CONTRACTOR shall prepare templates which will be submitted to
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for APPROVAL and shall be used for the whole CONTRACT duration.
All document transmission to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall be forwarded under a cover of transmittal
sheet (TS).
Oral communication of instructions or information in connection with the CONTRACT shall be confirmed in
writing. Until written confirmation has been received oral communications shall not be binding.
10.3. Telephone Calls and Electronic Mails
Telephone calls or Electronic mails (E-Mails) shall not be considered as Contractual correspondence and shall
not be referred to in Contractual correspondence.
10.4. Technical Query Procedure
Where CONTRACTOR identifies a discrepancy or inconsistency in, or seeks a clarification of, any of
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’s specifications, CONTRACTOR shall advise this in writing on a Technical Query.
Technical Query Procedure shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR and submitted for APPROVAL within fifteen
(15) days of the EFFECTIVE DATE. Similarly, deviation from the APPROVED Drawings and Specifications shall
also be processed using the Technical Query Procedure.
In case CONTRACTOR wishes to submit a request for derogation/relaxation, the request shall be presented
to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY in writing and supported by relevant documentation.
To ensure that all Levels schedules (1 to 3) are effectively and timely known throughout the
project organization.
To identify and forecast adverse schedule situations as far in advance of their occurrence as
possible to allow corrective actions to be taken.
To provide a basis for project management decisions that will enable timely execution of the
11.2. Responsibility
Based on schedule requirements and the preliminary information provided in this ANNEX III “Schedule
of Key Dates”, the CONTRACTOR shall submit, for the review/approval of the CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY, a detailed Contract Schedule no later than fifteen (15) days from the Effective Date of the
Contract, developed in Primavera P6 and shall:
Highlight at least all project milestones as listed in the Annex III “Scheduled of Key Dates”,
Upon revision of the schedule by the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, if required, CONTRACTOR shall
modify the schedule to meet any CONTRACTING AUTHORITY and Contract requirements. No changes
to the preliminary major milestones shall be made without prior approval by CONTRACTING
11.3. Project Baseline
CONTRACTOR shall develop (using PRIMAVERA P6) the Project Detailed Schedule – PDS, (the Level III
schedule better described hereinafter) according to the Project WBS to be developed by Contractor.
Program will be issued in bar-chart format, being the working control document by which all activities
within the project will be expedited, monitored and controlled. Such a schedule, accompanied by a brief
description of the planning basis considered, manpower histograms and progress S-curves for those
areas of the Work where they are applicable, shall be submitted to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY (in
electronic format, including the native format) for approval.
Once approved, it will become the Project Baseline, and where any planning updates/revisions
thereafter shall show the baseline planning as a reference and shall not be changed throughout the
project duration without the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY approval.
11.4. Scheduling Hierarchy
The planning of the SERVICES is to be organized in a hierarchy of interlinked levels as described below.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all schedules at Levels 1, 2, 3 and below. They have to be
established using WBS and network logic leading to the identification of all critical and sub critical paths.
Shall be produced in logic linked bar-chart format, comprehensively covering the total scope of the
project in a summary level detail that illustrates CONTRACTOR’S strategies for executing the
different work packages as per ANNEX I “Scope of Work”, including internal and external interface
dependencies and achieving the required completion dates.
Will allow to identify major activities and to verify critical checkpoints & risks analysis/reviews within
the various project phases and disciplines, in order to allow subsequent development of more
detailed schedules.
Contractor shall compile a detailed PCS (Level II) project network logic diagram with activity
duration and resource allocation for each individual phase.
Level II schedule shall be used as the project monitoring and control tool, being the aggregation of
the detailed Level III schedule as well as being consistent with the Level I, the activities included in
the CMS (Level I) shall be further broken down to various disciplines (with allocation of the budget,
cost and direct man-hours for each activity).
Detailed work schedule shall be generated describing all significant activities separated for the
different project phases as per ANNEX I “Scope of Work”.
The project work breakdown structure (WBS) to be developed, detailed by Contractor and agreed by
Parties at early stage of contract signature, shall break down each discipline into elementary activity
relevant to each engineering activities. At this level, the detailed schedule shall identify the
elementary engineering activities to be developed according to the logic necessity for successful
executing the project.
During the contract life, planning schedules (starting from the lowest PDS Level III) shall be updated
every cut-off date and the native files shall be transmitted accordingly.
If the event of progress slippage, recovery plans will be initiated by the CONTRACTOR in order to
minimize or eliminate potential effects on dependent activities and avoid, if possible, changes in
forecasted end dates. This recovery plan will be subject to the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
In case a change in key dates is necessary, a planning revision shall be undertaken, triggered by:
a major delay affecting an item on the critical path if outside contract scope,
unforeseen event.
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY to dictate the revised Key Dates and completion date(s).
All planning levels will be necessarily considered at the time of a planning revision.
Progress S-curves shall be re-drawn accordingly (characterized by a drop or a rise at the revision
All revisions will be referenced (title and revision number) and dated.
The following information shall be included in the MDRPS for each deliverable of the project
The MDRPS shall include all studies/reports, data sheets, specifications, drawings and all other
documents. The system shall generate the following reports:
Summary table per discipline for documents planned together with actual cumulative
achievements (i.e. percentage complete for each discipline).
Documents started.
The first issue of the MDRPS shall be transmitted to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for review/audit
within thirty (30) days of Contract Effective Date.
Contractor shall update the register in accordance with CONTRACTING AUTHORITY reply
review/approval code status.
Project Documents Weights Factors shall not be changed throughout the project duration.
Consequently, all families and disciplines must not change their associated weight.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY a the native file (on MS Excel
format) of MDRPS on the agreed periods.
Schedule Control can thus be split into the main categories of:
The 60-Day Look-ahead Schedule shall be issued to the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for each work
package (WP), in order to verify the work volume foreseen for the 60 Day Schedule, which shall
generally include the following:
Detailed bar-charts showing schedule and work content requirements for the 60-Day Look-
Throughout the project period, the progress of each WORK package must be monitored on a weekly
basis and by marking up the bi-weekly schedule with progress achieved, and actual quantities
achieved for each activity in order to measure the percentage achieved by means of the progress
measurement calculation as per Project Progress Measurement Procedure.
Minor differences between the planned and the actual progress can be expected on a project with
such complex interference at phases, disciplines and deliverables and milestones achievements
levels. Such differences shall be accommodated by rescheduling such work over the forthcoming
progress periods, in order to recover any loss of progress, provided that such changes are within the
limits of the original duration and schedule free float.
When delays are found or anticipated by CONTRACTOR that fall outside such limits, CONTRACTOR
shall propose and detail the best way to cover such delays through the use of recovery plans. Such
plans shall clearly define the areas of delay, the reasons for the delay, and the proposed method of
recovering such delays.
The CONTRACTOR shall perform periodic ‘Schedule Risk Analysis’ on the program using the
Primavera Risk software ‘Pert Master’ or equal.
The ‘Schedule Risk Analysis’ will be carried out after detailed consultation with the relevant
responsible engineers to validate activity logic, resource allocation and to determine the ‘Optimistic’,
the ‘Most Likely’ and the ‘Pessimistic’ durations of each activity within the program. Once these risk
durations have been established by the CONTRACTOR, the data will then be entered into the
Primavera Planning/Risk software packages to calculate the ‘Probabilistic Completion Dates’.
The Contractor will prepare a Risk Analysis report on a monthly basis to present the results of the
Schedule Analysis and the step taken to reduce the identified schedule risks. The ‘Risk report’ will
include the Current Control Program, with Current planning dates vs. the Risk Analyses Program with
Risk Dates.
Additionally, the report will include ‘Date Probability Curves’ for overall project and for completion of
each Works phase.
11.8. Progress Measurement Control
Within fourteen (14) days after the Effective Date of the contract (ED), the CONTRACTOR shall
prepare and submit to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for review and approval, a detailed Project
Progress Measurement Control Procedure. This procedure and its relevant software calculation
processing to be provided by contractor shall ensure:
Alignment with Project “Work Breakdown Structure” and Level III schedule to be developed
by the CONTRACTOR for the overall project.
Accurate traceability and update as the Services progresses according to the Deliverables
Transmittals code status & issuance date, Receipts date and code status of deliverable
Review/Approval, Master Document Register Progress Status “MDPRS”, the update of the
Master Document Register or the service order & change Order Instruction/requests
Immunity of calculation and data processing against any revisions, additions, deletions,
adjustment, reallocation or deviation to these requirements not approved by CONTRACTING
Inclusion of the overall project deliverables listing as per Annexes in REFERENCES and
Contract Master Document Register (this shall include also the project management
CONTRACTOR shall determine at early stage the weightings according to the economic value of
activities enclosed under each project phases, disciplines, Work Packages and CTRs as per progress
assessment levels.
Each Work Package shall then be allocated with a CTRs deliverables content expressed in (planned)
economic value at any level.
When estimating the weightings (and later monitoring and reporting progress), only productive
earned value related to direct work shall be used. For progress measurement only Physical Progress
is permitted.
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY and CONTRACTOR shall agree weighting factors at phase level for
contract consolidation and signature and shall defined weighting factors structures and shall base
upon the budget costs and Man-hours allocated according to ANNEX II “Breakdown of Prices of
Services” (for Lump Sum Portion). In case of disagreement, CONTRACTING AUTHORITY criteria will
It is a prime principle that, once the deliverables weights factors are determined, then it shall not be
changed or adjusted during the CONTRACT duration. The initial agreed allocation for the
deliverables and WP weights factors shall be revised only, when a change in scope is foreseen or in
case of any deliverable/CTR/work package cancelled or category reclassified. In this case, the
weights factor reallocation requests shall be subject to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY review/approval
and shall be reported in weekly and monthly reports. Additionally, omission of any deliverable in the
list, do not release CONTRACTOR obligation in accordance with Project Scope.
Three (03) classes of documents will be used during the FEED/FEEP services, as summarized in the
following table:
When issuing a document, CONTRACTOR shall attribute a status code to the considered document revision,
taking into account:
the document class (as defined before),
the development status as defined hereafter.
The possible Status Codes are listed in the following tables.
The Status Code is a document attribute and shall therefore be shown on the document (in the
corresponding field as per documents formats agreed between the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY and the
The possible reply Status Codes from the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, after reviewing the documents issued
by the CONTRACTOR, are listed in the following table:
Approved without Change the status, increment revision number and submit new revision
comments with next status (if not already AFD)
Based on these lists, and document numbering procedure that will be developed at the beginning of the
FEED, the CONTRACTOR shall develop the Project Master Document Register (MDR).
prepared under electronic format. Drawings shall be under AUTOCAD Software or any other authorized
As per CONTRACTING AUTHORITY request, the FEED/ FEEP/ IPA dossier shall be submitted in four
(04) sets with red binding with drawings in A3 format, plus five (05) pen drives of all drawings and
documents prepared under electronic format.
CFT Package documentation shall be submitted in four (04) sets for LLI’s and for EPC’s, plus same
quantities of pen drives containing all drawings and documents prepared under electronic format.
A draft format of FEED and FEEP dossier and those documents related to the EPC CONTRACTS and
Purchase Orders shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR and APPROVED by CONTRACTING
AUTHORITY during the course of the CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR shall propose the organization of the
CD-ROMs and this is subject to the APPROVAL of CONTRACTING AUTHORITY.
Preparation, printing, binding, packing, mailing and delivery is the responsibility if the CONTRACTOR.
Within fifteen (15) days from EFFECTIVE DATE, CONTRACTOR shall provide a detailed digital workflow
implementation plan for APPROVAL. This plan shall address the following:
Early studies required prior to start of 3D inputs.
Scope of 3D application.
Link with engineering data (process and instrumentation) as well as P&IDs.
Timing of model reviews and how review comments will be tracked and implemented.
Quality/content of electronic model generated General Arrangement Drawings.
How MTOs will be performed and updated.
The plan shall also address the organizational aspects of 3D including:
How the flow of work between disciplines will be managed.
How the 3D database will be controlled/managed.
How progress on the 3D model status will be measured/controlled.
APPENDIX 4 “SOFTWARE” contains a list of the software that shall be used by CONTRACTOR.
The 3D-Model shall be considered by CONTRACTOR as part of the engineering deliverables, and shall
therefore be reviewed by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY and APPROVED.
All components within the 3D-Model database shall be compliant with the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
supply chain codes and databases (SAP).
ENGINEER shall provide CONTRACTING AUTHORITY with viewer software in order to enable
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY personnel to have access on actual status of 3D Mode whenever required.
Preliminary review plan is presented hereunder; milestone model review shall be performed in the
following five (05) stages.
a) Plot Review (Plot Plan Review)
Plot review shall be performed for process area to confirm and finalize the plot plan. After
incorporating CONTRACTING AUTHORITY comments, the plot plan shall be released as the basis of
14.1. CONTRACTING AUTHORITY will provide CONTRACTOR with local requirements for invoicing,
and details of the Accounts Processing Team and the onsite CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
REPRESENTATIVE (or delegate). Prior to submission of CONTRACTOR's first invoice, CONTRACTOR
shall submit its Invoicing Procedure for APPROVAL. This Invoicing Procedure shall be in accordance with
the contract payments provisions of the CONTRACT. As a minimum, the Procedure shall require that:
a) Separate invoices shall be submitted for each work location associated with the SERVICES, if
required for withholding tax reasons. All invoices must identify CONTRACTING AUTHORITY,
CONTRACT number, SAP PO Number (as applicable) and be submitted by CONTRACTOR/
CONTRACTOR AFFILATE as named in the CONTRACT using their letterhead/formats/logos etc.
b) CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY as one original of the invoice
including all of the required supporting documentation and one copy of the total original. The
original invoice shall be submitted to the Accounts Processing Team as advised by
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY. The copy invoice is to be simultaneously supplied to the
c) CONTRACTOR shall provide a summary sheet with each consolidated invoice that tabulates
against agreed milestones and any agreed AMENDMENTS and VARIATIONS , the 'amount
invoiced this month', 'total invoiced to date', `forecast total amount at COMPLETION' and
'original estimated final cost' and highlighting any forecast deviation from the original estimated
final cost'.
d) All invoices shall reference the CONTRACT, PO Number and shall contain no terms or conditions.
e) CONTRACTOR shall invoice in the applicable allowable currencies in the CONTRACT.
f) To the extent that the invoice relates to the supply of PLANT or EQUIPMENT, CONTRACTOR's
invoice shall provide a description of PLANT or EQUIPMENT item for which charges are allowable
that includes item number, location and in the case of PLANT, the associated activity.
14.2. Before paying any invoice, CONTRACTING AUTHORITY may request re-calculation,
clarification, certification or additional substantiation, and CONTRACTOR shall promptly comply with any
such request. Invoice Review meetings may be held to discuss invoice format, substantiation
requirements, credit notes and the presentation of payment or charge reconciliations on future invoices.
For invoices related to substantial measured work (whether measured by quantities or progress)
CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to the nominated CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
REPRESENTATIVE an Application for Payment based on APPROVED quantities and measures at the
agreed cut-off date.
a) CONTRACTING AUTHORITY's nominated representative shall validate the quantities, progress
measures and estimates and also conduct a preliminary review of the substantiating documents
for adequacy.
b) CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall send suitably prepared and experienced
representatives to an Invoice Review Meeting(s) to resolve any discrepancies in the Application
for Payment and identify any additional substantiation if required.
c) CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall issue by the last working day in the month a Payment
Certificate document that:
i. Confirms (or otherwise) that all additional substantiation has been received (or otherwise indicate
what must still be provided)
ii. Confirms that a preliminary vetting has taken place and identifies the substantiation documents
received that CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall retain and which CONTRACTOR no longer needs
to provide with its formal original invoice.
d) CONTRACTOR shall issue its formal invoice as an original and a copies by the required
submission date incorporating those items requested by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY in its
Payment Certificate (a copy of which is to be attached to the invoice).
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall, after receipt of an approved invoice submitted in accordance with the
provisions of the CONTRACT, pay the amount due to CONTRACTOR according to the invoice. Subject to
APPROVAL of an invoice, payment will be affected within thirty (30) days from the MCC is approved and
the correct invoice is received. Payment is deemed to have been made when the order for payment is
received by CONTRACTOR's bank.
In accordance with the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, in the event that CONTRACTING AUTHORITY
disputes any invoice in whole or in part, and/or if the invoice is prepared or submitted incorrectly,
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall notify CONTRACTOR of the disputed portions of the invoice and
CONTRACTOR shall then withdraw the disputed invoice and submit a new invoice for the undisputed
amounts which CONTRACTING AUTHORITY shall pay within thirty (30) DAYS of receipt.
Within ninety (90) days of the receipt of the COMPLETION CERTIFICATE, CONTRACTOR shall invoice
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for all remaining sums due to CONTRACTOR.
Subject to the payment and invoicing provisions of the CONTRACT, within ninety (90) days following
submission of the final invoice in respect of monies due to CONTRACTOR in connection with the
CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR shall submit its Final Account. CONTRACTOR's Final Account shall include,
without exception, a reconciliation that separately identifies all amounts invoiced and paid by
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, all allowable charges which CONTRACTOR considers to be outstanding in
accordance with the CONTRACT and all costs for which CONTRACTOR is claiming payment outside what
is allowable in accordance with the CONTRACT.
CONTRACTOR shall not submit credit-to-CONTRACTING AUTHORITY (negative) invoices. Invoices are
to be net of any clearly identified and documented credits.
CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly check each invoice for content and compliance with these Project
Coordination Procedures and the payment provisions of the CONTRACT and obtain formal internal
approval of each invoice's contents and compliance before issuing to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY.
14.3. Banking Information
Payments of invoices shall be made by electronic funds transfer direct to CONTRACTOR's nominated
Any changes in CONTRACTOR's banking information or payment instructions shall be submitted prior to
submittal of invoices in writing to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY REPRESENTATIVE with a copy to the
project accountant.
14.4. Contractual and Commercial Close-out
Immediately prior to COMPLETION, CONTRACTOR shall issue a preliminary statement of final account
including details of any potential and / or pending VARIATIONS and claims.
Within thirty (30) DAYS, or any other number of DAYS as agreed by CONTRACTING AUTHORITY, after
the issue of the COMPLETION CERTIFICATE, CONTRACTOR shall provide a statement of final account
of the amounts chargeable to CONTRACTING AUTHORITY for all SERVICES performed under the
CONTRACT structured by WBS and in accordance with allowable charges in accordance with the
contract payments/ remuneration provisions of the CONTRACT. The statement shall clearly identify the
original CONTRACT PRICE, APPROVED VARIATIONS / optional SERVICES and claims. In addition,
CONTRACTOR shall provide historical invoice details of dates issued / payments received and any
further information CONTRACTING AUTHORITY may require from CONTRACTOR to substantiate the
actual allowable charges.
15.1. Definitions
The following definitions are applicable to this Local Content section and shall be read in conjunction
with and shall complement the Definitions detailed in the Clause 1 of Attachment C “Contract T&C &
Foreign Contractor A person, firm or entity performing works, services and /or
supplying goods and materials, whether as a subcontractor or
otherwise, who is not a Local Contractor.
In-Country People's Democratic Republic of Algeria .
Local Content The local value added to goods, work or services measured as the
amount of money remaining in Algeria after the production of the
15.3.1. Workforce
a. Dollar value of training for national employees as a proportion of the total training budget.
d. Dollar value of contributions for enhancing the capabilities of Local Contractors.
CONTRACTOR will use a local agent to support with the Community Engagement Plan and recruitment
of local resources. The local agent will also support with engagement of government entities to discuss
the Project SOW and expectations.
Project Schedule ED + 15 d
HSE Plan ED + 15 d
Project Management Completions and Handover Plan Incl in PEP under Doc control
Effect on Health, Safety, Security and Environmental and on other Delivery Teams or Discipline Area (compliance,
Weight Impact:
CONTRACTOR is hereby authorized to proceed as detailed above, and CONTRACTING AUTHORITY acknowledged
that the work described above constitutes a VARAITION (subject to the attached document….., if any)
CONTRACTOR is requested to provide additional information to substantiate the request for a proposed VARIATION.
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY instructs CONTRACTOR to proceeded with the work describe above pending
CONTRACTING AUTHORITY considers the work described above to be part of the WORK and does not constitute a
CONTRACTOR is requested to submit a detailed cost and work-hour breakdown with supporting documentation by
CONTRACTOR to agree and affirm that this VARIATION Request Form is withdrawn and that there shall be no
change to cost, schedule or quality arising from the work described in it.
Duration: Daywork
Date: Date:
The following software is to be used by the CONTRACTOR to carry out the activities and deliverables
described under ANNEX I “Scope of Work”: