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The property of a mineral by virtue of which it can be cut with a knife is __________
a) Parting
b) Sectile
c) Malleable
d) Ductile

2. Mica is __________
a) Flexible
b) Rigid
c) Flexible and elastic
d) Elastic

3. When the mineral occurs in flattened or square form, it is called __________

a) Tabular
b) Elongated
c) Batroidal
d) Box

4. Example for elongated structure is __________

a) Calcite
b) Beryl
c) Orthoclase
d) Barite

5. Kyanite shows which form?

a) Columnar
b) Elongated
c) Bladed
d) Tabular

6. Structure or form which depicts leaf-like sheets is __________

a) Foliated
b) Lamellar
c) Radiating
d) Granular

7. Muscovite mica shows which structure?

a) Lamellar
b) Foliated
c) Fibrous
d) Radiating

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8. Identify the type of structure shown below.
a) Lamellar
b) Foliated
c) Radiating
d) Granular

9. Chromite shows which type of structure?

a) Granular
b) Globular
c) Reniform
d) Mammillary

10. Which form resembles a human kidney?

a) Globular
b) Reniform
c) Granular
d) Mammillary

11. Malachite shows which type of structure?

a) Reniform
b) Globular
c) Mammillary
d) Granular

12. The SI unit of specific gravity is __________

a) Ohm
b) g/cc
c) N/cc
d) No unit

13. The density range lies between 2.5 and 4.5 g/cc for __________
a) Metallic minerals
b) Non-metallic minerals
c) Metalloid minerals
d) Ore minerals

14. Atoms of greater atomic radii show __________

a) Less density
b) Greater density
c) No difference
d) Doesn’t depend on atomic radii

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15. Form in which neither a crystal face nor a cleavage is seen is __________
a) Crystalline
b) Crystallized
c) Amorphous
d) Crystalline and crystallized

16. The minerals which develop electric charge upon heating are called __________
a) Pyro-electric minerals
b) Piezo-electric minerals
c) Paramagnetic minerals
d) Diamagnetic minerals

17. The Phenomenon where electric charge develops due to application of pressure is __________
a) Pyro-electric minerals
b) Piezo-electric minerals
c) Paramagnetic minerals
d) Diamagnetic minerals

18. How many minerals are present in the scale of fusibility given by Von Kobell?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

19. Which of the following minerals can scratch Topaz?

a) Corundum
b) Apatite
c) Gypsum
d) Quartz

20. Which of the following mineral shows phosphorescence?

a) Orthoclase
b) Calcite
c) Quartz
d) Galena

21. Quartz shows which lustre?

a) Metallic
b) Vitreous
c) Pearly
d) Resinous

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22. Which among the following shows silky lustre?
a) Quartz
b) Galena
c) Gypsum
d) Diamond

23. Which mineral group is abundantly found in the earth’s crust?

a) Mica group
b) Felspar group
c) Oxide group
d) Silicate group

24. Felspar is found abundantly or in majority in which kind of rock?

a) Igneous rocks
b) Sedimentary rocks
c) Metamorphic rocks
d) Fossil rocks

25. The chemical composition of the feldspar group is __________

a) Oxide
b) Aluminates
c) Silicates
d) Aluminosilicates

26. In the atomic structure, each oxygen atom is shared by how many tetrahedra?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

27. The crystallographic system shown by felspar group is __________

a) Monoclinic
b) Triclinic
c) Rhomboclinic
d) Monoclinic and triclinic

28. How many groups are the felspar minerals classified into, on the basis of chemical composition?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

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29. The felspar minerals are free from __________
a) Iron
b) Iron and manganese
c) Magnesium
d) Iron and magnesium

30. What is the chemical composition of Orthoclase?

a) K Al O8
b) Ca Al Si3O8
c) K Al Si3 O8
d) Ca Al O8

31. What is the distinguishing characteristic of microcline and orthoclase?

a) Colour
b) Streak
c) Chemical composition
d) Hardness

32. Which of the following is not true about plagioclase?

a) It is composed of K mainly
b) It is composed of either Na, Ca, or Al
c) It is of massive or crystalline structure
d) It gives 2 sets of cleavages

33. The mica group minerals show which structure in the microscopic level?
a) Box structure
b) Sheet structure
c) Hexagonal structure
d) Columnar structure

34. What percent of crust do the micas form approximately?

a) 20%
b) More than 60%
c) 4%
d) 40%

35. Which is the less important and more important and less important minerals crystallize respectively?
a) Triclinic and monoclinic
b) Monoclinic and triclinic
c) Monoclinic and rhombohedral
d) Rhombohedral and triclinic

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36. What type of cleavage is shown by mica group?
a) Perfect cubic cleavage
b) Perfect octahedral cleavage
c) Perfect basal cleavage
d) Prismatic cleavage

37. Which mineral is flaky and black in appearance?

a) Biotite mica
b) Muscovite mica
c) Diamond
d) Jaspar

38. What is the other name of muscovite mica?

a) Black mica
b) Potash mica
c) Vitreous mica
d) Glossy mica

39. What is the diaphaneity of muscovite mica?

a) Opaque
b) Transparent
c) Translucent
d) Any form

40. What is the streak given by muscovite mica?

a) White
b) Black
c) Yellow
d) Colourless

41. Pick the wrong statement about mica.

a) They have high hardness
b) They have low hardness
c) They are usually transparent to translucent
d) They are used as good electrical insulators

42. What is the distinguishing property between biotite mica and muscovite mica?
a) Streak
b) Lustre
c) Colour
d) Hardness

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43. What is the chemical composition of Quartz?
a) SiO4
b) Si2O3
c) SiO2
d) Al2O3

44. Which quartz mineral shows blue colour?

a) Rose quartz
b) Blue quartz
c) Smoky quartz
d) Rock crystal

45. Rock crystal belongs to which mineral group?

a) Quartz group
b) Feldspar group
c) Carbonate group
d) Ferro-magnesium group

46. Pick the quartz mineral which is translucent among the following.
a) Rose quartz
b) Agate
c) Amethyst quartz
d) Milky quartz

47. The streak given by the quartz group is __________________

a) White
b) Colourless
c) Blue
d) Pale yellow

48. Pick the quartz which is colourless among the following.

a) Rose quartz
b) Smoky quartz
c) Milky quartz
d) Rock crystal

49. What is the hardness of the quartz minerals?

a) 7
b) 6
c) 2
d) 4

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50. What is the colour of rose quartz attributed to?
a) Iron
b) Titanium
c) Aluminium
d) Sandstone

Answer KEY
1 B 11 C 21 B 31 B 41 A
2 C 12 D 22 C 32 A 42 C
3 A 13 B 23 B 33 B 43 C
4 B 14 A 24 A 34 C 44 B
5 C 15 C 25 D 35 B 45 A
6 B 16 A 26 B 36 C 46 C
7 B 17 B 27 D 37 A 47 B
8 C 18 D 28 B 38 B 48 D
9 A 19 A 29 D 39 B 49 A
10 B 20 C 30 C 40 D 50 B

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