2002 Ya Evening

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The Great Indian Vaageyakaaras Series

An Evening Dedicated to Works of

The Great Saint Composer

Sri Taallapaaka Annamaachaarya At 134, Queens Road; Five Docks Sydney ; Australia

July 20th 2002

Shishurvetti Pashurvetti Vetti gaana rasam phanihi The child, the animal, the snake can understand the nectar of music. Tat sangeetasya mahaatyam; ke prashamsitumeeshate; Dharmaartha kaamamokshaanaam; Idam ekaiva saadhanam!! For attainment of Dharma, Artha Kaama and Finally moskha, music is the only vehicle. Such is the greatness of music and such is the greatness of composers such as Sri Taallapaaka Annamaachaarya. It is with great humility that we are celebrating Sri Taallapaaka Annamaachaarya evening in the year 2002. This is the second event in the The Great Indian Vaaggeya kaaraas series that we started last year, with celebrations of evening dedicated to the works of Sri Muthuswamy Deekshitar on November 10th 2001. It is also a divine experience to be amongst various music rasikaas and to listen to rendering of Sri Taallapaaka Annamaachaarya compositions. The aim of celebrating Annamayya evening has been to promote and enlighten works of Sri Taallapaaka Annamaachaarya There are a number of people without whose help, guidance this event would not have taken place. We kept most of the music lovers posted about the progress in organizing the event. The response across the community has been very positive. Mail messages detailing the activities connected to the event, have gone to about 160 addresses in Australia, India, Japan and USA. Feedback from the recipients of these mail messages has been very encouraging. There is certainly a lot of collective knowledge and support amongst the music lovers in Sydney to conduct similar events in the future. We continue to seek your feedback so that we can improve on arranging similar events in the future. We sincerely hope that Sri Taallapaaka Annamaachaarya evening will be a memorable evening for future events to come in the The Great Indian Vaaggeya kaaraas series.. Namaste Giridhar Tirumalai & Radha Giridhar (Ph : 9746 7264) Hari Raman & Laxmi Raman (Ph : 9809 6253)

Saint Annamaachaarya
By Shri M P Ranganath The Lord in his mercy, gives us every time, a fresh opportunity to wash away our sins. The preceptor, the saastraas and the places of worship are all his gifts, to wipe away our inner impurities. The Almighty in his compassion, places his trust, even in a sinner, confident that he will raise himself through his own efforts and gives him a fresh opportunity, to redeem his soul. Music, in general, helps the devotees, to concentrate on the Almighty by singing songs, composed by innumerable saints, sages and savant. South India was fortunate in producing many stalwart- composers, since 15th century. Countless are the attributes of the Almighty in whatever name, you call him and his surpassing beauty and auspicious qualities are the subject matter of all these composers. Before the advent of the Trinity of Karnatic music viz. Sri Shyama Sastry, Saint Thyagaraja and Sri Muthuswamy Dikshitar, the Telugu literature, in particular and music in general, got a boost when Annamacharya began composing songs and start singing them. The peculiarity of his musical talent was his overall ability to compose the lyrics and set them to music and also sing the composed songs. Since he was such a versatile musician, he came to be later called as Vaggeyakara of Telugu literature. Annamacharya was born in 1408 AD and his parents were Narayana Suri and Lakkamamba. They hailed from Tallapaka, a village in Cuddapah District of Andhra Pradesh in India. It is reported that he was the eldest member of the family, who began to compose songs at the tender age of 16 years. He was credited to have started to compose songs, like a few earlier composers in the Kriti format with pallavi, anupallavi and charanam. He was also the earliest composer of the Keerthana and Sringara Padas in Telugu. According to historical facts, Annamacharya married twice and got through his two wives, two sons and two daughters. They were all proficient in music. Annamacharya has been honoured by his followers and admirers with the title of Pada Kavitha Pithamaha which means, the grand father of the form of poetry called Padam which means a song. Sankeerthana also conveys a similar meaning for a devotional song sung by Saints. Saint Annamacharya is credited with compositions of more than 30,000 but according to historical records, only a small proportion of them has been retrieved by his son, Peda Tirumalacharya and grandson Chinnathirmalacharya, by getting the Sankeerthas of the Saint, engraved on copper plates and treasured those plates in Sankeerthana Bhandarams (a rock-built cell at Tirumala temple) in Tirumala. Annamacharya composed and sang his songs for the pleasure of the Almighty and did not mind in refusing to sing for the benefit of Nobles or Kings. To prove this point, it is recorded that the then king offered a respectable position of Guru to Annamacharya in his royal court and once told him to compose and sing a song praising the king. The Saint appeared to have refused to sing on the mortals but could only sing on the Glory of God. This naturally enraged the king and got the Saint chained and sent him to prison. The Saint later sang his composition, in praise of Lord

4 Venkateshwara in despair and agony. The chains got broken, as a result of the spiritual power and the King begged the Saint for forgiveness. Subsequently, Annamacharya left the court for Tirumala, where he began to propagate the philosophy and glory of Lord Venkateshwara and consequent to this, Tirumala temple began to attract devotees from far and wide, by his efforts.

In Saint Annamacharyas songs, we find the essence of the great epics viz. Ramayana and Mahabharata and also Bhagavatham. In brief, his Sankeerthanas breathe the essence of Vedas i.e. ancient Indian spiritual knowledge. Among the works of Saint Annamacharya, 1526 Sringara Sankeerthanas (romantic devotional songs) and 2209 Adhyatma Sankeerthanas are available, at present, though his total compositions appear to be more than 30,000. He seems to have written, eleven Shatakas (100 poems) and many Prabandhas in different languages, which are not available. Saint Annamacharya, a staunch devotee of Lord Venkateshwara reached the holy abode in 1503 AD; leaving, a great legacy to the music world.

5 Gist Of Some of the songs that are rendered 1

Adivo Alladivo Annamayya in his journey to reach Lord Venkateshwara looks at the abode of his ishtadaivum the abode of Lord Venkataachalapthi. Annamayya is full of joy. Out pours this song in which Annamayya explains the abode as Hari Vaasamu Lord Haris home, it is rare even for Bramhaas, it is the place where you attain kaivalyamu (salvataion), it is the Crown of the Lord. Look at HIS abode prostrate and enjoy. Bhaavamu Lona Baahyamu Whether out worldly or inwards, think of Lord Govinda. Lord Hari is manifestation of various incarnations (avataaraas), Lord Haris name is culmination of all mantras. All the vedaas hail Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is all pervading. Call him Hari, Vishnu, Achuta , just say Hari, look for Vishnu, seek HIS protection HE is one. Bramha Kadigina Paadamu Annamayya focuses on feet (Paadamu) of Lord Venkatachalapati. Lord Bramha the creator of the universe has washed YOUR feet, Bali Chakravarti has kept this feet on his head, Lord consort massages this feet, different sages have derived different wishes (varaalu) from this feet thus explains the greatness of Lords feet. Chakkani Talliki The beauty of the Lord and his consort Alumelumanga taayaar is depicted in this composition. Emphasis is on romantic features of this beautiful motherly figure (chakkani talli) that includes different poses, beauty of HER eyes, HER ornaments, slender body figure and the like. Cheri Yashodaku Shishuvitadu Annamayya expresses his wonder at the Great Creator, with sun and moon as HIS eyes, as infant in the lap of Yasoda devi. His incarnation as Lord SriKrishna Choodaramma Satulaala
This song is about describing the opulence of Goddess Aaandaal in the form of Goddess choodikudutta Naanchhari. Sri Annamayya imagines2 Goddess choodi kudutta naanchaari with Lord Venkateshwara and Annamayya is asking all women in town to sing shobhaane (Let good things happen). [Koodunnadi pati choodi kudutta naanchaari i.e pati to koodi vunnadi].

In the absence of access to any authentic book on Sri Annamaayyas sankirtanaas to compile the gist, Mr Sathenapalli Ramanamurthy, Mr Ravi Pulapaaka and Mr Tirumalai Giridhar have compiled the gist based on their combined Telugu background and referring to books that are locally accessible. We request all of you to pardon us should there be any mistakes in presenting the gist. We were unable to compile gist for all the sankirtanaas that are being rendered this evening.

Annamayya goes on to say it seems SHE is Sree Mahaalakshmi so where is the dearth for shrungaarum? SHE is the mother of none other than Lord Krishna, so there is no dearth for total goodness (chakkadanamu). SHE is the sister of Moon (Soma) Lord. There is no dearth for beautiful kala. HER body is very soft (Komallangi) and that is Choodu kudutta naanchaari. Let good things happen [Shobhaane Shobhaane] It seems SHE is the daughter of the Lord of the sea. Hence there is no paucity of majesty. SHE is the MOTHER of this universe (Lokamaata), there is no dearth for her daya. SHE resides in LOTUS flower (Jalaja nivaasi), so there is no dearth for calm and quiteness in HER. Such is Choodu kudutta naanchaari. Let good things happen [Shobhaane Shobhaane] It seems SHE is praised by Devataas (Amara vandita yata), so there is no dearth for mahimaas. SHE is related to Moon Lord and hence no dearth for happiness. Lord Venkateshwara HIMSELF has comedown to marry HER. HER age is very tender. And such is Choodu kudutta naaachaari. Let good things happen [Shobhaane Shobhaane]

Deva Devum Bhaja In this composition Annamayya describes Lord Balaji as Lord Rama, the destroyer of Raavana, the refuge of Vibhishana, the wielder of mighty kodanda bow. Dolaayam Chala This composition is meant to be sung when Lord relaxes on the swing. This composition recalls HIS ten incarnations. Enta maatramu In this composition, Annamayya conveys that people of different faith call HIM with different names. For example vaishvites call YOU as Vishnu with affection (korimito vishnuvani), vedaantiis call HIM as parabramha, where as shaivites call YOU as shiva and kaapaalikaas call you aadibhirava etc. YOU only show yourself that much as people think about you. Indariki Abhayambu Here Annamayya explains the greatness of Lords Hand. Annamayya addresses Lords hand as Abhayahastam (Abhayambu nich cheyi) the hand that gives abhayam, it is a very good/gold (bangaaru cheyi) hand, the hand gives and takes things from devotees, the hand that searched and gave us the 4 vedaas to which we can not fix any value (velaleni vedamulu vedaki techina cheyi), the hand that asked the great Bali chakravarti 3 wishes. Intakante Ghana Mika ledu Lord Janaardhana is the source of wellbeing (soukhyamu). There is nothing greater than this. Chanting of Paramaatma dispels fear in us. Thought process on Lord

Use of the word ata and/or yata in the song seems to be significant. When translated to English stands for it seems such and such.

7 Ishvara enures us of victory (jaya kaaranameeshwara chinta). Performing pooja to Achuta purifies us from sin. Lord Haris blessings is the highest form of blessing. Jo Achutaananda This is a Lullubie cajoling the Lord to sleep. Kanti Shukravaaramu Annmayya explains Alumelu Mangataayars joy and pleasure on decorating the Lord. Shrungaara rasam is the central theme of this composition. HIS beauty is explained where as HE is decorated with camphor, Gold, several ornaments, Jasmine flowers and the like, with a brief reference to process of decorating the Lord. Kondalalo Nelakonna Koneti Raayudu vaadu Annamayya addresses Lord as Koneti raayudu who is residing in the mountains. Irrespective of your background, without discrimination, Lord responds to prayers and grants wishes. Annamayya provides examples of devotees ranging from common potter through to empower who are benefited from HIS grace. Ksheeraabdhi Kanyakaku Annamayya offers auspicious flourish of camphor flower to Goddess Lakshmi, who became Goddess Alumelumanga when Lord Vishnu assumed the name Lord Venkateshwara. This compositions delineates HER beauty as the very sources of what beauty there is in the jagat.. Maadhava Keshava Another beautiful composition of Sri Annamaachaarya, where Sri Annamayya addresses Lord with different names such as Maadhava, Keshava, Naaraayana etc. The Composition concludes with Sri Annamaachaarya saying I am your servant (paadaa daasi) and I pray YOU every moment. Manujudai putti Annamayya expresses his resolve to serve only HIM. He hungers for the vision of Lord. Annamayya goes on to say - for such a small stomach, why beg (puttedu kootikai batimaali ). Just pray that beautiful Lord Venkataadri Eeesha (andamaina sri venkataadreeshu sevinchi) you will receive things that you could not otherwise reach. Meluko Shrungaara raaya In this Sankirtana, Sri Annamayya addresses Lord as Shrungaara raaya HE is the king/Lord/Epitome (Raayudu) of Shrungaarum. This sankirtana is asking the Lord to wakeup - as an early morning wakeup call to the Lord reminiscing HIS sringara attributes. Annamacharya describes the Lord as madana gopala and brings out HIS playfulness with HIS consorts Rukmini and Satyabhama and the 16 thousand gopikas

8 in a lucid and poetic form. Finally he praises the Lord and calls Him a kalpataru who showers abundant boons on HIS devotees. Muddugaarae Yashoda This is a song that Annamayya composed not on Sri Venktaachalapathi but on Lord Krishna Krishna in HIS boyhood stage. Annamayya specifically uses the word Chinni Krishnudu in the song. Annamayya highlights Lord Krishnas activities associated with Kamsa, refers to Lord Krishna as the person who lifted the great Govardhana mountain, HIS kaalingamardhanum, HIS ksherrasaagara mathanam And the like. Annamayya emphasis Lord Krishna as Yashoda devis jewel. Naanaati Braduku Annamayya points out the nature of the daily life. Every day life is a drama. Birth is also true so is the death. In between what we see is drama. Ultimate is Kaivalyamu. Time keeps reminding us of the ultimate Goal, Liberation to reach Lord Venkateshwara. Naaraayana Te Namo Namo In this composition, Annamayya sings in praise of Lords deeds as sung by the great sage Naarada. Inspired by Naaradaas rich knowledge, and sings as if Naarada is singing invoking Lord with different names such as maadhava, pankaja naabha, tiruvenkata naayaka etc. Paluku Tenela Talli In this composition Sri Annamyya addresses Goddess Alumelumanga Tayaar as THE mother with sweet talk (paluku tenella talli tene palukula talli) and then goes on to explain Godesss graceful sleeping stance and the sleep itself till dawn (pagalaina daaka cheli pavvalincheno, paravashambuna taruni pavvalincheno). HER face is glittering, in the embrace of Tiruvenkataa chalaa dhipa (kowgita galaci) Podaganti Mayya Mimmu Lord venkateshwara is that god who comes to the rescue of devotees and provides peace of mind. Annamayay address Lord as purushottama Sakala Shaanti Karamu This compositions central theme is about peace for all. YOU provide peace to all. All sinful thoughts disappears in your presence and devotees are purified. Even if we listen with devotion about you, all sins disappears. YOU are the one who provides salvation Sharanu Sharanu In this compositions Sri Annamayya informs Lord that all great people, devotees, entertainers such as the great sage Animisha, protectors of all directions

9 (dikpaalakulu), devotees such as Prahlaada, dancers such as Rambha etc - all have come to take your blessings. All these people have come to pray. Please listen to our requests. Srimann Naararayana Annamayya addresses the Lord in HIS various associations with Lotus flower. HIS consort Lakshmi is otherwise known as Lotus, HIS son Bramha springing from his navel is seated on the Lotus. HIS cosmic aspect as beyond and beyond Tandanaana Aahi One ness of Lord Bramha, irrespective of your background king, pauper, animal the Lord is one and only one. The sun that shines on elephant is same as that on a small dog, the full sleep that a King enjoys is same as the sleep that his assistant (bantu) experiences, the land that a bramhin lives on and the land a chandaala lives on are all same. So, for all these worldly activities there is one Parabramha Vinaro Bhaagyamu Annamayya conveys that it is a boon /divine gift (bhaagyamu) to listen to the story about Lord Vishnu. Annamayya says this story about Lord Vishnu is present from time immemorial (aadi nundi) and from that time, Vishnus story is well known for all daily activities. Great sages such as Vedavyaasa has written this story with out discontinuity/leaving/interruption (vadalaka). Lord Naarada has made this story to reverberate (naadinchinide naaradaadula che), this story is sung in every street (veedhi veedhulane). Vinna paalu vinavale Annamayya is requesting the Lord to wakeup, requesting HIM to listen to request (vinnapaalu). Annamayya is requesting Lord to life the net (pannagapu domatera). But Lord is in sleepy mood. Annamayya goes on to inform Lord that people such as great sages, Naarada, Birds etc have all come to take YOUR blessings. He is requesting the Lord to open HIS eye lids and requesting HIM to see everybody including Alumelumanga taayaaru.

10 Life and Times of Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya Mrs Vasumathi Harish Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya (1408-1503) the mystic saint composer of the 15th century is the earliest known musician of South India to compose songs called sankIrtanas in praise of Lord Venkateswara, the deity of Seven Hills in Tirumala, India where unbroken worship is being offered for over 12 centuries. Annamacharya is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Venkateswara's. nandaka (Sword). A rhyming couplet of poems called Dwipada written by Tallapaka Chinnanna, grandson of Annamacharya, enabled us to learn about the Saint Annamacharya, his life and works. Annamacharya was born on Vaisakhapoornima in the year Sarwadhari (May 9, 1408) in Tallapaka, a remote village in Andhra Pradesh, and lived immaculately for 95 years until Phalguna Bahula Dwadasi (12th day after full moon) in the year Dhundhubhi (February 23, 1503). Annamacharya is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Venkateswaras Nandaka or Sword. Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) have consecrated Annamacharya in two places, one in the Annamacharya Mandiram located in the Annamacharya Project Office premises at Tiruapati and the other one in Annamacharya temple at Tallapka the birth place of Annamcharya. The evidences supporting the fact that Annamacharya is the incarnation of the Lord are found in Chinnannas Dwipada. It is believed that in the 10th century a big famine broke out in Varanasi and scores of scholars migrated to southern part of India for earning their livelihoods. Some of them concentrated in a town called Nandavaram in Andhra Pradesh which was ruled by the then king Nanda. These immigrants were called Nandavarikas and Annamacharyas forefathers were the so called Nandavarikas and hence Annamacharya. In the Dwipada the story of Annamacharya goes back three generations to his grandfather Narayanayya. As a boy Narayanayya was not keen in studies and it was customary in those times for the gurus to subject the students to different kinds of torturous methods to create concentration on studies. When nothing worked for the young boy, he decided that death would be better than the life filled with torture, humiliation, and shame. He heard about the venomous cobra in the snake hole at the temple of Chinthalamma the village Goddess. In an attempt to take his life away, Narayanayya put his hand in the snake hole at the temple. To his surprise, the village Goddess appeared before him and advised him not to take his life away since a boy with an element of Hari or Vishnu would be born in the third generation of Narayanayya. Narayana Suri, the son of Narayanayya, did not have children for a long time. Narayana Suri and his wife Lakkamamba visited Tirumala Temple and while they were prostrating in front of the Holy Mast (Dhwaja Sthambha) a dazzling brilliance from the sword of Lord Venkateswara struck them like a lightening. Eventually a boy was born to them and they named him Annamayya. Annamayya became Annamacharya when the sage Ghana Vishnu at Tirumala converted him into a Vaishnavaite at the age of 8.


During his long and prolific career, Annamacharya composed and sang 32,000 Sankirtanas, 12 Satakas (sets of hundred verses), Ramayana in the form of Dwipada,SsankIrtana Lakshanam (Characteristics of sankIrtanas), Sringaara Manjari, and Venkatachala Mahatmamyam. His works were in Telugu, Sanskrit and a few other languages of India. Chinnanna called the 32,000 Sankirtanas as 32,000 Mantras or Sacred Hymns. It was also recorded in Chinnannas Dwipada that Purandara Dasa, who was 70 years younger to Annamacharya, heard about the miracles of Annamacharya and visited him. Purandara Dasa paid his respects to Annamacharya by calling him the incarnation of Lord Venkateswara and his Sankirtanas as Sacred Hymns. Annamacharya wrote the sankirtanas on palm leaves and later his son Tirumalacharya got them engraved on copper plates. But for reasons not known, most of these copper plates lay hidden in a rock built cell opposite to Hundi in the Tirumala temple unnoticed for over 400 years. In 1922, twenty five hundred copper plates, comprising of about 14,000 sankIrtanas and a few other works, were found in a rock built cell, later named as Sankirtana Bhandagaram, opposite to the Hundi (donation box). Ever since the discovery of this lost treasure, Tirumala Tirupati Devastanams (TTD) and other organizations in India are working hard to promote the music and literature of Annamacharya.

With Best Compliments from SUBHIKSHA DEPARTMENTAL STORES Business Hours

Mon-Fri : Saturday-Sunday: Public Holidays: 249, Liverpool Road, Ashfield; NSW 2131; Australia e-mail : [email protected] 11:30AM 8P.M 9:30A.M 8P.M 9:30A.M 8P.M TEL (02) 9799 0055 FAX (02) 9799 0053 Mobile 0411 370 585

12 Glimpse into Greatness of Sri Taallapaaka Annamaacharya ( Mrs Vasundhara Srinivasan and Mrs Radha Giridhar ) Sri Annamacharya is considered as the First Vaggeyakaara of Telugu Literature He was born in the year 1408 in a small town called Taallapaaka in Andhra Pradesh It is known that there are about 32,000 compositions to his credit. His compositions are called Sankirtanna that has a mix of Telugu words that were popular during 15th century and since 15th century. He compositions have the mudra of either Venkatesha or Taallapaaka Most of his Sankirtanas are dedicated to Lord Venkateshwara. He has also composed on Lord Krishna, Goddess Alumelu Mangataayaar His deep knowledge of Sanskrit is evident in his sankirtanaas that he has composed in Sanskrit Some of his Sankirtanaas are perfectly suited for Dance as well His Sankirtanas have both light classical and serious classical pitch. Sri Purandara Daasa was about 70 years younger than Sri Annamayya. His Sankirtanas originally were in Palmleaves and then engraved on copper plates Tirupati Tirumala Devasthanam in Tirupati has a huge project going on dedicated to Sri Taallapaaka Annamacharya. His Sankirtanaas such as choodaramma satulaala, Vinaro bhaagyamu, Chakkani Talliki, Mangambudhi, Paluku tenela Talli, Tandanaana Aaahi are not only superb but stimulates that Aaaha feeling that Tanmaya bhaavam His sankirtanaas such as Jo Achutaananda, Uyaala baaluroochedaru, Alarachanchalamaina etc perfect lullabies. The Great Vempati Chinna sathyam has produced a wonderful dance drama on life and works of Sri TaallaPaaka Annamacharya Here are few web sites that have information on Sri TaallaPaaka Annamacharya www.annamayya.org ; www.svasa.org; www.tirumala.org Authentic books on Sri Annamayyas Sankirtanas with meanings should be available from TTD Annamayya Project office. His Sankirtanaas are being constantly made very popular by eminent people such as Dr M S Subbalakshmi, Dr Bala Murali Krishna; Dr Vempati Chinna Sathyam; Sri Nedanuri Krishnamurthy;Sri Malladi Brothers; Mrs Sudha Raghunathan etc It has been established beyond any doubt that some of his sankirtanaas can be learnt even if you do not have formal music education. Sri Annamayya and his children have composed works such as (12) shatakaas, Dwipada Raamaayanamu, Venkataachala Mahatyamu,Lakshana Grandhamulu. Sri Annamaacharya reached HIS lotus feet in the year 1503.

13 List of Songs Rendered by various Artists

Sankeertanam Meluko Shrungaara Raaya, Kondalo nela konna koneti raayadu vaadu Kanti Sukravaaramu Artist(s) Sow Namrata Sow Anya Sow Nitya, Sow Lavanya, Sow Priyanka(1), Sow Priyanka(2), Sow Dvija, Sow Himija, Sow Ramya, Sow Mayuri Sow Bindumalini, Sow Pranita Sow Indu Narendra Sow Malini

Kolanidopariki Chirutanavvulavaadu Sinnetha Sreemann Naaraayana Podaganti Mayya Mimmu Pusrushottama Naaraayana Te Namo Namo, Cheri Yashodaku Dolaayam chalal dolaayam Bhaavamulona Maadhava Keshava, Enta Maatramu Vande hum jagad vallabhum Sakala Shaanthi Karamu Vinna paalu Chaalada Harinaama Muddugare Yasode, Ade Choodare Tavamaam Purushottama

Sow Abhirami Kannan Sow Laxmi Rajagopal Sow Aparna Suresh

Sow Meera Ramesh Master Venkat All Smt Seetha Keshava Smt Laxmi Narendra (Veena) Smt Kalpana Raamu Smt Laxmi Raaman Sri Param Tillai Raja Sri Pavalan Vikraman Sri Giridhar Smt Prema Ananthkrishnan Smt Kalapna Raja Smt Uma Ayyar Smt Shanthi Ramesh

Alarachanchala maina Intakante Ghana, Nee Naama Me Namo Naarayana Nama Raa raa chinna,Kanna lo puttedi Devadevum bhaja, sharanu sharanu surendra Kanti kanti niluvu; sarvo paayamulu Paluku Tenala talli, Bhaavayaami Gopaala Etuvanti Mohamo; Jaya Java Rama

Smt Raaji Raamachandran Smt Shubhashri Harinath Smt Charumathi shivaraman


Emani Pogadudu Ikaninnu; Nigama Nigama Vaarinto Adigo Alladigo; indariki abhayaaambu; Bramha Kadigina paadamu; Ksheeraabdhi kanyakaku Choodaramma Satulaala okapri kokapari; Jo Achutaananda

Smt Shobha Vennalaganti Smt Seeta Keshava; Smt Uma Mohan Smt Nandini Natarajan; Smt Jayanthi Rao; Smt Soumya Srinivasan Smt Lakshmi Raman; Smt Lakshmi Narendra; Sri Giridhar; Sri Sridharan Smt Nandini Natarajan Smt Vasumathi Harish Smt Bhavani Govindan Sri Sathenapalli Ramana Murthy Smt Jayanthi Rao Smt Vani Sriram

Paramapurusha Nirupamaana Harinaamame Innu mika Tandanaanaa aahi, Chakkani Talliki Evaaru Leru Vinaro Bhagyamu, Mangambudhi

Naanaati Braduku, Manujudai putti Uyaala Baaluroochedaru

Smt Usha Venkatachalam, Smt Shubha Ramaswamy, Smt Jayanthi Narayanan, Smt Shanthi Ramesh, Smt Giirja Rajagopal

Maralai Marali Jaya Mangalamu, Guttua Korika Lella



Our Sincere Thanks

Our Sincere thanks to all artists listed under the heading List of Songs Rendered by various Artists, to Sri Paramtillai Raja for his introductory talk, to percussionists Shri Laghuthaas, Shri Sridharan, Shri Janakan, Shri Kughan for providing the Mridungam Support, to Shri Natarajan for providing Master of Ceremony Support, to Smt Vasundhara Srinivasan, Sri M P Ranganathan, Smt Vasumati Harish for providing excellent articles on Shree Taallapaaka Annamaacharya, to Sri Kannan family, Sri Prasad family (the previous coordinators of Sydney Music Circle) for providing needed help in procuring the hall and the sound system, to Mr Sathenapalli Ramanamurthy, Mr Ravi Pulapaaka for support in compiling details related to the songs that are presented today, to Mr Barry Shienfield of Veteran car club, to Mr Prasad (of Sydney Music Circle fame) for helping us in brochure printing and filing, Mrs Jayanthi Narayanan, Mrs Radha Ramana Murthy, Mrs Raji Ramachandran, Mrs Lakshmi Raman, Mrs Seetha Keshava, Mrs Uma Mohan, Mrs Shanthi Ramesh, Mrs Radha Giridhar, Mrs Prabha Prasad, Mrs Radha Suresh, Mrs Soumya Srinivasan, Mrs Aruna Sharma Nimmagadda, Mrs Kalpana Ramu, Mrs Soumithri Kannan, Mrs Aruna Ram for preparing prasadam, to all the volunteers without whose help this event would not have been successful, to all of you who have physically come and made this event a memorable one, for those who conveyed their inability to be physically present at the event, and a number of well wishers whose valuable suggestions were very touching, In keeping the tradition of The Great Indan Vaaggeyakaaraas series, that we started in 2001, we plan to conduct similar events - as we did in 2001 and today - on several of composers such as Sri Paapanaasanam Shivan; Sri Badhraachala Ramadaaas; Sri Vasudevaacharya; Smt Ambujam Krishnan, Sri Gopaala Krishna Bhaaratiyaar etc as we move deeper into the 21st century. Please stay tuned. We need your active involvement, your suggestions and your support. We hope we have acknowledged people who have helped us one way or the other in making this event occur. However, if we have not acknowledged or if we have omitted anybody, it is purely accidental and for which we request you to pardon us. We seek your continued support in the future.
Majjanmana Phalamidum Madhu kaita bhaare; Mat praarthaneeya Madanugraha Esha eva Tvat bruthya bruthya parichaaraka bruthya bruthya bruthyasya bruthya itimaaam smara lokanaatha

Lets us meet once again in Mid 2003 ; Namaste

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