CT-CH 1-Lecture Slides For Academic Version

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CT Chapter 1

Basic Thermodynamics
1.1 First law of thermodynamics

States that energy can be neither created nor


Concerns changes in the internal energy – not the

absolute value

If the system receives an amount of heat dQ and if an

amount of work dW is performed on the system, then
the internal energy has increased by dQ+dW i.e.

We consider only pressure-volume work, i.e. dW=-PdV

dU = dQ − PdV

1 Computerized Thermodynamics for Materials Scientists and Engineers

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1.1 First law of thermodynamics
dU = dQ - PdV
Under constant volume (i.e. dV=0 ): dQ = dU
Under constant pressure (rewrite):
dQ = dU + PdV
dQ = dU + PdV + VdP − VdP = dU + d ( PV ) − VdP
dQ = d (U + PV ) − VdP = dH
i.e. dQ=dH
where we have introduced enthalpy, H=U+PV

In thermodynamics we cannot distinguish between

heat and work
- they are just different ways to transfer energy

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1.2 Second law of thermodynamics
Introduces the quantity entropy, S. It requires that a
process or reaction occurring spontaneously inside a
system must increase S of the system if there is no
heat exchange with the surroundings.

d ip S > 0 for spontaneous internal processes

An internal process will be infinitely slow at d ip S = 0

and may be regarded as a reversible process

A heat exchange itself will change the entropy by dQ / T

dQ dQ
Total change of S: dS = + d ip S >
3 Computerized Thermodynamics for Materials Scientists and Engineers
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1.2 Second law of thermodynamics

Tb Ta

Heat only goes spontaneously from high to low temperature

∆Q ∆Q ∆Q(Tb − Ta )
∆Stot =− + = > 0 where Tb > Ta
Tb Ta TaTb
Entropy produced!

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1.3 Combined law
1st law dU = dQ − PdV

2nd law rewritten TdS = dQ + Td ip S

Combined law TdS = dU + PdV + Td ip S

Rewrite − Td ip S = dU + PdV − TdS = d (U + PV − ST ) − VdP + SdT

Introduce G = U + PV − TS
Rewrite dG = VdP − SdT − Td ip S < VdP − SdT
At constant P and T: dG = −Td ip S < 0
since dipS always
or − dG = Td ip S > 0 positive

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Equilibrium condition
(∂G / ∂ξ ) P ,T = 0
G = G ( P, T , ξ ) (ξ is the extent of
the internal process)
The slope, the rate of
decrease of G may be regarded
as the driving force, D.

D = −(∂G / ∂ξ )T , P = Td ip S / dξ 0 ξeq ξ
Identify D with TdipS/dξ i.e.
TdipS=Ddξ in previous eqs.

dG = VdP − SdT − Ddξ

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Equilibrium condition

D = −(∂G / ∂ξ )T , P = Td ip S / dξ
For a phase transformation between two states,
α −> β, one obtains by integration

D = −∆Gm where ∆Gm = Gmβ − Gmα

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Internal process
What is an internal process?

Everything that happens spontaneously inside a

system as the system approaches equilibrium,
i.e. processes that are not ”directly controllable”.

Example: solidification of a supercooled liquid.

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Internal process – Example 1
Imagine for instance isothermal solidification of a
pure supercooled liquid metal. The only thing that
changes during the process is the amounts of solid
and liquid metal. Let ξ denote the number of moles
of solid metal, n(solid).

External variable = can be directly controlled during an experiment

Internal variable = property of the system that adjusts as equilibrium
is approached and cannot be directly controlled from the outside

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Internal process – Example 1
The combined law: dG = VdP − SdT − Ddξ
During the solidification P and T are constant
and we get D = -dG/dξ = -∆G/∆ξ = -∆G/∆Nsol

The process:
liquid  solid ∆G = Gsol-Gliq

and the driving force:

D = (Gliq-Gsol)/∆Nsol = Gmliq - Gmsol

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Internal process – Example 1

Here an example where -97

Gm for solid and liquid LIQUID
Ni have been calculated.

Solidification: liq  fcc -100

D = Gmliq − Gmfcc -101

-102 The lines cross at the

melting temperature.
i.e. positive below Tm
and negative above 1700 1725 1750

11 Computerized Thermodynamics for Materials Scientists and Engineers

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Internal process – Example 1

Here same calculation but 300

with D on the y-axis. 200




1700 1725 1750

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Internal process – Example 2
T, V1 and V2 are fixed.
Suppose we blow in nA moles of component A, what are
then the equilibrium content of nA’ and nA’’ ?

nA’ nA’’

V1 V2

External variables are T, V1, V2 and nA and the

internal variables are nA’ and nA’’.

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Internal process – Example 2
The internal variable nA’ and nA’’ are not independent:
nA = nA’ + nA’’
We introduce: ξ = nA’ and get nA’’ = nA - ξ
At equilibrium: P’ = P’’

The gas law, PV = nRT, gives

P’ = ξRT/V1 = P’’=(nA-ξ)RT/V2

ξ/V1 = (nA-ξ)/V2  ξ = nA/(1+V2/V1)

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1.4 Driving force and dissipation
Reversible process and frozen process

dG = VdP − SdT − Ddξ

An internal process occurring under D=0 would not
produce any entropy or dissipate any Gibbs energy
and it would be infinitely slow (sometimes called a
reversible process – does not exist)
For a frozen-in process dξ = 0

In both cases: dG = VdP − SdT

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1.5 Variable composition
Consider systems where also the content may
change by exchange of matter with the
surroundings, then the combined law becomes:
dG = VdP − SdT + ∑ µi dN i − Ddξ
V = (∂G / ∂P) T , N i ,ξ S = −(∂G / ∂T ) P , N i ,ξ
µ k = (∂G / ∂N k ) P ,T , N j ,ξ D = −(∂G / ∂ξ ) P ,T , N i
If no internal entropy production, we get

dG = VdP − SdT + ∑ µi dN i
and if P, T and Nj are constant
µ k = (∂G / ∂N k ) P ,T , N j

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1.5 Variable composition
External variables and potentials

µk is the partial Gibbs energy of component k

P, T, µk, V, S, Ni are all external variables

P, T, µk are also potentials as they must have

uniform values in the whole system at equilibrium

Specifically, µk is the chemical potential of k

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1.5 Variable composition
Chemical potential

Using x k ≡ N k / ΣN i = N k / N we can get

dG = VdP − SdT + (Σµi xi )dN − Ddξ
Consider a large amount of homogenous matter
with uniform P, T and composition and let the
system be a very small volume of it. Extend its
limits gradually i.e. integrate
G = (Σµi xi ) N = Σµi N i
the molar Gibbs energy is defined as
Gm ≡ G / N = Σµi xi

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1.5 Variable Composition
Definition of chemical potential illustrated
Definition: µ k = (∂G / ∂N k ) P ,T , N j

Binary case: µ B = (∂G / ∂N B ) P ,T , N A

GB ≡ µ B = Gm + x A
dGm Gm .G o

G A ≡ µ A = Gm − xB
dGm oG . . .G (x )
(1 − xB )

µ .
dxB m B

xB 1-xB= xA

A xB B

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1.6 Expressing chemical potentials
through the molar Gibbs energy
Binary system
We may derive the following equation for the slope of
the tangent in Fig.1.2:

µB − µ A = Gm .G o

 ∂G ∂G   ∂G ∂G 
Gm + x A  m − m  − Gm − xB  m − m  = .µ
 ∂xB ∂x A   ∂x A ∂xB  oG . . .G (x )
(1 − xB )

µ .
∂Gm ∂Gm dGm m B
− = A
∂xB ∂x A dxB xB 1-xB= xA

A xB B


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1.6 Expressing chemical potentials
through the molar Gibbs energy
Multicomponent system
Chemical potential of B
∂Gm ∂Gm
G B ≡ µ B = Gm + − ∑ xi
∂x B ∂xi
may also be regarded as the partial molar Gibbs
energy of component B.
Generally we can express any partial molar quantity:
 ∂A  ∂A ∂A
Ak ≡   = Am + m − ∑ xi m
 ∂N k  P ,T , N j ∂x B ∂xi

e.g. if A is exchanged with H we get the partial enthalpy

of component k usually called heat of solution of
component k
21 Computerized Thermodynamics for Materials Scientists and Engineers
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1.6 Expressing chemical potentials
through the molar Gibbs energy
Heat of solution – Example 1

Enthalpy versus mole fraction Pt in an Fe-Pt fcc solution

at 700 K
Reference phase for both
components is fcc.
Enthalpy of solution may be
calculated as
dH m
H Pt = H m + xFe
 ∂H 
H Pt =  
 ∂N Pt  P ,T , N Fe

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1.6 Expressing chemical potentials
through the molar Gibbs energy
Two phase equilibrium – common tangent
Phases at equilibrium must have the same values for
T, P and all chemical potentials.
G Aα .. .G
µ α+ β
. . .µ

α+ β

A xαB / β xBβ / α B


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1.6 Expressing chemical potentials
through the molar Gibbs energy
Stoichiometric phase, ϕ
Here the tangents can be drawn arbitrarily i.e. the
chemical potentials are not define for such a phase
alone. Gm ϕ µ"
µ" µ 'B
xϕB xϕA

A xϕB B


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1.7 Gibbs-Duhem relation

Different possiblities (pairs) for the chemical potentials

in Fig. 1.4. Can express the molar Gibbs energy of ϕ
using any pairs and the relation
Gmϕ = Σµiϕ xiϕ = µ ϕA xϕA + µ Bϕ xϕB
and since the xi:s and Gm are constants we get
dGmϕ = xϕA dµ ϕA + xϕB dµ Bϕ = 0

Can be proven that it holds also for solution phases

with small compositional variations. The general form is

∑ xi dµi − Vm dP + S m dT = 0

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1.8 Phases

• are often denoted by a Greek letter e.g. α, β, γ.
• are identified by their structure (not composition)
• may be
• stoichiometric i.e. fixed composition e.g. Al2O3, CaO
• line compounds e.g. Al2O3 – Fe2O3
• solution phases e.g. fcc, liquid

In thermodynamic databases phases usually have

generic phase names, named by their structure e.g.

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Crystallographic data

A1 B1 L10 L12

A2 B2 D03 L21

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1.9 Gibbs phase rule

In Gibbs-Duhem relation
∑ xi dµi − Vm dP + S m dT = 0
there are c+2 terms (c =# of independent components),
each term consisting of one extensive quantity and one
potential. The two quantitites in a pair are conjugate
In a one phase system we may vary the potentials in
c+2-1 ways since G-D gives a relation between the
In a system with p phases we get the variance, v, (or
degrees of freedom): v = c + 2 - p

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1.9 Gibbs phase rule
Gibbs phase rule was derived for potentials and can
thus only be applied to phase diagrams with potential
axes, e.g. P vs T or T vs µi or as below, T vs activity:

Ag-Cu system at constant P.

v = c+1- p (c+1 since P const.)
p=1: v = 2 + 1 – 1 = 2 (area)
p=2: v = 2 + 1 – 2 = 1 (line)
p=3: v = 2 + 1 – 3 = 0 (point)

FIG 1.5.

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1.10 Introduction of new components

Sometimes convenient to use other components than

the elements and at equilibrium we have
µ A B = aµ A + bµ B
a b

For the H-O system we might want H2O

µ H O = 2µ H + µO

or expressed differently
µ H O = µ H + 0.5µO
2 2 2

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1.10 Introduction of new components

For the reaction H 2 + 0.5O 2 → H 2 O we have,

before equilibrium has been established, a driving
force, D

D = µ H 2 + 0.5µO2 − µ H 2O

Any new set of components may be used, but the

number of independent components never changes.

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1.11 Gibbs energy of formation
The change of the molar Gibbs energy when one mole
of phase ϕ is formed from the correct amounts of A
and B. A and B are insoluble in one another.
∆Gm = Gmϕ − xϕA µ A − xϕB µ B = Gmϕ − xϕA oG αA − xϕB oGBβ
The driving force, D = − ∆Gm , is here positive.

FIG 1.6.

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1.11 Gibbs energy of formation
Standard Gibbs energy of formation
A compound is usually give as AaBb and Gibbs energy is
given per mole of formula units
G ϕAa Bb = (a + b)Gmϕ
and the change per formula unit becomes
∆ f o G ϕAa Bb = o G ϕAa Bb −a o G αA −b o G Bβ = −(a + b) D

o denotes pure component (i.e. pure element or

stoichiometric compound)

∆ f oG ϕAa Bb is the standard Gibbs energy of formation

of ϕ if pure α and β have been chosen as the standard
states for A and B, respectively, at the same P and T.

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1.11 Gibbs energy of formation
Precipitation from a solution phase
When ϕ precipitates from a solution phase the
maximum driving force is obtained with a parallel
tangent construction

FIG 1.7a.

D = x ϕA µ αο
A + x ϕ αο
B B − G ϕ

(a + b) D = a ( µ αο
A − o α
G A ) + b ( µ αο o β
B − G B ) − ∆ o ϕ
f G Aa Bb

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1.11 Gibbs energy of formation
Driving force for the complete process
The driving force decreases as the process proceeds
and will reach zero when equilibrium is reached.
The total, integrated or average driving force is the
total change in molar Gibbs energy between the final
state and the initial state

FIG 1.7b.

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1.12 Properties of the Gibbs energy

All thermodynamic properties can be expressed through

its Gibbs energy, e.g.
V = (∂G / ∂P)T , N i
S = −(∂G / ∂T ) P , Ni
H ≡ U + PV = G + TS = G − T (∂G / ∂T ) P , N i = (∂ (G / T ) / ∂ (1 / T )) P , N i

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1.12 Properties of the Gibbs energy
Heat capacity
Heat capacity is defined as the capability of a system to
receive heat under a given increase of T, dQ/dT

Under constant volume: dQ = dU

 ∂Q   ∂U 
CV ≡   = 
 ∂T V  ∂T V

Under constant pressure: dQ=dH

 ∂Q   ∂H 
CP ≡   = 
 ∂T  P  ∂T  P

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1.12 Properties of the Gibbs energy
Isothermal compressibility and thermal
We can also obtain κT and α from Gibbs energy

κ T = −(∂V / ∂P) T , N / V = −(∂ 2 G / ∂P 2 ) T , N /(∂G / ∂P) T , N

i i i

α = (∂V / ∂T ) P , N / V = (∂ 2 G / ∂T∂P) N /(∂G / ∂P) T , N

i i i

Such important properties can be determined

experimentally and are stored in tables in books.

Nowadays one instead stores G(P,T,Ni) in

thermodynamic databases and obtain all
quantities discussed above by computer calculations.

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1.13 Adiabatic changes

During an adiabatic process dQ = 0

During a reversible process dξ = 0

We may rearrange the second law into

dS = dQ / T + d ip S = dQ / T + (1 / T ) Ddξ

and for an adiabatic reversible process we thus obtain

dS = 0, i.e. an isentropic process.

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1.14 State of reference and standard
Model-based reference
Chemical potentials of pure components are usually given as
o α
G A i.e. molar Gibbs energy of pure (o) A in the same
crystal structure as the solution (α). oG αA is thus the
reference state for A in the α-solution. We may call this a
model-based reference.
Comparing the chemical potential of A in α and β one
should remember that A is unaffected by the choice of
µ αA = oG αA + f (comp)= oG Astd +( oG αA − oG Astd ) + f (comp)

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1.14 State of reference and standard
State of reference

Different choices e.g.

GkNPT = Gibbs energy of the equilibrium state at 25 oC and

1 atm for element k. NPT = Normal P and T

H kSER= enthalpy of the equilibrium state at 25 oC and 1 bar

and entropy at 0 K which by agreement is set to zero, for
the element k.
SER = Standard Element Reference

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1.15 Duhem’s theorem

For a closed system, i.e. all Ni are constant, the

equilibrium state is uniquely defined by giving P and T
(or their conjugate variables) regardless of how many
phases are involved. We thus have to give c+2
conditions to define the equilibrium.

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1.16 Characteristic state function and
Gibbs energy model
The characteristic state function for fixed P, T and Ni
is Gibbs energy.

In order to use it we need to know how it varies for all

the different phases as function of P, T, Ni and internal

Gα ( P, T , N iα , ξ1 , ξ 2 ...)
Such an analytical expression is regarded as a
thermodynamic model from which all thermodynamic
information may be obtained.

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