List of I2p Darknet Websites Programs and Tools and For The Love of Man Kind Be Anonymous

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List of i2p/Darknet websites, programs, and tools

1. Freenet is a decentralized, censorship-resistant distributed data store originally designed by Ian Clarke. Freenet aims to provide freedom of speech through a peer-to-peer network with strong protection of anonymity. Freenet works by pooling the contributed bandwidth and storage space of member computers to allow users to anonymously publish or retrieve various kinds of information. From a user's perspective, it can be thought of as simply a large storage;dr Anonymous, Encrypted, Distributed. Official website 2. freesite is a web page on Freenet. It usually consists of a collection of files in a single manifest, and therefore accessible from the same key. USKs are most commonly used, to allow for updates, but any key type is possible. The simplest way to create a freesite is probably to build it using your favorite HTML authoring tool, and then upload it using jSite. Linking to freesites is often done using an Activelink.

Message Systems Frost is a message board system for Freenet. You can create private or public boards, upload/ download files, and send encrypted messages. Boards: /b/ anonymous - This is a private board, you will need the keys to access it How to run: either run the or (bat for windows, sh for *nix) or just run the jar via java: ####################### ## java -jar frost.jar ## #######################

FMS FMS stands for "Freenet Messenger System". It is basically Usenet, encryption, and anonymous routing combined. 1) Download and install FMS from freenet. http://localhost:8888/USK@0npnMrqZNKRCRoGojZV93UNHCMN-6UU3rRSAmP6jNLE,~BGedFtdCC1cSH4O3BWdeIYa8Sw5DfyrSV-TKdO5ec,AQACAAE/fms/103/ 2) Get announced (this is done by solving ~30 captchas and waiting 24hours, also if you know someone on FMS you can get them to manually add your identity). 3) Subscribe to the board "anonymous". 4) Post stuff. 5) ???? 6) PROFIT PRO TIPS store in an encrypted filesystem (Truecrypt or freOTFE) Use a special firefox profile that deletes all cache/history when closed and blocks all scripts ie runs noscript addon (same as if you where using TOR)

GNUnet I2P Another Darknet that uses an Onion routing variant (Garlic routing). While Tor focuses on proxing to the public Internet, I2P's main focus is on allowing services that can hide inside of the I2P network (much like Tor hidden services, but a great deal faster). The most common type of service is the eepSite, basically a web server who's true Internet identity is hidden by the mixnet structure of I2P. I2P directory system is also distributed, to help avoid a single point of failure. I2P mostly consists of Crypto weenies, pedos and political dissidents, in that order. OFF System The pirates created OFF specifically to rape the MIAA MPAA. OFF is fast compared to the rest, but it rape bandwidth by consuming three times the size of the data.


Developed by Navy, Tested by Anarchists, Approved by Pedobear -- TOR's Slogan The United States Navy created TOR to generate drama in Tibet for China. Much lulz was created in the brutal crackdown in Tibet. The anarchists at EFF then adapted it to promote free speech. Much lulz was created when music and movie pirates settled down on TOR. Eventually, Pedobear got hold of TOR. Much lulz was caused in Germany as authorities try to seize all TOR nodes to catch Pedobear. For more tools go to this link

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