Business Project Plan: Bangladesh

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Project Plan
IVDS – 5 Star Stoves,

Registered Office
43/N , Indira Road, Tejgaon, Dhaka Cell No-01714138430,
Email [email protected] web:
Statistics show that over 1.3 billion people in the world do not have access with many more
experiencing unreliable or unaffordable grid connections (Dauenhauer & Frame, 2016).
Consequently, this has led to the high dependence on solid-biomass for cooking around the
world. In the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the number of people relying on solid biomass for
domestic use, especially for cooking purposes constitutes 82% (Malawi Renewable Energy
Strategy); high levels of solid-fuel use, combined with household dependency on less-efficient
and unsafe traditional cookstoves, constitutes a first-order public health crisis. Unfortunately,
household air pollution (HAP) from solid-fuel cooking emissions kills nearly 600,000 Africans
annually and is now recognized as the second-largest health risk factor in terms of death in the

Solid-fuel cooking in SSA accounts for up to 1% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
and 6% of global black carbon, an important additional driver of climate change. Malawi has
one of the highest rates of deforestation in the region, estimated at 2.8% per year (MNREE
2010); it is estimated that between 1990 and 2010, forest cover declined from 41% to 34%
(FAO 2010). Due to unsustainable use of fuelwood and charcoal, Malawi is a net emitter of
GHG. Therefore, reliance on biomass energy for the majority of Malawian Households
continues to pressure on existing forests thereby reducing Malawi’s carbon sink capacity

Most fuelwood was and is still burned in inefficient, three stone cooking fires, the traditional
‘Mbaula’ and the Chitetezo ‘Mbaula’ which are widely used in African countries like Kenya
(Jiko), Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi. Unfortunately, until now, efforts to replace solid
biomass fuels have largely failed as vast numbers of people still rely on them. Energy statistics
show that in Africa, the absolute figures are even set to increase in the next decades, being that
solid biomass is the most abundant source of vital and renewable cooking energy worldwide.
The most effective way (as measured by cost, health benefits and adaptation rates) to address
the current situation is to re-design the devices themselves as well as the practices used in
converting solid fuel into useable cooking heat. Improved cookstove (ICS) interventions have
been shown to have some effect on reducing health complications including severe pneumonia
and low birth weight (Smith KR, 2011), and to reduce fuel consumption and associated
emissions (Bailis R, 2011). Gasifiers offer just this opportunity; they are devices that produce
their own gas from solid biomass in a controlled manner. By mass producing our product,
together with highly efficient fuel pellets we can solve energy crisis, assuring hygiene and
healthy safety in cooking and save the environment.
SL.No Particulars Pages
1 Indoduction 5
Project overview 5
Mision ,Vision ,Goal , Objective & Outcome 5
2 Legal Staus 5
Target Population 5

3 Project Location 6
4 Business Experience & Qualifications of the Entrepreneur 7
5 History & Background 7
6 Products & service offering 7
7 Project Model 8
Technical Aspect of product 8

8 TLUD Micro gasification Stoves 9

Pellet 9
Briquette 9
9.1 Process Technology 10
Imported Machinary 10
Local Machinary 10
Manufacturing Process 11
TLUD Micro gasification Stoves 11
Pellet & Briquette 12
9.3 Building and others Civil works 13
9.4 Furniture Fixture & office equipment’s 13
9.5 Technical Services & quality Control 13
Utilities 14
Power 14
10 Water 14
Fuel & Lubricants 14
11 Transport 14
12 Raw Materials 15
Market Overview 15
13 Market opportunities 15
Competitive Landscape 15
Sales and Marketing and distribution channel 16
14 Pricing Model 16
Sales and distribution channel 16
Branding & Promotional Strategy 16
Operational 16
Production Operation 17
15 Supply Chain 17
Distribution Model 17
Key Partnerships 17
System 17
16 Growth Strategy 17
Projected 16
Revenue Growth Strategy 17
Business Scalability 17
17 Organization Capacity Growth Plan 18
18 Investment Strategy 18
Impact 18
19 Social Impact 18
Environmental Impact 18
SL.No Particulars Pages
20 Management 19
Organogram 20
Financial Overview 21
Key Driver Assumptions 21
Project Cost 21
Forecasted Profit & Loss Statement 22
21 Cost of product 22
Sales Estimates & Sales Value 24
Operation & Administrative Cost 23
Salaries & Wages 24
OPEX Parameter 25

22 Risk Analysis 26
23 Stress Test Scenarios and upside Analysis 27
24 SWOT Analysis 27
25 Conclusion 27
Consultation and Field test Report 28-40

1. Introduction :
3-Chambered Gasifier Stoves is a sustainable answer to clean cooking using solid biomass
fuels. Around 3 billion people on the planet and over 3 million households in Malawi use
wood and other biomass to cook. This results in excessive deforestation and the resulting
increase in fuel prices due to the reduction of natural resources. It also contributes to ill
health of the households due to household air pollution, caused by the incomplete
combustion from open fires.
We have developed our own biomass value chain approach to address the energy needs of
people living around our cities, industrial towns and urban slums. People are spending money
on unhealthy cooking devices and fuels. We aim to provide the best possible technology
answer to using solid biomass and link our service model to the technology to make it
affordable for the households.
The proposed value creation process starts with the delivery of biomass to the densification
plant, by collectors and harvesters. The feedstock is then pulverized, dried and pelletised,
cooled and bagged for distribution. Distribution will be done via agents to the households,
where our micro gasification stove will provide a clean cooking solution to the family.
We are targeting five locations. These locations all have the essentials for a successful
business outcome. Feedstock availability, available land resource and dense household
populations using wood and charcoal as cooking fuels.

Our model is to get the best technology in the household and produce improved fuels (pellets)
to them for use in the stove providing a clean and cost-effective solution for the household and
positive financial returns for the business and investors.

For an overall view, refer to our slide deck at:,

2. Project overview
Vision: Sustainable Clean cooking solution for all and women empowerment.
Mission: To provide thermal clean energy for clean, affordable and healthy cooking.
Goal: Conducive cooking environment for healthy women and girls regardless of

Specific objective
1.To Reduce household air pollution, save women and children`s lives and slow the pace of
near-term climate change.
2.To avert the risk of diseases related to household air pollution such as premature
mortality deaths, stroke, respiration disease, lungs and heart disease with access
to improved cook stove and technologies.
3.To combat climate change while also protecting public health and transforming the rural
economy to cleaner energy source.
4.To protect women’s and children`s health and improving Air Quality, avoided premature
mortality death and disability in the Rural Malawi
5.To achieve ambitious Paris agreement, climate goals, slashing indoor air pollution and
enhancing and contributing to other sustainable development goals (SDGs 2,4,5,7,8,12
and 13).
6.To achieve COP 26 goals of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050 and keep global
warming below +1.5 °C; adapt to protect communities and natural habitats, particularly
those most threatened by climate change;
7.To achieve Malawi vision 2063 to transform Malawi into a wealthy and self-reliant
industrialized 'upper-middle-income country' by the year 2063 by employing fellow
8.Lowering total percentage of the rural population primary reliance on inefficient
traditional solid biomass stoves Project proposal: Cleaner Cook Stoves Reduce Climate
change effects.
9.Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from household energy sector and helping to move the
economy beyond polluting energy source and towards a safer and more sustainable
10. Improve public health and protecting natural vegetation covers, combating
deforestation and improving the livelihood of the rural women and girls.
11.Lowering the policy and market barriers access to cleaner cook stove and other
clean low carbon energy solution.
12.Lowering indoor air pollution and tackling the root cause of climate change.
13.Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing community resilience to climate change
impacts, and achieving socioeconomic development and environmental goals.

a.Sensitizing and awareness raising and behavior change campaign to popularize among
households in the communities as a climate mitigation strategy and health benefits.
b.Manufacture and distribute clean cook stoves for the rural household population.
d.Establish stakeholder platform to help convene the clean cooking sector that has a
target to reach 1 million households by 2030 in rural Malawi
e.Intuitional Capacity building and policy advocacy , stakeholders workshop
f. Establishment of viable community institutional structure to promote greater
participation of its development.
g.The project will Focus on capacity building to empower local communities, particularly
women for greater participation.
e. Develop and introduce training programs for local communities and
f. Focus on localized training of women to enhance their inclusion in clean cook stove.
g. Collection of data, including information about the types of jobs being offered (part time,
full time, contractual); the levels of skills required (skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled);
who is being employed; and employees' socioeconomic status.
h. To plant seed plants for pine distribute 2 trees with a stoves

Outcomes :
 Increase access to sources of clean energy for households and generate livelihood

 Training programs for 300 individuals to work on promotional programs and offer job
for 200 workers in Pellet Mill.
 Access to clean cooking”. Clean fuels and technologies are critical for achieving the
goals set by other Sustainable Development Goals that pertain to poverty alleviation
(SDG2), good health and wellbeing (SDG 4), gender equality (SDG 5), and climate action
(SDG 13).
 Providing households with access to clean cooking stove is of vital importance in
honoring Paris agreement, COP 26, Climate Goals and Malawi vision 2063.
 the low-emission stoves serve as an important transitional solution—with benefits for
women`s and children`s health and livelihoods.
 Improve public health with reduce household air pollution level.
 Reducing harmful Greenhouse Gas emission and black carbon stock

Target Population:
Malawi’s rural, semi-urban and urban households
Youth and empowerment through job creation
Women inclusion during biomass pellets manufacturing

1. Project and Location:

The proposed Pellet Mill will be located in in Lilongwe where massive agricultural processing is taking
place thereby access to fuel raw materials will be easy. The site will also be easily accessed by people
from both northern and southern region as its location is central.

Figure: Proposed location for Pellet Mill

2. Business Experience & Qualifications :

Being products of rural villages, both I and my colleague have experienced the real effects of household
air pollution, I lost my mother to pneumonia caused by indoor air pollution. This background has
instilled a fight in me against ill health children and women are exposed to especially in rural areas by
using 3-ston cookfires. In addition to that, we have hands on experience in Participatory and rights
based approach, having studied energy engineering myself, I have gained experience in different issues
like, Hygiene Promotion, Water and Environmental Sanitation, Improve clean cook stoves, Bio mass
and Renewable Energy, rural energy interventions, groups are mobilized to create health and secure
living environments, Training, evaluation; Participatory Strategic Planning, Community Situation
Analysis (CSA), Community Action Plan (CAP). Good conceptual, analytical, networking and
communication skill.
3. History& background

Having passed through worse energy situations which led to the demise of my mother, I have always to
eliminate the risk so that my village people do not go through the same fate

In 2021, during our final year in college, I and my colleague designed and manufactured a biomass
gasifier stove which is both more efficient and tremendously reduces emissions and health hazards
possed by 3-stone cookfires.

In 2022 we entered into Malawi Innovators Design Competition (MIDC) and our project was selected
as best energy project of the year. This happened even though we did not have enough resources at our
disposal. With enough resources, this project with forever change the landscape of Malawi rural energy
Products& service offering

We propose to provide a pay to alternate fuel and cook stove business model. This will include the
provision of a micro gasification stove and energy pack at an affordable price and access to the fuel in
the form of biomass pellets. We will either produce ourselves or buy in (pellets are now available in
Malawi). The customers will have the option to buy our products via mobile payments and orders will
be dispatched and tracked via our IT backend.

We are also planning on having the distribution channel to service the households. This will provide
direct communication with the consumers. The distributor channels will have women in the fields who
will be receiving commission for the sales of the cooking unit and ongoing revenue for the sale of fuel
pellets to the household. Our target price point is to provide a competitive cost to cook for the bottom of
the LPG market, kerosene and the top end of the fuel wood market.

We have done extensive community engagements to test the stove technology and gauge the opinion of
women in the households. We are considering making some adjustments to the product to ensure that it
can fit 2 large nsima cooking pots.

4. Project Model
As an energy service company, we aim to offer an expensive stove at a discounted cost and
recoup the cost of the stove from a premium levied on the sale of the fuel. Through that
process, we will require a 3-year commitment to repay the stove and investment in the service.
From the deposit the sales agent will be paid a commission and then ongoing commission for
the sale of pellets. This will ensure that the customer service is incentivized and there is a
decent sales incentive to mobilize a new value chain or distribution channel.

5. Technic
al Aspects of Product :
The proposal envisages setting up of a new industrial unit for manufacturing clean cooking
stoves, Pellet & Briquettes in Lilongwe. The project has been designed on the basis of 100-ton
per day and 36000 ton per year of Pellet, Briquette and 30000 units of stoves per year.
The machinery and equipment required for the project are proposed to be imported from India
and China.

5.1. TLUD MicroGassification Stoves :

A top-lit updraft gasifier (also known as a TLUD) is a micro-kiln used to produce charcoal,
especially biochar, and heat for cooking. A TLUD pyrolyzes organic material, including wood or
manure, and uses a burner to eliminate volatile byproducts of pyrolization. The process leaves
mostly carbon as a residue, which can be incorporated into soil to create terra preta. A TLUD
gasifier takes it further from a rocket stove in more efficient way of smoke-free, highly efficient
combustion of the fuel.

Figure: Energy Efficient 5 star stove

5.2. Pellet Fuel :
Pellet fuels (or pellets) are bio fuels made from compressed organic matter or biomass. Biomass pellet
fuel is an environmental energy resource in bulk which is produced by biomass pellet mill from
sawdust, husk, nutshell, corn cob, camellia oleifera shell,
cotton seed hulls etc.
The diameter of biomass pellet is usually 6-8mm,
and length of pellet is 4-5 times the diameter, broken
ratio is below 1.5%-2.0%, dry basis moisture content
is below 10-15%, ash content is below 1.5%, sulphur
content and chlorine content are below 0.07%,
nitrogen content is below 0.5%. If additive agent is
used, finished products should belong to agricultural
and forestry products which should mark the species
and amount of use. The EU standard has no specific
figure for calorific value of pellets & Briquette are-
Figure: Pellet

5.3. Briquette Fuel :

BRIQUETTES a small brick made of compressed Sawdust, Leaves, Forest Waste, Sugarcane
waste, Bamboo Waste, Paper Waste, Wood Shavings, Pine etc. Briquettes produce very high
BTUs – over 8100 per pound, because they’re made from kiln-dried waste by-product and
produce almost no ash.
Figure: Briquette

6. Process
Pellet/Briquette as well as stove manufacturing technology is available in the country. There is
an improved cooking stove industry running successfully in the country. As such, it is expected
that there will be no dearth of technology know how for implementation and operation of the

6.1. Project design of plant Machinery and equipment.

Imported machinery
The proposed project will be equipped with machinery and equipment’s for preparation of
pellets, briquettes and Clean Cooking stoves and also for the quality control. Most of the
machinery will be imported. In this connection we acquired price quotation from foreign
suppliers containing machinery for the project. Apart from the process and quality of
machinery, the project will also require some machinery for services and utility like electric
generator, sub- stations, equipment’s etc.
Price quotation reveal that the price of the imported machinery at 560000 USD only.

Local Machinery:
In addition to the above machinery and equipment to be imported, the project will require some
local machinery and equipment like Dying Hopper, Belt conveyor, Screw Conveyor, Elevator,
TDTG 50/28, Pre bin for Dryer, Screw breaking Feeder, TWLLD etc.
The total cost of the local machinery has been estimated at 15285 USD.

6.2. Manufacturing Process:

TLUD Micro Gasification Stoves (Clean Cooking Stoves)

TLUD Stoves are pellet Fuel stove (pellet based natural draft gasification stoves) made of 430
grade SS fabrication steel and Cast-Iron Fuel and Combustion Chambers. A TLUD gasifier
stove is commonly constructed with two concentric cylindrical containers. The inner bottom
cylinder is the fuel chamber. The fuel chamber has holes in the base and around the neck.
These holes are the primary air entries. The combustion chamber also has holes around its
circumference, serving as secondary air entries. The outer cylinder has holes near the bottom
on the sides and air control features called aerators. Air enters these holes, by natural air draft.
The aerators are adjusted depending on air requirement and weather conditions. Upon entering,
this air is first preheated in the air preheating chamber (radial space between the peripheral
housing and the inner chambers).

Figure: TLUD gasifier Stove

Pellet & Briquette
The manufacturing process of the Pellets and Briquette is described the following steps as
shown in the above diagram.

Figure: Schematic of Pellet production

a) Raw Materials
The making of the Pellets & Briquettes use Saw Dust , Rice Husk , Straw , Miz Straw ,
Bamboo , Branches, Dry Leaf , Bagasse , Hayacinth, Nolkhagra as Raw Materials . Saw Dust
and Rice Husk are Generally Used to making the Pellets and Briquettes. For large pellet plant,
when the raw materials are ready, the first thing to do is raw material size reduction. The raw
materials to produce wood pellet must be under the diameter of 5mm, so the logs and branches
must be processed into small pieces. In this stage, the large pellet plant usually uses the wood
chipper, which is common size reduction equipment that can cut the wood logs and branches
into small wood chips with a diameter no more than 40mm in order to be further processed.
b) Grinding:
Grinding is also a size reduction step to make wood pellet, it is a necessary step for both large
and small pellet plants. During the grinding process, the raw materials will be fed into a
hammer mill which will grind the raw materials into smaller pieces with a diameter under
5mm. But the hammer mill can only process the wood raw materials with a diameter no mor
than 50mm, therefore, the wood logs and branches cannot be fed directly into the hammer mill,
they must be processed by the wood chipper first

c) Screening / Initial sieving:

Raw materials Should be screened to ensure they have no impurities such as metals, stones and
other impurities. For large wood pellet plants, after the drying process, the raw material will be
sieved to separate the contaminants such as stone and metal particles away from the wood raw
materials. These contaminants may cause the mechanical failure of the pellet mills, so if the
raw materials of your pellet plant have the potential to be contaminated by these solid particles,
it is necessary for you to sieve the raw materials before feeding them into the pellet mill. The
machine for the initial sieving process is normally a de-stoner or magnetic separator. For small
scale pellet plant, due to its limited capital, this is not a necessary step.

d) Drying:

For large wood pellet plants, after the initial size reduction step, the raw materials must be
dried. In order to produce high quality wood pellets, the raw material must maintain a moisture
content of 8% - 12%, so the raw material must be put into a dryer to reduce its moisture
content. The most common dryer for large pellet plant is the rotary drum dryer, which is the
most cost-effective choice for large pellet plant. The drying process is also a necessary step for
the small-scale pellet plant to produce commercial wood pellet.
e) Pelletizing
After the grinding process, the wood raw materials have reached the size and moisture
requirements for wood pellet manufacture. Therefore, the following step is to pelletize the raw
materials into wood pellets. The machine used to pelletize the raw materials into wood pellet is
called pellet mill. There are two kinds of pellet mills, ring die pellet mill and flat die pellet mill.
Ring die pellet mill has a capacity over 1ton per hour, it is used for large pellet plant. Flat die
pellet mill has a capacity about 500kg per hour, which used for small pellet plant.

f) Cooling
After the pelletizing process, the wood pellet is very vulnerable. It has been pressed over and over in the
pellet mill, which makes it hot and easy to be deformed. To make the wood pellet regain its proper
rigidity and temperature, the wood pellet will be fed into a pellet cooler right after the pelletizing
process. The types of pellet cooler can be divided into three types, the horizontal cooler, the vertical
cooler and the counter flow cooler. All of them can be used to cool the wood pellet, but the counter flow
cooler is my recommendation, as it is the most advanced pellet cooler in the market.

f ) Final sieving

At this stage, the wood pellet sieving purpose is different from the initial sieving. This step only exists
in the commercial wood pellet plant. As the commercial wood pellet has a strict limit on fine content,
therefore, after the pellet cooling process, the wood pellet products will be sieved in order to separate
the fine particles from the well-made wood pellet. For the final sieving process, the vibrating screen is
common equipment for wood pellet plant.

h) Packaging
After Cooling the hardened and strengthened Pellets & Briquettes can be packaged for
production and to ensure convenience during Distribution. We can easily distribute the
packaged Pellets in bulk using trucks and other vehicles.

6.3. Building and Other Civil Works:

The proposed construction of the project comprises mainly of two buildings normally factory
building and office building. The factory building will consist of raw and finished product go-
down, parking area, passage etc. Office building will consist of factory offices, quality control
laboratory, toilet and passage etc.
In designing the building lay out, we will try to adopt a layout which conforms with low-cost
plant as designed in the country. The layout will also be made by taking into consideration of
the aspects of flexibility, efficiency, cross contamination, flow of material and Personnel etc.

6.4. Furniture, Fixture and office Equipment:

The project will require some furniture fixture and office equipment for which an amount of
USD 8000 need to be provided.

9.5, Technical Service and Quality Control:

The machinery of the project will be installed by the local technical personnel by utilization of local
expertise. In this connection amount of USD 12000 has been estimated for civil, mechanical and
electrical installation of machinery and other equipment.

For efficient operational and maintaining quality of products the project will require services of
qualified Diploma Engineer and Managerial Personnel who will be recruited locally. The project will
also be equipped with quality control appliances to ensure quality of the product at various steps of

7. Utilities:
10.1. Power:
The project will require power for the operation of the machinery and also for other uses. The
requirement of connected load for the project has been estimated at 50kWh of which the
minimum demand will be around 40 kWh. The power will be available from the local ESCOM.
Since the project’s proposed location is near an industrial zone, there will not be any problem
in getting the industrial power connection.

Since the power requirement of the project is more than 50kWh, it will require its own
equipment. One set of transformers with Sub-Station equipment has been incorporated in the
machinery list of the project for this purpose.

10.2. Water:
The project will require water for production process and of the uses. The daily requirement of
water for the project has been estimated at 8000 liters. The required water will be available
from local sources. Water tank having capacity of 9000 liters and one underground water tank
of 15000-liters capacity will be constructed.

10.3. Fuel and Lubricant:

The project will require diesel and grease / lubricants etc. The annual requirement of diesel has
been estimated at 70000 liters and grease/ lubricant at 3000-liters on lump-sum basis.

8. Transport:
The project will require transport for carrying raw and finished materials to and from the
factory and this will be met by hired transport as and when required.

9. Raw Materials:
The proposed project will require local raw materials and finish packing materials. The annual
requirement of raw and packing materials on the basis of two shifts of eight hours per shift per
day and 350 working days in a year has been shown in the index.

10. Market overview

10.1. Market opportunity

Malawi has a Country Action Plan to commit to the introduction of ICS to 3 million
households and various organizations support the cause from DoE, GIZ, UNPD, etc. The
country has a large rural population, but migration to the cities is increasing due to better
opportunities, which increased slum populations.

Consumer segment Findings in support Findings in opposition

Urban and peri-urban More disposable income Aspire to the LPG
May have already
middle class (number Easier access to media/communication “outgrown” the
of households: 0.4M) Channels biomass ICS
Aspire to buy new products/technologies
. Heavily influenced by desire for social status
Portion of biomass fuel is
Urban and peri-urban Have access to credit/savings collected
Aspire to rice cooker or
lower middle Class Higher literacy rate/education electric Stove
(number Of Aspire to move up the social
households: 0.6M) ladder ,Purchase wood fuel for cooking
Whenever possible, try to
Urban and peri-urban Heavily influenced by community opinion collect
low income (number Leaders their fuel
Aspire to kerosene and
of households: 1M) Interested in reducing fuel costs electric
stoves # Low willingness to
Have access to credit pay
Portion of biomass fuel is
Rural middle Class Have access to credit collected
(number Of Educated heads of household Low willingness to pay
households: 1.8M) Owns other assets

Based on this analysis, urban and peri-urban lower middle-class households have been selected
to be the target consumer segment for the demand creation campaigns in Malawi so far. Within
this segment, one primary intended audience and one secondary intended audience have been
selected for demand creation activities as soon as funding has been acquired. The primary
intended audience is men age 25 – 35 years and the secondary intended audience is women age
20 – 30 years. The campaigns will be conducted to reach intended audiences living in the in
central region of the country and then spread outwards until all the targets have been reached.
Though the rural will be unwilling to buy due to cost constraints, partnership with other
organizations or government will help us subsidize the price thereby making it affordable for

10.2. Competitive Landscape

Our stoves are durable and designed to be used continuously. As we will forge long
relationships with the customers, the stoves will routinely be serviced as the entire organization
remuneration will be based on the successful use of the stove and pellets.
Our competition will generally be with manufactures of other stoves and we will sell stoves via
existing marketing channels at a profit to stay sustainable.

In addition to cost effectiveness, the stoves will be manufactured to provide the best quality in
order to attain satisfaction of our customers and users.
We feel that we have the following advantage in the market:
3-chambered biomass gasifier stove Natural draft
Competitive advantage Other stoves stoves
Own technology Yes No No
Full value chain approach Yes No No
Business model Utility busin providing serviced energy Manu. &distrib. Manu. &distrib.
Sticks only,
Fuel specific Yes, pellets only/woodchips Part adaptable, some
pellets and sticks mixed biomass
Managed backend process Yes No No
Household CAPEX Outlay Notional cost with Power Pack at $10 $100 $30-50
Business case for the Fuel resale Resale of stoves Resale of stoves

11. Sales, marketing & distribution strategy

11.1. Pricing model
Our price for the model is below the price of LPG and above the price for firewood. This
would equate to a top price of around $13 per household, attracting the top and bottom end of
the two customer energy segments. This will further allow us to market to a residential and
small tea stall and restaurant market segment of kerosene users. A customer will pay a deposit
payment of $20 and a 3-year payment and service plan for a fully kitted single plate stove. This
will allow for a 12-month payback per stove and a further 18 months profit take to reinvest into
the service and stove infrastructure.

11.2. Sales & Distribution Strategy

We will manage our own value chain via our agents and conduct sales door to door or part of
group presentation settings.

11.3. Branding & Promotion Strategy

We will be operating in a very low brand aware scenario for a startup phase as we will
geographically be focused and put our energy into face time sales. Our brand strategy will
come into play once we are looking to an in-country program roll-out.


12.1. Production operations
For Malawi, our biomass pellet aspirations for now is to buy in pellets in bulk and resell pellets
via our own distribution channel.
Our stove manufacturing capability is adaptable to the demand as all is CAD assisted designs
and require very little time to assemble. The majority of our effort is targeted at the sourcing of
quality components and the shipping process to get ready for assembly. We are not a
manufacturing and sales business, but an energy business. This means that we don’t have to
continuously manufacture to stay viable, due to our multiple proposed revenue streams.

12.2. Supply chain

Lilongwe already has a pellet producer and we will make a tentative agreements on the
standard, packaging and price for wholesale pellets from the supplier, as well as back-up
supply from neighboring Zambia.
We manufacture / assemble our own stoves according to our own designs. The component
sourcing process depends on local availability, but for Malawi most steel is imported. So, we’ll
aim to import and assemble locally to counteract the extortionate duties levied on clean cook

12.3. Distribution model

Our stove and pellet distribution model targets the peri-urban and urban households where we
know we can offer enough people a reasonable value proposition.
Physical infrastructure used will be rented offices/containers as sales congregation points for
our distributors. Pellets will be distributed from there via bicycle to customers on a pre-paid

We will develop our own custom IT system to performance manage our business. It will allow
us to track and record all customers and agents. This will give us the opportunity to track use,
agent performance and carbon savings. It will further allow us to run our pre-paid delivery
service model taking in mobile payment or any other pay option.

13. Growth strategy

We have laid the stepping stones for our platform development. Our aim is to build the project
out into a country wide program.

13.1. Revenue Growth Strategy

Our main revenue source will be the sales of biomass pellets as a fuel for the cook stoves. To
drive pellet sales, we would need more stoves in the market or stoves which consume more
pellets. We have a ready range of low-cost stoves for the small restaurant market, which can
substantially increase pellet demand volume.
Secondary would be to find more products to align to our distribution for secondary income.
This will be inline of cooking or female targeted fast moving consumable goods,
complementary to the service we provide. To reach the desired level of sales of per month, we
need to invest the following.

13.2.Business Scalability

The business concept travels easy as a micro franchise and we are getting considerable interest
from a range of local NGO’s and entrepreneurs. We still need to find outside a paper exercise
what the right size would be an attractive size input for a return investment. Saying that
funding is scarce and unless we ring-fence our stove payback for reinvestment, it will be hard
pressed to make micro franchises grow outside the existing infrastructure.

14. Organizational Capacity Growth Plan

The proposed Social Business project will be implemented in collaboration with Five Star Stoves-
Bangladesh (FSSB), a private enterprise run by valid trade license; Integrated Village Development
Society (IVDS) a non-profit organization registered under Department of Social Services and NGO
Affairs Bureau.
Owner of Five Star Stove Technology FSSB will lead the project. As an eligible entity IVDS will
receive grants/donation from donor agencies. As a pioneer of Women Entrepreneurship model
development, Enterprises & Five Star Stoves Cap will provide advisory services to the project in terms
of women entrepreneurship and Willem the strategy, technical, IT and oversight of the business
development according to its contribution.

We aim to create women entrepreneurship based business model called 5 Star Ladies, which will
enable poor rural women to start their own business. We will support those women entrepreneurs with
our adequate products supply, IT backend to build their capacity.

15. Investment Strategy

Our base investment has been completed and the business has access to its own stove designs and
tooling to fabricate the combustion chambers. 5 Star Stoves has 2 stove types approved for the IDCOL
program and has an all-round tier 4 stove ready post development for commercialization for the next
commercial scale production run of stoves. We have aligned ourselves with IDCOL and ADB’s E4ALL
program. We are looking to E4ALL and to commence business complementary to the current IDCOL
stoves programme.
We are looking at country expansion of the project. At this point debt and equity will be an option and
we have already done work with ADB departments to take a view on the prospective large scale
infrastructure development opportunity lying beneath our business. We completed a round of
discussions with IDCOL around the concessionary funding of pellet plants and comfortable that the
tabled options would be aligned to a profitable pellet business .

16. Impact
We create new value chains and so create new opportunities outside the existing energy landscape.
16.1. Social Impact
Our 5 Star Ladies run their own mini energy franchises. They support their households with their
energy needs. We create new opportunities for new entrants into the market, rather than rehashing the
same stove deal via the same shop at a more expensive price or micro credit chain. Our stoves’
emissions are well above tier 4 for emissions and 99% combustion efficient. Health is not an option for
us, it is a MUST!
16.2.Environmental impact
We don’t use firewood or charcoal. Our biomass pellet fuel is reliant on forestry or agricultural
waste and so takes the pressure of logging of trees for firewood / charcoal.

17. Management
S M M Kamal Bhuiyan is our CEO and has vast experience of managing IVDS as a local
NGO. IVDS distributed more than 38,000 stoves and are accustomed to manufacturing and the
resale of biomass cooks toves. Willem Malherbe & Mohammod Mosharrof Hossain, developed
the technology, business process and organizational set-up to run the business.
Sl. Name Designation Qualification Responsibilities
Master in # Responsible for the performance of the project
Social # Report to the board of directors/ investors / donors.
SMM Kamal Science # Successfully implementing project activities
Buiyan #Developing strategic plans
22 Years of #Controlling finance flow # an effective
experience management team
# Overall project implementation and providing
MSc # support and advice to target communities for
Director - in deployment of
Mushraat Jahan
Implementat EEE/
ion Mechanical Clean Cooking Solutions & Marketing ;
& Technical Engineer # Document the lessons learnt in the
Minimum 4 implementation of the
years of exp project and make recommendations for future
# To plays a critical role in the organization, and exercises
oversight of functions including accounting and
Assistant finance,
Director - contracts and grants management, human
Sabikunnahar Finance & resources, information
admin Master in
Business technology, general administration, and
(women) regulatory/quality
(MBA) assurance in support of operations and service
5 Years of exp objectives.
# Managing all marketing for the company and
Ms Farzana MBA , developing marketing strategy.
Mofiz Manager
(Marketing ) 5 Years of #Coordinating marketing campaigns with sales
experience activities
# Monitoring and reporting on effectiveness of
marketing commu
# Delegate Tasks to Factory Staff as Necessary
Create and Enforce Quality Control Standard
Manager EEE Operating Proce
Tanivir ( Stove Engineer #Create and Implement Machine Maintenance
Hasan Factory ) 5 years Standard Operat
Experience #Analyze Factory Production Data and Devising
Strategies as Necessary
# Be responsible for production output, product
MS Monira Manager years of exp quality and on-time shipping
Akter Pellet Engineer
7yess # Allocate resources effectively and fully utilize
Plants assets to

The Organizational structure will be following line

and staff method.
Executive Committee IVDS

Managing Director

Adviser / Consultant Executive

Assit.Genral Manager
Assit.Genral Manager Assit.Genral Manager HR& Finance
Marketting Technical

Upazila Franchise
/Deailer Manager
Manager Manager Manager Manager
Software & IT
Pellet Stoves Finance & Admin Materials & Store

SR Technician Technician
10(5/sfit) 6

Driver -7
End Production 01
Support Staff -6
Users Labour 20

18.1. Key drivers and assumptions
The main driver for the business is the resale of pellets. This allows continued operational income
even in times when stove sales drop off. It creates the opportunity for a secondary value chain
outside the manufacture and resale of stoves.
The sales revenue per household of $9-$12 per month converted to pellet sales (Includes the cost
of factoring the cost of the stove over a 12 month payback) Top of the wood and bottom of the
LPG market segments.
18.2. Revenue &profitability
The new business model will be an addition to the existing stove programme manager for the
IDCOL program and so offer an existing backbone, without the risks of a new start-up.
Our aim is to achieve a 12 month payback on a stove investment and to use the repayment for
recirculation in our Reinvestment Fund, to allow us to continue offering the best technology at an
affordable price.
We have no liabilities and the assets we own are the intellectual design property for the stoves and
the tooling to manufacture the stoves. We have an enormous amount of good will leveraged from
IVDS, which aids us in our community engagements, assembly of stoves and general business

18.3. Capex Requirement:

A. Project Cost :
Sl Unit price Total Total
Category unit
1 Land and Land Development 210sft 2.5 2100000 25000
Imported Machinery
2 5-6t/H Pellet Machinery & 1 46200000 46200000 550000
4 Local Machinery - 863940 863940 10285
5 Office Equipment Installation - 503580 503580 5995
6 Furniture, Fixture & Fittings - 249900 249900 2975
7 Vehicles 1 3500700 3500700 41675
8 Operation Exp. 6 month 6m 350000 2100000 25000
9 Stoves making cost 15000 20 25200000 300000
10 Preliminary Expenses - - 336000 4000
11 Tree seed lings 25000 84 2100000 25000
12 Trainings 10800 1361 14700000 175000
13 Raw Materials 2394T 5000t 11970000 142500
User Manuals , Brochures ,
14 50000 84 1260000 50000
Total 105204120 1252430

Local Contribution 30% 32065236 381729

Seeking Grants 890701

B. Forecasted Profit & Loss Statement

BDT in Lacs
Description Yr-1 Yr-2 Yr-3 Yr-4 Yr-5
1 Sales 3261.5 3506.5 3751.5 4016.5 4241.5
2 Cost of production 2657.05 2847.55 3023.61 3206.28 3390.59
3 Gross Profit 604.45 658.95 727.89 810.22 850.91
4 Admin Cost 470.135 494.935 520.295 547.265 572.875
5 EBIT 134.315 164.015 207.595 262.955 278.035
6 Financial Cost 60 60 60 60 60
7 Profit Before Tax 74 104 147 202 218
8 Tax-15% 11.5 15 22 30 32
9 Profit after Tax 62.5 89 125 172 186
11 Retained Earnings 62.5 89 125 172 186
Total BDT in Lacs 62.5 89 125 172 186
Total In USD(1usd=84BDT) 74405 105952 148809 204761 221428

C. Cost of Product
D. Sales Estimate & Sales Value :

E. Operation / Administrative Cost :

SL Uni Unit Unit Period Total
Particulars Rate
No t Month 1-YR 2-YR 3-YR 4-YR 5-YR
1 Salary & Wages 62 15 6.95 229.9 241.4 253.46 266.13 279.44 1270.33
Postage, telephone, Telegram,
2 Telex and Fax
12 12 0.5 6 6 6 6 6 30

3 Stationery & Printing 12 12 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 3

4 Travelling & Conveyance 12 12 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 6
Selling Expenses and
(5% of sales
5 promotion
5282.5 163.08 175.33 187.57 200.82 212.07 938.87
(5% of sales price)
Depreciation on Furniture,
10% OF Price
6 Fixture, Office Equipment & 471.43 47.15 47.15 47.15 47.15 47.15 235.75

Write off on Preliminary and

7 pre-operating expenses
lumsum 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 12.5

Audit & Miscellaneous

8 Expenses
1 1 1 1 1 1 5

Insurance premium for

9 transport vehicles
0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 1.75

10 Repair and Maintenance for

1% of price
vehicles and office equipment 471.43 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 18.84
(1% of price)
Other Administrative Expenses
11 (1% of selling price)
13.65 14.7 15.75 16.8 17.85 78.75

470.14 494.94 520.29 547.26 572.87 2600.79

Total in BDT in lacs
559678 6E+05 619392 651500 681988 3096178
Total in USD( 1USD=84BDT)
F. Salay & Wages Statement :

SL Period
Unit Unit
Particulars Unit
Month Rate
1-YR 2-YR 3-YR 4-YR 5-YR
Managing Director (
1 1 50000 750000 787500 826875 868218 911629 4144223
4 General -Manager- 1 75000 1125000 1181250 1240312 1302328 1367444 6216335
Assistant General
5 1 60000 840000 882000 926100 972405 1021025 4641530
Manager (marketing)
Assistant General
6 Manager ( HR & 1 60000 900000 945000 992250 1041862 1093955 4973068
Assistant General
7 1 60000 900000 945000 992250 1041862 1093955 4973068
Manager (Techical)
8 Manager ( Marketing) 10 30000 4500000 4725000 4961250 5209312 5469778 24865340
Manager ( Pellet &
9 1 40000 600000 630000 661500 694575 729303 3315378
10 Manager ( Stoves) 1 40000 600000 630000 661500 694575 729303 3315378
Manager ( HR & 15
11 1 40000 600000 630000 661500 694575 729303 3315378
Manager ( Software
13 1 40000 600000 630000 661500 694575 729303 3315378
& IT)
Technician (Stoves )
15 10 20000 2800000 2940000 3087000 3241350 3403417 15471767
5/shift *2 shift
16 Technician (Pellet ) 6 6 20000 1800000 1890000 1984500 2083725 2187911 9946136 5
17 Driver -Track 1 25000 375000 393750 413437 434109 455814 2072111
18 Driver -Caver Van 4 20000 600000 630000 661500 694575 729303 3315378
20 Hiace 1 25000 375000 393750 413437 434109 455814 2072111
22 Support Staff/Labour 20 15000 4500000 4725000 4961250 5209312 5469778 24865340
23 1 75000 1125000 1181250 1240312 1302328 1367444 6216335
62 14 695000 22990000 25346475 26613799 27944489 127034262
19. Risk Analysis
We view the following risks as the most prominent and prepared the following measures to
ensure business continuity and risk mitigation measures.
Risk Measure
User adoption The stove appearance is aspirational andsupports a
better lifestyle. Training and
instruction from trained pellet agents to
communicate the value proposition, who
are incentivised to sell pellets and
maintain the stoves.

Mass implementation planned to create

the perception of a new standard being
Multiple product options of cell phone
charging and LED lighting options, at no
additional cost.
Local economy improvement and value
proposition communication
Feedstock and pellet Ensuring that there is always an
availability alternative feedstock available or back-up
production plan in place.
Planned capacity at running one shift a
day for 250 days per year. Retaining the
spare shift to accommodate for a rise in
demand or to accommodate growth
Collaborating with capacity in the market
to support production.

Fuel Competitors Unscrupulous competitors can target the

The entry threshold is high to manufacture good
quality pellets and we collaborate with existing
capacity to

The system is a closed loop and the agentcan only be

paid in the system. The
upside it too great to pilfer some pellets
on the side and the stoves are fully
tracked monitoring pellet consumption
per stove and per household.

Counter party risk Vetting the right team who already have
prior clean cookstove experience and
looking for a more sustainable business

Strong performance based contracts

ensuring consistent supply and delivery

Centrally controlled managed back-end.

20. Stress Test Scenarios and Upside Analysis

To reduce risk we try and build in as much incentive as possible for our supply chain to ensure that
we will be able to manage ourselves out our challenges and that our supply chain is incentived to
deliver at all cost. Feedstock prices are set at Tk 2500 per ton. We can buffer prices up to Tk3,500
per ton. At this point it is more lucrative to pay for labor to collect biomass from environmental
clean-ups. Pellet sales pricing at Tk37.5 per kg can be reduced down to Tk35 per kg.
The comparative cost environment we operate in is at a floor price for wood at Tk30 per day and a
ceiling of LPG at Tk90 per day. With an average daily cost we can target the top end of the wood
burning market at a Tk7.50 per day premium or a Tk 52.5 saving from LPG.
Taking 500 stoves out of service would reduce the IRR to 65% from 69% and a 1,000 or 12% stoves
down to 60% IRR.
A worst case scenario, where no growth is introduced, and only 21,000 stoves rolled out, a 17.5%
return should still be achievable over the 5 year timeframe.
All variables are highlighted in yellow in the accompanying excel financial model and can be toggle to
test various scenarios.

21. Conclusion
We are aware that we are promoting a new approach to the clean cooking market. It is only by
changing that you come to different result. Our approach is not only environmentally sound, by
making use of waste industrial, agricultural and forestry biomass and so curbing deforestation. We
offer the household the best technology, fully serviced, with additional functionality to charge a
mobile phone and run LED lighting for a nominal cost of the power pack. It is clean and powerful to
cook on and will enhance the mother, wife, daughter and grandmother’s cooking experience. The
price to cook is competitive against other stove and fuel options.
We believe that we will provide a sustainable solution to the clean cooking industry, where people
are already paying for their energy.
We trust that you find our business plan compelling and agree that we offer the household
exceptional value and a hope that you find the return reasonable for your investment.

================THE END==========
Demonstration and
Field testing Report
5 Star Stoves Bangladesh

A sister concern
Integrated Village Development Society (IVDS) Bangladesh

February, 2015

Millions of hectares of forest are lost every year, threatening this valuable asset. Global
greenhouse gas emissions continue their upward trend. Global emissions of carbon
dioxide (CO2) continued their upward trend and those in 2011 were almost 50 per cent
above their 1990 level. Millions of hectares of forest are lost every year, many species are
being driven closer to extinction and renewable water resources are becoming scarcer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) almost 46,000 Bangladeshi women
and children die each year due to indoor air pollution. Many more suffer from respiratory
diseases, tuberculosis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, eye problems and lung cancer.
Almost 90% of the rural population in Bangladesh cooks with biomass, such as cow dung
or wood. Using traditional stoves, the poorly ventilated houses soon fill up with smoke.

To create a safer environment for women and children, the Bangladesh Council of
Science and Industrial Research (BCSIR) developed improved cooking stoves that
remove smoke from the kitchen. By burning fuel efficiently, the stoves can potentially cut
biomass consumption upto 40-50%. This reduces carbon dioxide emissions in
households, reducing the likelihood of respiratory diseases. Bondhu Chula also provide
the rural population with employment opportunities.

NGOs have been adapted and distributing it through-out the country under the brand
Bondhu Chula, since 2006.

According to GIZ In eight years, over 1.5 million stoves have been installed in
households, around 80,000 BondhuChulas are being sold every month in Bangladesh.
More than 5,800 shop owners are engaged in the production and sale of improved
cooking stoves. More than 1,700 promoters, most of whom are women, raise awareness
and conduct training in their communities on the use of improved cooking stoves.

Since 2008 IVDS has been working with Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) in Kishoreganj,
Narshingdi, Comilla, Narayanganj districts of Bangladesh. Till 2014 IVDS worked with
giz, Siddiqi sanitation, Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCISR)
and distributed around 10,000 stoves among rural households.

As per its mission IVDS started working with ICS for major 2 reasons- 1)
Protectingmaternal and child health and 2) Ensure environmental sustainability (reducing
environmental pollution and deforestation).

IVDS collected user feedback from the households and found that existing technology of
stoves is good for consumption of less fuels. But there is lack of technologies in
savingbiomasses and woods. There is a high demand for technologies in fuel in addition

In 2013 IVDS obtained membership of Global Alliance For Clean Cook Stoves (GACC).
Through this network IVDS has been introduced with 5 Star cook stoves and started
discussion about local context and technological issues. 5 Star Stoves brings to the
partnership the proprietary stove technology of its two and single plate micro gasification
stove. The tooling to produce the combustion chambers and the supply chain to support
the procurement from tested and vetted component manufacturers or their appointed

Executive Director of Integrated Village Development Society IVDS SMM Kamal

Bhuiyan approached Willem from 5 Star Stoves, to bring the business model and
technology to Bangladesh. NDA/NCA and agreement have been signed among both
parties with a vision to 1) Field test of 5 Star Cook Stove and initiate social business in
Bangladesh by using 5 Star Cook Stoves in Bangladesh. 2) Implement non-working grant
funded cook stove projects. 3) Offer prospective investors a realistic impact investment
opportunity, which makes commercial sense for everyone in the value chain.

After the agreement signing IVDS and 5 Star Cook Stove jointly submitted Expression of
Interest (EoI) to SE4ALL-USAID.

5 Star stoves Bangladesh works with all the relevant stakeholders in business. This
includes local government, relevant departments and agencies dealing with energy and
natural resources. Influencing policy to relax lending criteria for green CSR programs at
the local banks has been initiated. CCEB in Bangladesh an USAID funded program and
IDCOL as part of the government’s clean cook stove program have been attracted by 5
Star Stove Bangladesh. This is done on an informal basis where 5 Star Stove Bangladesh
works with the programs as subject experts and positions itself for prospective
investments from the government sector.

This report has been made on the basis of activities done to achieve the objectives of
consultation, demonstration and field testing of 5 star stoves Bangladesh at Pre-
Development Phase in Bangladesh.

I. To identify project sites with the right component mix. Looking at infrastructure,
feedstock availability and people to support the business and household profiles
meeting cost and service profile of 5 star stoves Bangladesh.

J. To identify five prospective sites in key locations (at Gazipur, Kishoreganj,

Mouluvibazar, Narsingdi, Brahman Bariya), all with the prospect of
accommodating five year growth plan of 5 star stoves Bangladesh.

K. To test extensive user acceptance of 5 star stoves in Bangladesh.

5 Star Stoves Bangladesh team organized several field visits throughout the country.
Besides, representatives from different national, international agencies also visited 5 Star
Stoves Bangladesh. Consultation meetings, workshops and discussion were held during
these visits and relevant feedbacks were gathered that have been incorporated in this

The team presented climate change talks at schools and met up with all relevant local
officials that ensured connection with local people and official buy in.

Consultation workshops, stakeholder meetings and demonstrations were conducted at

community level

During demonstration rice boiling and tea making testing sessions were done and target
audiences asked their queries, provided their valuable feedback and suggestions.

Besides, demand analysis was done on availability of feedstock. During the consultation
Potential Local Partners/Agents/Franchisee/5Star Ladies were shortlisted based on their
The team observed and collected data on environment pollution, current utilization of
wastages, soil fertility, current practices of using fuel through interview and transact

Eventually scope of entrepreneurship and family income opportunity with 5 Star Stoves
has been identified.

Detail activities done

On 03 May, 2014 IVDS team
visited Narayanganj district.
During the visit a Consultation
workshop was conducted at
IVDS Technical & Business
Management School and
College where Teachers,
Guardians, Students were
present. 5 Star cook stove was
presented among the
Participants were enthusiastic
and eager to get the stove
immediately. They asked the
presenter few questions likely- When the stove will be available in the market? Where the
pellets will be available? Who are the marketing agencies of this stove in Bangladesh?

2nd visit of field testing was
on 04 May 2015 at IVDS
local office, Katiadi,
Kishoreganj. During this
visit 5 Star stove was
demonstrated among the
housewives and community
people. A consultation
workshop was held in
participation with 10 Women
Entrepreneurs (5 Star Lady),
local elites, representatives
of local government.

On 05 May 2015 the team visited Practical Action Bangladesh office and presented the
stove’s features. During the presentation 5 Star stove was demonstrated among
researchers and staffs of Practical Action. Participants provided their feedback based on
their vast experience in the relevant field. Feedback is given below:
II. Demand of such type of stove will be higher in urban and semi-urban areas rather
rural areas.
JJ. Compared
to LP Gas
cost of
pellets of 5
Star cook
stoves will
be cheaper
KK. 5 Star
Cook Stove
be an
solution in
the areas
there is no gas line or cylinders are being used.
LL.There is a limitation in 5 Star Stove. That is- there is no flame controlling system
[Increasing and decreasing volume of flames/tuning]. Inventing this feature will
add more value to this product.

Participants have had few questions:

Where the fuel will be available?
How much it will cost?

Will the stove be manufactured locally?
In the evening (4-7pm) of 05 May, 2015 a team of SE4ALL visited IVDS office
at Indira road, Dhaka.
Molly M Word, Sara
Kawlin, Mrs. Elizabeth
Walls, Dr. Pet Quarrel,
Bob Icott were the
members of the visiting
team. During their visit 20
5 Star ladies, local NGO
representatives Md. Abdul
Malik, Nurul Islam,
Nahida Sultana, Hasina
Morsheda, Taslima
Begum were present.
Mr.Welliem was presenting
5 star stove among the
presence. The team has had some queries as below:
 What is the marketing policy?
 What is the role of 5 star lady?
 How much will cost for the stove and pellets?
 What are the locations/sites for pellet mills?

What is the partnership model for marketing? All
the visitors appreciated the project.
5 star stove became one of the pre- qualified among 7 ICS projects under SE4ALL’s assessment.
On 10/06/14 a Stakeholder Meeting held at Khanpur, Narayanganj. Representatives from local NGOs, Businessman,

feedback in the meeting.

On 16/06/14 CCEB Workshop held at BICC. CCEB-USAID Global Marketing Facilitation Workshop held at Dhaka. 5 Star Coo
different part of the country have show their deep interest for partnering with 5 Star Stoves.
On 13/09/14 the project team visited Kulaura under Moulvibazar district. A Consultation
meeting and Demonstration was held at local partner organization WAFFH

On 14/09/14 a Consultation and Demo was held at Rajprashad RM High School of

Narshingdi district. Teachers, Guardians and Students were present in the meeting.

On 27/09/14 a Stakeholder Meeting was held at Raipura, Narshingdi. Representatives of
local NGOs, Businessman, elites and govt. officials were present in the meeting.

On 27/09/14 a Consultation meeting was held at Laxmipur High School, Kuliarchar.

Teachers, Guardians and Students were present in the meeting.

On 29-30/09/14 SE4ALL organized an investing forum where Business Plan of 5 star

stove project was presented.

On 07/10/14 a Community level Consultation and Demonstration was held at Kaliakoir,


5 Star Cook Stove at AFCEF5 competition:

E4All-ADB organized at Singapore on 4-6/02/15. Total 35 projects participated in the
competition. 5 Star cook stove project achieved runner-up award among 9 finalists.

On 29/12/1014 an EOI was submitted to IDCOL. IDCOL is testing through Dhaka
University for efficiency and performance at local based.

During the field visit It has been found that 5 Star Stove is completely a new
technology in rural Bangladesh. Nobody has been introduced with such
stove earlier.
Mostly potential raw materials were found in all over Bangladesh is saw dust.
Besides, water hyacinths, residuals of sugar cane, straw etc. are also available.
The five sites will give the business scale and diversify the risk of any
plant downtime.
A set of public questions about 5 Star Cook Stove has been found as given below:

Is this stove and pellet available in the market now?
When it will be available?
Where the stove and pellets will be available?
How much the stove cost?
How much will it cost for pellets?
What are the accessories included in the stove set?
Has there any scope of multiple use of accessories (battery, solar panel,
LED light?)
Will the price hiked?
What is the preparation for smooth delivery of pellets?
Who will provide technical support/trouble shooting?
Has there any warranty?
What is the longibity of the stove?
How the flame will be tuned? (Increasing and decreasing like gas stoves)
How much pellets will be required for each time cooking?
Is it a Monopoly Business?
When the demand will be increased, will the price become higher?
Has there any model for tea stall and orphanage?
What is the legal approval and certification status of this stove?
Is the stove safe for children? Will it become too hot?
What is the price of biomass for selling to pellet mill? Or 5 star ladies?
Through women SME

E. Potential Partners Identified as below:

We Are Friends for Human (WAFFH), Moulvibazar
Koli, Gazipur
Mymensingh Green Energy
Clean cooking Solution
Natural Fibres

F. Potential Sites for Installing pellet mill:

The following project sites have been identified with the right component mix.
Looking at infrastructure, feedstock availability and people to support the
business and household profiles meeting our cost and service profile:

Seven prospective sites in key locations are at Gazipur, Kishonegonj, Mouluvi
Bazar, Narsingdi ,Satkhira , Mymensingh and Brahman Baria. There are no
pellets available in the market. The five sites will give the business scale and
diversify the risk of any plant downtime.
7) We have done extensive user acceptance testing doing rice boil and tea making
tasting sessions. The cooking tests shown that a 5 person household can use a
minimum of 800 grams of pellets per day to satisfy their cooking needs. So we
plan for a minimum activity and are comfortable that we can double production if
it is required. This can be done by running a second shift.
8) Educational Institute based campaign could be the easiest way to present climate
change talks and meet up with all relevant local officials, to ensure the awareness
on environmental impact of the stove.
9) The stoves components need to be procured and bodies fabricated.

Conclusion/What Next?
Considering the lessons learned from above mentioned activities. Five Star Cook Stoves
Bangladesh decided to run the business in Bangladesh through partnership.

Densification sites and possible alternatives have been identified and we

conducted preliminary dealings with the owners of the sites. Upon closing
that should be formalize and compete the agreements for the sites.

The site developments will consist of setting up a closed production unit of

300m2 for the hammer mill, dryer, pellet plant, cooler and packaging line,
with 700m2 of covered space for feedstock preparation and drying.
The installation and connection of the production gear to a 250KVA transformer,
the procurement, installation and commissioning of the plant. This will put us in
readiness to produce biomass pellets.
The assembly of stove needs to happen in tandem, to tie in with the completion of the
densification site and pellet supply availability.
Negotiations with the authorities to relax import duties on imported stoves is
urgently required.
We can import completed stoves or import components and assemble locally.
The assembly of the stoves are basic and do not require intricate assembly lines.

We can have our own tooling which could be applied for the local build and assembly.

The fleet of small commercial delivery vehicles should be procured and in place
to support the delivery of pellets and collection of biomass to and from the plants
to the homes.
Once the stoves are distributed to the right profile households and the pellet plant
producing pellets. The main function of the business is to ensure that the demand for
pellets from the households are matched with the supply from the pellet plant.
Order process should be managed by the IT backend. This will give real time
information to steer the business.
The successful management of the business would be to ensure that we get the pre-
paid pellets to the household in the shortest possible turn-around time.

The household must have a fully serviced stove and a first class
cooking experience.
The business should grow with the retained profits, post the initial investment.

A provision should be there in the growth of the business to self-liquidate the

investment after 5 years, targeting a return on equity of 17.5%.
Five Star Cook Stoves can have the opportunities of financial assistance
of Bangladesh Bak, IDCOL and some other donor agencies.

A Comprehensive locally relevant business plan should be

developed immediately and negotiations should be done with all
concerned agencies properly.

-:The End:-


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