Abbreviation Quiz

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1. What is the full form of "BSE"?

A. Balance Sheet Equity

B. Balance Stock Equity
C. Base Stock Exchange
D. Bombay Stock Exchange

2. What is the full form of "CAGR"?

A. Cost of Asset Growth Rate
B. Capital Asset Gross Ratio
C. Capital Allownce Grand Rate
D. Compounded Annual Growth Rate

3. What is the full form of "CII"?

A. Chief Indian Industry
B. Cost of Invetory Investment
C. Common Initial Interest
D. Confederation of Indian Industries

4. What is the full form of "CRISIL"?

A. Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd.
B. Credit Rating and Investment on Shares and Industries Limited
C. Company Rating and Investment on Shares and Industries Limited
D. Crisis for Industries Level

5. What is the full form of "EBITDA"?-------------

Equity by Investment, Trading Data
B. Enforced Business for Investment and Trading
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization
Wrong Abbreviation

6. What is the full form of "AGM"?

A. Annual Gross Margin
B. Annual Growth Management
C. Annual General Meeting
D. Average Global Money

7. What is the full form of "B2C"?

A. Business Consortium
B. Bank to Consumer
C. Banking to Commodity
D. Business to Consumer

8. What is the full form of "BOP"?

A. Balance Of Payments
B. Back Office Pay
C. Business Outsourcing Process
D. Business Order Pay

9. What is the full form of "BPR"?

A. Business Process Resource
B. Business Process Re-engineering
C. Bill Payment Rate
D. Benefit Principle Ratio

10. What is the full form of "EMI"?

Earning Monthly Installment
B. Equated Monthly Installment
Equated Marketing Investment
Earnest Market Index

11. What is the full form of "ESOP"?

A. Efficient Sales Order Plan
B. Executive Support of Profit
C. Employee Stock Ownership Plan
D. Executive Sales Order Policy
12. What is the full form of "FDI"?
A. Fixed Deposite Income
B. Fixed Deposite Interest
C. Foreign Direct Investment
D. Federal Deposit Insurance

13. What is the full form of "FICCI"?

A. Financial Investment on Company Credit India
B. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
C. Fiscal Information and Credit for Consumers of India
D. Wrong Abbreviation

14. What is the full form of "ICICI"?

Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
B. Investment Credit Industrial Corporation of India
Insurance Collateral Income Corporation of India
Individual Commerce Investment Credit of India

15. What is the full form of "KPI"?

Knowledge Performance Identity
B. Key Person Insurance
Key Person Investment
Key Performance Indicators

16. What is the full form of "LLC"?

A. Long Term Liability Company
B. Life Long Corporation
C. Limited Liability Company
D. Liqudity Limited Chamber

17. What is the full form of "NAV"?

Noraml Asset Value
B. Negative Amortization Valid
National Asset Value
Net Asset Value

18. What is the full form of "PLR"?

A. Profit Lending Rate
B. Prime Lending Rate
C. Private Lending Ratio
D. Profit Liability Return

19. What is the full form of "SENSEX"?

Sensitivity Index
B. Sensitivity Exchange
Sales Enterprise Net Sharing Exchange
Sales Index

20. What is the full form of "ROI"?

Resolution Of Investigation
B. Return On Investment
Reduction Of Income
Rate Of Interest

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