English Slang

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Gathered by | Jasimdev

A&F Always And Forever Abercrombie & Fitch A LEVEL School exam (UK) Anal sex A/N Author's Note A/W Anyway A3 Anywhere, Any time, Any place A7A Frusration, anger (Arabic) A7X Avenged Sevenfold (band) AA Alcoholics Anonymous African-American Automobile Association AAA American Automobile Association Battery size AAB Average At Best AAF Always and Forever AAK Alive And Kicking AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact AAP Always A Pleasure AAR At Any Rate AARP American Association of Retired Persons AAWY And Also With You AAYF As Always, Your Friend AB Adult Baby ABC American Born Chinese ABD Already Been Done ABDC America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) ABDL Adult Baby Diaper Lover ABH Actual Bodily Harm ABN Asshole By Nature ABP Already Been Posted ABS Absolutely ABT About ABT2 About To ABU Anyone but (Manchester) United AC Air Conditioning Alternating Current AC/DC Rock Band ACAB All Cops Are B*****ds ACC Actually ACCT Account ACG Asian Cowgirl

ACK Disgust, frustration Acknowledgement ACLU American Civil Liberties Union ACME A Company that Makes Everything ACORN Small penis ACP Automatic Colt Pistol ACT SAT type test ACU Army Combat Uniform AD Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) AD HOC For the specific purpose Improvised, impromptu ADD Attention Deficit Disorder ADDY Address ADGTH All Dogs Go To Heaven ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADIDAS German sportswear company All Day I Dream About Sex ADL All Day Long ADM Ay Dios Mo! (Spanish for Oh My God!) ADMIN Administrator on forum, network etc ADN Any Day Now ADS Aim(ing) Down Sights ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line AE American Eagle (clothing) AEAE And Ever And Ever AEAP As Early As Possible AF Aunt Flo (Menstruation) As F*** AFAIAC As Far As I Am Concerned AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned AFAICS As Far As I Can See AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell AFAIK As Far As I Know AFAIR As Far As I Remember AFAP As Far As Possible AFC Away From Computer AFD All F***ing Day AFF Affirmative AFFA Angels Forever, Forever Angels AFGO Another F***ing Growth Opportunity AFI A Fire Inside (Band) AFK Away From Keyboard AFN that's All For Now AFS Always, Forever and Seriously AFT About F***ing Time AFU All F***ed Up AG Aggressive

AGC Automatic Gain Control AGGY Aggitated AGH Ain't Gonna Happen AGM Annual General Meeting AGP Accelerated Graphics Port AGRO Hostile, angry Aggravation, trouble AGT America's Got Talent (TV show) AGW All Going Well AH Asshole AHA Expression of discovery or realization AHEM Throat clearing sound AHT Out AI As If AIB Am I Boverd? AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIGF All In Good Fun AIGHT All right AII Alright AIIC As If I Care AIIT Alright AIKRN All I know right now AIM AOL Instant Messanger AIMBOT Trageting script in games AIN'T Am not/are not/is not AINEC And It's Not Even Close AINT Am not/are not/is not AIO All In One AIR Blanked, ignored AIRHEAD Stupid person AIS Ass In Seat AISB As I Said before AISI As I See it AIT Alright AITE Alright AITR Adult In The Room AITYD And I Think You Do AIUI As I Understand it AIYA Cantonese expression of exasperation AJ Apple Juice AK AK-47 Assault Rifle Alaska AK47 Assault rifle AKA Also Known As AKI Autumn, fall AKTF Always Keep the Faith AL Alcohol

ALA In the style of (French) ALAP As Late/Long/Little As Possible ALAS Expression of regret, sorrow ALF Animal Liberation Front ALG Ain't Life Grand ALI Best Friend ALIE Init ALIHAL At Least I Have A Life ALKQN Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation ALLOW Let it be, forget it ALOB A Load Of Bollocks ALOL Actually Laughing Out Loud ALOTBSOL Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life ALT Alternative character in RPG ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit AM Ante Meridian (before midday) Amplitude Modulation (radio signal) AMA Ask Me Anything Against Medical Advice AMAP As Much/Many As Possible AMC American Motors Corportation AMD Advanced Micro Devices AMEX American Express AMF Adios, Mother F***er AMG Ah My God AMIGO Friend AMIRITE Am I Right? AML All My Love AMOG Alpha Male Of Group AMP Amplifier Ampere AMTRAK American passenger railroad corporation AMV Anime Music Video AMW America's Most Wanted (TV show) AMZ Amazing ANC African National Congress ANF Abercrombie & Fitch ANFAWFOS And Now For A Word From Our Sponsor ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different ANIME Japanese style animation ANON Unknown person ANR Adult Nursing Relationship ANTI Against ANTM America's Next Top Model ANY1 Anyone ANYWHO Anyhow AO Adults Only

AOB Any Other Business AOE Area Of Effect AOK Age of Kings (game) All OK AOL American Online AOM Age of Mythology (game) AON All Or Nothing As Of Now AOT As Opposed To Among Other Things AOTA All Of The Above AOTS Attack of the Show (TV show) AOYP Angel on Your Pillow AP Associated Press APB All Points Bulletin APC Armoured Personnel Carrier APE Mad, crazy API Application Programming Interface APM Actions Per Minute APO Authorized Personnel Only APOS Annoying Piece Of S**t APP Application (computer program) APPROX Approximately APPS Applications (software) APR Annual Percentage Rate APU As Per Usual AQ Adventure Quest (game) AQF Ay Que Funny, LOL AR Assault Rifle ARD Alright AREA 51 Top secret military base in Nevada ARG Alternate Reality Gaming ARGH Expression of frustration or anger ARIGATO Thank You (Japanese) ARK Act of Random Kindness ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency (made early internet) ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (early internet) ARSE Ass, bottom ARSE BANDIT Homosexual ARVO Afternoon ASA And So On ASAFP As Soon As F***ing Possible ASAIC As Soon As I Can ASAP As Soon as Possible ASAS As soon as sensible ASBO Anti Social Behaviour Order ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASD Sequence of letters on many keyboards ASDFGHJKL; I'm bored ASF And So Forth ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASL Age, Sex, Location ASLP Age, Sex, Location, Picture? ASO I see ASP At Some Point ASS Bottom Fool, idiot ASSHAT One with their head up their ass AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph ATA Ait To Air Actual Time of Arrival ATB All The Best ATC Air Traffic Control ATD Attention to Detail ATEOTD At The End Of The Day ATF All Time Favorite ATGATT All The Gear All The Time (motorcycling) ATK Attack ATM At The Moment Automated Teller Machine (cash machine) ATMO According To My Opinion ATN Any Time Now ATQ Answer The Question ATST At The Same Time ATT At This Time All The Time ATTN Attention ATTT Ain't That The Truth ATV All Terrain Vehicle ATVB All The Very Best ATW All The Way ATWA Air, Trees, Water, Animals All The Way Alive ATYS Anything You Say AU Alternate Universe Gold AUNT C*** AUO I don't know AV Anti-Virus Audio/Video Adult Video AVA Angels and Airwaves (Band) AVGN Angry Video Game Nerd AVO Afternooon

AVPM A Very Potter Musical AW Attention Whore Anyway AWA As Well As AWESOME Amazing, wonderful, cool AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet AWK Awkward AWNP All Work, No Play AWOL Absent Without Leave AWP Arctic Warfare Police sniper rifle AWS As We Speak AWSM Awesome AWW Any Which Way AYB All your base AYBABTU All Your Base Are Belong To Us AYBRB2U All your base are belong to us AYCS As You Can See AYE Yes AYEC At Your Earliest Convenience AYFKM Are You F***ing Kidding Me? AYFR Are You For Real? AYFT Are You Free Today? AYK As You Know AYKM Are You Kidding Me? AYL Are You Listening? AYO Hey, You AYOR At Your Own Risk AYPI And Your Point Is? AYS Are You Serious? AYSOS Are You Stupid Or Something? AYT Are You There? AYW As You Wish AZN Asian

B Bro Be B& Banned Band B&G Blow and Go

B&M Bricks and Mortar B) Smiley with sunglasses B-DAY Birthday B/C Because B2B Back To Back Business To Business B2W Back To Work B4 Before B4MV Bullet For My Valentine (Band) B4N Bye For Now B4U Before you B7 Banned (B7=B&=Band) BA Bad Ass BA-DONKA-DONK Pleasantly curvy woman's bottom BAAS Boss BAB Bad Ass Bitch BABYSITTING Holding the weed too long BAC Back At Computer Blood Alcohol Content By Any Chance BACK Woman's bottom BACK DOOR Anus BAD Good BADASS Cool, confident person BADMAN Gangster BADONK Large female bottom BAE Baby BAF Bored As F*** BAG Get BAGL Bust A Gut Laughing BAH Bored As Hell BAHAHA Evil laugh BAI Bye BAIL Leave BAIRN Child, baby BAIT Blatant, obvious BAK Back At Keyboard BAKA Fool, idiot BAKED Stoned, Wasted BALL Testicle BALLER Successful ball player BALLIN Playing basketball Living the good life BAM Below Average Mentality Exclamation of happiness BAMA Person lacking style BAMF Bad Ass Mother F***er

BAMN By Any Means Necessary BANDWIDTH Amount of data through an interface over time BANG Have sex BANGERS Breasts Sausages BANGING Very beautiful, sexy BANJAX Break, destroy BANTER Playful, witty chat BAO Be Aware Of BAP Soft bread roll Breast Black American Princess BARBIE Barbecue BARE Lots of, very BAREBACK Unprotected Sex BASER Drug user BATCH Bitch BATE Obvious BATTY Gay BATTYBOY Homosexual, gay person BAU Business As Usual BAWS Testicles BAY Baby BB Big Brother Be Back BBAM Be Back After Meal BBB Bugging Beyond Belief BBBJ Bare Back Blow Job (no condom) BBBJTC Bare Back Blow Job To Completion BBBW Big Beautiful Black Woman BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BBD Bigger, Better Deal Big Black Dick BBE Babe BBEG Big Bad Evil Guy BBF Butt Buddy Forever BBFL Best Buds For Life BBFN Bye Bye For Now BBFS Bare Back Full Service BBG Best Be Going BBIAB Be Back In A Bit BBIAF Be Back In A Few BBIAM Be Back In A Minute BBIAS Be Back In A Sec BBJ Bare Blow Job BBL Be Back Later BBM Blackberry Messaging

BBML Be Back Much Later BBN Be Back Never BBQ Barbecue Better Be Quick BBS Be Back Soon Bulletin Board System BBT Be Back Tomorrow BBW Big Beautiful Woman BBWL Be Back Way Later BBY Baby BBZ Babes BC Before Christ BCBW Bow Chica Bow Wow BCC Blind Carbon Copy BCD Behind Closed Doors BCE Before Common Era (like BC) BCNU Be Seeing You BCOS Because BCP Birth Control Pill BD Big Deal BDOML Best Day Of My Life BDONG Bad and Wrong BDSM Bondage and Discipline, Sadism and Masochism BEANS Ecstacy BEAR Large man with body hair BEARD Man or woman used as cover for a gay person BEAST Person/thing that is good, awesome BEASTLY Being good at something, cool BEAT Have sex BEAVER Vagina BECKY Oral sex, blow job BEEF Problem, fight, argument BEEZ Beezy, slut BEEZY Bitch BEF Best Enemies Forever Best Email Friend BEG Big Evil Grin BELLEND Head of the penis BELLIG Belligerant (when drunk) BER Beyond Economical Repair BESITOS Little kisses (Spanish) BESO Kiss (Spanish) BESOS Kisses (Spanish) BEST Best Regards BESTIE Best Friend BESTY Best Friend BET Black Entertainment Television

BETA Pre-release version Better BETCH Bitch BEWBS Boobs BF Boyfriend Best Friend BF2 Battlefield 2 (game) BF4L Best Friends For Life BFA Best Friends Always BFAM Brother From Another Mother BFB Better From Behind BFC Big F***ing Can (of 32 oz.Monster energy drink) BFD Big F***ing Deal BFE Bum Fuck Egypt, in the middle of nowhere BFF Best Friends Forever Big Fat Friend/Female BFF4L Best Friend Forever For Life BFFAE Best Friends Forever And Ever Best Friends For All Eternity BFFE Best Friends Forever BFFF Best F***ing Friends Forever BFFFL Best Friend Forever For Life Best F***ing Friends For Life BFFL Best Friend For Life BFFLE Best Friends For Like Ever BFFLTDDUP Best Friends For Life Till Death Do Us Part BFFN Best Friend For Now BFFS Best Friends For Sex BFFWB Best Friend Forever With Benefits BFG Big Friendly Giant Big F***ing Gun BFH Bitch From Hell BFK Big Fat Kiss BFMV Bullet For My Valentine (band) BFN Bye For Now BFP Bad For Pics Big Fat Positive ie pregnant BFS Bull F***ing S**t BFTP Blast From The Past BFU Butt F***ing Ugly BFUT Best Friends Until Tomorrow BFWB Best Friend With Benefits BG Bad Game Baby Gangster BGD Black Gangster Disciples BGF Best Girl/Guy Friend BGL Big Game License, likes fat people

BGM Background Music BGT Britain's Got Talent (TV show) BH Be Happy Bloody Hell Big Head BHD Bad Hair Day BHH Bless His/Her Heart BHM Big Handsome Man BHO Barak Hussein Obama BHUM Sexy, fit BI Bisexual Bad Influence BIA Bitch BIAB Back In A Bit BIACH Bitch BIATCH Bitch BICBW But I Could Be Wrong BICH Bitch BIEH Best I Ever Had BIF Butt In Front BIFF Best Friend, BFF BIFFL Best Internet Friend For Life BIFFLE same as BFFL BIG TIME More than usual BIG UP Expression of respect BIH Bitch BIL Brother In-Law BILF Brother/Boss I'd Like to F*** BIM Barbados BIN Buy It Now BING But It's Not Google BINT Girl, tart, bitch BIO Biological (toilet) break BION Believe It Or Not BIOS Basic Input Output System BIOYA Blow It Out Your Ass BIRD Cocaine Young woman BIS Best In Slot BISCUIT Attractive person Cookie BISH Bitch BISLY But I Still Love You BISOU Kiss (French) BIT Binary digIT - 1 or 0 BITS Private parts BITTIE Girl

BITTIES Big titties, breasts BIWM Bisexual White Male BIZ Business BJ Blow Job BJTC Blow Job To Completion BK Burger King BKA Better Known As BL Bad Luck Bottom Line BLAD Brother/friend (from 'blood') BLAH Nothing to say BLARG Expression of boredom BLAST Damn Good time BLATES Blatently BLAZE Smoke Weed BLAZED Stoned BLAZING Smoking weed BLD Bad Life Decision BLEM High on marijuana BLG Boys Like Girls (band) BLICK A very black person BLIND In love BLING Flashy Jewelry BLINK Blink 182 (band) BLK Black BLNT Better Luck Next Time BLOG Weblog, online diary BLOKE Guy, man BLOL Big Laugh Out Loud BLOOD Gang member Close friend BLOOPER Mistake, embarrassing moment BLOTTO Drunk BLOW Cocaine BLOWN High BLS Blown Like S**t BLT Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich BLTN Better Late Than Never BLUD Mate (from blood brother) BLUE Sad BLUEBERRY Form of marijuana BLUF Bottom Line Up Front BLUNT Marijuana cigar BM Bowel Movement Black Man BMW

BM4L Best Mates For Life BMA Bite My Ass BMB Bebo Me Back BMBO Blow My Brains Out BME Body Modification Ezine BMF Be My Friend Bad MF Blowing Money Fast BMFE Best Mates Forever BMFL Best Mates For Life BMG Be My Guest BMI Body Mass Index BML Bless My Life BMOC Big Man On Campus BMP Image file format (bitmap) BMT Before My Time Basic Military Training BMTH Bring Me The Horizon (Band) BMTTVE Best Mates 'Til The Very End BMUS Beam me up, Scotty BMW Bavarian Motor Works (car manufacturer) BMX Bicycle Motocross BNB Bad News Bears Bed 'N' Breakfast Bread 'N' Butter BNF Big Name Fan BNI Batteries Not Included BNIB Brand New In Box BNP British National Party BNWOT Brand New Without Tags BNWT Brand New With Tags BO Body Odour BOB Battery Operated Boyfriend (vibrator) BOBBA Replacement swear word BOBFOC Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch BOED Book of Exalted Deeds (MMORPG) BOF Whatever BOFFIN Technical expert BOFH B*stard Operator From Hell BOG Toilet BOGAN Poorly educated, vulgar person (Australian) BOGO Buy One Get One BOGOF Buy One Get One Free BOGSAT Bunch Of Guys Sitting Around Talking BOH Gunshot sound BOHICA Bend Over Here It Comes Again BOI Boy

BOL Best Of Luck BOLLOCKS Rubbish Something great Testicles BOLO Be On The Lookout BOLSHY Bolshevik, communist Argumentative BOLTOP Better On Lips Than On Paper BOM Bro, dude, friend BOMB Something really bad Something really good BOMM same as BOOMM BONE Have sex with BONER Erection BONG Water pipe for smoking dope BONKERS Crazy BONZA Brilliant, excellent BOO Boyfriend/Girlfriend BOOB Woman's breast Blunder BOOGER Dried nose mucus BOOHOO Crying BOOK Cool (predictive text ) BOOM Great, amazing BOOMM Bored Out Of My Mind BOOMTING Good looking girl BOON Someone who has been a NOOB for ages BOOTILICIOUS Having a very tasty ass BOOTY Backside (usually female) BOOTY CALL Call for sex BOOZE Alcoholic beverages BOP Give head BOS Boyfriend Over Shoulder BOSH Slut BOSS Cool, awesome BOT Back On Topic BOTDF Blood On The Dance Floor (band) BOTS Robots, automated processes BOTTOM Submissive person in BDSM or gay sex BOTTS Back On To The Subject BOUL Bull BOUT About BOW Vagina same as ELBOW BOWL Part of a marijuana pipe BOWS Elbows BOXORZ Boxers

BPS Bits/Bytes Per Second BQ Be Quiet BR Best Regards BRAH Bro, friend BRAIN same as BJ, HEAD BRAT Annoying, spoilt child BRB Be Right Back BRD Black Rock Depths (WOW) BRE Sexy girl BREAD Money BREDRIN Friend BREDRINS Close friends, brothers BREH Brethren, brothers BREW Beer Tea Brother BRGDS Best Regards BRH Be Right Here BRICKS Drugs, dope BRIGHT Being a smart a$$ BRITCHES Pants, trousers BRO Brother, buddy, friend BROAD Woman BROCHACHO same as BRO BROLLY Umbrella BROMANCE Non-sexual relationship between two men BROMO Gay BRO BROSKI Bro BRT Be Right There BRU Bro BRUDDA Brother BRUH BRUH Brother, friend BRUK Broken BRUV Mate BRUVA Brother BS Bull S**t BSB Backstreet Boys BSC Bachelor of Science (university degree) BSER Back Stabber BSF But Seriously Folks BSG Battlestar Galactica (TV show) BSNS Business BSOD Blue Screen Of Death (Windows) BSOF Big Smile On Face BSOFN Big Smile On Face Now BST But Seriously Though BSU Boring Status Update

BT BitTorrent British Telecom BTA But Then Again.... BTAIM Be That As It May BTB By The By BTD Bored To Death BTDT Been There Done That BTDTGTTSAWIO Been There Done That Got The T-shirt And Wore It Out BTDUBS same as BTW BTE Best Time Ever BTFO Back The F*** Off BTFU Boiler The F*** Up BTFW By The F***ing Way BTGOG By The Grace Of God BTHO Beat The Hell Outta BTHOM Beats The Hell Outta Me! BTL Between The Lines BTM Be There Moment BTR Better BTS Be There Soon BTSOOM Beat the stufing out of me BTT Bump To Top (forum posts) BTTF Back To The Future BTTT Back To The Top BTU British Thermal Unit BTW By The Way BTWITIAILWU By The Way, I Think I Am In Love With You BTWITIAILWY By The Way, I Think I Am In Love With You BTY Back To You BU Backup BU2M Been Up To Much? BUBZ Pet name for BF or GF BUCK Fight Money BUCKS Dollars, money BUD Marijuana BUDDY Friend BUFF Good Looking BUFU Butt F*** BUG Bother, annoy BUGGER Mild expletive Sodomize BUGLE Cocaine BULL Bull s**t BUM A homeless person Bottom, butt BUMMED Disappointed, upset

BUMMER Bad Luck BUMP Bring Up My Post BUN Smoke marijuana Ugly BUR same as LOL BURD Bird, girlfriend BURK Idiot, fool BURMA Be Upstairs Ready My Angel BURNED Insulted BURNT Out of it, having smoked too much pot BURR Cold BUSH Pubic hair BUSKING Playing music in public for money BUSTED Very Ugly Caught BUSTY Large breasted BUTCH Masculine BUTT Backside, bottom BUTT HURT Offended, upset BUTT PIRATE Man who likes anal sex with another man BUTTER FACE Girl who is good looking except for her face BUTTERS Ugly BUTTERZ Ugly BUZZ Excitement , Feeling when high BUZZED Tipsy, slightly drunk BV Bad Vibe BVB Black Veil Brides (band) BW Beautiful Woman , Black and White BWC But Who Cares? BWL Bursting With Laughter BWT Misspelling of BTW BWTH But What The Hell BYAM Between You And Me BYKI Before You Know It BYO Bring Your Own BYOB Bring your own beer BYT Bright Young Thing Before Your Time BYTM Better You Than Me BZ Bitch , Busy

C See Computer language Speed of light C# Microsoft programming language C&C Command and Conquer (game) C&P Copy & Paste C'MON Come On C/D Confirm/Deny C1 Affirmative, Roger that C2C Consumer to Consumer Cam to Cam C4C Comment for Comment Cam for Cam C7AY Gay C: Very happy CAB Can't Be Assed CABRON Bastard (Spanish for goat) CACHAI Do you understand? CACHE Store for temporary computer files CACK S**t CACTUS Broken, dead CAD Computer Aided Design CADDY Cadillac CAKE Kilo of cocaine CAKING Flirting CAMEL Brand of cigarettes CAMP Effeminate CAN Bathroom Jail Buttocks CANON Original, official CANS Boobs Headphones CANTO Cantonese CAPISH Do you understand? CAPS Bullets Mushrooms CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart CARE I don't care CARRIED Told off, DISSed CAT Cool person Computed Axial Tomography CAUSE Because CAVE Give up, give in CAZ Crazy in a nice way CB Cock Block CBA Can't Be Arsed

CBB Can't Be Bothered CBBC Children's BBC CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBF Can't Be F***ed CBFA Can't Be F***ing Arsed CBFB Can't Be F***ing Bothered CBI Californian Bureau of Investigation Confederation of British Industry CBJ Covered Blow Job (with condom) CBS Can't Be Stuffed CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CC Credit Card Carbon Copy Crowd Control Country Code CCC Coricidin Cough & Cold (Dextromethorophan or DXM). CCD Cock Craving Disorder CCL Couldn't Care Less CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate CCTV Closed-Circuit Television CD Compact Disc Cross Dresser CDC Cult of the Dead Cow Crudely Drawn Cock CDFU Cracking Da F*** Up CDMA Code Division Multiple Access (voice/data transmission) CDN Canadian CDP Calm Down Please CDR Compact Disc Recordable CEEB CBA CEEBS CBA CELL Cellphone CEO Chief Executive Officer CEPT Except CEREAL Serious CES Consumer Electronics Show CET Central European Time CF Cluster F*** CFC Chlorofluorocarbon CFL Canadian Football League CFM Come F*** Me CFN Ciao For Now CFNM Clothed Female Naked Male CFO Chief Financial Officer CFS Covered Full Service CFV Call For Votes CG Computer Graphics

CGI Computer-Generated Imagery CHA Yes CHADROOL Stupid person CHAMP Uncool CHAO Goodbye (Spanish) CHARLIES Boobs Viet Cong CHAV poorly educated, vulgar youth CHAW Chewing tobacco CHEA Yeah CHEAP SKATE Mean/stingy person CHEDDA Cash, money CHEDDAR Money CHEERIO Goodbye CHEERS Thanks Goodbye CHEESE Drug, starter heroin Money CHEESED Pissed off CHEESY Corny, lame CHEEZ Cheese CHESTER Child Molester, pedophile CHICK Girl CHILAXING Chilling and relaxing CHILL Relax, hang out CHILLAX Chill and relax CHINK Offensive term for an Asian or Chinese person CHINWAG Chat CHIO Sexy, good looking, girl CHIPOTLE Mexican-style restaurant CHIRPSE Flirt CHIZ Swiz, swindle CHIZZ Chill out, relax CHODE Short, fat penis CHOLO Mexican Gangster CHOO You CHOOB High level player who acts like a noob CHOONG Good looking, buff CHOOT Vagina CHOPPER AK-47 assault rifle CHOUT Chill Out Watch Out CHOW Bye Food CHU You CHUBBY Partially erect penis CHUCK Chill as F***

CHUFF Vagina CHUNDER Be sick, vomit CHUT Vagina CHUTIYA Mild Indian expletive CIA Central Intelligence Agency CIAO Italian for Hi or Bye CID Acid, LSD CIF Cum In Face CIG Cigarette CIGGY Cigarette CIHY Can I Help You? CIM Cum in Mouth CINI Cinema CINT C*** CIO Check It Out CIR Committed Information Rate (minimum bandwidth) CITA Caught In The Act CL Chain Letter Craig's List CLAPPED Shot CLARET Blood CLASS Cool, excellent CLB Creepy Little Bastard CLI Command Line Interface CLICK Kilometre CLIQUE Group of friends CLIT Clitoris CLOUD The Internet (non-local storage, software etc) CLOUD 9 Feeling of euphoria, high CLUBBING Visiting nightclubs CLUBHEAD Person who goes to clubs a lot CLUTCH Perform under pressure CM Call Me CMAR Cry Me A River CMB Call Me Back CMC Casi Me Cago (Spanish LOL) CMD Command CMEO Crying My Eyes Out CMI Count Me In CMIIW Correct Me If I'm wrong. CML Call Me Later CMNF Clothed Male Naked Female CMNT Comment CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor CMS Content Management System CMT Comment CMU Cracks Me Up

CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/blacK CNN Cable News Network CO Commanding Officer Corrections Officer Company Counter Offer COA Certificate Of Authenticity COB Close Of Business COCK Penis COCK UP Mistake, mess COCKY Thinking too highly of yourself COD Cash On Delivery Call Of Duty COD4 Call Of Duty 4 (Game) COED Coeducational (men and women together) COF Cum On Face COG Coalition of Gears (game) COKE Cocaine Coca Cola COL Crying Out Loud CONDO Apartment CONGRATS Congratulations CONVO Conversation COO Cool COOCHI Vagina COOKIE Small file relating to a website COOL Awesome, great COOTC Come Out Of The Closet COOTER Vagina COP Officer of the law Close of Play COPACETIC Cool, OK, excellent COPYPASTA Post that has been copied and pasted CORNY Uncool, overused COS Because COSPLAY Costume Play COTCHING Relaxing, chilling COUCH POTATO Lazy person who sits all day watching TV COUGAR Older woman looking for a younger man COUGER Older woman looking for a younger man COURSE Of course, certainly COW Offensive term for a woman COWGIRL Girl on top sex position COYB Come On You Blues COYS Come On You Spurs COZ because CP Child Porn

CPA Certified Piece of Ass CPC Cost Per Click CPL Cyberathlete Professional League (gaming) CPM Cost Per Thousand CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPT Colored People's Time CPU Central Processing Unit CQTMS Chuckle Quietly To Myself CR Credit Copyright Carriage Return CRAB Derogatory word for a CRIP CRABS Pubic lice CRACK A form of cocaine CRAFT Can't Remember A F***ing Thing CRAIC Good times/gossip/music/drinking (Irish) CRAP S**t CRAPPER Toilet CRBT Crying Real Big Tears CRC Cyclic Redundency Check Chat Room Chuckle CREASING Laughing CREEP Weird, undesirable person CREEPER Someone who views your profile but doesn't make contact CREPS Trainers CRIB House, residence CRICKETS Said after a lame joke to break the silence CRIMBO Christmas CRIP Community Restoration in Progress (gang) Gang member CRM Customer Relationship Management CROW Marijuana CRS Can't Remember S**t CRUNK Crazy and drunk CRUSTY Dirty, unwashed person CS Counter-Strike CSA Cheap Shot Artist CSB Cool Story Bro (sarcastic) CSI Crime Scene Investigation (TV show) CSL Can't stop laughing CSP Casual Sex Partner CSS Counter Strike: Source Cascading Style Sheet CST Central Standard Time CTC call the cell CTF Capture The Flag Claim To Fame

CTFD Calm The F*** Down CTFO Chill The F*** Out CTFU Cracking The F*** Up Cheer The F*** Up CTM Chuckling To Myself CTN Can't Talk Now CTO Check This Out CTRL Control (key) CTRN Cant Talk Right now CTS Chuckles To Self CTSO Cut That S**t Out CU See You CUCKOO Mad, bonkers, crazy CUDDY Buddy, friend CUFF Overprotect, smother CUH Cousin, homie, bro CUIAB See You In A Bit CUL See You Later. CUL8ER See You Later CUL8R See You Later CUM Semen Orgasm CUOL See You On Line CUPPA Cup of (usually) tea CUS Friend CUT See You Tomorrow See You There CUTE Someone/thing that is attrative in an innocent way CUTIE Cute, attractive person CUTY Cutie CUZ Because CUZZ Friend, cousin CUZZO Friend CV Curriculum Vitae, resume CW Continuous wave, morse code CWOT Complete Waste Of Time CWTCU Can't Wait To See You CWTSY Can't Wait To See You CWYL Chat With You Later. CYA See Ya CYB Count Your Blessings CYBER Online sex CYBI Can You Believe It? CYE Check Your Email CYL Catch You Later CYL8R see ya later CYM Check Your Mail

CYO See You Online CYT See You Tomorrow CZ Condition Zero (game)

D Dick D&D Dungeons and Dragons D&M Deep and Meaningful D BO Steal D'S Dayton rims D-DAY 6th June 1944 Designated day when operations are due to commence D/C Disconnected D/S Dominant/submissive D00D Dude D2F same as DTF D2M Dead to Me D8 Date D: Suprised, shocked D:< Angry D; Crying DA The District Attorney Dad DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting DADA Defence Against the Dark Arts (Harry Potter) DADS Day After Drinking S**ts DADT Don't Ask, Don't Tell DAE Does Anybody Else DAF Drunk As F*** DAM Don't Ask Me DAMAGE Cost of something DAMHIK Don't Ask Me How I Know DAMHIKT Don't Ask Me How I Know That/This DANG Damn DANK Very potent marijuana Incredibly good, awesome DAQ Don't Ask Questions DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education DARL Darling DARN Damn DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DASF Drunk As F*** DAT That DATY Dining At The Y, oral sex DAU Dumb Ass User DAVID Cool guy DAW Digital Audio Workstation DAWG Close Friend DAYUM Damn DB Douche Bag DBAB Don't Be A Bitch DBI Douche Bag Index Don't Beg It DBNT Don't Bother Next Time DBR Damaged Beyond Repair DBZ Dragon Ball Z DC Don't Care DCF Department of Children and Families DCOI Don't Count On It DD Designated Driver Big Breasts Darling Daughter DDB Deaf, Dumb, Blind DDF Drug and Disease Free DDG Drop Dead Gorgeous DDI Don't Do It DDMMYY Day Month Year DDOS Distributed Denial of Service (network attack) DDR Dance Dance Revolution (Game) DDSOS Different Day, Same Old S**t DDSS Different Day, Same S**t DDT Don't Do That DE The DEA Drug Enforcement Administration DEAD ASS Serious DEALING Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend Selling drugs DEB Don't Even Bother DEC Decent DED Dead from joy, hilarity etc DEECE Decent, cool, great DEETS Details DEEZ These DEF Cool, great, excellent DEFFO Definitely DEFO Definitely DEGT Don't Even Go There (i.e. I don't want to talk about it) DEKE Avoid, fake, decoy

DELISH Delicious DEM Them DEN Then Private room DEPT Department DER Duh! DERB Give head, blow job DERE There DERO Derelict, loser DEROB Very bored DERP Reply to stupid comment or action DERR same as DUH DESI Someone from the Indian subcontinent DET Don't Even Trip DETAI Don't Even Think About It DEUCE S**t DEUCES Peace DEVO Devastated DEY They DEZZY Designated Gay DF Dumbass Frankenstein WTF DFC Don't F***ing Care DFE Dead Fish Experience DFK Deep French Kissing DFKDFC Don't F***ing Know, Don't F***ing Care DFMO Dance Floor Make Out DFTBA Don't Forget To Be Awesome DFTT Don't Feed The Troll DFW Down For Whatever DFWM Don't F*** With Me DG Don't Go DGAF Don't Give A F*** DGF Don't Give a F*** DGK Dirty Ghetto Kids (skateboards) DGMTS Don't Give Me That S**t DGOT Don't Go Over There DGT Don't Go There DGTWM Don't Go There With Me DH Darling Husband DHAFC Don't Have A F***ing Clue DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHL Shipping Company DHS Department of Homeland Security Department of Health Services DHV Demonstration of Higher Value DHYB Don't Hold Your Breath

DIAF Die In A Fire DIAO Cool, hip DIC Do I Care? DICK Penis DICKHEAD Idiot DIG Understand Enjoy, like DIGG Social bookmarking website DIGITS Telephone number DIGS Home, lodgings DIKU Do I Know You? DIL Daughter-In-Law DILF Dad I'd Like to F*** DILIGAF same as DILLIGAF DILLIC Does It Look Like I Care DILLIGAD Do I Look Like I Give A Darn? DILLIGAF Do I Look Like I Give A F***? DILLIGAS Do I Look Like I Give A S**t DIME $10 of a drug Very attractive person DING Just hit new level in RPG DINK Dual Income No Kids DIP Leave DIPPED Fashionable DIPSTICK Penis Stupid person DIRT Low grade marijuana Gossip DIS Did I Say DISO Desperately In Search Of DISS Disrespect DISSING Being disrespectful DISTRO Distribution (software, music, etc) DIT Details In Thread DITD Down In The Dumps, sad DITTO The same, me too, I agree DITZY Acting dumb and innocent DIV Stupid person DIVA Talented, but arrogant, female performer DIY Do It Yourself DIZZY Crazy, mad DJ Disc Jockey Dow Jones Dinner Jacket DJM Don't Judge Me DK Don't Know DKDC Don't Know, Don't Care

DKFS Don't Know For Sure DKM Don't Kill Me DKNY Donna Karan New York DKP Dragon Kill Points (MMORGPs) DL Down Low Download DLAM Don't Laugh At Me DLC Downloadable Content DLL Dynamic Link Library (computer file) DLS Dirty Little Secret DLTBBB Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite DLTM Don't Lie To Me DLV Demonstration of Lower Value DM Don't Mind Doesn't Matter Direct Message DMAF Don't Make A Fuss DMAL Drop Me A Line DMB Dave Matthews Band DMC Deep Meaningful Conversation DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act DMF Dumb Mother F***er DMG Damage DMI Don't Mention It DMIID Don't Mind If I Do DMN Damn DMTA Dirty Minds Think Alike DMV Department of Motor Vehicles DMW Dead Man Walking DMX Dark Man X (rapper) DMY Don't Mess Yourself DN Doing Nothing DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid Did Not Attend Does Not Apply DNC Democratic National Committee DND Do Not Disturb DNDC Don't Know, Don't Care DNFD Do Not F***ing Disturb DNFTT Do Not Feed The Troll DNK Do Not Know DNM Does Not Matter Deep and Meaningful DNO Don't Know DNPM Darn Near P***** Myself DNR Do Not Resuscitate

DNS Domain Name Service Did Not Start DNT Don't DNW Do Not Want DO Have sex with DO ONE Go away, f*** off DOA Dead On Arrival Deteriorate On Approach DOB Date Of Birth DOBE Idiot DOC Doctor Drug of Choice DOD Day of Defeat DODGY Of questionable legality, morality, integrity DOE Depends On Experience DOF Depth of Field DOG Telephone Ugly person DOG FOOD Heroin DOGGING Sex in public with strangers and/or with people watching DOGGY Man behind woman sex position DOH Expression of frustration, realization DOHC Dual Overhead Cam DOI Duh DOL Dying Of Laughter DOM Domainant person in BDSM Dirty Old Man DOME Blow job, head DOMO Thank you (Japanese) DON Top man, Mafia boss DONK Large bottom DONNO I don't know DOOD Dude DOOFUS Stupid person DOOM Classic FPS DOPE Heroin Cool, awesome DORB Adorable DORK Silly, socially inept person DOS Disk Operating System Denial Of Service (attack) Dad Over Shoulder DOSH Money DOSHA Marijuana DOSSER Lazy person Vagrant, Tramp DOT Damage Over Time DOTA Defence Of The Ancients

DOUCHE Idiot DOUCHE BAG Idiot, asshole DOUGH Money, cash DOUGIE Swagger Dance style DOWNER Someone or something that brings the mood down DOWNS Downs-Syndrome DP Display Picture DPI Dots Per Inch Don't Push It DPMO Don't Piss Me Off DPS Damage Per Second (MMORPG) DPYN Don't Pick Your Nose DQ Disqualified DQYDJ Don't Quit Your Day Job DR Double Rainbow DRAG Inhale smoke from cigarette or joint Dressed as a woman DRB Dirty Rotten Bastard DRIVE BY Recce, check out DRM Digital Rights Management DRO HyDROponically grown marijuana DROVE Mad, angry DRRK Insult, dork/jerk DRT Dead Right There DS Darling Son DSD Do Some Damage DSL Digital Subscriber Line DSLS Dick Sucking Lips DSS Department of Social Services DT Down Town DTA Don't Trust Anyone DTB Don't Text Back DTC Down To Cuddle DTE Down To Earth DTF Down To F*** DTMFA Dump The Mother F***ker Already DTP Disturbing The Peace DTR Define The Relationship DTRT Do The Right Thing DTS Down The Shore Down To Snuggle DTT Don't Touch That DTTM Don't Talk To Me DTYT Don't Take Your Time DU JOUR Of the day (French) DUB Twenty (dollars, dollars of drugs, inch rims)

DUBS Twenty inch wheels DUCES Goodbye DUCWIC Do You See What I See? DUCY Do you see why? DUDE A name for anyone (esp surfers, skaters) DUDETTE Female dude DUECES Misspelling of DEUCES DUGS Breasts DUH Of course DUI Driving Under the Influence DULM Do You Love Me? DUMP S**t DUNNO Don't Know DUPE Duplicate DUR Duh DURS Damn You Are Sexy DUS Does DUST Angel dust, PCP DUSTY Ugly DUTCH Joint Split the cost DUTCH OVEN Subjecting someone to your fart in bed DVD Digital Versatile Disc DVDRIP Video copied from a DVD DVI Digital Visual Interface DVR Digital Video Recorder DW Don't Worry DWAG Misspelling of DAWG DWAI Don't Worry About It DWBH Don't Worry, Be Happy DWBI Don't Worry 'Bout It DWEEB Dork, nerd DWF Divorced White Female DWI Deal with it DWISNWID Do What I Say Not What I Do. DWL Dying With Laughter DWM Divorced White Male DWP Drunk While Posting DWT Driving While Texting DWTS Dancing With The Stars DWU Don't Wait Up DXC Deathcore (music style) DYB Do Your Best Dumb Young B***h DYHWIH Do You Hear What I Hear? DYJ do your job DYJHIW Don't You Just Hate It When...

DYK Did You Know DYKE Lesbian DYKWIM Do You Know What I Mean? DYLM Do You Love/Like Me? DYM Do You Mind Do You Mean DYOR Do Your Own Research DZ Drop Zone

E Ecstasy E&OE Errors and omissions excluded E> Heart like <3 E-DATING Online dating E-PEEN Online ego E2EG Ear To Ear Grin EA Electronic Arts EABOD Eat A Bag Of Dicks EAD Eat A Dick EB Eyeball EBCAK Error Between Chair And Keyboard EBONY Dark skin tone EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer ECCHI Softcore Hentai ECG Electrocardiogram ECO Ecological Enconomical ECT Misspelling of etc ED Erectile Dysfunction EDD Estimated Delivery Date EDDRESS Email address EDJ Energy Drink Junkie EDM Electronic Dance Music EEG Extremely Evil Grin EEK Expression of surprise, distress EEPROM Erasable EPROM EF F**k EFA Edited For Accuracy EFF F*** EFFIN F***ing EFG Epic Fail Guy

EG For example (exempli gratia) Evil Grin EGL Elegant Gothic Lolita EH What? Huh? EL Chicago's elevated rail system ELBOW A pound of marijuana ELE Everybody Love Everybody ELF Every Lady's Fantasy ELITE Skillful, quality, professional ELLO Hello ELNS Eller noe snt (or something like that - Norwegian) ELOL Evil Laugh Out Loud EM E-Mail Them EMA E-mail Address EMAW Every Man a Wildcat EMCEE MC, Master of Ceremonies EMFDYSI English, Mother F***ker! Do You Speak It? EMO Emotional EMOTICON Sequence of characters representing an emotion eg :) EMS Emergency Medical Service ENDZ Area where you live ENNIT Expression of agreement ENO Awesome, cool ENT Isn't EOC End Of Conversion EOD End Of Discussion EOE Equal Opportunity Employer EOF End Of File EOG End Of Grade EOL End Of Lecture EOM End Of Message EOR End Of Rant EOS End Of Show EOT End Of Thread (i.e. end of discussion) EOTW End Of The World EOTWAWKI End Of The World As We Know It EP Extended Play EPIC Extremely awesome EPIC FAIL Total failure EPIN Epic Win EPROM Electronically Programmable ROM EQ EverQuest (game) EQE Easy Quick Efficient ER Emergency Room Indicating hesitation ERB Herb, Marijuana

ERK Irk, annoy ERM Awkward conversation filler ERP Erotic Role-Play ESA European Space Agency ESAD Eat S**t And Die ESADMF Eat S**t And Die, Mother F***er ESC Escape key ESD Electro-Static Discharge ESE Friend, homeboy (Hispanic) ESH Donkey (Armenian) ESKI Type of urban music ESL English as Second Language ESP Extra Sensory Perception ESPN Entertainment and Sports Programming Network ESRB Entertainment Software Rating Board EST Eastern Standard Time Established ET Extra Terrestrial ETA Estimated Time of Arrival Edited to Add ETC Et Cetera (and so on) ETD Estimated Time of Departure ETF Escape The Fate (band) ETHERNET same as LAN EU European Union EUA End User Agreement EUC Excellent Used Condition EV Expected Value EVT Ei Voi Tiet (Finnish for 'How Am I Supposed to Know') EVVK Couldn't Care Less (Finnish) EW Exclamation of disgust EWBA Everything Will Be Alright EX Former girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband etc EXE Windows program file EXP Experience points in games EXPO Exposition, large-scale public exhibition EXTRA Over the top, excessive EY Hey EYO Hey, yo(u) EZ Easy E_E Tired, exhausted

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