Leadership Skills (Book Review)

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Arab Academy for Science, Technology Graduate School of Business

Human Resource Management Dr. Maha Hafez

Leadership Skills
(A Book Review)

MTD Training Training & Ventus Publishing ApS ISBN 978-87-7681-603-2 Source: WWW.BOOKBOON.COM

Prepared by: Ahmed O. Sultan

Leadership skills are the tools, behaviors, and capabilities that a person needs in order to be successful at motivating and directing others. You dont have to be born with leadership skills. They can be learned. There are three traits every successful Leader must have:-

The Desire to lead

There are a number of characteristics and feelings which generally indicate your motivation to be a leader: 1. Enjoying when others seek your idea or opinions. 2. Dont mind of asking team members challenging questions when working on a project. 3. Supporting others on your team in both good and bad times. 4. Being comfortable by putting the team interest before your own interest. 5. Facilitating a strong team spirit. 6. Being comfortable by letting others take your ideas and put them into action. 7. like playing the role of coach to help others improve their skills. 8. Preferring to resolve personal conflicts on a team rather than let them continue. 9. Looking for opportunities to celebrate other peoples success. 10. Having a productive discussion even when others dont agree with you. 11. Considering the team problem yours. 12. Generating ideas and share them with the group.

Commitment to the Mission and Vision of the organization

Mission Statement: States the main purpose and objectives of an organization. The mission statement is written for the stakeholders and the companys leadership team. It defines those key actions and measures that can be used to determine whether or not an organization is a success. Vision Statement: States the purpose of an organization, but denotes the values of the organization as well. Whereas a mission statement what a company does, a vision statement helps to delineate how that work should be done. The audience for a vision statement can be the employees, who glean from it information on how they should behave.

Can be defined simply as being true to your word, being authentic in your actions and speech and demonstrating the kind of behavior that yoy would like to see your employees have. There are three key characteristics: Sincerity (Authenticity): Leaders with this facet of integrity 1. Do not out up a false front. 2. Accept responsibility for their commitments and strive to meet them. 3. Are honest about their own limitations. 4. Accept responsibility for their mistakes. 5. Tell them the truth. Consistency: Leaders demonstrate this facet of integrity by: 1. Treating employees equally as much as possible. 2. Following through on promises. 3. Working as hard or harder than their employees. 4. Having the same expectations or rules for themselves as for their employees.

Substance: Refers to integrity becoming a part of who you are being in all your work relationships by: 1. Keeping private employee information private. 2. Not gossiping or complaining about team members to other team members. 3. Doing whats best for the team and not just yourself. 4. Giving credit where credit is due. 5. Caring about the development of the employees. 6. Making it a priority to maintain clear communication and resolve any conflicts.

Understanding Your role: Leading vs. managing

Management and leadership skills sets are both important in guiding the development and success of any organization. Management skills: The skills required to manage resources in order to deliver a task, product or service. Leadership skills: The skills required to engage with, motivate and persuade people to buy-IN to a vision, objectives or goal. Manager Thinks short term Thinks tactics Plans how and when Looks at the bottom line Knows the day-today business Focuses on improving existing products and processes Builds success through quality Supervises Gains authority from his or her position Leader Thinks long term Thinks strategy Asks what and why Looks to the horizon Knows the customer (Stakeholders) Focuses on new products and breakthrough processes Builds success through employees Influences Gains authority by his or her mindset and behavior

Our Perceptions of Leadership

The most effective leaders are those who can successfully influence the way other people influence themselves.

How your personality style affects your ability to lead

When our personalities are very different from another persons personality, we nay see them as difficult, annoying, strange or any other countless negative adjectives. In time, we cease to see these adjectives as our opinion instead, we treat them as fact- especially if others in our work group agree with us. These opinions then make it difficult- if not impossible- to lead that person successfully. The key to leading in this situation is learning about the main differences in personality types so that you gain insight into why the other person acts the way they do.

Leadership styles
There are numerous ways to categorize leadership style: Autocratic Leadership style: Autocratic leaders like to keep the decision-making power to themselves. Autocratic leadership allows for fast decision-making and can be useful for keeping employees motivated but it isnt good option for the long term. It can de-skill the workplace, making them disheartened and too reliant on the leader. Democratic Leadership Style: Democratic leaders share the decision-making-as well as the resulting reasonability- with team members. They seek feedback and prioritize team member development. Democratic leadership results in dedicated, loyal employees who are willing to work hard to deliver results and to share the credit for getting those results, but since everyone is involved in the decisionmaking process, decisions can take a long time to make. Bureaucratic leadership style: Works well in environments where following the rules is more important than creativity or thinking outside the box. Bureaucratic leadership helps promote consistent output and quality, can cut costs and improve productivity in some environments but overtime it can de-humanize and discourage the work force. With no investment in training, you can also end up without a well-skilled work force. Charismatic leadership style: As the name implies, it is based on the leaders ability to inspire and influence the actions of others. This type of leadership is excellent for encouraging creativity and forward-thinking decision making but it has to invest a great deal of time in fostering his relationships with the team in order to use this style.

Leading the team

1. Team purpose statements: It takes the organizations mission and vision statements and make them relatable to the team members on the personal level. Team purpose statements can unite disparate members of the team, they give your team inspiration and they give you a useful tool in leading the team. 2. Creating the team purpose statement: By identifying what it is about your team that makes you stand out from the back, what do you do better than the competition or what are you particularly proud of? Next answer some questions to help you identify what your true function is as a team. Its not always what you first think of. 3. Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing Bruce Tuckman, a noted psychologist, first came up with this phrase in 1965. it describes the stages of development of every team unit. He later added another stage adjourning which is how he describes the end of a teams work together and the parting of ways. Forming phase: The getting to know stage. Everyone is trying to figure out how the team will work, what their roles will be and what kind of leader you will be. Storming phase: reality sets in. The team may question you, your decisions or the point of what they are doing. Your leadership skills must come into play here in order to move the team past this phase. Norming phase: In this phase the team has accepted your authority and have begun to get to know each other. They request help and accept constructive criticism. Your leadership role is to reinforce their commitment to the team goal and to monitor for any slips back into storming behavior.

Performing phase: your team is now operating like a well-oiled machine. You can delegate work and know it will be done well. You can focus on individual team-member development which will help to prepare the team members for leaving the team. Adjourning or Mourning phase: The team recognizes that their time together is coming to an end. Your role revolves around helping each individual move on to their next position or role.

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