Employee Separation and Retention (Q3)

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1. Explain the relationship between job satisfaction and various forms of job withdrawal and
identify the major sources of job satisfaction in work contexts.

Job Withdrawal refers to the employees that willfully terminate their contract with the
company. Every job withdrawal that happens in the company is caused by the level of job
satisfaction of the employee. If the employee gets the desired goals set on their minds or the
service from the company that they need, they would stay longer in the company. There is
different dissatisfaction of the employee regarding the company and the job that leads them to
leave the company. These are the working environment, personal disposition, tasks and roles,
supervisors and co-workers, and compensation and benefits.

The working environment of the employee is one of the major causes of dissatisfaction. The
companies should not only focus on the job of the workers but also the condition of the workers.
Thus, the employer’s responsibility with their employees is to have a concern regarding their
physical, emotional, and even mental health. On the other hand, employees also should feel the
care and concern of the company to maintain their good relationship with each other. Ensuring
that the employee has a good working condition can help to maintain and motivate the employee
that can affect the operation of the company.

Personal disposition deals with the mindset or way of thinking of the employees. The
termination of the employee’s contract with the company is based on their emotions. This means
that the employees have a negative mindset or way of thinking that only focuses on the negative
things that the company has done to the employees. The company should ensure that these
negative things are resolved as soon as possible so that those employees that have a negative
mindset will retain in the company.

Tasks and roles are defined using the job analysis techniques. However, some job description
has so many or lack of task and roles that the employee should do during their working hours.
Too much tasks and roles assigned to the workers can dissatisfy them with the company. It can
affect the physical, emotional, and mental health of the employee that can affect the company’s
operation. On the other hand, if the employees do not have enough tasks and roles to do within
the working hours, the employee can feel bored or might think they do not develop the skills that
are needed for career development. The company needs to allocate the task and roles to their
employees equally or equitably to have fairness within the company. If the company has a lack
of labor resources, they can increase the salaries of the employee that will cover the extra job of
the company.

The people around the employees also have an impact on their job satisfaction. Supervisors
or managers are the ones who should motivate and care for their subordinates. However, some
managers do not care for the feelings and health of their employees which can lead to a bad
working environment for the employee. The co-workers have also an impact on the employee’s
job satisfaction. If the employee has a conflict with his co-worker, it tends also to have a bad
working environment in the company and eventually leads to the withdrawal of the employee
from the company to escape the conflict. The company should ensure that they have great
supervisors and managers that will guide the employees for their chosen career path and have
great team-building activities to ensure the bonding between the employees.

Lastly, one of the major considerations of employees in accepting the job offers is the
compensation and the benefits that they will receive in the company. These compensations and
benefits would help to cover the cost of living of the employees. The company should pay their
employees equivalent to the loads or jobs that they do in the company. If the employee is
satisfied with the compensation and benefits that they received in the company and it is
appropriate with the effort that they do for the company, the employee will be motivated for their
job and might maintain the job if it is higher than the offer of other companies.

The companies need to consider these factors of job dissatisfaction to reduce the voluntary
turnover in the company. Having a high voluntary turnover might affect the operations and can
be costly for the company since they need to hire and train new employees again and again. If it
is not possible to eliminate those factors, the company could at least mitigate these risks. In
mitigating the risks, the company might maintain their talented employees that could help for the
growth of the company.

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