3d Classroom-1

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3D, as we all know, has been a buzzword of choice in recent years. From the movie
theatre to the living room, there are a host of devices available to bring 3D into our lives,
including TVs, projectors, monitors, computers…the list goes on. But is 3D technology the
right fit for education? Studies point to Yes. When deployed strategically, 3D has been
shown to not only increase test scores, but also foster an increased understanding of
abstract, more difficult to grasp concepts. 3D technology also has been shown to command
student‘s attention, while enabling them to explore and experience key concepts on a more
detailed, personal level.

Why 3D for education?

There are neurons in our brains, a specific type of mirror neuron, which encode
information according to the viewer‘s perceived distance from an object. When objects are
perceived to be within our ―haptic envelope‖ that is, the immediate space around us where
we feel we can reach out and touch any given object, these neurons are activated, thus
engaging more of our neural pathways and resulting in a stronger memory. What does this
mean for education? Well, if an object can be brought closer to a student their retention
will increase. But this isn‘t always possible with a teacher up at the front of the classroom
and students at their desks, right? And expensive touch-sensitive haptic technology devices
are probably not affordable for most schools. Well, enter 3D technology. 3D images bring
projected objects within each viewer‘s haptic envelope, resulting in each viewer having the
same experience at the same time.
Have you ever noticed when watching a 3D movie that no matter where you sit in the
theatre the images on the screen always appear to be coming right at you? This means
that an illusion of touch, thereby activating your spatially selective mirror neurons is
giving you a richer experience. We can all probably recall an experience where a
particular scent or touch triggered a specific memory. The more of our senses engaged in
a particular activity, the more neural activity, the more we remember and retain. It makes
sense then why study after study show increased understanding and retention with 3D
The 3D Educational Effect
One such study, completed back in 2000 by the National Research Council of Canada,
did a comparison of a standard 2D classroom experience vs. a 3D virtual training
session for students engaged in wood harvesting. The findings were amazing. The
students involved in 3D virtual training increased the volume of wood harvested by
23% while reducing mistakes as well vehicle repair and maintenance costs by 26%.
Another study tested NASA employees in object recognition. The 3D virtual training
participants had a decrease in errors by 40% and 12% faster recognition than their 2D
training counterparts.

On an industry note, Texas Instrument DLP Division conducted a series of 3D Case

studies to demonstrate the advantages 3D poses for education ―The overall average
gain between a pre- test and post-test was 32 percent… In addition, the data was
segmented into various subgroups such as socioeconomic status, IEP, ethnicity,
male/female, and math ISAT scores. All groups showed gains from 29-35 percent. The
largest difference was in the male/female group, where the males‘ average scores
increased by 29 percent, while females‘ scores increased 35
percent… The improvements were significant and frankly, amazing, compared to
traditionaltextbook methods.‖ (DLP Texas Instruments-Classroom 3D Case Study)

Another report by Dr. Anne Bamford of the International Research Agency, showed
similar results when a control groups‘ test scores were compared to a group of students
taught with 3D technology. ―86% of pupils improved from the pre-test to the post-test
in the 3D classes, compared to only 52% who improved in the 2D classes. Within the
individuals who improved, the rate of improvement was also much greater in the
classes with the 3D. Individuals improved test scores by an average of 17% in the 3D
classes, compared to only an 8% improvement in the 2D classes between pre-test and
AOA Endorsement

The American Optometric Association encourages the use of 3D for education,

recognizing not only the educational benefits, but the potential health benefits as well. In
their study they‘ve found that ―as many as 1 in 4 US students may be unable to partake in
3D learning activities due to under performance of various aspects of the vision system
that have gone undetected and untreated…if an individual experiences any of the 3 D‘s of
3D- discomfort, dizziness and lack of depth perception—these signals can serve as an
early indicator of some measure of vision impairment. The good news is that, once
identified, these conditions generally respond well to treatment.‖ Especially in the case of
younger students, the American Optometric Association of America actually recommends
using 3D in the classroom as a way of better detecting vision problems. It‘s been found
that pre-existing conditions that might have remained unseen are better diagnosed with 3D

The results are clear. 3D has a powerful effect on students understanding, awareness
and retention. One reason could be that we are engaging mirror neurons by bringing
objects and videos within our haptic envelope. Research has shown that students are
more attentive and perform better academically when taught with 3D technology and
the American Optometric Association has even endorsed educational 3D as both an
instructional aid and a diagnostic tool.
What is 3D classroom

3D is a process for making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model,

typically by laying down many successive thin layers of a material. It brings a digital
object (its CAD representation) into its physical form by adding layer by layer of

There are several different techniques to 3D Print an object. We will go in further details
later in the Guide. 3D Printing brings two fundamental innovations: the manipulation of
objects in theirdigital format and the manufacturing of new shapes by addition of material.


Additive Manufacturing

Technology has affected recent human history probably more than any other field. Think of
a light bulb, steam engine or, more latterly, cars and aeroplanes, not to mention the rise and
rise of the world wide web. These technologies have made our lives better in many ways,
opened up new avenues and possibilities, but usually it takes time, sometimes even decades,
before the trulydisruptive nature of the technology becomes apparent.

It is widely believed that 3D printing or additive manufacturing (AM) has the vast potential
to become one of these technologies. 3D printing has now been covered across many
television channels, in mainstream newspapers and across online resources. What really is
this 3D printing that some have claimed will put an end to traditional manufacturing as we
know it, revolutionize design and impose geopolitical, economic, social, demographic,
environmental and security implications to our every day lives?

The most basic, differentiating principle behind 3D printing is that it is an additive

manufacturing process. And this is indeed the key because 3D printing is a radically
different manufacturing method based on advanced technology that builds up parts,
additively, in layers at the sub mm scale. This is fundamentally different from any other
existing traditional manufacturing techniques.
There are a number of limitations to traditional manufacturing, which has widely been
based on human labour and made by hand ideology rooting back to the etymological
origins of the French word for manufacturing itself. However, the world of
manufacturing has changed, and automated processes such as machining, casting,
forming and moulding are all (relatively) new, complex processes that require machines,
computers and robot technology.

However, these technologies all demand subtracting material from a larger block
whether to achieve the end product itself or to produce a tool for casting or moulding
processes and this is aserious limitation within the overall manufacturing process.

For many applications traditional design and production processes impose a number of
unacceptable constraints, including the expensive tooling as mentioned above, fixtures,
and the need for assembly for complex parts. In addition, the subtractive manufacturing
processes, such as machining, can result in up to 90% of the original block of material
being wasted. In contrast, 3D printing is a process for creating objects directly, by
adding material layer by layer in a variety of ways, depending on the technology used.
Simplifying the ideology behind 3D printing, for anyone that is still trying to understand
the concept.

Depending on time constraints, a substantial amount of information is gathered at this

stage to use during the next stage and to develop the best possible understanding of the
users, their needs, and the problems that underlie the development of that particular
Purpose of 3d classroom

Creates Excitement – 3D offers students the ability to experience their projects from the
model stage to actual creation of the model. This creates both excitement and a better
understanding of the design process as they gain hands on experience it from conception to
creation. The individual features are seen more clearly as the student builds the project layer
by layer.
Excitement also stems from the ability to explore details in reality, not just on a
screen or in a textbook. 3D printing also brings the world of theory to the physical
world where students can see and touch, opening up new possibilities for learning and

Complements the Curriculum – No matter what curriculum is being used, 3D printing

can help students and teachers work better. 3D classroom elevates students from being
passive consumers of information on a screen with no thought given to productivity.
Unlike conventional classrooms where students are easily bored, they become active
and engaged participants through the conception, design, and execution of their projects
and interacting with the 3D printer and the teacher.

Gives Access to Knowledge Previously Unavailable – Because most 3D printers are

pre- assembled and plug and play, it is a fun cutting-edge technology for students to
learn. Students learn that it is perfectly acceptable to fail on the first try and then try
again in order to improve. As students begin to understand that failure is part of the
process, they become less afraid to attempt and execute new and different ideas in life.
This builds students‘ confidence and teachers enjoy the results of having self-motivated,
self-confident students.

Opens New Possibilities for Learning – An affordable 3D printer opens up unlimited

learning opportunities for students. 3D printing provides students with opportunities to
experiment with ideas, expanding and growing their creativity. It is not easy to have
young students figure things out without the benefit of visualization. A visual learning
environment improves their understanding of the world, being able to touch and see
their projects. 3D printers open up new opportunities for presenting information to
young students in an economical and efficient manner.
Promotes problem-solving skills – The 3D printer provides a variety of learning
experiences for students. They need to learn how different 3D printers work and how to
operate them, and how to troubleshoot and solve problems. This is an art in which many
students do not get to engage during the course of their normal studies. By learning how to
troubleshoot and solve 3D printer problems, students learn to practice persistence and
endurance in overcoming difficulties. This can translate to helping students solve their own
problems in life.

Promotes active learning - Being able to interact with a subject at every stage of the
lesson helps students grasp the subject matter and retain information. This is especially
beneficial when using physical learning materials or objects. For example, typically, when
students are learning about fossils and artefacts, they are unable to touch or hold items. 3D
printing lets students touch, study, and take home products that are as intricate as the real-
world equivalent.

Encourages creative thinking - Being able to try new things, test theories, and think
more creatively can aid the learning process. 3D printers encourage students to be
innovative andcreative.
The benefits of 3d classroom

The 3D classroom are helping to inspire a new generation of STEM learners by

combining problem-solving skills with creativity and innovation. But this nifty tech also
has the potential tosupport pedagogy across all disciplines.

Make learning active

Pupils learn best through interaction and application. By doing rather than by reading a
book or listening to a lecture. As such, 3D printers are an excellent way to deploy
experiential learning and give pupils more hands-on experiences. With 3D printers,
teachers can create activities that take academic concepts from the theoretical to the
practical. For example, in biology lessons, students could create an anatomical heart.
Such active learning also ensures that pupils retain information with greater ease.

Encourage real-world understanding

3D printers help to put learning into context, so students see the value of lessons in the
form of real-world problem-solving. For example, one trainee teacher has developed
an amazing 3d prototype the population to increase.

Augment the educational process

Students can easily spot where they have made mistakes, discuss these errors with the
class,learn from these mistakes, and rectify them.

Fire imaginations

3D printers and design software inspires creativity and ignites young imaginations. In
fact, the possibilities of what students can create through 3D printing are infinite; and it‘s
remarkable how creative children can be when empowered with the ability to turn their
3D designs into real physical objects!
Instil spatial intelligence

Spatial intelligence involves analysing and interpreting the size, shape, movement and
relationships between objects; it‘s the ability to draw correct conclusions from observing
three- dimensional environments. According to studies, the use of 3D printers in lessons
enhances a student‘s spatial intelligence, with such intelligence an important predictor of
achievement in STEM subjects.

Boost digital engagement

3D printing is a hands-on, fun activity. So, by incorporating this technology in to

lessons, teachers can uncover fresh ways to keep pupils engaged; adding extra value and
relevance to lessons in a way that is both mentally stimulating and enjoyable. What‘s
ore, 3D printers are applicable across education levels; making them a natural starting
point for early years digital engagement.

Help students prepare for the future

The ability to innovate in our digital world is becoming increasingly important, so

encouraging pupils to explore tools that help them to think differently will prepare them
for life after education. That said, it‘s not about technology for technology‘s sake.
Global revenue for 3D- printing spending is projected to reach $35.4 billion in 2020. In
response, schools should use 3D printers as a way to expose students to this soon to be
widely used-tech, and get them future ready.

Boost computational thinking

Computational thinking and skills such as decomposition, pattern recognition, logical

thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving are becoming increasingly important. 3D
printers are helping to make computational thinking a key part of the modern

Create new learning materials

If your school doesn‘t have access to specific learning materials, a 3D printer could help
you tomake them instantly!

Feeding students‘ creativity skills can help develop a passion for original thinking and
creativity that can later be applied in business. 3D printing promotes students
achievements and also prepares them for a college education. They develop the
confidence that allows them to pursue challenging courses such as those in STEAM
fields. As students explore and grow their imaginations, it cultivates innovation where
the student creates their own unique 3D projects that can help train others as well as
solve problem they help to build a culture of learning within and beyond the classroom.

Maintaining a good standard of 3d classroom in school is important because:

● They communicate powerful messages about what is valued by the community.

● They help to give purpose and value to children‘s work – every child‘s work matters.

● They give children positive affirmation that their work has been appreciated and

● They help to promote Visual Literacy.

● They assist students in working independently.

● They provide models of good practice and examples of excellence.

● They inform students and visitors about the school‘s curriculum and areas of study.

● They improve a sense of well-being and belonging.

● They can be a source of pride.

Badly designed, out-of-date and neglected displays have a demonstrably negative

effect on howthe

community as a whole relates to the learning environment. Displays don‘t have to take a
lot oftime to

design and maintain. This document attempts to provide a guide to creating simple, well-
designed and

visually attractive displays. Achieving a reasonably consistent approach to displays is the

document, therefore:

● establishes expectations for teachers and support staff

● promotes continuity and coherence across

the schoolClassroom displays

Learning activities in the 3d classroom

The school‘s goal was to bring new digital technologies to school education, and thus open
up new ways of learning to children. By renewing curriculum‐framed learning practices,
the school aimed to support a learning culture that increased children‘s competence in
multidisciplinary areas of learning, from specific subject knowledge to self‐esteem and
empowerment. The school and the teachers had some previous experience in using
technologies and doing project‐based

work, especially in STEAM. Therefore, digital fabrication with 3D model design by

Tinkercad software and 3D artefact printing by Ultimaker printer were reasonable

Due to the schedules of the school, the number of sessions varied. The content of the 3D
project was similar for all grades. As an extra activity, the sixth graders carried out a so‐
called 3D driving licence that tested the Tinkercad 3D modelling skills. The children
completed the test in pairs: one performed the 3D tasks by Tinkercad, while the other
monitored the correctness and fulfilment of the tasks.

The 3D project consisted of the ABCs of 3D design, modelling and printing.

The session series started by familiarising the children with the 3D printing
industry with inspiring ‘wow’ effect examples. Next, the basics of 3D
modelling were introduced with the Tinkercad design software. Properties
such as adding shapes, grouping and alignment, were used for completing
the first design tasks. These design tasks, which were similar for all grades,
required mastering the basic design software properties and artefact design
skills based on the given specifications, such as designing a name tag, a
floor plan and a game piece. The role of self‐design increased as the 3D
project proceeded, with the final task being the design of a utility product.
Learning by Doing
One of the most important aspects of Design Thinking is exploring unknown possibilities
and uncovering unknown insights. This is the reason the discipline places emphasis on
learning andon activities that increase the learning potential of the team. You can boost
action-orientated learning by experimenting and exploring the proposed solutions in order to
understand what problems may exist with the assumptions behind those solutions. As such,
your team can iteraterapidly, modifying your test models and moving you closer and closer

Feasibility of 3d classroom
Yes it is possible as the Classification Society ClassNK, Japan Marine United (JMU),
and NAPA have completed a joint feasibility study on 3D model-based plan approval
using 3D CADmodels as part of their technical investigation project.
Shipbuilding designs are gradually transitioning from 2D drawings to those designed with
3D CAD software. Classification societies, whose plan approvals are currently based mostly
on 2D drawings, are also required to develop a scheme for 3D CAD models from their
submission to their examination completion.

This project was conducted to examine the technical development required in each
process of plan approval by JMU, NAPA, and ClassNK to realise 3D model-based plan
approval. In the feasibility study, ClassNK conducted a trial evaluation for hull structural
design on a 3D CAD model of 300,000DWT ore carrier designed and created by JMU,
using ―NAPA Designer‖, a 3D CAD software application for ship design developed by
NAPA, as a 3D model viewer. Plan submission, storage, and notification of examination
results were made using the Society‘s electronic plan examination system ―NK-PASS‖,
which can be used to send plans, check/manage review progress, and receive returned

The investigation concluded that information required for class approval can be
confirmed through a 3D CAD model, and that ―NK-PASS‖ is also compatible with
3D CAD models. The results of this survey will serve as a basis for future technical
studies, and the Society will continue to work with the industry to realise 3D model-
based plan approval.

Speaking on the occasion,hayota Saga , Corporate Officer and Director of Plan

Approval and Technical Solution Division says, ―This study has proven the future
potential of 3D model-based approvals. 3D based design can be the key to improving
digital solutions in the ship industry, including the ship design process, approval process
and later fleet maintenance. I hope that the entire industry will also quickly realise the
many opportunities and increased efficiency that can be achieved as a result of this
initiative. The vessels of the future will be able to accommodate much better and safer
designs in shorter amounts of time.‖

... Nevertheless, the first attempts seem promising and indicate the usability of such a
tool in the field of teacher education. As part of our ongoing work in this field several
experiments with different scenarios took place aiming to give an innovative 3d based
approach to teacher education and the related training methodology
Description of 3d classroom.

In schools today, we know we need to innovate in order to offer a high-quality

educational program. Technological changes, global connections, and the evolving
skills needed for contemporary life require us to stay fresh, to remain open to new
ideas and approaches to teaching and learning. But what exactly does innovation look
like? How does innovation work across disciplines and divisions? Do teachers and
administrators share similar visions of what innovation is? What new ideas in
education are creating the most traction?

At The Baldwin School (Pennsylvania), a team of educators set out to explore and find
meaning in the oft-used expression: ―innovation in education.‖ As a team, we were
committed to thinking more deeply about teaching. We also wanted to contribute to the
execution of our school‘s five- year strategic plan launched in 2010. The plan states that
we will ―renew our school‘s commitment to innovative teaching‖ with a focus on the
education of girls and young women.
Being a forward-looking college preparatory school, one of our objectives is to
―provide innovative and appropriate technology to support instruction in all
areas… to strengthen the school‘s commitment to education relevant to the global
community and to establish best practices.‖

With these ideas in mind, our team met once a week, scouring the Internet, perusing the
latest books in the field, and asking questions of our colleagues and ourselves. In
particular, we studied the various stages of innovation already occurring in Baldwin‘s
curriculum, with a desire to support and improve these practices.

We focused on pedagogy and learning outcomes, rather than technology and other tools.
We had additional opportunities to reflect on the role of innovation during an after-
school session and the gift of an all-day retreat paid for by our administration. The result
of the work was our idea of
a 3D Classroom. We concluded that this broad concept could apply to every teacher:
innovation, instead of displacing the good work teachers currently do, adds another
dimension to that work. We felt the school could best support innovation not by
mandating it, but by finding, nurturing, highlighting, and sharing innovative teaching
wherever and however it occurs throughout the school.

The Third Dimension

We define a two-dimensional classroom as a teacher-to-student input followed by a

student-to- teacher output. In other words, two-dimensional teaching is a ―delivery
system‖ transferring content (with varying degrees of success) from teacher to student.
The students‘ grasp of the material is then determined through summative assessments:
measuring all students on the same criteria to establish their proficiency level regarding
the delivered content (either from teacher ortext).

Historically, this system was the obvious option when content and its explanation were
localized, scarce, and precious. The teacher was both the delivery system and the
container for content. The advent of the Internet, however, has made content available to
those with access to it. Students now need the ability to assess, prioritize, and apply
content found elsewhere.

We propose that learning outcomes improve when teachers add an additional

dimension to the classroom experience. A three-dimensional (3D) classroom
integrates one, some, or all of the following suggested elements: self-reflection, peer
instruction, content creation, ideation (the process of forming ideas or images),
interdisciplinary learning, and collaboration. In a 3D classroom, students actively
participate in formative assignments, deciding what has value and meaning in that
particular learning experience.

A three-dimensional (3D) classroom integrates one, some, or all of the following

suggested elements: self-reflection, peer instruction, content creation, ideation (the process
of forming ideasor images), interdisciplinary learning, and collaboration.


Collaboration implies an active and equal connection with people other than the
classroom teacher. These people could be classmates, students from other grade levels
or schools, professionals in the field, or contacts anywhere beyond the school walls.
Over the course of the school year, a variety of collaborative experiences within
academic units broadens students‘ ideas about what learning can be and resonates with
their individual lives.
Working directly with classmates is perhaps the simplest way of adding a collaborative
element for a 3D learning experience. For this experience to be most effective, it should
move beyond the ―knowledge accumulation‖ stage to the higher level of creating.
Whether formative or summative, collaboration promotes social and vicarious learning.
Students working together to improve each other‘s skills must move beyond pleasantries
on the social level and beyond right or wrong answers on the cognitive level. Successful
peer review or collaborative content creation necessitates the ability to communicate
compassionately (which implies an awareness of cultural understanding) and an ability to
think critically. The group project assignments should be assessed in the same spirit as
individual work for the most consistent learning experience.

These projects led to further collaboration between the upper and lower schools. The
lower school science teacher now incorporates robotics into her fifth-grade curriculum
and a second- grade teacher offers an after-school robotics program for second through
fourth grades. In both cases, upper school students are valuable assistants. These
programs have opened up conversations between students, the computer science
coordinator, and lower school teachers about a solid, continuous curriculum in
computing and engineering from the lower through theupper school.

Ideas from inside the classroom will ultimately be tested in the world outside. When
classroom knowledge finds a destination in real-world experiences, the learning process
develops stronger routes and more detailed pathways, establishing a lifelong correlation
between learning and one‘s environment. Collaboration — the art of working with
others — is a deepening element to add to classroom instruction to ensure this positive


Three-dimensional teaching endorses the kind of ideation or original thinking that

engages learning on a deeper level and may remain with the student for the long term.
The notions
of creativity have expanded in recent years to move beyond the realm of artistic
expression and creative writing to include, among other things, formulating ideas and
engaging in problem solving and alternative forms of communication. As opposed to
teacher-directed projects, ideation implies individuated student questions by critical
thinking and resulting in original content creation. This content creation might be an
essay, a dialogue, artwork, an experiment, or developing alternative solutions to many
types of problems. Content creation develops the affective behavioural skills of fluency,
flexibility, resilience, and perseverance, all of which are crucial to lifelong learning.

Adding creativity to the traditional classroom dynamic stresses a different type of skill
from that of collaboration. Creativity showcases originality and individuality and fosters
the development of a personal-learning paradigm and network. Idea creation guides a
student through


Interdisciplinary studies encourage students to, in writer Jonah Lehrer‘s phrase, ―trespass
on the standard boundaries of thought.‖ One way to trespass on these boundaries within a
given discipline is to consider the reasoning or processes of another discipline. The
―trespass‖ creates an element of surprise, and the juxtaposition allows students to
transcend conventional thinking within a discipline. Unconventional or original thinking
arises from these remote associations, which can lead to innovation.

If education is viewed as a social construct, then the disciplines within it are a social
construct as well. In Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative, Ken Robinson
discusses this construct in terms of the Enlightenment-era split of science and art into
distinct domains. A 3D classroom reconnects this split by bringing unexpected domains

An example of interdisciplinary work at The Baldwin School was the recent confluence
of art- making and environmental studies. The ninth-grade art foundations class was
challenged to use a non-traditional material — plastic — to study and communicate
findings about water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Overlapping pieces of
differently coloured plastic (essentially the hue, value, and intensity of colour theory
studies) recorded levels of water purity and points of origin of contaminants.

The visualization of the water quality cartography doesn‘t solve the problems of the

contamination itself. The making of an artistic composition, however, may open up a

scientific question beyond its specific phrasing. Viewing a composition in an abstract
way — from all four sides of the ―canvas‖ — can give a student experience in rephrasing
questions and seeing a question from a longer, more critical stance. ―How else can this
be seen?‖ is a major function of art. Such visual questions may be the kind of discipline
juxtaposition that could lead to a breakthrough in solving a scientific problem. As
students become more adept with imaginative manifestations of questions, remote
associations can enter the equation. At the same time that students are seeing a scientific
question in a different way, they are also engaged in one of the highest functions of art:
turning a material into a medium.

Both collaborative and creative, an interdisciplinary approach combines learning paradigms in an

unconventional manner, reflecting the realities of our world

3d classroom for creativity and design thinking

As the learning activities focused on the technical skills of 3D classroom, the activities
had an impact on to what extent the children were able to utilise their creativity and
develop design thinking. Task‐based designs did not enable the full potential of
creativity that 3D printing activities are expected to provide, but to some extent
encouraged the children to make their owndesigns and inventions.

Classroom observations and the children‘s reflections indicated the children‘s

willingness to create self‐designed artefacts, even though following the instructions is
equally relevant in certain situations. Self‐made designs and artefacts were emphasised
in some cases when reflecting on the best experiences: the best thing so far was ‗when I
created and designed artefacts by myself‘.
When inventing ideas caused a problem, children named ‗design and that I could invent
more by myself and could be more creative‘ as targets of further development.
Design details of the artefact were also mentioned: ‗I could add more shapes and
design one shape of my own.‘ The final products included the evaluation of the
artefact: ‗In my opinion, I succeeded in creating a good shape for my game piece and
making it practical.‘

The novelty of having the opportunity to design and produce something concrete – a physical artefact
– makes 3D classroom different from many other uses of computers

and computer technology in education. If compared to the widespread use of PCs in

schools, the 3D printing activity is closer to learning programming, digital image and
video editing, and digital storytelling. With 3D printing, the fact that there is an
outcome, which would be impossible or at least very difficult to create without computer
tools, raises children‘s interest in imagining what they could do with the tools.

Research data and analysis for 3d classroom

Research data were collected from non‐formal interviews, field study observations, a
questionnaire and documents, such as teaching materials and digital photos of the
process, during a total of thirteen 3D modelling and printing sessions at school. The
participating children were the main informants in order to make children‘s interaction
with 3D technologies visible, and allow the children‘s voices to be heard. Every child,
and his or her teacher, was interviewed during each session by using semi‐structured
interview in an informal and relaxed environment. The interviewer took notes and audio
recorded the interviews. The insights from the interviews were further discussed with
teachers to defining the context and the aims of the pupils‘ projects. Field notes were
also written during session breaks or directly after the session to document initial
observations in as much detail as possible. Audio recordings of the interviews and
discussions with the children documented and supported the field observations. A short
reflective questionnaire aimed to surface children‘s individual thoughts during the design
and modelling process, whereas the field observations revealed their external behaviour.
The questionnaire, which otherwise played a minor role during the sessions, was also
intended as a tool for the children‘s learning and reflection. That is, the purpose of the
questionnaire was twofold: it supported the children‘s learning and provided the data for
the research.

In the questionnaire, the children

(1) described the topic they were working with

(2) named two successful features at that moment

(3) named two features to be further development research

(4) named their best experience with the 3D project so far.

The questionnaire was an online form that children were asked to fill out while in the
classroomThe analysis categorised the materials from the questionnaire, interviews, field
notes and other documents with open coding The key findings were identified through open
coding and categorising the concepts. Furthermore, in the analysis, we reflected on the
materials in light of theoretical foundations and the empirical research outcomes of maker
culture and digital fabrication in school education in terms of tool use, creativity and
empowerment. From the material we produced quotations, descriptions and excerpts of
documents, resulting in the final narrative description.

Cost analysis for 3d classrooms

There are two types of C3D. That is onsite and offsite C3DP. In offsite C3D, the units or
components . In onsite C3D, the units are constructed at the site directly. The 3d
classroomstechnology which shows its advantage in construction.

As a new construction technology, the cost of C3D remains controversial on whether the
C3D is higher or lower than conventional construction. There are two reasons why it is
still a controversial topic. Firstly, the comparison was made based on the part of the
factors influencing the whole cost. Secondly, the cost calculation lacked overall
understanding and analysis to construction. Therefore, it is necessary to study the
calculating method and cost structure of construction. The cost calculation of
conventional construction has been fully developed globally, whereas, for C3D, there is
no structured bill of quantities, budget quota, and pricing basis, which confuse its cost

Some scholars thought that C3D shortened the construction duration and reduced the labour costand
material waste. In particular, the cost of formwork is reduced, because C3D technology doesnot
need to use formwork. The C3D also improved the buildability, functional integrity, and accuracy of
construction. Believed that C3D could reduce the cost of construction techniques to a great extent.
claimed that C3D could save 30 to 60% of construction materials and shortened 50 to 70% of
construction duration while the labour cost could be reduced by about 50 to 80% said that materials
used in C3D mainly come from construction waste. Thus, the cost of construction material should be
lower than traditional construction. . They proved that the material comes for .However, believed
that the overall material cost of C3D was higher than thecost of traditional construction material due
to the special properties of concrete and other materials required by C3D. considered that there was
not too much difference between the cost of material and labour in C3D and the cost of traditional
in-situ reinforced concrete . They believed that comparing to the traditional construction method, 3D
printing technology only revealed There are two types of C3D. That is onsite and offsite C3D.In
offsite C3D,the units or components are printed in the factory

and then transported to site for assembly. In onsite C3D, the units are constructed at the
site directly. Currently, there are some cases of 3D printed building The 3D printing is a
new technology which shows its advantage in constructing irregular buildings. To
conventional construction, the cost of the flat wall is cheaper than the curved and
irregular wall. On the contrary, the cost of C3D is irrelevant to the shape.

As a new construction technology, the cost of C3D remains controversial on whether the
C3D is higher or lower than conventional construction. There are two reasons why it is
still a controversial topic. Firstly, the comparison was made based on the part of the
factors influencing the whole cost. Secondly, the cost calculation lacked overall
understanding and analysis to construction. Therefore, it is necessary to study the
calculating method and cost structure of construction. The cost calculation of
conventional construction has been fully developed globally, whereas, for C3D, there is
no structured bill of quantities, budget quota, and pricing basis, which confuse its cost

It has proposed that for prefabricated and assembled buildings, their cost were the conventional
construction cost added the manufacturing, transportation, and assembling proposed that the cost of
construction components ought to be counted as the material cost of onsite work and calculated as
cost of construction measures. These researches tried to amend method of cost calculation for new
construction technologies from the different perspectives, such as the SI system, or the ―Specification
for Valuation of Bill of Quantities for Construction Projects.‖ These provided the insights for C3D

Cost analysis calculation of offsite C3D

Offsite C3DP process is composed of two stages, components printing and site assembly,
belonging to industrial construction products respectively. The cost calculation of both
processesshall follow the regulations based on their properties. The labour and material cost
of components manufacturing cannot be counted in the labour and material cost in assembly
stage, because printed components belong to manufacturing industry and the labour and
material cost are already integrated into the components..

Analysis of cost calculation in offsite C3D The cost of offsite C3DP is made up of cost in
printing and assembly stage, which is characterized by industry and construction products,
respectively. The composition structure is indicated Cost calculation process of offsite C3D.
tellsus cost composition of offsite C3D as industrial product in the printing stage of C3D
components. In this stage, printing cost of offsite C3D components consist of steel bar cost,
concrete cost, pre-embedded piece cost, additives of printing material cost, and so on. The
C3D components cost include management cost, manufacturing cost, printing costs,
transport cost, and value added tax in printing stage.
Usage of Design Thinking

MBA Department

MBA 1stYEAR (1st SEM)
Sub. Code: KMBN(106)
SESSION 2020-2021



I the undersigned solemnly declare that the project report 3D

EDUCATION! is based on my own work carried out during the
course of our study under the supervision of Dr. Roshan Sheikh.
I assert the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of
my research work. I further certify that
 The work contained in the report is original and has been
done by me under the general supervision of my supervisor.

 The work has not been submitted to any other Institution for
any other degree/diploma/certificate in this university or any
other University of India or abroad.

 We have followed the guidelines provided by the university

in writing the report.

 Whenever we have used materials (data, theoretical analysis,

and text) from other sources, we have given due credit to
them in the text of the report .

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher

(H.O.D) Dr. Dinesh Kumar Singh who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic 3D
EDUCATION!, which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and
i came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to
Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who
helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame

S.No. TOPICS Page No.

1. Introduction
2. What is 3D Classroom
3. Purpose Of 3D
4. Benefits of 3D
5. Innovaton
6. Feasibility of 3D
7. Description of 3D
8. 3D Classroom for
creativity & design
Implementation of
Final thought
Cost analysis calculation of onsite C3D

The cost of onsite C3D is the sum of both component printing cost and the assembly cost
The 3D printed building is characterized as the industrial product. The cost composition
of offsite C3DP as construction product in the assembly stage of C3D components. In
this stage, construction and installation expenses of offsite C3D components consist of
sub-engineering expense, cost of taking measures, other project cost, pollution discharge
cost, and so on. The C3D components cost include C3D components price, procurement
expense of equipment, construction and installation expense, and other expenses for
engineering construction in assembly stage. The C3D components price is the sum of all
cost composition in assembly stage plus components profit. To summarize, cost of
offsite C3D is the sum of C3D components profit, printing stage cost, and assembly
stage cost
Cost calculation process of above figure tells us cost composition of onsite C3D as
industrial product. Sub-engineering expense consist of labour cost, machine cost, material
cost, risk cost, management cost, and so on. Also shows us cost composition of onsite
C3D as construction product. The construction and installation expense consist of sub-
engineering expense, cost of taking measures, other project cost, pollution discharge cost,
and so on. The cost of onsite C3D is the sum of procurement expense of equipment,
construction and installation expenses, other expenses for engineering construction, and so

the industrial product, such as the labour cost, material cost, machine cost,
management fee and risk cost, are integrated into the sub-engineering cost of
construction product cost composition, as indicated in onsite C3D All the construction
product cost compositions, including sub- engineering cost, the cost of taking
measures, other project cost, and pollution discharge cost, sum up as installation
engineering cost, together with the equipment cost and other construction cost to add up
the total cost of onsite C3D. This structure is based on the current level of technology
and applications in the industry by considering three aspects, the height of building
achieved with C3D and the fact that the contractors are responsible for C3D now and
in long future.
Design thinking in the 3d classroom

Design Thinking: The phrase has become ubiquitous at education conferences and
during professional development. With the rebellion against standardized tests and
―one-size-fits-all‖ schools, design thinking has become, for some, the antidote to the
industrialization of education.

But when we drill down to how design thinking is actually demonstrated in schools,
we often find nothing more than annual challenges to create towers out of spaghetti
and marshmallows. How can educators ensure that design thinking becomes a
meaningful educational strategy, rather than just another passing trend?

What is design thinking?

Design thinking is a process comprising the necessary steps towards the best prototype to be
implemented in any field. It takes five steps to design such a prototype, but that‘s not all. One
has to repeat the whole process multiple times or iterate one of the steps several times to reach
the final design. So, it will not necessarily be a linear process due to the challenges one will face.

The five steps of design thinking in any field of knowledge are:

 Empathize — getting to know the people you are working with and their needs
 Define — naming the problems
 Ideate — naming solutions to the problems
 Prototype — narrowing the solutions to a representation of ideas
 Test — submitting the idea to the test

These steps are not automatically followed by implementation. The process of finding the best
alternative involves taking feedback into account and adjusting the plan where necessary.
Why should we study design thinking in education?

The advocates for teaching design thinking often explain that we must teach our children
―to be creators, not just consumers.‖ For a long time, the school system has been centred
around distributing information, and many believe that this is creating generations of
compliant, inflexible thinkers.

Design thinking, when implemented well, can disrupt this system and empower our
students tothink independently.

How can we do this?

Design thinking should be taught explicitly and implicitly. Rather than being a lone
unit in the curriculum, design thinking should be incorporated throughout a child‘s
school career with teachers modeling it and giving students multiple opportunities to
apply it. Connections should be made often to real-life examples of design thinking.
Have you ever had a student give you a creative answer to a math problem, or a literal
answer to a writing prompt? These are students who may not be aware of the
difference between convergent (logical) and divergent (creative) thinking, and are
trying to use strategies that have already met with success – but on the wrong type of
Implementation of stages of design thinking in 3d classroom

Empathize: Give students an opportunity to design for each other

Empathy is a key part of design thinking, but cultivating this skill in children can be challenging.
It‘s important to give students a mixture of opportunities allowing them to create for themselves
and for others. In the previous installment of this series on empathy in schools, we had a look at
how teachers can manage their classroom better by adopting a more empathic mind set. As I
promised last time, I am now delving into the concept of empathy in the classroom as a way to
improve the learning process.

All of this and more can be achieved not only by modeling empathy as a teacher, but also by
teaching students how to be more empathic. The good news is that empathy, as researchers have
shown, is not a fixed ability that you either have or you don‘t. Even better, it is a skill that can be
taught, and research tells us that empathy training programs in schools actually do work.
Define : state the students needs and Problem

During the Define stage, you put together the information you have created and
gathered during the Empathise stage. This is where you will analyse your observations
and synthesise of the students problem them in order to define the core problems that
you and your team have identified up to this point. You should seek to define the
problem as a problem statement in a human-centred manner.

To illustrate, instead of defining the problem as your own wish or a need of the company
such as, ―We need to increase our food-product market share among young teenage girls
by 5%,‖ a much better way to define the problem would be, ―Teenage girls need to eat
nutritious food in order to thrive, be healthy and grow.‖

The Define stage will help the designers in your team gather great ideas to establish
features, functions, and any other elements that will allow them to solve the problems or,
at the very least, allow users to resolve issues themselves with the minimum of difficulty.
In the Define stage you will start to progress to the third stage, Ideate, by asking
questions which can help you look for ideas for solutions by asking: ―How might we…
encourage teenage girls to perform an action that benefits them and also involves your
company‘s food-product or service?‖

Ideate: Practice brainstorming daily

As mentioned in this article, the concept of generating many ideas without judgement is
very difficult for a number of students because they believe that only certain people can
think creatively. One step to combat this is to show students how the regular practice of
brainstormingcan improve this skill.

Whether it is while the students are in line for lunch or part of an actual assignment,
make it part of your schedule to have small contests that reward the quantity of ideas
instead of quality (verychallenging for beginner barnstormer‘s!).
Prototype: Model mistakes and your reaction to them

If we want students to fully embrace the design thinking process, they must not be
fearful of making mistakes. The classroom culture must support this all day every day –
not just when they are designing. We can show students that mistakes are not the end of
the world by pointing out our own, and giving positive examples of learning from those

Students who are perfectionists and petrified of doing something incorrectly will have a
hard time with design thinking, so it‘s the educator‘s job to give the consistent message
that the onlybad mistakes are the ones that we don‘t learn from.

Test: Ask for feedback and make changes accordingly

It‘s hard enough when students realize their own errors, but it can be even more
difficult when someone else points them out. If students are in a classroom where they
usually just receive ―terminal feedback‖ (advice given when they are finished and are
not given the opportunity to act upon), they will not be open to comments from others
— a vital part of the design thinkingprocess.

Conversely, if the teacher gives timely feedback as students are working, along with
encouragement to make changes throughout, learners see this as a habit that is essential
to doingwell.

It‘s also a good idea for the teacher to regularly seek feedback from the students, and
modelchanges that can be made based on their suggestions.

Present the solution: Have an authentic audience for projects

Students are more than happy to create projects for themselves, but they don‘t necessarily
subject themselves to high standards if they think their design will ultimately end up in the
garbage or underneath their bed at home.
There is little inclination to do their best if A.)they don‘t feel connected to the project
and B.) they have reason to believe that the project is meaningless. Knowing that
people outside the classroom, such as charities, industry experts, and members of the
local community, will be the final assessors of what has been accomplished can be a
strong motivator.

When possible, students should be using design thinking to create solutions to genuine
problems, preferably ones that they have observed in their own lives. This gives a sense
of authenticity to learning.
Implementation of Final thought

Some people may make the mistake that Design Thinking must involve technology
such as 3D printers or robots. Although those things can, due to their novelty, engage
students, they are not required. It is quite possible that many of our students may live
out lives where they never interact with these objects outside of school.What is
necessary, however, is that they can be nimble thinkers who recognize when creativity
is appropriate for a situation, and have the skillsneeded to employ it.

Considering the implementation of 3D design into the classroom might be an

intimidating concept amidst the pressures of learning standards, curriculum
expectations, data-driven instruction, and others, my advice is to set aside
trepidation and realize the power that 3Dexperiences can bring to the classroom.






Printed size project


1. Are you aware about 3d classrooms ?

 Yes

 No

 Can‘t say

2. Is 3d classroom relevant for future ?

 Yes

 No

 Can‘t say

3. Is it needed for primary and secondary class students ?

 Yes

 No

 Can‘t say
4. 3d classrooms are well effective or not ?

 Yes

 No

 Can‘t say

5. 3d classroom are good for students or not ?

 Yes

 No

 Can‘t say

6. 3d classroom reduce paper work for students and teachers ?

 Yes

 No

 Can‘t say

7. 3d classrooms future oriented or not ?

 Yes

 No

 Can‘t say
8. 3d classrooms make study easy and understandable ?

 Yes

 No

 Can‘t say

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