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Idioms/Phrase List With Alphabet A

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Idioms with Alphabet A


Idioms/Phrase List with Alphabet A

|| Idioms List A || Idioms List B || Idioms List C-E || Idioms List F-H ||

|| Idioms List I-N || Idioms List O-S || Idioms List T-Z ||

Idiom/Phrase Meaning

A bad business An unfortunate event

A baker’s dozen Thirteen

A bear garden A place or scene of tumult

A bee in bonnet An obsession about something

A big shot Important person

A Bird In The Hand Having something that is certain is much better than
Is Worth Two In taking a risk for more, because chances are you might
The Bush: lose everything.

A Blessing In Something good that isn't recognized at first.


A bread and butter An appointment letter


A brown study Absorbed in reading

A cast of the eye A squint

A cat’s paw To make somebody a tool

A chip off the old Characteristics of one’s ancestors


A Chip On Your Being upset for something that happened in the past.

A close fisted man A mean or stingy man

A cuckoo in the A child whose parentage is doubtful and may therefore
nest not belong by blood to the family

A curtain lecture The scolding of a husband by his wife in private

A damsel in A helpless woman


A Dime A Dozen: Anything that is common and easy to get.

A dog’s chance No hope at all

A Doubting A skeptic who needs physical or personal evidence in

Thomas: order to believe something.

A Drop in the A very small part of something big or whole.


A drug in the Commodities no in demand


A fair crack of the A period of importance


A fifth columnist Traitor

A fly in the ointment A problem in a situation

A Fool And His It's easy for a foolish person to lose his/her money.
Money Are Easily

A fool’s errand A useless undertaking

A gone coon One whose case is hopeless

A grass widow A women whose husband is temporarily away from her

A green horn An inexperienced man

A hill of beans A thing of little value

A House Divided Everyone involved must unify and function together or it

Against Itself will not work out.
Cannot Stand:

A jaundiced eye prejudice

A lady’s man A lover of woman company

A latchkey child A child who returns from school etc. To and empty
house because both parents working

A laughing stock Looking ridiculous

A left handed An insincere

A Leopard Can't You cannot change who you are.

Change His Spots:

A lick and a A feeble attempt


A man about town A man who spends much time at fashionable parties,
clubs, theatres

A man before the A common sailor


A man of means A rich man

A man of parts A man of ability

A man of weight A man of importance

A month of A long period of time


A nig-nog A fool

A past master An expert

A Penny Saved Is A By not spending money, you are saving money (little by
Penny Earned: little).

A Picture Paints a A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words.

Thousand Words:

A Piece of Cake: A task that can be accomplished very easily.

A pig in poke And article which was brought without previous

inspection and which turns out to be worth less than
what one paid for it.

A pipe dream An impractical plan

A rolling stone One who is never constant to one’s work

A scarlet women A whore , a prostitute

A Skelton in the A past event which is kept secret by a family/ something

cupboard embarrassing or shameful

A Slap on the Wrist: A very mild punishment.

A sop to Cerberus Ransom to an enemy

A sore point Something which hurt

A tall order A task difficult to perform

A Taste Of Your When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat
Own Medicine: others.

A Toss-Up: A result that is still unclear and can go either way.

A wild cat strike Illegal strike

A Windfall: a sum of money that you win or receive from someone

unexpectedly or from a bank that floats on the

a/the sixty four An important question that is very difficult to answer

dollar question

Acquainted with To meet someone

Act on /upon Have and effect on/upon

Actions Speak What you do is more meaningful than what you say.
Louder Than

Ad hock For the special purpose

Adam’s ale Water

Add Fuel To The To worsen the situation.

Fire: & Add fuel to
the flame

Advise of Acquainted with

Aegean stable To remove on evil

Against The Clock: Rushed and short on time.

All agog Restless

All and sundry Everything without distinction

All Bark And No When someone is threatening and/or aggressive but not
Bite: willing to engage in a fight.

All Greek to me: Meaningless and incomprehensible like someone who

cannot read, speak, or understand any of the Greek
language would be.

All In The Same When everyone is facing the same challenges.


All the better to Same to

All the same Nevertheless , but yet

All the same Yet

Allow for Including something when you are calculating something

or planning something

Allow of Make possible

An Arm And A Leg: Very expensive. A large amount of money.

An armchair job A regular job which is considered easy and well-paid

An Axe To Grind: To have a dispute with someone.

An eye on the main Looks after his won welfare


An eye to the main Object to make money


An ivory tower A place or state of life that is out of touch with people
and reality

An old flame Sweat heart

Answer fro Be responsible

Apple of My Eye: Someone who is cherished above all others.

Argus eye Observant

As a rule Usually

As fit as fiddle Strong and healthy

As High As A Kite: Anything that is high up in the sky.

As snug as a bug in Very cosy and snug

the rug

As the crow flies In a straight line

As thick as thieves Very friendly

As ugly as sin Exceptionally ugly

Assumes airs To pretend to superiority

At a loose end Unoccupied , idle

At a lose end Nothing to do

At a loss To be confused

At a loss To be puzzled

At a loss To be unable to decided

At a low key At reducing

At a premium Valued highly

At a rate of knots Sluggishly

At all events Positively

At back and call At disposal

At case Easily

At close quarters Close examinations

At cross purposes Misunderstanding of each other’s purposes

At ease Embarrassed

At home Comfortably

At loose ends Badly managed

At odds In dispute

At one’s wit’s end To be completely confused

At sea Confused

At sixes and sevens In disorder

At stake In danger

At the drop of hat Without delay

At the rate of knots Very fast

Awkward silence Embarrassing silence

|| Idioms List A || Idioms List B || Idioms List C-E || Idioms List F-H ||

|| Idioms List I-N || Idioms List O-S || Idioms List T-Z ||


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