Idioms/Phrase List With Alphabet A
Idioms/Phrase List With Alphabet A
Idioms/Phrase List With Alphabet A
|| Idioms List A || Idioms List B || Idioms List C-E || Idioms List F-H ||
Idiom/Phrase Meaning
A Bird In The Hand Having something that is certain is much better than
Is Worth Two In taking a risk for more, because chances are you might
The Bush: lose everything.
A Chip On Your Being upset for something that happened in the past.
A cuckoo in the A child whose parentage is doubtful and may therefore
nest not belong by blood to the family
A Fool And His It's easy for a foolish person to lose his/her money.
Money Are Easily
A latchkey child A child who returns from school etc. To and empty
house because both parents working
A left handed An insincere
A man about town A man who spends much time at fashionable parties,
clubs, theatres
A nig-nog A fool
A Penny Saved Is A By not spending money, you are saving money (little by
Penny Earned: little).
A tall order A task difficult to perform
A Taste Of Your When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat
Own Medicine: others.
Actions Speak What you do is more meaningful than what you say.
Louder Than
All Bark And No When someone is threatening and/or aggressive but not
Bite: willing to engage in a fight.
An ivory tower A place or state of life that is out of touch with people
and reality
As a rule Usually
At a loss To be confused
At a loss To be puzzled
At case Easily
At ease Embarrassed
At home Comfortably
At odds In dispute
At sea Confused
At stake In danger
|| Idioms List A || Idioms List B || Idioms List C-E || Idioms List F-H ||