Letter of Credit - LC
Letter of Credit - LC
Letter of Credit - LC
1 DEFINITION OF L/C On behalf of the importer if the bank undertakes to make payment to the foreign bank is known as documentary credit or letter of credit. A letter of credit is an instrument issued by a bank to a customer placing at the letters disposal such agreed sums in foreign currency as stipulated. An importer is a country request his bank to open a credit in foreign currency in favour of his exporter at a bank in the letters country. The letter of credit is issued against payment of amount by the importer or against satisfactory security. The L/C authorizes the exporter to draw a draft under is terms and sell to a specified bank in his country. He has to hand over to the bank, will the Bill of exchange, shipping documents and such other papers as may be agree upon between the exporter and the importer. The exporter is assured of his payment because of the credit while the importer is protected because documents in respect of export of goods have to be delivered by the exporter to the paying bank before the payment is made. 3.2 From of letter of credit A letter of credit (L/C) may be two forms. These as below : i) Revocable letter of credit. ii) Irrevocable letter of credit. (i) Revocable L/C : If any letter of credit can be amendment or change of any clause or canceled by consent of the exporter and importer is known as revocable letter of credit. A revocable letter of credit can be amended or canceled by the issuing bank at any time without prior notice to the beneficiary. It does not constitute a legally binding undertaking by the bank to make payment. Revocation is possible only nntil the documents have been honoured by the issuing bank or its correspondent. Thus a revocable credit does not usually provide adequate security for the beneficiary. (ii) Irrevocable L/C : If any letter of credit can not be changed or amendment without the consent of the importer and exporter is known as irrevocable letter of credit. An irrevocable credit constitutions a firm undertaking by the issuing bank to make payment. It therefore, gives the beneficiary a high degree of assurance that he will paid to his goods or services provide he complies with terms of the credit. 3.3 TYPES OF LETTER OF CREDIT Letter of Credit are classified into various types according to the method of settlement employed. All credits must clearly indicate in major categories.
i) Sight payment credit. ii) Deferred payment credit. iii) Acceptance credit. iv) Negotiation credit. v) Red clause credit. vi) Revolving credit. vii) Stand by credit. viii) Transferable credit. (i) Sight payment credit : The most commonly used credits are sight payment credits. These provide for payment to be made to the beneficiary immediately after presentation of the stipulated documents on the condition that the terms of the credit have been complied with. The banks are allowed reasonable time to examine the documents. (ii) Deferred payment credit : Under a deferred payment credit the beneficiary does not receive payment when his presents the documents but at a later date specified in the credit. On presenting the required documents, he receive the authorized banks written undertaking to make payment on maturity. In this way the importer gains possession of the documents before being debited for the amount involved. In terms of its economic effect a deterred payment credit is equivalent to an acceptance credit, except that there is no bill of exchange and therefore no possibility of obtaining money immediately through a descant transaction. In certain circumstances, how ever, the banks payment undertaking can be used as collateral for an advance, though such as advance will normally only be available form the issuing or confirming bank. A discountable bill offers wider scope. (iii) Acceptance Credit : With an acceptance credit payment is made in the form of a tern bill of exchange drawn on the buyer, the issuing bank or the pendent bank. Once he has fulfilled the credit requirements, the beneficiary can demand that the bill of exchange be accepted and returned to him. Thus the accepted bill takes the place of a cash payment. The beneficiary can present the we accented bill to his own bank for payment at maturity or for discounting, depending on whether or not he wants cash immediately. For simplicities sake the beneficiary usually gives on instruction that the accepted bill should be left in the safekeeping of one of the banks involved until it matures. Bill of exchange drawn under acceptances credit usually have a term of 60-180 days. The purpose of an acceptance is to give the importer time to make payment. It he sells the goods before payments fall due, he can use the precedes to meet the bill of Exchange in this way, he does not have to borrow money to finance the transaction. (vi) Negotiation credit : Negotiation means the purchase and sale of bill of exchange or other marketable instruments. A negotiation credit is a commercial letter of credit opened by the issuing bank in the currency of its own country and addressed directly to the beneficiary. The
letter is usually delivered to the addressee by a corespondent bank. This credit is sometimes also as Hand on credit. The letter of credit empowers the beneficiary to draw a bill of exchange on the using bank, on any other named drawer or on the applicant for the credit. The beneficiary can them present this bill to a bank for negotiation, together with the original letter of credit and the documents stipulated therein. Payment of the bill of exchange is guaranteed by the issuing bank on the condition that the documents presented by the beneficiary are in order. The most common form of negotiation credit permits negotiation by any bank. In rare case the choice is limited to specified banks. (iv) Red clause credit : In the case of a red clauses credit, the seller can obtain an advance for an agreed amount from the correspondent bank, goods that are going to be delivered under the documentary credit. On receiving the advances, the beneficiary must give a receipt and provide a written undertaking to present the required documents before the credit expires. The advance is paid by the correspondent bank, but it is the using bank that assumes liability. If the sellers does not present the required documents in time and fails to refund the advance, the correspondent bank debits the issuing bank with the amount of the advance plus interest. The issuing bank, in turn, has reveres to the applicant, who therefore bears the risk for the advance and the interest accursed. The clause permitting the correspondent bank to make an advance used to be written on red in home the name red clause credit. (v) Revolving Credit : Revolving credit can be used when goods are to be delivered in installment at specified intervals. The amount available at any one time is equivalent to the value of one partial delivery. A revolving credit can be cumulative or non-cumulative means that amount from unused or incompletely used portions can be carried forward to subsequent period. If a credit is noncumulative, portions not used in the prescribing period case to be available. (vi) Stand by credit : Stand by credit are encountered principally in the US. Under the laws of most US states, banks are prohibited from issuing regular quarantines, so credits are used instead. In Europe, too the use of this type of credit is increasing by virtue of their documentary credit, stand-by credit are governed by the UCP. However, their function is that of a grantee. The types of payment and performance that can be guaranteed by stand-by credits include the following : - Payment of thorium bill of exchange - Repayment of bank advance - Payment of goods delivered.
- Delivery of goods in accordance wets contract and - Execution of construction contracts, supply and install contracts. In order to enforce payment by the bank, the beneficiary merely presents a declaration stating that the applicant for the credit has failed to meet his contractual obligation. This declaration may have to be accompanied by other documents. (vii) Transferable credit : Transferable credit are particularly well adapted to the requirements of international trade. A trader who receives payment from a buyer in the form of a transferable documentary credit can use that credit to pay his own supplier. This enables him to carry out the transaction with only a limited and lay of his own funds. The buyer supplies for an irrecoverable credit issued in the traders favour. The issuing bank must expressly designate the credit as transferable. As soon as the trader receives the confirmation of credit he can request the bank to transfer the credit to his supplier. The bank is under no obligation to effect the transfer except in so far as it has expressly consented to do so. The costs of the transfer are usually charged to the trader and the transferring bank is entitled to delete them in advance.
3.4 PARTIES TO A LETTER OF CREDIT A letter of credit is issued by a bank at the request of an importer in favour of an exporter from whom he has contracted to purchases some commodity or commodities. The importer, the exporter and the issuing bank are parties to the letter of credit. There are however, one or more than one banks that are involved in various capacities and at various stages to play an important role in the total operation of the credit. i) The opening Bank. ii) The Advising Bank. iii) The Buyer and the Beneficiary. iv) The paying Bank. v) The negotiating Bank. vi) The confirming Bank. i) The opening Bank : The opening Bank is one that issues the letter of credit at the request of the buyer. By issuing a letter of credit it takes upon itself the liability to pay the bills drawn under the credit. If the drafts are negotiated by the another bank, the opening Bank reimburses that Bank. As soon as the opening Bank, issuing a letter of credit (L/C), it express its undertaking to pay the bill or bills as and when they are drawn by the beneficiary under the credit. When the bills are presented to or when antic is received that bills have been presented to a paying or negotiating Banks its liability matures. ii) The Advising Bank : The letter of credit is often transmitted to the beneficiary through a bank in the latters country. The bank may be a branch or a correspondent of the opening bank. The credit is some times advised to this bank by cable and is then transmitted by it to the beneficiary on its own special form. On the other occasions, the letter is sent to the bank by mail or telex and forwarded by it to the exporter. The bank providing this services is known as the advising bank. The advising bank undertakes the responsibility of prompt advice of credit to the beneficiary and has to be careful in communicating all its details. iii) The Buyer and the Beneficiary : The importer at whose request a letter of credit is issued is known as the buyer. On the strength of the contract that he makes with the exporter for the purchase of some goods that the letter of credit is opened by the opening bank. The exporter in whose favour the credit is opened and to whom the letter of credit is addressed is known as the beneficiary. As the seller of goods he is entitled to receive payment which he does by drawing bills under the letter of credit (L/C). As soon as he has shipped the goods and has collected the required documents, he draws a set of papers and presents it with the documents to the opening bank or some other bank mentioned in the L/C. iv) The paying Bank : The paying bank only pays the drafts drawn under the credit but under takes no opening bank, by debating the latters accounts with it if there is such an account or by
any other measured up, between the two bankers. As soon as the beneficiary has received payment for the draft, he is out of the picture and the rest of the operation concerns only the paying bank and the opening bank. v) The Negotiating bank : The negotiating bank has to be careful in scrutinize that the drafts and the documents attached there to are in conformity with the condition laid down in the L/C. Any discrepancy may result in refused on the part of the opening bank to honour the instruments is such an eventuality the negotiating bank has to look back to the beneficiary for refund of the amounts paid to him. vi) The Confirming Bank : Sometimes an exporter stipulates that a L/C issued in his favour be confirm by a bank in his own country. The opening this country to add its confirming to the credit the bank confirming the credit is known as the confirming bank and the credit is known as confirmed credit.
3.5 CONTENTS OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT Banks normally issued letter of credit (L/C) on forms which clearly indicate the banks name and extent of the banks obligation under the credit. The contents of the l/c of different Banks may be different .In general l/c contain the follwing information :i) Name of the buyer : who is also known as the accounted since it is for his account that the credit has been opened. ii) Name of the seller : Who is also known as the beneficiary of the credit. iii) Moment of the credit : Which should be the value of the merchandise plus any shipping charges intent to be paid under the credit. iv) Trade terms : Such as F.O.B and CIF v) Tenor of the Draft which is normally dependent upon the requirements of the buyer. vi) Expiration date : Which is specified the latest date documents may be presented. In this manner or by including additionally a latest shipping date, the buyer may exercise control over the time of shipment. vii) Documents required : Which will normally include commercial invoice consular or customers invoice, insurance policies as certificates, if the source is to be effected by the beneficiary and original bills of lading. viii) General description of the merchandise : Which briefly and in a general manner duly describes the merchandise covered by a letter of credit. 3.6 PROCEDURES OF OPENING THE L/C The importer after receiving the proforma invoice from the exporter, by applying for the issue of a documentary credit, the importer request his bank to make a promise of payment to the supplier. Obviously, the bank will only agree to this request if it can rely on reimbursement by the applicant. As a rule accepted as the sole security for the credit particularly if they are not the short of commodity that can be traded on an organized market, such an arrangement would involve the bank in excessive risk outside its specialist field. The applicant must therefore have adequate funds in the bank account or a credit line sufficient to cover the required amount. Banks deal in documents and not in goods. Once the bank has issued the credits its obligation to pay is conditional on the presentation of the stipulated documents with in the prescribed time limit. The applicant cannot prevent a bank from honouring the documents on the grounds that the beneficiary has not delivered goods on redder reissues as contracted. The importer submit the following documents before opening of the L/C : a. Tax Identification Number (TIN) b. Valid Trade License. c. Import Registration Certificate (IRC)
The Bank will supply the following documents before opening of the L/C : a. LCA form. b. Application and Agreement form. c. IMP form d. Necessary charge documents for documentation. The above documents / papers must be completed duly signed and filled in by the party according to the instruction of the banker.
3.7 DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDIT (IMPORT/EXPORT DCUMENTATION) Documentary letter of credit is such kinds of commercial letter which a bank issue on behalf of foreign seller (exporter) according to the direction of the (importers) purchasers. The documents shown under are known as export documents form the importer's side. These are :(i) Bill of exchange : The bill of exchange is that particular instrument through which payment is effected in trade deals internal and international. The payment for the goods is received by the seller through the medium of a bill of exchange drawn on the buyer for the amount depending on the contract. It is a negotiable instrument. There are five main parties involved in a bill of exchange. They are :(a) Drawer (b) Drawee (c) Payee (d) Endorser (e) Endorsee (ii) Bill of lading : A bill lading is a document of title to goods entitling the holder to receive the goods as beneficiary or endorsee and it is with the help of this document on receipt from the exporter that the importer takes possession of the goods from the carrying vessel at the port of destination. (iii) Airway bill / Railway receipt : When goods to be transported are small in bulk or requiring speedy delivery or those are perishable in nature on the deal is in between the neighboring countries then mode of transports other than shipping may be resorted to far the carriage of the goods Airways bill / Railway receipt take place of Bill of lading depending on the nature of the carrier. (iv) Commercial invoice : It is the seller's bill for the merchandise. It contains a description of goods, the price per unit at a particular location, total value of the goods, packing specifications, terms of sale, letter of credit, bill of lading number etc. There is no standard form far a commercial invoice. Each exporter designs his own commercial invoice form. The invoice is made out by the seller under his signature in the name of the buyer and must be submitted in a set of at least 3 copies. Its main purpose is to check whether the appropriate goods have been shipped and also that their unit price, total value, marking on the package etc. are consistent with those given in other documents. (v) Insurance policy : In the international trade insurance policy is a must to cover the risk of loss on consignments while they are on seas, roads, airways. The insurance is the responsibility of the buyers (consignee) under FAS, FOB and C&F contracts and of the seller (consignor) under CIF contract. The policy must be of the type as specified in the relative contract / credit. The policy would be for the value of CIF price plus 10 (ten) percent to cover the expenses and
that is required to be obtained in the same currency as that of the credit and dated not later than the date of shipment with claims* being payable at the destination. It must be properly stamped. Like a bill lading it must be negotiable and be endorsed where it is payable to order. (vi) Certificate of origin : This is a certificate issued by a recognized authority in exporting country certifying the country of origin of the goods. It is usually by the Chambers of commerce. Some times, it is certified by local consul or Trade Representative of the importing country as per terms of the credit. (vii) Packing list : The exporter must prepare an accurate packing list showing item by item, the contents of the consignment to enable the receiver of the shipment to check the contents of the goods, number and marks of the package, quality, per package net weight, gross weight, measurement etc. (viii) Weightment and Measurement : Issued by recognized authority (like chambers of commerce and industry) in exporting country certifying correct weightment and measurement of the goods exported. (ix) Bill of entry : A bill of entry is a document which contain the particulars of the imported goods as well as the amount of customs duty payable. The exporter submit the following papers/documents to the Negotiating bank : i) Bill of exchange / Draft. ii) Bill of lading. iii) Airway bill / Railway receipt. iv) Commercial invoice. v) Insurance policy. vi) Certificate of origin. vii) Packing list. viii) Weightment & measurement list. ix) Other etc. The negotiating bank after received the above documents / papers then this bank scrutiny the documents. The negotiating bank sends the original shipping documents to the L/C opening bank and keeping the second copy with the negotiating bank. Payment Against Documents (PAD) Banks deal in documents and not in goods. If the shipping document against the L/C is in order then the L/C opening bank must have to payment to the foreign bank within 3 days or 72 hours according as Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (UCPDC) 500 of revision of ICC. If the shipping documents have any discrepancy, then the L/C opening bank informed to the negotiating bank within 7 days. Otherwise, the shipping documents have not discrepancy. If the
importer have not adequate founds in the bank account then the bank payment to the foreign bank against the shipping documents.
Now the importer will come to his bank with a request to open an L/C along with the following documents / papers :1) L/C application and agreement Form (Bank's prescribed application form) with adhesive stamp of Tk. 150 (Flexible) [From June 3rd 1998] 2) Indent / Proforma Invoice / Contract - 3 copies. 3) Insurance cover note with premium paid receipt. 4) IMP From one set duly signed by the importer. 5) Any other documents if necessary. Authorized Dealer will scrutinize the documents and open the L/C infavour of the exporter by converting the Bangladesh Taka into foreign currency at the existing B.C selling rate of exchange. Care must be taken so that the limit of Bangladesh Taka is not exceeded in any way. The foreign currency value of the L/C must correspond the equivalent amount of Bangladesh Taka if LCA registered with Bangladesh Bank. The Authorized Official of the Authorized Dealer will check the L/C very carefully and signed the same jointly and forward the 1st and 2nd copy to their foreign correspondent situated at the nearest place of the exporter. Thus Bank is known as Advising Bank. On receipt of the L/C the Advising Bank after verification of the duplicate copy at their end. On getting the L/C the exporter prepares the goods and ship the same as per instruction of the L/C and obtain a Bill or Lading from the shipping Authority. The exporter will prepare Bill of Exchange, Invoice and other documents as specified in the L/C and submits the same along with the original copy L/C to his bank within the time mentioned in the L/C. The Bank with whom the exporter submits the documents is known as Negotiating Bank as this negotiates the documents i.e. makes payment to the exporters. The negotiating bank will scrutinize the documents with terms and conditions of the L/C very carefully. If every thing is in order the bank will make payment of the amount of L/C to exporter in their local currency by debiting to their own account. Subsequently the negotiating bank will claim the L/C with whom the Head Office of L/C opening bank maintained foreign currency amount. This is known as Reimbursing Bank. Reimbursing Bank will make payment to the negotiating bank by debit to L/C opening Bank's Head Office A/C. Simultaneously the negotiating bank will forward all the documents submitted by the exporter to the L/C opening bank as per instruction of the L/C. The date of forwarding letter of negotiating bank should be date of negotiation of documents. On receipt of the shipping documents from the negotiating bank, the L/C opening bank will carefully scrutinize the documents with terms and conditions of the relative L/C. If there is no discrepancy, the documents will be lodged. Lodgment of documents means the entry of the
particulars of the documents in the Register and preparation of vouchers by converting the foreign currency amount into Bangladesh Taka as the exchange rate prevailing on that date. This amount is due to the importer. The importer will be asked to take delivery documents by making payment of the bill amount excluding the margin deposited at the time of opening L/C. Payment of bill amount and to take delivery of documents by the importers is known as Retirement of Import Bills. After taking delivery of documents from the L/C opening bank, the importer will clear the goods which has already been arrived or due to arrive from the customs authority on submission of these documents along with the custom purpose copy of LCA From.
CHAPTER - FOUR LODGMENT AND RETIREMENT OF IMPORT BILLS (UNDER CASH L/C) 4.1 LODGMENT OF IMPORT BILL The documentary letter of credit (L/C) constitutes of the important methods of financing trade. Because of the phenomenal growth in world trade and commodity wise diversification of trade its importance has significantly increased. On receipt of the documents from the negotiating Bank, the L/C opening bank will make entry the particulars of the documents into Inward Foreign Bill Register and prepare the voucher by converting the foreign currency into Bangladesh Taka. This stage is known as lodgment of import bills. The full sets of documents which are submitted by the exporter to his bank as per terms and conditions of the L/C is known as shipping documents. The L/C opening bank may receive these shipping documents from his foreign correspondent (Bank) in two ways. i) Documents on collections basis. ii) Negotiated Documents. i) Documents on collection Basis :The shipping documents which are not negotiable by the exporter's bank due to some discrepancies will be sent to L/C opening bank on collection basis. The collection bank (exporter's bank) will mention the discrepancies on their forwarding schedule. On receiving the documents the L/C opening bank will further scrutinize the documents with the L/C and inform the importer regarding discrepancies found in the documents. If these are acceptable to the importer and or permissible with the existing exchange control Regulation, the documents will be lodged and L/C opening bank will send the payment instruction to the collecting bank. ii) Negotiated Documents The documents which has already been negotiated i.e. the exporters bank (this bank is known as negotiating bank) has made payment to the exporter against the documents submitted by him may be termed as negotiated documents. Generally these documents are free from discrepancies. Though these documents are supposed to be free from any discrepancy, the L/C opening bank must scrutinize and confirm that there is no discrepancy in the documents.
Incase of documents which has no discrepancy and documents with minor discrepancy (if accepted by the importer) are to be lodged, where the major discrepancy is found, it is the duty of the L/C opening banks to send a cable / Telex to the negotiating bank with instruction to credit the amount to the L/C opening banks A/C which was paid to the exporter, because the documents are not accepted and also to seek instruction regarding disposal of the documents. The particulars of these documents to be entered is separate column or separate Inward Foreign Bill Register under the head Foreign Bill under Reserve. 4.2 PROCEDURES OF LODGMENT After scrutinization, if it is fund in order the officer concerned will brand a rubber stamp "Checked and Found Correct" which will be followed by his initial. Amount in foreign currency to be converted into Bangladesh Taka with the exchange rate (B.C selling) prevailing on the date of lodgment. Particulars of documents to be entered in the "Inward Foreign Bills Register" Preparation of Vouchers : The following vouchers are to be prepared :a) Lodgment voucher : Dr. PAD / Draft amount + Negotiation commission (if any) Cr. H.O, I.D / (Reimbursing Bank) A/C B) Liability voucher to be reversed which was originated at the time of opening L/C Dr. Barkers liability on L/C (Cash) Cr. Customers liability on L/C (Cash)
4.3 RETIREMENT OF DOCUMENTS On receipt of the copy of lodgment voucher from the bank, the importer will deposit the required amount and taka delivery of the shipping documents. This stage is known as Retirement of Impart Bills. Before retirement of impart bills, the L/C opening bank will calculate the charges which are to be realized from the importer. Retirement vouchers to be prepared : Dr. Opener A/C Dr. Sunday Deposit A/C (Margin on L/C) Cr. PAD / Draft Amount Any other charges vouchers if necessary. 4.4 SCRUTINY OF DOCUMENTS The L/C opening bank being received the documents from the negotiated bank will scrutinize the documents with the respective L/C terms and condition. i) Forwarding schedule of Negotiating Bank - Whether there is any instruction. - Whether these instruction can be complied with. - whether the negotiating commission realised. ii) Bill of Exchange (Draft) - Whether it is drawn in order. - Whether the amount of draft corresponds with the L/C amount. - Draft amount should be equal or less than the L/C amount. - whether the date of the draft of the within the date as per L/C etc. iii) Bill of Lading (B/L) - Whether the B/L is clean i.e. there is no clause like some cartons are broken or any other clause. - Whether there is signature of shipping Authority. - Whether the date of B/L is within the date of shipment as per L/C. - Whether the freight is prepared or not as per L/C terms. - Whether the part of shipment and part of destination are similar as per L/C. - Whether the title of B/L belongs to L/C opening bank. - Whether the full sets of B/L dispatched by negotiating bank etc.
iv) Commercial Invoice - Whether the full particulars of goods have been incorporated. - Whether the amount of invoice corresponds with the amount of Bill of Exchange and as per the L/C terms. - Whether IRC No. LCA No etc. have been incorporated. - Whether it is signed by the beneficiary. v) Other Documents - Whether all other documents are prepared as per L/C. After scrutinization, the official concerned may found the following :i) Documents are in order i.e. no discrepancy. ii) Minor discrepancy-Acceptable to the importer. iii) Major discrepancy-May be acceptable to the Regulation or those are irremovable. After performing necessary formalities & entry in respective registers documents to be handed over to theimporter on proper acknowledgement after certification and endorsement of the documents. 4.5 MONTHLY RETURN On the last working day of the month returns of bills lodged during the month through IMP From to be sent to Foreign Exchange Department, Bangladesh Bank. 4.6 DISPOSAL OF IMP FORM Original = From L/C opening bank to Bangladesh Bank after lodgemtn of documents. Duplicate = To be filled by the L/C opening bank with exchange control copy of Bill of Entry submitted by the importer after clearance of the goods from the customs authority. Triplicate = Office copy of L/C opening bank. Quadruplicate = From L/C opening to Bangladesh Bank if the importer does retire the documents.