State of The Art IP

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[ Thoracic Oncology CHEST Reviews ]

State of the Art

Interventional Pulmonology
Momen M. Wahidi, MD; Felix J. F. Herth, MD; Alexander Chen, MD; George Cheng, MD; and Lonny Yarmus, DO

Interventional pulmonology (IP) has evolved over the past decade from an obscure subspe-
cialty in pulmonary medicine to a recognized discipline offering advanced consultative and
procedural services to patients with thoracic malignancy, anatomic airway disease, and pleural
disease. Innovative interventions are now also available for diseases not traditionally treated
procedurally, such as asthma and emphysema. The IP field has established certification ex-
aminations and training standards for IP training programs in an effort to enhance training
quality and ensure competency. Validating new technology and proving its cost-effectiveness
and effect on patient outcomes present the biggest challenge to IP as the health-care envi-
ronment marches toward value-based health care. High-quality research is now thriving in IP
and promises to elevate its practice into patient-centric evidence-based care.
CHEST 2020; 157(3):724-736

KEY WORDS: bronchoscopy; interventional pulmonology; lung biopsy; lung neoplasm

More than 10 years have passed since the rate to reach more than 40 available annual
initial publication on the state of the art in training positions; to ensure quality training,
interventional pulmonology (IP) in this the IP community standardized fellowship
journal.1 Much has changed in this past training and accreditation and created a
decade. IP is now a well-recognized board examination for certification.3-6
subspecialty of pulmonary medicine with a Innovations in IP have led to the
focus on advancing the care of patients with development of therapeutic options for
thoracic malignancy, airway disease, and benign and malignant disease. Novel
pleural disease via minimally invasive minimally invasive procedural interventions
techniques and innovative approaches.2 IP for asthma and COPD have been approved
training programs grew at an exponential by the Food and Drug Administration

ABBREVIATIONS: AABIP = American Association for Bronchology Care Medicine (Dr Herth), Thoraxklinik and Translational Lung
and Interventional Pulmonology; APC = argon plasma coagulation; Research Center, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; the
BLVR = bronchoscopic lung volume reduction; BTPNA = broncho- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (Dr Chen),
scopic transparenchymal nodule access; CAO = central airway Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO; and the
obstruction; CBCT = cone-beam CT; DNase = deoxyribonuclease; Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (Dr Yarmus), Johns
DPLD = diffuse parenchymal lung disease; EBUS = endobronchial Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
ultrasound; EC = electrocautery; EM = electromagnetic; ENB = elec- FUNDING/SUPPORT: The authors have reported to CHEST that no
tromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy; ETTNA = electromagnetic funding was received for this study.
guidance transthoracic needle aspiration; FDA = Food and Drug CORRESPONDENCE TO: Momen M. Wahidi, MD, Division of Pul-
Administration; IP = interventional pulmonology; IPC = indwelling monary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, Duke University Medical
pleural catheter; PT = percutaneous tracheostomy; R-EBUS = radial Center, Box 102356, Durham, NC 27710; e-mail: momen.wahidi@
EBUS; RFA = radiofrequency ablation; SLB = surgical lung biopsy;
TBNA = transbronchial needle aspiration; tPA = tissue plasminogen
activator Copyright Ó 2019 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
AFFILIATIONS: From the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical
Care Medicine (Drs Wahidi and Cheng), Duke University School of
Medicine, Durham, NC; the Department of Pneumology and Critical

724 CHEST Reviews [ 157#3 CHEST MARCH 2020 ]

(FDA) in the United States. Navigation and robotic- short (< 4 cm) and has confirmed aeration in lung areas
assisted bronchoscopy are in various phases of distal to it (on the basis of CT scanning or
development and promise to enhance the reach to bronchoscopic visualization). Although heat therapy can
peripheral lung targets for diagnosis and ablative be used to vaporize the tumor, it is used more
treatment. Clinical trials examining the management of commonly to coagulate the tumor before mechanical
pleural infections and malignancy have driven real resection to control bleeding. The neodymium:yttrium-
change in daily clinical practice. In this review, we aim aluminum-garnet laser was introduced in 1980s and has
to summarize recent developments, evolving been the main heat modality used in the airways.8
technologies, and future challenges in IP. However, its use has decreased over the past decade in
favor of other modalities. EC is a modality that uses an
Therapeutic Bronchoscopy electric probe to conduct an electric current to heat the
Therapeutic bronchoscopy is indicated for the relief of target tissue directly. EC is perceived as an alternative
central airway obstruction (CAO) located in large that is cheaper and easier to use than is laser and that
airways (trachea, mainstem bronchi, and bronchus also can be combined with accessories such as an EC
intermedius). The goal is to provide relief of symptoms knife and EC snare to provide effective ways to cut webs
or, occasionally, a lasting cure for early localized cancers or snare polypoid lesions, respectively.9-11 APC is an
(carcinoma in situ) or benign lesions. The main cause of alternative noncontact electrocoagulation technique in
CAO is malignancy (primary lung cancer or metastases which a high-frequency current meets with argon gas at
from extrathoracic cancers), but other nonmalignant the tip of probe to generate a plasma jet that heats tissue.
conditions can be seen (inflammatory, infectious or APC is predominantly a coagulation technique because
sequelae of artificial airways). Patients often present its depth of effect is limited to 1 to 3 mm. With all heat
initially with cough and exertional dyspnea, then modalities, there is the concern for airway ignition when
progress with increasing severity of obstruction to performed under high oxygen conditions. Thus,
resting dyspnea; stridor; hemoptysis; postobstructive decreasing the FIO2 to < 40% is recommended when
infections; and, ultimately, asphyxiation.7 heat ablative modalities are used.9,12

The specific intervention in the airways is tailored to the Cryotherapy started as a modality to destroy tissue by
type of airway lesion, generally divided into exophytic rapidly freezing it to a very cold temperature (< 40oC).
growth (intrinsic), extrinsic compression from adjacent However, it gradually fell out of favor because it required
growths, or a combination of both diseases. Mechanical repeated freeze and thaw cycles on the target lesion and
debridement and ablative therapy are most appropriate had delayed effects, making it unsuitable for rapid relief
for exophytic lesions, whereas bronchoplasty and stent of CAO. Instead, a new application of cryotherapy
placement are best suited for extrinsic compression. emerged. Cryoadhesion is a technique in which the cold
Rigid bronchoscopy is preferred over flexible temperature of the probe is used to adhere to the tissue,
bronchoscopy for therapeutic procedures because the with the probe then being abruptly withdrawn, thereby
rigid bronchoscope has a larger diameter that allows for retrieving the attached tissue. This technique can be
effective suctioning and the removal of large pieces of used to remove luminal tumor tissue (cryocanalization),
tissue, there is also the ability to ventilate through the blood clots, mucous plugs, or foreign objects.13,14
scope, and the barrel of the scope is useful in coring out
The data on the efficacy of ablative therapy in the
tissue and dilating stenoses. Most bronchoscopists use a
airways is limited but, overall, show a high success rate
combination of rigid and flexible bronchoscopic
in achieving luminal patency (> 90%), relief of shortness
techniques in which the flexible scope is used through
of breath and a low rate of complications.15-17 Figure 1
the rigid scope for better visualization of distal lesions or
illustrates a typical case of therapeutic bronchoscopy in
easier articulation in curved or tortuous airways.
Ablative Therapy: Laser, Electrocautery, Argon Other modalities, such as brachytherapy and
Plasma Coagulation, Cryotherapy photodynamic therapy, have a delayed therapeutic
Ablative therapy in the airway consists of both hot effect and often are not suitable for situations in which
(laser, electrocautery [EC], and argon plasma immediate relief of airway obstruction is desired. Both
coagulation [APC]) and cold (cryotherapy) modalities. modalities now are used less commonly because of cost,
The ideal lesion for ablative therapy is intraluminal and burdensome procedural steps, and unfavorable adverse 725
Figure 1 – Therapeutic bronchoscopy procedure images. A, A large, right mainstem bronchial mass. B, An electrocautery snare was first applied to the
mass and then detached the mass from its base. C and D, A cryotherapy probe then was used to adhere to and remove the mass. E and F, The residual
base of the mass was treated with touch cryotherapy.

event profiles (prolonged skin photosensitivity and fatal Mechanical Debridement and Bronchoplasty
hemoptysis in photodynamic therapy and massive Mechanical debridement of endobronchial lesions can
hemoptysis, radiation bronchitis, and airway stenosis in be achieved with flexible forceps, large rigid forceps, the
brachytherapy).18 beveled tip of the rigid scope, cryoavulsion or with the

726 CHEST Reviews [ 157#3 CHEST MARCH 2020 ]

use of a microdebrider. Debridement with flexible overgrowth, infections, granulation tissue formation,
forceps is most effective for smaller lesions in the distal and mucous plugs.26,27
airways because it could be quite time-consuming for
Bare metallic stents can embed quickly in normal
larger airway masses. Debridement with the beveled tip
mucosa and become difficult to remove, so they can
of the rigid scope is used in the central airways for
cause complications with consequences more dire than
lesions that are short with a clear distal lumen, although
those of the original airway disease. Therefore, it is not
caution must be exercised to avoid damage to the airway
advisable to place them for benign disorders for which
life expectancy is long; the FDA issued a black box
The microdebrider uses disposable rotating blades that warning cautioning against the use of metallic stents in
can shave and suction protuberant tissue. Advantages to patients with benign tracheal disorders.28
this method include its rapid action and the ability to
First generations of biodegradable stents, three-
debride and suction tissue at the same time. The main
dimensional printed tailored stents, and drug-coated or
limitations are the rigid shaft and short length of the
drug-delivering stents currently are being evaluated and
blades, which limit their maneuverability and access
have been used in small series. These options promise to
beyond the trachea and proximal mainstem bronchi.20
move IP into a personalized medicine approach in
Bronchoplasty, or bronchial dilatation, can be achieved which stents are tailored to an individual patient’s
with the barrel of the rigid scope or with balloons airway anatomy.29-31
inserted via the flexible scopes. It is most commonly
used for dilatation of stenotic airways or disruption of Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
webs related to nonmalignant causes of airway diseases.
This method generally leads to immediate relief of the Endobronchial Ultrasound
stenosis, but results are usually short-lived. Mucosal Convex endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) was first used
tears and minor bleeding are expected and common. in the airway in 2003 and has rapidly become the gold
Rupture of airways and vessels may occur if proper standard for mediastinal sampling.32 EBUS provides a
techniques are not followed.21 sonographic view that is parallel to the long axis of the
bronchoscope and allows for real-time visualization
Another technique commonly used for concentric
during transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) of
benign tracheal stenoses incorporates the use a
mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes and masses adjacent
neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser or EC to
to the airways (Fig 3). Since its introduction, the
produce radial cuts in the stenotic web. This technique is
evidence has been mounting for the superior
then followed by bronchoplasty. This combined
performance of this technology in sampling mediastinal
approach can result in mucosal sparing and potentially
and hilar lymph nodes and has led it largely to replace
more durable results.22
conventional TBNA and, to some extent,
Airway Stents
Multiple studies have illustrated that EBUS-TBNA has a
Reports of endoscopically implantable stents for the
pooled sensitivity of roughly 90% and specificity of
airways date back to 1914.23 The implantation of the
100% in the staging of non-small cell lung cancer.33 The
first dedicated silicone stent in the airway was reported
2013 CHEST lung cancer guidelines recommended
by Dumon in 1990.24 There are currently three types of
EBUS-TBNA over surgical staging as the initial test for
stents available: metallic (uncovered or partially
mediastinal staging of known or suspected lung
covered), silicone, and hybrid (silicon and metallic
cancer.33 EBUS-TBNA also has a similarly high yield for
elements). Airway stents are commonly used to treat
intrathoracic lymph nodal metastases from extrathoracic
patients with CAO due to extrinsic compression from a
variety of malignant and benign disorders.7 Stents
are effective and lead to relief of symptoms in CAO in Of equal importance, the EBUS-TBNA technique also
> 90% of patients (Fig 2).25 However, effects may not has been well proven to obtain tissue samples that are
be durable, and complications are not uncommon, adequate to perform molecular profiling for targeted
especially when stents are placed for benign disorders or therapies in lung cancer, with adequacy rates for testing
remain in place for an extended time.17 Complications that exceed 95%.34 A 2016 CHEST guideline statement
with airways stents include migration, tumor summarized best conditions and optimal technical 727
Figure 2 – Images of airway stent placement in a patient with a lung transplant. A, A complex mixed lesion identified in the right mainstem bronchus.
B, Bronchoplasty with a balloon. C, Proximal view of hybrid stent placed in the right mainstem bronchus. D, Distal view of airway stent with patency of
distal airways.

performance to achieve maximal diagnostic yield and

adequate tissue for various tests.35 Other studies have
shown that although the sensitivity of EBUS-TBNA for
pulmonary sarcoidosis is relatively high,36 it is lower for
the diagnosis of lymphoma (sensitivity of 55%).37

Peripheral Bronchoscopy
Substantial effort has been made toward advancing the
diagnostic yield of bronchoscopy for peripheral
pulmonary lesions. A 2012 meta-analysis inclusive of
more than 3,000 patients suggested that the diagnostic
yield of guided bronchoscopy for peripheral lesions was
approximately 70% regardless of the method used.38
However, more recent data, including a prospective
study of more than 600 patients undergoing guided
bronchoscopy for peripheral lesions, revealed that
Figure 3 – Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle procedures were nondiagnostic in more than 40% of
aspiration image of the left interlobar lymph node (station 11L). A
needle is visible within the lymph node, which is surrounded by lung
patients.39 Therefore, efforts continue to determine the
tissue. true diagnostic yield of advanced guided procedures and

728 CHEST Reviews [ 157#3 CHEST MARCH 2020 ]

the optimal application of these techniques to improve of approximately 40% when an eccentric view is
diagnostic yields in the periphery. obtained.42
Ultrathin bronchoscopy is the use of smaller Electromagnetic (EM) navigation bronchoscopy (ENB)
bronchoscopes to facilitate improved access to the lung describes image guidance systems that manipulate thin-
periphery. Oki and colleagues40 performed a prospective section CT images to create virtual airway
randomized controlled trial comparing the use of a 4- reconstructions that are used as maps during
mm-outer-diameter thin bronchoscope and guide bronchoscopy. ENB systems also incorporate sensors
sheath with an ultrathin 3-mm-outer-diameter that are tracked within an EM field during procedures.
bronchoscope with a 1.7-mm working channel for the The patient’s airway reconstructions and sensors are
diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary lesions. Both arms aligned using automated or manual registration
used radial EBUS (R-EBUS) and virtual bronchoscopic algorithms, and the bronchoscopist is provided with a
navigation, and the authors demonstrated a statistically pathway to peripheral lesions, as well the ability to
significant increase in the diagnostic yield with use of the follow the location within the EM field. Experience using
3-mm bronchoscope (74% vs 59%; P ¼ .044), as well as ENB systems has enhanced the understanding of the
increased peripheral reach by approximately one lung periphery during procedures, most notably the
generation of bronchus.40 dynamic nature of the lung with respiration. One study
quantified movement of peripheral lesions between full
R-EBUS uses a small, radial scanning ultrasound probe
inspiration at CT scanning and end-exhalation during
that is inserted through the bronchoscope’s working
tidal volume breathing in which peripheral lesions
channel and into the lung parenchyma. One
moved approximately 24 mm in the lower lobes and
contribution of this technology has been the discovery
11 mm in the upper lobes, although the clinical effect of
that successful biopsies in the periphery are contingent
this remains unclear.41 A recent multicenter registry
on overcoming multiple variables. A large retrospective
revealed a 12-month diagnostic yield of ENB of 73%.43
study demonstrated that despite successful R-EBUS
confirmation of peripheral lesions in 446 of 467 (96%) of EM guidance has been applied to transthoracic
patients, the diagnostic yield in this population was approaches. This approach has been used previously for
69%.41 This disconnect between localization and liver biopsies and more recently has been applied to the
successful biopsy may be explained by anatomic lung. A feasibility study in which EM guidance
relationships in the periphery. A concentric transthoracic needle aspiration (ETTNA) was performed
ultrasonographic view indicates that the peripheral using EM guidance for peripheral lesions in 24 patients
lesion surrounds the bronchus, whereas an eccentric achieved a diagnosis in 20 of the 24 (83%) patients, with
view indicates that the lesion is positioned adjacent to a pneumothorax rate of 21%, and 2 patients (8%)
the bronchus (Fig 4). When a concentric view is required tube thoracostomy.42 The combined approach
obtained, the diagnostic yield of procedures with use of of mediastinal staging by using EBUS-TBNA, ENB, and
R-EBUS exceeds 80%, compared with diagnostic yields ETTNA in suspected cases of early stage lung cancer

Figure 4 – Radial endobronchial ultrasonographic images of lung nodules. A, A concentric view indicates that the peripheral lesion surrounds the
bronchus. B, An eccentric view indicates that the lesion is positioned adjacent to the bronchus. 729
currently is being investigated in a prospective, large, 50% of patients.47,49 Early spontaneous pleurodesis with
multicenter study. an IPC decreases supply cost and risks of catheter failure
and infection and achieves the patient’s freedom from a
Bronchoscopic transparenchymal nodule access
catheter.50 Hence, there have been efforts to understand
(BTPNA) is a procedure in which navigational software
factors that promote the rate of spontaneous
is used to construct a direct pathway from a proximal
pleurodesis. In a multicenter, randomized, single-
bronchus through lung parenchyma to access peripheral
blinded trial, patients who underwent daily drainage had
lesions. Once the pathway has been constructed, the
a 24% increase in the spontaneous pleurodesis rate,
bronchoscopist uses a needle and dilation balloon to
occurring 36 days earlier when compared with
tunnel through pulmonary parenchyma to the
every-other day drainage.51 In a similar effort, the
peripheral lesion. A feasibility study in using BTPNA in
IPC-PLUS study evaluated the addition of talc slurry
12 patients undergoing planned resection for possible
through an IPC compared with use of an IPC alone; the
early stage lung cancer obtained a diagnosis in 10 (83%),
authors demonstrated a 20% improvement in the
and subsequent evaluation of the resected lung did not
pleurodesis rate with talc slurry through an IPC within
show any immediate complications.44 Additional studies
the first 5 weeks, without any additional adverse events
of BTPNA are ongoing and are warranted to validate the
in the outpatient setting.52
safety and efficacy of this approach.
Pleural infections (empyema or complex parapneumonic
Cone-beam CT (CBCT) scanning, a compact CT
effusion) are commonly encountered in clinical practice.
scanning system with a moving C-arm, can be used
The mainstay of therapy used to consist of antibiotics,
intraprocedurally during bronchoscopy to provide real-
drainage of the infected pleural space with tube
time confirmation of biopsy device location. A
thoracostomy, and possibly surgical decortication. The
prospective study of bronchoscopy with a thin
landmark Multi-Centre Intrapleural Sepsis Trial 2
bronchoscope, R-EBUS, and CBCT scanning in 20
demonstrated that twice-a-day intrapleural sequential
patients showed that post-CBCT scanning maneuvers
administration of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and
(redirecting sampling tools to the lesion based on CBCT
deoxyribonuclease (DNase) improved fluid drainage in
images) increased the diagnostic yield from 50% to 70%;
infected pleural effusions, reduced surgical referrals, and
the mean estimated effective dose of radiation to
decreased hospital stay.53 More recent studies aiming at
patients from CBCT scanning ranged from 8.6 to 23
reducing the complexity of the treatment regimen have
mSv.45 The body of evidence about CBCT scanning is
showed that concurrent instillation of tPA and DNase
slim but promising; its added value and safety need to be
could be as safe and as effective.54,55 A 2017
confirmed with larger prospective studies. However,
observational trial showed that starting with a reduced
adoption of CBCT scanning may be low given its cost
dose of intrapleural tPA (5 mg) and DNase (5 mg) in
and lack of availability in most endoscopy suites.
treating pleural infection is feasible,56 although
prospective comparative trials are needed to confirm
Pleural Interventions whether these modified schedules of administrations can
Pleural procedures ranging from pleural ultrasound be validated.
to medical thoracoscopy remained an active area for
Medical thoracoscopy or pleuroscopy has a diagnostic
research and clinical development in the past decade.
yield > 95% when used to evaluate lymphocytic
Indwelling pleural catheters (IPCs) have gained
exudative effusions without a clear cause (Fig 5).57 Since
tremendous popularity and have been declared by
its introduction, the procedure has evolved such that it
evidence-based guidelines to be as acceptable as
now is performed with the patient under moderate
chemical pleurodesis for the management of
sedation and as an outpatient treatment with excellent
symptomatic malignant pleural effusions.46 When
outcome.58,59 Narrow-band imaging and tissue
comparing IPCs and pleurodesis via talc slurry, two
autofluorescence have been used in pleuroscopy to
multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled trials
assess the pleura for targeted biopsy quickly.60,61
demonstrated that IPCs effectively relieved dyspnea and
Techniques to facilitate larger pleural biopsies by using a
decreased hospital stay and need for future
diathermy knife, hybrid knife, and cryobiopsy have been
described.62-64 None of the mentioned techniques have
Early data showed that the use of an IPC can lead to yet been validated with comparative trials to assess their
spontaneous pleurodesis, albeit often delayed, in up to added clinical value.

730 CHEST Reviews [ 157#3 CHEST MARCH 2020 ]

Figure 5 – Medical thoracoscopy images obtained in a patient with recurrent exudative pleural effusion with negative cytologic findings. A, View of
thoracic cavity with abnormal nodules on the parietal pleura. B, Close-up of abnormal parietal nodules; biopsy results revealed metastatic melanoma.

Percutaneous Tracheostomy sampling instruments. Two separate systems have

Dilatational percutaneous tracheostomy (PT) has demonstrated the safety and feasibility of performing
become the technique of choice for performing peripheral lesion biopsy in a small cohort of
tracheostomy in patients in the ICU. Advantages of PT patients.68,69 One additional study showed that the reach
over surgical tracheostomy include simpler technique, of a robotic endoscopic system in human cadaveric
smaller incision, less tissue trauma, lower incidence of lungs was greater than that of a conventional thin
wound infection, lower incidence of peristomal bleeding, bronchoscope of identical caliber (4.2 mm).70 Additional
decreased morbidity from patient transfer, and cost- studies are currently underway to explore further the
effectiveness. A meta-analysis comparing complications usefulness of these systems for peripheral lesion
of PT with those of surgical tracheostomy in patients biopsy.71 Given its high cost, robotic bronchoscopy’s
who are critically ill confirmed that both techniques led added value in clinical practice needs to be validated
to similar outcomes, with a trend toward fewer rigorously before it becomes mainstream.
complications with PT and more cost-effectiveness.65
Endobronchial Intratumoral Chemotherapy
Another potential advantage of PT is that it can be
performed by physicians from multiple different Endobronchial intratumoral chemotherapy is an
subspecialties, including those without traditional intervention aimed at improving or maintaining airway
surgical training, in a safe and effective manner and may patency in patients with malignant airway obstruction,
improve patient access and decrease time to with the potential to eliminate the need for airway stent
tracheostomy.66 Preparation, performance, and placement and its associated complications. In a recent
postoperative management for PT are provided best by a pilot study using a microneedle injection catheter
multidisciplinary team, which has been shown to designed to optimize drug delivery in the airway wall
improve quality of care by decreasing the incidence of after airway recanalization, the injection of paclitaxel
tracheostomy complications and improving time to was both feasible and safe; none of the patients who
tracheostomy, duration of procedure, and received the drug injection had evidence of restenosis
postprocedural ICU stay.67 during subsequent procedures or a clinical need for an
airway stent.72 Additional studies are needed to assess
New Developments and Concepts the long-term effects of endobronchial intratumoral
Robotic-assisted bronchoscopic platforms are currently Ablation
under investigation for peripheral lesion biopsy. These Bronchoscopic ablation of early stage lung cancer long
systems attempt to offer extended distal access and has been described as the holy grail of bronchoscopy
enhanced articulation and stability of peripheral because of the appeal of diagnosing, staging, and treating 731
biopsy-proven early stage lung cancer in one procedural cancer must be proven in longitudinal studies (at least 5
setting. Limited experience with bronchoscopic years) demonstrating noninferiority in survival
radiofrequency ablation (RFA) exists, focusing mainly compared with that of the current gold standard of
on feasibility and safety.73,74 A longer-term study that stereotactic body radiation therapy.
treated 20 patients with nonsurgical early stage lung
cancer with bronchoscopic RFA illustrated a local Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction
control rate of 82.6%, median progression-free survival
During the past decade, several bronchoscopic
of 35 months, and 5-year overall survival of 61.5%; three
therapeutic modalities have been tested in patients with
patients required hospitalization for acute ablation-
severe emphysema to mimic the physiologic effects of
related reaction (fever, chest pain), and all improved
surgical lung volume reduction in a less invasive fashion.
with conservative treatment.75
Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) via valve
Bronchoscopic microwave ablation also has been placement is a technique that was approved in the
proposed as a potential means to treat early stage lung United States by the FDA in 2018 (Fig 6). This approach
cancer. Bronchoscopic microwave ablation therapy has involves placement of one-way valves in the most
potential advantages over RFA, such as decreased destructed lung lobe, allowing air and mucus to exit and
treatment time and less susceptibility to the blocking air entry to achieve lobar collapse. The biggest
thermodilution generated by the heat sink effect of the challenge to this approach is the network of collateral
circulation in adjacent vasculature.76 Limited experience ventilation that may be connecting the target lobe to
has been reported using bronchoscopic microwave adjacent lobes, rendering anatomic airway blockage
therapy, and a pilot study was halted secondary to safety ineffective. Overcoming this obstacle requires assessing
concerns (NCT03603652), which highlights the critical collateral ventilation via chest CT scanning (on the basis
importance of rigorous protocol design and of the completeness of the fissures separating adjacent
implementation. Ultimately, the efficacy of lobes) or bronchoscopic measurement of the airflow of
bronchoscopic ablation of early stage nonoperable lung the occluded bronchus of the target lobe. Several clinical

Figure 6 – Images of bronchoscopic lung volume reduction with valves. A, Placement of Spiration valve (Olympus) in the apicoposterior segment of the
left upper lobe (LUL). B, Placement of Spiration valve in the anterior segment of the LUL. C, Placement of Zephyr valve (Pulmonx) in the apicoposterior
segment of the LUL. D, Placement of Zephyr valve in the anterior segment of the LUL.

732 CHEST Reviews [ 157#3 CHEST MARCH 2020 ]

trials on BLVR with valves have demonstrated of this procedure.84 Although cryobiopsy has great
improvements in lung function, as well as overall potential, questions remain about optimal procedural
improvement in quality of life and exercise tolerance.77 technique, patient selection, and safety profile;
However, these benefits came at the cost of a additional studies are needed to understand its role fully.
pneumothorax rate of 14.2% to 26.6%.78 An American College of Chest Physicians evidence-
based guideline has been recently published to help
Although BLVRs are approved in the treatment of patients
standardize the practice and techniques of cryobiopsy.82
with severe emphysema, caution should be exercised in
careful patient selection and attentive postprocedural care.
Bronchial Thermoplasty
Realistic expectations should be set with physicians and
patients because the benefits of this approach are variable Bronchial thermoplasty is a bronchoscopic treatment for
in magnitude and durability is unknown. patients with severe persistent asthma who continue to
have symptoms despite maximal medical treatment.85 It
deploys RFA energy to the airways to reduce their
smooth muscle mass. RFA is delivered via a flexible
Cryobiopsy is a new technique in which the cryotherapy basket during a series of three bronchoscopies separated
probe is extended into the periphery of the lung, cooled by 2-week intervals. A pivotal randomized clinical trial
for a few seconds to cause lung tissue to adhere to its tip, did not show a change in FEV1 or airway
and then removed along with the adherent tissue to hyperresponsiveness but was able to demonstrate an
obtain a large piece of lung tissue with minimal crush improvement in quality of life and reduction in
artifact. Cryobiopsy has shown benefit in establishing exacerbation rate, visits to the ED, and days lost from
the diagnosis in diffuse parenchymal lung disease school or work.86 A subsequent trial was able to confirm
(DPLD) for which traditional transbronchial lung biopsy that these benefits are sustainable through 3 years from
has performed poorly and surgical lung biopsy (SLB) has procedure performance (studies with longer follow-up
had a high complication rate. A specific pathologic are ongoing).87 Bronchial thermoplasty has had low
diagnosis was obtained in 87% of a large cohort of adoption in the medical community in the United States
patients with DPLD.79 A recent study cast some doubt because of continued debate about its efficacy and denial
on the usefulness of cryobiopsy by comparing it with of coverage by numerous insurers.
SLB performed sequentially in one procedure in 21
patients with DPLD; the study results showed poor Training and Certification
concordance between the two modalities, with SLB being
IP practice encompasses advanced skills and requires
more frequently concordant with the final diagnosis as
interventions in potentially life-threatening situations.
agreed on by a multidisciplinary team.80 In addition to
This complexity has made it clear that a dedicated year of
DPLD, reports on cryobiopsy usefulness in cancer, after
training in consultative and procedural IP is required to
lung transplant, and in immunocompromised hosts are
prepare the learner for safe and effective clinical practice.
emerging. Early experience with cryobiopsy was fraught
with a high complication rate and even death.81 Although all pulmonologists learn about the evaluation
and management of lung nodules and pleural disease,
However, other clinicians have used safer techniques by
dedicated IP training increases this disease-specific
using endotracheal tubes or rigid scopes, placing
knowledge base.5 Furthermore, the number of advanced
endobronchial blockers, using short freezing times of 3 to
procedures offered by general pulmonary and critical
5 s, using fluoroscopy, and maintaining a 1-cm safe
care fellowship programs do not meet prior
distance from the pleura. Pneumothorax and severe
recommendations by the American Thoracic Society
bleeding are now estimated to occur at 9.5% and 1.1%,
and American College of Chest Physicians, whereas IP
respectively.82 A 2016 study investigating a
fellowship programs far outreach these numbers. In
minicryoprobe that can acquire samples through the
addition to dedicated training, skills assessment tools
working channel of a bronchoscope showed preservation
have been developed and validated to distinguish novice
of histologic quality with the promise of improved safety
vs intermediate vs expert skill levels appropriately in
in an animal model, with human trials underway.83
selected procedures such as EBUS and rigid
In 2018, an international conference on transbronchial bronchoscopy.88,89 IP is not recognized as a distinct
cryobiopsy published an expert statement on its safety specialty by the American Board of Medical Specialties,
and usefulness, including a call for the standardization but the American Association for Bronchology and 733
Interventional Pulmonology (AABIP) has developed procedure competency, standardized curricula, and
and conducted annual certifying examinations in IP certification examinations, we must ensure that the
since 2013. Starting in 2017, completing 1 year of training for and practice of IP are grounded in evidence-
dedicated fellowship training in IP became a mandatory based medicine.
prerequisite for AABIP certification. That same year, the
Association of Interventional Pulmonary Program
Directors partnered with the AABIP, American Thoracic IP provides diagnostic and therapeutic options that span
Society, American College of Chest Physicians, and the spectrum of benign and malignant airway and
Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine pleural disorders. The constant innovations in
Program Directors to publish a consensus statement diagnostic and treatment modalities have continued to
defining minimum training standards for IP fellowship energize the field and further push the boundary of
programs.3 pulmonary medicine.
IP has gained recognition and interest from the medical
Challenges and Future Directions community and the public, and providers must strive to
IP, by the nature of its procedural focus, leads the way in practice evidence-based medicine supported by high-
innovation by challenging the status quo and seeking quality research and best-practice guidelines. The future
novel approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of is both exciting and challenging.
ailments afflicting a typically vulnerable and frail patient
population. With that privilege and enthusiasm comes a Acknowledgments
Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: The authors have reported to
great responsibility. First, IP has the scientific and moral CHEST the following: M. M. W. has served as a consultant to Boston
obligation to validate new technology. The 510(k) FDA Scientific; Nuvaira Inc; Olympus Corporation; and Veracyte, Inc and
has served as a reviewer on the Data Safety Monitoring Board for CSA
clearance pathway allows new medical devices with no Medical Inc. F. J. F. H. has served as a consultant to Broncus Medical,
substantial data to be used in patients as long as the Inc; BTG plc; Olympus Corporation; Pulmonx Inc; and Uptake
devices are shown to be substantially equivalent to a Medical and has received research funding from them. A. C. has served
as a consultant to Auris Health, Inc; Boston Scientific; and Olympus
currently FDA-approved device. This option is a Corporation and has received research funding from Auris Health, Inc;
blessing and a curse. The blessings come from the Boston Scientific; Olympus Corporation; and Veran Medical
Technologies. G. C. has served as a consultant to Boston Scientific;
acceleration of technology access for patients in need, Medtronic plc; Pinnacle Biologics, Inc; and Restor3D and has received
but the perils come from the relaxed requirement for research funding from Intuitive Surgical Inc and Pinnacle Biologics,
Inc. L. Y. has served as a consultant to AstraZeneca; Boston Scientific;
generation of data to prove safety and efficacy. Olympus Corporation; Veracyte, Inc; and Veran Medical Technologies.

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