MBA Syllabus Fourth Semester - 115236

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Fourth Semester

Sl. No Course Title Credit
1 SB20535 Research Project 9
2 Major Elective 1 3
3 Major Elective 2 3
4 Minor Elective 1 3
5 Minor Elective 2 3

Marketing Specialization

Sl No Course Code Course Title Credit

1 SB20556 Rural Marketing 3

2 SB20557 International marketing 3
Finance Specialization

Sl No Course Code Course Title Credit

1 SB20566 Project Finance 3

2 SB20567 Mergers and Acquisitions 3
HRM Specialization

Sl No Course Code Course Title Credit

1 SB20577 Organizational Development 3
2 SB20578 Performance and Compensation Management 3
Operations Specialization

Sl No Course Code Course Title Credit

1 SB20586 Business Process Modelling 3

2 SB20587 Strategic Cost Management 3

The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business

SB20556: Rural Marketing 3 (3-0) Semester IV

Rationale: This course is designed to provide insights about the developments taking place in
rural India along with the opportunities and challenges that lies ahead. It emphasizes on the value
at the Bottom of the Pyramid and the changing dynamics of the rural market.

Catalog Description: Introduction, Rural Marketing Environment, Product Strategy, Pricing

Strategy, Distribution in Rural Markets, Communication Strategies for Rural Markets, Rural
Services Marketing

Pre-requisite: Basic Marketing Concepts

Course Outline:
Unit 1: Introduction

Concept of Bottom of Pyramid (BOP), BOP as future growth option, Defining Rural
Markets in India, Rural Market: Myths and Reality, The Evolving Rural Consumer, Rural
Marketing Mix Challenges (4 A’s)

Unit 2: Rural Marketing Environment

The Rural Environment of India, The Rural Economic Environment and Structure, Rural
Markets as the nest growth drivers, Rural Consumer Behavior, Segmenting and Targeting
the Rural Market, Rural Market Research and its Importance, Case Study

Unit 3: Product Strategy

Overcoming Acceptability, The Product Concept and Classification of Rural Products,

Product Decisions and Strategies, Product Branding in Rural Markets, Packaging for Rural
Markets, New Product Development in Rural Markets, Case Study

Unit 4: Pricing Strategy

Overcoming Affordability, Pricing in Rural India, Setting the Price for Rural Products and
Services, Price Setting Strategies, Case Study

Unit 5: Distribution in Rural Markets

Challenges in Rural Distribution, Rural Distribution Channel, Channel Behavior in Rural

Areas, Rural Centric Distribution Models, Rural Retail Environment and Organized
Retailing, Case Study
Unit 6: Communication Strategies for Rural Markets
Challenges in Rural Communication, Developing an Effective Rural Communication
Strategy, Creating Advertisements for Rural Audiences, Changing means of Rural
Communication, Case Study
Unit 7: Rural Services Marketing

Importance of Service Sector in Rural India, Role of IT in Rural Services, Current

Developments taking place in Rural Services Sectors like-Telecommunications, Banking
and Financial Services, Health Care etc.

Laboratory Session: N/A. However, this course may involve field work and projects.

Rural Marketing (2nd Edition) by Pradeep Kashyap, Pearson

Reference Books:
1. We Are Like That Only by Rama Bijapurkar, Penguin Portfolio
2. Rural Marketing by Dogra & Ghuman, Tata McGraw Hill
3. The Marketing Whitebook 2010-2-11, a Businessworld Publication


Journals and Magazines:

1. Article of MART Knowledge Center
2. Journals available in EBSCO

Grading System: The final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Internal
Evaluation (30%), End term exam (70%).

Course Instructor(s):

Academic Council Approval:

The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business

SB20557: International Marketing 3 (3-0) Semester IV

Rationale: This course is designed to understand the macro aspects of marketing in the global
arena. It provides insights about the diversity of market dynamics, business policies etc across
various geographies. It provides ideas about the challenges a marketer faces while preparing
strategies for the international operations.

Catalog Description: Marketing across Borders, International Market Entry & Development,
Export marketing mix, Global marketing mix, Barriers and Enablers in International Marketing &

Pre-requisite: Basic Concepts of marketing, and business strategy

Course Outline:

UNIT I: Marketing across Borders:

The global marketing imperative and environment, Geographical perspectives &

international marketing, Trade institutions, blocs, and trade policies, PESTLE and their
dynamics, Differences between markets

UNIT II: International Market Entry & Development

Strategic Planning, Planning, organization, research, implementation & control,

Information sources, Structure of a country commercial guide

UNIT III: Export marketing mix

Standardization, Adaptation, Pricing, Communication, Distribution – direct & indirect,

UNIT IV: Global marketing mix

Global products & services, Brand building – global vs local

UNIT V: Barriers and Enablers in International Marketing & Trade

Tariff & non-tariff barriers, Trade agreements, blocs, and unions, Joint venture, strategic
investment partners, Foreign direct investment
Other Sessions: This course will involve extensive case analysis in classrooms and also via
presentations and assignments.

Textbook (either of):

 International Marketing, Vasudeva, Excel Books OR
 International Marketing, Czinkota, Ronkainen, Cengage Learning

Reference Books:
 Case studies on International Marketing, ICFAI Books


Grading System: The final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Internal
Evaluation (30%), End term exam (70%).

Course Instructor(s):

Academic Council Approval:

The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business
SB20566: Project Finance 3 (3-0) Semester IV
Rationale: The objective of this course is to enable students in understanding the constituents of
a project and the process of identifying those. This course attempts to improve the ability of
assessing the viability of project. This would make the students acquainted with the planning and
monitoring of project. This would also enable the students in developing financial structure of a
project and making the financial arrangement for it.
Catalog Description: Introduction, Project appraisal, Financial appraisal, Cash flow, Project
financing, Risk analysis in capital budgeting, Project planning & scheduling, Project audit, Project
cost estimation, Recent.

Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of Financial Management and Accounting.

Course Outline:
UNIT I: Introduction:

Definition, characteristics of Project management, role of project manager, Project

organization, Project identification

UNIT II: Project Appraisal:

Technical, commercial, managerial appraisal Detailed Project Report, Economic appraisal,

UNIT III: Financial appraisal:

Capital budgeting decision & Techniques of evaluationNPV, IRR, Modified IRR, Capital

UNIT IV: Cash flow:

Projected financial statement, Projecting cash flows, Matching cash flow & discount rate
UNIT V: Project financing:

Sources of Finance, Role of Financial Institutions

UNIT VI: Risk analysis in capital budgeting:

Sensitivity analysis, Scenario analysis, Simulation, Decision tree

UNIT VII: Project planning &scheduling:

Scheduling techniques- PERT, CPM, Crashing project time.

UNIT VIII: Project audit:

Objective, types of audit, Phases of post audit, Study of sample audit report

UNIT IX: Project cost estimation:

Components of capital cost, Working capital requirement, Working capital management, and
Bank norms for financing working capital

UNIT X: Recent:

Effect of inflation on financial appraisal, CAPM – Computer Aided Project Management

1. Case Study
2. Sample Project Proposal

Laboratory Session: N/A. However, this course may involve projects, computer assignments and
other hands-on activities required to develop skill sets and tools kits necessary for employability.

1. Project Management- Prasanna Chandra, TATA McgrawHill
2. A Guide to PMBOOK – Project Management Institute (e-book)
Grading System: The final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Internal
Evaluation (30%), End term exam (70%).
Course Instructor(s):

Academic Council Approval:

The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business

SB20567: Mergers and Acquisitions 3 (3-0) Semester IV

Rationale: The objective of this course is to help student in understanding the importance of
mergers and acquisitions as strategic step to achieve synergy; it would also endeavour to
familiarize them with various aspects of takeover defense, including their valuation.
Catalog Description: The Mergers and Acquisitions Overview, Economic rationale for major
types of mergers, Principles of Valuation: Capital budgeting definition and measurement of cash
flows, Theories of mergers, Illustrations of spin-offs and divestitures, International mergers and
acquisitions, takeover defenses.

Pre-requisite: Basic understanding of corporate affairs and strategy

Course Outline:
UNIT I: Mergers and Acquisitions Overview:
Introduction, Forms of Corporate Restructuring, Expansion, Mergers and Acquisitions,
Tender Offers, Joint Ventures, Selloffs, Spin offs, Split offs, Split ups, Divestitures,
Equity Carve outs, Corporate Control, Premium Buy-backs, Standstill Agreements, Anti-
Takeover Amendments, Proxy Contests, Changes in Ownership Structures,
Share Repurchases, Exchange Offers, Leveraged Buy-out, Going Private, Issue,
Raised by Restructuring - History of Merger Movements.
UNIT II: Economic Rationale for Major Types of Mergers

Horizontal Mergers, Vertical Mergers, Conglomerate Mergers, Concentric Mergers,

Organization Learning and Organization Capital, The Role of Industry Life Cycle,
Product Life Cycle and Merger Types

UNIT III: Principles of Valuation:

Capital Budgeting Definition, Measurement of Cash Flows, Capital Budgeting,

Basis for Firm Valuation, Definitions for Valuation Analysis, Application of
Capital Budgeting Basis, Four Period Case, Free Cash Flow Basis for Valuation, The No
Growth Case, Constant Growth, Supernormal Growth followed by No Growth, Super
normal Growth followed by Constant Growth, Dividend Growth Valuation Model,
Comparisons of Valuation Models. Increasing the Value of the Organization: Alternat
ive Measures of Investment Rate, application of Total Capitalization and EBIT
Measures, Operating Assets, NOI Measure, Calculation of the Cost of Capital,
Cost of Equity, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Bond Yield Plus Equity Risk Premium,
Average Investor’s Realized Yield, Dividend Growth Model, Cost of Debt,
Cost of Preferred Stock, The Marginal Cost of Capital.
UNIT IV: Theories of Mergers:

Efficiency Theories, Differential Efficiency, Operating Synergy, Pure Diversification,

Financial Synergy, Strategic Realignment to Changing Environments, National and
International cases, Overvaluation and Undervaluation, Information and Signaling,
Agency Problems and Managerialism, Takeovers as a Solution to Agency Problems,
Managerialism, Hubris Hypothesis, The Free Cash Flow Hypothesis, Statement of the
Hypothesis, Evidence on the FCFH .

UNIT V: Illustrations of Spinoffs:

Divestitures, Voluntary Liquidations and Takeover Bust-ups, Joint Ventures,

Joint Ventures in Business Strategy, Joint Ventures and Complex Learning, Tax Aspects
of Joint Ventures, International Joint Ventures, Rationale for Joint Ventures,
Reasons for Failure, Joint Ventures and Anti-trust Policy,
Divestment of Public Sector Undertakings and Leveraged Buy-outs,
General Economic and Financial Factors, illustration of an LBO,
Elements of a Typical LBO Operation, ESOPs and MLPs, Nature and History of ESOPs,
Types of Pension Plans Use of ESOPs Master Limited Partnerships.

UNIT VI: International Mergers and Acquisitions:

The Theory of the MNE, Reasons for International Trade, Growth Technology,
External Advantages in Differential Products, Government Policy, Exchange Rates,
Political and Economic Stability, Differential Labour Costs, Productivity of Labour,
To Follow Clients, Diversification Resources Poor Domestic Economy.

UNIT VII: Takeover Defenses:

Antitakeover Amendments, Types of Antitakeover Amendment, Regulatory framework:

Company law, cross border, income tax and monopolies competition commission, Current

Laboratory Session: N/A. However, this course may involve projects, computer assignments and
other hands-on activities required to develop skill sets and tools kits necessary for employability.

Textbook: Mergers and Acquisitions, Kavita Shetty, Sharad R. Kale, Rajinder S. Aurora, OUP
Reference Books:
1. Mergers & Acquisitions Weston, Fred. McGraw Hill - 2001(2011 Reprint)
2. M&A and Corporate Restructuring, 4 th e Vaughan, Patrick A. Wiley - 2007
3. Mergers and Acquisitions, Strategy, Valuation and Integration, Kamal Ghosh Ray,
Prentice Hall of India, 2010
4. The Complete Guide to
Mergers and Acquisitions: Process Tools to Support M&A Integration at Every Level, 2n
d ed, Galpin, Timothy J. / Herndon, Mark. Jossey- Bass - 2007
5. Damodaran on Valuation, 2nd ed, Damodaran, Ashwath. John Wiley - 2006

Journals and Magazines:
1. Cygnus
2. Journals available in EBSCO

Grading System: The final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Internal
Evaluation (30%), End term exam (70%).

Course Instructor(s):

Academic Council Approval:

The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business
SB20577: Organizational Development 3 (3-0) Semester IV
Rationale: Organizational Development is planned way of bringing about improvement, enhance
production and overall effectiveness in an organization. The focus of the subject is to optimize
individual, group and organizational effectiveness and encourage every individual to improve their
own functioning continuously.
Catalog Description: Organizational Transformation, T-Group, Survey Research, Survey
Feedback Stem, Laboratory Training Stem, Foundations of OD, Systems Theory, Socio-Technical
Theory, Other Theories, Teams and team dynamics, Team and empowerment
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge about human resource management and change management
Course Outline:
UNIT I: Organizational Development an introduction:
Organizational transformation, Learning organization, History of OD in India

UNIT II: Laboratory training & T-group:

T-Group, Tannenbaum, Argyris & McGregor, Blake-Mouton, Survey Research, Feedback
Stem, Laboratory Training Stem, Survey Feedback Stem

UNIT III: Foundation of OD:

Kurt Lewin Theory, Systems Theory, Lippit, Watson & Westley theory, Socio-Technical
Systems Theory, Open Systems Thinking, Participation & Empowerment , Teams &
Teamwork, Parallel Learning Structures

UNIT IV: Managing OD process

Components of the OD process, Phases of OD Programs, Analyzing discrepancies, Model for
Managing Change, Six Box model

UNIT V: Developing OD intervention:

Beckhard’s Confrontation Meeting, Stream Analysis, Survey Feedback, Grid Organization
Development, Schein’s Cultural Analysis
UNIT VI: Applicability of OD:
Self-managed teams: problems in implementation, Work Redesign & Reengineering, MBO &
Appraisal, Quality Circles & Quality of Work Life

UNIT VII: Action research & OD:

Process & Approach of Action Research
UNIT VIII: Power, politics & OD:
Ethics of Power & Politics, Bases of power, Analyzing Power & Politics, Acquiring & using
the Power Skills, Planned Change in Power & Politics

UNIT IX: Evaluation of OD:

Problems with external validity, lack of theory & measuring attitude change

UNIT X: Future of OD
Fundamental Strength of OD, Leadership & Values, Integrative Practice, Mergers-

Laboratory Session: N/A. However, this course may involve field work, projects, computer
assignments and other activities to facilitate learning and skill development.
Textbook: Organization Development; French & Bell (Main Textbook)
Reference Books:
1. Organization Development by V G Kondalkar- New Age International Publication
2. Organization Development by S Ramnarayan & T.V Rao
3. Organization Development & Change by Cummings & Worley (7th edition)
4. Surviving Tomorrow: Turnaround strategies in Organisation Design & Development by
Rajiv Shaw- Vikas Publishing House
5. Organizational Development by Wendell L French, Cecil H Bell, Jr, and Veena Borah-
Sixth Edition, Pearson Publication
Grading System: The final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Internal
Evaluation (30%), End term exam (70%)
Course Instructor(s)
Academic Council Approval
The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business
SB20578: Performance and Compensation Management 3 (3-0) Semester IV
Rationale: The performance and compensation management ensures that the recruited workforce
sustain and enjoy working in the organization. The three functions collectively ensure that there is
a stable, productive and motivated workforce which every organization desires to have.
Catalog Description: Performance and compensation Management: Introduction to performance
appraisal and performance management, techniques of performance appraisal, 360 degree
appraisal, problems and basics of performance management, Remuneration and compensation,
Concepts of wages, Theories and model of Remuneration, Incentives, Employee benefits and
Pre-requisites: Knowledge about human resource planning and performance appraisal.
Course Outline:
UNIT I: Performance management
1. Basic concepts in Performance Management and performance appraisal, importance of
performance management, Techniques of appraising performance- future oriented and past
2. Problems and challenges of performance appraisals, legal issues of performance appraisals,
who should appraise, what should be rated, 36o degree appraisal, appraisal interviews.
3. Performance management versus performance appraisal, balanced scorecard definition and
concepts, Using of IT and HRIS for performance management, Examples of performance
management in India.

UNIT II: Compensation Management

1. Factors determining the payment rates- internal and external factors, Compensation
scenario in India, Importance of Compensation, Establishing pay rates, Competency based
2. Compensation and remuneration, Theories of remuneration, Components of remuneration-
financial and non- financial, Concepts of wages, remuneration of special groups,
Remuneration model
3. Incentives based payments- importance and disadvantages, types of incentive schemes,
group incentive plans, incentives for indirect workers, designing an incentive scheme,
benefits as incentives, Types of employee benefits and services, significant benefit and
service programs.
4. Challenges of remuneration, Relevant issues in executive remuneration, special topics in
Laboratory Session: N/A. However, this course may involve field work, projects, computer
assignments and other activities to facilitate learning and skill development.
Textbook: Handbook of Performance Management by Michael Armstrong, Kogan Page
Reference Books:
1. Competency at work: models for Superior Performance- Lye M Spencer, Signe M Spencer,
John Wiley and sons
2. 360 degree freedom, competency mapping and assessment centres- Prof(Dr) Radha R
Sharma Tata McGraw Hill
3. Performance Management and Evaluation- Jacky Holloway, Jenny Lewis, Geoff Mallory
4. Handbook of Reward Management- Michael Armstrong CPH

E- Resources
1. www.hrm
2. www.human

Journal and Magazines

1. Management and Labour Studies
2. Indian Labour Journal
3. Indian Journal of Social Work
4. Indian Journal of Industrial Relation
5. International Journal of Human Resource Management

Grading System: The final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Internal
Evaluation (30%), End term exam (70%).

Course Instructor(s)

Academic Council Approval

The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business

SB20586: Business Process Modelling 3 (3-0) Semester IV


The main objective of this course is to expose the students to various concepts of business
processes from strategic perspective and develop skills of analysis, evaluation and synthesis in
process modelling and to make them aware about current developments in the field. This course
aims to acquaint the students with concepts and various aspects of business reengineering from
strategic perspective.

Catalogue Description:
The Context of the Business Process Modelling; Organizational Model of Process; Modelling the
Business Processes; Documenting Tasks

Basic knowledge of IT and computer
Course Outline:
UNIT I: The Context of the Business Process Modelling
BPM topics; Business Model, Business Process, Artifact-centric Business Process; Purpose of
Business Process Modelling; Process of Business Process Modelling; Approach to Business
Process Modelling; The hierarchy of Business Process; Difference between the process view and
the functional view of an organization; Advantage of Process view.

UNIT II: Organizational Model of Process

Strategic context for business processes; relationship between processes, including those at the
same level and between levels of hierarchy; delivering value to customers and value proposition.

UNIT III: Modelling the Business Processes

Selected business process modelling technique; Events that trigger business processes - External
business events, internal business events, Time-based business events; the outcome from
business processes; Business process measures

UNIT IV: Documenting Tasks

Identifying tasks--- One person, one place, one time; Documenting steps to complete the tasks;
Documenting business rules; Task performance measures
Text Book:
1. Business Process Modelling, Simulation and Design; Manuel Laguna Johan Marklund;
Pearson India.

E- Resources
Journal and Magazines

Grading System: The final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Internal
Evaluation (30%), End term exam (70%).

Course Instructor(s)

Academic Council Approval

The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business
SB20587: Strategic Cost Management 3 (3-0) Semester IV


The main objective of this course is to expose the students to various concepts of cost management
from strategic perspective and develop skills of analysis, evaluation and synthesis in cost
accounting and to make them aware about current developments in the field. This course aims to
acquaint the students with concepts and various aspects of cost management from strategic

Catalogue Description:
Meaning, nature and significance of Strategic Cost Management; Cost Control and Cost
Reduction; Target Costing; Activity Based Cost Management; Nature of activity-based costing

Course Outline:

Meaning, nature and significance of Strategic Cost Management. Value Analysis and value
addition. , role of SCM in strategic positioning; environmental influences on cost management
practices, role of SCM in strategic positioning, Strategic Costing, life cycle costing, target costing,
Kaizen Costing, JIT Theory and constraints, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and

Cost Control and Cost Reduction – basics, process, methods and techniques of cost reduction
program, Relevant Cost Analysis : Relevant Cost, Irrelevant Costs - Sunk or Historical Cost,
Committed Cost, Absorbed Cost, Cost of Quality, Understanding, Analysis and measurement of

Target Costing: methodology, methods of establishment of target costs, attributable costing, Life
Cycle Costing, Life Cycle Costing, Meaning of Life Cycle, characteristics of life cycle, concept,
importance and benefits of life cycle costing, Product Life Cycle Costing, Project Life Cycle
Costing, Cost as a Source of Competitive Advantage, Value Chain Concept, Cost Driver Concept,
Strategic Positioning Concept, Profit Variance Analysis, Concept, process, methods and
techniques of cost reduction program, Cost control Vs. Cost reduction.

Activity Based Cost Management - Concept, purpose, benefits, stages, relevance in decision-
making and its application in Budgeting, Functional-based planning and control; budgeting –
nature, administration and effectiveness; budgeting cycle; activity based budgeting.

Nature of activity-based costing (ABC); benefits and limitations of ABC; limitation of volume -
based costing system, indicates of ABC; activity hierarchies; cost drivers; designing an ABC
system Activity-based management; operational and strategic application of ABC; Traditional vs.
ABC System – comparative analysis.

Text books:
- Cost Management – Guan, Hansen and Mowen, India Edition. Cengage learning
- Total Quality Management By SK Mandal, Vikas publishing House PVT Ltd.,
- Advanced cost Accounting (Cost Management) By Jain SP and Narang KL Kalyani
publishers, New Delhi.
- Cost Management A Strategic Emphasis, 4th Edition, Indian Edition By Edward Blocher,
NC David Stoot and off Gary lokins Tata Mcgraw Hill.Co.,
- Cost Management – Measuring and Motivating Performance By K.P. GUPTA ISBN
9789380228020 year 2009 – Global India Business Publications, New Delhi

Reference Books:
- Horngren, Datar Foster, Cost Accounting, Pearson Education
- Hansen and Mowen, Cost Management, Thomson Learning

E- Resources
Journal and Magazines

Grading System: The final grade will be based on the following weight distribution: Internal
Evaluation (30%), End term exam (70%).

Course Instructor(s)

Academic Council Approval

The Assam Kaziranga University
School of Business
SB20535 Research Project (9) Semester IV
Guidelines for the Research Project MBA 4th semester

1. The Research Project shall Carry 300 marks and will be of 9 credits.
2. Student will select the topic he/she is conversant with after consulting with the respective faculty guide.
3. After the selection of the topic he/she will prepare the project proposal and should be able to defend it
in front of the faculty guide.
4. The project proposal needs to be submitted within 15 days after selecting the topic.
5. The project proposal should include a summary of how the student will approach towards achieving the
objective of the research project.
6. After the approval of the project proposal student have to constantly work with the faculty advisor in
their respective project.
7. The duration of the project will be the entire 4th semester and at the end the student have to submit a
report of the same after consulting with the respective faculty guide.
8. By mid of the 4th semester, the students should present the progress report of the project.
9. The Final Report should include the following aspects:
a. Introduction, Literature Review, Objective(s), Scope & Limitations, Methodology, Analysis, Findings,
Conclusions and Reference.
b. The reference in the Report should be in APA style.
10. The work must be original and carried out by the student himself/herself. Plagiarism may lead to
cancellation of the project.
11. The student will have to give a power-point presentation for about 10 minutes.
12. This will be followed by Viva-Voce.
13. The evaluation panel should have at least three members including faculty guide.
14. Grade “C” shall be the minimum pass grade. The grading system & other rules remain the same
as the existing examination guidelines of KU.
15. In case of non-completing students, Research Project must be completed within the two months
from the date of completion of the last examination of the 4th semester. Results of such students will
be withheld till the reports are submitted and evaluated.

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