2022 HSB SBA Mark Scheme

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HSB SBA Mark Scheme 2022

1. Background/Overview of Issue 2
• Provides a clear, detailed description of a current health-related or environmental issue 2
• Description is detailed but lacks clarity *1

2. Problem Statement 2
• Research problem is stated clearly 1
• Research problem is in an appropriate form – an observation or question 1

3. Research Objective 2
• Objective of the research is linked to the issue 1
• Objective of the research is realistic/feasible 1

4. Methodology 8
• Sample used is identified and clearly described 2
• Data collection instrument is identified and clearly described 2
• Method of data collection is identified and clearly described 2
• Method of data collection is adequately justified 1
• ONE limitation of data collection method clearly stated 1

5. Pre s e n t a t ion of D at a 5
• Data is presented in an appropriate form using tables, graphs and charts 1
• Data is presented in at least TWO forms 2
• Form(s) used for presentation of data is correctly labelled 1
• Data presented are accurate 1

6. Analysis and Interpretation of Data 5

• Data is analyzed using appropriate calculations/statistics/themes 1
• Data is summarized accurately 1
• At least TWO statements of findings based on data presented 2
• Findings are consistent with analyses 1

7. Conclusion 2
• Conclusion succinctly summarizes the project 1
• Conclusion is logical and based on findings 1

8. Recommendations 4
• At least TWO recommendations proposed 2
• Recommendations are realistic 1
• Recommendations are informed by findings 1

9. Reflection: Candidate states the following information: 6

• TWO lessons learnt after undertaking the project. 2
• ONE way in which the lesson learnt could be applied to his/her personal life. 1
• ONE way in which the project could be improved. 1
• ONE social impact and ONE economic impact the issue could have on his/her school or community if not
rectified. 2

10. Overall Presentation 4

• Layout of report follows the correct format inclusive of cover page, table of contents, bibliography and
appendices. If layout includes only two elements – 1 mark only 2
• Bibliographic information contains names of authors, publishers and dates of publication 1
• Consistent use of correct spelling and grammar 1

Total 40

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