Employability Skill Annual 1

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 1 English Literacy

Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

1 A resume should be __________ 7 Choose the correct response for the given
A short and precise question. “How have you been”?
B fancy and colourful A Very well, And you?
C having long and detailed information B Thank you, And you?
D having acronyms and abbreviation C Same to you
Ans : A D On vacation, And you?
Ans : A
2 A written description of duties and
responsibilities to be carried out in a job is called 8 Choose the correct response of the given
___________ question “When did the accident happen”?
A CV A in the hotel
B job description B during travelling
C resume C At 10:30 last night
D job application D On the table
Ans : B Ans : C

3 A written description of duties and 9 Choose the correct tense of the verb. “I
responsibilities to be carried out in a job is __________music when I was child.”
called___________ A learn
A CV B am learning
B resume C will learn
C job description D learnt
D job application Ans : D
Ans : C
10 Curriculum Vitae (CV) is also known
4 After receiving interview call, what is the next as__________
step? A resume
A Send application letter B job description
B Prepare the resume C cover letter
C Appear at interview D application letter
D Send resume Ans : A
Ans : C
11 Curriculum vitae is also known as
5 Choose suitable “wh” word for the given ___________
sentence_ “___________ animal do you like?” A circular
A Which B resume
B Why C job application form
C Where D leave application
D When Ans : B
Ans : A
12 Fill in the blank with comparative adjective_
6 Choose the correct punctuation mark after the “Your pencil is__________ than mine”.
word “Rohan” in the given sentence_ “Rohan David A sharp
and Ram are playing hide and seek”. B sharper
A Comma (,) C blunt
B Period (_) D thick
C Slash (/) Ans : B
D Hyphen (-)
Ans : A

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 1 English Literacy
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

13 Fill in the blank with correct future tense of 19 Fill in the blank with proper reflexive
verb “We ___________ to the zoo after Breakfast “ pronoun. “She has hurt___________”
A went A myself
B are going B herself
C had gone C himself
D will go D itself
Ans : D Ans : B

14 Fill in the blank with correct word “They 20 Fill in the blank with suitable adjective for the
_________ good friends” given sentence “The little girl’s…… eyes revealed
A is her mischief”
B am A chubby
C are B weak
D was C short sighted
Ans : C D twinkling
Ans : D
15 Fill in the blank with present progressive
tense of the verb “The train __________ through 21 Fill in the blank with suitable place
the tunnel” preposition_ “My house is ___________the third
A passed floor” ?
B is passing A at
C had passed B in
D was passing C on
Ans : B D under
Ans : C
16 Fill in the blank with proper interrogative
adjective “ ___________ are you going? 22 Fill in the correct question word
A Who ______________ is the speaker at the function” ?
B Where A What
C Which B When
D What C Why
Ans : B D Who
Ans : D
17 Fill in the blank with proper pronoun “I made
this cake ___________” 23 Low level language is also called
A myself ___________
B yourself A source code
C himself B middle ware
D itself C machine language
Ans : A D assembly language
Ans : C
18 Fill in the blank with proper pronoun. “She
made this cake ___________” 24 Pronunciation refers to___________
A itself A diphthong
B myself B consonant
C herself C punctuation
D himself D production of sound
Ans : C Ans : D

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 1 English Literacy
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

25 Re-arrange the following set of words into 31 Which one is a brain of computer?
meaningful sentence_ “teacher / school / worked / A Keyboard
she / a / as” B CPU
A School worked as a she teacher C Monitor
B She worked as a school teacher D Hard disk
C She teacher worked as a school Ans : B
D Worked she as a school teacher
Ans : B 32 Which one is a cardinal number?
A 10
26 The word that expresses a sudden and strong B V
feeling is called_________ C VII
A punctuation D XI
B interjection Ans : A
C conjunction
D apostrophe 33 Which one is a cardinal number?
Ans : B A X
27 When you greet higher official’s such as C IV
Teacher, Instructor or Supervisor, you should use D 3
___________ Ans : D
A “Good morning”
B “Hello” 34 Which one is a cardinal number?
C “Hey” A IV
D “Hi” B 10th
Ans : A C 1st
D 1
28 Which is a silent letter in the word Ans : D
A R 35 Which one is a cardinal number?
B E A One
C S B Fifth
D W C Eighth
Ans : D D Second
Ans : A
29 Which one is a “Do’s” of discussion
etiquettes? 36 Which one is an exclamatory sentence?
A Loose your temper A What a beautiful house it is!
B Listen to others B It is a beautiful house_
C Talk about irrelevant details C Is it a beautiful house?
D Use impolite or rude language D Your house is beautiful_
Ans : B Ans : A

30 Which one is a “Don’t” of discussion 37 Which one is in active voice?

etiquette? A Ram has passed the exam_
A Be open minded B The ball was caught by him_
B Use moderate tone C The book was being read by her_
C Listen to others D We were driven home by dad_
D Argue unnecessary Ans : A
Ans : D

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 1 English Literacy
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

38 Which one is in passive voice?

A Mohan is painting a house
B She was reading a book
C Her birthday was celebrated by us
D I have seen that movie
Ans : C

39 Which one is NOT a conjunction?

A And
B Or
C But
D On
Ans : D

40 Which one is NOT a benefit of the role

A Builds confidence
B Develops listening skill
C Develops creative problem-solving skill
D Develops boredom
Ans : D

41 Which one is NOT a vowel?

A a
B e
C f
D i
Ans : C

42 Which one of the following is a good office

A One should dress formally
B One should not be punctual to work
C One should have fancy mobile ring tone
D One should litter one’s work place
Ans : A

43 Word that is pronounced the same as

another word but differs in meaning is
A homophone
B homograph
C diphthong
D syllable
Ans : A

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 2 I.T. Literacy
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

1 1 Byte = ___________ 7 CPU consists of _________

A 2 bits A Control unit and ALU
B 4 bits B Storage device and ALU
C 8 bits C Input and output devices
D 16 bits D Input device and control unit
Ans : C Ans : A

2 A computer system consists of __________ 8 CPU stands for ________

A software and program A Central Programming Unit
B hardware and software B Central Processing Unit
C mouse and keyboard C Central Planning Unit
D circuit diagram D Central Progress Unit
Ans : B Ans : B

3 A program that infects other program by 9 For short distance, which network type should
modifying them is called __________ be used?
A virus A LAN
B antivirus B MAN
C web page C WAN
D note pad D CAN
Ans : A Ans : A

4 A software application used to enable 10 In an email, where will you add the recipient
computer users to locate and access web page is email address whom you want to send the copy of
called ___________ an email?
A web browser A To
B web server B CC
C web site C Bcc
D email D Subject
Ans : A Ans : B

5 An illegal activity committed on the internet is 11 In Excel, the intersection of a row and column
called___________ is called a _________
A virus A cell
B cyber crime B label
C search engine C square
D social networking D worksheet
Ans : B Ans : A

6 Computer network that spans a regional, 12 In MS Excel, collection of work sheet is known
national or global area is called __________ as ___________
A LAN A worksheet
B MAN B workbook
C WAN C excel book
D CAN D sheet work
Ans : C Ans : B

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 2 I.T. Literacy
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

13 In MS Excel, to insert a formula in cell, we 19 Spread sheets are saved with

must begin the entry with an operator extension___________
___________ A .pdf
A = B .doc
B $ C .xls
C @ D .mp3
D # Ans : C
Ans : A
20 The expansion of LAN is ___________
14 In MS Paint, which extension is not supported A Local Area Name
_________ B Local Area Network
A .jpeg C Logical Area Network
B .doc D Legal Area Network
C .gif Ans : B
D .png
Ans : B 21 The expansion of RAM is __________
A Read Octet Machine
15 In which orientation, the text is printed length B Random Access Memory
wise? C Read Access Memory
A Landscape D Random Access Machine
B Margin Ans : B
C Portrait
D Width 22 The expansion of ROM is ____________
Ans : C A Read Octet Machine
B Read Only Memory
16 In which orientation, the text is printed width C Random Only Memory
wise? D Rewrite Octet Machine
A Width Ans : B
B Margin
C Portrait 23 The expansion of WAN is ___________
D Landscape A Wide Area Name
Ans : D B Web Assigned Name
C Wide Area Network
17 program that infects other programs by D Web Aided Network
modifying them is called___________ Ans : C
A search engine
B virus 24 What does ‘ASAP’ stand for, in SMS language?
C antivirus A As Silent As Probable
D cyber crime B As Soon As Probable
Ans : B C As Soon As Possible
D As Simple As Possible
18 Spread sheets are saved with extension Ans : C
A .xls 25 What is a shortcut key for “Copy” command?
B .doc A Ctrl + C
C .pdf B Ctrl + V
D .mp3 C Ctrl + A
Ans : A D Ctrl + X
Ans : A

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 2 I.T. Literacy
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

26 What is a shortcut key for “cut’’ command? 33 Which device is used to connect telephone
A Ctrl +C line to a PC?
B Ctrl+V A Modem
C Ctrl+A B Monitor
D Ctrl+X C Printer
Ans : D D Hard disk
Ans : A
27 What is a shortcut key for “select all”
command? 34 Which is a shortcut key for ‘Copy’ command?
A Ctrl +C A Ctrl + V
B Ctrl+V B Ctrl + C
C Ctrl+A C Ctrl + A
D Ctrl+X D Ctrl + X
Ans : C Ans : B

28 What is shortcut key for “Paste” command? 35 Which one is a “Don’t” of information
A Ctrl + C security?
B Ctrl + V A Use hard to guess passwords
C Ctrl + A B Disclose password to anyone
D Ctrl + X C Take backup data of your PC periodically
Ans : B D Encrypt laptop hard drive and mobile devices
Ans : B
29 What is the cell address of 4th row and 4th
column? 36 Which one is a cyber crime?
A 4D A Sending email
B E4 B Online purchasing
C D4 C Online gambling
D B4 D Chatting with friends
Ans : C Ans : C

30 What is the default name of newly created 37 Which one is a file management tool that
folder in windows? comes with windows?
A Folder A Control panel
B New B Window explorer
C New folder C Desktop
D Blank D Notepad
Ans : C Ans : B

31 What is the expansion of “FYI” SMS? 38 Which one is a search engine?

A For Your Information A Flickr
B For Your Identification B Hotmail
C For Your Internet C Facebook
D For Your Innocence D Google
Ans : A Ans : D

32 Where all deleted files will be stored? 39 Which one is a search engine?
A CD A Flickr
B Official folder B Orkut
C Personal folder C Hotmail
D Recycle bin D yahoo
Ans : D Ans : D

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 2 I.T. Literacy
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

40 Which one is a social networking site? 47 You withdraw Rs_500/- from an ATM_ The
A Outlook express ATM machine gives out Rs_5000/-_ Which of the
B Face book following would be ethically correct?
C Lotus notes A Make a complaint
D Mozilla B Take the money
Ans : B C Drop the money near ATM
D Give the money to the poor
41 Which one is a web browser? Ans : A
A Face book
B Hot mail
C Internet explorer
D Outlook express
Ans : C

42 Which one is an input device?

A Speaker
B Joystick
C Monitor
D Printer
Ans : B

43 Which one is an output device of the

A Printer
C Mouse
D Keyboard
Ans : A

44 Which one is NOT a storage device?

A Printer
B Video tape
C USB flash drive
D Memory card
Ans : A

45 Which one is the disadvantage of social

networking sites?
A Instant communication
B Make addictive
C Access to information
D Online marketing for business
Ans : B

46 Which one of the following options shows the

synonyms for a word, we type in MS word?
A Thesaurus
B Spell check
C Hyperlink
D Style
Ans : A

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 3 Communication
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

1 “KAIZEN” means _______________ 7 For “SMART” Goal, S stands for_________

A self-discipline A social
B preventive maintenance B scientific
C sorting out C specific
D continuous improvement D strength
Ans : D Ans : C

2 Choose the correct context of the given 8 Gesture “biting nails” shows __________
expression in group discussion” Excuse me, I A boredom
would_________” B insecurity
A Interrupting C confidence
B Agreeing D defensiveness
C Summarising Ans : B
D Emphasizing a point
Ans : A 9 Gesture “Brisk & erect walking” shows
A boredom
3 Communication that involves exchanging B defensiveness
information without use of words is called C confidence
__________ D insecurity
A verbal communication Ans : C
B pictorial communication
C written communication 10 Gesture “Brisk erect walk” shows__________
D non verbal communication A insecurity
Ans : D B boredom
C confidence
4 Dedication to a particular work is D defensiveness
called_________ Ans : C
A confidence
B commitment 11 Goals are categorized as ______________
C Intelligence A good and bad
D integrity B inner and outer
Ans : B C intrinsic and extrinsic
D short-term and long-term
5 Dedication to a particular work is Ans : D
A integrity 12 Goals are classified as_________
B confidence A big and small goal
C commitment B long term and short-term goal
D intelligence C important and not important goal
Ans : C D intrinsic and extrinsic goal
Ans : B
6 Expansions of SMS is___________
A Simple Message Service 13 In face to face communication, body language
B Short Mail Service accounts for ___________
C Simple Memo Service A 7%
D Short Message Service B 38%
Ans : D C 55%
D 100%
Ans : C

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 3 Communication
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

14 Intrinsic motivation is…… 20 The study of right and wrong in human

A short lived endeavours is called __________
B long lasting A motivation
C for money or reward B self-awareness
D to gain social acceptance C ethics
Ans : B D goal
Ans : C
15 Listening to Railway or Flight announcement,
teacher’s lecture comes under_ __________
A critical listening 21 What is a drawback of role playing?
B appreciative listening A Builds confidence
C therapeutic listening B Develops listening skills
D comprehensive listening C Doesn’t provide real situation
Ans : D D Develop creative problem solving
Ans : C
16 Listening to songs only to derive pleasure
comes under _________ 22 What should come next after “selecting the
A critical listening solution” in problem solving process?
B therapeutic listening A Look for alternate
C appreciative listening B Root cause analysis
D comprehensive listening C Identify the problem
Ans : C D Implement the solution
Ans : D
17 Motivation is categories into __________
A intrinsic and extrinsic 23 Which factor helps to motivate people?
B good and bad A Lack of focus
C inner and outer B Lack of confidence
D high and low C Lack of direction
Ans : A D Lack of nervousness
Ans : D
18 Noise, physical discomfort of hotness or
coldness comes under _________ 24 Which one is 3P’s of public speaking?
A culture barrier A Possess, present, practice
B language barrier B Prepare, Practice, perform
C perception barrier C Publish, pleasant, perfect
D environment barrier D Perfection, Performance, painstaking
Ans : D Ans : B

19 Rise and fall of pitch of voice is 25 Which one is a “Do’s” for interview etiquette?
called__________ A Nervousness
A vowel B Informal dress
B intonation C Clam approach
C consonant D Excessive gesture
D pronunciation Ans : C
Ans : B
26 Which one is a “don’t” in interview etiquette?
A Be confident
B Dress appropriately
C Proper eye contact
D Lie about your abilities to get job
Ans : D

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 1 Module 3 Communication
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

27 Which one is a barrier to speaking? 34 Which one is NOT a part of Triple ‘A”
A Poor listening listening?
B Lack of time A Anxiety
C Nervousness B Attitude
D Reluctant to read C Attention
Ans : C D Adjustment
Ans : A
28 Which one is a Do’s in interview etiquette?
A Dress too casually 35 Which one is NOT an article?
B Lie about abilities to get job A a
C Be confident B an
D Too excessive in gesture C in
Ans : C D the
Ans : C
29 Which one is a good communication?
A Message is clear and direct 36 Which one is NOT an element of 3P’s of public
B Message is ambiguous speaking?
C Sender attacks receiver A Prepare
D Receiver doesn’t listen to sender B Practice
Ans : A C Posses
D Perform
30 Which one is an email etiquette? Ans : C
A Keep email short
B Send virus infected mail 37 Which one is NOT an essential characteristic
C Forward false messages to achieve success?
D Use all caps or small letter in email A Commitment
Ans : A B Integrity
C Confidence
31 Which one is considered to be a good D Unethical work
communication? Ans : D
A Message is ambiguous
B Sender is positive towards receiver 38 Which one is NOT the outcome of positive
C Receiver doesn’t listen to sender attitude?
D Sender attacks receiver A enthusiasm
Ans : B B creativity
C boredom
32 Which one is considered to be a poor D problem solving attitude
communication? Ans : C
A Message is ambiguous
B Message is clear and direct 39 Which one is the latest and effective means of
C Receiver is open to listen modern communication?
D Sender is positive towards receiver A Fax
Ans : A B Postal mail
C Electronic mail
33 Which one is NOT a benefit of oral D Message through TV
communication? Ans : C
A It is quick
B It is for record
C It is direct
D Feedback is immediate
Ans : B

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 2 Module 1. Entrepreneurship skills
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

1 A person who is associated with the starting of 8 Money invested in purchasing of raw materials,
business is called……………. payment of wages and salaries, rental, electricity
A merchant etc comes under………..
B entrepreneur A working capital
C businessman B fixed capital
D sales executive C long term capital
Ans : B D capital income
Ans : A
2 As compared to small scale business, large
scale business require..............……… 9 MSME stands for…………..
A less no. of persons A Micro, Scale and Medium Enterprises
B less no. of capital B Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises
C more no. of person C Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
D small machines and tools D Minor, Small and Medium Enterprises
Ans : C Ans : C

3 Entrepreneurship is also termed as….. 10 Paid form of ideas, goods and services are
A investor called.............
B employer A publicity
C self employment B goodwill
D employment seeker C public relation
Ans : C D advertisement
Ans : D
4 For medium manufacturing enterprises, the
investment in plant and machinery is between…. 11 The enterprises engaged in the production of
A 10 Lakhs to 2 Crores goods is known as………
B 25 Lakhs to 5 Crores A manufacturing enterprise
C 2 Crores to 5 Crores B service enterprises
D 5 Crores to 10 Crores C micro enterprises
Ans : D D macro enterprises
Ans : A
5 In “SWOT” analysis, “S” stands for...............
A Success 12 The expansion of GDP is…………….
B Strength A Gross Domestic Product
C Survey B Godown Demand Product
D Service C Grand Demand Product
Ans : B D Giant Domestic Product
Ans : A
6 In an economic growth, role of entrepreneur is
to.............. 13 The expansion of SIDO is…………
A generate unemployment A Small Industries Development Organization
B stagnate standard of living B Small Income Development Organization
C improve per capita income C Small Investment Development Organization
D unbalance the regional development D Standard Industry Development Organization
Ans : C Ans : A

7 In SWOT analysis which pair is helpful?

A Strengths, Weakness
B Strengths, Opportunities
C Threats, Weakness
D Threats, Opportunities
Ans : B

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 2 Module 1. Entrepreneurship skills
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

14 What approach is used to gain access to 16 Which one is a correct channel through which
foreign markets and quickly promote an marketers can reach customers?
organizations interest? A Manufacture -> Retailer -> Wholesaler ->
A Licensing Customer
B Collaboration B Manufacturer -> Customer -> Retailer
C Joint venture C Manufacturer -> Retailer -> Customer
D Technology transfer D Manufacturer -> Retailer -> Customer ->
Ans : C Wholesaler
Ans : C
15 Which investment is considered for deciding
the status of manufacturing enterprises? 17 Which one is a web based accounting
A Working capital A software designed for modern business?
B Building and land B BUSY
C Plant and machinery C TALLY
D Salary of employees D WINGS
Ans : C Ans : C

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 2 Module 2. Productivity
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

1 During using ATM, Authentication is provided 8 What is the advantage of automation?

by customer by entering................ A Reduced operation time
A cash B High initial cost
B IFSC C Unpredictable development cost
C PIN D Security threats
D KYC Ans : A
Ans : C
9 What is the unemployment rate if there are
2 Expansion of ATM is…….. 125 million people in the labor force, 100 million
A Asynchronous Teller Machine people employed and 25 million are not?
B Automated Teller Machine A 25%
C Automated Time Machine B 20%
D Autonomous Time Machine C 17%
Ans : B D 15%
Ans : B
3 Low productivity will lead to ..................
A job security 10 Which market determines the real wages and
B political stability employment?
C decrease in GDP per capita A Capital market
D increase in GDP per capita B Labour market
Ans : C C Money market
D Goods market
4 Production is defined as a ratio of ….. Ans : B
A output / input
B input / output 11 Which one is used to measure the economic
C output / skill of workmanship performance of a whole country or region?
D input / skill of workmanship A KYC
Ans : A B GDP
5 Productivity is defined as the ratio of ……… D ATM
A output /input Ans : B
B input / output
C output / skill of the workmanship 12 Which one of the following is NOT a category
D input / skill of the workmanship of pure risk?
Ans : A A Property risk
B Technology risk
6 The expansion of ATM is ................. C Liability risk
A Automated Tune Machine D Personnel risk
B Automated Teller Machine Ans : B
C Asynchronous Teller Machine
D Asynchronous Time Machine 13 Which one of the following is NOT an
Ans : B objective of incentive?
A Improved quality
7 the process used by a business to verify the B High cost of production
identity of their client is…… C High output
A GDP D Reduced waste
B KYC Ans : B
Ans : B

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 2 Module 2. Productivity
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

14 Which one of these documents is NOT 15 Which stage is a period of rapid revenue
acceptable for fulfilment of KYC norms? growth?
A Voter ID card A Growth stage
B Ration card B Maturity stage
C Residential certificate C Decline stage
D Income certificate D Introduction stage
Ans : D Ans : A

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 3. Occupational safety
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

1 ABC of first aid stands for ____________ 7 Ozone layer is made up of ___________
A Airway, Bleeding and Circulation A one oxygen atom
B Airway, Breathing and Circulation B two oxygen atoms
C Airway, Bleeding and Compression C three oxygen atoms
D Airway, Breathing and Compression D four oxygen atoms
Ans : B Ans : C

2 At what decibels, sound becomes hazardous 8 The reprocessing of discarded materials into
noise pollution? new useful products is called _________
A Above 30 A reuse of waste material
B Above 80 B recycling of material
C Above 100 C management of solid waste
D Above 120 D reduction in use of raw material
Ans : B Ans : B

3 Earthquake is measured with an instrument 9 The study of living things in relation to their
called ____________ environment is called ……………
A telegraph A ecosystem
B seismograph B economics
C oscillograph C ecology
D bar graph D eclogue
Ans : B Ans : C

4 Head protection is done through ___________ 10 The three R’s to save environment are
A helmet ………………
B goggles A Reserve, Reduce, Recycle
C gloves B Reuse, Reserve, Reduce
D mask C Reserve, Reuse, Reduce
Ans : A D Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
Ans : D
5 In firefighting method ‘Starvation’ is _________
A limitation of oxygen 11 Vibration and radiation comes under _______
B pouring water A chemical hazards
C elimination of fuel B physical hazards
D reduction of temperature C electrical hazards
Ans : C D psychological hazards
Ans : B
6 On the job injuries and illness, cost money time
& effort. What is the most practical way to manage 12 Which one is a man induced hazards?
these losses? A Landslide
A Make sure safety is part of labor contracts B Cyclone
B Aggressive claims handling C Volcano
C Good insurance coverage D Earth quake
D Effective safety and loss control program Ans : A
Ans : D
13 Which one is a non-renewable energy
A Solar
B Coal
C Methane
D Hydroelectric
Ans : B

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 3. Occupational safety
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

17 Which one of the following is NOT an

14 which one is an unsafe condition for work? ergonomic hazard?
A Oily floor A Awkward position
B Good light B Poor housekeeping
C Proper tools C Emotional disturbances
D Adequate ventilation D Wrong layout of machinery
Ans : A Ans : C

15 which one is an unsafe condition for work? 18 Which one of the following is not part of 3
A Good light R’s?
B Proper tools A Reduce
C Adequate ventilation B Recycle
D Which factor is NOT concerned with C Regenerate
occupational health and safety? D Reuse
Ans : A Ans : C

16 Which one is the main greenhouse gas

responsible for global warming?
A Hydrogen
B Oxygen
C Nitrogen
D Carbon dioxide
Ans : D

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 4. Labour welfare legislation
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

1 As per factories act, 1948 canteen should be

provided in the factory if, workers are more 6 Which amount does include in “wages” amount
than.............. as per payment wages Act?
A 100 A Dearness allowance
B 250 B Any travelling allowances
C 500 C Any remuneration payable in respect of
D 1000 overtime
Ans : B D Any remuneration payable under any award
Ans : A
2 Under factories Act, the restriction on working
time of women is…………………. 7 Which factor is NOT concerned with
A before 5 AM and beyond 7 PM occupational health and safety?
B before 6 AM and beyond 7 PM A Safety
C before 6 AM and beyond 8 PM B Health
D before 7 AM and beyond 8 PM C Welfare
Ans : B D Salary
Ans : D
3 Under Factories Act, the workers weekly hours
should not exceed more than............... 8 Which one of the following is an air pollutant?
A 60 hours A Oxygen
B 50 hours B Nitrogen
C 48 hours C Carbon dioxide
D 40 hours D Carbon monoxide
Ans : C Ans : D

4 What is the expansion of ILO? 9 Which scheme of Act provides health insurance
A International Labour Organization requirements for workers?
B Indian Labour Organization A Factories Act
C Indian Labour Occupation B Plantation Labor Act
D International Labour Occupation C Employee’s Compensation Act
Ans : A D Employee’s state Insurance Act
Ans : D
5 What is the minimum percentage of
employee’s contribution from the basic salary, as
per EPF Act, 1962?
A 8.50%
B 9%
C 12%
D 12.50%
Ans : C

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EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS – Semester 5. Quality tools
Reviewed and updated on: 01st November 2019 Version 1.0

1 Fishbone chart is also called as............. 8 What is the last step in ISO 9001 registration?
A cause and effect diagram A Corrective and preventive action
B scatter diagram B Internal audit
C control chart C Management review meeting
D histogram D Certification and audit
Ans : A Ans : D

2 In PDCA cycle, ‘P’ stands for ................. 9 What is the name used for word “waste”?
A Process A MUDA
C Problem C MURI
D Procedure D MUSA
Ans : B Ans : A

3 The expansion of QMS is......................... 10 Which formula is correct to quantify the

A Quality Management Standard quality
B Quality Measurement Standard A Q = P/Q
C Quality Measurement System B Q = Q/E
D Quality Management System C E = E/P
Ans : D D P = Q/P
Ans : A
4 The PDCA means……………
A Plan, Develop, Control, Act 11 Which one is NOT a basic tool used in quality
B Plan, Do, Check, Act circle?
C Plan, Develop, Check, Act A Histogram
D Plan, Do, Control, Act B Pareto chart
Ans : B C Check sheet
D Torque wrench
5 Total number of popular quality tools are…. Ans : D
A 9
B 8 12 Which one is NOT the certified ISO standard?
C 7 A ISO 9010
D 6 B ISO 9001
Ans : C C ISO 9002
D ISO 9003
6 What does “SERI” stand for? Ans : A
A Sorting out
B Self-discipline 13 Which one of the following is not the
C Standardization characteristics of quality?
D Systematic arrangement A Quality control
Ans : A B Quality of design
C Quality of assurance
7 What is the function of “Histogram” in Quality D Quality of non- conformance
tools? Ans : D
A Narrow down the problem area
B Effect of discrete causes 14 Which statement of quality was stated by
C Indicates shape of distribution quality guru Dr. J. M. Juran?
D Assess factors for problem A Quality should be aimed
Ans : C B Quality is fitness for use
C Quality is value for money
D Quality is conformance to requirement
Ans : B

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