Chemistry Investigatory Project:: Topic - Study of Presence of Insecticides and Pesticides in Fruits and

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Topic – Study of presence of insecticides and pesticides in fruits and


SUBMITTED BY: Swaliha Momin

Class: 12 A (2021-22)


This is to certify that Swaliha Momin of class XII of

CBSE roll no.________ has successfully completed the
chemistry project on under the guidance of Mrs. Liji
Elizabeth ma'am all in accordance with the regulations
given by Central Board of Secondary Examination year

Internal Examiner External Examiner



I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to

my teacher Mrs.Liji Elizabeth as well as our principal Dr
.Rashmirekha Saha who gave me the golden opportunity
to do this wonderful project on the topic on the
neutralizing ability of antacid, which helped me in doing
research and coming to know about new things. I am
really grateful to them. Secondly, I would also like to
thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in
finalizing this project within the limited time frame


Sr. No. Content Page no.

1. Introduction 05
2. Objective 06
3. Theory 08
4. Apparatus 09
5. Procedure 10
6. Observation 12
7. Conclusion 13
8. Bibliography 14


In the past decade, there has been a tremendous increase in the

yields of various crops to meet the demand of over growing
world population. This great feat has been achieved by adopting
new methods of farming and by extensive use of fertilisers and
insecticides. From plants, they transfer into animals,birds and
human beings who eat these polluted fruits and vegetables.
Inside the body they remain accumulated and cause serious
health problems. Samples of raw food commodities including
wheat, pulses, fish, meat, butter, fruits, vegetables show good
amount of insecticide residues. Such findings have aroused the
concern scientists, agricultural administrators, and health
officials all over the world to put a check over the use of
insecticides and to search for non-insecticidal means of pest


In this project, our aim is to study the presence of

insecticide/pesticide residues in various fruits and
vegetables. Since most of the
insecticides/pesticides contain nitrogen, we will
test for the presence of these insecticide residues
by testing for the presence of nitrogen.

Types of insecticide and

Insecticides and pesticides are chemicals which when

sprayed over the crop protect it from pests. For example,
DDT, BHC, zinc phosphide, mercuric chloride,
dinitrophenol, etc. They either kill the insects or prevent
their growth. All pesticides are poisonous chemicals and
must be used in small quantities and with great care.
Pesticides have proved to be effective against variety of
insects, weeds and fungi and are respectively called
insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Most of the
pesticides are non-biodegradable and remain penetrated
as such into plants, fruits, and vegetables. These days
preference is given to the use of bio degradable
insecticides like vapum, malathion. But even these are
also not totally harm free.


Nitrogen present in organic compounds is detected by

“Lassaigne’s Test”. The elements present in the
compound are converted from covalent form into the
ionic form by fusing the compound with sodium metal.
Following reaction take place:

Cyanide of sodium so formed on sodium fusion is

extracted from the fused mass by boiling it with distilled
water. This extract is known as sodium fusion extract.


Mortar and pestle, Beakers, Funnel, Glass rod, Filter

paper, China dish, Water bath, Tripod stand, Fusion
tube, Knife, Test tube


Samples of various fruits and vegetables, Alcohol,

Sodium Metal, Ferric Chloride, Ferrous Sulphate
Crystals, Distilled Water and Dil. Sulphuric Acid


1) Take different types of fruits and vegetables and cut

them into small pieces separately.
2) Transfer the cut pieces of various fruits and
vegetables into it separately and crush them.
3) Take different kinds for each kind of fruits and
vegetables and place the crushed fruits and vegetables in
these beakers and add 100 ml of alcohol to each of these.
4) Stir well and filter.
5) Collect the filtrate in separate china dishes, evaporate
the alcohol by heating the china dishes one by one over a
water bath and let the residue dry in the oven.
6) Heat a small piece of sodium in a fusion tube, till it
7) Then add one of the above residues from the china
dish to this fusion tube and heat it till red hot.
8) Drop the hot fusion tube in a china dish containing
about 10 ml of distilled water.
9) Break the tube and boil the contents of the china dish
for about 5 minutes.
10) Cool and filter the solution.

11) Collect the filtrate.
12) To the filtrate add 1 ml of freshly prepared ferrous
sulphate solution and warm the contents.
13) Then add 2-3 drops of ferric chloride solution and
acidify with dilute HCl.
14) If a blue or green ppt. or coloration is obtained it
indicates the presence of nitrogen containing
15) Repeat the test of nitrogen for residues obtained
from other fruits and vegetables and record the



It is concluded that from the above observations, that

each fruit or vegetable contains nitrogenous insecticide
or pesticide residues in it.

Comprehensive Practical Chemistry- XII


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