Prepare Second Edition Level 7: Unit 4 Grammar: Standard

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1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 4 Put a tick () if the sentence is correct or a cross () if
it is incorrect. Underline the mistakes.
1 You ought to / mustn’t drive if you feel dizzy.
2 I’m so stressed. I need to / mustn’t relax. 1 That colour doesn’t suit you. You should to try the
red one. 
3 You must / should be over 18 to come to this gym.
2 Maybe we ought to call back later.
4 It’s getting late. You don’t have to / had better go to
bed soon. 3 I’ll pick Noa up. You needn’t to worry.
5 If you’ve got a headache you ought to / needn’t lie 4 You mustn’t touch any of the exhibits in the
down for a minute. museum.
6 When my parents are out, I have to / mustn’t look 5 You’ve been working for ages. You should take a
after my little sister. break.
7 This reaction is completely normal. You should / 6 The fridge was full of food so we needn’t go to the
needn’t worry. supermarket when we arrived.
8 If you panic, you should / needn’t take a deep breath. 7 I can’t go to the cinema tomorrow. I must to study.
9 You must / don’t have to print this form. You can 8 Anna had better not lose that bracelet I lent her.
email it to us.
5 Choose the correct options to complete the conversation.
2 Read the pairs of sentences and decide if they have a
similar (S) or different (D) meaning.
Abby: Sorry I missed your call yesterday. I 1 haven’t
felt / wasn’t feeling well.
1 A  Wendy should chill out. Huw: Are you okay?
Abby: Yeah, but I 2 have been waking up / am waking up
B  Wendy ought to relax. S with a lot of headaches recently. Most mornings.
2 A  Calvin has to stay inside. Huw: Maybe you 3 must / ought to see your doctor.
B  Calvin doesn’t have to go outside. Abby: You’re right. I probably 4 don’t have to / should
3 A  You must remember your passport. make an appointment, but I think they’ll go
away as soon as I’m done with this project.
B  You mustn’t forget your passport.
Huw: When’s the deadline?
4 A  He’d better drink lots of water. Abby: I 5 must / don’t have to hand 6 in it / it in until next
B  He ought to stay hydrated. month, thankfully, so I’ve got plenty of time.
5 A  I need to pass all my exams. Huw: That’s good.
Abby: Yeah, but the last few months 7 have been / are
B  I shouldn’t fail any of my exams.
crazy. I 8 am never having / have never had so
6 A  We’ve got to get there early. much work in my life. Anyway, I 9 had better /
B  We mustn’t get there late. musn’t run. I 10 have to / needn’t get to the post
office before it closes and pick something up.
3 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets so
that they mean the same.
Huw: No worries. Look 11 after yourself / yourself after!

1 I think it’s a good idea if we book a table.

We ought to book a table. (ought to)
2 You’re not allowed to feed the animals.
You the animals. (mustn’t)
3 It isn’t necessary for Sandra to bring a racquet.
Sandra a racquet.
4 It’s essential that we finish the project soon.
We the project soon.
(have got to)
5 Getting some rest would be good for them.
They some rest. (should)
6 It’s obligatory for visitors to wear a hat.
Visitors a hat. (must)
7 There’s no obligation for you to decide today.
You today. (don’t have to)
8 It would be really bad if you missed this train.
You this train. (had better)

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 7

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