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GIVEN f=fc+(fo-fc)e-kt f=fc*t+(fo-fc)/k(1-e^-kt)

f infiltration capacity at any time

fc 0.55 final steedy state infiltration capacity
fo 3 initial infiltration capacity
k 0.29 horiton decay coficiant which depend on soil

time fc*t (fo-fc)/k 1-e^-kt f=fc*t+(fo-fc)/k(e^-kt time ft

0 0 8.448276 0 0 0 0
1 0.55 0.251736432421 2.676739 1 2.67673886035163
2 1.1 0.440101633435 4.8181 2 4.81810006730631
3 1.65 0.581048450752 6.558858 3 6.55885768132835
4 2.2 0.686513819117 7.999858 4 7.99985822171783
5 2.75 0.765429711906 9.216561 5 9.21656146478408
6 3.3 0.824479599383 10.26543 6 10.265431211957
7 3.85 0.868664478852 11.18872 7 11.1887172687337
8 4.4 0.901726414396 12.01803 8 12.0180336253047
9 4.95 0.926465456237 12.77704 9 12.7770358787556
10 5.5 0.944976779944 13.48342 10 13.4834246505547





Column H

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time infiltration
0 3
0.1 2.92997
0.25 2.828661 3
0.5 2.669305
1 2.383246 2.5
2 1.921751
3 1.576431 2
4 1.318041
5 1.124697
6 0.980025 1
7 0.871772
8 0.79077 0.5
9 0.73016
10 0.684807 0
0 5 10 15
15 0.581622
20 0.557418




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Column O

5 10 15 20 25
GREEN-AMPT EQUATION For Cumulative infiltratio
Q = KA*(h1-h2)/L
Q = M3/s Ƒ(t) = Kt + ᴪ∆Ɵln(1+ Ƒ(
ƒ = K*(ho-(-ᴪ-L))/L
ƒ = infiltration rate (cm/s) ∆Ɵ = (1-Se) Ɵe
ᴪ = Soil Suction
Ƒᴪ Ɵ

Green ampt infiltration

Ɵe = 0.423
∆Ɵ 0.23265
K 0.05
ᴪ 29.22
Se 0.45

Infiltration Depth Infiltration Rate

t (hr) f(t) cm RHS diff f(t) (cm/hr)
0.1 0.264 0.264 0.000000 1.337144
0.2 0.375 0.375 0.000000 0.955379
For Cumulative infiltration and infiltration rate
Ƒ(t) = cumulative infiltration from ti
Ƒ(t) = Kt + ᴪ∆Ɵln(1+ Ƒ(t)/ ᴪ∆Ɵ) ƒ(t) = K[ᴪ∆Ɵ/ Ƒ(t)+1] ƒ(t) = infiltration rate at time t
∆Ɵ = increase in soil moisture durin
∆Ɵ = (1-Se) Ɵe K = hydraulic conductivity
Ɵe = effective porocity
Se = effective saturation

mulative infiltration from time 0 until time t
iltration rate at time t
rease in soil moisture during infiltration
aulic conductivity
ctive porocity
ctive saturation
Ɵe = 0.423
∆Ɵ 0.23265
K 0.05
ᴪ 29.22
Se 0.45
Initial effective saturation of 45 %

a) Calculate how long until the ponding will occur if the rain fall intensity is 1.5 cm/hr
b) What rainfall intensity will couse ponding after 20 minutes ?
c) How much comulative infiltration during 0 to 0.156 hr

tp=(𝑘"ᴪ " =
a) ∆𝜃)/(𝑖(𝑖−𝑘

t(hr) f(t) (cm) RHS diff f(t)(cm/hr)

c) 0.156 0.330873 0.330873 -4.1023523E-09 1.077288

During the first 0.156 hour of the storm 0.331cm of infiltration occur (according to
However amount of pricipitation during this time is(p=i*t)0.234 cm; the infiltration
This is the failure of green ampt theory sometime
PROBLEM:This shows the limitation of the green ampt model. Its assume continou
Only the resistance of the soil is considered
Thus:The green ampt model is most accurate for heavy storm, where ponding occur
Ƒ(t) = Kt + ᴪ∆Ɵln(1+ Ƒ(t)/ ᴪ∆Ɵ) ƒ(t) = K[ᴪ∆Ɵ/ Ƒ(t)+1]

on occur (according to the green ampt

234 cm; the infiltration is more than the rainfall in the area

el. Its assume continous ponding but not in reality.

, where ponding occur very soon after the storm.

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