MODULE 2 in Ed 10

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MODULE 2 in Ed.

10 21st Century Assessment

Instructor: Mrs. Mary Ann E. Martinez


Lesson I


1. Construct a concept map showing the relationship between the different types of assessment.

Diagnostic Formative
Assessment Assessment

Types of
Interim-benchmark Summative
Assessment Assessment

Criterion-reference Norm-reference
Assessment Assessment

2. Among the assessment that you have discussed before, which do you think is/are the most important?

Answer: For me, the most important type of assessment is the Formative Assessment,because it is
reliable and provide concrete and measurable evidence of learning. Using certain strategies, the
teacher can make out if the students have learned and understood the subject. It creates an
opportunity for feedback on a large. Another, it is the most powerful type of assessment for
improving student understanding and performance.

3. If you are going to make an assessment to your students, what do you prefer? Why?

Answer: If I am going to make an assessment to students, I prefer to use Diagnostic Assessment

because it allows a teacher to determine students' individual strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and
skills prior to instruction. It is primarily used to diagnose student difficulties and to guide lesson
and curriculum planning.
Let Us Assess

A. Determine whether each of the following assessment activities/strategies is traditional or authentic.

1. Traditional
2. Traditional
3. Authentic
4. Authentic
5. Authentic

B. Give at least 2 examples of performance-based assessment in your field of specialization English,

Math or Filipino that is applicable in the following domain.

1. Communication skills=Vocabulary, Phonological Processing, and Verbal Reasoning

2. Psychomotor Skills= construct logical arguments and expose illogical arguments, Operate a computer

3. Athletic Skills= Diving, Flexibility

4. Affective Skills= Word/sound recognition, Active participation

MODULE 2 in Ed. 10 21st Century Assessment
Instructor: Mrs. Mary Ann E. Martinez


Lesson II


“I enjoy teaching but assessing and correcting papers reduce my love for teaching.” Is this true of you? How
does this relate to you as a future teacher?

Answer: For me it’s not because assessing and correcting papers are part of teacher’s duty. Teachers are
responsible in assessing and correcting papers. They did an oath taking wherein they said that they will
do anything about teacher’s responsibilities. For me, I'd prefer to assess them and check their works
because in that way I can feel that I am fulfill the duties of a true teacher. This profession is a tiring
work but still I want to serve my students / learners especially when delivering knowledge because all I
want is to share my ideas into one another.

Let Us Assess

1. Can a diagnostic assessment and formative assessment affect the result of summative assessment? How?

Answer: Yes diagnostic assessment and formative assessment affect the result of summative assessment
through the results or outcomes of the assessment. Formative assessment measures student progress. A
primary focus of formative assessment is to identify areas that may need improvement. These
assessments typically are not graded and act as a gauge to students’ learning progress. On the other
hand, Diagnostic assessment is a way of Knowing students’ strengths and weaknesses to help you better
plan what to teach and how to teach it. Generally, the given assessments are interrelated to each.

2. When a teacher explains how you will be scored in a written or a performance test, will this most likely help
you come up with the better output or performance? Why?

Answer: For me I'd prefer to choose both written and performance test since it assess the ability of
students to cope in the lesson. In assessing, teachers should relate the assessment through topic and
students in order to arrive the objectives. Written and Performance test are techniques in assessing
students' knowledge, skills, or abilities so if possible it should be applied to students.

3. Have you ever experienced having been given unfair assessment? Why do you consider it unfair? As a
future teacher, any lesson learned? Discuss it well.

Answer: Yes I did experienced given unfair assessment where our teacher gave a test that was not in our
topic. It was unfair because we really reviewed and gave our best but we didn't expect that she will
include the topic that we've didn't catch up. As a future teacher, that situation will serve as a lesson
learn from me because it's been tough for students to answer the questions or topic which is not been
discussed. And aside from that, it violates the rule of validity and reliability.
MODULE 2 in Ed. 10 21st Century Assessment
Instructor: Mrs. Mary Ann E. Martinez


Lesson III

Activity 1
Let’s Do This!

Study these comic strips and state common erroneous assessment practice/s suggested by
the comics.


Let Us Assess

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. h
2. h
3. h
4. h
5. h
6. h

Activity 2
Let’s Do This!

Gather 5 learning outcomes from the student teachers’/professional teacher’s lesson plans. Using
Bloom’s and Anderson’s taxonomy of objectives and McTighe’s and Wiggin’s 6 Levels of Understanding,
classify the 5 learning outcomes gathered. Put your findings as a group. Which level of understanding is
most used? What do these imply on what teachers teach and assess most?

Activity 3

Determine whether each given learning outcome is good or not. If not a good learning outcome,
improve on it. Put a check (√) if it is a good learning outcome and (Х) if it is not. If Х, write an improved
version on the space provided. Use the Table below. For 15 points.

Goo Not
Learning Outcomes d Goo Improved Version
(√) d
1.) To understand the phrase “assessment
for learning”
2.) To lecture on academe and industry
3.) To develop effective communication
skills in English both oral and written.
4.) To solve problems involving unlike
5.) To complete a Master’s degree.

Table 1.

Bloom’s and Anderson’s Learning Outcome

1. Remembering

2. Understanding

3. Applying

4. Analyzing

5. Evaluating

Table 2.

Mc Tighe’s and Wiggin’s 6 Levels of


Learning Outcome
1. Explain

2. Interpret
3. Apply

4. Have Prospective

5. Emphasize

6. Have Self-knowledge

Let Us Assess

Select a letter of the correct answer.

1. l
2. l
3. l
4. l
5. l
6. l

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