Inventory Guidelines
Inventory Guidelines
Inventory Guidelines
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Duration Notification
: Two times every year : Generally three four days notice is given before the actual day.
3. Preparations : a) Organize the warehouse teddy and clean. b) Layout Plan should be ready before stock count. c) In every location there should a FLAP of START and END scanning. d) Ensure that all the merchandise is bar coded. e) If the merchandise are inside the boxes or cartons and have to counted Individually, assign a location number to every box or carton f) Assign and stick a location number to every fixture. i) A Layout was drawn according to the locations. Example , Given Below
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4 5 6
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e) f)
h) i)
j) k) l)
ii) The locations were numbered in 3 digits numbers i.e., from 001 to 500. Ensure that all Transfer In and Transfer Out should be in time. All the GRNs and Purchase Return compete to be completed before Stock Audit. Segregate the quarantine inventory. Manual/unrecorded documents should be punched in the system. If unbarcoded items then list should be prepared before stock count. Complete Master File to be ready before the Stock Counts Ensure that GIT must be clear before upload inventory Cost to be check during stock audit so that inventory uploads perfectly
a) All relevant staff is to report for work according to the stock take agreed schedule.
The schedule is earlier than the normal hours of the warehouse. b) There will be ONE staff for every counter. A warehouse staff will be the re-counter and helper. c) Recounting should be compulsory each and every location. d) Count Jog Sheet to be prepare and carry by Inventory Audit Team
e) On each Location Count Job Sheet to filled and get acknowledge by Warehouse supervisor / Manager f) The result of the physical stock count should be matched with Count Job sheet reports and there wont be any ambiguity on this. Any discrepancies will be immediately recounted and double check by Count Controller and Warehouse Manager). g) The Final counted physical stock will be taken as actual stock. h) All Warehouse/Inventory Team member must be aware of Inventory process before scanning. 5. After the stock take: a) The acquired data will be examined by the Inventory Controller and a copy will be acknowledge by warehouse Manager/GM. b) Upon receipt of the acquired data by the warehouse, all highlighted discrepancies must be reconciled i.e proof of missing document or merchandise found Unrecorded during stock take. 6. Final results: a) The final result (after adjustments) of the stock take will be announced in due Course and cannot be challenged. 7. Objectives: a) Computed the inventory at all these locations. b) Compute the BTP difference at the time of stock take itself and got it acknowledged by the custodian of the inventory immediately. c) Segregated the quarantine inventory discovered during the stock take.