Lab 13: Voltage Multipliers

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Lab 13: Voltage Multipliers

Reference Reading: Chapter 4, Sections 4.6

Time: One and a half lab periods will be devoted to this lab.

1. Understand how buffering capacitors can be combined with diodes to clamp a voltage to a
DC level.

2. Understand of a half-wave rectifier combined with a buffering capacitor can be used to obtain
a DC voltage from an AC input.

3. Understand how these elements can be combined to build a multi-stage voltage multiplier.

13.1 Introduction
In this lab we will work with simple diode-based circuits to understand how to take an AC input
voltage and produce a DC output whose voltage is larger than the amplitude of the input voltage.
We will ultimately use this to build a Cockroft-Walton voltage multipler, and then we will examine
the output characteristics of this multiplier.

13.1.1 The Voltage Clamper

The voltage clamper is a circuit that will add a constant DC offset to an AC signal. A simple
example of this circuit is shown in Figure 13.1 where the DC offset is created by charging up a

…€ ‚… …€ ‚…ƒ

buffer capacitor, C, in the circuit. We will start by assuming that the voltage drop across the diode

„„ „ „„
ƒ C ƒ… ƒ
…ÿƒƒ ‚ò €
…ƒ ‚ò
vin (t)
…/ vin (t)
„„ … v (t) „„
„ƒ€ ‚…€

„ƒ€ ‚„€
v (t)
ÿƒ ‚ò ÿƒ ‚ò
out out

Figure 13.1: The left-hand circuit shows a voltage-clamper. After the capacitor charges up to the
amplitude of the input voltage, v0 , current is no longer able to flow in either direction across the diode.
The right-hand circuit shows what effectively happens after the capacitor is charge. The diode behaves
as if it is not there and the capacitor looks like a DC voltage supply.

is zero, Vd = 0. Then, assuming that we have an input voltage of

vin (t) = v0 cos (ωt) ,

which we can write in terms of the period T as

vin (t) = v0 cos .

The capacitor will eventually charge up so that there is a voltage v0 across it with the lower side
being at a higher potential than the upper side. Hence, the orientation of the electrolytic capacitor
in Figure 13.1. This leads to an output voltage of the form

vout (t) = v0 + v0 cos .

We can see this by assuming that the lower side of the voltage source is at a higher potential
than the upper side. Then the diode will be forward biased and current will flow up through the
diode and the capacitor. Thus, the lower side of the capacitor will be at a higher potential than
the upper side. If the upper side of the voltage source now has the higher potential, then the diode
will be reverse biased and no current will flow. Thus, to the extent that the time it takes to charge
and discharge the capacitor is long compared to the period of the voltage, the capacitor will charge
up, and in doing so the output voltage will be clamped to voltage of the capacitor. Such a rising
voltage is shown in Figure 13.2 where we see the capacitor start to charge up at time t = 0, and
then charge up over several periods of the input voltage.

( v0 )






-2 0 2 4 6 8
Time (T)

Figure 13.2: The output of a voltage clamper. At time t = 0 the capacitor begins to charge up,
eventually pulling the DC level on the output up to v0 .

The rate at which the capacitor charges up is controlled by an RC time constant, τRC . In the
circuit in Figure 13.1, there is no obvious resistor in the circuit. However, we note that the AC
supply driving the clamp has some output impedance, Zout . The magnitude of this Zout will serve
as the resistance R in our circuit. If the circuit is driven by an input voltage of amplitude v0 and
the DC voltage sags to vs over one period of the input signal, then we can write that
= e−T /τRC ,

where we recall that the characteristic time is given as
τRC = RC .
Thus, we can write that
τRC = −T / ln . (13.1)
For the voltage to drop to no less than 95% of the input voltage, we must have that τrc ≈ 20 T and
for no less than 99% of the input voltage, τrc ≈ 100 T .
There is one last effect which we need to look at not. We assumed that there was no voltage
drop across our diode, Vd = 0. In general, this is not true. If v0 is large in comparison to Vd , this
may be a reasonable approximation, but we will examine the case when this is not necessarily true.
Our idealistic approach to treating a diode is to take Vd as a constant (typically 0.65 V ). Under
this assumption, we would just expect that the DC level would go to v0 − Vd and everything else
that we did above is correct. This is a good first approximation, but in fact it is not completely


Vd Voltage

Figure 13.3: The I-V curve of a diode following equation 13.2.

We saw that we could describe the I-V curve of a pn-junction (or a diode) as an exponential
function where
I(Vd ) = IS eVd /VT − 1 . (13.2)
In this expression, the thermal voltage VT is just
kB T
VT = ,
and is approximately 25 mV at room temperature. The saturation current, IS is just a constant
value. We can solve equation 13.2 to give that
Vd ≈ VT ln (13.3)
In Figure 13.3 we show the expected I-V curve of a diode. There we see that the nominal voltage
drop, Vd is chosen to be an average for typical operating currents in the diode.
As the capacitor charges up to the nominal diode voltage, the amount of current that can flow
to continue the charging decreases. This in turn causes a logarithmic drop in the value of the diode
voltage, Vd as we move down the curve in Figure 13.3. In the end, the capacitor will actually
be able to charge up beyond our nominal expectations, and we will have a smaller than expected
voltage drop across the diodes. This is indicated as the “Operating point” in the Figure.

13.1.2 The Voltage Doubler
The voltage doubler circuit adds a half-wave rectifier to the output of our voltage clamp from
Section 13.1.1. This rectifier then uses a second capacitor to buffer the output such that it will
charge up to twice the input voltage, 2v0 . In the left-hand circuit in Figure 13.4 is shown the simple
voltage doubler. Assuming that we have chosen reasonable values for our capacitors, the voltage
clamper charges up to v0 , meaning that the point between the C1 and the two diodes will have a
voltage given as

v(t) = v0 (1 + cos ωt) . (13.4)

…€ …‚ …€ ‚…ƒ

„„ „ƒ „„
ƒ C1

…ÿƒƒ ‚ € ‚€
…ÿ ò ‚
ƒ v0 − vd

€…ÿ  ‚ € ÿ‚…€ ò ‚
 „ ƒ /… „ƒ D „ ƒ
vin (t) vin (t)

„„ D 1
C …‰„ v (t) „„ …
C …‰„ v (t)
„ƒ ‚ýÿ„ƒ€ € „ƒ€ ƒý€
2 2

€ ÿƒ‚ ò
‚ ‚ÿ ÿƒ€
‚ ò ‚
out out

Figure 13.4: On the left is shown a voltage-doubler circuit. The first capacitor/diode pair (C1 and D1
form a voltage clamper, which then drive the half-wave rectifier formed by D2 and C2 . Once C1 charges
up, it will behave like a DC voltage source of value. This also leads to a situation where D1 no longer
allows current to flow in either direction. This means that the circuit will behave like that shown in the
right-hand schematic.

When this happens, diode D1 effectively stops conducting in either direction, so we can pretend
that it is no longer present ( as we did in the right-hand side of Figure 13.1). Because C1 is charged
up to a voltage v0 , we can treat it as a DC voltage source. Thus we can draw the equivalent for our
doubler as in the right-hand circuit in Figure 13.4. The diode D2 will now conduct when the upper
side of the voltage source is more positive than the lower side, and as we saw with the clamp. This
means that the capacitor C2 will charge up. It will eventually reach a point when it has a voltage
of 2v0 across it, with the upper face being more positive than the lower face. When this happens,
the diode D2 will no longer conduct in either direction. As such, we will be left with a constant
DC voltage of 2v0 across the capacitor C2 . Thus, the output will be a DC voltage whose values is
twice the amplitude of the inputs AC signal.

vout = 2 v0 .

We now note that the above discussion assumed that the voltage drop across our diodes was
zero, Vd = 0. As it is not, we expect that the output voltage will be lower by two diode drops, or

vout = 2 v0 − 2 Vd .

We now recall that as we saw with the voltage clamper, we do not see the full Vd drop across the
diodes, but only some fraction of it. We therefore expect the voltage to be between the above
expression and 2v0 .
While we have built a circuit that appears to have a DC level that is twice the input, in fact
there are some issues which limit this circuit. In particular, the output impedance of the circuit

tends to be fairly large and the voltage doubler cannot supply very much current to a load. We
will investigate this further when we discuss the voltage multiplier in Section 13.1.3.

13.1.3 The Voltage Multiplier

We can continue with the doubler circuit that we examined in Section 13.1.2 by adding additional
stages to the circuit. Such a circuit is shown in Figure 13.5 where the output labeled a corresponds
to the doubler we saw earlier. There we saw that

V a = 2 v0 − 2 V d

where v0 is the amplitude of the input voltage, vin (t), and Vd is some fraction of the nominal
voltage drop across one of our diodes. The second stage has an output at b and has a nominal
output voltage of

Vb = 4 v0 − 4 Vd .

The third stage has its output at c with nominal output voltage of

Vc = 6 v0 − 6 Vd ,

and if we were to continue this circuit to n stages, we would expect that output voltage Vo would

Vo = 2n ( v0 − Vd ) . (13.5)

This type of voltage multiplier is known as a Cockroft-Walton voltage multiplier and is named for
its inventors, Sir John Douglas Cockroft1 and Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton2 .
…€ ‚ € ‚€
…ÿ ‚ÿ€
… ‚ € ‚€ …ÿ ‚ÿ…€ ‚ € ‚€ …ÿ ‚ÿxyy
… z
„ƒ C „„ „ƒ C „„ „ƒ C „„ „ƒ
ˆ ˆ ˆ

ƒ ƒ ƒ
… … … …
vin (t)
…/„ …„  „ …
 „ „
ÿýƒ€ ‚ÿƒ€ ‚ € „ÿƒ…€ ‚ ‚„ÿƒ€ ‚ € „ÿƒ…€ ‚ ‚„ÿƒ€ ‚ € „xyy …ÿƒ‚ z
„ „ „ƒ
ˆ ˆ ˆ

C ò ƒa C ò ƒ C ò
b c
Figure 13.5: The Cockroft-Walton voltage multiplier.

While the Cockroft-Walton multiplier can be used to generate large DC voltages, it is rather
limited in the current that it can deliver to its load. It also has an AC ripple on the nominal
DC voltage level. Assuming that the multiplier is built using identical capacitors and diodes, the
voltage drop from the nominal output voltage in equation 13.5 is given as
Vdrop = ZC IL 4n3 + 3n2 − n , (13.6)
Sir John Douglas Cockroft was a British physicist who worked with Ernest Rutherford in Manchester. He shared
the Nobel prize in physics in 1951 with Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton for splitting the atomic nucleus.
Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton was an Irish physicist who together with SIr John Douglas Cockroft developed
the Cockroft-Walton accelerator that won them the Nobel prize in 1951 for the splitting of the atomic nucleus.

where ZC is the magnitude of the impedance of one of the capacitors at the AC frequency f ,
ZC = ,
and IL is the current drawn by the load on the output of the multiplier. In literature, one often
sees equation 13.6 approximated with ZC = 1/(6f C).
In addition to the voltage drop, the output also has an AC ripple whose amplitude, vr , is given

vr = ZC IL n (n + 1) , (13.7)

where as before, the number of stages in the multiplier is given as n. This ripple voltage is the
result of the capacitors charging and discharging and is shown schematically in Figure 13.6.


0 T 2T 3T

Figure 13.6: The output voltage of a Cockroft-Walton voltage multiplier. The nominal voltage Vo is
given as in equation 13.5, the voltage drop under loading, Vdrop is from equation 13.6 and the voltage
ripple, vr is given in equation 13.7. The ripple voltage arises from the charging and discharing of the
capacitors under load.

We can use equation 13.6 to characterize the output impedance of the multiplier. We have that
the output voltage under load of the multiplier is

VL = Vo − Vdrop ,

which we can rewrite as

VL = Vo − ZC IL 4n3 + 3n2 − n .

From this, we expect that the output impedance, Rout , of the multiplier is given as
Rout = ZC 4n3 + 3n2 − n , (13.8)

which increases rapidly (n3 ) with the number of stages in the chain. We also saw that the ripple
voltage increases as n2 with the number of stages, thus without doing something additional, there
is a very finite limit in the number of stages that make sense in such a voltage multiplier. Some
discussion of tuning the capacitors to improve this performance can be found in the literature 3 .
There, a more optimal solution is found when the the capacitors in Figure 13.7 are chosen based
on the stage number, i.

C2i = (n − i + 1) C
C2i−1 = (n − i + 1)2 C

In such a configuration, the larger capacitors are in the earlier stages.

…€ ‚ € ‚€ …ÿ ‚ÿ€
… ‚ € ‚€…ÿ ‚ÿ€
… ‚ € ‚€
…ÿ ‚ÿxyy
… z
„ƒ C „„ „ƒ C „„ „ƒ C „„ „ƒ
€ € €

1 ƒ 3 ƒ ƒ 5

vin (t)
…/„ …„  „„ … …„ … …„
ƒýÿ€ ‚€€ ÿƒ ‚ € ÿƒ€ ‚ ‚„€ € ‚ ‚„€
ÿƒ ‚ € „ÿƒ€ ÿƒ ‚ € „xyy
€ ÿƒ‚ z
C2 C4 C6
Figure 13.7: A more optimized Cockroft-Walton voltage multiplier.

13.1.4 Switched Capacitor Circuits

In the previous sections we have looked at ways of multiplying a AC voltage to produce a DC
output. It would also be useful to be able to double a DC voltage directly. One way to do this
is through circuits which use capacitors and switches. A simple example would be to charge two
capacitors in parallel, and then switch them so that the output views the capacitors in series, thus
doubling the voltage. A common method to achieve this doubling is through charge pumping where
a capacitor is charged up, and then switched into a mode where it can transfer charge to a second
capacitor. In that light, we will look at the switched capacitor charge-pump voltage doubler as
shown in Figure 13.8.
…€„  €ÿ‚…„  ‚ € €…„ÿ‚ ò ‚
„ƒ „„ „„
„„ C # ƒ V
" …„

…„ „„„ 
Vin p Co

„„ „€ } … ƒ‚ €…ÿƒ„ ò
ƒ || „„
ƒ€ ‚|{€
ÿ „ƒ‚
Figure 13.8: A switched capacitor charge-pump voltage doubler.

The two switches can either both be to the left or both to the right, and while we show these
as a mechanical style switch in the diagram, in reality they are a pair of transistor switches whose
See for example the article by I. C. Kobougias and E. C. Tatakis in the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 25, No. 9, page 2460 (2010).

switching is controlled by an external clock. We can examine in detail the two possible states of
the circuit, and show these explicitly in Figure 13.9 The left-hand picture shows the circuit when
both switches are to the left, while the right-hand one shows both switches to the right. When
…€„  …„‚ €…ÿ„  ò ‚ …€„  ‚ˆ€ €…„ÿ‚ ò ‚
„ƒ „„ „ƒ „ƒ C „ƒ
ƒ …

… V
C o C o

„„€ƒ…ÿ ò „„
o o
… …
Vin Cp Vin

„„ „„ ‚ „„ €…ÿƒ„ ò
„„ „ „ „„ „„ „
„ƒ€ „„€ ÿƒ‚ ‚„ƒ „ƒ€ ‚„„ƒ
Figure 13.9: A switched capacitor charge-pump voltage doubler showing the two circuit configurations
depending on how the switches are set. The left-hand circuit shows the capacitor Cp being charged up,
while the right-hand circuit shows the output capacitor, Co being charged. Note that Cp is shown as
an electrolytic capacitor to indicate which side is at a higher potential.

both switches are to the left, the capacitor CP will charge up until it has the input voltage across
it. We have shown it as an electrolytic so we can see which side (the upper) of CP is at higher
potential. In this mode, we also see that the output is just taken across the capacitor Co . When the
switches move to the right, we are in a state where Co is being charged by both the input voltage
Vin and the charged up CP in series. This is similar to what we saw with the voltage doubler in
Section 13.1.2 where the charged capacitor will behave like a DC voltage supply. This means that
Co will charge up to a voltage of 2Vin . In this mode, we also take the output across Co . After a
sufficiently long time, we will have that Vo = 2Vin .
As noted above, the switches in these circuits are solid state based and controlled by a clock.
This is typically accomplished by building an integrated circuit based device which has both the
clock and the switches in it. External capacitors are then connected to this circuit. There are a
rather large number of these available commercially. Here, we show how one of these is hooked up
to form a voltage doubler in Figure 13.10. The pin out here is based on the LM2681 chip, but the
same sort of external connections apply to all of these. In looking at the specification sheets for
these devices, they typically can also be used to cut a voltage in half, or to invert a DC voltage. It
is also possible to chain several of these together to obtain even larger multiplication of voltages.
The interested reader is invited to consult the specification sheets for these devices4 .

A very incomplete list of these include the LM2681, LM 2662 and LM2663 from Texas Instruments and the
MAX1044, the MAX1682 and the MAX1683 from Maxim.

…„ ‚€ ‚…„
ð€ ‚„ÿƒ€ ‚V V € ‚„€ ƒ…ÿ ‚ò
+ o
„„ V
V in

…€ ‚ g € …‚ C
ƒ o

C …
ƒ c+
„„ …„ 2 ‹
ƒ ‚c− g € „ÿƒ‚€ ‚„ƒÿý

Figure 13.10: An integrated circuit voltage doubler with external capacitors and diode. The pin out
shown is for the LM2681 switched capacitor voltage convertor. The input V+ connects to the input
voltage. The c+ and c− inputs are for an electrolytic capacitor, C1 , while the g inputs both must be
grounded. The output is taken from the V0 terminal.

13.2 Preliminary Lab Questions

The work in this section must be completed and signed off by an instructor before you start working
on the lab. Do this work in your lab book.

1. Consider the voltage clamper in Figure 13.1 and assume that Vd is zero. Sketch the
input voltage, vin (t) and the voltage across the diode, vout (t) over one period before the
capacitor has started to charge. Sketch the voltage across the capacitor over the same
time period. Be sure to account for the orientation of the capacitor in your sketch.

2. Given the clamped voltage as in equation 13.4, sketch the voltage across the diode D2 in
Figure 13.4 before C2 starts to charge up. Make your sketch for one period of oscillation,

3. Given equation 13.6, estimate the number of stages n before the voltage drop is equal to
the nominal voltage. Assume that n is large enough that you only need the leading term
and express your answer in terms of Vo , ZC and IL .

13.3 Equipment and Parts

In this lab we will utilize the following equipment. This equipment is located at your lab station.

1. The Tektronix TDS 2012B digital oscilloscope.

2. Two P2220 probes for the oscilloscope.

3. One USB memory stick which is no larger than 2GB.

4. The Stanford Research Systems DS335 signal generator.

5. One BNC to alligator cable.

6. The Metex 4650 digital meter.

7. The Global Specialities PB10 proto-board (see Appendix ?? for a description).

You will also need the following components in order to carry out this lab. It makes more sense to
get them as you need them, rather than all at once before the start of the lab.

1. Eight 1N4004 diodes.

2. Eight 50 V , 1 µF electrolytic capacitors.

3. One 47 kΩ resistor.

4. One 100 kΩ resistor.

5. One 260 kΩ resistor.

6. One 1 M Ω resistor.

7. One 5.6 M Ω resistor.

8. Additional resistors and capacitors you choose to match your circuit designs.

13.4 Procedure
13.4.1 The Voltage Clamper
In this section, we will be building and measuring the behavior of the voltage clamp sketched in
Figure 13.11. We will use our DS335 to output voltages with amplitudes on the order of a few volts
and a mid-range frequency such as f = 1 kHz.

vin (t) = v0 cos (ωt)

where v0 ≈ 1 − 5 V . Initially, we will choose C = 1µF and take R = 47 kΩ to build the circuit in
Figure 13.11.

…€ƒ  ‚ € €
…‚ÿ ‚ÿ€
…ƒ ‚ò

C ƒ R
vin (t)
/… … … v (t)
„ƒ ‚„€ÿƒý ‚ÿ„€

€ ƒ ‚ò

Figure 13.11: A voltage-clamper circuit.

Question 13.1 With our choice of R and C, do we expect to be able to buffer the capacitor DC
voltage? How quickly will the capacitor discharge compared to the period of the input voltage?

1. Using an input voltage of 5 V peak-to-peak, measure the output voltage across the resistor.
Be sure to note the average DC level of this voltage and the amplitude of the AC component
of the voltage?

2. Change the resistance to 100 kΩ and repeat your measurements.

3. Remove the resistor altogether and just make your measurements across the diode.

Question 13.2 Assuming that you are using a 47 kΩ resistor, what do you expect to happen
in part 1 if you use a much smaller capacitor, say 0.01 µF ?

13.4.2 The Voltage Doubler

The voltage-doubler circuit can be built by adding a second diode/capacitor stage to the voltage
clamp in Section 13.1.1 as shown in Figure 13.12. In this circuit, we will take both capacitors to
be 1 µ F and the diodes will be 1N4004s. We will choose various resistors and then examine the
average DC level and the AC ripple amplitude at the output.

…€ƒ  ‚ € €…ƒ‚ÿ 

‚ € ÿ€
…‚ ‚ÿ€
…ƒ ‚ò
ƒ R
vin (t)
…/€ …„ C …„
v (t)

ƒ €
ýÿƒ‚ ÿƒ€
‚ ‚€

ÿƒ ‚ò
Figure 13.12: The voltage-doubler circuit.

1. Build the circuit shown in Figure 13.12. Using an input AC signal with a frequency of 1000 Hz
and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 5 V , measure both the average voltage (DC level) and the
amplitude of the voltage ripple for an open circuit (no resistor).

2. Measure the average voltage and ripple voltage with several different values of R ranging from
47 kΩ up to 5.6 M Ω.

Question 13.3 For the 1 kHz signal that you used, what is the output impedance, | Zout | of
your voltage doubler? How does this compare to the impedance of one of our capacitors?

3. Using your 260 kΩ resistor, measure the average voltage and ripple voltage for input frequen-
cies of 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz and 50 kHz.

Question 13.4 Do you see the expected frequency response of the output voltage?

13.4.3 The Voltage Multiplier

We will now continue to add multiplication stages to our circuit in Figure 13.12 until we reach the
three-stage multipler shown in Figure 13.13. As we did earlier, we will continue to use 1N4004
diodes and 1 µF capacitors. We are interested in characterizing the behavior of this circuit for an
input signal

vin (t) = v0 cos (2πf t) ,

where v0 is 5.0 V and f is 1 kHz.

1 Build the voltage-multiplier circuit as shown in Figure 13.13. As with the doubler circuit, use
the assortment of resistors from 47, kΩ to 5.6 M Ω to characterize the average voltage and the
ripple voltage for a 1 kHz input frequency.

2 Determine the output impedance of the multiplier.

3 Repeat your measurements using a 5 kHz and 10 kHz input frequency. Characterize the
output impedance for both of these frequencies.

…€„  ‚ € € ‚…ÿ ‚ÿ€
… ‚ € ‚€ …ÿ ‚ÿ…€ ‚ € ‚€
…ÿ ‚ÿ…xyy z
„ „ „ „ „ „ƒ
ˆ ˆ ˆ
ƒ C „ƒ ƒ C „ƒ ƒ C „ƒ

vin (t)
…/ … „ … …„ … …
„…ƒÿ€ ‚„€ ƒ ÿ ‚ € „ÿƒ€
‚ ‚ „ÿƒ€ ‚ € „ÿƒ€
‚ ‚

„ÿƒ€ ‚ € „„ÿƒxyy …‚ z
„„ ˆ ˆ ˆ

C €
„ÿƒ ‚ò
„„ C C


„ƒÿý€ € …ÿ„ ‚ò

R out

Figure 13.13: The voltage multiplier.

Question 13.5 If would like to be able to drive a 260 kΩ load with our multiplier and have
the ripple voltage smaller than 1 mV , estimate the minium frequency we need to operate at?

Question 13.6 What would happen if we used a smaller capacitor such as 0.1 µF ?


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