Counting The Muses: Development of The Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS)

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Counting the Muses: Development of the Kaufman Domains of Creativity

Scale (K-DOCS)

Article  in  Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts · November 2012

DOI: 10.1037/a0029751

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1 author:

James C. Kaufman
University of Connecticut


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Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts © 2012 American Psychological Association
2012, Vol. 6, No. 4, 298 –308 1931-3896/12/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0029751

Counting the Muses:

Development of the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS)

James C. Kaufman
California State University, San Bernardino

If one takes a domain-specific approach to studying creativity, 1 key question is to determine the most
important domains to measure. One approach is to look at common perceptions of creativity. Building
on past studies that used self-report questionnaires, this study presents a new instrument, the Kaufman
Domains of Creativity Scale. A factor analysis of 2,318 college student responses led to 50 items and 5
broad domains: Self/Everyday, Scholarly, Performance (encompassing writing and music), Mechanical/
Scientific, and Artistic. Coefficient alphas and coefficients of congruence were generally strong.
Correlations between the 5 creativity domains and the Big Five personality factors were consistent with
past research, lending evidence of convergent validity.

Keywords: creativity, assessment, creative self-perceptions, creative domains, creativity tests

I wonder if there are as many genuine Muses as the traditional nine; istic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.
I cannot help thinking that one or two of them have been counted Feist (2004) uses the phrase “domains of mind,” and has proposed
twice over. seven: psychology, physics, biology, linguistics, math, art, and
—Robert Graves (1922, p. 19) music.
Within creativity research, there first exists the basic debate of
It can be argued that the ancient Greeks were as fascinated by whether domains exist in the first place. Can creativity be thought
the idea of creativity across different domains as are current of as “c,” a single construct, perhaps analogous to intelligence’s
psychological researchers. The nine muses, according to mythol- “g”? Or is creativity domain-specific, with performance in differ-
ogy, were goddesses who helped inspire those mortals who would ent creative tasks poorly correlated with each other (Ivcevic,
attempt to be creative in the arts or sciences. Reflecting the 2007)? This question has fueled numerous debates in the literature
emphasis of the times, five muses represented different types of (Baer, 1998; Kaufman & Baer, 2005; Plucker, 1998), although the
poetry (epic, lyric, love, sacred, and pastoral), with additional two alternate sides have been converging into a happy medium,
muses symbolizing history, tragedy, dance, and astronomy with several models offering some general and some domain-
(D’Aulaire & D’Aulaire, 1992). specific aspects (Baer & Kaufman, 2005; Plucker & Beghetto,
In more modern days, our choices of muses may differ. Gardner 2004). Given that the most common measures of creativity are
(1999), famously, has proposed eight intelligences; although they primarily domain-general (e.g., Torrance, 2008), how do we as-
are usually interpreted as aspects of intellectual ability, they could certain which are the key creative domains? This question speaks
equally as well serve as areas of creative achievement (e.g., Gard- to the very structure of creativity itself.
ner, 1993). His eight areas are bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, One proposed framework is the Amusement Park Theoretical
intrapersonal, language, logical-mathematical, musical, naturalis- (APT) model, a hierarchical theory that presents domain-general
tic, and spatial. Holland’s (1997) model of vocational interests initial requirements for creativity (such as a basic level of intelli-
could also apply to creative interests; his six categories are real- gence and motivation) and domain-specific outcomes (Baer &
Kaufman, 2005). The APT model suggests general thematic areas
(such as writing or science), then domains (such as poetry or
fiction), and then microdomains (such as Haikus or free verse).
This article was published Online First October 8, 2012. Each thematic area may have its own profile of personality traits or
I thank Lauren E. Skidmore, David Turner, Danielle Humphrey, Kelly cognitive patterns that lead to optimal creativity. For example, a
Oyes, Yessenia Silva, Ana Llamas, Raul Salcedo, Ruben Martinez, and creative actor may need to be extraverted, but a creative scientist
Lillibeth Lazo for their assistance in data collection; John Baer, Adrian may need to be conscientious (Kaufman, 2009).
Furnham, Jackie McConnaughy, and Roni Reiter-Palmon for their input on
Given practical issues (such as time), it is difficult to test
a draft of this article; and Alan S. Kaufman for his assistance throughout
the development of this article.
creative performance across enough different domains to deter-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to James C. mine the main thematic areas. One alternative has been to look at
Kaufman, Department of Psychology, California State University, San how people view and report their own creativity. Generally, lay-
Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407. E-mail: person perceptions of the construct of creativity tend to be close to
[email protected] expert opinions (e.g., Sternberg, 1985). Several studies have ex-

plored the structure of creativity based on reported behaviors, that people high in Empathy/Communication were lower in
ratings, and self-assessments. However, most self-report creativity social anxiety. Silvia and Nusbaum (in press) found that arts
scales do not focus on specific domains, instead taking a generalist majors were more likely than nonarts majors to rate themselves
perspective. These tests may emphasize personality (Gough, low on the Math/Science factor and high on the “Hands On”
1979), idea generation (Runco, Plucker, & Lim, 2001), or identity factor.
(Jaussi, Randel, & Dionne, 2007). Other self-report scales focus on Expanding on this work, Kaufman and colleagues (Kaufman, 2006;
creative activities. As reviewed by Silvia, Wigert, Reiter-Palmon, Kaufman, Cole, & Baer, 2009) developed the Creativity Domain
and Kaufman (2012), the Biographical Inventory of Creative Be- Questionnaire (CDQ), which consisted of 56 different creative do-
haviors (BICB; Batey, 2007) and Creative Behavior Inventory mains. More than 3,500 people completed the CDQ, and Kaufman,
(CBI; Dollinger, 2006; Hocevar, 1979, 1980) show fine reliability Cole, and Baer (2009) found seven factors, which they dubbed
and agreement with other scales—yet they produce only an overall Artistic-Verbal, Artistic-Visual, Entrepreneur, Interpersonal, Math/
score. Science, Performance, and Problem Solving. These seven factors
Carson, Peterson, and Higgins’ (2005) Creativity Achievement were found as hierarchical second-order factors. In other words, there
Questionnaire (CAQ) measures 10 domains that load on two was evidence that some type of “c” existed; however, a single-factor
factors: the Arts (Drama, Writing, Humor, Music, Visual Arts, and solution was not the best fit for the data. The seven domains repre-
Dance) and Science (Invention, Science, and Culinary). The 10th sented separate (albeit related) factors. Some domains were strongly
domain, Architecture, did not load on a factor. The CAQ empha- related to “c,” such as Performance and Artistic/Visual, whereas
sizes specific, notable accomplishments (e.g., “I have had a show- others (such as Math/Science) were less related. Tan and Qu (in press)
ing of my work in a gallery”). Although responses are binary (yes administered the CDQ to Malaysian undergraduates and found only
or no), each additional statement is assigned a higher weight, so five factors; the two Artistic components loaded together, and Entre-
that “I play one or more musical instruments proficiently” is preneur was spread across other factors. A shorter, revised CDQ was
scored as 1 point and “My compositions have been critiqued in a then created with 21 items and was found to have four factors: (a)
national publication” is scored as 7 points. The test is frequently Math/Science (algebra, chemistry, computer science, biology, logic,
used and shows strong validity and reliability (Silvia et al., 2012). mechanical), (b) Drama (acting, literature, blogging, singing, dancing,
Although often used as a measure of everyday creativity, the CAQ
writing), (c) Interaction (leadership, money, playing with children,
is more aimed at high levels of creativity (i.e., Pro-c or profes-
selling, problem solving, teaching), and (d) Arts (crafts, decorating,
sional creativity; see Kaufman & Beghetto, 2009).
painting; Kaufman, Waterstreet, et al., 2009; Silvia et al., 2012).
Other domain-based self-assessments ask participants for
Kerr and Vuyk (in press) developed five creative profiles of
their own opinions of their creativity. For example, Kaufman
gifted adolescents: verbal/linguistic creativity, mathematical/sci-
and Baer’s (2004) Creativity Scale for Diverse Domains
entific inventiveness, interpersonal/emotional creativity, musical
(CSDD) asked college students to rate themselves on their own
and dance creativity, and spatial visual creativity. Ivcevic and
creativity across nine domains (science, interpersonal relation-
Mayer (2006) used creativity checklists and personality measures
ships, writing, art, interpersonal communication, solving per-
to derive five “types”: Conventional, Everyday Creative Individ-
sonal problems, mathematics, crafts, and bodily/physical move-
uals, Artists, Scholars, and Renaissance Individuals. Next, Ivcevic
ment). They found three factors from these nine domains:
Creativity in Empathy/Communication (creativity in the areas and Mayer (2009) compiled a comprehensive assessment of cre-
of interpersonal relationships, communication, solving personal ativity across specific behaviors. Factor analysis of these behaviors
problems, and writing), “Hands On” Creativity (art, crafts, and resulted in three second-order dimensions. The first factor, called
bodily/physical creativity), and Math/Science Creativity (cre- the Creative Lifestyle, included crafts, self-expressed creativity,
ativity in math or science). These three factors correspond interpersonal creativity, sophisticated media use, visual arts, and
reasonably well to those found in the area of student motiva- writing. The second factor was dubbed Performance Arts and
tion—writing, art, and problem solving (Ruscio, Whitney, & encompassed music, theater, and dance. The third factor, Intellec-
Amabile, 1998). Rawlings and Locarnini (2008) replicated the tual Creativity, represented creativity in technology, science, and
factor structure, and found that professional artists scored academic pursuits.
higher on the “Hands On” factor and professional scientists These studies using behavioral inventories, self-assessed ratings, or
scored higher on the Math/Science factor. A study of Turkish accomplishment checklists continue to evoke consistent patterns. Lay-
undergraduates on the same nine domains found a slightly people seem to be able to distinguish creativity in the broad domains
different factor structure, with an Arts factor (art, writing, of everyday or interpersonal, intellectual or scientific, and the arts
crafts), an Empathy/Communication factor (interpersonal rela- (encompassing, perhaps, verbal, visual, and performance areas). As
tionships, communication, solving personal problems), and a mentioned earlier, most of the commonly used creative self-
Math/Science factor (math, science). Bodily/kinesthetic was not assessments, however, use a domain-general perspective.
associated with any factor (Oral, Kaufman, & Agars, 2007). The goal of this study was twofold. The first goal was to build
The CSDD has been used in several research studies. Silvia, on past work and use ratings of creative behaviors to analyze
Nusbaum, Berg, Martin, and O’Conner (2009) found that open- layperson perceptions of the structure of creativity. The second
ness to experience was related to all factors except Math/ goal was to create a self-report, behavior-based creativity rating
Science; in addition, Math/Science and Empathy/Communica- scale that reflects a domain-specific perspective of everyday cre-
tion were negatively related to neuroticism. Empathy/ ativity, the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS). A
Communication was also positively correlated with five-factor personality measure was also included as a measure of
conscientiousness. Similarly, Silvia and Kimbrel (2010) found convergent validity.

Method 1,174) was factor analyzed to identify the best factor structure.
Eigenvalues of unrotated factors were examined using Cattell’s
scree test to provide a good estimate of the appropriate number of
factors to extract, but the ultimate criterion was the psychological
Participants were undergraduate students at a public state uni- sense of the solution. The second half of the sample (cross-
versity in California. There were 2,318 participants, with 1,862 validation sample, n ⫽ 1,144) was then used to extract the same
women, 421 men, and 35 who declined to list their gender. The age number of factors that were judged to be psychologically mean-
range was 18 – 66 years old, with a mean age of 23.85 years (SD ⫽ ingful in the first analysis. Coefficients of congruence (Harman,
7.14). There were 1,012 Hispanic Americans (43.7%), 654 Cau- 1976) were computed between factors assigned the same name in
casians (28.2%), 262 African Americans (11.3%), 208 Asian each analysis to determine whether each factor was replicable (i.e.,
Americans (9.0%), 81 people of mixed or biracial ethnicity (3.5%), “real” and not due to chance fluctuations). Following these anal-
25 Middle Easterners (1.1%), 22 Native Americans (0.9%), and 54 yses, I conducted principal factor analysis with varimax rotation
people who declined to list their ethnicity (2.3%). using the total sample (N ⫽ 2,318), and this latter solution was
A subsample of 132 participants was administered the K-DOCS used to select items for the K-DOCS. Coefficient alphas were
a second time after 2 weeks to establish test–retest reliability. computed for each separate scale for the total sample and for each
half-sample separately.
Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS). The
K-DOCS was created for this study. A list of 94 creative behaviors Principal factor analysis of the computation sample yielded five
was identified as follows: First, items from all three versions of the factors with eigenvalues ⬎2.0 and 18 with values ⬎1.0. The scree
CDQ were translated into behaviors. So, for example, if the CDQ plot suggests that either five or six factors are appropriate to rotate.
asked someone to rate creativity in the domain of blogging, the Both the five-factor and six-factor varimax solutions were exam-
item was rewritten to present a specific behavior (“Keeping an ined. In the six-factor solution, the last factor was small, with only
interesting journal or blog”). Items were primarily adapted from two variables loading .45 or greater. By contrast, each of the first
earlier CDQs (Kaufman & Baer, 2004; Kaufman, Cole, & Baer, five factors had anywhere from seven to 14 variables with load-
2009; Kaufman, Waterstreet, et al., 2009), with additional items ings ⱖ .45. In addition, the first five factors in the six-factor
adapted from Ivcevic and Mayer (2009) and Carson et al. (2005). solution were virtually identical to the five factors extracted in the
Instructions were as follows: “Compared to people of approxi- five-factor solution. More important, each of the five factors
mately your age and life experience, how creative would you rate makes psychological sense from the perspective of creativity re-
yourself for each of the following acts? For acts that you have not search and theory. Table 1 presents the varimax-rotated factor
specifically done, estimate your creative potential based on your loadings for the five-factor solution based on data for the compu-
performance on similar tasks.”1 Participants rated themselves on a tation sample.
5-point Likert scale, with 1 being much less creative and 5 being Factor 1 had its highest loadings by “Teaching someone how to
much more creative. The original 94-item scale can be seen in do something” (.59), “Understanding how to make myself happy”
Table 1. (.58), “Choosing the best solution to a problem” (.56), “Being able
Big Five Factor Markers from the International Personality to work through my personal problems in a healthy way” (.55),
Item Pool (Goldberg, 1999; Goldberg et al., 2006). This 50- “Helping other people cope with a difficult situation” (.55), and
item scale is designed to measure Goldberg’s (1999) adjective- “Getting people to feel relaxed and at ease” (.55). This factor has
derived five-factor personality theory: Extraversion, Agreeable- been labeled Self/Everyday Creativity (including interpersonal and
ness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Openness to intrapersonal creativity), which seems to best capture the essence
Experience. In the Big Five Factor Markers, participants rate how of the items that define it.
well each statement describes themselves on a Likert scale from 1 The highest loading items on Factor 2 were “Coming up with a
(very inaccurate) to 5 (very accurate). Sample statements include new way to think about an old debate” (.62), “Debating a contro-
“Am the life of the party,” “Feel little concern for others,” “Am versial topic from my own perspective” (.57), “Gathering the best
always prepared,” “Get stressed out easily,” and “Have a rich possible assortment of articles or papers to support a specific point
vocabulary.” The items were presented in a random order with of view” (.56), “Being able to offer constructive feedback based on
positive and negative keying. For this sample, Cronbach’s alpha my own reading of a paper” (.55), and “Figuring out how to
reliabilities were as follows: Extraversion (.85), Agreeableness integrate critiques and suggestions while revising a work” (.55).
(.87), Conscientiousness (.82), Emotional Stability (.86), and This factor involves creative analysis, debate, and scholarly pur-
Openness to Experience (.82). suits and has been named Scholarly Creativity.

Data Analysis Participants were asked to estimate their creativity for activities they
had not performed due to the sometimes specific nature of some of the
The 94 items developed for the K-DOCS were analyzed using items. Past work (e.g., Kaufman, Cole, & Baer, 2009) has found that scores
exploratory factor analysis. Principal factor analysis was con- were consistent for domains that participants were likely to have done
(such as interacting with people) and domains that participants were less
ducted, with iterations, using an orthogonal varimax solution with likely to have done (such as practicing medicine). However, future work
Kaiser normalization to identify simple structure. The sample was should examine how the accuracy of creativity estimates varies based on
randomly divided in half. The first half (computation sample, n ⫽ past expertise.

Table 1
Rotated Factor Matrix, Computational Sample

Item 1 2 3 4 5

Capturing my feelings in a letter or verse — .38 .26 — .21

Writing a poem — .33 .49 — .29
Making up rhymes — .21 .65 — —
Keeping an interesting journal or blog — .34 .28 — .31
Making up an original story — .42 .38 — .30
Writing a nonfiction article for a newspaper, newsletter, or magazine — .51 .22 — .22
Making up lyrics to a funny song — — .68 — —
Writing amusing e-mails — .34 .33 — —
Writing fan-fiction about pre-existing characters (like “Star Trek”) — .30 .37 .33 .26
Writing a letter to the editor — .54 .22 — —
Creating a crossword puzzle — — — .31 .25
Thinking of a good metaphor, simile, or analogy — .53 .30 — —
Creating a tasty meal out of scattered leftovers .33 — .23 — —
Figuring out a new way home to avoid traffic .40 — — — —
Finding something fun to do when I have no money .51 — .21 — —
Figuring out new ways to save money each month .40 — — .23 —
Thinking up new rules or a new strategy to play a game .34 .23 .25 .24 —
Developing a new and efficient filing system for my CDs or clothing .41 — — — .28
Tinkering with a recipe .32 — — — —
Cutting out some foods and eating new ones in order to lose (or gain) weight .40 — — — —
Finding new ways to motivate myself to do something unpleasant .35 .24 — — —
Making a witty remark .27 .40 .21 — —
Cracking a joke .31 .28 .40 — —
Fixing something with duct tape (or something similar) .34 — — — —
Thinking of new (and legal) income tax deductions — .23 — .47 —
Composing an original song — — .63 .28 —
Making up dance moves — — .50 — .22
Learning how to play a musical instrument — — .43 .27 —
Singing a popular song by myself .38 — .34 — —
Shooting a fun video to air on YouTube — — .47 .22 .23
Singing in harmony — — .48 — —
Giving a presentation in class or at work — .37 — — —
Delivering a toast or a speech in front of other people — .41 .31 — —
Spontaneously creating lyrics to a rap song — — .68 .25 —
Playing music in public — — .53 .21 —
Acting in a play — .22 .47 — —
Delivering a punch line of a joke .26 .29 .43 — —
Entertaining a small child .50 — — — —
Communicating with people from different cultures .40 .23 — — —
Helping other people cope with a difficult situation .55 .30 — — —
Persuading someone to buy something .31 — — — —
Wooing and flirting with someone I am attracted to .37 — — — —
Leading a group project .40 .40 — — —
Teaching someone how to do something .59 .22 — — —
Thinking of a polite way to tell someone about a flaw or bad habit .36 .24 — — —
Planning a trip or event with friends that meets everyone’s needs .53 — — — —
Mediating a dispute or argument between two friends .50 .30 — — —
Delegating other work to people and inspiring them to complete it .43 .38 — — —
Getting people to feel relaxed and at ease .55 .28 — — —
Drawing a picture of something I’ve never actually seen (like an alien) — — .30 .26 .51
Creating or modifying my own clothing .26 — .28 — .40
Decorating a room .45 — — — .50
Sketching a person or object — — .27 .28 .55
Making interesting PowerPoint presentations .30 .26 — — .24
Doodling/drawing random or geometric designs — — .22 — .46
Designing a personal website (not programming, but rather the aesthetics) — .24 .24 .37 .31
Carving something out of wood or similar material — — .25 .52 .46
Making a scrapbook page out of my photographs .40 — — — .46
Constructing something out of metal, stone, or similar material — — .26 .54 .42
Taking a well-composed photograph using an interesting angle or approach .28 .21 — — .43
Making a sculpture or piece of pottery — — .24 .30 .59
(table continues)

Table 1 (continued)

Item 1 2 3 4 5

Thinking of a new invention — .32 .31 .48 .24

Figuring out how to fix a frozen or buggy computer — — — .54 —
Writing a computer program — — .33 .62 —
Solving math puzzles .24 — — .56 —
Taking apart machines and figuring out how they work — — — .67 —
Building something mechanical (like a robot) — — .26 .69 —
Helping to carry out or design a scientific experiment — .31 — .57 —
Figuring out what illness a person might have based on their symptoms — .29 — .25 —
Designing a way to test a hypothesis — .42 — .54 —
Solving an algebraic or geometric proof .26 — — .56 —
Analyzing an argument .34 .51 — — —
Researching a topic using many different types of sources that may not be readily apparent — .46 — .29 —
Comparing two different points of view .40 .52 — — —
Debating a controversial topic from my own perspective .31 .57 — — —
Gathering the best possible assortment of articles or papers to support a specific point of view .22 .56 — — —
Arguing a side in a debate that I do not personally agree with — .49 — .21 —
Figuring out how to integrate critiques and suggestions while revising a work .24 .55 — — —
Being able to offer constructive feedback based on my own reading of a paper .30 .56 — — —
Thinking of many different solutions to a problem .42 .39 — .25 —
Coming up with a new way to think about an old debate — .62 — .28 —
Thinking of new ways to help people .54 .32 — — —
Choosing the best solution to a problem .56 .23 — — —
Responding to an issue in a context-appropriate way .33 .51 — — —
Maintaining a good balance between my work and my personal life .51 — — — —
Understanding how to make myself happy .58 — — — —
Being able to work through my personal problems in a healthy way .55 — — — —
Appreciating a beautiful painting .34 .32 — — .36
Analyzing the themes in a good book .21 .52 — — —
Coming up with my own interpretation of a classic work of art — .38 .22 — .44
Enjoying an art museum .27 .36 — — .39
Thinking about how a movie or television show could be improved .30 .30 — — —
Discovering new music .34 — .35 — —
Burning a mix CD to introduce a friend to new songs .45 — — — —
Note. Factor loadings below .20 are represented by a dash (–). Factor loadings above .45 are in boldface. Extraction method: Principal axis factoring.
Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization.

Factor 3 had its highest loadings by “Making up lyrics to a solution were essentially the same as attested by coefficients of
funny song” (.68), “Spontaneously creating lyrics to a rap song” congruence of .90 or greater for each factor: 1—Self/Everyday
(.68), “Making up rhymes” (.65), “Composing an original song” Creativity (.96), 2—Scholarly Creativity (.92), 3—Performance
(.63), and “Playing music in public” (.53). Factor 3 has been Creativity (.93), 4 —Mechanical/Scientific Creativity (.96), and
labeled Performance Creativity; although both music and writing 5—Artistic Creativity (.91).
are part of the factor, much of the emphasis is on public presen- Because the factors were so convergent in the computational
tation. and cross-validation half-samples, I decided to factor analyze the
The following items loaded highest on Factor 4: “Building full sample to help make decisions about selecting items to com-
something mechanical (like a robot)” (.69), “Taking apart ma- pose each of the five scales. I decided to reduce the item pool by
chines and figuring out how they work” (.67), “Writing a computer about half. Items were eliminated that loaded poorly on all factors
program” (.62), “Helping to carry out or design a scientific exper- (⬍.40) or that loaded about equally well on more than one factor.
iment” (.57), and “Solving an algebraic or geometric proof” (.56). That still left a substantial number of “good” items, with a dispro-
These items emphasize mechanical ability and interest in science portionate number of items on Self/Everyday Creativity and Schol-
and math. Factor 4 was labeled Mechanical/Scientific Creativity. arly Creativity. The decision was made to have a 50-item test with
Factor 5 had its highest loadings by “Making a sculpture or about 10 items per scale. Factor loadings were the primary con-
piece of pottery” (.59), “Sketching a person or object” (.55), and sideration, but correlations between each item and the factor on
“Drawing a picture of something I’ve never actually seen (like an which it loaded were also used to make item selections. Ulti-
alien)” (.51). This factor was named Artistic Creativity. mately, only nine items were defensible for 5—Artistic Creativity,
The five-factor varimax-rotated principal factor analysis was so I decided to retain 11 items for 1—Self/Everyday Creativity and
then repeated with the cross-validation sample (data not shown). keep 10 items for the other three scales. The final K-DOCS is
The same five factors emerged, although the order in which they presented in the Appendix.
emerged differed slightly (Performance emerged second and Coefficient alpha reliabilities are shown in Table 2 for the five
Scholarly emerged third). However, the five factors from each scales for the total sample and each half-sample. All values are at

Table 2 ness to experience correlated with four of the five creativity

Coefficient Alpha Reliabilities for Kaufman Domains of domains, similar to past work (e.g., King, Walker, & Broyles,
Creativity Scale (K-DOCS) 1996; McCrae, 1987). The only domain that did not correlate with
openness to experience was Mechanical/Scientific, consistent with
Scale 1st half 2nd half Total the Silvia et al. (2009) findings. Other consistent findings include
Self/Everyday .86 .86 .86 Mechanical/Scientific being significantly negatively correlated
Scholarly .86 .86 .86 with agreeableness (e.g., Feist, 1993; Silvia, Kaufman, Reiter-
Performance .87 .87 .87 Palmon, & Wigert, 2011) and positively correlated with emotional
Mechanical/Scientific .87 .86 .86
Artistic .83 .82 .83
stability (Silvia et al., 2009), and Performance being significantly
correlated with extraversion (e.g., Kaufman, Cole, & Baer, 2009;
Silvia, Kaufman, & Pretz, 2009).
Past studies using domain questionnaires found separate factors
least .80, indicating adequate internal consistency reliability for for both writing and problem solving (Kaufman, Cole, & Baer,
each of the five scales. Factor analysis was not conducted for the 2009). In this study, writing was split between nonfiction (in
K-DOCS composed of 50 items because the present sample was Scholarly) and fiction/poetry (subsumed into Performance). Sim-
used to develop the scales. It is desirable that the construct validity ilarly, problem solving was subsumed into Scholarly and Mechan-
of the 50-item K-DOCS be obtained with a fresh sample of adults.
For the 132 participants who were administered the K-DOCS a
The five creative domains reflect past theory and research.
second time after 2 weeks, correlation coefficients were as follows:
Self/Everyday, for example, includes Gardner’s (1999) ideas of
Self/Everyday, r ⫽ .80; Scholarly, r ⫽ .76; Performance, r ⫽ .86;
interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, Ivcevic and Mayer’s
Mechanical/Scientific, r ⫽ .78, and Artistic, r ⫽ .81. All domains
(2009) creative lifestyle, and Kerr and Vuyk’s (in press) interper-
showed acceptable test–retest reliability (Nunnally, 1978).
sonal/everyday creativity. Scholarly would encompass Gardner’s
Finally, bivariate correlations between the five personality fac-
linguistic intelligence, Feist’s (2004) linguistics, Kerr and Vuyk’s
tors and the five creativity factors are presented in Table 3. As can
verbal/linguistic creativity, and Ivcevic and Mayer’s intellectual
be seen, openness to experience significantly correlated with all
creativity. Both Gardner’s bodily kinesthetic and musical intelli-
creativity domains but Mechanical/Scientific and extraversion sig-
gence would fall under Performance, as would Carson and col-
nificantly correlated with all domains but Mechanical/Scientific
leagues’ (2005) Arts factor, Ivcevic and Mayer’s performance arts,
and Artistic. Agreeableness and conscientiousness were both pos-
Feist’s music, and Kerr and Vuyk’s musical/dance creativity.
itively correlated with Scholarly and Performance but negatively
Mechanical/Scientific would cover Gardner’s logical-mathematical
correlated with Mechanical/Scientific and Self/Everyday, respec-
and naturalistic intelligences, Carson and colleagues’ Science fac-
tively. Emotional stability was the least related to creativity, with
only a significant positive relationship with Mechanical/Scientific. tor, Kerr and Vuyk’s mathematical/scientific inventiveness, many
of Feist’s factors, and Ivcevic and Mayer’s intellectual creativity.
The final factor, Artistic, reflects Gardner’s spatial intelligence,
Carson and colleagues’ Arts factor, Kerr and Vuyk’s spatial visual
The K-DOCS produced five factors of self-assessed creative creativity, Feist’s art, and Ivcevic and Mayer’s creative lifestyle.
behaviors: Self/Everyday, Scholarly, Performance (encompassing One domain-specific approach to studying creativity, as outlined
writing and music), Mechanical/Scientific, and Artistic. Coeffi- by the APT model (Baer & Kaufman, 2005), is to study the
cient alphas and coefficients of congruence were generally strong. characteristics and abilities associated with different types of cre-
In addition, the correlations between the five creativity domains ativity. The model proposes that factors such as motivation, per-
and the five personality factors were consistent with past research, sonality, and intelligence will come into play in different ways for
lending some evidence of convergent validity. For example, open- creativity in different areas. The five creative domains from this

Table 3
Bivariate Correlations Between Five Factors of Personality and Domains of Creativity

Factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Self/Everyday —
2. Scholarly .04 —
3. Performance .00 .11ⴱ —
4. Mechanical/Science .06 .04 ⫺.04 —
5. Artistic .09ⴱ .03 .03 .06 —
6. Extraversion .19ⴱ .13ⴱ .24ⴱ .00 .01 —
7. Agreeableness ⫺.03 .10ⴱ .40ⴱ ⫺.13ⴱ .06 .39ⴱ —
8. Conscientiousness ⫺.11ⴱ .12ⴱ .21ⴱ .03 .03 .19ⴱ .46ⴱ —
9. Emotional Stability .02 .01 .16 .12ⴱ .02 .29ⴱ .33ⴱ .26ⴱ —
10. Openness to Experience .15ⴱ .42ⴱ .31ⴱ .05 .19ⴱ .42ⴱ .55ⴱ .42ⴱ .27ⴱ —

p ⬍ .001.

study offer one way of approaching such studies. For example, for example, that music and writing would have split into their own
intellectual ability may be more important to success in the Schol- factors with differently worded items.
arly domain, whereas emotional intelligence may be more essential Most notably, the K-DOCS needs significant further validation.
for Self/Everyday. How does this measure correlate with other self-report creativity
Research of this type has already been conducted; Jeon, Moon, measures and performance-based tests? The current sample of
and French (2011), for example, compared predictors of creative undergraduate students allows only a certain amount of extrapo-
performance in art and math. They found that domain knowledge lation to the general population. If the K-DOCS is a valid instru-
was more important than divergent thinking for math creativity; ment, then specific populations should score higher on different
the reverse pattern was found for art. Ruscio et al. (1998) focused domains (i.e., scientists should score higher on Mechanical/Scien-
on characteristics that were related to creativity across three do- tific). Similarly, people with higher scores on the K-DOCS do-
mains (problem solving, art, and writing). They also found several mains should theoretically score higher on objective tests in these
domain-specific patterns; assuredness, for example, was related to areas.
creativity in the art task but not in the other two. However, it is worth highlighting that perceptions of creativity
Other studies have looked at different majors. Haller and Cour- can be quite different from actual ability. Research on creative
voisier (2010) compared visual art, music, and psychology stu- metacognition indicates that people do not necessarily have sharp
dents and found higher levels of extraversion in music students and self-insight into their own creativity (see Kaufman, Evans, & Baer,
higher levels of neuroticism and openness to experience in visual 2010; Lee, Day, Meara, & Maxwell, 2002; Priest, 2006; Reiter-
art students. Furnham (2012) compared arts and science students Palmon, Robinson-Morral, Kaufman, & Santo, 2012). People may
on intelligence and personality tests and found strong differences. have a high opinion of themselves because they are creative or
Arts students had stronger verbal ability but weaker numerical because they have unusually high levels of self-esteem (or narcis-
ability. They were warmer and more sensitive, trusting, abstract, sism; see Goncalo, Flynn, & Kim, 2010).
open to change, and relaxed, whereas science students were more In addition to further validation work, another line of possible
rule conscious and perfectionist. Silvia and Nusbaum (in press) future work could be to determine whether the factor structure is
found that arts majors scored higher on both openness to experi- consistent across cultures. Most cross-cultural work that contrasts
ence and arts knowledge and preference. The current study adds a perceptions of creativity emphasizes which concepts are most
possible framework for future studies of this ilk. associated with creativity. For example, Western conceptions tend
As interest in nurturing everyday creativity continues to rise to emphasize unconventionality, inquisitiveness, imagination, hu-
(Beghetto & Kaufman, 2007; Richards, 2007), the K-DOCS offers mor, and freedom (Murdock & Ganim, 1993; Sternberg, 1985).
researchers a short, free tool to assess self-perceptions of creative Eastern conceptions are more likely to encompass moral goodness,
ability. There are strong behaviorally based measures already in societal contributions, and connections between old and new
existence, such as the CAQ (Carson et al., 2005), the BICB (Batey, knowledge (Niu & Sternberg, 2002; Rudowicz & Hui, 1997;
2007), and the CBI (Dollinger, 2006; Hocevar, 1979). All three, Rudowicz & Yue, 2000). It would be interesting to see how these
however, simply ask participants whether they have performed different cultures view creativity by domain. Cheung and Yue
certain creative behaviors, emphasizing either frequency (BICB, (2007) found that Chinese students viewed scientists as more
CBI) or levels of creative accomplishments (CAQ). creative than other professions. Such comparable preferences and
The K-DOCS is more focused on self-beliefs about one’s abil- beliefs may result in different patterns for different cultures.
ities than a straightforward reporting of participation. In this way, If one conceives of creativity as being domain-specific, it can be
the K-DOCS also incorporates the idea of creative self-efficacy, difficult to measure or operationalize. In an ideal world, a full
which can be a core facet of lower levels of creativity (Beghetto, creativity assessment might consist of tasks across hundreds of
2006; Beghetto, Kaufman, & Baxter, 2011). Most measures of areas, from preparing legal briefs to cooking casseroles to manag-
creative self-efficacy or self-rated creativity tend to be very short ing a baseball team. In the real world, researchers have a limited
and produce a global score (e.g., Furnham, 1999; Furnham, Zhang, amount of time to assess someone’s creativity. The first step is
& Chamorro-Premuzic, 2006). The domain-specific nature of the determining which domains should be measured. This study offers
K-DOCS allows a more in-depth instrument for studying beliefs, five broad areas as a starting point: Self/Everyday, Scholarly,
perceptions, and metacognition. In addition, unlike the BICB and Performance (encompassing writing and music), Mechanical/Sci-
the revised CBI,2 the K-DOCS assumes a domain-specific per- entific, and Artistic.
spective, thereby offering researchers who subscribe to this view
the chance to use a measure that gives multiple scores and not one
overall number. 2
The original CBI was domain-specific, although Plucker (1999) argued
There are several limitations of the study and the instrument. that a one-factor solution was a better fit for the data.
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Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS)

Instructions: Compared to people of approximately your age and 17. Gathering the best possible assortment of articles or papers to
life experience, how creative would you rate yourself for each of support a specific point of view _____
the following acts? For acts that you have not specifically done,
18. Arguing a side in a debate that I do not personally agree with
estimate your creative potential based on your performance on _____
similar tasks.
19. Analyzing the themes in a good book _____
1 2 3 4 5
Much Less Less Neither More More Much More 20. Figuring out how to integrate critiques and suggestions while
Creative Creative nor Less Creative Creative revising a work _____
21. Being able to offer constructive feedback based on my own
1. Finding something fun to do when I have no money _____ reading of a paper _____

2. Helping other people cope with a difficult situation _____ 22. Coming up with a new way to think about an old debate _____
3. Teaching someone how to do something _____ 23. Writing a poem _____
4. Maintaining a good balance between my work and my personal 24. Making up lyrics to a funny song _____
life _____
25. Making up rhymes _____
5. Understanding how to make myself happy _____
26. Composing an original song _____
6. Being able to work through my personal problems in a healthy
way _____
27. Learning how to play a musical instrument _____
7. Thinking of new ways to help people _____
28. Shooting a fun video to air on YouTube _____
8. Choosing the best solution to a problem _____
29. Singing in harmony _____
9. Planning a trip or event with friends that meets everyone’s
needs _____ 30. Spontaneously creating lyrics to a rap song _____

10. Mediating a dispute or argument between two friends _____ 31. Playing music in public _____

11. Getting people to feel relaxed and at ease _____ 32. Acting in a play _____

12. Writing a nonfiction article for a newspaper, newsletter, or 33. Carving something out of wood or similar material _____
magazine _____
34. Figuring out how to fix a frozen or buggy computer _____
13. Writing a letter to the editor _____
35. Writing a computer program _____
14. Researching a topic using many different types of sources that
may not be readily apparent _____ 36. Solving math puzzles_____

15. Debating a controversial topic from my own perspective _____ 37. Taking apart machines and figuring out how they work _____

16. Responding to an issue in a context-appropriate way _____ 38. Building something mechanical (like a robot) _____

(Appendix continues)

39. Helping to carry out or design a scientific experi- 48. Appreciating a beautiful painting _____
49. Coming up with my own interpretation of a classic work
40. Solving an algebraic or geometric proof _____ of art _____

41. Constructing something out of metal, stone, or similar 50. Enjoying an art museum _____
material _____
Scoring: all items should be randomized.
42. Drawing a picture of something I’ve never actually seen Items 1–11 comprise 1
(like an alien) _____ Items 12–22 comprise 2
Items 23–32 comprise 3
43. Sketching a person or object _____
Items 33– 41 comprise 4
44. Doodling/drawing random or geometric designs _____ Items 42–50 comprise 5

45. Making a scrapbook page out of my photographs _____

46. Taking a well-composed photograph using an interest-

ing angle or approach _____ Received January 23, 2012
Revision received June 4, 2012
47. Making a sculpture or piece of pottery _____ Accepted July 3, 2012 䡲

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