Packet Power EMX

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EMX Energy Portal

Easiest, fastest path to energy insights

EMX delivers full power and environmental monitoring capabilities at a fraction of the cost
and complexity of competing solutions and without the need for external consultants.

Total Power Features

• Real-time and historical power, temperature,
humidity and pressure information
• Easily map monitoring units to facility layout
• Accessible from any web browser
• Works with Packet Power monitors and any
device that supports SNMP or Modbus
• Supports a multi-tenant model making it a
strong fit for colo companies
• Offered as cloud-based service or local
software application

• Common reports are built in and easily
accessed including:
- Current, power and energy by circuit
Why EMX - Temperature and humidity
- Energy costs
• Easily tailored to add cabinet, room, end
user, project and other data
Shortest time to value • Easily and securely share reports and
graphical dashboards with end users
• Export reports in universal formats
Instant access to useful data; no • Wide range of report customization options
programming required
• Easily create custom, graphical views and
Highly flexible reporting and alerting share using unique secure links
• Simple wizard makes PUE calculations easy

Policies and Alerts

Use in the cloud or install on site • Set policies to spot anomalies before they
become problems
• Can be set at device, cabinet and room levels
• Policy violations can trigger alerts delivered
via SMS or email

© 2018 Packet Power LLC EMX V2

EMX Energy Portal

Intuitive Monitoring Software

Calculate PUE Easily share data


Detect hot spots Allocate energy costs by customer

Create custom dashboards Set policies that trigger alerts

2716 Summer St. NE Ph +1 (877) 560-8770
Minneapolis, MN 55413 Fax +1 (866) 324-2511

© 2018 Packet Power LLC EMX V2 - Page 2

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