SS2 Economics Scheme of Work For 3RD Term 2021-2022

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SS 2
1 PUBLIC FINANCE A. Meaning of Public Finance/Fiscal policy By the end of the lesson, students should be able
B. Classifications/ Sources of government Revenue to:
C. Objectives and Importance of sources of 1. Define the meaning of Public Finance/Fiscal
Government revenue policy
D. Main Objectives and Classification or 2. Outline the Classifications/ Sources of
Structure/types of Government Expenditure government Revenue
E. Effects of and Reasons for increased Government 3. State the Objectives and Importance of
expenditure sources of Government revenue
4. Identify the Main Objectives and
Classification or Structure/types of
Government Expenditure
5. Describe the Effects of and Reasons for
increased Government expenditure
Hol. Assignment

2 PUBLIC FINANCE- (II) A. Meaning and Types of budget and budget By the end of the lesson, students should be able
(The Budget and Public presentation to:
Debt) B. Role of the budget in modern economy 1. State the Meaning and Types of budget and
C. Meaning and Classifications of National or Public budget presentation
Debt 2. State the Role of the budget in modern
D. Reasons for National Debt or why government economy
borrow 3. Highlight the Meaning and Classifications of
E. Instruments of Public Debt and Meaning of Debt National or Public Debt
4. Enumerate the reasons for National Debt or
servicing why government borrow
5. Explain the Instruments of Public Debt and
Meaning of Debt servicing
Test 1
3 PUBLIC FINANCE- A. Meaning, Functions and problems of Taxation By the end of the lesson, students should be able
(Taxation) B. Classification/Types of Direct Taxes and Indirect to:
Taxes. 1. State the Meaning, Functions and problems
C. Systems of Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes of Taxation
D. Principles of a Good tax system 2. Identify the Classification/Types of Direct
E. Incidence of Taxation and Effects of Taxes. Taxes and Indirect Taxes.
F. Merits and Demerits of Direct and Indirect taxes. 3. Explain the Systems of Direct Taxes and
Indirect Taxes
4. Enumerate the Principles of a Good tax
5. Discuss Incidence of Taxation and Effects of
6. Outline the Merits and Demerits of Direct and
Indirect taxes.
Class work.
4. ELEMENT OF NATIONAL A. Definition of concepts (i) Personal Income (ii) By the end of the lesson, students should be able
INCOME ACCOUNTING Disposable Income (iii) Gross/Net Domestic Product to:
(iv) Gross/Net National Product (v)National income 1. Define the following concepts (i) Personal
(vi) Income per capita Income (ii) Disposable Income (iii) Gross/Net
B. Measurement of national income methods- (i) Domestic Product (iv) Gross/Net National
Income Approach (ii) Output or Net Product Product (v)National income (vi) Income per
Approach (iii) Expenditure Approach capita
C. Problems of computation of National income via 2. Measure national income using methods- (i)
the three approaches Income Approach (ii) Output or Net Product
D. Sources and Reasons for/Usefulness of National Approach (iii) Expenditure Approach
income statistics 3. Identify the Problems of computing National
E. Limitations of the use of National Income income via the three approaches
F. Relationship between Standard of Living and Cost 4. State the Sources and reasons for/Usefulness
of Living of National income statistics
5. Outline the Limitations of the use of National
6. Show relationship between Standard of Living
and Cost of Living
5. A. Explanation of Circular Flow of Income By the end of the lesson, students should be able
ELEMENTARY THEORY OF B. Meaning and the relationship between the to:
INCOME Concepts of Income, Consumption, Savings and 1. Explain the concept of Circular Flow of
DETERMINATION Investment. Income
C. Definition and Calculations of (i) Average 2. State the Meaning and examine the
Propensities to consume and save (APC) & (APS) (ii) relationship between the Concepts of
Marginal Propensities to consume and save (MPC) & Income, Consumption, Savings and
(MPS) Investment.
D. The concept of multiplier in relation to (C.I.G) i.e. 3. Define and Calculate (i) Average Propensities
Consumption, Investment and Government to consume and save (APC) & (APS) (ii)
expenditure Marginal Propensities to consume and save
(MPC) & (MPS)
4. Discuss the concept of multiplier in relation to
(C.I.G) i.e. Consumption, Investment and
Government expenditure
Test 2/Note Marking


8 MARKET STRUCTURES A. Meaning and Classifications of Markets – By the end of the lesson, students should be able
according to Prices, Goods/services sold and to:
distribution channel. 1. State the Meaning and Classifications of
B. Distinctions between Perfect and Imperfect Markets – according to Prices, Goods/services
Market sold and distribution channel.
- Features/conditions affecting them 2. Distinguish between Perfect and Imperfect
- Merits and Demerits Market
C. Price and Quantity determination under 3. State the Features/conditions affecting them
- Perfect competition - Monopoly 4. Highlight the Merits and Demerits
D. Long-run and Short-run positions of a 5. Examine the Price and Quantity
- perfect competitor - Monopolist determination under: (i)Perfect competition
(ii) Monopoly
6. Illustrate Long-run and Short-run positions of
a (i) perfect competitor (ii) Monopolist

9 INTERNAL TRADE AND A. Comparisons Between Internal and International By the end of the lesson, students should be able
INTERNATIONAL TRADE Trade in terms of to:
(I) (i) Meaning (ii) Features (iii)Merits and Demerits 1. Compare and contrast Between Internal and
(iv) Problems or Barriers (v) Directions of International Trade in terms of :(i) Meaning
trade. (ii) Features (iii)Merits and Demerits
B. Principles of International Trade (iv) Problems or Barriers (v) Directions of
- Comparative cost advantage trade.
- Absolute Advantage 2. Describe the Principles of International Trade:
Comparative cost advantage
Absolute Advantage
10 INTERNATIONAL TRADE A. Commercial policy in International trade By the end of the lesson, students should be able
(II) - Protectionist laws - Free trade - Tariffs etc. to:
B. International Trade Agreements 1. Discuss the Commercial policies in
- Bilateral Trade - Multilateral Trade International trade: (i) Protectionist laws -
Free trade (ii) Tariffs etc.
2. Describe International Trade Agreements: (i)
Bilateral Trade (ii) Multilateral Trade
Test 3


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