Automated Double Hacksaw Machine

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Automated Double Hacksaw Machine

Shivraj Kolambekar,2Sanket Kavitkar, 3Vinayak Kalambistkar,4Vaibhav Wagle, 5Sameer Mathkar
Students, Yashwantaro Bhonsale Polytechnic, Sawantwadi Maharastra, India

Mahesh Patil
Faculty, Yashwantrao Bhonsale Polytechnic,
Sawantwadi Maharastra,

Abstract:- The goal of this project was to design and I. INTRODUCTION

build an automatic hacksaw that could cut metal into
various sizes and lengths using a hacksaw. The goal of Various hacksaws of different brands with different
this project was to reduce metal cutting labor and time specifications are now offered for workshop use. These
to increase production. Automation now plays an machines are so precise that they can cut metal bars made of
important role in the global economy and in everyday many different materials in a short time, but they have one
industrial applications. major drawback: they can only cut two bars at a time. Metal
rods need to be cut at a rapid rate for industries to achieve
The scotch yoke mechanism is used in two pairs in mass production. As a result, traditional single-frame
the automatic hacksaw and we arrange it with a hacksaws are unreliable, requiring advances in technology
hacksaw. This type of hacksaw has two hacksaw blades and design.
that can cut two workpieces at once in a precise number
of cycles. Therefore, it will help increase output by Two metal bars can be cut simultaneously using this
saving time when stopping and restarting the process. two-way hacksaw, resulting in high cutting speeds and mass
Effort is needed. production for maximum profit for the businesses involved.
Due to its simple operation, this machine is also very useful
Keywords:- Hacksaw machine. for small businesses, as it eliminates all the limitations and
disadvantages of a traditional hacksaw.. To do this, we need
to reduce downtime and machine time per unit. By reducing
time per unit and increasing productivity, the two-way
hacksaw improves on these factors. Electrical and hydraulic
equipment currently in use; however, their performance is
not satisfactory.


Fig. 1: Design of Actual Model

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. MATERIALREMOVALMECHANISM C. Positive Displacement Machines –
Although these are not as common as gravity or water
A. Gravity Feed Machines – feeders, two or three are available where the edge feed rate
The thrust pile is formed by the gravity of the saw arc in and therefore the metal ejection rate are directly limited by a
this type of machine, which is usually a light developed mechanical screw device. , which outputs the active feed.
device for general use. The most common workpiece width
and length limits for this machine are 150 to 200 mm (6 and IV. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS
8 inches) and are perfect for small shops.
A. Motor
B. Hydraulic Machines – The feedback motion of the hacksaw blade, due to which
In this type of machine, a pressure device creates thrust cutting occurs, is provided with the help of a motor, which
between the sharp edge and the workpiece. The weight can acts by a principal component to change the rotation of the
be generated in the stack chamber by a limiter inversion key in the switch. Feedback motion of the edge of the
frame, or a separate pump can feed it. Methods for curved hacksaw. The motor is started after the workpiece has been
cutting operation combined with a fully water controlled permanently fixed in the pneumatic thrower. Motor torque is
frame, allowing better performance from the saw blade, are increased by transmitting power to the pulley by means of a
provided in many of these machines, allowing for adaptive belt drive.
control higher response.

Fig. 2: Motor

B. Hacksaw Blade must be adjusted to cope with the advances. Some box saws,
The edges of the Hacksaw are bimetallic. In a hacksaw including head saws and hole saws, have their sharp edges
like most box saws, the edge can be attached with the teeth facing the handle because they are used for cutting by
pointing towards or away from the handle, resulting in a cut. pulling on a flat surface, using a loaded tool. By scotch. The
Works on push or pull stroke. In typical use, cutting up and blade of the hacksaw is connected to the connecting rod by a
down with work with bad sitting habits, the hacksaw blade direct socket.

Fig -3 Hacksaw blade

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. V Belt

Fig. 4: V Belt

A belt is a loop of flexible material used to efficient energy transfer, or for relative motion tracking. The
mechanically connect two or more rotating shafts, usually belts are wound on the pulley and there can be twist between
parallel. Belts can be used as a source of motion, for the pulleys and the shafts need not be parallel.

D. Pulley

Fig. 5: Pulley

A pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft this is designed shell that doesn't switch electricity to a shaft, however is
to help motion and alternate of path of a taut cable or belt, or used to manual the cable or exert a force, the helping shell is
switch of electricity among the shaft and cable or belt. In the known as a block, and the pulley can be known as a sheave.
case of a pulley supported via way of means of a body or

Motor 1 3000
Pulley 1 800
Square Tube 2 1500
Shaft 1 200
V Belt 1 300
Nut Bolt 20 100
Circular Plate 1 200
Hacksaw 2 400
Angle 2 500
Fabrication - 3000
Total 10,000

Table 1: Costing of equipment’s

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 6: Top view of model

Fig. 7: Actual Model Result


 Weight of the machine is less. While making the undertaking Automated Double
 It reduces the work of labor. Hacksaw Machine, We put our work to comprehend and
 Easy to make because of simple construction. investigate about Making the Double Hacksaw model for
 High production rate. Commercial as well as Industrial Purpose.
 Maintenance is Easy and cost for it is less.
To beat issues in ordinary hacksaw machines, because
 It withstand all atmospheric effects. of high proficiency, simple to work and reasonable value the
 Efficient operation. proposed model of two-way power hacksaw machine is
useful and finishes every one of the assumptions required in
the smaller than usual enterprises.
The machine has the main motor at the bottom of the
It can endure the vibrations, no dangers from jerk, no
machine. The pulley is attached to the body at the top and
bottom of the side section. The pulley is connected to the exceptional preparation expected to work it. Other hacksaw
disc type plate. The pulley and disc have separate machines can cut each part in turn however; this machine
connections with a small metal rod through the bushings. can cut two sections all at once. This hacksaw machine has
lighter weight contrast with other machine. The cost of the
The motor and the pulley are connected by a V-belt. machine is less and the construction is simple and
The clamp is fixed to the disc and to the ends of the two reasonable for all business.
shafts. Saw connected to eachshaft at the end.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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