Report On Poverty

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Report On






Prepared by:
nadeem saifi
Prepared for:
Dr. Savita boral
Faculty of effective communication


©2018 NCU Sector-23A HUDA, Gurugram. All
rights reserved. No part of this report can be
reproduced in any form or by any means
without the prior written permission of the
report writer.


Report writer
The northcap University (NCU)

1 May 2022

The editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi

Dear sir,

We have the honor to present you the report entitled " POVERTY IN INDIA
"considered by the editor of The Hindustan Times.
We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere
nor it is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Information for this report has been collected from newspapers, the
internet, and various surveys. This report will help to get complete
information on the above-mentioned topic.
Please address all correspondence concerning the manuscript to me at
[email protected].
Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript and report.
Yours faithfully
Nadeem Saifi


I have made this report file on the topic POVERTY IN INDIA AND
my best to elucidate all the relevant details to a topic to be included in
the report. While in the beginning, I have tried a general view of this
topic. My efforts and wholehearted co-operation of each and everyone
have ended on a successful note. I express my sincere gratitude to my
friends for assisting me throughout the preparation of this topic. I thank
them for providing me the reinforcement, confidence, and most
importantly the track for the topic whenever I needed it.

This present report is an attempt to make people aware of the above

topic which is based on various surveys and information collected.


I wish to express my gratitude to my teacher Dr. Savita Boral who gave
me the golden opportunity to prepare this wonderful report POVERTY

This also helped me do a lot of research, and I came to know about so

many new things. I am thankful to her. I acknowledge the help provided
by my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project
within the limited time frame. I would also like to express my regards
towards my neighbors for their help and co-operation.

(i) Caste-wise population distribution.
(ii) Poverty in India based on caste.
(iii) we could derive the following to see if the distribution
of poverty follows that of the total population.
(iv) Poverty in India based on Social and Religious
Classes The Sachar Committee looked at the Poverty
by Social and Religious Classes.
(v) National poverty lines comparison.

1. Official poverty estimate of India


In the year 2011-12, 269.3 million people are poor in India of

which 216 million were in rural and 52.8 million were in urban
areas (Planning Commission, 2013). The major challenge of
poverty eradication is a prime concern for the improvement of life
quality in India. In this context, the paper addresses the
population shared by poverty and a comparative study of the
poverty level at the state level in India for both rural and urban.
The objectives are identified as (1) to study the population shared
Below Poverty Line at the state level in India, (2) to study the
comparative study of monthly per capita in rural, India, and (3) to
study the comparative monthly per capita at the state level in
urban, India to digest the poverty scenario in India. The research
methodology was adopted based on secondary data available in
the public domain.


1 Introduction

Definition of poverty
2 Economic measures
Mixed, semi-economic, and non-economic measures
Comparison with alternate international definitions

Poverty prevalence and estimates

1. After Independence
In the 1950s
In the 1960s
In the 1970s-1980s
In the 1990s
In the 2000s
In the 2010s
2. Other estimates

4 Reduction in poverty
List of references

India is a developing nation. Although its economy is growing, poverty is
still a major challenge. However, poverty is on the decline in India.
According to an International Monetary Fund paper, extreme poverty,
defined by the World Bank as living on US$1.9 or less in purchasing power
parity (PPP) terms, in India was as low as 0.8% in 2019 and the country
managed to keep it at that level in 2020 despite the unprecedented Covid-
19 outbreak. According to United Nations Development Programme
administrator Achim Steiner, India lifted 271 million people out of extreme
poverty in 10 years from 2005–2006 to 2015–2016. A 2020 study from
the World Economic Forum found that "Some 220 million Indians sustained
on an expenditure level of less than Rs 32 / day—the poverty line for rural
India—by the last headcount of the poor in India in 2013.
The World Bank has been revising its definition and benchmarks to
measure poverty since 1990–1991, with a $0.2 per day income on
purchasing power parity basis as the definition in use from 2005 to
2013. Some semi-economic and non-economic indices have also been
proposed to measure poverty in India. For example, to determine whether a
person is poor, the Multi-dimensional Poverty Index places a 13% weight
on the number of years that person spent in school or engaged in
education and a 6.25% weight on the financial condition of that person.
The different definitions and underlying small sample surveys used to
determine poverty in India have resulted in widely varying estimates of
poverty from the 1950s to the 2010s. In 2019, the Indian government stated
that 6.7% of its population is below its official poverty limit. Based on 2019's
PPPs International Comparison Program, According to the United
Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) program, 80 million people
out of 1.2 billion Indians, roughly equal to 6.7% of India's population, lived
below the poverty line of $1.25 in 2018–19.

From the late 19th century through the early 20th century, under the British
Raj, poverty in India intensified, peaking in the 1920s. Famines and
diseases killed millions in multiple vicious cycles throughout the 19th and
early 20th centuries. After India gained its independence in 1947, mass
deaths from famines were prevented. Since 1991, rapid economic growth
has led to a sharp reduction in extreme poverty in India. However, those
above the poverty line live a fragile economic life. As per the methodology
of the Suresh Tendulkar Committee report, the population below the
poverty line in India was 354 million (29.6% of the population) in 2009–
2010 and was 69 million (21.9% of the population) in 2011–2012. In 2014,
the Rangarajan Committee said that the population below the poverty line
was 454 million (38.2% of the population) in 2009–2010 and was 363
million (29.5% of the population) in 2011–2012. Deutsche Bank Research
estimated that there are nearly 300 million people who are in the middle
class. If these previous trends continue, India's share of world GDP will
significantly increase from 7.3% in 2016 to 8.5% by 2020. In 2012, around
170 million people, or 12.4% of India's population, lived in poverty (defined
as $1.90 (Rs 123.5)), an improvement from 29.8% of India's population in
2009. In their paper, economists Sandhya Krishnan and Neeraj Hatekar
conclude that 600 million people, or more than half of India's population,
belong to the middle class.
The Asian Development Bank estimates India's population to be at 1.28
billion with an average growth rate of 1.3% from 2010 to 2015. In 2014,
9.9% of the population aged 15 years and above were employed. 6.9% of
the population still lives below the national poverty line and 63% are in
extreme poverty (December 2018)  The World Poverty Clock shows real-
time poverty trends in India, which are based on the latest data, from the
World Bank, among others. As per recent estimates, the country is well on
its way to ending extreme poverty by meeting its sustainable development
goals by 2030. According to Oxfam, India's top 1% of the population now
holds 73% of the wealth, while 670 million citizens, comprising the country's
poorest half, saw their wealth rise by just 1%.

" The progress of the poverty level in India was due to the intervention of
government policies and programs that focus on urban, and rural areas namely

(i) Public Distribution System (PDS) in 1992.
(ii) Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) in 1995.
(iii) National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) in 1995.
(iv) National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS) in 1995.
(v) Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY) in 1989.
(vi) The Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) in 1997.
(vii) BSUP under JnNURM Mission in 2005.
(viii) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(MNREGA) in 2006.
(ix) Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) in 2011.
(x) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) in 2014.
(xi) Pradhan Mantri GraminAwaas Yojana (PMGAY) in 2017.
(xii) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in 2015 whereas several schemes and
programs had been launched in rural areas by the government of India
(i) Pradhanmantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY) in 1997.
(ii) Swamajanti Gram Swarozar Yojna (SGSY) in 1999.
(iii) Jan Shree Bima Yojana (JSBY) in 2000.
(iv) Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) in 2001.
(v) Shiksha Sahyog Yojana in 2001 (SSY) in 2015.

Poverty is the state of not having enough material possessions or income
for a person’s basic needs. Poverty may include social, economic, and
political elements. Absolute poverty is the complete lack of the means
necessary to meet basic personal needs, such as food, clothing, and

Economic measures
There are several definitions of poverty, and scholars disagree as to which
definition is appropriate for India. Inside India, both income-based poverty
definitions and consumption-based poverty statistics are in use. Outside
India, the World Bank and institutions of the United Nations use a broader
definition to compare poverty among nations, including India, based on
purchasing power parity (PPP), as well as a nominal relative basis. Each
state in India has its poverty threshold to determine how many people are
below its poverty line and to reflect regional economic conditions. These
differences in definitions yield a complex and conflicting picture of poverty
in India, both internally and when compared to other developing countries
of the world.
According to the World Bank, India accounted for the world's largest
number of poor people in 2012 using the revised methodology to measure
poverty, reflecting its massive population. However, in terms of percentage,
it scored somewhat lower than other countries holding large poor
populations. In July 2018, World Poverty Clock, a Vienna-based think tank,
reported that a minimal 5.3% or 70.6 million Indians lived in extreme
poverty compared to 44% or 87 million Nigerians. In 2019, Nigeria and
Congo surpassed India in terms of the total population earning below $1.9

a day. Although India is expected to meet the United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goals on extreme poverty in due time, a very large share of
its population lives on less than $3.2 a day, putting India's economy safely
into the category of lower-middle-income economies.
As with many countries, poverty was historically defined and estimated in
India using a sustenance food standard. This methodology has been
revised. India's current official poverty rates are based on its Planning
Commission's data derived from the so-called Tendulkar methodology. It
defines poverty, not in terms of annual income, but in terms of consumption
or spending per individual over a certain period for a basket of essential
goods. Furthermore, this methodology sets different poverty lines for rural
and urban areas. Since 2007, India has set its official threshold at ₹ 26 a
day ($0.43) in rural areas and about ₹ 32 per day ($0.53) in urban
areas. While these numbers are lower than the World Bank's $1.25 per
day income-based definition, the definition is similar to China's US$0.65 per
day official poverty line in 2008.
The World Bank's international poverty line definition is based on
purchasing power parity basis, at $1.25 per day. This definition is motivated
by the fact that the price of the same goods and services can differ
significantly when converted into local currencies around the world. A
realistic definition and comparison of poverty must consider these
differences in costs of living or must be on purchasing power parity (PPP)
basis. On this basis, currency fluctuations and nominal numbers become
less important, the definition is based on the local costs of a basket of
essential goods and services that people can purchase. By World Bank's
2014 PPP definition, India's poverty rate is significantly lower than
previously believed.
Mixed, semi-economic, and non-economic measures.
As with economic measures, there are many mixed or non-economic
measures of poverty, and experts contest which one is most appropriate for
India. For example, Dandekar and Rath 1971 suggested a measure of the
poverty rate that was based on the number of calories consumed. In 2011,
Alkire et al. suggested a poverty rate measure so-called the Multi-
dimensional Poverty Index (MPI), which only puts a 6.25% weight on

assets owned by a person and places 33% weight on education and the
number of years spent in school. These non-economic measures remain
controversial and contested as a measure of the poverty rate of any nation,
including India.
Comparison with alternate international definitions
India determines its household poverty line by summing up the individual
per capita poverty lines of the household members. This practice is similar
to many developing countries but different from developed countries such
as the United States which adjusts its poverty line on an incremental basis
per additional household member. For example, in the United States, the
poverty line for a household with just one member was set at $11,670 per
year in 2014, while it was set at $23,850 per year for a 4-member
household (or $5963 per person for the larger household). The rationale for
the differences arises from the economic realities of each country. In India,
households may include surviving grandparents, parents, and children.
They typically do not incur any significant rent expenses every month
particularly in rural India, unlike housing in mostly urban developed
economies. The cost of food and other essentials are shared within the
household by its members in both cases. However, a larger portion of a
monthly expenditure goes to food in poor households in developing
countries, while housing, conveyance, and other essentials cost
significantly more in developed economies.
For its current poverty rate measurements, India calculates two
benchmarks. The first includes a basket of goods, including food items but
excluding the implied value of a home, value of any means of conveyance,
or the economic value of other essentials created, grown, or used without a
financial transaction, by the members of a household. The second poverty
line benchmark adds the rent value of the residence as well as the cost of
conveyance, but nothing else, to the first benchmark. This practice is
similar to those used in developed countries for non-cash income
equivalents and a poverty line basis.
India's proposed but not yet adopted official poverty line, in 2014,
was ₹972 (US$13) a month in rural areas or ₹1,407 (US$18) a month in
cities. The current poverty line is 1,059.42 Indian Rupees (62 PPP USD)
per month in rural areas and 1,286 Indian rupees (75 PPP USD) per month

in urban areas. India's nationwide average poverty line differs from each
state's poverty line. For example, in 2011–2012, Puducherry had its highest
poverty line of ₹1,301 (US$17) a month in rural and ₹1,309 (US$17) a
month in urban areas, while Odisha had the lowest poverty threshold
of ₹695 (US$9.10) a month for rural and ₹861 (US$11) a month for its
urban areas.

The 19th century and early 20th century saw increasing poverty in India during the colonial era. Over
this period, the colonial government de-industrialized India by reducing garments and other finished
products manufactured by artisans in India. Instead, they imported these products from Britain's
expanding industry due to the many industrial innovations of the 19th century. Additionally, the
government simultaneously encouraged the conversion of more land into farms and more
agricultural exports from India. Eastern regions of India along the Ganges river plains, such as those
now known as eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal, were dedicated to
producing poppy and opium. These items were then exported to southeast and east Asia,
particularly China. The East India Company initially held an exclusive monopoly over these exports,
and the colonial British institutions later did so as well. The economic importance of this shift from
industry to agriculture in India was large by 1850, it created nearly 1,000 square kilometers of poppy
farms in India's fertile Ganges plains. This consequently led to two opium wars in Asia, with
the second opium war fought between 1856 and 1860. After China agreed to be a part of the opium
trade, the colonial government dedicated more land exclusively to the poppy. The opium agriculture
in India rose from 1850 through 900, when over 500,000 acres of the most fertile Ganges basin
farms were devoted to poppy cultivation. Additionally, opium processing factories owned by colonial
officials were expanded in Benares and Patna, and shipping expanded from Bengal to the ports of
East Asia such as Hong Kong, all under the exclusive monopoly of the British. By the early 20th
century, 3 out of 4 Indians were employed in agriculture, famines were common, and food
consumption per capita declined every decade. In London, the late 19th-century British parliament
debated the repeated incidence of famines in India and the impoverishment of Indians due to this
diversion of agricultural land from growing food staples to growing poppy for opium export under the
orders of the colonial British empire.

These colonial policies moved unemployed artisans into farming and transformed India into a region
increasingly abundant in the land, unskilled labor, and low productivity. This consequently made
India scarce in skilled labor, capital, and knowledge. On an inflation-adjusted 1973 rupee basis, the
average income of an Indian agrarian laborer was Rs. 7.20 per year in 1885, against an inflation-
adjusted poverty line of Rs. 23.90 per year. Thus, not only was the average income below the
poverty line, but the intensity of poverty was also severe. The intensity of poverty increased from
1885 to 1921, before being reversed. However, the absolute poverty rates continued to be very high
through the 1930s. The colonial policies on taxation and its recognition of land ownership claims

of zamindars and mansabdars, or Mughal era nobility, made a minority of families wealthy.
Additionally, these policies weakened the ability of poorer peasants to command land and credit.
The resulting rising landlessness and stagnant real wages intensified poverty.

The National Planning Committee of 1936 noted the appalling poverty of undivided India.
(...) there was a lack of food, clothing, housing, and every other essential requirement of
human existence... the development policy objective should be to get rid of the appalling
poverty of the people.

— Nehru, The Discovery of India, (1946)

The National Planning Committee notes Suryanarayana, then defined goals in 1936 to alleviate
poverty by setting targets in terms of nutrition (2400 to 2800 calories per adult worker), clothing (30
yards per capita per annum), and housing (100 sq. ft per capita). This method of linking poverty as a
function of nutrition, clothing, and housing continued in India after it became independent from the
British colonial empire.
These poverty alleviation goals were theoretical, with administrative powers resident in the British
Empire. Poverty ravaged India. In 1943, for example, despite rising agricultural output in undivided
South Asia, the Bengal famine killed millions of Indians from starvation, disease, and destitution.
Destitution was so intense in Bengal, Bihar, eastern Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Orissa, that
entire families and villages were "wiped out" of existence. Village artisans, along with sustenance
farming families, died from lack of food, malnutrition, and a wave of diseases. The 1943 famine was
not an isolated tragedy. Devastating famines impoverished India every 5 to 8 years in the late 19th
century and the first half of the 20th century. Between 6.1 and 10.3 million people starved to death in
British India during the 1876–1879 famine, while another 6.1 to 8.4 million people died during the
1896–1898 famine. The Lancet reported that 19 million people died from starvation and the
consequences of extreme poverty in British India between 1896 and 1900. Sir MacDonnell observed
the suffering and poverty in 1900, and noted, that "people died like flies" in Bombay

After Independence
The 1950s
Minhas published his estimates of poverty rates in 1950s India as cyclical and a strong function of
each year's harvest. Minhas disagreed with the practice of using calories as the basis for poverty
estimation and proposed a poverty line based on real expenditure per year (Rs 240 per annum). In
1956–57, a good harvest year, he computed India's poverty rate to be 65% (215 million people). In
1960, Minhas estimated poverty to be 59%.

The 1960s
A Working Group was formed in 1962 to attempt to set a poverty line for India. This Working Group
used calories required for survival, and the income needed to buy those calories in different parts of
rural India, to derive an average poverty line of Rs. 20 per month at 1960–61 prices.
Estimates of poverty in India during the 1960s varied widely. Dandekar and Rath, on the behalf of
the Indian government, estimated that the poverty rate in the 1960s remained generally constant at
41%. Ojha, in contrast, estimated that there were 190 million people (44%) in India below the official
poverty limit in 1961 and that this below-poverty line number increased to 289 million people (70%)
in 1967. Bardhan also concluded that Indian poverty rates increased through the 1960s, reaching a
high of 54%. Those above the 1960s poverty level of Rs 240 per year, were in fragile economic
groups as well and not doing well either. Minhas estimated that 95% of India's people lived on Rs
458 per year in 1963–64, while the richest 5% lived on an average of Rs 645 per year (all numbers
inflation-adjusted to 1960–61 Rupee).

The 1970s-1980s
Dandekar and Rath in 1971 used a daily intake of 2,250 calories per person to define the poverty line
for India. Using NSSO data regarding household expenditures for 1960–61, they determined that to
achieve this food intake and other daily necessities, a rural dweller required an annual income
of ₹ 170.80 per year (₹ 14.20 per month, adjusted to 1971 Rupee). An urban dweller
required ₹ 271.70 per year (₹ 22.60 per month). They concluded from this study that 40 percent of
rural residents and 50 percent of urban residents were below the poverty line in 1960–61.
Poverty alleviation has been a driver for India's Planning Commission's Task Force on Projections of
Minimum Needs and Effective Consumption Demand of the Perspective Planning Division. This
division, in 1979, took into account differences in calorie requirements for different age groups,
activity levels, and sex. They determined that the average rural dweller needed around 2400
calories, and those in urban areas required about 2100 calories per person per day. To satisfy the
food requirement, the Task Force estimated that consumer spending in 1973–74 of Rs.49.09 per
person per month in rural areas and Rs.56.64 in urban areas was an appropriate measure to
estimate its poverty line.
Poverty remained stubbornly high in India through the 1970s and 1980s. It created slogans such
as Garibi Hatao (meaning eliminate poverty) for political campaigns, during elections in the early
1970s through the 1980s. The rural poverty rate exceeded 50%, using India's official poverty line for
the 1970s.

Additionally, in 1976, the Indian government passed the Bonded Labor System Act to end debt
bondage in India, a practice that contributes to generational poverty. Nevertheless, this system is still
in place today due to the weak enforcement of this law.

The 1990s
Another Expert Group was instituted in 1993, chaired by Lakdawala, to examine the poverty line for
India. It recommended that regional economic differences are large enough that poverty lines should
be calculated for each state. From then on, a standard list of commodities was drawn up and priced
in each state of the nation, using 1973–74 as a base year. This basket of goods could then be re-
priced each year and comparisons made between regions. The Government of India began using a
modified version of this method of calculating the poverty line in India.
There are wide variations in India's poverty estimates for the 1990s, in part from differences in the
methodology and the small sample surveys, they poll for the underlying data. A 2007 report, for
example, using data for the late 1990s, stated that 77% of Indians lived on less than ₹ 20 a day
(about US$0.50 per day). In contrast, S.G.Datt estimated India's national poverty rate to be 35% in
1994, at India's then official poverty line of Rs 49 per capita, with the consumer price index adjusted
to June 1974 rural prices.

The 2000s
The Saxena Committee report, using data from 1972 to 2000, separated calorific intake apart from
nominal income in its economic analysis of poverty in India, and then stated that 50% of Indians
lived below the poverty line. The Planning Commission of India, in contrast, determined that the
poverty rate was 39%.
The National Council of Applied Economic Research estimated that 48% of the Indian households
earn more than ₹90,000 (US$1,181.10) annually (or more than US$ 3 PPP per person). According
to NCAER, in 2009, of the 222 million households in India, the absolutely poor households (annual
incomes below ₹45,000 (US$590)) accounted for only 15.6% of them or about 35 million (about 200
million Indians). Another 80 million households are in the income levels of ₹45,000 (US$590)
to ₹90,000 (US$1,200) per year. These numbers are similar to World Bank estimates of the "below-
the-poverty-line" households that may total about 100 million (or about 456 million individuals).
The Suresh Tendulkar Committee set up to look into the people living under the poverty line in India
submitted its report in November 2009. It provided a new method of calculating the poverty line
based on per capita consumption expenditure per month or day. For rural areas, it was Rs 816 per
month or Rs 27 per day. For urban areas, it was Rs 1000 per month or Rs 33 per day. Using this
methodology, the population below the poverty line in 2009–2010 was 354 million (29.6% of the
population), and that in 2011–2012 was 269 million (21.9% of the population).

The 2010s
The World Bank has reviewed its poverty definition and calculation methodologies several times
over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, The World Bank anchored the absolute poverty line at $1
per day. This was revised in 1993, and the absolute poverty line was set at $1.08 a day for all
countries on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis, after adjusting for inflation to the 1993 US
dollar. In 2005, after extensive studies of the cost of living across the world, The World Bank raised
the measure for the global poverty line to reflect the observed higher cost of living. Thereafter, the
World Bank determined poverty rates for those living on less than US$1.25 per day on a 2005 PPP
basis, a measure that has been widely used in media and scholarly circles.
In May 2014, after revisiting its poverty definition, methodology, and economic changes around the
world, the World Bank proposed another major revision to the PPP calculation methodology,
international poverty line, and indexing it to the 2011 US dollar. The new method proposes setting
the poverty line at $1.78 per day on a 2011 PPP basis. According to this revised World Bank
methodology, India had 179.6 million people below the new poverty line, China had 137.6 million,
and the world had 872.3 million people below the new poverty line on an equivalent basis as of
2013. India, in other words, while having 17.5% of the total world's population, had a 20.6% share of
the world's poor. In October 2015, the World Bank updated the international poverty line to US$1.90
a day.
The Rangarajan Committee set up to look into the poverty line estimation in India submitted its
report in June 2014. It amended the calculation of the poverty line based on per capita consumption
expenditure per month or day was given by the Tendulkar Committee. The new poverty threshold for

rural areas was fixed at Rs 972 per month or Rs 32 per day. For urban areas, it was fixed at Rs 1407
per month or Rs 47 per day. Under this methodology, the population below the poverty line in 2009–
2010 was 454 million (38.2% of the population) and that in 2011–2012 was 363 million (29.5% of the
In November 2017, the World Bank started reporting poverty rates for all countries using two new
international poverty lines: a "lower-middle-income" line set at $3.20 per day and an "upper-middle-
income" line set at $5.50 per day. These are in addition to the earlier poverty line of $1.90 per day.
The new lines are supposed to serve two purposes. One, they account for the fact that achieving the
same set of capabilities may need a different set of goods and services in different countries and,
specifically, a costlier set in richer countries. Second, they allow for cross-country comparisons and
benchmarking both within and across developing regions. India falls in the lower-middle-income
category. Using the $3.20 per day poverty line, the percentage of the population living in poverty in
India (2011) was 60%. This means that 763 million people in India were living below the poverty line
in 2011.

Other estimates
According to a 2011 poverty Development Goals Report, as many as 320 million people in India and
China are expected to come out of extreme poverty in the next four years, with India's poverty rate
projected to drop from 51% in 1990 to about 22% in 2015. The report also indicates that in Southern
Asia, only India is on track to cut poverty by half by the 2015 target date. In 2015, according to
United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MGD) program, India has already achieved the
target of reducing poverty by half, with 24.7% of its 1.2 billion people in 2011 living below the poverty
line or having an income of less than $1.25 a day, the U.N. report said. The same figure was 49.4%
in 1994. India had set a target of 23.9% to be achieved by 2015.
According to the Global Wealth Report 2016 compiled by Credit Suisse Research Institute, India is
the second most unequal country in the world with the top one percent of the population owning 58%
of the total wealth.
Global Hunger Index
Global Hunger Index (GHI) is an index that places a third of weight on the proportion of the
population that is estimated to be undernourished, a third on the estimated prevalence of low body
weight to height ratio in children younger than five, and the remaining third weight on the proportion
of children dying before the age of five for any reason. According to the 2011 GHI report, India has
improved its performance by 22% in 20 years, from 30.4 to 23.7 from the 1990 to 2011 period.
However, its performance from 2001 to 2011 has shown little progress, with just a 3% improvement.
A sharp reduction in the percentage of underweight children has helped India improve its hunger
record on the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2014. India now ranks 55 among 76 emerging economies.
Between 2005 and 2014, the prevalence of underweight children under the age of five fell from
43.5% to 30.7%.

Poverty: 2011–2012 Percentage of people by Caste
The findings below are based on a survey conducted from 2011–to 12. Total population of India
then: 1,276,267,631
Caste-wise population distribution:

Poverty in India based on caste:

From the above 2 tables, we could derive the following to see if the distribution of poverty follows
that of the total population:

Poverty in India based on Social and Religious Classes The Sachar Committee looked at the
Poverty by Social and Religious Classes;


Poverty alleviation programs in India

The poverty alleviation programs in India can be categorized based on whether it is
targeted either at rural areas or urban areas in the country.
Most of the programs are designed to target rural poverty as the prevalence of poverty
is high in rural areas. Also targeting poverty is a great challenge in rural areas due to
various geographic and infrastructure limitations. The programs can be mainly grouped

 Wage employment programs

 Self-employment programs
 Food security programs
 Social security programs
 Urban poverty alleviation programs
 Skill India programs for employment

The five-year plans immediately after independence tried to focus on poverty alleviation through
sectoral programs.

Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana (JSY)
Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana (JGSY) is the restructured, streamlined, and comprehensive
version of the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY). It was started on 1 April 1999. The main aim of this
program was the development of rural areas. Infrastructure like roads to connect the village to
different areas made the village more accessible than other social, educational (schools) and
infrastructure like hospitals. Its secondary objective was to give out sustained wage employment.
This was only given to BELOW POVERTY LINE families and the fund was to be spent for individual
beneficiary schemes for SCs and STs and 3% for the establishment of barrier-free infrastructure for
the disabled people.

National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS)

The NOAPS scheme came into effect on 15 August 1995. The scheme provides pensions to all old
people who were above the age of 60 who could not fund themselves and did not have any means
of subsistence. The pension that was given was ₹200 a month (now it is 2000 per month). This
pension is given by the central government. The job of implementing this scheme in states and union
territories is given to panchayats and municipalities. The state's contribution may vary depending on
the state. The amount of old-age pension is ₹200 per month for applicants aged 60–79. For
applicants aged above 80 years, the amount has been revised to ₹500 a month according to the
2011–2012 Budget. It is a successful venture.

Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana[edit]

The Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (English: Universal Rural Employment Programme) was a
scheme launched on 25 September 2001 by the Government of India to gain the objective of
providing gainful employment for the rural poor. From 21 February 2003, EAS became an allocation-
based scheme.[1]
The Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana was launched by merging the provisions of the
Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS) and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY). The program
is self-targeting in nature and aims to provide employment and food to people in rural areas who
lived below the poverty line. The program was implemented through the Panchayati Raj institutions.

National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)

The National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) was introduced by GOI throughout the country in
August 1995 to provide immediate succor to those Below Poverty Line (BPL) families whose lone
bread earner expires due to natural or accidental causes. The scheme aims to provide a lump sum
family benefit of Rs 10,000/- to the bereaved households in case of the death of the primary
breadwinner irrespective of the cause of death. The scheme applies to people in the age bracket of
18-64 years.

National Maternity Benefit Scheme
This scheme provides a sum of ₹6000 to a pregnant mother in three installments. The women
should be older than 19  years of age. It is given normally 12–8  weeks before the birth and in case
of the death of the child, the women can still avail of it. The NMBS is implemented by almost all
states and union territories with the help of panchayats and municipalities. From 1999–to 2000 the
total allocation of funds for this scheme was 767.05  crores and the amount used was ₹4444.13  
crores. It is for families below the poverty line. The scheme was updated in 2005-06 into Janani
Suraksha Yojana with ₹1400 for every institutional birth.
The first installment (in the first trimester of pregnancy) - ₹3,000/-
• Early Registration of Pregnancy, preferably within the first three months. • Received one antenatal
Second installment
• At the time of institutional delivery - ₹1500/-
The third installment (3 months after delivery) - ₹1500/-
• Childbirth is compulsory to be registered. • Child has received BCG vaccination. • Child has
received OPV and DPT-1 & 2.

The government started this scheme in 1999–2000 to provide food to senior citizens who cannot
take care of themselves and are not under the National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS), and
who have no one to take care of them in their village. This scheme would provide 10  kg of free food
grains a month for eligible senior citizens. The allocation for this scheme in 2000-2001 was ₹100  
crore. They mostly target groups of 'poorest of the poor and 'indigent senior citizens

Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP)

IRDP in India is among the world's most ambitious programs to alleviate rural poverty by providing
income-generated assets to the poorest of the poor. This program was first introduced in 1978–79 in
some selected areas but covered all the areas by November 1980. During the sixth five-year plan
(1980–85) assets worth 47.6 billion rupees were distributed to about 16.6 million poor families.
During 1987–88, another 4.2 million families were assisted with an average investment of 4,471 per
family or 19 billion rupees overall.
The major objective of the Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP) is to raise families of
identified target groups below the poverty line by creating sustainable opportunities for self-
employment in the rural sector. Assistance is given in the form of subsidy by the government and
term credit advanced by financial institutions (commercial banks, cooperatives, and regional rural
banks.) The program is implemented in all blocks of the country as a centrally sponsored scheme
funded on a 50:50 basis by the center and the states. The target group under IRDP consists of small
and marginal farmers, agricultural laborers, and rural artisans having an annual income below
₹11,000 defined as the poverty line in the Eighth Plan. To ensure that benefits under the program
reach the more vulnerable sectors of the society, it is stipulated that at least 50 percent of assisted
families should be from scheduled castes and scheduled tribes with a corresponding flow of
resources to them. Furthermore, 40 percent of the coverage should be for women beneficiaries and

3 percent for physically challenged persons. At the grassroots level, the block staff is responsible for
the implementation of the program. The State Level Coordination Committee (SLCC) monitors the
program at the state level whereas the Ministry of Rural Areas and Employment is responsible for
the release of the central share of funds, policy formation, overall guidance, monitoring, and
evaluation of the program.

Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awaas Yojana

This scheme is aimed at creating housing for everyone. It was initiated in 1985. It aimed at creating
20  lakh housing units out of which 13  lakhs were in rural areas. This scheme also would give out
loans to people at subsidized rates to make houses. It was started in 1999–2000. In 1999–2000,
₹1438.39  crores were used for this scheme, and about 7.98  lakh units were built. In 2000-01 a
central outlay of ₹1710.00  crores was provided for this scheme. It improved the standard of living in
rural areas: health, primary education, drinking water, housing, and roads.
The scheme has proved to be a major boost in the Indian rural population's income
To augment wage employment opportunities by employing demand and by specific guaranteed
wage employment every year to households whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual
work to thereby extend a security net to the people and simultaneously create durable assets to
alleviate some aspects of poverty and address the issue of development in the rural areas.
The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) is the nodal Ministry for the implementation of NREGA. It
is responsible for ensuring timely and adequate resource support to the States and the Central
Council. It has to undertake a regular review, monitoring, and evaluation of processes and
outcomes. It is responsible for maintaining and operating the MIS to capture and track data on
critical aspects of implementation and assess the utilization of resources through a set of
performance indicators. MRD will support innovations that help in improving processes towards the
achievement of the objectives of the Act. It will support the use of Information Technology (IT) to
increase the efficiency and transparency of the processes as well as improve the interface with the
public. It will also ensure that the implementation of NREGA at all levels is sought to be made
transparent and accountable to the public. Now 100 to 150 days of work for all is provided.
The integrated child development program is also one of the poverty alleviation programs.

In conclusion, poverty is not the problem of a person but
the whole nation. Also, it should be dealt with on an urgent
basis by the implementation of effective measures. In
addition, eradication of poverty has become necessary for
the sustainable and inclusive growth of people, society,
country, and economy.
Poverty has become a great issue in our world. Though
many organizations have been created to find solutions
for this matter nobody could not save our world
completely from poverty. The most common fact that we
can realize when we consider information about poverty
is that poverty is mostly occurring in developing

 equality and representation for all
 increase access to education
 improve food security and access to clean water
 end war and conflict 
 Promotion of income-generating projects.
 Activation of the role of the public sector in the formulation
of health policies and provision of services, and control of
the quality and cost of health care services provided by the
private sector.
 Control the quality of potable water, and prevent its
contamination at the source or during carriage in the
 Utilization of available information through the collection
and analysis of data for each Kada, or specific geographic
region, to design interventions at the local level. U
 Interventions and special programs in favor of young
people seeking to set up new and independent households


 "Chapter 2: Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana". Annual Report 2001-
2002 (PDF). Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. pp. 1, 3.
Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 February 2009.
 "India kept extreme poverty below 1% despite pandemic: IMF paper" .
 ^ "India has almost wiped out extreme poverty: International Monetary
Fund". 7 April 2022.
 ^ "How India remains poor: 'It will take 7 generations for India's poor to
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 ^ Jump up to:a b Martin Ravallion, Shaohua Chen and Prem Sangraula
(2008). "Dollar a Day Revisited" (PDF). The World Bank.
 ^ Jump up to a b Homi Kharas; Laurence Chandy (5 May 2014). "What Do
New Price Data Mean for the Goal of Ending Extreme Poverty?".
Washington D.C.: Brookings I
 "Poverty in India". World Bank.
 "Can India eradicate poverty? Will India's economic boom help the poor?".
 Deaton, A.; Kozel, V. (11 August 2005). "Data and Dogma: The Great Indian
Poverty Debate" (PDF). The World Bank Research Observer. 20 (2): 177–
199. doi:10.1093/bro/lki009. ISSN 0257-3032.
 "World Hunger – India". 11 February 2009. Archived from the original on 11
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 George, Abraham. "Why the Fight Against Poverty is Failing: A Contrarian
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