Accreditaion of Hotel and Other - Related Establishments

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SPA Defined

Pursuant to the chapter 1, section 1, of the revised rules and regulations to Govern the accreditation
of the spa establishment. Spa is an establishment that has a holistic approach to health and wellness,
rest and relaxation that aims to treat the body, mind and spirit by integrating a range of professionally
administered health, wellness. Fitness and beauty, water treatment and services.

Esthetician, massage therapist, spa therapist distinguished

The respective provision of Section 1, b, c and d. of the revised rules and regulations to govern
the accreditation of spa establishments (2006) defines Aesthetician, massage therapist, and Spa

• Esthetician- is licensed therapist who has undergone training locally or internationally

regarding skin, face and neck. Skilled in giving beauty treatments such as facials, manicure and
• Massage therapist- licensed and had undergone extensive training locally or internationally
regarding anatomy, physiology and multitude of massage techniques.
• Spa therapist- trained by spa to perform their particular treatments such as scrub, wraps, etc.
treatment and must have proof of proper training on such.

Different kinds of spa

• Day Spa- which offers a variety of professionally administered spa.

• Destination or Resort spa- provide clients with lifestyle improvement and health
enhancement through professionally administered spa service, physical fitness, education
programming and on-site accommodations where spa cuisine or healthy food is offered.
• Hotel Spa – is located within a hotel /urban/out of town professionally administered spa
services, fitness, and wellness components.
• Cruise Spa- a spa aboard a cruise ship that provides professionally administered spa services,
fitness and wellness components and spa cuisine menu choices.
• Club Spa – as a facility whose primary purpose is fitness offering variety of professionally
administered spa services on a day use basis to both club members and non-members.
• Medical Spa- solo practice or group whose primarily purpose is to provide comprehensive
medical and wellness care in an environment which integrate spa services, as well as
conventional and complementary therapies and treatments.
• Wellness Center – spa that provides services and an environment wherein
interconnectedness of diet, lifestyle, exercise, relaxation and rejuvenation must exist in order
to bring about the balance.
• Rehabilitation Center- focuses on rehabilitation therapy on various accidents or to promote
healing, balance of mind, body, and soul.
• Hospital Spa- a hospital facility with a spa. Integrates mainstream medicine and other
alternative approach to promote healing and balance of mind, body, and soul.

Minimum requirements for the operation and maintenance of the spa:

location and environment

lounge and reception counter
locker rooms
shower rooms
treatment rooms
steam/sauna and water baths
administrative services
employees’ facilities
emergency operator
parking; first aid
facilities for disabled
The revised rules and regulations under sec. 3 provide the following services may be offered in
addition to the other spa-related amenities.
Massages – Swedish, Shiatsu, reflexology or tui-na. Thai aromatherapy/Filipino healing
modalities or other acceptable massage treatments.
Steam, Sauna and/or water baths
Spa Treatments - following body packs and wraps, exfoliation, body toning/contouring,
waxing, hand, foot/face and hair.
consideration should be taken into in the operation and maintenance of spa establishment as
required by the 2006 REVISED RULES AND REGULATIONS to govern the accreditation of the spa

Client folio, maintenance, sanitation, fire-fighting facilities, sign boards, and no smoking facilities.
• Section 4 – of the said rules provide that all clients shall require to registered and fill up
consultancy forms prior to treatment by therapist to determine any contraindication or
special condition.
• Section 5 – provides that the maintenance of all sections f the spa establishment shall be in a
continuing basis taking into consideration the equality of equipment and supplies.
• Section 6 – offers the sanitation measures like cleaning and sterilizing of equipment, robes,
sheets, blankets, pillow case, towels, or any materials that has direct contact with client’s
body. Standards should be prescribing under Presidential Decree No. 856, otherwise known
as the sanitation code of 1978.
• Under section 7 on Firefighting Facilities, it is providing that it shall be provided in accordance
with presidential Decree 1185, otherwise known as the Sanitation Code of 1976.
• The use of signboard was provided by section 8. Accordingly, appropriate signboards shall be
conspicuously displayed outside the establishment showing clearly the name of the spa.
• Section 9 provides entire spa facility shall be no smoking facilities.
• Section 10 of the 2006 Revised rules and Regulations to govern the accreditation of the spa
establishment provides filing of application for accreditation, any person, partnership,
corporation or any entity desiring to secure an accreditation from the department shall
accomplish and file with department. Each branch shall be covered different accreditation
• Section 11 provides for the supporting documents needed for the application.

a. in the case of corporation or partnership a certified true copy of the article of incorporation,
or articles of partnership and its bylaws and amendments thereof, duly registered with the
securities and exchange commission and business name certificate, if applicable; in the case
of single proprietorship business name certificate duly issued by the Bureau of Trade
Regulation and Consumer Protection (BTRCP) AND AMENDMENTSTHEREOF, IF ANY;
b. Updated list of the management personnel and therapist and their respective positions,
nationalities and home addresses, certified by the general manager and notarized;
c. Valid health certificate of all massage therapist duly issued by the proper authority and
Department of Health licensed as massage therapist for supervisor;
d. Mayor’s Permit /or Municipal License; and
e. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
It must be noted that under the same rules and regulations, a Certificate of Accreditation and Sticker
shall be issued if the applicants acquired.
Section 26 of the 2006 REVISED RULES AND REGULATION to govern the accreditation of Spa
Establishment is the governing law defining the liability of the Operators/Managers for acts or
omission of its employees.
Based on section 2 of the 1992 rules, the following may apply for accreditation as tour operator. A.
resident Filipino. B. partnership. Organized under the laws of the Philippines, at least the 60% of its
capital being owned by a Filipino citizen. C. corporations organized under the laws of the Philippines.

Tour Operator, Tour Guide, and Professional Congress operator, Distinguished.

The authors arranged in the tabular from variables describing tour operators, guide and
professional congress operator as provided under the 1992 rules and regulations to govern the
accreditation of travel and tours services. The arrangement was done for the easy distinction of one
from the another

Tour Operator Tour Guide
Congress Organizer
Definition Sec 1 a. "Tour Operator" Sec 1 e. "Tour Guide" Sec 1, r 9.
shall mean an entity which shall mean an "Professional
may either be a single individual who guides Congress Organizer
proprietorship, tourists, both foreign (PCO)" - Any person,
and domestic, for a natural or
partnership or
fee, commission, or
corporation regularly juridical, who
any other form of
engaged in the business of manages
lawful remuneration.
extending to individuals or conventions, either
groups, such services as an official of an
pertaining to
arrangements and
consultant, volunteer
bookings for
or as a retained
transportation and/or
accommodation, handling
and/or conduct of
inbound tours whether or
not for a fee, commission,
or any form of
Who may apply a. A resident Filipino a. A resident Filipino
citizen; citizen;
b. A partnership organized b. Partnerships
under the laws of the organized under the
Philippines, at least 60% of laws of the
its capital Philippines, at least
60% of the
being owned by Filipino
citizens; and capital of which is
owned by Filipino
c. Corporations organized
citizens; and
under the laws of the
Philippines, at least 60% of c. Corporations
the organized under the
laws of the
subscribed common or
Philippines, at least
voting shares of stocks of
60% of its
which is owned by Filipino
citizens and the subscribed common
composition of its Board or voting shares of
of Directors being at least stocks being owned
60% Filipinos. by Filipino citizens
the composition of its
Board of Directors
being at least 60%
Documents needed a. In case of a single a. Proof that the a. In case of a single
for Accreditation proprietorship, a business applicant has passed proprietorship, a
name certificate and all a seminar for tour business name
amendments thereto; in guides duly certificate and all
the case of partnerships or conducted by amendments
corporations, a certified
the Department or thereto; in the case of
true copy of the articles of
other agencies duly partnership or
authorized by the corporation, a
and its by-laws and
Department to certified true copy of
amendments thereto,
conduct the articles of
duly registered with the
Securities and Exchange the seminar;
incorporation and its
Commission; provided, however,
by-laws and
that this requirement
b. Complete list of its amendments
may be waived by the
executive officers and thereto, duly
employees, tour guides Department where registered with the
and travel the applicant Securities and
representatives, if any, possesses special
indicating therein their
nationality, home address academic or Exchange
and experience, including professional Commission;
names and
qualifications b. Complete list of its
establishments previously
relevant to tourism; executive officers and
or currently affiliated
employees, indicating
with, position and length b. Certificate of good
therein their
of service showing the health issued by any
nationality, home
following: duly accredited
address and their
1. In the case of the positions;
manager, proof that he
c. Contract of lease or
has at least three (3) years c. Clearance from the
contract to lease the
National Bureau of
managerial experience in office space intended
Investigation; In the
tour operations or has for the use of the
case of alien
earned a degree in
applicants, valid visa PCO.
Bachelor of Science in from the Bureau of
d. Mayor's permit/
Tourism or has Immigration and the
municipal license;
successfully completed a
proper permit from
tour operator's course; e. Latest Income Tax
the Dept. of Labor
Return and Audited
2. Proof that at least and Employment;
Financial Statements
two (2) of the permanent
d. Mayor's permit/ reflecting a minimum
staff have at least two (2)
municipal license;
working capital of
years’ experience in tour
e. Latest Income Tax One Hundred
Return; and Thousand Pesos
c. For alien officers and (Pl00,000.00); and
f. Such other
employees, valid visa from
documents that the f. Such other
the Bureau of Immigration
Department may documents that the
and the proper permit
require from time to Department may
from the Department of
time. require from time to
Labor and Employment;
d. Contract of lease or
contract to lease the
office space intended for
the use of the agency, or
in the absence thereof, a
sworn statement by the
lessor that said agency is a
lessee of his building
stating the area thereof;
e. Mayor's permit/
municipal license;
f. Latest. Income Tax
Return and Audited
Financial Statements
reflecting a minimum
working capital of FIVE
(P500,000.00) PESOS;
Section 10. Issuance
g. An annual performance
of Accreditation and
report on the sales
Identification Card.
production; and a tariff
Upon compliance
sheet detailing
with all the
services, rates, validity, requirements of the
terms/conditions and preceding section, a
responsibilities; and certificate of
accreditation and an
h. Such other documents
that the Department may Identification Card
require from time to time. shall be issued upon
payment of EIGHTY
Section 4. Additional
Requirements for Tour
Operator Using a Motor
(P22.00) PESOS,
respectively, and
No tour operator shall use shall bevalid for a
any motor vehicle while period of one (1) year
conducting tours or from the date of
transporting tourists issuance thereof.
unless such motor vehicle
is accredited with the
Department and sporting
a tourist plate.
HUNDRED (P 1,100.00) (P550.00) PESOS per
PESOS per annum annum.
for main office and FIVE
PESOS for each branch.
Validity of The certificate of The certificate of
Accreditation accreditation shall be valid accreditation shall be
for a period of one (1) year valid for a
from the date of issuance
period of one (1) year
from the date of
issuance thereof.

Land Transportation Vehicles, Water Transport Vessels, Tourist Air Transport, Distinguished.
The authors arranged in a tabular form the variables describing land transportation vehicles,
waters transportation vessels, tourist air transport, as provided under the 1992 rules and regulations
to govern the accreditation of travel and tours services. The arrangement was done for the easy
distinction of one from the another.
Land Transportation Tourist
Water Transport Tourist Air Transport
Requirements of Section 16. Section 19. Minimum Section 20. Minimum
Accreditation Requirements. - For Requirements. –For Requirements. - For
purposes of purposes of purposes of
accreditation the accreditation, the accreditation, the
following are the basic following are the following are the
minimum minimum
requirements for the
requirements for the requirements for the
operation and
operation and operation and
maintenance of a
maintenance of a maintenance of an air
tourist land transport:
water transport. transport.
a. Registered capacity.
a. Restrooms -There a. Life-saving device -
A tourist land
shall be at least one Adequate life-saving
transport operator
restroom each with devices shall be
shall only be allowed
toilet and washing provided in
facilities for male and
apply for accreditation
female located at the with the requirements
for the number of
passenger prescribed by the Air
units covered by its
accommodation area. Transportation Office.
franchise from the
b. Communication
addition, there shall be Equipment -Adequate
b. Roadworthiness. To a common toilet and communication
be registrable, every bath at the cabin area equipment shall be
tourist transport must for long-haul provided
be found
trip. Tissue paper, in accordance with the
roadworthy upon soap and hand/paper requirements of the
inspection by a team towel shall also be Air Transportation
from the Department, provided. Office.
in the case of bus or
b. Reception -A
coaster, it shall not be receptionist shall be
more than ten (10) available to usher in
years, nor more than guests.
five (5) years for a
c. Refreshment and
tourist car reckoned Dining Area -There
from the year of shall be a refreshment
manufacture; area which shall be
c. Left-hand drive. well-stocked at all
Every tourist transport times. In case of long-
shall be provided with haul trips, a dining
a left-hand drive; area capable of
d. Ventilation. Every seating, at least, one-
tourist transport shall fourth (I/4) of the total
be properly equipped passengers at one
with adequate air- serving shall be
conditioning units;
e. Fire-fighting provided with
facilities. A tourist appropriate and well-
transport shall be maintained furniture.
provided or installed
d. Promenade Area -
with at least
There shall be a
one portable fire promenade or airing
extinguisher for the space at the upper
protection of its deck
for the exclusive use of
f. Imprint of company's passengers.
name and logo. The
e. Baggage Area -There
company's name and
shall be a baggage area
logo shall be
provided with racks or
imprinted at the rear similar
and sides,
convenient and safe
respectively, of the
storage in the
tourist transport unit;
g. Public address accommodation areas.
system. For tourist
f. Service and Staff -
buses or coasters, a
Adequate number of
public address system
well-trained, well-
shall be installed; groomed,
h. First-aid kit. Every
tourist transport unit efficient and
shall be provided with courteous staff shall
a first-aid kit and an be employed. They
shall wear clean
adequate supply of
uniforms at
emergency medicines;
all times. Front-line
i. Seats. Every tourist
staff shall have a good
transport shall have
speaking knowledge of
clean and comfortable
g. Lighting -Adequate
j. Storage Space. A
lighting arrangement
tourist transport shall
and fixtures shall be
have enough leg room
installed in all levels
and sufficient storage
space; and of the vessel in
accordance with the
k. Garage. Every
Philippine Merchant
tourist transport
Marine Rules and
operator shall provide
an adequate garage Regulations.
and repair shop for the
h. Life-saving
maintenance of its
equipment - Adequate
equipment, as well as
life-saving device shall
a parking space
be provided in
sufficient to accordance with the
accommodate all its Philippine Merchant
registered units. Marine Rules and
i. Communication
Equipment - Adequate
equipment shall be
provided in
accordance with the
Philippine Merchant
Marine Rules and
Application for Section 21. Application
Accreditation for Accreditation. - Any
person, partnership or
corporation desiring to
operate and/or
engage in the business
as tourist transport
operator shall - Do - - Do -
accomplish in
duplicate and file with
the Department, the
application for
prescribed for such
P.N.P. Clearance Section 17. P.N.P
clearance. -In case of
original registration
and/or transfer of
ownership of tourist
transport, the
necessary clearance
from the appropriate
unit of the
Philippine National
Police shall be secured
prior to registration.
Department Stickers Section 18.
Department Stickers. -
After registration and
issuance of
accreditation by
the Department, it
shall be mandatory for
all tourist transport
operators to put the
Department stickers
on the front and back
windshields of their
vehicles for proper
Documents Required Section 23. The 1. A copy of the 1. A copy of the
to Support Application shall be Certificate of Public Certificate of Public
Application for supported by the Convenience and Convenience and
Registration of following documents: Necessity issued by Necessity issued by
Vehicle, Vessel, or air
1. A copy of the LTFRB Maritime Industry the Civil Aeronautics
craft as tourist
certificate of franchise Authority; Board;
or authorization for
2. A copy of the 2. A copy of the
transportation rates as transportation rates as
car/bus service; approved by the approved by the Civil
Maritime Industry Aeronautics
2. A copy of the
transportation rates as Authority; Board;
approved by the LTFRB
3. Pictures of the 3. Pictures of the plane
3. Pictures of the vessel showing the showing the side, back
vehicle showing the side, back and front and front views
side, back and front view thereof with thereof with
views thereof
the company's name the company's name
with the company's and/or logo imprinted and/or logo imprinted
name and logo at its sides; at its sides;
imprinted at its rear
4. A copy of routes to 4. List of operations
and sides,
be served and and maintenance
respectively; and schedules. officials and personnel
with their ATO
4. Such other papers or 5. Such other papers or
documents as may be documents as may be licenses;
required from time to required from time to
5. Copy of the routes
time by time by
to be served and flight
the Department. the Department. schedules; and
6. Such other papers or
documents as may be
required from time to
time by
the Department.
Validity of Section 25. Validity of
Accreditation Accreditation. -The
accreditation duly
issued to any tourist
transport operator -Do- -Do-
shall be valid for a
period of one (1) year
from its date of issue
sooner revoked for
cause by the
Request for the Section 26. Request
Department ID for the Department
identification cards.
The Department
Identification Cards
shall be issued to
employees of tourist
transport operators
upon -Do- -Do-
request subject to
payment of a nominal
fee. Provided, that said
employees are
in the list of personnel
of the operator
Certificate of Section 29. Display of
Accreditation Certificate of
Accreditation. -The
certificate of -Do- -Do-
accreditation shall
be displayed in a
conspicuous place of
the establishment.
Non-transferability of Section 30. Non-
Certificate of transferability of
Accreditation Certificate of
Accreditation. -The -Do- -Do-
rights over the
accreditation shall be
Periodic Inspection Section 31. Periodic
Inspection. - When
necessary or when
public good dictates,
the Department may
send an inspection
team to the
establishment for the
purpose of finding
-Do- -Do-
out whether they are
being kept and/or
managed in a manner
conformable to the
standards set by the
Department. The
inspection shall be
conducted at a
reasonable time
of the day with due
regard and respect
accorded to the right
to privacy of parties
Penalty for Failure to Section 34. Penalty for
remedy the Defect, Failure to Remedy the
etc. Defects, Etc. – If the
management fails to
remedy the defects or -Do- -Do-
deficiencies, the
Department may
revoke the certificate
of accreditation of the
Grounds for Section 35. Grounds
Cancellation of for cancellation of
Accreditation accreditation. Any or
the following acts or
omissions shall be
sufficient ground for
the cancellation of
accreditation of the
a. Making any false
declaration or
statement or making
use of any such -Do- -Do-
declaration or
st.1tcmcnt or any
document containing
the same or
committing fraud or
any act of
misrepresentation for
the purpose of
obtaining the grant of
b. Failure to maintain
the standards and
requirements for
accreditation as
in these Rules;
c. Violation of or non-
compliance with any of
the provisions of these
promulgated orders,
decisions and circulars
issued by the
Department and other
government agencies;
d. Any other act or
omission that works
against the interest of
the tourism industry.

Apartment, Hotel, Resort(defined)

Rules 1, sec 1 of the rules and regulations to the govern the accreditation of the accommodation
establishments- Hotels, Resorts, and Apartment defines the following:
- Apartment – pertains to serviced apartments offering self-contained units that contain access
to kitchen and laundry facilities. A number of bedrooms may share on bathroom in the unit.
- Hotel – refers to full-service accommodation with reception and guest rooms generally
offering private facilities with an onsite restaurant, room, and bar service available.
- Resort – shall refer to full-service accommodation located in a more natural, relaxed
environment, with reception and guest rooms generally offering private facilities with an
onsite restaurant, room and bar service available.
- Primary tourism enterprises- refers to travel and tour services; land, sea and air transport
services exclusively for tourist use; accommodations; convention and exhibition organizers.
Tourism enterprises- refers o facilities, services and attractions involved in tourism, such as, but not
limited to; travel and tour services; tourist transport services, whether land, see, and air.

Grading system for Hotels, Resorts, and Apartment Hotels

One star- 25-40 % achievement (251 to 400 points) limited facilities and services
Two star 40-55% (401 – 550 POINTS) Expanded facilities and higher-level of comfort
Three star 55- 70% (701- 850 points) spacious public areas, higher quality facilities and
greater range of service.
Four star 70 – 85 % (551- 850 points) service responsive, extensive array of facilities
Five star 85 – 100% (851-1000) luxury and sophisticated. Exceeds all guest expectations.
Different Dimensions of Hotels, Resorts and Apartment Hotels Being Taken into Their Accreditation
Rule III. of the Rules and Regulations to Govern the Accreditation of Accommodation Establishments-
Hotel, Resorts, and Apartment Hotels sets the accreditation standards for Hotels consider the
following dimensions: Arrival/Departure, Public Areas, Bedroom, Bathroom, Food and Beverage,
Amenities and Services, Business Practices.
Rules IV. of the same Rules and Regulations sets the accreditation standards for Resorts, also using
the same dimensions as used in Hotel, to wit: Arrival/Departure, Public Areas, Bedroom, Bathroom,
Food and Beverage, Amenities and Services, Business Practices.
Rule V. sets the Accreditations Standards for Apartment Hotels using the same dimensions as in Hotels
and Resorts, to wit: Arrival/Departure, Public Areas, Bedroom, Bathroom, Lounge and Sitting Area,
Kitchen Area, Food and Beverage, Amenities and Services, Business Practices. For easy understanding
of the Accreditation Requirements provided by the Rules, the authors decide to present it in tabular
Lounge/Sitting Area
Lounge: Space & Comfort
Unacceptable: Floor space has obstacles that can cause injury to guests, furniture too large or too
Acceptable: Lounge may be shared with dining room and have cluttered feel, but there is sufficient
space to move around. Ceiling height is at least 2.4 meters.

Layout and Space

Unacceptable: Too Small to prepare meals, old appliances, untidy, inadequate range.
Acceptable: Small, functional kitchen, enough space for one person to move around

Food and Beverage

Availability of Restaurants: Breakfast room available; Full-service restaurant open 7 days a week
(including breakfast).
Additional specialty Restaurant/Fine Dining

Service Quality.
Unacceptable: No welcoming greeting, limited table clearing, strains on tables/chairs, lack of
attention, wait time greater than 30 minutes.
Acceptable: Friendly, but not necessarily professional service, basic knowledge of foods/beverages on
the menu
Space and Comfort.
Unacceptable: Very crowded, cramped, uncomfortable, loud noise, unpleasant atmosphere.
Acceptable: Comfortable but crowded, difficult access for customers and servers.

Amenities and Services:

Guest Services:
Free Internet connection available in public areas for guests.
Housekeeping turndown service at night.
Room Service availability for minimum of 12 hours.
Room Service 18-24 hours

Amenities: Wellness Services

Fitness centre on site with cardio machines and trained staff.
Fitness centre has trained staff on duty with 5 or more cardio machines.
Massage services on site.
Spa Service include Traditional Filipino treatments.

Dimension Business Practices: Business Processes

Emergency and fire evacuation procedures are followed and in place.
Backup generation or emergency power is available, capable of providing full power.
Cleaning schedules in place that show daily, weekly and seasonal cleaning procedures

Accreditation Process
Rule VI of the Rules and Regulations to govern the Accreditation of Accommodation Establishment
Hotel, Resort and Apartment. Hotels provide the accreditation process as follows: Section 1 states that
any person, partnership, corporation or entity desiring to operate a primary tourism enterprise as
defined herein shall secure an accreditation from the Department. Section 2 the department shall
issue a list of Documentary Requirements to be complied with by applicants as part of the
accreditation process. Section 3 An inspection team shall conduct an audit of the establishment to
determine its classification. Section 4 the certificate of accreditation shall be valid for a period of 2
years unless sooner revoked by the Department. Section 5 The Department shall issue a schedule of
accreditation fees to be implemented by these rules.

Supervision of Accredited Establishments

Rule VIII of the Rules and Regulations to Govern the Accreditation of Accommodation Establishment
rules pertaining to supervision of the accreditation of the establishment.

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