For All of The Questions Upper Limp

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For all of the questions, select the one BEST answer.

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A. coronoid process of the ulna
1. The distal B. olecranon process of ulna
attachment C. styloid process of ulna
(insertion) of the D. radial notch of ulnar
triceps brachii E. ulnar tuberosity
muscle is:

2. Most of the
muscles that act on A. trapezius
the shoulder girdle B. teres minor
and upper limb C. latissimus dorsi
joints are supplied D. rhomboid major
by branches of the E. levator scapulae
brachial plexus.
Which of the
following is not?
3. Increasing
muscle mass and
tone is the aim of
many people who
work out at the A. depression of the scapula
gym. This is done B. abduction of the arm
by contracting the C. extension of the arm
muscle against D. flexion of the arm
resistance. If you E. lateral rotation of the arm
want to increase the
muscle mass of the
latissimus dorsi
muscle, which of
the following actions
would you be most
likely to perform?
A. it receives its motor supply from the median
4. The TRUE B. it contains the profunda brachii artery and
statement about the radial nerve
posterior C. it contains a single elbow flexor
compartment of the D. its major artery is the brachial
arm is: E. it contains the ulnar nerve in its distal part

5. The long head of A. infraglenoid tubercle

the biceps brachii B. acromion process
C. coracoid process
D. clavicle
muscle arises from E. supraglenoid tubercle

A. abduction
6. The major B. flexion
function of the C. adduction
muscles in the D. medial rotation
anterior E. lateral rotation
compartment of the
forearm is:

7. This is a
radiographic image
of the left shoulder.
Which letter
identifies the
coracoid process?
8. This is a
radiographic image
of the wrist and
hand. Which letter
identifies the hook
of the hamate?

A. cephalic vein
B. basilic vein
9. A structure found C. brachial vein
in the deltopectoral D. radial vein
groove is the: E. musculocutaneous nerve

10. In the cubital A. investing fascia of the brachialis muscle

fossa, the median B. crural fascia
cubital vein is C. bicipital aponeurosis
frequently used for D. anconeus muscle
venipuncture. This E. tendon of the biceps brachialis muscle
vein is separated
from underlying
structures by the:
A. tendon of the palmaris longus
11. Which of these B. ulnar artery
structures passes C. median nerve
deep to the flexor D. palmar branch of the ulnar nerve
retinaculum at the E. radial artery

12. If the dorsal A. neck

rootlets of T4 are B. clavicle
cut (dorsal C. nipple
rhizotomy) there D. umbilicus
will be a loss of
sensation at the
level of the:
Questions 13 and 14.

A 52-year-old man was brought to the emergency room after being found
in the park where he had apparently lain overnight after a fall. He
complained of severe pain in the left arm. Physical examination suggested
a broken humerus, which was confirmed radiologically. The patient was
able to extend the forearm at the elbow, but supination appeared
somewhat weak; the hand grasp was very weak when compared with the
uninjured arm. Neurologic examination revealed an inability to extend the
wrist ("wrist drop"). Since these findings pointed to apparent nerve
damage, the patient was scheduled for a surgical reduction of the fracture.
13. The
observations that A. posterior division of the brachial plexus
extension at the B. posterior cord of the brachial plexus in the axilla
elbow appeared C. radial nerve at the distal third of the humerus
normal, but D. radial nerve injury in the vicinity of the head of
supination of the the radius
forearm weak, E. radial nerve in the mid-forearm
localization of the
nerve to the:
14. In this patient, A. pronator teres
paralysis of the B. brachioradialis
supinator muscle C. pronator quadratus
only slightly affects D. biceps brachii
the ability to E. triceps brachii
supinate due to the
unimpaired action of

A. abduction
15. The thumb B. adduction
action that C. extension
is totally affected D. flexion
by radial nerve E. opposition
trauma is:

A. the long head of the biceps

B. long head of the triceps
16. The C. medial head of the triceps
supraglenoid D. subscapularis
tubercle serves as E. short head of triceps
an attachment for:

A. extensor carpi radialis longus

B. extensor pollicis longus
17. The extensor C. extensor digitorum
expansion of the D. extensor pollicis brevis
fingers is formed by E. interossei
the tendon of the:

A. flexor pollicis longus

B. extensor pollicis longus
18. Which of the C. abductor pollicis brevis
following muscles is D. adductor pollicis
innervated by the E. opponens pollicis
ulnar nerve?

19. If you slide a A. radial

piece of paper B. median recurrent
between a patients C. ulnar
fingers and asked D. deep radial
the patient to hold E. superficial radial
onto the paper
when you try to pull
it from the fingers,
and the patient is
unable to perform
this action, which
nerve is suspected
to be nonfunctional?
A. subscapularis
20. Which of the B. supraspinatus
following muscles C. latissimus dorsi
does NOT rotate the D. pectoralis major
arm medially (or E. anterior fibers of the deltoid

21. Damage to the A. extension

coracobrachialis B. rotation
muscle and its C. flexion
nerve supply would D. supination
weaken which E. abduction
motion of the arm
and forearm?
Match the lettered
item on the diagram
to the numbered

22. trochlea

23. deltoid

24. greater

A. deltoid
B. teres minor
25. The uppermost C. teres major
part of the rotator D. subscapularis
cuff of the shoulder E. supraspinatus
is the tendon of the:

26. Which of the A. infraspinatus

following muscles is B. subscapularis
a lateral rotator of C. latissimus dorsi
D. teres major
E. anterior fibers of the deltoid
the arm?

A. trapezium
B. trapezoid
27. Which of the C. capitate
following wrist D. hamate
bones is found in E. scaphoid
the proximal row?

A. flexor digitorum profundus

B. flexor digitorum superficialis
28. Which of these C. pronator teres
muscles of the D. flexor pollicis longus
forearm has a E. pronator quadratus
double innervation?

A. latissimus dorsi
B. pectoralis major
29. The muscle that C. subscapularis
forms the bulk of D. teres minor
the anterior axillary E. teres major
fold is the:

A. long head of biceps

B. long head of triceps
30. The infraglenoid C. medial head of triceps
tubercle serves as D. coracobrachialis
an attachment for E. subscapularis

A. medial
31. The ulnar nerve B. lateral
is a branch of which C. posterior
cord of the brachial

32. Muscles of the A. median nerve

hypothenar B. ulnar nerve
eminence are C. radial nerve
innervated by the: D. median and radial nerves
E. median and ulnar nerves

33. Numbness to A. ulnar

the skin on the B. radial
lateral half of the C. median
palm of the hand D. superficial radial
would be caused by E. anterior interosseous
a lesion to which
A. radial
34. The nerve most B. axillary
likely to be injured C. ulnar
in fractures of the D. median
medial epicondyle is E. musculocutaneous

A. axillary
35. Which nerve is B. radial
probably damaged if C. musculocutaneous
a patient cannot D. median
abduct the arm E. ulnar
beyond 25 degrees?

36. Identify the

nerve of the
brachial plexus that
supplies the
muscles of the
compartment of the
A. C7
37. The middle B. C6 and C7
trunk of the brachial C. C6
plexus is formed by D. C5 and C6
anterior rami of E. C7 and T1
which spinal cord

A. median nerve
B. radial nerve
38. Loss of C. ulnar nerve
pronation of the D. intercostobrachial nerve
hand suggests a E. musculocutaneous nerve
lesion of the:

39. After a time,

when a motor nerve
to a muscle is A. musculocutaneous
sectioned, the B. ulnar
muscles will atrophy C. radial
(get smaller). If you D. median
notice that the E. thoracodorsal
thenar muscles are
atrophied, which
nerve would you
suppose has been
A. rhomboid major
40. A physical sign B. levator scapulae
known as "winged C. latissimus dorsi
scapula" suggests D. serratus anterior
the loss of function E. trapezius
to which of the
following muscles?

A. anterior humeral circumflex artery and axillary

41. If a tumor B. posterior humeral circumflex artery and radial
grows into the nerve
quadrangular space C. posterior humeral circumflex artery and axillary
of the axillary nerve
region, which D. radial nerve and profunda brachii artery
structures would be E. profunda brachii artery and axillary nerve
in danger?
A. teres major
42. The medial wall B. serratus anterior
of the axilla is C. pectoralis major
formed by which of D. subscapularis
the following E. pectoralis minor

A. costocervical
B. vertebral
43. A branch of the C. dorsal scapular
axillary artery is D. suprascapular
the: E. subscapular

A. median cubital vein

44. At the front of B. brachial artery
the elbow, which of C. median nerve
the following lies D. ulnar nerve
superficial to the E. cephalic vein

A. flexor carpi radialis muscle

B. tendon of the biceps muscle
45. The lateral C. brachialis muscle
boundary of the D. brachioradialis muscle
cubital fossa is E. pronator teres muscle
formed by the:

A. axillary
46. Which artery B. brachial
accompanies the C. ulnar
radial nerve to D. profunda brachii
supply the posterior E. radial
compartment of the

47. The artery that A. superficial ulnar

may be palpated B. posterior interosseous
deep in the C. cephalic
"anatomical snuff D. radial
box" is the: E. deep ulnar
A. subscapular
48. All of these B. transverse cervical
arteries may C. suprascapular
contribute to the D. intercostal
anastomoses E. lateral thoracic
around the scapula

A. ulnar
49. When taking the B. profunda brachii
blood pressure, the C. axillary
stethoscope is D. brachial
usually paced on E. radial
which artery?

A. radial
B. median forearm
50. The superficial C. axillary
vein that runs up D. cephalic
the ulnar side of the E. basilic
upper limb is the:

A. deep radial artery

B. superficial radial artery
51. The deep C. ulnar artery
palmar arterial arch D. anterior interosseous artery
is formed primarily E. posterior interosseous artery
by the:
55. The clavicle is
one of the most
fractured bones. In
the diagram, the
clavicle has been
fractured at about
the junction of the
middle and distal
thirds. Notice that
the proximal end
has been pulled
upward. Which of
the following
muscles is
responsible for this?
A. anterior
deltoid fibers
B. trapezius
C. subclavius
D. sternocleidom
E. pectoralis

A. flexor digitorum superficialis

B. pronator quadratus
56. Which muscle is C. flexor digitorum profundus
innervated by both D. supinator
the ulnar and E. none of the above
median nerves?

A. extensor carpi radialis longus

B. extensor carpi radialis brevis
57. Which of the C. extensor carpi ulnaris
following muscles D. extensor digitorum
does NOT extend E. brachioradialis
the wrist?

58. Which of the A. median

following nerves B. ulnar
sends branches to C. dorsal scapular
the muscles of the D. musculocutaneous
arm? E. long thoracic
A. denticulate ligament
B. coccygeal ligament
59. The filum C. dura mater
terminale is a D. arachnoid
continuation of the: E. pia mater

A. laterally from the palm

B. at right angles to the palmar surface
60. Abduction of the C. along side the index finger
thumb is when it is D. straight across the palm
moved: E. none of the above

A. it arises from the humerus

62. Which of the B. it inserts into the bony ribs
following C. it abducts the arm
statements is TRUE D. it is innervated by the median nerve
for the pectoralis E. there is no true statement
major muscle?

A. median
63. The nerve most B. axillary
likely to be C. radial
traumatized with a D. ulnar
fracture of the E. profunda brachii
surgical neck of the
humerus is the:

64. With an injury A. abducted

to the right upper B. adducted
trunk of the brachial C. medially rotated
plexus (Erb D. laterally rotated
Duchenne E. flexed
paralysis), the
patient's right upper
extremity would be:
65. At the wrist, the A. flexor carpi radialis
long slender tendon B. flexor carpi ulnaris
of which muscle C. flexor digitorum superficialis
serves as a guide to D. palmaris longus
the median nerve, E. flexor digitorum profundus
which is deep and
lateral to it:
A. glenohumeral
66. Which joint B. acromioclavicular
serves as the only C. scapulothoracic
bony attachment of D. sternoclavicular
the superior limb to E. costoclavicular
the axial skeleton?

A. teres minor
67. The only rotator B. infraspinatus
cuff muscle that C. supraspinatus
does not contribute D. subscapularis
to rotation of the
arm is the:

68. The dermatome A. C5

of the thumb is B. C6
innervated by C. C7
nervous elements D. C8
arising from which E. T1
spinal cord
69. A large muscle
that arises from two A. latissimus dorsi
heads flexes and B. trapezius
medially rotates the C. deltoid
arm. It is D. subscapularis
innervated by E. pectoralis major
nerves arising from
different cords of
the brachial plexus.
This is the:
A. radial
70. Loss of B. ulnar
opposition of the C. musculocutaneous
thumb is a D. median
symptom associated E. posterior interosseous
with lesion of which

71. Which carpal A. trapezoid

bone articulates B. scaphoid
C. hamate
D. capitate
with the radius? E. trapezium

72. All of the A. medial epicondyle

following bony B. greater tubercle
landmarks are C. spiral groove
visible on a skeleton D. lesser tubercle
when viewed E. olecranon process
directly from behind
(posterior view),
A. lumbrical
73. Inability to flex B. dorsal interosseous
the distal phalanx of C. flexor digitorum superficialis
the middle finger D. flexor digitorum profundus
indicates injury to E. palmar interosseous
which of these

A. ligamenta flava
B. interspinal ligaments
74. The anterior C. posterior longitudinal ligament
wall of the vertebral D. anterior longitudinal ligament
canal is formed by: E. ligamentum nuchae

A. trapezius
75. The muscle B. serratus anterior
attached to the C. rhomboideus major
whole length of the D. deltoid
scapular spine is E. infraspinatus

76. You are to A. the tendon of the biceps brachii muscle

perform a B. the bicipital aponeurosis
venipuncture of the C. the tendon of the brachialis
median cubital vein. D. the brachioradialis muscle
Which of the E. the medial epicondyle of the humerus
following structures
is most suitably
located to afford
protection against
your inadvertently
entering the
brachial artery
rather than the
A. the coccyx
77. The B. S2
subarachnoid space C. S5
ends inferiorly in D. promontory
the adult at the E. the lower border of L1
level of:

A. levator scapulae
78. All of the B. rhomboideus major
following muscles C. teres major
attach to the medial D. serratus anterior
border of the E. rhomboideus minor
scapula, EXCEPT

A. radial nerve, profundus brachii artery

B. axillary nerve, posterior humeral circumflex
79. Which nerve- C. ulnar nerve, superior ulnar collateral artery
artery pair do not D. median nerve, posterior interosseous artery
run together? E. anterior interosseous nerve, anterior
interosseous artery

80. Following a A. spinal accessory nerve

cervical injury, a B. long thoracic nerve
patient is unable to C. axillary nerve
abduct the arm D. all of the above
above the horizontal E. none of the above
plane. This would
be a result of an
injury to the:
Bones can fracture A. radial nerve
or be displaced from B. axillary nerve
their normal C. ulnar nerve
anatomical position D. median nerve
at any of several E. medial brachial cutaneous nerve
locations. Each of
these injuries may
traumatize a nerve
passing close to the
bone in question at
that location. Match
the nerve most
likely to be injured
with the problem:

81.Fracture of the
medial epicondyle of
the humerus
82. Fracture of the
surgical neck of the
83. Mid-shaft
humeral fracture
84. Anterior
dislocation of the
Match the following
muscles with their

85. supraspinatus A. lower subscapular nerve

B. axillary nerve
muscle C. thoracodorsal nerve
86. latissimus dorsi D. long thoracic nerve
muscle E. suprascapular nerve
87. teres minor
88. serratus
anterior muscle
A. hamate, pisiform, trapezium, scaphoid
B. hamate, capitate, trapezoid, scaphoid
89. The four chief C. lunate, hamate, capitate, scaphoid
bony attachments D. lunate, pisiform, trapezoid, hamate
of the flexor E. trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
retinaculum are:
90. Select the
correct match to the
structure at the end
of the arrow
A. tendon of the
B. flexor
C. lumbrical
D. vincula longus

This is an anterior
view of the left
elbow. Match the
lettered items with
the following:

91. trochlea
92. insertion of
brachialis muscle
93. insertion of
biceps brachii
94. capitulum
95. common origin
of flexor muscles of
96. Match the
lettered items with
the numbered

96. With a lesion of

this nerve elbow
flexion is severely

97. One indication

of a lesion of this
nerve: the patient is
unable to hold a
piece of paper
tightly between the

98. All postaxial

musculature of the
upper extremity
would be
denervated by a
lesion at this site

99. This nerve may

be damaged by a
deep cut over the
anterolateral chest

100. This nerve is

traumatized in
Carpal Tunnel
101. drains into
subclavian vein
102. innervates
muscles of the hand

103. drains into the

brachial vein
104. biceps brachii

Questions 105 - 107 refer to the diagrams. The diagrams on the right
show an area of anesthesia occurring after a cut (shown by the red arrow
and dotted line) in the lower left figure). Nerve regeneration over a period
of 4 (left column) to 93 (right column) weeks indicates a reduced area of
anesthesia as shown. Assume only nerves are cut and not any tendons.
105. The injured           
nerve is the:
A. radial
B. median
C. musculocutan
D. ulnar
E. median

106. Motor changes

that would
acccompany this
lesion would include
all of these EXCEPT:
A. adduction of
the fifth finger
B. abduction of
the fifth finger
C. adduction of
the fourth
D. abduction of
the thumb
E. adduction of
the thumb

107. In most
accompanying initial
motor changes
would include some
weakness in thumb
A. abduction
B. adduction
C. opposition
D. extension
E. flexion


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