Aditya-L1 Mission: S. Seetha and S. Megala

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Aditya-L1 mission
S. Seetha* and S. Megala
Space Science Programme Office, ISRO Headquarters, Bengaluru 560 231, India

Aditya-L1: enhanced Aditya-1 project

Aditya-L1 is the first Indian space mission to study
the Sun. The mission is aimed at studying the Sun
Aditya-1 was meant to observe the solar corona. The mis-
from a halo orbit around the Sun–Earth Lagrangian
point 1, which is about 1.5 million kilometres from the sion was conceived as a 400 kg-class satellite carrying
Earth. It carries seven payloads to observe the photo- one payload, the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph
sphere, chromosphere and the outermost layers of the (VELC) to study the corona from 1.05 to 1.5 solar radii.
Sun, the corona, in different wavebands. The space- It was planned to be launched in an 800 km Sun synchro-
craft and payloads are under development. Aditya-L1 nous orbit.
is expected to be launched during the 2019–20 time- However, the requirements of the payload demanded a
frame by PSLV-XL. much larger satellite platform. Hence it was decided by
the ISRO’s Advisory Committee for Space Science
Keywords: Corona, mission, payloads, Sun. (ADCOS) that a full-fledged large satellite be designed
with many more payloads, which could be launched into
a halo orbit around the Sun–Earth Lagrangian point 1
Introduction (L1). This allows for observations of the Sun without any
occultation/eclipse and to study the Sun in a more com-
T HE Sun being our nearest star, has been studied in great prehensive manner. With this in view, the Aditya-1 mission
detail. It has been observed for over 300 years, and solar has been revised to ‘Aditya-L1 mission’. The satellite
physics has attained the status of a mature and independ- will be inserted in a halo orbit around L1, which is 1.5
ent discipline in astrophysics. Although both observations million kilometres from the Earth. Aditya-L1 is a 1500
and modelling have improved tremendously over the kg-class satellite carrying seven payloads. The payloads
years, there are still a number of outstanding scientific cover the Sun’s photosphere (ultraviolet (UV) and soft
questions which remain unanswered. One example of the and hard X-rays), chromosphere (UV) and corona (visible
exciting challenges posed by the Sun, the mystery of the and NIR). In addition, particle payloads will study the
missing solar neutrinos, was solved after decades of ex- particle flux emanating from the Sun and reaching the L1
tensive and diligent experimental observations and theo- orbit, while the magnetometer payload will measure the
retical framework, which led to fresh insights on the variation in magnetic field strength at the halo orbit
fundamental properties of neutrinos and particle physics. around L1. These payloads will make in situ measurements
For several decades now, the puzzle of what are the and therefore have to be placed outside the interference
sources that heat the chromosphere, the transition region from the Earth’s magnetic field for useful measurements
and the solar corona, above the much cooler photosphere, to study the incoming effects from the Sun.
still remains. Similarly, eruptive phenomena of flares and
coronal mass ejections (CMEs) which expel huge
Payloads and their objectives
amounts of particulate matter and energy into the inter-
planetary space which have direct consequences on space Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) made an an-
weather and its effects on the Earth, are still difficult to nouncement of opportunity (AO) and invited payload
comprehend. The possible methods of ‘coronal heating proposals from various Indian research institutions and
and confining plasma’ have potential applications for universities. In response, several proposals were received.
constructing viable fusion reactors, and understanding the Seven payloads were selected based on their scientific
‘solar eruptions’ will help protect the terrestrial power merit and technical feasibility. The main payload contin-
and communication systems from serious disruptions. In ues to be the coronagraph of Aditya-1 with enhanced ca-
an attempt to understand some of these mysteries, the pabilities of spectroscopy and spectro-polarimetry.
first Indian mission to study the Sun, Aditya-L1 is The payloads on-board Aditya-L1 are as follows:
planned with a suite of instruments to obtain a better un-
derstanding of the star. (i) Visible Emission Line Coronagraph: To study the
diagnostic parameters of solar corona, and dynamics
and origin of CMEs (three visible and one infrared
(IR) channels); magnetic field measurement of solar
*For correspondence. (e-mail: [email protected]) corona down to tens of Gauss.
610 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2017
(ii) Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT): To urements of the solar corona, albeit down to only tens of
image the spatially resolved solar photosphere and Gauss sensitivity with long integrations. This experiment
chromosphere in near UV (NUV; 200–400 nm) and is similar to the Large Angle and Spectrometric Corona-
measure solar irradiance variations. graph (LASCO-C1), one of the experiments on Solar and
(iii) Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (SoLEXS): Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). SOHO is a very large
To monitor the X-ray flares for studying the heating solar mission of NASA with 610 kg payload mass, which
mechanism of the solar corona. is about 2.5 times that of Aditya-L1. Compared to
(iv) High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer LASCO-C1 which could observe from 1.1 to 3 solar radii,
(HEL1OS): To observe the dynamic events in the VELC is expected to observe closer to the Sun, from 1.05
solar corona and provide an estimate of the energy to 3 solar radii, and can therefore extend observations
used to accelerate the particles during the eruptive into the inner part of the corona, with the important addi-
events. tional feature of providing coronal magnetic field data.
(v) Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX): VELC also has a better image (2.5 arcsec/pixel) and spec-
To study the variation of solar wind properties as tral resolution (0.0065 nm for Fe XIV line) than LASCO-
well as its distribution and spectral characteristics. C1 (5.6 arcsec/pixel and 0.065 nm for Fe XIV). It may be
(vi) Plasma Analyser Package for Aditya (PAPA): To noted that although SOHO has had a long mission life (it
understand the composition of solar wind and its was launched in 1995), LASCO-C1 could make meas-
energy distribution. urements only for about two years, after which no data
(vii) Magnetometer: To estimate the magnitude and na- were available. Hence an instrument to study the inner
ture of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). corona is extremely important.
The second instrument, SUIT, is expected to image the
Combined observations of each of these payloads can Sun in specific filters of the near UV band (200–400 nm).
also lead to several other important analyses. Solar erup- In order to understand the footprints of solar eruptive
tions like flares and CMEs originate in the outer layers of events, SUIT will image the solar photosphere, chromos-
the chromosphere and the corona, but have their magnetic phere and part of the transition region right up to 1.1 so-
connection down to even below the photosphere. The lar radii in the near-UV band. In addition, SUIT will
SUIT instrument will therefore be able to study the inten- enable the study of solar irradiance variations which are
sity enhancement at the chromospheric layers, the closely connected with magnetic activity on the solar
SoLEXS and the HEL1OS instruments will provide ob- disc. The near UV waveband is best suited for this be-
servations on the initiation of the impulsive phase of the cause 60% of solar irradiance variations are believed to
flares, and VELC will enable the study of the dynamics at occur in this band, although it constitutes only 8% of the
the corona. This combination of measurements will help total solar irradiance. Most satellites have experiments
in providing a comprehensive picture of the eruptive operating in the extreme UV (EUV) region, since this is
events and help fine-tune models providing a physical useful to study the higher temperature regions better. The
understanding of these events, and hence the drivers af- NUV region enables us to study the photosphere, chro-
fecting space weather. The PAPA, ASPEX and MAG in- mosphere and a portion of the transition region between
struments will measure the particulate flux and IMF at the chromosphere and the corona. These observations
the L1 orbit. will also allow the study of variabilities in the irradiance
of the Sun in the UV band, in which variations are maxi-
mum. The only other satellite which has NUV instrumen-
Current and future missions tation is the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
(IRIS) mission of NASA. IRIS is a multi-channel imag-
Aditya-L1 is primarily a mission to study the solar corona ing spectrograph with a 20 cm UV telescope which oper-
and processes leading to changes in the same. There are ates in the wavelength range 133–135 nm and 139–
two imaging payloads for Aditya-L1. 140 nm in far UV, and 278–283 nm in NUV. When com-
The main payload, VELC will study the solar corona in pared to IRIS, SUIT can do full disk observations with an
the visible band and also in one of the IR lines to estimate FOV of 33–35 arcmin which has overlap with VELC,
the magnetic field of the corona from space for the first whereas FOV of IRIS is only 2 arcmin. SUIT has broad-
time. The VELC payload will study the diagnostic para- band and narrow-band filters (totally 10) for UV observa-
meters of the coronal plasma like velocity, temperature tions, thus addressing individual lines when compared to
and density, and also perform spectroscopic studies in IRIS which has four pass bands. It is expected that the ten
three wavebands. It will study the dynamics and origin of filters will allow for a ‘layered’ study of some of the
CMEs at coronal distances from 1.05 solar radii all the eruptive events like prominences.
way to 1.5 solar radii, with a field of view (FOV) covering The initiation and impulsive phases of the solar flares
3 solar radii. The IR channel enables spectro-polarimetry are best studied in the X-ray bands. Two instruments,
and hence magnetic topology and magnetic field meas- SoLEXS and HEL1OS, will study the X-ray spectrum all
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2017 611
the way from 1 to 150 keV. The X-ray spectrometer will which is to be launched in the 2017–18 timeframe, will
also provide an independent measure of temperatures have a coronagraph which could observe the corona from
leading to the flare processes. The X-ray instruments 1.4 to 3.0 solar radii and also have an EUV imager. To
operating in a wide X-ray band will help in studying solar recall, VELC is expected to have the capability to
X-ray flares with good spectral resolution. SoLEXS is observe the corona from 1.05 solar radii.
comparable to the X-ray spectrometer flown on RHESSI The Solar Probe plus spacecraft of NASA planned dur-
spacecraft by NASA. SoLEXS will have a much lower ing 2018 will reach about 5.9 million kilometres from the
energy threshold starting from about 1 keV compared to Sun, well within the orbit of Mercury and about eight
3 keV of RHESSI, thus enabling a better modelling of the times closer than any spacecraft. It has a Heliospheric
solar X-ray spectrum. It will also have a better spectral Imager which will provide context for the in situ instru-
resolution (by a factor of 3–4; ~250 eV at 6 keV) com- ments and be able to tomographically reconstruct the
pared to RHESSI (<2 keV below 1 MeV) and the upcom- three-dimensional density structure of the corona. The
ing STIX payload on Solar Orbiter (1 keV at 6 keV and 160° FOV is sufficiently large to view the corona from
15 keV at 150 keV). The resolution of HEL1OS is near the solar limb to beyond the zenith.
~1 keV at 22 keV and ~5 keV at 60 keV.
There is a large amount of ionized matter and energy
Launch and operations
which blows out of the Sun which is known as the solar
wind. This increases by several orders of magnitude when
Aditya-L1 is expected to be launched during the 2019–20
there is a CME. A study of the composition of the solar
timeframe by PSLV-XL from Sriharikota. The lift-off
wind and the particulate emissions during the occurrence
mass of the spacecraft is about 1500 kg. The satellite will
of CMEs compared to the quiet phase of the Sun will be
be launched into an elliptical Earth Parking Orbit of
done using the PAPA and the ASPEX. These experiments
245 km by 21,000 km. The satellite propulsion is em-
taken together with the magnetometer will help in under-
ployed to carry out orbit manoeuvres to raise the orbit,
standing the solar wind and its changes during activity on
transfer around the L1 point, insertion and maintain orbit
the Sun. There are many satellites carrying particle
about L1. The insertion around L1 will take place in
experiments and magnetometer, like the ACE, WIND and
about 100 days from the launch. The nominal satellite or-
DSCOVR. The DSCOVR mission launched on 11 Febru-
bit lifetime is about 5 years.
ary 2015 to the L1 orbit carried a Plasma-Magnetometer
The ground segment elements include Spacecraft Con-
(PlasMag) along with two Earth science instruments.
trol Centre (SCC) at ISRO Telemetry Tracking and
PlasMag will measure the solar wind activity, including
Command Network (ISTRAC), Indian Deep Space Net-
the magnetic field and the velocity distribution (magni-
work (IDSN) and the Indian Space Science Data Centre
tude and direction) of solar wind particles.
(ISSDC). The existing Telemetry and Tele-Command
These, however, are independent satellites to mainly
(TTC) network of ISTRAC will support the TTC func-
measure the solar wind, to provide inputs for space
tions. For the initial phase operations, the network will be
weather and prediction of solar-related events on Earth.
augmented with additional network stations from other
They do not study the Sun per se. The only other space-
agencies. The payload data will be acquired through
craft which carried both solar and particle experiments
IDSN. These data will be processed and disseminated
was again the SOHO, which was a much bigger satellite.
through ISSDC.
In Aditya-L1, the particle instruments and the magne-
tometer are expected to provide inputs on the variation in
flux of charged particles and magnetic fields from the Conclusion
Sun that reach L1, as a tool leading to overall understand-
The Aditya-L1 mission is expected to provide a multi-
ing of the Sun, and so will complement the measurements
pronged holistic approach to the understanding of some
done with the other instruments on CME events. Though
of the outstanding problems of solar physics.
not a primary objective, these instruments can contribute
to the overall database on space weather.
Amongst the other upcoming international missions,
the Solar Orbiter, a joint mission of ESA and NASA doi: 10.18520/cs/v113/i04/610-612

612 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 113, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2017

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