Mba-1 Sem

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Course Code 20MBA11 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives
1. The student will be able to recite the theories and models of Management and Organisational Behavior.
2. The student will be able to apply and solve the workplace problems.
3. The student will be able to classify in differentiating between the best methods to solve the problem.
4. The student will be able to compare the appropriate framework for solving the problems at the workplace
5. The student will be able to design model in dealing with the problems in the organisation.
Module-1 Introduction to Management 9 hours
Management -Introduction, Meaning, Nature, Objectives, Importance, Difference between Administration and
Management, Levels of Management, Types of Managers, Managerial Skills, Managerial Competencies, Scope
of Management, Functions of Management, Evolution of Management Thought, Fayol’s fourteen principles of
Management, Recent Trends in Management.
Module -2 Functions of Management 10 hours
Planning- Definition, Features, Nature, Importance, Types, Steps in Planning, Planning Tools and Techniques,
Essentials of a Good Plan. Organisation-Definitions, Importance, Principles, Types of Organisation Structures,
Span of Control, Centralisation and Decentralisation of Authority. Directing-Definitions, Importance, Elements
of Directing, Principles of Directing, Characteristics of Directing; Controlling-Definitions, Need of Controlling,
Characteristics of Control, Steps in the Controlling Process, Resistance to Control, Design of Effective Control
System, Types of Control, Control Techniques. Decision-making- Concepts, Types, Models, Difficulties in
Decision-making, Decision-making for Organisational Effectiveness, Decision-making Styles.
Module -3 Organisational Behaviour 10 hours
Organisational Behaviour: Introduction, Definitions, Nature, Goals, Importance, Approaches to Organisational
Behaviour, Models. Attitude- Meaning, Definition, Types, Components, Attitudes and Behaviour, Changing
Attitudes in the Workplace; Perception-Perception, Perceptual Process, Factors Influencing Perception,
Perception and Decision-making; Personality-Definitions, Factors Influencing Personality, Big Five Personality
Traits, Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Personality Tools and Tests; Motivation-Definitions, Process of
Motivation (Cycle of Motivation), Nature, Importance, Types, Theories.
Module -4 Managing Human at Work 7 hours
Group Dynamics- Meaning of Group, Group Characteristics, Classification of Groups, Models of Group
Development, Meaning of Group Dynamics, Group Behaviour, Impact of Group on Individual’s Behaviour,
Impact of External Factors on Group Behaviour. Teamwork- Nature of Teams, Team Characteristics, Teams
Versus Groups, Teamwork, Processes of Teamwork, Types of Teams, Reasons for Team Failure, Creating
Effective Teams.
Module-5 Organizational Power, Politics and Culture 7 hours
Power and Politics- Nature of Power and Politics, Early Voices, Questioning Power and Authority, Sources of
Power for Individuals, Managing Organisational Politics. Culture- Definitions of Organisational Culture, Strong
Versus Weak Culture, Characteristics, Types, Levels, Dimensions, Creating Organisational Culture, Changing
Organisational Culture.
Module - 6 Change and Stress Management 7 hours
Change- Nature, Characteristics, Process, Forces Responsible for Change in Organizations, Resistance to
Change, Managing Resistance to Change. Stress Management-Definitions, Understanding Stress, Relation
between Stress and Performance, Level, Signs and Symptoms of Stress, Types of Stress, Causes of Stress,
Managing Stress.
Course Outcomes:
1. Gain practical experience in the field of Management and Organization Behaviour
2. Acquire the conceptual knowledge of Management, various functions of Management and theories in
Organizational Behaviour.
3. Apply managerial and behaviour knowledge in real world situations.
4. Develop a greater understanding about Management and Behavioural aspects to analyse the concepts
related to individual behavior, attitude, perception and personality.
5. Understand and demonstrate their exposure on recent trends in management.

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Practical Component:
 Visit an Organisation and meet HR / Manager and note the Roles played in a Day.
 Conduct an event and try understanding the dynamics that goes on group.
 Develop few questions, interact with people in the organisation and try observing personality and reaction.
 Meet any Leader / HOD / Dean and observe the Management of depts. under the leader.
Note: Faculty can either identify the organizations/ leaders/job profile or students can be
allowed to choose the same.
CO-PO Mapping

Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have 8 full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a Module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions; selecting four full question from question number
one to seven and question number eight is compulsory.
 100 percent theory in the SEE
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Essentials of Management Koontz McGraw Hill 8e, 2014
2 Principles and Practices of Chandrani Singh and Sage Publication 2016
Management and Organisational Aditi Khatri
3 Organizational behaviour Stephen P Robbins, Pearson 14e, 2012
Reference Books
1 Organizational Behaviour Fred Luthans, McGraw Hill 12/e, 2011
2 Principles of Management Ramesh B. Rudani Tata McGraw-Hill 2013
3 Masters of Management Thought Mahanand Charati& Swapna Book 2015
M M Munshi House

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Course Code 20MBA12 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the fundamentals, tools and theories of managerial economics.
2. To provide an understanding of the application of Economics in Business
3. To learn the basic Micro and Macroeconomic concepts.
4. To have an understanding of Demand, Production, Cost, Profit and Market competitions with reference
to a firm and industry.
Module -1 Introduction 7 hours
Managerial Economics: Meaning, Nature, Scope, & Significance, Uses of Managerial Economics, Role and
Responsibilities of Managerial Economist. Theory of the Firm: Firm and Industry, Objectives of the firm,
alternate objectives of firm. Managerial theories: Baumol’s Model, Marris’s Hypothesis, Williamson’s Model.
Module -2 Demand Analysis 9 hours
Law of Demand, Exceptions to the Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand –Classification of Price, Income &
Cross elasticity, Advertising and promotional elasticity of demand. Uses of elasticity of demand for Managerial
decision making, Measurement of elasticity of demand. Law of supply, Elasticity of supply, Demand
forecasting: Meaning & Significance, Methods of demand forecasting. (No problems).
Module -3 Cost Analysis & Production analysis 9 hours
Concepts of Production, production function with one variable input - Law of Variable Proportions. Production
function with 2 variable inputs and Laws of returns to scale, Indifference Curves, ISO-Quants & ISO-Cost line,
Least cost combination factor, Economies of scale, Diseconomies of scale. Technological progress and
production function. Types of cost, Cost curves, Cost – Output Relationship in the short run and in the long run,
LAC curve Break Even Analysis – Meaning, Assumptions, Determination of BEA, Limitations, Uses of BEA
in Managerial decisions (with simple Problems).
Module -4 Market structure and Pricing Practices 9 hours
Perfect Competition, Features, Determination of price under perfect competition, Monopoly: Features,
Pricing under monopoly, Price Discrimination. Monopolistic Competition: Features, Pricing Under
monopolistic competition, Product differentiation. Oligopoly: Features, Kinked demand Curve, Cartels, Price
Descriptive Pricing Approaches: Full cost pricing, Product line pricing, Pricing Strategies: Price Skimming,
Penetration Pricing, Loss leader pricing, Peak Load pricing.
Module -5 Indian Business environment 9 hours
Nature, Scope, Structure of Indian Business Environment – Internal and External Environment. Political and
Legal Environment, Economic Environment, Socio – Cultural Environment, Global Environment
Basic Macro Economic Concepts: Open and Closed Economies, Primary, secondary and Tertiary sectors and
their contribution to the economy. SWOT Analysis for the Indian economy. Measuring the Economy:
Measuring GDP and GDP Growth rate, Components of GDP.
Module-6 Indian Industrial Policy 7 hours
Industrial Policies and Structure: A critical look at Industrial Policies of India, New Industrial Policy 1991; -
Private Sector- Growth, Problems and Prospects, SMEs –Significance in Indian economy-problems and
prospects. Fiscal policy and Monetary Policy. Foreign Trade: Trends in India’s Foreign Trade, Impact of
WTO on India’s Foreign Trade.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. The student will understand the application of Economic Principles in Management decision making.
2. The student will learn the micro economic concepts and apply them for effective functioning of a Firm and
3. The Student will be able to understand, assess and forecast Demand.
4. The student will apply the concepts of production and cost for optimization of production.
5. The student will design Competitive strategies like pricing, product differentiation etc. and marketing
according to the market structure.
6. The student will be able to understand macroeconomic concepts.

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Practical Component:
 Assessment of Demand Elasticity – Price, Income, Cross, Advertising.
 Demand Forecasting:
 Application of qualitative and quantitative methods of demand forecasting to various sectors (Automobile,
Service, Pharmaceutical, Information Technology, FMCG, Hospitality etc.) in India.
 Preparing a Project proposal for a Business Venture.(Compulsory)



Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have 8 full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a Module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions; selecting four full question from question number
one to seven and question number eight is compulsory.
 80 percent theory and 20 percent problems in the SEE.
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Managerial Economics Geethika, Ghosh & Choudhury McGraw Hill 2/e, 2011
2 Managerial Economics Dominick Salvotore, Oxford Publishers 2e, 2016

Reference Books
1 Managerial Economics R. Panneerselvam, P. Sivasankaran, P. Cengage 2015
2 Managerial Economics Samuelson & Marks Wiley 5/e, 2015

3 Managerial Economics D.M Mithani HPH 2016

4 Managerial Economics H.L Ahuja Samuelson & Marks S.Chanda 2014

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Course Code 20MBA13 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives
1. To explain fundamental accounting concepts, the elements of financial statements, and basic accounting
2. To explain and use the accounting equation in basic financial analysis and explain how the equation is related
to the financial statements.
3. To prepare basic entries for business transactions and present the data in an accurate and meaningful manner.
4. Prepare basic financial statements and explain the articulation between the basic statements.
5. To analyze a company’s financial statements and come to a reasoned conclusion about the financial situation of
the company.
Module-1 Introduction to Accounting 7 hours
Financial Accounting: Need and Types of Accounting, Single Entry System, Double Entry System, Concepts
and Conventions of Accounting, Relation of Accounting with other disciplines, Journal, Ledgers, Trial balance.
Module -2 Financial Statements 10 hours
Preparation of final accounts of companies in vertical form as per Companies Act of 2013 (Basic problems of
Final Accounts), Window dressing. Case Study problem on Final Accounts of Company-Appropriation accounts.
Module -3 Analysis of Financial Statements 10 hours
Limitations of Financial Statements; Meaning and Purpose of Financial Statement Analysis, Trend Analysis,
Comparative Analysis, Financial Ratio Analysis, Preparation of Financial Statements using Financial Ratios, Case
Study on Financial Ratio Analysis. Preparation of Cash flow Statement (indirect method). Lab compulsory for
Financial Statement Analysis using excel.
Module -4 Management Accounting 9 hours
Scope, Purpose of Management Accounting
Cost Volume Profit Analysis: Meaning-Methods of determination-Applications. Managerial Decision-Making-
Make /Buy etc: Short-run Decision Analysis-Decision situations: Sales-volume related, Sell or further process,
Make or Buy, Operate or shut-down.
Module -5 Functional and Flexible Budgeting 7 hours
Functional budgets, Flexible Budgets: Meaning-Measure of Volume-Cost Behaviour with change in volume-
Fixed, variable & mixed costs.Variance Analysis: Cost Variances – Revenue Variances-Variance Reporting-
Disposition of variances.
Module-6 Emerging Issues in Accounting and Computerised Accounting 7 hours
Emerging Issues in Accounting: Human Resource Accounting, Forensic Accounting, Sustainability Reporting,
Applicability of Ind AS – Indian Accounting Standards.
Computerised Accounting Systems-Structuring Database for Accounting- Accounting system Using Database
Management systems- Illustration of Accounting Database.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate theoretical knowledge and its application in real time accounting.
2. Capable of preparing financial statement of companies.
3. Independently undertake financial statement analysis and take decisions.
4. Comprehend emerging trends in accounting and computerization of Accounting systems.
Practical Components:
• To collect Annual reports of the companies and analyzing the financial statements using different techniques
and presenting the same in the class.
• To analyze the companies’ cash flow statements and presenting the same in the class.
• To get exposed to use of accounting software’s (preferably Tally. ERP 9).
• To identify the sustainability report of a company and study the contents.

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Question paper pattern:

The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have 8 full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a Module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions; selecting four full question from question number
one to seven and question number eight is compulsory.
 40 percent theory and 60 percent problems in the SEE.

Sl. Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No. year
1 Accounting for Management-Text & S.K.Bhattacharya & John Vikas Publishing 3e, 2018
Cases Dearden House Pvt. Ltd.
2 Financial Accounting S.N.Maheshwari, Vikas Publishing 6e, 2018
Suneel K. Maheshwari, House Pvt. Ltd.
Sharad K. Maheshwari
3 Computerized Accounting Neeraj Goyal, Rohit Kalyani Publishers 1e, 2018
Reference Books
1 Accounting for Managers J.Made Gowda Himalaya 1e, 2007
Publishing House

2 Financial Accounting for N. Ramachandran, Ram McGraw Education 4e., 2016

Management Kumar Kakani (India) Private
3 Management Accounting : Text, M Y Khan, P K Jain Tata McGraw-Hill 7e, 2007
Problems and Cases Education
4 Accounting and Finance for Non- Jai Kumar Batra Sage Publications 1e, 2018
finance Managers

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Course Code 20MBA14 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students learn about the applications of statistical tools and Techniques in decision making.
2. To emphasize the need for statistics and decision models in solving business problems.
3. To enhance the knowledge on descriptive and inferential statistics.
4. To develop analytical skills in students in order to comprehend and practice data analysis at different levels.
5. To familiarize the students with analytical package MS Excel.
Module -1 Introduction to Statistics 9 hours
Introduction to Statistics: Meaning and Definition, functions, scope and limitations, Collection and presentation
of data, frequency distribution, measures of central tendency - Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric mean, Harmonic
mean. Measures of dispersion: Range – Quartile Deviation – Mean Deviation -Standard Deviation – Variance-
Coefficient of Variance - Comparison of various measures of Dispersion.
Module -2 Correlation and Regression 7 hours
Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson correlation, Spearman’s Rank correlation (one way table only), simple and
multiple regressions (problems on simple regression only).
Module -3 Probability Distribution 9 hours
Probability Distribution: Concept and definition - Rules of probability –Random variables – Concept of
probability distribution – Theoretical probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential –
Baye’s theorem (No derivation) (Problems only on Binomial, Poisson and Normal).
Module -4 Time Series Analysis 8 hours
Time Series Analysis –Objectives, Variations In Time Series - Methods Of Estimating Trend: Freehand Method
- Moving Average Method - Semi-Average Method - Least Square Method. Methods of Estimating Seasonal
Index: Method Of Simple Averages - Ratio To Trend Method - Ratio To Moving Average Method.
Module -5 Hypotheses 7 hours
Types, characteristics, source, formulation of hypotheses, errors in hypotheses. Parametric and Non-Parametric
Tests- t-test, z-test, f-test, u-test, K-W Test (problems on all tests). Normality and reliability of
hypothesis. Statistical analysis- Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis- ANOVA-one-way, two-way classification
(theory only).
Module-6 Computer lab for Statistics 10 hours
MS Excel: Functions, Formulas, Types of errors in excel, Data analysis using MS-Excel- Mean, Median, Mode,
Geometric Mean, Harmonic mean, Standard Deviation, Correlation
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Facilitate objective solutions in business decision making under subjective conditions.
2. Demonstrate different statistical techniques in business/real-life situations.
3. Understand the importance of probability in decision making.
4. Understand the need and application of analytics.
5. Understand and apply various data analysis functions for business problems.
Practical Component:
 Students are expected to have a basic excel classes.
 Students need to be encouraged to do a small primary research inside the classroom in groups and to analyze
the data using statistical tools like Mean, SD, Correlation(Ex: Motivation, Stress etc)
 Students can also be encouraged to go out for a live survey in Malls, Showrooms and in other Colleges to
collect data’s and to analyze it. Ex: Buying behavior, Brand aspects etc)
Lab compulsory-minimum 10 hours.

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Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have 8 full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a Module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions; selecting four full question from question
number one to seven and question number eight is compulsory.
 40 percent theory and 60 percent problems in the SEE.

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and year
1 Fundamentals of S C Gupta Himalaya Publications 2012
2 Research Methodology Ranjit Kumar Sage Publications 2018

3 Parametric and Non Vimala Veeraraghavan Sage Publication 2017

Parametric Statistics and Suhas
Reference Books

1 Statistical Methods Dr. S P Gupta Sultan Chand Publications 2014

2 Research Methodology C R Kothari Viswa Prakasam Publication 2015
3. Business Research S.N.Murthy and Excel Books 3e, 2016
Methods U.Bhojanna.

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Course Code 20MBA15 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives
1. Make students have an understanding of the fundamental concepts of marketing & the environment in
which marketing system operates.
2. To analyze the motives influencing buying behaviour & Describe major bases for segment marketing, target
marketing, and market positioning.
3. Identify a Conceptual framework, covering basic elements of the marketing mix.
4. To understand fundamental premise underlying market driven strategies.
5. Giving them hands on practical approach to subject study.
Module-1 Introduction to Marketing 9 hours
Marketing V/s Selling, Customer value, Components of customer value and components of customer cost.
Marketing Ethics- green marketing and green economy. Marketing Myopia.Marketing Environment -
Components of Environment to be analysed- Micro/ Macro Environment, Technological environment, Socio-
cultural environment, Economic Environment, Legal Environment, Consumer/demographic environment,
Government policies, Political environment. Techniques used in Environment Analysis. Contemporary Indian
Marketing Environment. Cause and Social Marketing alternate concepts like 3V concepts of Nirmalaya Kumar
Social Responsibility of marketing- new marketing realities, new responsibilities, new-age marketing, societal
marketing concept, Corporate Social Responsibility. Emerging areas- Neuro Marketing , Sensory Marketing-
concepts only. Assignment: Contemporary Indian Marketing Environment
Module -2 Analysing Consumer Behaviour 9 hours
Connecting with consumers and consumer in sighting, Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour, Consumer
characteristics influencing buying behaviour- personal factors and cultural factors. Consumer Buying Decision
Process, Buying Roles, Buying Motives. The black box model of consumer behaviour. Psychological Processes
underlying consumer behaviour. Market Segmentation: Concept of Market Segmentation, Benefits, Requisites
of Effective Segmentation, Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets, Market Segmentation Strategies.
Segmentation method – Geographic segmentation and Demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation,
behavioural segmentation, volume segmentation, deep segmentation. Indian Consumer- Features about consumer
India, Classifying Indian consumer by Income B2B marketing Vs Consumer Marketing. Assignment- Live
projects on Consumer Behaviour.
Module -3 Product, Brand Equity, Services Marketing 9 hours
Product Management- fundamentals, primary objective of product management, product hierarchy, product line,
product mix, product mix strategies, Appraisal of product lines, products and brands. Managing PLC of
product/brand, New Product Development, packing as a marketing tool, Role of labelling in packing. Main tasks
in product management. Components of Product personality. Brand- selecting brand name, selecting logo, brand
extension- effects. Introducing new product, innovations, new product development, stages in new product
development, pricing strategy for new product. Branding - Concept of Branding, Types, Brand Equity, Branding
strategies.Services Marketing & its Characteristics- tasks involved in service marketing, differentiating,
positioning and brand building in services, premiumisation in service marketing.Market Segmentation, Targeting
& Positioning (STP): Targeting - Bases for identifying target Customer target Marketing strategies, Positioning -
Meaning, Product Differentiation Strategies, Tasks involved in Positioning. Monitoring brands performance and
Module -4 Pricing , Marketing Channels 7 hours
Pricing decisions: Significance of pricing, factor influencing pricing (Internal factor and External factor),
objectives, Pricing Strategies-Value based, Cost based, Market based, Competitor based, Pricing Procedure.
Marketing Channels: Roles and purpose of Marketing Channels, Factors Affecting Channel Choice, Channel
Design, Channel Management Decision, Channel Conflict, Designing a physical Distribution System, Network
Marketing. Contemporary Channels and Retailing in India.Product Distribution Logistics: Product distribution
Concept. Distinction between distribution logistics and Supply Chain Management..
Module -5 Direct Marketing & Digital Marketing: 9 hours
Concept and scope of direct marketing, concept and components of digital marketing. Digital marketing
communications, digital marketing in India. Promotions- Marketing communications- Integrated Marketing

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Communications (IMC)-communication objectives, steps in developing effective communication, Stages in
designing message. Advertising: Advertising Objectives, Advertising Budget, Advertising Copy, AIDA model,
Traditional Vs Modern Media- Online and Mobile Advertising, Social Media for Advertising. Customer
Relationship Management- components. Significance of Marketing Research- importance of data.
Module - 6 Sales Promotion, Marketing Planning and Rural Marketing 7 hours
Sales Promotion: Tools and Techniques of sales promotion, Push-pull strategies of promotion. Personal selling:
Steps/process involved in Personal Selling. Publicity/Public Relation-word of mouth, sponsorships. Database
marketing: Basic concepts of e-commerce, e-marketing, m-Commerce, m-marketing, e-networking, CRM, MkIS.
Marketing Planning: Meaning, Steps involved in Marketing planning. Marketing Audit- Meaning, components
of Marketing Audit. Market Share analysis, Marketing cost analysis, Marketing Strategic Planning Process.
Concept of Rural Marketing: Flumist (HBR) and Saffola Journey- Case Studies
Classroom Exercise: Brand Communication (create and enact a commercial)
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Develop an ability to assess the impact of the environment on marketing function.
2. To formulate marketing strategies that incorporate psychological and sociological factors which
influence buying .
3. Understand concept of Branding, development of product and significance of market
segmentation , targeting and positioning.
4. Identifying marketing channels and the concept of product distribution.
5. Identifying techniques of sales promotion , significance of marketing research.
6. Synthesize ideas into a viable marketing plan for various modes of marketing
Practical Components:
 Understanding Contemporary Indian Marketing Environment.
 Understanding and demonstrating their exposure on consumer behaviour
 Effectively using their skill in creating and enacting a commercial on brand communication.


Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have 8 full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a Module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions; selecting four full question from question number
one to seven and question number eight is compulsory.
 100 percent theory in the SEE.
Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and
No year
1 Marketing Management- Indian Ramaswamy & SAGE 6th Edition
Context, Global Perspective. Namakumari

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2 Marketing Management: A South Kotler, Keller, Koshy & Pearson Education Latest edition
Asian Perspective. Jha
3 New Product Management Merle Crawford and McGraw-Hill Latest Editon
Anthony Di Benedetto
4 Advertisement Brands & Consumer Ramesh Kumar Sage Publications 2020
Reference Books
1 Marketing in India: Text and Cases Neelamegham S Vikas Latest edition
2 Marketing Lamb, Hair, Mc Danniel Cengage Learning Latest edition
3 Fundamentals of Marketing Etzel M J BJ Walker & Tata Macgraw Hill Latest edition
Management, William J Stanton

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Course Code 20MBA16 CIE Marks 40
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:2 SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
1. To enable the students to become aware of their communication skills and sensitize them to their potential to
become successful managers.
2. To enable learners with the mechanics of writing and also help them to draft business letters in English precisely
and effectively.
3. To introduce the students to some of the practices in managerial communication those are in vogue.
4. To prepare students to develop the art of business communication with emphasis on analysing business situations.
5. To train Students towards drafting business proposals.
Module -1 Introduction 7 hours
Introduction: Meaning & Definition, Role, Classification – Purpose of communication – Communication Process –
Characteristics of successful communication. Communicating within Organizations – Levels of communication,
Communication flow, Communication barriers, Media choices, Legal Consequences and Ethics, Communication in a
cross-cultural setting.
Module -2 Oral Communication 7 hours
Oral Communication: Meaning – Principles of successful oral communication, Conversation control –Reflection
and Empathy: two sides of effective oral communication.
Oral Presentation: Role of business presentations, Planning and Organizing Presentation, Planning Team and
Online Presentations, Developing Visual Support for Business presentation, Practicing and Delivering Presentation -
Refining your delivery.
Business Pitch:10 steps in Pitching, Elevator Pitching
Class room Exercise: Business pitch with video recording using PowerPoint and feedback.
Module -3 Written Communication 9 hours
Written Communication: Purpose of writing – Clarity in writing –Principles of effective writing – Approaching the
writing process systematically: The 3X3 writing process for business communication Pre writing – Writing –
Revising. Audience analysis, Writing Positive, Neutral, Persuasive and Bad-news Messages
Types of Written Communication in Business: Business Letters, Employee Reviews, Recommendation Letters,
Thank You Letters, Memos, proposals and Reports, Planning Documents, Press Releases, Proactive Media Writing
and E-mail.
Module -4 Business Reports 9 hours
Business Reports: Purpose, Kinds and Objectives of reports – Organization & Preparing reports, short and long
reports Writing, writing executive summary.
Business Case Analysis: What is a case? Characteristics of Case and its Analysis, Process of Case Analysis,
Requirements of Case analysis, The structure of written cases analysis.
Meeting Documentation: Notice, Agenda, and Resolution & Minutes
Assignment: Executive summary to be submitted.
Module -5 Employment communication 9 hours
Employment communication: Putting your best self forward, Preparing your resume, Writing covering letters and
Inquiry Emails, Preparing for a Job Interview, Conducting Yourself during the Interview, Following up throughout
the process, Practicing business etiquette.
Business Meetings: Format, planning, facilitating, participating and following-up.
Lab component: Video conferencing across stakeholders.

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Module-6 Interpersonal Communication 9 hours
Interpersonal Communication: Nonverbal communication and Listening.
Conflict Management and Negotiation skills: Meaning and characteristics of Conflict, Conflict management
through communication, Managing the process of communication in Conflict, Verbal skills for communicating in
conflict. Communication for effective negotiation – Meaning, nature and need for negotiation, Factors affecting
negotiation, stages in negotiation process, Negotiation strategies.
Technological Advancement and Business Communication: Intranet, Internet, Teleconference, Video conference,
Blogs, Webinars, Chat rooms, Voice and Text messaging.
Social Media: Introduction, Characteristics, Classification, Nature and scope of Six types of Social Media, Choosing
the most suitable social media. Using Social Media to build business relationships.
Lab component: Creating a Blog
Note: Suggested for practical component: Effective Communication Development.
Subject faculty to design suitable practical components for the topics in syllabus.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. The students will be aware of their communication skills and know their potential to become
successful managers.
2. The students will get enabled with the mechanics of writing and can compose the business letters in English
precisely and effectively.
3. Students will get exposure in drafting business proposals to meet the challenges of competitive environment.
4. The students will be introduced to the managerial communication practices in business those are in vogue.
5. Students will get trained in the art of Interpersonal communication and technological advancement and social
media usage in communications, with emphasis on analysing business situations.
Practical component:
 Make students enact and analyze the non-verbal cues.
 Conduct a mock meeting of students in the class identifying an issue of their concern. The students should
prepare notice, agenda and minutes of the meeting.
 Organize a mock press conference addressing to the launch of new product by an organization.
 Students should be given an assignment to draft a proposal to undertake research project.
 Video conferencing across stakeholders
 Create a Blog
 Business pitch with video recording using PowerPoint and feedback



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Question paper pattern:
The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.
 The question paper will have 8 full questions carrying equal marks.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a Module.
 The students will have to answer five full questions; selecting four full question from question number one
to seven and question number eight is compulsory.
 100 percent theory in the SEE

Sl Title of the book Name of the Author/s Publisher Name Edition and year
1 Communicating in Business Ober Cengage 8th Edition, 2018
2 BCOM Lehman, Dufrene,Sinha Cengage Learning 2nd Edition, 2012
A South-Asian Perspective
3 Business Communication P D Chaturvedi Pearson 3rd Edition, 2013
Mukesh Chaturvedi
4 Business and Professional Kelly m. Quintanilla SAGE South Asia 2017
Communication Shawn T. Wahl Edition
Reference Books
1 Communicating in Business Williams,Krizan Cengage Learning 8th Edition, 2017
2 Business Communication: Mary Ellen Guffey Cengage Learning 3rd Edition, 2002
3 Business Communication Lesikar,Flatley,Rentz TMH 11th Edition, 2011
4 Communicating in Business Williams, Krizan, Logan & Cengage Learning 8e, 2014

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