Earth and Life Science Q2 Reviewer

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They are also known as true bacteria for they cause

disease and decay.
ELS Q2 M1 A. Eubacteria
1. The hypothesis explaining that life originated on B. Archaebacteria
another planet outside our Solar System is C. Protista
___________. D. Cyanobacteria
A. Extraterrestrial Origin
B. Panspermia ELS Q2 M2
C. Divine Creation 1. The name given to the internal balance that cell
D. Origin from nonliving matter maintains with its external environment
a. Homeostasis
2. The theory presuming that the “seed” of life exists all b. Circulation
over the universe and can be propagated through c. Diurnal
space, and that life on Earth originated from those d. Circulation
seeds is
___________. 2. A group of tissues that works together for a common
A. Extraterrestrial Origin function is called ______
B. Panspermia a. Organ
C. Divine Creation b. Organ system
D. Origin from nonliving matter c. Cell
d. Organism
3. It is believed that life was put on Earth by divine
forces is called __________. 3. This is an organism made of one cell
A. Extraterrestrial Origin a. Multicellular
B. Panspermia b. Colonial
C. Divine Creation c. Unicellular
D. Origin from nonliving matter d. Plant kingdom

4. It is believed that life arose on Earth from inanimate 4. What best illustrate evolution?
matter after Earth had cooled is called __________. a. a quick change in a species
A. Extraterrestrial Origin b. change in species over time
B. Panspermia c. no change in a species
C. Divine Creation d. the interaction of living things and their environment
D. Origin from nonliving matter
5. Which term refers to the process by which individuals
5. The only testable hypothesis for the origin of life on that are better suited to the environment survive and
Earth is __________. reproduce therefore passing down their genes.
A. Extraterrestrial Origin a. Evolution
B. Panspermia b. Adaptation
C. Divine Creation c. Variation
D. Origin from nonliving matter d. Natural Selection

6. Among the products of Miller’s and Urey’s experiment 6. Where does almost all energy for life originate?
were_____________. a. In sugars
A. Amino Acids b. In plants
B. Bacterial Cells c. In animals
C. Ammonia and Hydrogen d. In the sun
D. Prokaryotes
7. What is the driving force behind evolution?
7. Scientists estimate that the age of Earth is about a. DNA
__________. b. Reproduction
A. 2000 years c. Energy
B. 2 quadrillion years d. Natural Selection
C. 10 million years
D. 4.5 billion years 8. Reproduction that only involves one parent?
a. Sexual
8. They were the first living things to populate the b. Impossible
surface of the land. c. Asexual
A. Plants and fungi d. Increases genetic diversity
B. Bacteria
C. Eukaryotes 9. Which example is an activity that a fish most likely
D. Protists uses to maintain homeostasis within its body?
a. using camouflage to avoid predators
9. An American chemist who recreated the conditions of b. feeding at night to regulate body temperature
the early Earth to show how organic molecules are c. moving to deeper water to regulate metabolic wastes
formed. d. exchanging gases through its gills to regulate oxygen
A. Stanley Miller levels
B. Harold Urey
C. Robert Brown 10. Living organisms can be classified as prokaryotes or
D. Thomas Wayne eukaryotes. Which two structures are common to
both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
a. cell wall and nucleus A. Tomato
b. cell wall and chloroplast B. Insulin
c. plasma membrane and nucleus C. Rice
d. plasma membrane and cytoplasm D. Banana

1. Which of the following is NOT a form of asexual 1. Which of the following is not a risk for using GMOs?
reproduction A. Hurting small farmers
a. Fission B. Increase genetic diversity
b. Budding C. Unintended economic consequences
c. Fertilization D. Harm to wildlife
d. Fragmentation
2. What approval was provided to the Golden Rice by
2. Which of the following is true about sexual the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Plant
reproduction? Industry?
a. Genetically identical offspring are produced A. Biosafety permit
b. only one parent is involved B. FFP clearance
c. it puts animal at an evolutionary disadvantage in C. Compliance certificate
terms of variation D. Safety certificate
d. it involves the exchange of genetic material between
two individuals 3. What is the growing religious concern for the GMOs
popularized for?
3. A new offspring simply grows from the body of a A. Green revolution
mother animal, it breaks off and later becomes B. Playing God
independent C. Golden
a. budding D. Traditional breeding
b. regeneration 4. How many GMOs were approved by the Philippine
c. oviparous government in the past few years?
d. fission or cell division A. 42
B. 43
4. The union of sperm and egg cell C. 44
a. fertilization D. 45
c. offspring
b. reproduction 5. What is the component which makes the Golden rice
d. sexual gold colored?
A. Insect resistance
5. the kind of reproduction undergone by hydra B. Herbicide tolerance
a. budding C. Insulin
b. regeneration D. Beta carotene
c. fragmentation
d. fission or cell division ELS Q2 M6A
1. What part of digestive system churn food
ELS Q2 M4 mechanically and secretes gastric?
1. What do you call the newly transferred gene to the A. Stomach
cells of the recipient organism? B. Esophagus
A. DNA C. Mouth
B. Clone D. Epiglottis
C. Cisgene
D. Transgene 2. In what part of Digestive System is Digestion
2. What is the other term used to refer to genetic A. Bile
engineering aside from genetic modification? B. Duodenum
A. Transformation C. Gallbladder
B. Cloning D. Canines
C. Artificial breeding
D. Selective breeding 3. It is composed of millions of fingerlike projections
which absorb all the nutrients that were previously
3. Which of the following is used to improve the released from digested food. Which part of Small
characteristic of the final product? Intestine is this?
A. DNA A. Lacteal
B. DNA ligase B. Bile
C. Restriction enzyme C. Villi
D. Traditional breeding D. Anus

4. Which of the following seals the strand? 4. It is the opening at the end of the digestive tract.
A. DNA polymer A. Bile
B. DNA topoisomerase B. Villi
C. DNA ligase C. Anus
D. DNA helicase D. Rectum

5. Which of the following is being marketed as Humulin?

5. What part of esophagus is described as a flap of a. Kingdom, Domain, Phylum, Order, Class,
cartilage in the back of the pharynx? Family, Genus, species
A. Epiglottis
B. Esophagus
b. Domain, Kingdom, Class, Phylum, Order,
C. Duodenum Family, Genus, species
D. Bile c. Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order,
Family, Genus, species
ELS Q2 M7 d. Domain, Kingdom, Class, Phylum, Order,
1. Which scientific concept did Charles Darwin and Family, Genus, species
Alfred Wallace independently discover?
a. Mutation
4. Which of the following organisms is NOT
b. Natural selection
c. Overbreeding classified as an archaea?
d. Sexual reproduction a. Methanogen
b. E. Coli
2. Which is the best definition of adaptation? c. Thermophile
a. A trait or behavior that aids an organism’s d. Halophile
survival and reproduction.
b. A heritable trait or behavior that aids an 5. All except one, are the three domains of life.
organism’s survival and reproduction. a. Eukarya
c. A trait or behavior that aids a population’s b. Eubacteria
survival and reproduction. c. Archaea
d. A heritable trait or behavior that aids a
d. Protista
population’s survival and reproduction.
3. Which is an example of an adaptation?
a. The better nutrition of a human helps her grow
1. It is the ability of organisms to endure and stay in
an environment.
b. The webbed feet of a duck help it swim.
A. Sustainability
c. The urban location of a raccoon helps it find
B. Adaptation
C. Survival
d. The large leaves of a desert plant require more
D. Reproduction
2. It refers to a gradual change in biotic community
4. What are homologous structures?
to form a stable community.
a. Physical structures that have no apparent
A. Productivity
B. Succession
b. Parallel structures in diverse organisms.
C. Adaptation
c. Physical structures that are used only
D. Evolution
d. Similar structures in diverse organisms.
3. Which of the following organisms will get the
highest energy coming from the sunlight?
5. Which of the following are two examples of
A. producers
vestigial structures?
B. decomposers
a. Gills in fish and parts of the throat in humans.
C. primary consumers
b. Butterfly wings and dragonfly wings.
D. secondary consumers
c. Hind leg bones in whales and leaves on some
4. Which is an ecosystem?
d. Shark fins and dolphin fins.
A. One set of similar organisms interacting in an
B. Population of similar species of organisms
1. Who devised a commonly used classification
interacting in an area.
system? C. Population of different species of organisms
a. Carl Linnaeus interacting in an area.
b. Darwin D. Population of similar organisms reproducing in
c. Plato an area.
d. Aristotle
5. Which is the best reason why the tropical
2. Which of the following uses a hierarchical rainforests contain the most diverse set of
model to classify organisms? organisms?
a. Analogy A. Tropical rainforests have varieties of trees that
b. taxonomic classification system house many organisms.
B. Precipitation level is high that is why organisms
c. Order
settle here.
d. Systematics C. Tropical rainforests contain fertile soil and
abundant moisture because of precipitation.
3. Correctly list the hierarchy of taxonomy.
D. Tropical rainforests provide a lot of space for C. lions
organisms. D. elephants

ELS Q2 M9B 4. If a population for a certain organism is above the

1. It is the ability of a population of a particular species carrying capacity of an ecosystem, which of the
to proliferate under ideal environmental conditions. following is a plausible outcome?
A. Carrying capacity A. The population will continue to grow because they
B. Biotic potential will start migrating to other ecosystems.
C. environmental factor B. The population will decline, as there is a limited
D. environmental resistance number of resources in the ecosystem.
C. The population will decline because there will be an
2. It refers to the maximum capacity of an ecosystem to increase in predators.
sustain a population of organisms without D. The population will continue to grow until biotic
deteriorating. potential is reached.
A. Biological capacity
B. Biotic potential 5. Which of the following examples refers to an abiotic
C. environmental potential factor for environmental resistance?
D. carrying capacity A. A certain prey has numerous predators to keep the
population in check.
3. Which of the following organisms will have the B. A tadpole is in competition with numerous fishes for
highest biotic potential assuming that they are all eating microalgae in ponds.
found in the same environment? C. Plants are dependent on the availability of sunlight
A. gazelles and water in an ecosystem.
B. moths D. Bubonic plague, which was caused by a certain
bacteria in mice, slowed the growth of humans.


ELS Q2 M1 5. B 5. C
1. A
2. B ELS Q2 M5 ELS Q2 M9B
3. C 1. B 1. B
4. D 2. A 2. D
5. D 3. B 3. B
6. A
4. C 4. B
7. D
8. B
5. D 5. C
9. A
10. A ELS Q2 M6A
1. A
ELS Q2 M2 2. B
1. a 3. C
2. a 4. D
3. c 5. A
4. b
5. a ELS Q2 M7
6. a 1. B
7. d 2. B
8. c 3. B
9. d 4. D
10. d 5. C

1. c 1. A
2. d 2. B
3. c 3. C
4. a. 4. B
5. a 5. D

1. D 1. A
2. A 2. B
3. D 3. A
4. C 4. C

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